Multiple Users Of A Website Using Aspnetdb.mdf Database

Jul 15, 2007

I don't know whether this question belong here, but....

In the past I had many customers using the same website each with their own domain name and their own database. To accomplish that, I used MS Access and placed each customers database in separate directories. I steered the customer to the correct directory using their domain name. I am now trying to accomplish the same thing using aspnetdb.mdf and other .mdf database files. I am using the aspnetdb.mdf database for membership, etc. I want the aspnetdb.mdf database file to be unique for each customer. Does anyone know how to accomplish what I was doing with MS Access using aspnetdb.mdf? Is there any way to have multiple web.config files each of which would be dedicated to a particular customer?


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Using Aspnetdb Express Database For Private Website Tables

Mar 23, 2007

Hi, I am using express database and tools. I have an aspnetdb express database because I am using the login controls, personalisation...Can I use this database for my private tables also? Or do I need a separate express database for my private tables? Will using aspnetdb database, which contains special tables, for my private website tables create any kinds of problems in using my website? I want to use a single express database for my website, not two different express databases.
Regards, Sandy

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ASPNETDB.mdf - Setting Your Website To Use Your Hosted DB Instead

May 13, 2007

Hi,I'm running Visual Web Developer 2005 and have created a small site with a log-in function. In VWD this automatically creates the database ASPNETDB.mdf which stores all the user / log-on data.I have 1 x MS SQL Server 2005 DB which I am using to store data for my site.Can anyone advise me on how to setup my site / the ASPNetDB so that it runs on my MS SQL Server?I've searched the ASP.NET forums etc and this does seem to be an area where people are struggling. I have tried running the ASP.NET SQL Server Registration Tool (Aspnet_regsql.exe) and get the following error:"Setup failed.Exception:An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 8152 and the SqlException message is: String or binary data would be truncated."As a beginner I've struggled from downloading an online template, then uploading it to my site, and the log-on doesn't work. There didn't seem any instructions / advice on what to do with the ASPNETDB.mdf database.Help / advice would be much appreciated!Thanks,Tom

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Letting Users Who Visit A Website Add Records To A Sql Server Database Using Visual Studio Web Developer Express Edition 2008

May 5, 2008

in visual studio web developer express edition 2008 i added a new item this was a sql server database which i called test2. I added a table called comments, and the fields name, email, comments, IPAddress, and Date and in my comments.aspx page i added a name textbox, a texbox for email, a textbox for comments and the submit button i double clicked on the submit button and added the following code
 Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click        Dim mydS As New SqlDataSource        mydS.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("testConnectionString1").ToString         mydS.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text         mydS.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO comments(Name,Email,Comments,IPAddress,Date) VALUES (@Name,@Email,@Comments,@IPAddress,@Date)"         mydS.InsertParameters.Add("Name", TextBox1.Text)        mydS.InsertParameters.Add("Email", TextBox2.Text)        mydS.InsertParameters.Add("Comments", TextBox3.Text)        mydS.InsertParameters.Add("Date", Date.Now)        mydS.InsertParameters.Add("IPAddress", Request.Params("REMOTE_ADDR"))         Dim rowsaffected As Int16 = 0        Try            rowsaffected = mydS.Insert        Catch ex As Exception            Server.Transfer("errors.aspx")        Finally            mydS = Nothing        End Try        If rowsaffected <> 1 Then            Server.Transfer("errors.aspx")        Else            Server.Transfer("confirm.aspx")        End If    End Sub     Protected Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged     End Sub but when i run it it gives me a problem with this line mydS.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("testConnectionString2).ToString and says something abt unidentified object and I want to know how do i set the connection string or alternatively where?????? and my table does not update with the corresponding values i enter on the webpage. i also changed the authentication mode to forms instead of windows as i was advised but i'm still having a problem

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Updating Aspnetdb.mdf Once It Is Launched To The Website Hosting Server

Oct 5, 2006

I'm having my website hosted with which is very helpful and a really great company if you are using Visual Web Developer with SQL Express.  The question I have for anyone who can help me is that my site will offer member roles for customer account maintenance with login and the works.  As you know, when you use memberships with Visual Web Developer, it associates all these controls with a database called aspnetdb.mdf.  And you maintain this database through the configuration control.  Once this database is launched, I've learned how to access it by changing my web.config file removing the LocalSQLServer and adding one with the connection string to the aspnetdb.mdf database on the server.  My question is, once I've done this and connected through that string, can I still use the configuration to edit the database (e.g. the users, roles, etc)?

