Please, please, please, please just add limit/offset to the language. 7 years of working around this unnecessary limitation are enough. And that's just me personally, i'm sure there are those out there with a longer history and are more irritated. I know this isn't the first post on this here, nor will it be the last. I think that should be taken as a hint, and something should be done about this. Something like this: SELECT column FROM table LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10
See, it wasn't that hard =) Now there are no ugly contortions to go through just to paginate the data. And don't recommend I return all 20k rows and do it on the client side, m'kay, or write ridiculous sql. It seems that for all the hard work that went into making those other features work that this could have been done. Don't lie, you know it could have! If there was a voting feature for suggested improvments, or a bug tracker + watch list that functioned the same, it would help. Others do that, as well.
//Another Annoyed DeveloperAnd seeing as there aren't any feature/suggestion channels that work (see:connect), I guess this forum is the best we can do. Sorry.
I have following simple code in my stored proc. even I have hard coded OFFSET to non zero, but it always return result from starting point 0. End limit "Fetch Next" is working perfect.Only problem is with start.
SELECT * FROM #invoices ORDER BY #invoices.InvoiceDateTime ASC OFFSET @StartRow ROWS Fetch NEXT @EndRow ROWS ONLY;
I have used this mysql code in my programm before:
select * from address order by vorname asc limit 0, 10
It works fine. But now I want to use sql server, and it doesn't recognize the term limit. So I have found out that I can use top instead. I have changed my code into this:
select top 0 * from (select top 10* from address order by vorname) order by vorname asc
I am looking for a function in MSSQL that performs similar to the LIMIT function in MySQL. Here is the LIMIT function's definition:
The LIMIT clause can be used to constrain the number of rows returned by the SELECT statement. LIMIT takes one or two numeric arguments, which must be integer constants.
With two arguments, the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
hey all, i want to know Equivalent of "LIMIT" of MySQL in SQL Server 2005? in mysql we can direclty get data using LIMIT clause. my question is how to do this in sql server 2005? thanks.
Does anyone know of a way to emulate the LIMIT clause that is available in Oracle and MySQL?
I could greatly improve my performance on my web application if I could figure out how to do it. I am using TOP right now to just pull back the records needed, but as with any page with many results, once you get 10 pages in you're pulling way too many records accross the wire.
The LIMIT clause works great in the other DBMS's, but MS SQL 2K does not have it. :(
I am a newbie to SQL Server. I have a problem, in filtering the records returned by a query. I have a table which contains 1 million records, it has a user defined primary key which is of character type. The problem is i need to filter the output of a select query on the table based on two parameters i send to that query. The first parameter will be the starting row number and the second one is the ending row number. I need a procedure to do this.
For Eg: MyProc_GetRowsFromBigTable(startRowNo,endRowNo) should get me only the rows in the specified range.
Has anyone successfully used cherry's oledb provider for MYSQL to create a linked server from MS SQLserver 2005 to a Linux red hat platform running MYSQL.
I can not get it to work.
I've created a UDL which tests fine. it looks like this
; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring
I have a query which can return multiple rows. I want to select only the nth row. In other db languages, this is achieved using the OFFSET command, but in SQL Server this command does not exist. I saw that you can hack it using ROWCOUNT and an ORDER BY clause, but I don't have anything to order by. Is there some other way to do this? My query is
Code: SELECT S.SystemName FROM Projects AS P INNER JOIN ProjectSystems AS PS ON PS.ProjectId = P.ProjectId LEFT JOIN Systems AS S ON S.SystemId = PS.SystemID WHERE P.ProjectId = @ProjectID
What is the fastest way to select a value offset by n rows from the start row? I used to use a cursor with FETCH ABSOLUTE in Sybase SQLAnywhere, but this is incredibly slow in SQL Server. Here's the current function I'm using:
FUNCTION dbo.TradingDaysBack ( @ItemID int, @FromDate smalldatetime, @DaysBack int ) RETURNS smalldatetime AS BEGIN declare @BackDay int declare @OADay int set @OADay = dbo.GetOADate(@FromDate) declare curDaysBack cursor scroll for select OADate fromData_Daily whereItemID = @ItemID and OADate <= @OADay order byOADate desc
open curDaysBack fetch absolute @DaysBack from curDaysBack into@BackDay
close curDaysBack deallocate curDaysBack
if @BackDay is null begin set @BackDay= ( select Min(OADate) from Data_Daily where ItemID = @ItemID and OADate <= @OADay ) end
RETURN convert(smalldatetime, @BackDay)
The idea is to get the date n rows of data back from the starting date (i.e. 30 trading days back from 12/1/2003). Any ideas?
In MS SQL 2000, I would like to obtain the timezone offset from UTC fora given date. For today's date, I can doDATEDIFF(ss,GETDATE(),GETUTCDATE()). However, the offset for a futuredate may not be the same as today because some countries go in DaylightSaving mode. Can you suggest a way to obtain the timezone offset forany given date?ThanksYash
Sorry I have to post this here, but its sort of related to MS SQL anyway
I'm running a PHP system with MS Access. I need to order results in pages. (For those who are familiar with MySqL and Postgresql - I need the equivalent to LIMIT/OFFSET in MS Access).
I know I can "SELECT TOP 50" in my sql - so that solves the number of results per page. But what about page 2,3,4..etc.... how do I select results from an offset?
