Need Help Configuring SQL Server Express

May 11, 2007

I have Visual Studio 2005 Professional installed and SQL Server Express installed. In following along with the Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step book, there is a procedure on page xxi to get access to SQL Server Express. At the 2> prompt, however, when I type in go and then press enter, I get the following message:

Msg 15247 Level 16, State 1, Server MyServerNameSQLEXPRESS, Procedure sp_grantlogin, Line 13

User does not have permission to perform this action.

The computer is my own personal computer, with Window Vista installed and no previous versions of MSDE installed. I also have administrator persmissions. The only guidelines in the procedure regarding what to do in the event of an error message is to ensure that the commands were typed in correctly. What could be causing this message, since I do have administrator permissions?

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Configuring SQL Server Express For VWD

Sep 25, 2007

For some reason I can't seem to be able to add SQL databases to VWD

I receive the following error message:

Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2005 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download from the URL:

I have reinstalled SQL server but I still have the same problem, I tried tweaking some of the Server configurations without success.

I searched for hours on the web for answers but couldn't find any.

If anyone has any idea what could be the problem please help me.

My OS is Windows XP Professional SP2
IIS is installed.

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Need Help Installing And Configuring SQL Server Express

Sep 26, 2007

I'm new to SQL Server (and databases in general) so I don't know what question to ask. I'll just be explicit about what I want to see.

What I need is SQL Server Express to install silently embedded in my application's installation (The user may already have SQL Server Express installed).

Once this is complete, in the SQL Server Configuration Manager under SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration, there should be an entry: Protocols for SONICI with Shared Memory, Named Pipes, and TCP/IP all set to Enabled.

When logging into SQL Server Management Studio there should be a choice for COMPUTERNAMESONICI and there should be a new folder Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL$SONICI.

Here's what my installer launches from the command prompt:
SQLEXPR32.exe -q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all instancename=SONICI SQLAUTOSTART=1

It doesn't work. And if I remove the /qn and run it, I get the message: "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup was unable to install on your computer."

The log file reads:
Error: Action "LaunchLocalBootstrapAction" threw an exception during execution. Error information reported during run:
"c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe" finished and returned: 1603

I have no clue what is wrong and I can't find any helpful information on the web.

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Configuring A ReportServer In A Non-DefaultWebSite With SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Advanced Server

Nov 19, 2007

Hello everybody!

I'm trying to configure a ReportServer in a Non-DefaltWebSite in my server. During the Reporting Server Configuration's process, everything works fine! All the informations are accept. But, when I try to access the address (or a login message box is shown.
I've already tried to enable a lot of user accounts, but with no success!
I've read some articles that try to explain how to install a ReportServer in a Non-DefaultWebSite, but its doesn't work too.

Any sugestions?

My server is a Windows 2003 Standard Edition w/ SP1, IIS 6.0, SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Advanced Server.


Jorge Olimpia

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Configuring Sql Express On Installation

Nov 10, 2006

Can someone explain to me what SQLACCOUNT=<domainuser> is or should be set to? I get an error telling me to specify a built in account or give a username domain and password for each service. How do I specify these things I didnt see those in the 1 msdn page that explains this. I asked this before but I still cant figure it out. Thanks.

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Configuring Replication Sql 2005 Express Edition

Aug 27, 2007

Hello all,

We have 2 sites . each one has sql 2005 express edition .

is it possible to configure replication between those 2 sql servers for failover purposes ?


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Configuring SQL Express -- Getting Login Failed Exception

Jan 31, 2006

I have a machine with Windows XP Pro w/SP 2, IIS, SQL Server Express and Visual Studio 2005 installed.  When I attempt to open a database from an ASPX page, I'm getting an exception with the message:

"Cannot open database "Tasks" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'MYDEVASPNET'."

I've searched the web and found a number of pages that talk about the "Login failed for MACHINEASPNET" issue, but I didn't find any with a solution. 

For your information (in case it makes any difference), the computer is connected to a domain.  And the authentication methods for the virtual directory (in IIS) is configured for "Anonymous access" and "Integrated Windows authentication."

Does anyone know how to configure SQL Server Express (or is it IIS?) so the web page can access the database?



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Configuring SQL Server Express In SqL Server 2005 Pro To Support MSVisual C# 2005 Step By Step

Feb 4, 2007

Visual C# 2005 Step by Step €“ John Sharp

Intel D975XBX €“ 930 €“ 2GB ram €“ HD 300GB - MatroxVD
Windows XP Sp2 + updates
Visual Studio 2005 Professional edition
SQL Sever 2005 Standard Edition

Install Practice Files at D:Program FilesMicrosoft PressVisual C Sharp Step by Step.

