Naming Exported PDF In SSRS

Feb 14, 2008


Is there any where in SSRS to write an expression for giving a name to the file that is to be exported?

My requirement is like when exporting the files, the file name should be "SampleNumber" concatenated by "Today'sDate".

Thanks in Advance...

Krishna Chaitanya

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Tab Naming In Excel From SSRS

Jan 8, 2008

Hi All,

I am creating a report that uses a list that has page breaks. The breaks are grouped by a certain field. When exporting the report to excel, the page breaks translate to individual tab sheets. The question is can I name the tab sheets according to the field grouping applied to the list. Example the field grouping is department name. Therefore the tabs should be:
Sheet1 = Finance
Sheet2 = Human Resource
Sheet3 = Project Management

Thanks & Regards,

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: SSRS Report Rendering When Exported To MS Word

Oct 20, 2014

I am having a situation where my SSRS report when exported to PDF shows the exact report & when exported to MS Word, shows some unwanted space in the report column. Also the borders of the report are shown cut when exported.

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Disable Hyperlink In Exported Excel File (SSRS)

May 13, 2008

I have a report in which some links navigate to other reports.

If export the report in Excel format. The Excel file also contain hyperlink what have created in report. If i click the link in Excel file, it is directing to report viewer to open that link.

But need to export this report in Excel format with hyperlink disabled

( I used Export option from Report Designer )

Let me know!!


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CSV File Is Getting Messed Up When SSRS Report Is Being Exported To Csv Format

Sep 10, 2007


I am using expressions for the textboxes in the Table control Header, because the header names should be displayed in both English as well as in Japanese based on the language selection.The report works fine and all the render formatts except CSV are working fine.when i export this report to CSV, the header names are not coming in the first row of CSV , but some other textbox names (eg textbox 34..) are being displayed on the first row of CSV.From second row onwards, i am getting the header names seperated by comma and the data is being displayed.This header names are being repeated for all the rows in the CSV along with the data.Please give me a solution regarding this.

I tried by setting Data Element as "NO" from "Auto".I could stop the header names being repeated from second row in CSV, but i couldnot get the names in the first row of CSV.

I need to have all the header names as first row in csv and from the second row, i need data.

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Reporting Services :: Indents Are Not Included When Exported SSRS Report To Excel

Jun 17, 2015

I have one SSRS report which contains indents but it is not included when exporting to excel sheet. Is it possible to include indents when exporting to excel?I have included indent in the textbox property of a field-->Alignment-->Padding Options-->Left-->Exp-->


This is working fine in the SSRS report but its not applied when exporting to excel.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - How To Show Hovering Data In Exported Excel Report

Sep 23, 2015

We are showing hovering data in the report. When we hover the pointer of the mouse over cell, it shows the data. But when we export the report in excel, hover functionality is not working in exported report. Finding the solution to ensure hovering should work in the exported excel report.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - Groups In Report Manager Not Present When Exported To Excel

Mar 2, 2015

I have a report in SSRS2012. It was copied from SSRS2005 quite recently, as we have upgraded. The SQL developer said that it didn't need any code changes, as he had some kind of tool to test code problems between the two versions. The report has a table, with 5 row groups, and one detail row. The table is setup as follows:

Name             Sales          Costs       Profit


When I run this report using the Report Manager website from SSRS2005, and then export to Excel 2013, I get the 6 row groups in Excel, no problem whatsoever. I can drill into each group in Excel, using the group drilldown column on the left hand side. This works the same as the Report Manager website.

If I run the exact same report from the Report Manager website in SSRS2012, the Report Manager result is the same as SSRS2005 - all the row groups are present, and the drilldown works fine. However, the export to Excel has issues with the groups. There are only 3 row groups showing in Excel, along with a column group added for no apparent reason.

Drilling into each group shows inconsistent details, and there is no apparent logic as to what is shown within each group. I should also mention, that this issue with groups is seen on all my reports which have groups, not just this report.

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While Exporting A SSRS 2005 Report In CSV Format ,can We Include The Report Headers And Footers Also To Be Exported

Nov 7, 2007

While exporting a SSRS 2005 report in CSV format ,can we include the report headers and footers also to be exported .
Thanks .

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Export To A Text File, Then Name The Exported File The Date Is Was Exported, Then Zip

Jul 3, 2007

Hi folks

Any help on my request would greatly be appreciated. We are trying to maintain the growth of a particular table, by exporting and deleting data that is older then 90 days. Here are the 4 steps I need to do. I believe I know how to do 1 and 4;

1. Create a job that continously exports data that is older then 90 days to a text file

select *

from table A


(the column 'created' datatype is datetime and looks like this '3/5/2007 3:11:44 PM')

2. Have the job automatically name the exported file, the day it was exported (i.e. 07032007 (todays date))

3. Then zip that file (we're using 7-zip)

4. Then delete the data out of the table


from table A


Im not a big scripter/coder, so I was wondering if there is anything I could do in SSIS. Im more familiar with DTS, so any kind of baby steps you could provide in SSIS, would go a long way.

Thank you so much.

