Need Help Posting To Sql Table With A Sproc

Jan 4, 2005

To all,

Here's the error:

Input string was not in a correct format.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

Source Error:

Line 159:

Line 160:objConn.Open()

Line 161:objCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

Line 162:objConn.Close()

Line 163:

Source File: C:FullerAviationSupplymanagecatalog.vb Line: 161

Stack Trace:

[FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.]

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) +723

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +194

managecatalog.SubmitProd(Object s, EventArgs e) in C:FullerAviationSupplymanagecatalog.vb:161

System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +108

System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +57

System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +18

System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33

System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +1277


Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573

Here's the code from my vb file:

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init

'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer

'Do not modify it using the code editor.


End Sub

#End Region

Protected WithEvents dgProductCatalog As datagrid

Protected WithEvents tbxProductName As TextBox

Protected WithEvents tbxInventory As TextBox

Protected WithEvents dgCatProd_Active As DropDownList

Protected WithEvents dlvendor As DropDownList

Protected WithEvents dlSubcat As DropDownList

Protected WithEvents btnLinkvend As Button

Protected WithEvents tbxshortdesc As TextBox

Protected WithEvents tbxlongdesc As TextBox

Protected WithEvents qtyPA As TextBox

Protected WithEvents pricePA As TextBox

Protected WithEvents qtyPB As TextBox

Protected WithEvents pricePB As TextBox

Protected WithEvents qtyPC As TextBox

Protected WithEvents pricePC As TextBox

Protected WithEvents sizeX As TextBox

Protected WithEvents dlX As DropDownList

Protected WithEvents sizeY As TextBox

Protected WithEvents dlY As DropDownList

Protected WithEvents sizeZ As TextBox

Protected WithEvents dlZ As DropDownList

Protected WithEvents weight As TextBox

Protected WithEvents dlweight As DropDownList

Protected WithEvents dgInsertProduct As Button

Protected WithEvents thumbfile As TextBox

Protected WithEvents mainfile As TextBox

Dim objDA As SqlDataAdapter

Dim objDS As New DataSet()

Dim objDX As New DataSet()

Dim objDV As New DataSet()

Dim objDU As New DAtaSet()

Dim objDW As New DAtaSet()

Dim objDT As DataTable

Dim objDR As DataRow

Dim objConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConStr)

Sub Page_Load()

If Not IsPostBack Then


End IF

End Sub

Sub BindData()

objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETCATALOG",objConn)

objDA.Fill(objDS, "MainCatalog")

objDT = objDS.Tables("Catalog")

dgProductCatalog.DataSource = objDS


objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETSUBCAT",objConn)

objDA.Fill(objDX, "SubCat")

dlSubcat.DataSource = objDX

dlSubcat.DataValueField = "SubCat_ID"

dlSubcat.DataTextField = "SubCat_Name"


objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETVENDOR",objConn)

objDA.Fill(objDV, "Vendor")

dlvendor.DataSource = objDV

dlvendor.DataValueField = "VendorID"

dlvendor.DataTextField = "CompanyName"


objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETSIZEUNITS",objConn)

objDA.Fill(objDU, "Units")

dlX.DataSource = objDU

dlX.DataValueField = "Size_ID"

dlX.DataTextField = "Size_Unit"


dlY.DataSource = objDU

dlY.DataValueField = "Size_ID"

dlY.DataTextField = "Size_Unit"


dlZ.DataSource = objDU

dlZ.DataValueField = "Size_ID"

dlZ.DataTextField = "Size_Unit"


objDA = New SqlDataAdapter("GETWEIGHTUNITS",objConn)

objDA.Fill(objDW, "Units")

dlweight.DataSource = objDW

dlweight.DataValueField = "weight_unitID"

dlweight.DataTextField = "weight_Unit"


End Sub

Sub SubmitProd(s As Object, e As EventArgs)

Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand("INSERTPRODUCT", objConn)

objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@prodName", tbxProductName.Text)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@descShort", tbxshortdesc.Text)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@descLong", tbxlongdesc.Text)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@qtyPA", ).Value = qtyPA.Text

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@qtyPB", ).Value = qtyPB.Text

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@qtyPC", ).Value = qtyPC.Text