Configuring SQL Sever Express Edition
Hostname - xxxxxxxxx..

At sqlcmd €“s xxxxx...SQLExpress €“E got - Pipes error.

Open Microsoft SQL Sever 2005 - Configuration Tools €“ SQL Configuration Manager €“ select Protcols for SQLEXPRESS €“ select Named Pipes €“ enable €“ close.

At sqlcmd €“s xxxxx..SQLExpress €“E get Sqlcmd: €˜ €˜ : Unknown Option. Enter €˜ -? €˜ for help.

Chdir C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsMicrosoft Server 2005
Sqlcmd €“s xxxxxx..SqlExpress €“E
Hresult 0x2, Lvel 16, State 1
Named Pipes Provider: Couldnot open a connection to SQL Server [2].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.

How do I fix this?

Need to be able to to use the Northwind Traders data base


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Configuring SQL Express During Installation And Attaching Smart Client DB / Silent Install For One Click?

Oct 9, 2006

Hey all,

Cool place! Has anyone deployed SQL Express silently using one click and an attached a smart client DB from within the app ... would love to see some of the best practices or horror stories! Just kidding... :) I'm about to deploy a smart client using SQL Express and could use some tips from someone who has been there.

Thanks in advance,


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Urgent Configuring Sql Server

May 29, 2008

hi all i try all date convertion  function that u imagen   in my project to insert a date  to sqlserver datetime field but always sql server get the data as "1/1/1900 00:00:00"
how can i fix that from sql server

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Configuring Linked Server (mysql)

Mar 16, 2004


I have setup a MYSQL server as a linked server in SQL SERVER 2000. I am able to select from a table using OPENQUERY as I understand that you can't use the 4 part qualifier to access an object from MYSQL as the ODBC driver does not expose the proper interface for this. The problem is that I cannot update,delete or insert into the OPENQUERY() table

UPDATE OPENQUERY(MySQL_LinkedServer,'select id from msqlTableTest') SET id = 0

INSERT INTO OPENQUERY(MySQL_LinkedServer,'select id from msqlTableTest') VALUES(0)

DELETE FROM OPENQUERY(MySQL_LinkedServer,'select id from msqlTableTest') WHERE id = 0

This is the OLEDB PROVIDER FOR ODBC error I am getting...

The requested operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' does not support the required transaction interface.
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IUnknown::QueryInterface returned 0x80004002].

I know there are brilliant Professionals on this forum. Please tell me that this is just an MDAC upgrade or something that is not configured correctly...

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Configuring SQL Server For Remote Connection

Aug 31, 2006

Hi all, I am new to SQL Server but I'm trying to learn it.. :)
I've created a database on my campus server. Now I want to configure it so that I can access the database from my laptop computer through internet.
I have an account in the SQL server installed on my remote server. I can connect to the remote server through remote connection.

I appreciate your help,
thank you,

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Help Needed In Configuring The Report Server.

Mar 17, 2008


I have two webservers and another server where the database resides.. and in my webservers i have reporting serverices set up.. in my Report server configuration manager for Webserver 1, in the database setup tab i am specifying the remote the database server which i want to connect and i am providing the correct username and passwords to connect to the remote databse and when i specify the remote database username and password i can see all the databases listed in that server. So in server name i have specified the name of the sql server.. and in the Database name i have specified ReportServer and given credentails type as sql server credentials and given the correct username and password..

But when i give apply i am getting an warning or error saying that The database version (c.0.8.54) does not match the Report service installation. This version cannot be upgraded. You must use a different database.

and in internet explorer if i give http:\localhost
eports I get an error saying
The version of the report server database is either in a format that is not valid, or it cannot be read. The found version is 'C.0.8.54'. The expected version is 'C.0.8.40'. To continue update the version of the report server database and verify access rights.

any help will be appreciated.

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Problem Configuring Report Server

Mar 13, 2006

SQL Server 2005

Windows Server 2000

When i open the Reporting Services Configuration Manager on our newly installed SQL 2005 box i get a red X on "Web Service Identity".

The window in question states that "The Web Service runs under the ASP .NET Machine account under IIS 5 or ..."  with what looks to be a text entry box that is grayed out with the label "ASP .NET Service Account. The text entry box that is grayed out is blank.

When the Apply button is pressed a Task Status box opens at the bottom that states "There was an error setting the identity for the web service. The previously set identity will still be used."

