Need Opinions On Creating A Reporting Database More Efficiently

May 27, 2006

SQL Server 2000.
At my new employer they have a production database on one server and a copy of it that is set to read only on another server which is used for reporting.

They have an SQL Server Agent job on the production server that: (2 times a day)

Backs up the production database
Copies the backup file to a directory on the reporting server. (Its pretty big and can take time if there are problems with the LAN)

They have an SQL Server Agent job on the Reporting server that: (scheduled to run 2 hours or so after the job on server 1 has run€¦they figured that it would be a safe bet that the backup and copy process of the first job would be done by then)

Breaks the user connections to the reporting database
Performs a restore on the reporting database using the backup file that was copied to the holding directory by the production job.
Sets some permissions for various users.
Sets the reporting database to READ ONLY.
What I would like to do is find a more efficient way to create this reporting database, I have started doing research into DTS methods but would like some opinions from more experienced users.

Thank You,

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Efficiently Creating Random Numbers In Very Large Table

Jan 19, 2007


I need to sample data in a very large table in SQL Server 2000 (a gazillion rows of Performance Monitor statitics).

I'd like to take the top 5%, for instance, based upon a column containing random numbers.

Can anyone suggest a highly efficient method of populating a column with random numbers.

Thanks in advance.


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Opinions About Using Database Backup Agents?

Apr 14, 2000

Before I started with this employer the server support staff had planned a backup strategy that included using database agents for Oracle and SQL Server. Nothing is really set up yet for SQL Server so I can still change this direction. Has anyone seen a definite benefit to using database backup agents? If so, what benefits have you seen? There doesn't seem to be much value added by paying for and using an additional product when the database's own utilities are so easy to use, and all the backup files can be backed up to tape with the basic backup software. I've not worked with it, though, so perhaps I am missing something. These are small databases so space is not an issue. Any opinions/comments are appreciated.

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Creating A Database Copy For Reporting

Jan 22, 2008

Hi All,

What's the best mechanism for creating a reporting database? I have a Microsoft Dynamics ERP system that I'm using and all our reports are currently run of the live production database. I'd like to create a reporting database that has a relatively fresh copy of the live database to run reports off. It appears mirroring is the way to go, but I'd like to get recommendations from people on this.

Is there a good site that explains how to set this up? Any thing to watch out for?



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How Can L Rewrite This To Run Efficiently !!!!!!!!!!

Apr 18, 2002

How can l rewrite this and trim the code.

CREATE Procedure Disbursements_Cats
(@startdate datetime,
@enddate datetime)


SELECT Loan.loan_No AS Loan_No,
Loan.customer_No AS Customer_No,
Customer.first_name AS First_name,
Customer.second_name AS Second_name,
Customer.surname AS Surname,
Customer.initials AS Initials,
Bank.Bank_name AS Bank_name,
Branch.Branch_name AS Branch_name,
Branch.branch_code AS Branch_code ,
Bank_detail.bank_acc_type AS Bank_acc_type,
Transaction_Record.transaction_Amount AS Transaction_Amount,
Transaction_Record.transaction_Date AS Transaction_Date,
Loan.product AS Product,
Product.product_Type AS Product_Type,
Product_Type.loan_Type AS Loan_Type

FROM Transaction_Record INNER JOIN
Loan ON Transaction_Record.loan_No = Loan.loan_No INNER JOIN
Product ON Loan.product = Product.product INNER JOIN
Customer ON Loan.customer_No = Customer.customer_no INNER JOIN
Bank_detail ON Customer.customer_no = Bank_detail.customer_no INNER JOIN
Branch ON Bank_detail.Branch = Branch.Branch INNER JOIN
Bank ON Branch.Bank = Bank.Bank INNER JOIN
Product_Type ON Product.product_Type = Product_Type.product_Type


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Using Wildcards Efficiently With Equals Or LIKE

Jul 6, 2006

Is it possible to use wildcards with an equals statement? Such asSELECT * FROM Table WHERE City = '%' AND State='Ca'Bascially just stating where city equals anything...I know you can do it with a LIKE statement such as...SELECT * FROM Table WHERE City LIKE '%' AND State='Ca'but is that very efficient?The reason I want to do this is because I want to programmitcally set the city, so just ommiting it won't work
Also, using City LIKE '%' seems to not include there anywayto include NULL as well as anything else?
Thanks for your help!

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Rewrite A Query Efficiently

Mar 15, 2007

Is there a efficient way to write this query?