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How Many Users Are Connected To My Aspnetdb (SQL SERVER)?

Jan 18, 2008

I have uploaded my site on localhost and sharing on intranethow can i answer these question? Q1) How many users have loggedin? and using my database?Q2) Which table has lots of load?Q3) how can i immediately close particularly connection?  

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ASPNETDB Deploy With Users/Roles Security

Apr 10, 2007

I have developed a site on my local machine utilizing the built-in security/roles provides by ASP.NET 2.0.  I am trying to publish the web application to a production server.  It will publish correctly, however the ASPNETDB is not recognized.  The folder app_data is created with the proper database files.  My question is how do I set this up to use the data I have created in this database?  I've searched on how to accomplish this but haven't found any definitive answers.  I have found ScottGu's blog to be useful, but I was wondering if there is a different way.
1 - Do I push the data to a SQL Server install via SQL scripts?
2 - Can I link to the ASPNETDB that is created locally on my machine?
3 - If I make changes to the application and re-publish, is there a way to keep from overwriting the ASPNETDB on the server?
I am a unsure of how the built-in roles/security works when you are ready to push something to production.  If someone wouldn't mind pointing me in the right direction, it would greatly be appreciated.  Any literature, advice, links, etc.. would be great.
- Thanks

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Looking For Direction On How To Add 4000+ Users Into ASPNETDB Manually

May 30, 2007

Hello and thanks for reading,
I would like to know if it's possible to add around 4000 users into the ASPNETDB without adding them one at a time.  I have to avoid using a "create user wizard" because this login is for a private online election only.  The list of users is in an access database and looks like this:
Username    Password
DHunziker    Hu8645
SEnderton    En0854
BAckler        Ac9576
Unfortunately, I don't have valid emails for all 4000 people, nor do I have the time and resources to collect security questions and answers so I don't know if this is even possible.  Can you help me?

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Multiple Users Logging Into A Database

Apr 27, 2004

I'm developing an application in ASP.Net that uses SQLServer. The database person in the team wants to have each user have a seperate login to the database so he can tell who has done what changes in the database. Is this a good practice? Or are their performancesecurity issues with this model?

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Users In Multiple Groups Within One Database

Dec 10, 1998

We are trying to setup security on our Sql Server. We are using Integrated

The problem we are having is that we need to have a user belong to multiple groups within one database. The user would have different rights depending upon which group they belonged to.

So far we have not found anyway to accomplish this setup.

I would appreciate any ideas/thoughts on this matter.


Tracy Young

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Connecting Users From ASPNETDB.MDF To A Shopping Cart And Order History

Jan 2, 2007

I'm trying to figure out how to associate users in my ASPNETDB.MDF to create a shopping cart.IE: I have 3 tables, for a list of existing orders, list of products, and list of specific orders.The idea is for users who've signed up with the built-in user creation control, can then place orders from the shopping cart, and view their existing previous orders. This would normally be done with a unique UserID # to associate orders with specific users, however I don't BELIEVE there's anything like UserID's associated with each user in the ASPNETDB.MDF, it just uses usernames as the unique identifiers right?Anyway I'm not sure I'm explaining what I'm trying to do perfectly and I apologize, but I don't think it's an un-common problem I'm having. Basically I'm trying to avoid having to have existing ASPNETDB users create a sort of SECOND user that would associate them into a seperate Customers table, it seems like extra user steps that shouldn't be necessary.