When the option for "Tell me more about the problem and how to resolve it." is pressed i get a dialog box that has two lines of text reading:

"ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: An unknown error has occured in the WMI provider. Error Code 80070005"

"at Report ServicesConfigUI.RSReportSErverAdmin.SetWebServiceIdentity(StringapplicationPool)"


Our report server is non-functional at the moment, and we really need it to work ASAP. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!



when i try to open http://localhost/reports i get the message that "The report server is not responding. Verify that the report server is running and can be accessed from this computer.

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Configuring Database Mail In SQL Server 2005

Aug 20, 2007


I have created profiles in my database as mentioned below. now i want to delete the profile created in database.
can some one tell me how to proceed furthur.

i need to delete them permenantly.
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp
@account_name = 'MyMailAccount',
@description = 'Mail account for Database Mail',
@email_address = '',
@display_name = 'MyAccount',
@mailserver_name = ''
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profile_sp
@profile_name = 'MyMailProfile',
@description = 'Profile used for database mail'
--------------------------------------------------------EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp
@profile_name = 'MyMailProfile',
@account_name = 'MyMailAccount',
@sequence_number = 1

-------------------------------------------------------EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_principalprofile_sp
@profile_name = 'MyMailProfile',
@principal_name = 'public',
@is_default = 1 ; Regardskrishna

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Configuring A Domain &&amp; SQL SERVER 2005 To Work.

Dec 21, 2006

Attempting to link Access 2003 to SQL 2005, there is something keeping from doing so. 

1 I setup the instance as sqlexpress.

2 I have a database shell there also.

3 It connects when I start the instance service.

4 My remote connections are configured to handle TCP/IP & Named Pipes.

Not in this order, but you get the idea.  Now that I have these in place, I went first to the Access 2003 database to link the tables to this.  When I came accross trouble in the form of need for a DSN to the domain for the things I created above.

In attempting to create one that looked functional, I came back to the same step.  But, unsuccessful to link the tables again because browsing to that domain does not even show that particular file.  This is the problem.  

I do believe that once I am able to select a DSN, I will have a "healthy baby connection". I will then be the proud father of my first Server-side database setup!!!!  But I am trying to get over these labor pains. 

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SQL Server Stopping While Configuring OLEDB Connection

Jan 23, 2007

When I configure and test and OLEDB connection SQL Server 2005 keeps stopping with an error message as shown below. The problem seems to happen when I open the connection for ediing in Data Flow Window. There is a consistent pattern of errors (in there Event Log) relating to the Evnet Log prior to this error occurring.

Any idea what the problem is?

I have to say that my experience with SSIS has not been very encouraging so far.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSSQL$SQL2005
Event Category: (2)
Event ID: 17311
Date: 23/01/2007
Time: 2:06:41 PM
SQL Server is terminating because of fatal exception c0000005. This error may be caused by an unhandled Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart).

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 9f 43 00 00 10 00 00 00 ŸC......
0008: 14 00 00 00 53 00 59 00 ....S.Y.
0010: 44 00 2d 00 4c 00 2d 00 D.-.L.-.
0018: 30 00 31 00 33 00 32 00
0020: 36 00 5c 00 53 00 51 00 6..S.Q.
0028: 4c 00 32 00 30 00 30 00 L.2.0.0.
0030: 35 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 5.......
0038: 45 00 78 00 61 00 6d 00 E.x.a.m.
0040: 70 00 6c 00 65 00 48 00 p.l.e.H.
0048: 69 00 73 00 74 00 6f 00 i.s.t.o.
0050: 72 00 69 00 61 00 6e 00 r.i.a.n.
0058: 00 00 ..

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Mirroring :: Any Limit For Configuring Number Of Secondary DB Server

May 7, 2015

In log shipping is there any limit for configuring no.of secondary db server???

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Configuring Email On Replication Failure

Jun 10, 2015

We have push transaction replication from A database to 2 other B and C database. I have configured email to sent upon failure of subscription job of B and D database on Database A. Is this the way that we need to configure email to send when there is replication break up or failure.

Database is MS sql server 2008 R2
Publication Database: A
Replication mode : Transaction Replication
Replication used : Push Replication from database A
Subscription Database: B and C

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Configuring Sql Server 2005 For Office 2007 Data Mining Add-ins

Mar 3, 2008

after i installed sql server 2005 DM add-ins, i tried using it with office 2007 so i choose (start---->all programs----->microsoft sql 2005 dm add-ins---->getting started) so the getting started wizzard was opened, i selected from it (use an existing instance of microsoft sql server 2005 analysis services that i adminster) because i already had a version of it installed on my computer. then i tried to connect to analysis services by selecting 'server name'=local host, an error appeared which is "unable to discover meta data on the server 'local host' . user noha needs to be adminstrator of the server to run the configuration tool". how can i be the adminstrator of the server?????????.........plz reply me soon,thanks in advance

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Configuring A Linked Microsoft Access Database On SQL Server 2005

Nov 7, 2007

The following installation:

- Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition running on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
- Client Service for Netware installed.
- Access 2000 database in a Novell Directory Services (NDS) Environment
- SQL Server service running under local Administrator account.