WHEN Population BETWEEN 0 AND 100 THEN '0-100' WHEN Population BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '101-1000' ELSE 'Greater than 1000' END AS Population_Range,
COUNT(CASE WHEN Population BETWEEN 0 AND 100 THEN '0-100' WHEN Population BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '101-1000' ELSE 'Greater than 1000' END) AS [No. Of Countries]
FROM Country
CASE WHEN Population BETWEEN 0 AND 100 THEN '0-100' WHEN Population BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '101-1000' ELSE 'Greater than 1000' END

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Ordering Records - Efficiently

Feb 8, 2008

I hope I explain this correctly...

I'm required to allow users to order items in a field to be displayed on a page in the order they specified.

For example: A user can drag and drop items in a list to specify the order it will be displayed in.

I have my drag and drop code ready to do this.
I have an idea on how to do this but I think it’s too inefficient.
I was going to create an orderby field and populate it with a number that corresponds to the position of the item. However, as one can deduce, if a user drags and drops a record between two others, I would have to change not only its orderby number but then change all the other items orderby number.

For instances if I dropped an item with an orderby number of 3 between 6 and 7 I would have to change the 3 to a 7 and then recursively change all the other records orderby numbers up to 3 and then change everything after 7.

Well, I hope I make sense. It’s easier to visualize it on paper.

Does anyone know how to tackle this issue of user dynamic ordering?

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Efficiently Joining Same Table Twice

Jul 23, 2005

My main table has the following structure:t1 (id_primary, id_secundary, name) i.e. [(1,1,"name1"), (2,1,"name2")]I want to join this table with the following second table:t2 (id_primary, id_secundary, value) i.e. [(1, NULL, "value1"),(NULL,1,"value2")]The join should first try to find a match on id_primary and only if thatfails it should find a match on id_secundary. Every row in t1 is matchedagainst a single row in t2.The following query, isnull(b.value, c.value)fromt1 a left outer join t2 b on a.id_primary = b.id_primaryleft outer join t2 c on a.id_secundary = c.id_secundaryI'm wondering though if it would be possible to write a query that only usest2 once, since it actualy is quite a complex query that is calculated twicenow. Any ideas (besides using a temp table)?

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Efficiently Supplying Xml Data For Treeview

May 16, 2008

I have an interesting problem:

I have an ASP.NET web application that uses a Treeview control to display what can potentially be a very large data set. In the past, I would just run a recursive stored procedure in my database that would output the XML which I would save to a file. The Treeview used the XML file as its data source. I did this because it can take so long for the stored procedure to run (10 seconds or more) that, it isn't practical to have the treeview point directly to the stored procedure. This worked well enough because the data didn't change very often.

Now, it looks as if the application will be used in a production environment, and I really need to find a way to supply up-to-date data to the treeview in a dynamic way. I have tried creating a view that would provide XML and that would be updated any time the target table is updated but, that has not worked. I have also tried creating a trigger that would output to an XML file any time an edit was made (using the xp_cmdshell functionality) but, that has proven difficult as well.

Is there a simpler solution that I am just missing? I just want an up-to-date XML representation of the data that is a result of a recursive function.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Way To Efficiently Make Test Data ?

Dec 26, 2006

We have a website that accesses our SQL databases. In the past, we used our internal employees to improve our SQL databases. However, we want to outsource the work.

There is a lot of information we would like to keep private from the outsourcing.

Is there a way to efficiently make test data throughout our database without changing our original database?
Is a way to easily update our database to the new changes?

I found this product through Google€¦ EMS Data Generator for SQL Server
Would this program help us make test data?

Thanks in advance

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Efficiently Searching Multiple Words In A String

Feb 15, 2008

 Hi,I'd be interested in people's thoughts about the following.  A user on my site will be searching for a venue name, and that could officially include a sponsor which the user might not search for.  Now I am using the AutoCompleteDropdown from the AJAX Control Toolkit, so the user will start typing in a few characters and the results will be returned. I can generate the results from sql by doing a simple LIKE '%' + @searchTerm + '%' however, this fills me with great fear of table scans. At the moment, we'd be querying against a table of 5K records, but our application is very new.I'm thinking one option is to split the words into another table - a one to many relationship to hold each word of the venue.  The benefit of this would be that you could do a:LIKE @term + '%'but then I have the cost of the join. (And the added complexity which is not a major issue)Any thoughts/tips?Thanks!   

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SQL 2012 :: How To Efficiently Downsize Some Unicode Fields

Oct 12, 2015

We have a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise live transactional database that is now growing over 1G per month and is becoming a size problem for us. It is currently at 23G. Character type fields are all Unicode and I have calculated a savings of 5G in space converting only 2 such fields averaging 206 characters each to non-Unicode, and almost 10G in space if we convert a few more of them from nchar and nvarchar to char and varchar types. These fields will never have a requirement to hold Unicode characters that cannot be in the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation as they come in as plain ASCII originally and will always do so per the protocol standard.