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@pricePA", = pricePA.Text

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@pricePB", = pricePB.Text

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@pricePC", = pricePC.Text

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@vendorID", dlvendor.SelectedItem.Value)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@inventoryAvail", = tbxInventory.Text

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@imageThumb", thumbfile.Text)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@imageLarge", mainfile.Text)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeX", sizeX.Text)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeY", sizeY.Text)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeZ", sizeZ.Text)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeUX", dlX.SelectedItem.Value)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeUY", dlY.SelectedItem.Value)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@sizeUZ", dlZ.SelectedItem.Value)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@weight", weight.Text)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@prodActive", dgCatProd_Active.SelectedItem.Value)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@weightU", dlweight.SelectedItem.Value)

objCmd.Parameters.Add("@SubCat_ID", dlSubcat.SelectedItem.Value)


















End Sub

And here's the Stored Procedure:



@prodName nvarchar(50),

@descShort nvarchar(3000),

@descLong nvarchar(4000),

@qtyPA int,

@qtyPB int,

@qtyPC int,

@pricePA money,

@pricePB money,

@pricePC money,

@vendorID int,

@inventoryAvail int,

@imageThumb nvarchar,

@imageLarge nvarchar,

@sizeX nvarchar,

@sizeY nvarchar,

@sizeZ nvarchar,

@sizeUX int,

@sizeUY int,

@sizeUZ int,

@weight nvarchar,

@prodActive int,

@weightU int,

@SubCat_ID int



INSERT INTO ProductCatalog (ProductName, Desc_Short, Desc_Long, qty_PerA, qty_PerB, qty_PerC, Price_PerA, Price_PerB, Price_PerC, VendorID, InventoryAvail, image_Thumb, image_Large, Size_X, Size_Y, Size_Z, SizeUnit_X, SizeUnit_Y, SizeUnit_Z, weight, Prod_Active, weight_unit, SubCat_ID) VALUES (@prodName, @descShort, @descLong, @qtyPA, @qtyPB, @qtyPC, @pricePA, @pricePB, @pricePC, @vendorID, @inventoryAvail, @imageThumb, @imageLarge, @sizeX, @sizeY, @sizeZ, @sizeUX, @sizeUY, @sizeUZ, @weight, @prodActive, @weightU, @SubCat_ID)


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



View 2 Replies


SQL 2005 -- Export Table To A Fixed Width Flat File -- Posting Again

Dec 7, 2006

I am sorry, I am posting this message again, since I did not get anyreply.I want to export a table into a "fixed width" file using SQL 2005import export wizard.This is the version I have:SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00For some reason it joins all the rows together. For EX: if the tableis like this:Create table Mytable (col1 varchar(50) null, col2 varchar(60) null,col3 varchar (100) Null)Insert into MyTable values ("abcdef", "12345", "8900")Insert into MyTable values ("xxxxxxx", "11111111", "22222222")Insert into MyTable values ("yyyyyyyyy", "5555555555555555","6666666666")Insert into MyTable values ("abcdef", "12345", "8900")Insert into MyTable values ("xxxxxxx", "11111111", "22222222")Insert into MyTable values ("yyyyyyyyy", "5555555555555555","6666666666")It is not exporting every row in a single line. Actually if I open itin "Ultra Edit", it is all in one line.I used to do this regularly with SQL 2000 import export wizard and itexported every row in one line.I looked at the setting:The header row delimiter has {CR}{LF}Code page has 1252 Ansi-Latin.In the Advanced tab:String:dt_str.I tried changing the header row delimiter to just {CR} or just {LF}.Also I tried changing the string to dt_text and nothing seems to help.Please help.Thank you

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Posting A Query?

Nov 15, 2007

Its very difficulty to find the link to post query...
In this forums site...pls tell me the location...where can I find the link to post a query...

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Posting Stopped ?!?!

Mar 31, 2004

It appears that posting of messages has stopped for at least an hour. I've never seen that happen in this forum during US daytime hours!


View 4 Replies View Related

Why Has This Connect Posting Been Set To [Won't Fix]?

Jun 29, 2007

I have a connect posting here: that has been set to Resolved (Won't fix). I'm very annoyed about that for starters because its something that is EASILY fixed but what's even worse is that there is no explanation as to WHY it has been set to this.