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Moved Aspnetdb To SQL Server - What Permissions Do I Need To Give The ASP IIS Service Account For That? (Getting: Cannot Open Database Aspnetdb Requested By The Login. The Login Failed.)

May 12, 2008

I am getting the error:
Cannot open database "aspnetdb" requested by the login. The login failed.
When I browse to my ASP.NET 3.5 LINQ web application on the IIS 6.0 server on Server 2003.
I imagine this is because while I granted SQL Server 2005 login and permissions to my database that the application stores its data in, I did NOT grant any rights to the service account the IIS Application Pool uses for its identity to the aspnetdb database on SQL Server which is where all my roles information is stored at.
My question is what are the MINIMUM permissions needed for this database so it can perform its roles related functions?
I'm using Windows Authentications with the SQL Role provider for authorization.
Thank you.
EDIT: I think I only need to open the aspnetdb database and add my login to the aspnet_Roles_FullAccess role.  Is that correct?

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SQL 2012 :: Database Access From Multiple Windows Users?

Jun 3, 2014

I have been using the software, and it has been working fine (on windows user A). Now, I have created another windows user (User B), and would like to use the same software/database. The software launches fine (User B), but cannot access the created SQL database (created with user A)

How do I setup the database to allow access from all users on the same PC?

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Ho Do I Allow Multiple Users To Share A SQL 2005 Express Database?

Mar 30, 2006


Ho do I allow multiple users to share a database?


I have developed a Windows App in VS.NET 2005 which connects to a SQL 2005 Express database.

Now I want to install the app and database on the network and I am getting an error "File 'file_name' is on a network device not supported for database files"

What is the best way to get this working

Thanks in advance,


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Schema-level Security For Multiple Users In One Database

Apr 17, 2007

My developers would like a 'sandbox' database with full ddl and dml permissions, however, they do not want others to read/change/drop their objects. With SQL 2005, can DDL permissions be granted to a user at the schema level? I'd rather not set up a database for each developer.

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Retrieve Data From Properties Field In Prifile Table In Aspnetdb.mdf For Multi Users ?

Mar 12, 2008

I want retrieve data from properties field in prifile table in aspnetdb.mdf for multi users,what do i ?

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Why Out Of The Blue Would VPN Users Be Unable To Connect To Database And Local Users Are Unaffected?

Mar 6, 2008

I have had this issue just pop up. I have local users who can connect fine, but my users that require connection by VPN cannot connect. I get the server not available or access denied error. I did confirm that the VPN'ers are connected to the network correctly and can see that their shares and mappings are correct. Any ideas? Thanking you all in advance!!

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Where To Store Multiple Connectionstings For Multiple Users?

Oct 26, 2006

We have an application where users log in and set up a ConnectionString based on the login-info. As to now, we have used

Application.Contents("conn") = (strConnectionString)

in Global.asax.vb (Application_Start section) and then in the in the webforms we use

Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
con = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(Application("conn"))

(Each user has their own sql database that they connect to using the same scripts.)

The question is: When many users are logged on at the same time, will the use of Application.Contents be a safe way to connect to each users own database or is there a possibility that users suddenly will try to establish a connection to a database that is not their own?

Scenario: User1 logs in at 10:00 and establish a connection to his own database. At 10:05 User2 logs on and establish a connection to his database since Global.asax.vb is run again. Will User1 now use User2's connection so that he is actually woking on User2's database?

Is there a better/safer way to do this connection in Global.asax.vb ?

Help much appreciated!!!!

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Difference Between Database -- &&> Users And Security --&&> Users

Nov 28, 2006

Hi Team,

In SQL Enterprise Manager, when we expand "Database -->Users", we see the

users there. When we expand "Security --> logins" we see the same users there.

Can you differentiate these two.



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How To Create Multiple Personal Tables On The Fly For Each Registered User Of A Website Using VWD And SQL 2005 Express?