I’m the software architect and chief C# developer though only a DBA hack or I would not have designed our database to have Unicode fields for high volume tables that did not need Unicode for those fields when the database was created 3 years ago. I want to correct this mistake now before we finalize converting to an AlwaysOn environment to support with various performance and backup issues.

After downsizing these two or more fields, we would like to shrink the database one time to take advantage of the space savings for full backups, and for seeding an AlwaysOn environment.

1.What is the safest and most efficient conversion technique for downsizing columns from nchar/nvarchar to char/varchar types? Esp. when there are multiple fields in the same table to be converted. I tested doing an “add new column, set new=old, drop old, rename old to new” for both of the main two fields I want to convert from nvarchar(max) to varchar(max), and it took 81 minutes on our test server (4 virtual core, 8G memory) before running out of disk space even though there was 8G left on the disk, and the db has unlimited size set (Could not allocate space for object ''.'PK_xyz' in database 'xxx' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full). I did delete an old database before it finished after getting a disk warning so maybe it did not count that new space. Regardless it was too slow. And this was on just the two largest of these columns (12.6M rows) and only ran 2 to 3% CPU busy so seemed not very efficient, and indicated unacceptable downtime if we were to convert even these two fields much less any additional fields. Average field size for these two fields was only 206 characters or 412 bytes each. Another technique I plan to try is to create the new table def in a new schema, select into it from the old table, then move tables amongst schema and delete the old table. I have a FK and indexes to contend with on the table.

2.If I figure out how to do #1 efficiently within an acceptable maint window, what is the safest practice for doing a one-time shrink and end up with organized/rebuilt indexes and updated Statistics? I understand the logic of not doing regular shrinks and that sometimes it can actually increase the size.

3.Is there any third party tool that could take a backup and restore it into a new database with the modified field definitions or otherwise convert certain field types?

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Opinions On This Box, Please.

Nov 7, 2002

Hi all.
We are currently running SQL7 on an NT4 server (dual 800Mhz, 1GB RAM) and it is being pounded mercilessly 24/7!

We are currently in the market to upgrade, and I would like to get your opinions on this setup. Maybe some has experience with this box, or other issues in upgrading to a new OS and new version of SQL...

Compaq Proliant ML530

2 Xeon 2.8GHz/512KB with 400Mhz System Bus

2GB (4x512)

2 18.2GB U3 SCSI in Raid 1 (for Operating System)
3 72.8GB U3 SCSI in Raid 5 (for Backups/TLogs/OS Swap file)
4 36.4GB U3 SCSI in Raid 5 (for SQL data)

Operating System:
Windows 2000 Server

SQL Server:
MS SQL 2000 Standard Edition

Any thoughts/advice are appreciated. :)

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Opinions Please

Apr 21, 2004

Hi, I have probably exhusted the topic of shapes etc... but I am still having a hard time determining the best solution for my problem:

I have several products, each with several specific properties:

Double Tee
Width | Height |Flange | Leg | Count

Width | Height

Round Column

Now originally I wanted to create a scalable table structure, so with the help of several people on this site (and SQL Team) I have developed the following :
ShapeID | Shape | XSectionFormula
1 | Rect | Length X Width

fkShapeID | AttributeID | Attribute
1 | 1 | Length
1 | 2 | Width

ProductID | fkShapeID | Product
1 | 1 | Column

fkProductID | fkAttributeID | Value
1 | 1 | 10
1 | 1 | 10

From the above table structure I was able to select a product
and by obtaining the formula from the tbShape table, using a
cursor, replacing the Attribute names in the formula with the
attribute values from the tbProductAttributeValues table, using
dynamic SQL, I am able to determine the cross section of any
selected product.

The Problem now is, what if I need to apply different functions to
the data for any given product. This proves to be very difficult because
the attributes for the product are not necessarily consistent.

For Example, lets say the above was a slab 10 feet by 1 foot giving a cross section of 10 square feet. Because it is simple to get the cross sectional area, I can easily figure out the cubic feet of concrete used by multiplying the cross section by a length. But lets say the user want to get the cost / square foot? How is the application sure what attribute is the width of the product?

I guess what I am getting at is why the structure below is not any better then the one above?

CategoryID | Category

TemplateID | fkCategoryID | Template |

fkTemplateID | Width | Height | Flange | Avg. Leg Width | Leg Count

fkTemplateID | Width | Height

Now there would be a 1 - 1 relationship between the tbTemplates and tbDoubleTeeTemplates ON TemplateID - fkTemplateID. To add a new product, simple add the category, the new table, and then alter the Stored Procs which would use if() if else() statements based on the category to go to the appropriate template table.

