MySQL To MSSQL Or Vice Versa
Jun 3, 2007Hey Guys, are you aware of anyone moving from MYSQL to MSSQL or vice versa - what were your experiences - Mark Smith
View 3 RepliesHey Guys, are you aware of anyone moving from MYSQL to MSSQL or vice versa - what were your experiences - Mark Smith
View 3 RepliesHi all,
Does anyone know if it is possible to register SQL Server 7.0 in SQL Server 6.5 and vice versa?
I can't find the SQLOLE70.SQL file in SQL Server 7.0 installation disk.
Thanks in advance
Hi guys, how are you? I was wondering how I do to convert int to nvarchar and vice versa?
Thank you very much.
My website is using sqlexpress2005. I am planning to use sql2000 with this existing website. My questions:
1. How can I transfer the database definitions and actual data from 2005 to 2000? is this possible?
2. What if I have exisiting database in sql2000, can I convert it to be used in sql2005?
3. should I manually recreate the database when converting from one version of sqlserver to another? and how abt the actual data?
PLS HELP. big thanks!
I work on the Clinical Surgery Department Data Application.
The patient gets through the Admission, Surgery, PostSurgery and Discharge stages during his staying in the department. The Doctors just insert their medical data in to the different tables. I have three main classes: User, Patient and Portfolio ( patients portfolio ) and all the business bases on these classes.
The problem is with the Classes per Medical Data Tables. The Medical tables should exist cause it includes the medical data about the patient however what is not clear: Whether I should create Business and Entity classes per each medical data table ( and this is something like 50 tables ) or I should insert all the functions in the Portfolio class and then there will be a mess of functions in one class? What is the accepted way to perform it ?
I'm using SQL Server 2005. How can I convert a hex string to a varbinary or the opposite of that?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHi,
We have setup SQL Server 2000 32-bit (Publisher/Subscribers) replication with 5 different locations. We are planning to purchase SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64-bit and/or 32-bit. I need suggestion, if we have both version of 2005 Enterprise, can we setup replication with SQL Server 2005 64-bit with SQL Server 2005 32-bit? is that supporting?
Also can we run replication with SQL Server 2005 64-bit (Publisher) with SQL Server 2000 32-bit (Subscriber).
- Publisher Subscribers
1- SQL Server 2005 64-bit SQL Server 2005 32-bit
2- SQL Server 2005 64-bit SQL Server 2000 32-bit
Shamshad Ali
Can i call Tigger in store procedure or vice versa in sql server 2000.
and How it implement ?
I would like to change rows into columns and columns to rows for the query output table
If the query output is shown the table below (including the column names in the first row).
a1 b1 c1 d1 e1
a2 b2 c2 d2 e2
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3
a4 b4 c4 d4 e4
a5 b5 c5 d5 e5
The table needs to be converted to (the rows become columns and columns become rows).
A a1 a2 a3 a4 a5
B b1 b2 b3 b4 b5
C c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
D d1 d2 d3 d4 d5
E e1 e2 e3 e4 e5
We were having problems setting up the mirroring, so I did it via command lines. I found out the "alter...set partnership" command works on the mirror server going to the principal, but gets a 1418 error when going from the principal to the mirror.
So if A is the principal and B is the mirror, A to B fails but B to A works.
If I reverse it so that B is the principal and A is the mirror, B to A fails and A to B works.
Any suggestions?
Can i call tigger in store procdure and vice versa??
if yes how it ?????????
In C#, I can convert UTC time to a specific timezone using:
TimeZoneInfo localTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pacific Standard Time");
DateTime UTCTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(localTime, localTimeZone);
Is there any equivalent function in T-SQL (SQL Server 2014 / SQL Azure)?
Specifically, I want to be able to convert a time into UTC before inserting it into a table. Right now I am doing:
INSERT INTO Incident (IncidentDescription, dtOccurred)
VALUES (@IncidentDescription, DATEADD(hour, 8, @dtOccurred))
I don't want to hardcode "8" and I want it to adjust for daylight savings time (DST).
Is there any concise solution that does not require me to define SQL functions or have lookup tables? I also don't want to use the difference between GETDATE() and SYSUTCDATETIME(), because the timezone of my server is not my local timezone.