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Report Does Not Exported

Apr 30, 2007

Dear all,
I am trying sql server reporting service 2005.
I made one simple report through business intelligence project and deployed that project to report server.
now when i trying to export to pdf or excel or any option. it only get hanged, does not export.

I am currently not able to identify problem.

Please suggest some idea where i am going wrong

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Problem With My Exported PDF

Oct 10, 2007

I have a problem when I try to export my report to a PDF file. Definitely what you see in the Report Designer is not what you get when you try to export it to a PDF. My biggest problem is with a table. When a cell contains a long text, and when its content is exported, part of the text is shown in the next cell in the created PDF.(I don have any error message, no overlapping, nothing)
So, I would like to know what happen. Is there anything I can do... I have checked all the properties of the table, but it seems that everything is ok....

Well that´s it , any help/opinion/sugestion/coment I will aprecciate....(sorry for my poor english)

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Database Schema Exported......

Jul 10, 2002

MS SQL 6.5

I have been asked to export the database schema (containing table names, field names, data types, field lengths, field defaults, nulls, etc) to an MS Excel spread sheet. "sp_help filename" provides some data but the format is difficult to manage.

All help with this matter would be greatly appreciated....

Thanks in advance.

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Can Data Be Exported Into A SQL Script

Jul 20, 2005

Hi;Can a table.....with all of its data be exported into a SQL scriptthat will restor the table with all of its data?Thanks in advanceSteve

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Footer Does Not Exported To Excel

Mar 28, 2007

I have a report with text in the footer.
When I exported it to excel, every thing except from the footer is exported (the report body and header are OK).

I'm not getting any error but the text in the footer just doesn't appear.

Any solution?

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Subreports Are Not Exported Into Excel

Feb 4, 2008


i was created report with 6 sub reports for muliple columns driil down as based on client requirements, and also iam using one subreport with in the all 6 sub reports,when run the report i got the correct data. my report output having total 11 fields. with in the 6 fields iam using the 6 sub reports, with in the 6 sub reports iam calling the another sub report.

while exportin my report into excel sub reports are not shown, in the place of sub reports i got the error that is "
subreports within a table or matrix cells are ignored"

my client must need report output in excel format, so how to solve this problem. in my analysis excel is not support sub report feature, is there any diffrent method or is there or any third party control is there

please give me solution how to solve this probelm.

Thanks in advance

jacks v

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Exported Format Issue

Feb 14, 2008

I am exporting a report run in Report Services to an Excel spreadsheet. The report contains a field with a format of percentage with calculated percentage data. (The field is a calculated field). If there is no data then the reporting services report shows a 'NaN' value in the report field. This is fine for the report. When this report is exported to Excel the percentage data column shows only #####. The data in the Excel edit window will show the correct value of 0% but the column data in Excel shows only the pound signs. When I change the format on the Excel column it doesnt change the ##### signs. The format on the reporting side is specified as (p) or as (p1). Is there a way to correct this problem?

The export of the reports also adds a decimal and a tenths digit to the integer values that get exported from the report builder to the Excel spreadsheet. This is unwanted but is fixed in Excel by changing the format.

Thanks a bunch for any ideas.

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Reports Cannot Be Exported To Csv Format

Feb 9, 2007


We have developed few reports through SQL Server Reporting Service 2005.
All those reports are columnar graphs (BAR charts).
One of the requirement of the project is to have the ability to export the report in different formats.
Since our reports are columnar graphs we are unable to export it to CSV or MHTML format.
Is there are setting in the report, which allows me to display the values, when exported to csv format?
also is there any setting for MHTML format. Some machine open the report in MHTML format and some machine does not.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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FK Naming

Sep 28, 2007

Hello, I have 2 tables: Articles and Users. These 2 tables are related by AuthorId (FK) in Articles and UserId (PK) in Users. My question is: should the use the same name for the 2 keys, i.e., UserId? Or it is normal to use AuthorId in Articles table and UserId in Users table. This makes more sense. Just a naming question. Thanks, Miguel  

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How To Import Exported Images From SQL Server

Mar 31, 2008


Here is my problem:
There is some data which we need to move from a vendor database to our Oracle database. The vendor has provided us with the exported data from their database. The data is in a text file with some delimiters to identify where each column value ends.

One of the table columns extracted has an image. I dont have real image files, but I have the image in the exported format (hex value - something like 'FFD8FFE000104A46494600010001009600960000FFFE001...". Now I need to import this as a image into a LONG RAW or BLOB column in Oracle database. But it is not possible to do so in Oracle, so we have planned a work around for this.

1) Import the data back into SQL Server
2) Export the actual image files(.jpeg or .gif) on the desktop
3) Import the image files from desktop to Oracle database.

The text file that contains table information has rows like below.
2~jones~jenny~j~bad show~1989-05-14 00:00:00.000~304303F.......
(last value should go into an image column)

I would like to know how to import such hex-stored image data into image column in database table. I have tried to direct import using BULK INSERT, but doesn't work.

I would appriciate if someone can provide some working code as well, which shows how to achieve the above functionality.


