Is there any way to get multiple subtotals in a matrix? For example, one that does a count and the 2nd that does an averages as per the desired result below ...
Code Block
A B C A 1 2 3 B 2 3 4 C 3 4 5 Total 6 9 12 Avg 2 3 4
2003 2004 2005 Total cars apples cars apples cars apples Tom 3 1 4 2 5 1 16 Sally 0 2 4 1 7 6 20
And I need the last column (the group subtotals) to be like this:
Totals cars apples 12 4 11 9
So basically, the question is, how do I get the second column-group (cars/apples) subtotals to appear in the last column? As seen, the the subtotal for the first column-group (year) is meaningless.
I have a matrix report which is showing user information. The Rows are displaying numbers for each user, and the columns show the user info in weekly increments. I have 7 fields of info for each user. My stored procedure already is set up to give me the correct numbers. I dont need to SUM them or anything. Although in the report designer it forced me to SUM them since it was part of an aggregate. This still worked for me anyhow because it was Summing a single value.
However, at the end of the report i want to display totals for all the users combined, per week. So right now the report is showing 21 weeks, so at the end of the report i should have 21 sets of totals.
I right clicked on the users name column and selected subtotal. This gave me some of what i want. But some of the numbers are not correct. Some of the numbers should not just be a simple SUM of the column. Some of the values should be averages etc. I know how to calculate those values myself (its very simple math) but i dont know how to do it using this setup in the report designer. So in the matrix, for each week, how can i calculate the totals for all the users combined and specify the formula used to get the totals for each field?
I have the matrix above that displays the subtotals per customer(group_row), per quarter(group_column). I added a subtotal to the top group_column (year) so I can get grand total. I need to modify grand total formula to display variance instead.
I don't need to modify the subtotal formula per Customer/quarter , only per cutomer/Year. Is it possible?
Hi I have a matrix report. It expands to the right when the user chooses the amounts of months he/she wishes to see. Then it is populated with revenues for each month and deportment. On the matrix report I have put in a couple of Subtotals. Some of the totals are empty due to a month in a department with no revenue.
I wish to see a 0 on the subtotal column but I don€™t want to see a 0 on the month column. If I use =IIF( Fields!Revenue.Value is Nothing, "0", Fields!Revenue.Value) on the month columns I will see 0 all over the place. But I only want a 0 on the subtotal column. Can I do this?
I'm wondering if its possible to use the subtotal for one group in a matrix in an expression for another group in the matrix.
Im getting the total number of units someone holds in one column, and need to show the percentage of the total units in another column.
An example of what im doing is below... argh images dont seem to be working when you post then! sorry
the first group is Date - This will show all there quantities anytime a trade occurs.
the second and third groups are Quantity (of units) and % of fund.
Quantity is a running value of all the units the account holder has. The percentage needs to be that number / subtotal of all units on that date. So the expression needs to be something like:
=runningvalue(Fields!Quantity.Value, sum, "matrix1_Account_Reference") / --subtotal of date group-- * 100
Let's say I have raw data that looks something like this
Fruit_name status count apples Fresh 5 apples rotten 3 pears Fresh 3 pears rotten 2
and I was to matrix it and group on fruit_name and add a subtotal to count. In that subtotal, without changing what was displayed in the details number, could I conditionaly only show a sum of fresh fruit? Example below
I'll admit I am fairly new to the reporting services, but I managed to figure most things out so far except this one. I have a matrix report where I have column groupings of:
Sales person Region
Basically, the report shows sales by sales person and region, and I added subtotals to each so each salesman/region combination gets subtotals, as does each salesman entry. Now, the one piece missing is the 'total of the subtotals' so to speak. So if I have something like:
Salesman Region Sales Jan Sales Feb Sales Mar 001 A $100 $175 $50
B $100 $200 $100 C $200 $100 $50 Total $400 $475 $200 002 A $100 $175 $50
B $100 $200 $100 C $200 $100 $50 Total $400 $475 $200 Grand Total $800 $950 $400
What I want to do is sum up the totals and add another column like so:
Salesman Region Sales Jan Sales Feb Sales Mar 001 A $100 $175 $50
B $100 $200 $100 C $200 $100 $50 Total $400 $475 $200 $1075 002 A $100 $175 $50
B $100 $200 $100 C $200 $100 $50 Total $400 $475 $200 $1075 Grand Total $800 $950 $400 $2150
And that is where I am stuck. In Report Designer, with the existing matrix report as above, how do I get these horizontal totals of the subtotals?
I need a sales report that would display weekly amounts either sold or forecasted in matrix (pivot) form.