We recently translated the backend db from Access(97) to SQL Server.We are still using Access frontends. I have an update query in theAccess front end that uses a lookup table to populate fields. Thecommon fields between the table and the lookup table are the primarykey (LocID) and date & time fields. The query is:UPDATE tblPT_Offsets INNER JOIN tblPT ON tblPT_Offsets.LocID =tblPT.LocID SET tblPT.Offset_ft = [tblPT_Offsets].[Offset_ft],tblPT.Salinity = [tblPT_Offsets].[Salinity]WHERE (((tblPT.Offset_ft) Is Null) AND ((tblPT.Salinity) Is Null) AND((Format([Date]+[Time],"mm/dd/yy hh:nn")) Between [StartDate] And[EndDate]));This worked fine in Access and seemed to work fine after switching toAccess, but on closer look, there is exactly a 2 day error beingintroduced. A quick search of the newsgroups brings up lots of Accessto SQL date problems, but a 2 day offset seems rather strange? Anyideas??I know the field names Date and Time are inappropriate, but legacyissues are a pain in the butt to resolve!! Could this be a problem?David
I have the follwing function in my SQL data base which is hosted in Azure.
All date and time field in my db are store as UTC and I have a function define as below :
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[func_GetCurrentLocalTimeFromUTC] ( ) RETURNS datetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @OffSet as int = 1 DECLARE @CurrentDate as datetime = getUTCdate()
[Code] ...
Now what I have trying to do is to perform a select statement on a table where I have a dateTime value field and add the proper offset value to the field in order it is display based on where user will run the query. For example if I run this simple query :
Will return the UTC dateTime value.
How can I use the select statement in order to get the field format with proper offset based on user pc timezone/. Please note that the query will be called from a rrs.
I'm getting a file that essentially has a parameter array: a specific like would have three known values, and then x number of groups of four parts;
The question is how to handle logical groups of parameters; i though maybe by using a modulous on their itemnumber ...
So I can easily use DelimitedSplit8K to definitively find the first thee values, but how do I dynamically get X number of groups of four; eventually i need the first three fields combined with each quadgroup.
So a rough example of the desired output is this:
this: '03,0000001,USD,010,81257946,,,015,121809761,,'is split into rows with the first three columns included in each row: 030000001USD01081257946NULLNULL 030000001USD015121809761NULLNULL
Here's a setup i've put together:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.[dbo].[#AccountIdentifier]') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [dbo].[#AccountIdentifier] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#AccountIdentifier] ( [AccountIdentifierID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [DateReceived] DATETIME NULL DEFAULT getdate(), [RecordCode] VARCHAR(3) NULL,
I'm sure I am not undestanding some basic concept here but the following formula always produces an invalid token error at the '-' sign. In this example, I'm trying to subtract out a specific month from the total (this is a simplified example, my actual formula needs to compute a % change over time using lag...)
This produces the invalid token error (it always errors at the '-' in the equation)
with member [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] as [Measures].[MyBaseMeasure]-([Date Submitted].[Date Submitted YQMD].[month].&[2008]&[1],[Measures].[MyBaseMeasure]) select [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] on columns, [MyDim].[MyHierarchy].[Level1].members on rows from MyCube
But this works
with member [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] as [Measures].[MyBaseMeasure] select [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] on columns, [MyDim].[MyHierarchy].[Level1].members on rows from MyCube
As does this
with member [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] as ([Date Submitted].[Date Submitted YQMD].[month].&[2008]&[1],[Measures].[MyBaseMeasure]) select [Measures].[MyCalcMeasure] on columns, [MyDim].[MyHierarchy].[Level1].members on rows from MyCube
I have an internal Project Management and Scheduling app that I wrote internally for my company. It was written to use MySQL running on a Debian server, but I am going to move it to SQL Server 2000 and integrate it with our Accounting software. The part I am having trouble with is the user login portion. I previously used this:
PHP Code:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = "$username" AND user_password = password("$password")";
Apparently the password() function is not available when accessing SQL Server via ODBC. Is there an equivalent function I could use isntead so the passwords arent plaintext in the database? I only have 15 people using the system so a blank pwd reset wouldn't be too much trouble.
When we try to run aggregation or purge queries on some tables we are getting following message:
" error [I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset 0x000001ad65a000 in file 'E:MSSQL2KDataGenesys_DataMartGenesys_Datamart.mdf '. Severity 24, State 2, Procedure 'PWMGENESYSDB1 n u! ll', Line 1]"
After this we executed DBCC CHECKDB. Attaching the output obtained after executing this command, to fix these errors we executed DBCC repair_allow_data_loss. I am attaching output for this also. Pls go thru the logs and pls let me know what could be the problem and how it can be addressed.
When creating a database, SQL Server 6.5 seems to have a 2 gig limit. What I mean is that if the device chosen is over 2 gigs SQL Server displays the size of the device as anegative number. This prevents me from being able to expand the database when I need to. Can anyone tell me why this is so, and if there`s anyway around it??
we all know mysql: select * from table limit ?1, ?2
but the below SQL in mysql,how to convert?I enmesh........... select pageid,pagename,pageaddr,pageauditflag,pageartaudi tflag,startplaytime from pageinfo where entryid= ?1 and startplaytime= ?2 limit ?3, ?4
hi,I have a question.Maybe You know the equivalent to command LIMIT from MySQLI couldn`t find something like this in MS SQLPSI try to display 10 records begining form e.g. 4 sort by idsomething like: "SELECT * FROM table WHERE name=... LIMIT 4, 10 ORDER BY id"in MySQLthanx,Urban