Linked server configured as follow:

Linked server: MyDB
Provider: Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider
Product name: Access 2000
Data Source: UNC path to my Access database

Security: Admin with no password (default Access behaviour)

I can connect to my access database by following the next steps:

- Open Management studio on the SQL Server itself (where I'm logged in as Administrator)
- Connect using Windows Authentication (Administrator)
- Create a new query, run EXEC sp_tables_ex 'MyDB'

This will return all the tables from the Access database.

I can also make a view pointing to MyDB...MyTable.

Enough prove to me It can work....

So far so good

But now the tricky part.

When I login as 'sa', I can't connect and will receive the following message:

OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "MyDB" returned message "'Full UNC to my access database' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.".Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_tables_ex, Line 41Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "MyDB".

(In real life I want to connect to my SQL 2005 Server from a ASP.NET (2.0) application using SQL authentication, but as long as I can't get the above working this is not important for now)

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Configuring Mail For SQL Server Agent - Problem With Exchange And Outlook On Same Machine?

Jul 23, 2005

I would like to configure e-mail alerts on my SQL Server 2000 box.However, we also run Exchange on the same machine. I've been told therecould be conflicts/issues having Outlook on the same machine asExchange; and apparently, one needs Outlook to configure a mail profilefor SQL Server Agent.Is there, in fact, anything to worry about? If so, are there anywork-arounds beside moving Exchange to another server? (we've only gotone server, so this is not an option for us at this time).Thanks.- Dana

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Configuring Http Access To SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services On Vista

May 25, 2008

Does anyone have instructions on how to configure http access to SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services on Vista?

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Getting Report Server WMI Provider Error: Not Found While Configuring Reporting Sevices Integration WSS 3.0 And Sql 2005

Jan 29, 2007

I'm Getting "Report Server WMI Provider error: Not Found" when trying to Grant Database Access while configuring the Reporting Sevices Integration. Logging in fine to the DB. Tried all the WMI troublshooting and can't find any issues there. Any tips?

Many Thanks!!

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Configuring Merge Replication For Side-by-side SQL Server 2000 And 2005

Feb 6, 2007

I am trying to migrate from my current system, where I do merge replication from Windows Mobile devices running SQL Server CE 2.0 to a central database running SQL Server 2000 sp3a. I want eventually to move to a system running SQL Server 2005 CE replicating to a SQL Server 2005 back-end. But the transition will need to be gradual, and I may have to support both systems for a while until I can convert all clients from the old system to the new. I also need to do thorough testing.

So ... I'm trying to set up a test environment giving me the maximum possible flexibility to do my testing. Ideally, I'd like to set up SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 on a side-by-side basis, in a manner that would potentially allow mobile devices running both SQL Server CE 2.0 and SQL Server 2005 CE to sync with either back-end server.

Can someone provide me with guidance as what is possible to set up here? I know that SQL Server 2000 and 2005 can be installed side-by-side on the same server. It also appears that you can set up SQL Server 2000 so that EITHER SQL Server CE 2.0 OR SQL Server 2005 CE can sync with SQL Server 2000 (see, but I don't know if it's possible for BOTH SQL Server CE 2.0 AND SQL Server 2005 CE to sync to the same SQL Server 2000. As for SQL Server 2005 ... it appears to be possible to set up SQL Server 2005 so that BOTH SQL Server CE 2.0 devices AND SQL Server 2005 CE devices can sync to the same SQL Server 2005 (see web page cited above). However, I don't know if it's possible to set up a SQL Server 2005 server installation in this manner while at the same time having a side-by-side SQL Server 2000 installation supporting any level of mobile merge replication.


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Difference Between The SQL Server Express Bundled With C#/VB VS The Downloadable SQL Server Express SP1 With Advanced Services

Aug 31, 2006

What is the Difference between the SQL Server Express Bundled with C#/VB VS the downloadable SQL Server Express SP1 with advanced Services?

I installed C# with SQL Server Express, however I wanted to add the Full Text Searching and the SQL Server Management Studio Express, so I downloaded and installed the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP1. When I installed it over top of my current installation, it complained of version mismatching, and then C# failed to recognize that I had SQL 2005 Express installed at all.

What I'd like to know is, which version is more current (they have to be different, they had different version numbers, one was 9.xx.xxxx the other was 2005.9.xx.xxxx) The one bundled with C#, or the SP1 downloadable one.