The data used for the report is like following (INV is sold and FC is forecasted):
rtype region
INV EU 1 150
INV US 2 200
FC US 2 400
FC US 3 1000
FC EU 2 100
I want the report to show data like this:
EU 150
150 100
200 400 1000 200 1400
So I put region as rows, week and rtype as columns, and wgt as data field. Everything works fine except that there will be no grand totals for INV/FC. What I get is:
EU 150
200 400 1000 1600
How can I get my totals? I know I could tailor my data to get INV/FC values into different columns to show as data fields in matrix report. But in this case, every week would always display 2 columns, which is certainly not what I want.
I also know I could add another matrix report to create a simulated total columns, but I wasn't able to "join" these 2 reports properly, there is always some space between them and the report looks unprofessionally. So I am looking for a way to do that with a single matrix.
Second question: how can I paint entire columns into different colors, so that INV is always green and FC is always blue? I tried customizing background color, but it only paints cells with values inside, leaving empty cells white. Is it possible to have the INV columns green, entirely?
Seems simple. Â People working in departments with different types of hours (regular, overtime, vacation... thus the grid which pivots hours in rows to the appropriate columns). Â I want to subtotal by department, but whenever I try to add totals after to that group, I just get a grand total. Â No subtotals. Â Why?
i have the following problem: I have a matrix with a right subtotal column and this matrix was in a list (because in the end i will have more than one matrix). The list fits perfectly the matrix in design mode. But if i render the report in the viewer or to pdf, an additional blank area (like a blank copy of the subtotal column) was inserted after the right subtotal column of the matrix and increases the list too. You can see this easy by set the backgroundcolor of a list to a color. Without the subtotal column the list fits perfect after rendering. The problem is that this additional blank "column" creates empty pages in .pdf rendering, if the width of the matrix is near the page width. The same behaviour happens if i put the matrix with subtotal in a rectangle. I must use a list in the end because the the final report contains some matrixes and a subreport. So is this a bug? Someone must have this problem too?
I am trying to achieve something as above. Basically, the Months subtotals are represented by A and B. Then (X-A) and (X-A-B) are also the subtotals at the same group level as A and B but don't simply display the total for respective years 2007 and 2008, instead those are remaning totals from X. In order to calculate the remaining totals however, one need to consider the subtotal in previous group. For example, for 2007 its X-A, but for 2008 its X-A-B. I would like to know if this can be achieved using Matrix control. If so, what would be the steps?
Is it possible to have multiple tables or matrixes under one header grouping. I'm having a case where two tables need to be under one grouping (like "Sports vehicle) and under that "sports vehicle" I have two very different tables and on it goes for each grouping (next one like "Off road vehicle), etc.
Is there anyway to do this. I can make this work with one table using the table grouping.
I know this has to be possible maybe I am just missing somthing.
I am creating a matrix report which will compare year by year quotes to orders The issue is quotes and orders each have their own dataset. I will be pivoting on JobType which is in both datasets and spelled the same. Is there a way to do this or will I have to figure out how to union the tables? If not possible why does it allow you to name the dataset in the expression?
My team is using TFS for work item management and I'd like to provide a week schedule matrix that displays: - weekdays on the x-axis - persons on the y-axis - and the assigned workitems in the cell.
This works fine if there's only one WIT (work item) per day but some WIT's are shorter and thus the resource is assigned more than one a day. My dataset may return something like this:
Date Person WIT 28/3 Mark Task1 28/3 Mark Task2 28/3 Hank Task3 29/3 Mark Task2 29/3 Hank Task3
In this case I'd like the matrix to look something like this, i.e. the two tasks Task1 and Task2 in the same cell: Mark Hank 28/3 Task1 Task3 Task2 29/3 Task2 Task3
I've set up the matrix in the report but I only get the first item per day to show. Mark Hank 28/3 Task1 Task3 29/3 Task2 Task3
The default definition in the cell was "=First(Field!TaskName.Value)", so I figured I'd solved the issue by changing it to "=Field!TaskName.Value", but it didn't.
Campaign and Area are all selectable by parameters, so the actual number of rows is dynamic. What I would like to do is an additional aggregates other then sum for the total - things like average, percent to goal, etc.
And this is where, either I'm completely missing something, or SSRS and I have a huge communication breakdown . I absolutely cannot seem to do this. I tried adding additional columns, but they are grouped under area, not after it - in the above example, it would result in three new columns, one for each area type, not 1. Confusing to describe, but looks something like:
Area1 Area2 Area3 Total Sum Avg Sum Avg Sum Avg CampaignType1 1 xx CampaignType2 2 yy CampaignType3 3 zz Total
I hope that conveys the idea w/o having to fill it all in.