I have complained voraciously about the lack of feedback on Connect postings in the past, and to be fair it has improved, but this is going back to the bad old days.

Why has this been set to "Won't fix"?


[Microsoft follow-up]

View 3 Replies View Related

When A Sproc Or Table Was Last Used

Sep 21, 2005

How can I determine when a sproc or table was last used?
I suspect that I have many obsolete tables and sprocs in my database but how can I find out for sure??

View 5 Replies View Related

Helpful Blogs - Take A Look Before Posting

Aug 29, 2007

I think we could solve quite a few questions much faster by posting helpful blogs here.
Some questions are asked over and over and the answer is typically: see this blog. People simply don't know it's out there.

So, if you are the author of a useful Reporting Services blog, or have found a Reporting Services blog particularly helpful, please post it here (keep it strictly to links that you feel solve a large number of RS questions).

If you would, also provide a short description as to the content of the blog.

I'll start with these:

Session Timeouts --
SSRS Setup --
Complex SQL Issues --

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Using A Table As SProc Parameters

May 2, 2005

Okay, here's the scenario....

I have a bunch of un-related tables that I need to make relational.

I have a bunch of SProcs set up to help with the relating of the tables but I need the quickest way to get the values from the tables and into the SProcs.

Currently, I'm using .NET to cycle through the necessary tables, sending in their values into the SProcs, one at a time.

I'd like to have some SQL-ized way to do this so I can just make another step in my DTS package that already copies over the un-related tables from DB2.

What I'd imagine the code to look like would be something like...


I know, now, that it's not as easy as that but I'm thinking there MUST be a way - even if it requires creating a new SProc.

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Sproc Update From Other Table

Apr 7, 2008

I've got 2 tables
Table_A with 2 fields: ThreadID & Rating

This Table is updated as users rate forum threads.

Then I have Table_B which should display the some info in a Gridview
Table_B has 3 fields: Name, ID and Score

I want the Rating from Table_A to update to Table_B's Score Field.

I suppose I should write a sproc to do this, but I am not quite sure how;
This is what I would like the sproc to do...

Update Table_B
SET Score = Table_A.Rating WHERE ID = Table_A.ThreadID

Any help on this...or is there a should I not use a sproc. do I get the sproc to update the table automatically (without me running the sproc manually)?

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Posting An Image To SQL Server 2005

Jun 22, 2007

Hello Everyone I am trying to write image files to sql server using the following code. I have recieved the following error message
Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Byte[].  Please help.  I am sure it is a problem gathering the iostream.  I am not very familiar.  Any help is gretaly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Here is the code:
'Dim User As MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser(CreateUserWizard1.UserName)
'Dim t As TextBox = DirectCast(FormView1.FindControl("aspnet_UserID"), TextBox)Dim objConn As SqlConnection
Dim objCom As SqlCommand
If Me.FileUpload1.HasFile Then
Dim fileExtension As String
Dim fileOK As Boolean = False
fileExtension = System.IO.Path. _
GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToLower()Dim allowedExtensions As String() = _
{".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".mwv"}For i As Integer = 0 To allowedExtensions.Length - 1
If fileExtension = allowedExtensions(i) Then
fileOK = True
End If
'TryDim imagestream As System.IO.Stream = FileUpload1.FileContent
Dim data() As ByteReDim data(imagestream.Length - 1)
imagestream.Read(data, 0, imagestream.Length)
imagestream.Close()objConn = New SqlConnection(strNewConnection)
objCom = New SqlCommand("insert into ProfileImagesAndDocs(aspnet_userid,img_name,img_data,img_contenttype)values(@aspnet_userid,@imagename,@Picture,@CategoryName)", objConn)
'this is the aspnet_useridDim useridparameter As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@aspnet_userid", SqlDbType.VarChar)useridparameter.Value = Me.aspnet_userid.Text
'This is the image name Dim imagenameparameter As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@imagename", SqlDbType.VarChar)imagenameparameter.Value = Me.FileUpload1.FileName
'this is the picture dataDim pictureParameter As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Picture", SqlDbType.Image)
pictureParameter.Value = data
'this is the profile area or category i.e. video introDim categorynameParameter As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@CategoryName", SqlDbType.VarChar)
pictureParameter.Value = "IntroVideo"
Label1.Text = "File uploaded!"
'Catch ex As Exception
Label1.Text = "File could not be uploaded."
End If

View 2 Replies View Related

How To Call A Sproc From Within A UDF That Returns A Table?