Firstly, I want to be up todate as far as security patches, and Secondly, how do I add the full text searching and SSMSE to the one bundled with C# without breaking it.

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Does SQL Server 2005 Express Support Web/Internet Replication To Other SQL Server Express Clients?

Jan 22, 2007


Q1: Does Sql Server 2005 Express support Web/Internet to other SQL Server 2005 Express Clients or does it have to Synch across the internet to a fully installed setup SQL Server 2005 with IIS?

Q2: Does SQL Server 2005 Express support Direct Replication between other SQL Server 2005 Express clients?


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SQL Server 2005 Express Edition With SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE)

Jun 7, 2007

Hi all,

I have installed SQL server 2005 express edition with SQL server Management studio express (SSMSE).

I have installed also SQLce and I would know how I can manage sql compact edition databases (.ldf) with sql SSMSE, if it is possible!

I would be grateful if you could explain it trought a detailed guide (I am a beginner user of sql server tools) or trought a link to useful sites.

I'm Looking forward for your reply and still trying...


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SQL Server Express Utility: How Can I Install SSEUtil.exe In My PC? How Can I Use It To Interact With SQL Server Express?

Nov 12, 2007

Hi all,

I downloaded the SSEUtilSetup.EXE and extracted the SSEUtil.exe to a folder of C:drive of my PC that is Windows XP Pro. I plan to learn the CLR programming via user-instance of SQL Server Express. I need to have SQL Server Express Utility installed. Please help and tell me how I can install SSEUtil.exe in my PC and how I use it to interact with SQL Server Express.

Scott Chang

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Configuring 2GB RAM For SQL

Oct 30, 1998

Dear all

Problem and symptoms

We have recently added 1GB Ram to our systems and now we are trying to optimally configure 2GB of RAM for SS6.5 SP4 and we are getting the fllowing error INFREQUENTLY

"Not enough memory for pss allocation"

We have to restart the SQL server/ (recover databases) to get out of this. Since it is a heavily loaded production environment you can imagine the impact!!.


OS-- NT4/sp3
H/W -- Dual Processor Alpha 4100
MEM -- 2GB
SQL PArameters:
Worker Threads -- 255
Proc cache -- 12%

Work done so far

There is a recommendation to reduce the memory or stack size parameters ref:Q160683!!


1. I would like to know if anyone has got around a similar problem, and how. 2. As in NT Virtual Memory Manager AUTOMATICALLY brokers the allocation of physical memory between the requesting applications (e.g. sqlsrvr.exe) and the page file and no application can write directly to RAM, what does the memory parameter in SQL config control? Also then how is the above KB article relevant?

I look forward to your response

Thanks and regards


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Configuring SQL Cache

Apr 25, 2007

Hi all,
     I have a question regarding SQL caching.
     I want to use SQL caching for my pages.I've gone through article on msdn, where in step by step procedure is explained for this. But I have a slightly different situation. In the article, we need to configure our application from web.config by following...
<!-- caching section group --><caching>  <sqlCacheDependency enabled = "true" pollTime = "1000" >    <databases>      <add name="Northwind"          connectionStringName="NorthwindConnectionString1"         pollTime = "1000"      />    </databases>  </sqlCacheDependency></caching>
Where in "NorthwindConnectionString1" is the SQLdatasource connection string. But I'm not using SQLDatasource, and have my own classes to build a connection datasource and get a dataset, and then bind it to my control.So in this case what should I write for the above "connectionstring"  attribute. My connection string is in web.config only with a section defined. and in my application i'm reading from web.fing only.The connection section i'm using is as follows...
<add key="ConnString" value="server=serverName;database=dbName;uid=dbuser;Pwd=password"/>
I want to know how to configure my sql cache in this situation.
Mehul Mistry

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Configuring SQL Datasource

May 29, 2008

When I try to configure a SQL datasource and I use a Microsoft SQL Server datasource I get a blank drop down list for server name.  My aspnetdb is available in SQL Server 2005 and I can log into it through management studio, and the service is started.  I am also using Vista Ultimate.
Is there any other configuration I need to do for Visual Studio 2008 to see the SQL Server instance?

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Configuring SQL Mail - Help Please

Jun 18, 2001

Hi all,
I want to configure my SQL mail. I am able to configure SQL mail when i run the SQLAgent and SQL Server services under domain account for which Mail box was created in MS Exchange server. Also it works fine. But i want to Configure SQL mail without using Domain account (dont want to run services under domain account due to security reasons).

Anybody know how to Configure SQL mail without using domain account or is it possible to configure like that? Your suggestions are highly appreciated.
thanks in advance.

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