I'm lost as to how to get this accomplished. All I can think of is adding a union dummy row into the actual stored proc to make a different area type (say, AreaAverage) just to add in an additional column and that make sure it sorts at the end. That screams hack to me. Any help????
I'd like to create a report with the folloiwng format:
DATE1 DATE2 DATE3 DATE4 DATE5 [fixed 5 dates across the top, from today to T+5]
THING1 x x x x
THING2 x x x x
THING3 x x x x
THING4 x x x x
my raw data looks like this:
Now: there may be 0, 1 or several (by which I mean 2-5 max) text values to display at each intersection. If there are zero I'd like it to be blank, if there are one or several, i'd like to display them in a little list within the cell.
I would like to be able to add subtotals for extended_cost and tax_amt for the following query and then a net_cost that is a sum of extended_Cost and tax_amt for each of the orders I have. I believe I need to somehow use the Group by command, but with so many fields from so many fields, I am not sure where to start. Here is my code so far...
SELECT Customer.First_Name, Customer.Middle_Name, Customer.Last_Name, Customer.Address, Customer.City, Customer.Region, Customer.Postal_Code, Customer.Country, Customer.Customer_ID, Store.Store_Address, Store.Store_City, Store.Store_State, Store.Store_Zip_code, Store.Store_Phone_Number, Store.Store_Fax_Number, Orders.Order_ID, Employees.LastName, Employees.FirstName, Item.Item_ID, Item.Taxable_Nontaxable, Order_Line.Price, Order_Line.Units_Purchased, Order_Line.Discount, Tax_Table.Tax_Rate, 'Extended_Price' = (Order_Line.Price*Order_Line.Units_Purchased*(1-Order_Line.Discount)), CASE WHEN Item.Taxable_Nontaxable = 1 THEN ((Order_Line.Price*Order_Line.Units_Purchased*(1-Order_Line.Discount))*Tax_Table.Tax_Rate) ELSE ((Order_Line.Price*Order_Line.Units_Purchased*(1-Order_Line.Discount))*0) END AS Tax_Amt FROM Orders INNER JOIN Order_Line ON Orders.Order_ID = Order_Line.Order_ID INNER JOIN Customer ON Orders.Customer_ID = Customer.Customer_ID INNER JOIN Store ON Orders.Store_Code = Store.Store_Code INNER JOIN Employees ON Orders.Sales_Person_ID = Employees.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Item ON Order_Line.Item_ID = Item.Item_ID INNER JOIN Tax_Table ON Orders.Store_Code = Tax_Table.Store_Code WHERE Orders.Order_Filled = 0 ORDER BY Orders.Order_ID COMPUTE SUM((Order_Line.Price*Order_Line.Units_Purchased*(1-Order_Line.Discount))) BY Orders.Order_ID
I have a dimension that has the following members:
Senior Managers
Senior Associates
But they way they need to be displayed includes subtotals. Senior Managers and Managers are placed into Management and Staff is a total of everyone except Directors. They should appear on the report in something like this:
Directors 10
Senior Managers 15
Managers 9
Management 24
Senior Associates 17
Associates 40
Staff 81
Total 91
What is the best way to do this? Right now I am using a matrix because I am also showing headcounts by Period. Is a table a better way to go? Is it something that should be done in my dimension?
I can do the Total part. I am just not sure how to make the subtotals inbetween the other lines.
I have contracts grouped by project then grouped by division. On the division group header I want to show the subtotal of all active projects only. CountDistinct(Fields!ProjectId.Value) gives me count of all projects.
I can't figure out what I need to get only a subset of projects counted. I need something like:
I have a new SQL 2005 (SP2) Reporting Services server to which I've just upgraded and deployed some SSRS 2000 reports.
I have a subreport that contains a matrix with two groups. The report data seems to be inexplicably repeating the data for the first row in the group for all rows in the group. Example:
ID1 ID2 DisplayData
1 1 A
1 2 B
1 3 C
2 1 A
2 2 B
2 3 C
Parent group is on ID1, child group is on ID2, report would show:
1 1 A
2 A
3 A
2 1 A
2 A
3 A
Is this a matrix bug in 2005 SP2, or do I need to do something differently? I can no longer pull a comparison version from an SSRS 2000 server to verify, but I believe it was working as expected before...
I got the following code to add a column in a matrix with a variance:
IIF(IsNothing(Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))) or Fields!year.Value=First(Fields!year.Value,"Category") or Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))=0,nothing, ( (Fields!Amount.Value) /Previous(sum(Fields!Amount.Value)) ) )
This code works fine, except that the first row of the matrix shows an #error
This happens with each matrix where I use this expression. A warning emerges:
rsruntimeerrorinexpression the value expression for the textrun Textbox43.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' contains an error.