Aug 13, 2006

Hello all,

Being still a relative newcomer to SQL Server (people may say I'm trying to take on too much being somewhat inexperienced once they read about the problem I'm trying to tackle, but alas...) I'm running into the following problem: I need to create tables in my user database on the fly (using Stored Procedures) so that each table can be created many times in the database but only once for every user. The tables should be named something like "username.Table1", "username.Table2" etc. as opposed to "dbo.Table1". I then want to use the stored procedure from .NET/C# in my web application, so that i can create the complete set of usertables for each of my clients.

Now, I tackled the stored procedure part (that is, it creates all the tables I need with all the parameters I want) and am able to use it from my web application (which took some time to learn but proved quite easy to do), but I cannot seem to get it coupled to the current user (instead of the dbo). Every time I trie, the tables are created as dbo.Table1 and when I try to create a new set, it gives a warning ("table with name such and so already exists..."). I made sure to log in as an authenticated user (using forms authentication) before trying to create the tables but this gives the aforementioned result.

What am I doing wrong? I use Visual Web Developer Express, SQL Server 2005 Express and IIS version 5.1

Please help :-D


DJ Roelfsema

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ASPNETDB To Another Database

Apr 19, 2007

Hi there readers of this post,
Do you know how to transfer the database (ASPNETDB.mdf) tables made by the ASP.NET admin tool into another database?
I want to run everything from 1 database.

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How Can I Open A .mdf AspnetDB DataBase ?

Jul 24, 2007

Hello everybody, I am working with SqlExpress and MSSQL Server Management Studio Express and do not manage to open the aspnetDB .mdf database in which I am storing all data about my users.I woulds like to open it and to be able to request it in order to check some strange things.Actually, I'm experiencing an isssue with that database since the request just below gives me two results for only one user: SELECT Member.Password, Member.PasswordAnswer
FROM aspnet_MemberShip Member, aspnet_Users Users
WHERE Member.UserId=Users.UserId AND Users.UserName='Admin'  Using this request returns me a user whom password is clear and an identical user whom password is hashed whereas I set PasswordFormat="Clear" in my Web.ConfigCould you explain me how I may proceed please? Thanx for your help   

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Avoiding ASPNETDB SQL Database?

Sep 7, 2007

I have been developing a small site that has two backend SQL Server databases.  One for my application data and one for the ASPNETDB database that is created by the ASP .NET Configuration utility.
Is it possible to configure the ASP .NET Configuration tool to use my custom database instead of creating a second database called ASPNETDB?
Thanks in advance.

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Default ASPNETDB Database

Nov 28, 2007

I want to set up my web app to use a web parts personalization, I notice that a default database named aspnetdb is made, I also made one in my sql server using the aspnet_regsql.exe to make it.  Now what I need to find out is how to make my app point to the database in the sql server instead of making that default one.

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Aspnetdb To Main Database?

Jan 6, 2008

When I created my website in Visual Studio 2008, I ended up with two databases.  The one I created (Speedway.mdf), then VS2008 added a new one (aspnetdb) when I added membership data (roles, users..etc).  Since the host I'm using charges for each database, I just want to move all my membership information into Speedway.mdf.  I exported the tables from aspnetdb.mdf to Speedway.mdf, but now I don't know how to tell the site to look at Speedway.mdf to find the membership info?

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ASPNETDB.MDF, My Own Database And Deployment

May 29, 2006

This question has been asked before, with vague responses
I'm using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express, SQL Server 2005 Express and SQL Server Management Studio Express.
When I create an application with Login controls, VWD automaticlly creates a ASPENTDB.MDF security database. I also create my own database for my application e.g. abc.mdf. In other words, I have two databases. However, my hosting company supports only one database. What do I (we) do?
I have seen articles on: aspnet_regsql . Does this create a new database with all the security features of ASPNETDB.MDF built into my new database i.e. abc.mdf?
(A) If yes, how do you run it with SQL Server Managment Studio Express? It sounds silly, but I need instructions here please ... Also, do you run this against abc.mdf or do you use it create abc.mdf?
(B) If not, how do you achieve a single database scenario?
I'm sure this is a very common deployment question, which is very confusing for most of us hobbyists that want to deploy their web applications

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Website 100% Database

Mar 4, 2006

I'm developing a website, its completley 100% Database driven, ever piece of content is from the database, is this a bad idea?