Oct 5, 2007

Hi. This is a SQL question.
I am trying to wrap a stored procedure with a UDF so I can do selects against the result. The following doesn't work, but is it possible to do something like:
Create Function test()returns @tmp table ( myfield int)asbegin  insert into @tmp (field1)    Exec dbo.MySprocWhichRequires3ParmsAndReturnsATable 5, 6, 10 output  returnend

View 1 Replies View Related

Rebuild Table Daily (sproc)

Dec 12, 2007

My goal is to recreate a table daily so that the data is updated.  This could be a bad decision performance-wise, but I felt this was simpler than running a daily update statement.  I created a stored procedure:SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_CreatetblImprintPhrase


DROP TABLE tblImprintPhrase


CREATE TABLE tblImprintPhrase
CustID char(12),
CustName varchar(40),
TranNoRel char(15)
GO However, I was looking to edit the stored procedure, changing CREATE to ALTER, but when I do so, I am prompted with: Error 170: Line 2: Incorrect syntax near "(". If I change back to CREATE, the error goes away, but the sproc cannot be run because it already exists. Any thoughts?   

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Update Column Of A Table With A Sproc

Jun 10, 2008

I have a table with this structure

ID | Ticker
1330 |AAB-Bank
1336 |AEGON
1367 |ALZSE
1420 |ASSGEN
2812 |AVLN

I have a sproc called usp_validTicker that will take 2 parameters: ticker and date. It will return the valid ticker for that date.
I like to have the sproc going through each ticker in the table and return the valid tickers.

For example
exec usp_validTicker 'AAB-Bank','2008-6-10' will return 'AAB' and my final table will be

ID | Ticker
1330 |AAB
1336 |AEGON
1367 |ALZSE
1420 |ASSGEN
2812 |AVLN

View 13 Replies View Related

Is There Any Way In A Sproc To LOOP Thru The Records Of A Table ?

Sep 21, 2005

Hi. It seems to be very simple, actually, but I don't know if it isfeasible in TSQL. I have a sproc which gathers in one place many callsto different other sprocs, all of them taking a 'StoreGroupe'parameter. I would like to add a case where if the call has NOStoreGroupe parameter, the sproc should LOOP thru all records in tableStoreGroupeTable, read the column StoreCode, and pass that value as aparam to the other sprocs, as in:CREATE PROCEDURE MySproc(@StoreGroupe nvarchar(6) = NULL)ASif (@StoreGroupe is not null)BeginExec _Sproc1 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc2 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc3 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc4 @StoreGroupe...............EndElseBeginA 'Group Code' has NOT been specifiedI want to take all the StoreGroups in tableStoreGroupeTable, in turn.I would like to do SOMETHING LIKE THIS:Do While not [StoreGroupeTable].EOFRead [Code] from [StoreGroupeTable]Set @StoreGroupe = The value I just readExec _Sproc1 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc2 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc3 @StoreGroupeExec _Sproc4 @StoreGroupe...............LoopEndGOIs that feasible in a sproc, or do I have to do this in the client(ADO) ?Thanks a lot.Alex.

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Write Sproc Recordset Into A Temp Table

Jul 12, 2006

I need to call a sproc about 1000 times and build a table from all the results.

How do I write an insert statement that will take the recordsets from the sproc and put it into a temp table?

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TRUNCATE TABLE In A Sproc W/locked-down User

Sep 18, 2006

Hullo folks, I'm having what I assume is a fairly mundane security issue.

I have a SQL login that I am trying to restrict as much as possible. This account's sole goal in life is to hit the server, return some usage statistics, then truncate the table it received the statistics from. I would like to refrain from granting this login permissions on the physical target table if possible.

Usually I can wrap up "protected" operations in a stored procedure, then grant exec permissions for my user and I'm good to go. However, TRUNCATE TABLE gets cranky with me when I attempt the above method. I suspect that has to do with the fact that TRUNCATE TABLE is effectively modifying the table itself as opposed to merely deleting data.

Is it possible to grant this login ONLY execute permission on a stored proc that TRUNCATE's tables without giving the user any physical permissions? Am I going about this the wrong way?