Attempted to divide by zero.
The strange thing is that the part
Fields!year.Value=First(Fields!year.Value,"Category") should prevent an error and I expect it to show 'nothing'
An screenshot of the table. (each color is a different category. Each row stands for 2013, 2014, 2015)
As you can see, all other 2013 rows show a blank cell, except the first row.
I have a Matrix table that expands to the right when choosing an amount of months to be shown. Under this matrix I have to Charts. The two charts are situated together, that is no space between them, and to the left of the report.
Now, if I choose a lot of months, say three years the matrix diagram will be huge to the right. The problem I have is that the second diagram, the one on the right, moves to the right depending on how big the report gets, and this is not good at all. The two charts are supposed to be all the way to the left.
SELECT LTRIM(LoanAnalyst) AS [Loan Analyst] ,DischargeType AS [Discharge Type] ,CONVERT(varchar, DateCompleted, 101) AS [Date Completed] ,COUNT(ClaimID) As [Completions]
[Code] ....
This produces this
Loan AnalystDischarge TypeDate CompletedCompletions Bill ReidType 1 3/3/20151 Bill ReidType 1 2/11/20151 Bill ReidType 2 3/11/201518 Bill ReidType 3 3/11/20151 Bill ReidType 4 3/11/20159
[Code] ....
I would like my results to look like this. I've tried using WITH ROLLUP but it doesn't give me the below.
Loan AnalystDischarge TypeDate CompletedCompletions Bill ReidType 1 3/3/20151 Bill ReidType 1 2/11/20151 Bill ReidType 2 3/11/201518 Bill ReidType 3 3/11/20151 Bill ReidType 4 3/11/20159 30
I am new to SQL and have been given the task of adding Subtotals and a Grand Total to a report. Below is my code...can someone point me in the right direction?
I want to display subtotals for a column only for that page. Like;
Index Value ----------------------------- 1 4 2 5 Subtotal 9 ---------------------------- 3 1 4 2 Subtotal 3 Total 12
RunningValue gives cumulative totals. I need subtotals for each visible page only. Is there a way to do it ? Constraints: I'm using a table. And I shouldn't use page breaks on my report.
For the past two hours I've been looking for a solution to my problem. Any help is appreciated. Basically, I need to know the T-SQL Command(s) that create subtotals and grandtotals within a set of results. I am designing a school transcript generator and I need to calculate the GPA and Credit Hour Totals per Semester, For Example:
Semester 1 Record Semester 1 Record Semester 1 Record Semester 1 Record Semester 1 Record Semester 1 Subtotal Semester 2 Record Semester 2 Record Semester 2 Record Semester 2 Record Semester 2 Record Semester 2 Subtotal Semester 3 Record Semester 3 Record Semester 3 Record Semester 3 Record Semester 3 Record Semester 3 Subtotal Year 1 Grand Total
I am having some trouble with this very complicated stored procedure. It is for a transcript generator. The following code does work as it is. The stored procedure return all rows from the ClassGrades table, with subtotals for each semester and a grand total. The two things that I need to add to this stored procedure is:
The ability to query only the records, subtotal, and total for the studentID in the variable @StudentID. I have tried adding WHERE statements where they are usually found, but ends up return no rows as a result. Should I be using the HAVING statement?
The calculation of cumulative GPA, where each semester before affects all semester at a later date. If this is impossible, which to my knowledge is, its not required. Its just a nice thing to have.
Here is the current code:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ClassGrades_FillStudent]
@StudentID text
SELECT StudentID, SemesterCode,ClassID, Grade, CreditHours, QualityPoints FROM (
SELECT 0 AS sort1, StudentID, SemesterCode, dbo.DropDownItems_GetValue(ClassID) AS ClassID, Grade, CreditHours, Grade*CreditHours AS QualityPoints
, 0 AS sort2 FROM ClassGrades
SELECT 0,Null, SemesterCode + 'TOTAL',Null,(SUM(Grade*CreditHours)/SUM(CreditHours)), SUM(CreditHours), SUM(Grade*CreditHours) AS QualityPoints , 1 FROM ClassGrades
GROUP BY SemesterCode + 'TOTAL'
SELECT 1, Null, 'Grand Total',Null, (SUM(Grade*CreditHours)/SUM(CreditHours)), SUM(CreditHours), SUM(Grade*CreditHours) AS QualityPoints, 1 FROM ClassGrades
I am trying to dynamically create subtotals base on values in a column. I also have to group by year. I have gotten the group by year. I used the (previous function) to check for the year and col1 not being equal. I am getting the first subtotal back, don't know how to proceed in my function to return the remaining subtotals