If I join Table1 to Table2 with a WHERE condition, isit the same if I would join Table2 to Table1 consideringthat the size of the tables are different.Let's assume Table2 is much bigger than Table1.I've never used MERGE, HASH JOINs etc, do any ofthese help in this scenario?Thank you
View 3 Replies View Related1. Is it possible and what would be the gotchas for taking a backup of a database in a 32 bit instance of sql server 2000 and loading it into a 64 bit instance of 2000? How about 2005 to 2005?
2. Is it possible to reverse that and go from a 64 bit to a 32 bit?
3. How about going from a 32 bit sql server 2000 into a 64 bit sql server 2005?
We're on the verge of upgrading a rather large database from sqlserver 2000 (32 bit) into 2005 (32 bit) but they anticipate eventually upgrading the hardware to 64 bit at least for production. The test node would remain at 32 bit.
Thanks for any help.
I have a requirement to execute an Oracle procedure from within an SQL Server procedure and vice versa.
How do I do that? Articles, code samples, etc???
Hello all,
I spent the last two days trying to find an application that can export a mySQL database into msSQL syntax so that I can then use that to just create my msSQL database. I have had no such luck, though I could find a bunch to do msSQL to mySQL.
Please let me know if anyone has one or knows of one that works because I really do not want to hand port my 70 table database from mySQL to msSQL
Thanks in advance,
Anthony F Greco
i have dumped a mysql database to my my documents folder on my server, how can i convert this to a mssql database.
the database came from a site that was in php and of course using mysql, the database has all the users logon information and other information in there personal profile.
i would like to convert this to a mssql database and connect it to the new site i am doing in .net/C#
Hi, I've been coding in C#/ASP.NET for a little while now, but I've only ever used MS SQL.I'm starting a new project at work soon, and our host provides free MySQL databases but charges for MS SQL databases.
What are the pros/cons for each of these databases, and how much conversion would be required in an existing C#/ASP.NET application if I wanted to change from MS SQL to MySQL? I assume the syntax/commands to operate a C# app with MS SQL are different to the ones required to communicate with a MySQL database?
I'll probably stick with MS SQL because it's what I know, but I'd like to get familiar with MySQL as it might come in handy one day.Thanks, any information is greatly appreciated.
i'm a newbie here. :D
as the topic stated, what is the diferent between the 2 database in term of, reliability, speed, price for licensing and etc. :confused:
any reply will be appreciated
thanks :)
I was asked to program a site in coldfusion using mssql, but i have only used mysql in the past. i heard mssql has all the functions mysql has, but mysql does not have everything mssql does.. so if i programmed it in mysql, it should work? right?
is there a free download to test mssql or only a buy version?
I have this query in mysql
SELECT * FROM `bugs` LIMIT 60 , 30
Is there a similar command in MSSQL like LIMIT, where i can specify start record and number of records?
i have a database in MySQL with approximately 1600 records that must be converted into MSSQL. There are too many converters but they are not free to download. What would you recommend me to do among several solutions like first converting to access or excel and then importing them into MSSQL etc..?
Thanks all in advance.
i need a simple way to do this since im gonna need to do it every single week most probably so any help would be apreciated. if i dont have anything by monday it start coding one. Btw im using mysql 5 and SQL server express 2005
View 2 Replies View RelatedHey Guys, are you aware of anyone moving from MYSQL to MSSQL or vice versa - what were your experiences - Mark Smith
View 8 Replies View RelatedHi!
As a newbie I'm wondering if there is a difference between mySql and msSql.
Will mySql -code and -tables work in a msSql database?
Thank you!
How can i convert this code to work with MsSQL 2005?
Partial Class skaalb
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim strConnectionString As String
Dim strQuery As String
Dim MyConnection As OdbcConnection
Dim myCommand As OdbcCommand
Dim path As String = Server.MapPath("~/album") & "/"
Dim albName As String = Trim(Replace(txtAlbum.Text, "'", "''"))
Dim folderName As String = Trim(Replace(txtAlbum.Text, "'", "''"))
folderName = Replace(folderName, " ", "_")
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(path & folderName) Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(path & folderName)
labelStatus.Text = "Folder <b>" & folderName & "</b> created!"
Dim Beskrivning As String = Trim(Replace(txtBeskrivning.Text, "'", "''"))
strConnectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=xxxxxxxx; DATABASE=xxxxxxx; UID=xxxxxxxx; PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxx; OPTION=3"
MyConnection = New OdbcConnection(strConnectionString)
strQuery = "INSERT INTO tbl_albumet(alb_Namn, alb_Beskrivning, alb_Mapp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
myCommand = New OdbcCommand(strQuery, MyConnection)
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", albName)
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", Beskrivning)
myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", folderName)
labelStatus.Text = "Folder excist, pick another name!"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
labelStatus.Text = "Unable to create folder!"