View 7 Replies View Related

Exec Sproc (sprocname Store In The Table)

May 22, 2008


I'm trying to capture the value returned from sprocs. I stored the sproc name in the table and use cursor to run each sproc. Now the question is how can I capture and store the return value in a variable?

Here is the scenario:

Table1 has 1 column varchar(50) called vchsprocname
count_A -- procedure, select count(*) from ...
count_B -- procedure, select count(*) from ...
count_C -- procedure, select count(*) from ...

here is my query:
DECLARE @vchsprocname varchar(50)
DECLARE @count int

SELECT vchsprocname from table1

OPEN cur
into @vchsprocname


exec @count = @vchsprocname -- I know I cannot do this, the vchsprocname cannot be variable. What else can I do?

into @vchsprocname


View 7 Replies View Related

Inserting Data Returned From A Sproc Into A Table

Apr 12, 2006

i am writing a sproc that calls another sproc. this 2nd sproc returns 3 or 4 rows. i want to be able to insert these rows into a table. this sproc is inside a cursor, as i have to call it many times.

how do i insert the rows that it returns into another table??

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Help On Execute Proces Task --posting Secoind Time

Feb 20, 2008


I have a batch file which is located in different server. When I try to execute in BIDS it is running fine. But when I execute as SQL agent job it is not executing.

In the execute process task under executable I have supplied the batch file path . For example \

It is executing fine when I execute this in BIDS supplying the above path under executable. But when I run this as SQL agent job it keeps on running and does not end and it is doing anything.

Do I need to mention any cmd.exe file under executable and give the path under arguments tab?

Any help is appreciated.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Outputting Sproc Result Set To A New Physical Table

Aug 3, 2015

I need to output a sproc into a new physical table, so the column definitions match the output.

Select Into DbName.NewTableName
Followed by an
Insert Into DbName.NewTableName
From (SprocNameHere),

View 9 Replies View Related

Loop Through Temp Table / Call Sproc / Do Updates

Mar 5, 2015

I'm trying to do something like this:

Loop through #Temp_1
-Execute Sproc_ABC passing in #Temp_1.Field_TUV as parameter
-Store result set of Sproc_ABC into #Temp_2
-Update #Temp_1 SET #Temp_1.Field_XYZ= #Temp_2.Field_XYZ
End Loop

It appears scary from a performance standpoint, but I'm not sure there's a way around it. I have little experience with loops and cursors in SQL. What would such code look like? And is there a preferable way (assuming I have to call Sproc_ABC using Field_TUV to get the new value for Field_XYZ?

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How Do I Prevent SQL 2000 From Posting This Message To The Event Viewer - Application Log

Sep 12, 2005

How do I prevent SQL Server 2000 from posting successful backupcompletion messages to the Windows 2000 Application Event Log?I have scheduled jobs which backup my transaction logs on 50+ databasesand it always writes to the Windows 2000 application event log uponcompletion.Due to the frequency of the jobs it only takes a day for theApplication Log to fill up, which is causing other jobs to get hung upwhen trying to write to it. On my Windows 2000 server, I have theapplication log event viewer setting correctly set as:"When maximum log size is reached - Overwrite events as needed" but forsome reason this setting no longer applies like it did for the pastthree years. SQLServerAgent and MSSQLSERVER both run under a localAdmin account, without a domain.When I researched how prevent SQL Server from logging this type ofmessage, I found that I can use sp_update_alert to disable thismessage, but I cannot findthe message_id to correctly disable this message. In sysmessages, themessage I am trying to suppress iserror:18265severity:10dlevel:128description:Log backed up: Database:%1, creation date(time): %2(%3), first LSN: %4, last LSN: %5, number ofdump devices: %7!d!, device information: (%8).mslangid:1033I tried calling sp_update_alert as follows:exec sp_update_alert @name = 'Log backed up: Database: %1, creationdate(time): %2(%3), first LSN: %4, last LSN: %5, number of dumpdevices: %7!d!, device information: (%8).', @enabled = 0but got the error message:Server: Msg 14262, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_update_alert, Line105The specified @name ('Log backed up: Database: %1, creation date(time):%2(%3), first LSN: %4, last LSN: %5, number of dump devices: %7!d!,device inf') does not exist.Looks like it can only handle 128 characters.How can I disable this message from being logged in the ApplicationLog? Or alternatively, how can I get the event viewer to behave asexpected and"Overwrite events as needed"?Thanks,Mike Orlando

View 9 Replies View Related

SQLDataSource Cntrl - FormView Cntrl - UPD Sproc And Sproc Debugger. I Dare Anyone To Figure This One Out.