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Combine Aspnetdb With The Application's Database

Sep 19, 2006

I have tried to find all the threads related to this topic.  At this point I would like to find out what the best practices are for doing this. I plan to use Membership, Roles, and the login controls to handle my authentication and permissions issues.  I want to use the same database for my application data as for Application Services, using a standard SQL Server. So far, the easiest way to set this up that I can think of is to:1. Use aspnet_regsql.exe to create the Application Services Database schema2. Edit the "LocalSqlServer" entry in <connectionStrings> to point to the above database3. Add the tables, views, stored procedures, etc., that I need for my application into the database created in step 1Is there any more configuration I need to do to get Membership and Roles working?  When I did the Walkthrough, step 2 seemed to be the only requirement for getting Membership and Roles to work.Will I run into any trouble using LocalSqlServer for my application data updates?I would be interested in any other approaches to setting up a combined database, including opinions why and why not to do it.

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Need To Select From ASPNETDB And Other Database In One Query

Feb 3, 2007

Hello everyone,
I have a problem with making such a query. I have two databases: DB1 and ASPNETDB - default asp database. I get data from DB1.Books and want to join (INNER JOIN) UserID with UserName from ASPNETDB.Users.
The ponint is that I don't know how to access ASPNETDB in the query. I use SQLDataSource control in which I specified the ConnectionString pointing to DB1 database on my local SQL Server 2005 Express.
On the other hand, if I use a ConnectionString pointing to ASPNETDB as a database dynamically attached from file (~/App_Data/ASPNETDB.MDF), I gain access to the Users table but I get an error message when I try to access DB1.dbo.Books...
I'm getting sick of it.. thanks for any help!
kind regards

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ASPNETDB Replaces My Database In Connection

Aug 17, 2007

Hi,I've a little problem. When I connect my local server by this connection string: Data Source=NB126SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TVRM;Integrated Security=True I get content of ASPNETDB.MDF (placed in App_Data directory) instead content of my own database named TVRM. Please help...

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Up And Run Website With Database Question.

Jun 5, 2006

Hi !

I almost finish my website and ready to upload it to internet. However, I have a thought of how the database will work.

Here's the scenario. My website is a data-driven dynamic website with SQL as the database manager. I have 3 database files.

After I finish with everything, I will have to deploy the application
to the webserver right? Now, let say I deploy / upload it to a hosting
company. Then, people start using my website, all traffic coming in,
and database are getting larger and larger. Then, let say I decide to
make some changes to my website. I change the website here and there.
However, I haven't uploaded / deployed it to the hosting server yet. I
just make the changes in my computer. I test the application and
changes that I make, everything works fine.

My question is: If I deploy / upload my website to the SAME hosting
company after I make some changes, what will happen to the database in
the hosting server? My website has been used my many users and database
is getting larger. If I deploy ./ upload the website that I have made
changes, will it overwrite the database in the hosting server? Or how
does this work?

Anybody has any idea or maybe has already done it?

Any articles or thoughts will be appreciated!!!

thanks you sooo much in advanced!!!

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Best Way To Update Database On Website

May 15, 2001

My database contains over 50 tables of information - some tables are quite large. Rather than upload the entire database (which I imagine could potentially lock out many users from browsing the website), I would like to upload changes to individual tables. My local database contains the most recent table information. What would be the best way to upload individual tables that would only lock one row at a time while the updates were taking place? A DTS package?


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Transfer A Database To A Website

Oct 17, 2004

it must be simple, but not for me!
there's a folder called db in the ftp part of the server and the admin told me to upload my database there,i don't know how to transfer my database in that folder.can you help me?

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