End Try
End Sub
End Class
I'm trying to use sql to create a db, but the file the guy gave me is MySql. I tried a few things, and then I asked him to try to migrate it to MSSql for me, but it's still giving me this error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near 'meteor'.
Here's the code i'm using in Studio Express:
USE 'meteor';
CREATE TABLE 'address' (
'address_id' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
'address_1' varchar(255) default NULL,
'address_2' varchar(255) default NULL,
'city' varchar(255) default NULL,
'state' varchar(255) default NULL,
'zip_code' varchar(10) default NULL,
'country' varchar(255) default NULL,
'phone_1' varchar(255) default NULL,
'phone_2' varchar(255) default NULL,
'fax' varchar(255) default NULL,
'site' varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ('address_id')
Thanks for any assistance with this!
Hi i have recently developed a perl/mysql application but now i need to migrate all my databases and tables from mysql to mssql can anybody explain the simplest way to do this. I already have used Mysql's migration toolkit to migrate from access to mysql does mssql have any tools like this? Please let me know
Hi does anybody know where i can get a full free working copy of a converter to convert an sql database to a mysql database.
I can only find trials which only convert few tables.
I'm converting to mssql. I've been using the following statement in a php query with mysql.
$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM inks i, sample s, customer c, press pr WHERE s.JobNum like '$JobNum%' and c.CustName like '$CustName%' and pr.PressID like '$PressID%' and s.InkID like'$InkID%' and c.CustNum=s.CustNum and pr.PressID=s.PressID and i.InkID=s.InkID and s.Bindery like'%$Bindery%'");
This allowed me to select a press and/or certain paper and/or certain ink, etc. Allowed me to select any combination needed to find.
Now when I use this statement I don't get any results. I have the following which works if I select items in all categories, but that isn't always possible. I need a wildcard selection if we don't know or don't care what press it was run on or what paper was run on a press or what ink was used to print, etc
$result = mssql_query ("SELECT * FROM text t, cover cv, sample s, customer c, press p WHERE (s.PressID like '$PressID' and p.PressID = s.PressID and c.CustNum=s.CustNum and t.TextPaperID=s.PaperTextID and cv.CoverPaperID=s.PaperCoverID) and (s.PaperTextID = '$TextPaperID' and t.TextPaperID=s.PaperTextID and p.PressID = s.PressID and c.CustNum=s.CustNum and cv.CoverPaperID=s.PaperCoverID) and (s.PaperCoverID = '$CoverPaperID' and t.CoverPaperID=s.PaperCoverID and p.PressID = s.PressID and c.CustNum=s.CustNum and cv.TextPaperID=s.PaperTextID) order by CustName");
I'm lost
Thanks For the help.
I'm developing website for online test/assessments and I want to know what database is best for my project between Mysql and MSsql. There will be a lot of users writing concurently/ similtaneously to database.
Thank you in advance
Hi everyone,
I am looking for a function in MSSQL that performs similar to the LIMIT function in MySQL. Here is the LIMIT function's definition:
The LIMIT clause can be used to constrain the number of rows returned by the SELECT statement. LIMIT takes one or two numeric arguments, which must be integer constants.
With two arguments, the first argument specifies the offset of the first row to return, and the second specifies the maximum number of rows to return. The offset of the initial row is 0 (not 1):
mysql> SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 5,10; # Retrieve rows 6-15
I am aware of TOP and SET ROWCOUNT functions in MSSQL but neither provide the Offset functionality.
Any help would be appreciated,
Hi everybody,
I have to port a database from MSSQL to MySQL.
I'm really a newbie with MSSQL and I need some hints on how to do this task.
I received a .bak file which my boss told me that this a backup of the database
I have to port.
Then I installed MSQL 2000 developer edition on my workstation and then started
playing with it.
The problem is that I don't know how to connect to the database... and with what
application do some queries. In mysql I use phpMyAdmin which is really useful.
Is there something similar for SQL server? Or something like sqlplus under Oracle?
Moreover how can I install the .BAK file they sent me on my MSSQL install in order
to recreate the db on my workstation??
Thank you.