Feb 13, 2007

I have attached the results of checking an Update sproc in the Sql database, within VSS, for a misbehaving SqlDataSource control in an web application, that keeps telling me that I have too many aurguments in my sproc compared to what's defined for parameters in my SQLdatasource control.....
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Running [dbo].[sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata]
( @ME_Rev_Nbr = 570858
, @A1 = No
, @A2 = No
, @A5 = NA
, @A6 = NA
, @A7 = NA
, @SectionA_Comments = none
, @B1 = No
, @B2 = Yes
, @B3 = NA
, @B4 = NA
, @B5 = Yes
, @B6 = No
, @B7 = Yes
, @SectionB_Comments = none
, @EI_1 = N/A
, @EI_2 = N/A
, @UI_1 = N/A
, @UI_2 = N/A
, @HH_1 = N/A
, @HH_2 = N/A
, @SHEL_1 = 363-030
, @SHEL_2 = N/A
, @SUA_1 = N/A, @SUA_2 = N/A
, @Cert_Period = 10/1/06 - 12/31/06
, @CR_Rev_Completed = Y ).
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Finished running [dbo].[sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata].
The program 'SQL Debugger: T-SQL' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
And yet every time I try to update the record in the formview online... I get
Procedure or function sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata has too many arguments specified.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or function sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata has too many arguments specified.Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
I have gone through the page code with a fine tooth comb as well as the sproc itself. I have tried everything I can think of, including creating a new page and resetting the fields, in case something got broken that I can't see.
Does anyone have any tips or tricks or info that might help me?

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Why Don't You Guys Provide A Way To Find Out The Dependancies Of Any Object (SProc, Table, View And Etc...) Within SQL Server...

Nov 15, 2007

Why don't you folks (SQL SERVER Management Studio Team or SQL SERVER Database Engine Team) provide an option by using which I would be in a position to know what all the other objects are depended on a selected object and vice versa. That means:

When I select a Table within the SQL SERVER Management Studio if there is an option for understanding "Which all the objects (tables or views) it is depended on (I mean Foreign key and etc... kind of relations) and also Which all the objects (Tables, Views, Stored Procedures and etc...) are using this table", It would be of great help for all developers.

I can be contacted over


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EXEC Of A Sproc Within Another Sproc

Apr 23, 2004

I'm sorta new with using stored procedures and I'm at a loss of how to achieve my desired result.

What I am trying to do is retrieve a value from a table before it is updated and then use this original value to update another table. If I execute the first called sproc in query analyzer it does return the value I'm looking for, but I'm not really sure how to capture the returned value. Also, is there a more direct way to do this?


Sproc that is called from ASP.NET:

@EntryLogID int,
@ProjectID int,
@NewCategoryID int,
@Expended decimal(10,2)
DECLARE@OldCategoryID int

EXEC @OldCategoryID = BP_GetLedgerCategory @EntryLogID

ProjectID = @ProjectID,
CategoryID = @NewCategoryID,
Expended = @Expended

EntryLogID = @EntryLogID

EXEC BP_UpdateCategories @ProjectID, @NewCategoryID, @Expended, @OldCategoryID

Called Sprocs:

@EntryLogID int

FROM BP_EntryLog
WHERE EntryLogID = @EntryLogID


@ProjectID int,
@NewCategoryID int,
@Expended decimal(10,2),
@OldCategoryID int

SET CatExpended = CatExpended + @Expended
ProjectID = @ProjectID
CategoryID = @NewCategoryID

SET CatExpended = CatExpended - @Expended
ProjectID = @ProjectID
CategoryID = @OldCategoryID