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Text Garbled In Exported PDF(in Vista )

Mar 20, 2008

My environment is
Windows 2003 Server(japanese)+SP2 and SQL Server 2005(English)+SP2

I've been having a problem with Reporting Service.When i export report
to PDF file,the text(mixed japanese and english)gets all garbled and
unreadable in Vista OS.but in windows xp every things is well.i tried
upgrade adobe reader to the recently version ,but there is no help.

this is a known bug?or i missed something?

any ideas


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How To Limit Conditionally Records Exported

Aug 24, 2006

I apologize if I'm posting this question in the wrong forum.

I have a query that exports data from an Oracle database to an Excel spreadsheet. The application that executes the query is Computer Associates Eureka Report writer. I do not have direct access to the database or any of its objects. With the data in Excel, I run a VBA macro-driven inventory report. The Excel spreadsheet row limitation is not a problem presently, however, the query exports a lot of extraneous data that I don't need. I actually export about a dozen columns of data however I'm only listing 4 in the example below.


CaseNum ActionDate ActionType ComplCd
1029901 09/08/2006 F 0
1029901 09/11/2006 C 0
1029901 08/18/2006 C 1
1029901 08/17/2006 F 1
1029901 08/01/2006 F 1

When the ComplCd = 1 I only want the query to export one row of data for each CaseNum. Is
there a way to code my query to accomplish this?


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ToggleItems Do Not Show In Exported Documents

Feb 1, 2008


I was wondering if someone was able to comment on something that I've encountered using SSRS.

I have set some items with the ToggleItem property and viewing the report, the [+] and [-] buttons show. However when the report is exported (to pdf, mhtml or even tif), the icons are no longer there.

Is there a way to get these to appear?

Thanks in advance.


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Can Assemblies Be Exported From SQL Server Database?

Mar 24, 2008

just want to know whether .NET assemblies can be exported, because I want all depoyed assemblies to be secure there? Thanks.

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Group Header Repeating In Exported Csv

Jul 25, 2007

Need to export a report into csv. The report contains a table with one group, the group header contains infomation that needs to be shown once at the start of the csv. Currently the group header repeats for every record in the detail. How can I stop the group header from repeating.


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DB Column Naming

Jun 18, 2006

What does everyone think of this method?I have a ton of tables like User, Project etc. I use the SAME column names for each table. For an example, ID, Name, Status etc instead of UserID etc.Only for relationship naming will I use UserID.The reason I do this is from a OOP perspective.My dad often said that a table was a entitiy of an object and each record in the table was a instance of that object.

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Naming Problem

May 3, 2005

I have a function which is named like this:


How can I use it in my stored procedure:

UPDATE Tasks SET Status = 0
WHERE TaskID IN (SELECT CONVERT(int, Value) FROM [GEEKASPNET].Split(@Tasks,","))

This does not work and gives me that "unreconized function GeekASPNET.Split

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DTS: Re-Naming Package

Jan 2, 2001

I am using SQL Server 7 w/ SP2. This may seem silly, but I'm trying to re-name a DTS local package -- so far without success. Surely there's a way to do this. Also, where is DTS info stored? That is, how does SQL Server store package names and other details? Thanks!

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Re-naming A DTS Package

Oct 12, 2000

Does anyone know if there is someway to rename a DTS package? Or can I go into the msdb database
and delete the old name?

Thanks for your help.


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Naming Conventions

Jan 31, 2005

Most of the programming I do is in Access. I like to use naming conventions for all my tables, queries, etc. I am now moving several databases to SQL Server. Does anyone know of a good resource for naming convetions in SQL Server. Website, book?

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Naming Convention

Aug 21, 2006

Hi all,
I wanted to ask for the naming conventions in SQL in case of pl/sql server we have ..name_of_package.name_of_procedure thats how we call the procedures i.e. owner of schema then name of package n then procedure name.....i want to ask you all how is it done in SQL SERVER..please try to reply as soon as possible,
i will b waiting for the replies,

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Naming Conventions

Mar 8, 2006

In our database tables are generated like

like that. when we generate classes from database the class names are looking like


but for my classes that Master suffix is not required.
please solve my problem.

Thanks and Regards,

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Naming Convention

May 8, 2006

Would like to know what naming convention you folks use.

What I need specifically is column naming conventions.

For instance, I have a table called 'lst_as400_srvr'. We could go with the vigorous:

CREATE TABLE lst_as400_srvr
as400_srvr_idintNOT NULLIDENTITY,
as400_srvr_namevarchar(128)NOT NULL,
as400_srvr_is_activebitNOT NULLDEFAULT 1

Or, I could loosen the rules a bit and go with:

CREATE TABLE lst_as400_srvr
namevarchar(128)NOT NULL,
is_activebitNOT NULLDEFAULT 1

I would lean towards the vigorous because it would be very obvious what data is being referenced by the name. In the loosened version, I could very easily have many tables with a 'id' column or a 'is_active' column.

Inversely, I would lean towards the loosened version because the names are a lot shorter and, thus, easier / faster to type.

I figure, if I'm going to learn a new standard, now's a good time to do so.

So, thoughts? Appreciate the help folks. :)

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