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Exec Sproc In Sproc

Jan 20, 2004

create procedure dbo.GetZipID( @City varchar(30), @State char(2), @Zip5 char(6))
DECLARE @CityID integer
declare @StateID integer
declare @ZipID integer
set @ZipID=2
set @Zip5=lTrim(@Zip5)
if @Zip5<>''
SET @ZIPID = (select Min(lngZipCodeID) AS ZipID from ZipCodes where strZipCode=@Zip5)
if @ZipID is null
set @CityID= EXEC GetCityID(@City);
set @StateID= EXEC GetStateID(@State);
insert into ZipCodes(strZipCode,lngStateID,lngCityID) values(@Zip5,@StateID,@CityID)
if @@ERROR = 0
SET @ZIPID = @@Identity
select @ZIPID

GetCityID and GetStateID are two stored procs, how do I execute those two stored procs
in the above stored proc? I mean what is the syntax??


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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Make Sproc Return Errors For Underlying Table Errors

Jul 1, 2015

I recently updated the datatype of a sproc parameter from bit to tinyint. When I executed the sproc with the updated parameters the sproc appeared to succeed and returned "1 row(s) affected" in the console. However, the update triggered by the sproc did not actually work.

The table column was a bit which only allows 0 or 1 and the sproc was passing a value of 2 so the table was rejecting this value. However, the sproc did not return an error and appeared to return success. So is there a way to configure the database or sproc to return an error message when this type of error occurs?

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Need Help With An Sproc

Jan 25, 2008

This sproc seems to be way over my head. First off, let's start with the scenario. I have two tables. tblInventory and tblTempCart. Each contain an ItemID and Quantity. I need an sproc that will loop through the rows in tblTempCart and sum the quantity of each ItemID. Then, it needs to update the quantity in tblInventory based on what has been ordered for that ItemID.
What I have tried thus far:
UPDATE      dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreInventory]SET               Quantity = Quantity -                            (SELECT      SUM(dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreTempCart].Quantity) AS Quantity                              FROM           dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreTempCart]                              WHERE       dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreTempCart].ItemID = dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreInventory].ItemID)
This works other than if the ItemID doesn't exist in tblTempCart, then it updates the quantity in tblInventory to NULL instead of retaining it's current value. I have no experience with looping in sql so any help will be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Sproc Help

May 2, 2008

I am trying to design a stored procedure to list out all of the unique software items that have been approved. There are multiple tables involved: CISSoftware, Software, Manufacturers, SoftwareTypes. Despite putting DISTINCT, I am still receiving rows of records where the software title (the title field) is a duplicate. Why is this query not working? Am I overlooking something?
  SELECT DISTINCT CISSoftware.SoftwareID, Software.Title, Manufacturers.ManufacturerID, Manufacturers.ManufacturerName, SoftwareTypes.SoftwareTypeID, SoftwareTypes.Type

FROM CISSoftware, Software, Manufacturers, SoftwareTypes

WHERE CISSoftware.SoftwareID = Software.SoftwareID

AND Software.ManufacturerID = Manufacturers.ManufacturerID

AND Software.SoftwareTypeID = SoftwareTypes.SoftwareTypeID

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Help On Using LIKE In Sproc

Apr 10, 2004

hi all,

I'm trying to learn using sproc in ASP.NET, but ran into problems I couldn't solve. Here're the details

My Table (JournalArticle)
ArticleID - int (PK)
ArticleTitle - varchar
ArticleContent - text

I could run a normal sql string against the table itself in ASP.NET and got the results I expect.
but when using a sproc, i couldn't get anything
The sproc

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_ArticleSearch(@srch text)
AS SELECT ArticleID, ArticleTitle, ArticleContent
FROM dbo.JournalArticle
WHERE (ArticleAbstract LIKE @srch)

After reading some of the threads here, I experimented by changing ArticleContent and @srch to type varchar, still no luck, it's not returning anything.
I think the problem is when i set the value of @srch (being new at this, I could be seriously wrong though), like this:

prmSearch.ParameterName = "@srch"
prmSearch.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Text
prmSearch.Value = Request.Form("txtSearch")

My original string looks like this

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM JournalArticle WHERE (ArticleContent LIKE '%" & Request.Form("txtSearch") & "%')"

What am I doing wrong?? Thanks in advance for any help.

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Sproc Seems To Run Twice Instead Of Once...

Dec 2, 2004

I have tried to mix this around every way I can think of but the procedure inserts two rows instead of one. You will notice that I specify two commands/sprocs. I did that as part of my trying everything. when it was one command/sproc it did the same thing... What am I doing wrong? Please Help! :)


CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_addMembershipRole
declare @literal NVarChar (10)
SET @literal = 'RTRListing'

INSERT INTO dbo.RTR_memberPermissions ([memberID], [Role])
VALUES (@INCID, @literal)

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Web.Security;

namespace admin
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for createMembership.
/// </summary>
public class createMembership : System.Web.UI.Page
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator Vusername;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator Vpassword;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator Vretype;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox username;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox password;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox retype;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label lblError;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label lblDate;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button btnAdd;

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if(! Page.IsPostBack)
string StrContactID = Request.QueryString["CID"].ToString();
Session["CID"]= StrContactID;

#region Web Form Designer generated code
override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
// CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.

/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
this.btnAdd.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnAdd_Click);
this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);


public void btnAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
int intContactID;
string StrCID = Session["CID"].ToString();
intContactID= Int32.Parse(StrCID);

if(password.Text != retype.Text)
lblError.Text = "Retyping of your desired password did not match. Please try again.";

string pwdSalt = CreateSalt(5);
string pwd = password.Text;
string pwdHash = CreatePasswordHash(pwd, pwdSalt);
string connStr= "server=****; uid=****; pwd=****; database=****";
string cmdStr= "sp_addMembershipUandP";
string cmd2Str= "sp_addMembershipRole";

SqlConnection CONN = new SqlConnection(connStr);

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdStr, CONN);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

SqlCommand cmd2= new SqlCommand(cmd2Str, CONN);
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

SqlParameter param;
param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
param.Value = username.Text;

param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@password", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
param.Value = pwdHash;

param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@salt", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
param.Value = pwdSalt;

param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@CID", SqlDbType.Int, 4);
param.Value = intContactID;

SqlParameter param2;
param2 = cmd2.Parameters.Add("@INCID", SqlDbType.Int, 4);
param2.Value = intContactID;



private static string CreateSalt(int size)
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] buff = new byte[size];
return Convert.ToBase64String(buff);
private static string CreatePasswordHash(string pwd, string salt)
string saltAndPwd = String.Concat(pwd, salt);
string hashedPwd = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(saltAndPwd, "SHA1");
return hashedPwd;

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Sproc In A Sproc

Jan 22, 2004

create procedure
GetAddress(@Addr1 varchar(40), @Addr2 varchar(40), @City varchar(30), @State char(2), @Zip5 char(6), @Zip4 smallint)
declare @ZipID integer
declare @AddrID integer
set @AddrID=1
if lTrim(@Addr1)<>''

EXEC @ZipID= dbo.GetZipID(@City,@State,@Zip5)

set @AddrID = (select Min(lngAddrID) from dbo.Addrs where lngZipCodeID=@ZipID and Address1=@Addr1 and Address2=@Addr2)

In the above sproc I m trying to call another sproc GetZipID . Its giving me an error stating that

"Incorrect syntax near @City. "

Can you help me out? The same syntax works for passing one variable but not for three.

FYI this is the other sproc

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetZipID(@City varchar(30), @State char(2), @Zip5 char(6))
DECLARE @CityID integer
DECLARE @StateID integer
DECLARE @ZipID integer

SET @ZipID=2
set @Zip5=lTrim(@Zip5)
if @Zip5<>''
SET @ZIPID = (select Min(lngZipCodeID) AS ZipID from ZipCodes where strZipCode=@Zip5)
if @ZipID is null

EXEC @CityID = dbo.GetCityID @City
EXEC @StateID = dbo.GetStateID @State

insert into ZipCodes(strZipCode,lngStateID,lngCityID) values(@Zip5,@StateID,@CityID)
if @@ERROR = 0
SET @ZIPID = @@Identity
Return @ZipID
print @ZIPID


Thx in advance

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Sproc This!

May 17, 2004

ha ha ,

havent used sql serv in years, and having trouble wit me sprocet! What devilish deed did i do?

Use Contacts

@entreddatetime= GETDATE(),


INSERT INTO [Contacts].[dbo].[Master](
[entered], [initials], [Vendor],
[CkNo], [expType], [ckDate], [ckAmt])


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