Also, now I can write any customized functions for any product without the worry of user mispelling an attribute between the formula and attributes, etc...

Any opinions, thoughts on this would be appreciated!

Mike B

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Opinions On Unique IDs

May 13, 2004

I've always used the identity field in SQL server to maintain the unique id for a table. With the new DB design at work we brought in a dba and she made us move away from allowing SQL maintain the unique field and having us maintain the unique field in code. To do that we had to start a transaction, do a select max(id) + 1, insert into table, commit transaction. Doing it this way, I'm starting to see deadlocks due to the transactions locking the table.

Getting down to what I wanted to know, what is the pro's/con's you guys see in maintaining he unique ID this way and is there a better way of creating an unique id in T-SQL code?


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Getting The Word Out...opinions?

Nov 9, 2004

Hi all,

I took a search through the archives for related topics (and got Des in trouble along the way :( ) but couldn't find a directly related thread. If I missed one, feel free to tell me where to go ( that...only if I MISSED one!)

I wrote what is, essentially, a data verification stored proc that goes out to each of FOUR servers we have - each one running a mirror database. In a nutshell, there is one table that contains a row with a column in it that, if everything has gone well in the daily processing in all 4 databases, will match identically between all 4 DBs.

So, that said, here is the output: Job 'Index - Verify PortfolioIndex Across Servers' : Step 1, 'PortfolioIndex Check across all servers and portfolios' : Began Executing 2004-11-09 15:30:00

------------------- BEGINNING PortfolioIndex VERIFICATION -------------------- [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 2 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 3 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 11 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 67 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 72 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 84 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 90 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 92 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 100 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 105 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 110 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 115 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 120 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 125 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 130 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 135 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 140 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 145 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 150 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
WHOO-HOO!!! EVERYTHING MATCHES for porfolio number 155 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 160 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of 110.582 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of 110.582 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 1000 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of 189.623 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of 189.623 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 1001 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of 164.058 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of 164.058 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 1002 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of 255.978 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of 255.978 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 1003 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of 159.009 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of 159.009 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 1004 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of 318.981 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of 318.981 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 1005 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of 145.921 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of 145.921 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 1006 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of 141.035 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of 141.035 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 1007 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
UH-OH - TROUBLE!!! CloseIndex mismatch for porfolio number 1008 on 11/09/2004! [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TA1 shows an index of 123.179 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server TRADEANALYSIS shows an index of 123.179 [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE1 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
--> Server RECEIVE2 shows an index of NULL [SQLSTATE 01000]
------------------- COMPLETE -------------------- [SQLSTATE 01000]

This was cut-n-pasted here from a log file created by the actual SQL SERVER 2000 job created to run the afore-mentioned stored procedure.

After all quandry is this:

What is the best way to send this info out in an email format to interested parties? Currently I have the job send out an email notification on completion, but that still requires my lazy buttocks to go look at the log file in the job (or, more accurately, on the server in the logfile directory).

I want to get the actual DATA as shown above into the email.

As I see it, my options are:
(1) write the data out to a flat file during the run (or, as is done now, into a log file by the SQL Server scheduled job) and then attach that FILE to the email - this still requires my lazy buttocks to OPEN the attachment that comes with the email.
ro (2) write the message out a line at a time to a table with an IDENTITY column (used to order them on the select) and a VARCHAR(128) column that each line in the log would be written to. This option allows me to just do a SELECT in the call to xp_sendmail to get the data into the actual email...but I just really hate the idea of creating a permanent table for this cheesy solution.

I tried it with a temp table within my stored proc, but of course, when I made the call to xp_Sendmail, it can't see my temp table in order to select from (mind you, it's not that I mind USING a cheesy table, just that I don't want it to have a lifespan longer than the time I need to use it and toss it aside)

I know the common denominator here is "My Lazy Buttocks", but I really can't understate the laziness of my buttocks, so this is a valid concern ;)

Any thoughts? How do people get status messages like this into an email without using an attachment or a cheesy middleman table?

Sorry, as always, about the miniseries...just trying to set the mood before popping the question ;)

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I'd Like To Hear Your Opinions

Jul 30, 2007

I've a core component that is a Win32 DLL, this DLL implements some basic math calculations and conversions between several video systems.. PAL, NTSC and so on. Plus this DLL has a memory mapped file that stores a system value that is the current time of the day (House Clock), it is written by a service app and read by exernal apps that need this frame-accurate value.

I've the full control of the DLL and now I've to decide whether to use this DLL from SQLServer with P/Invoke or if it would be better to port this DLL to C#. Both solutions has pros and cons. (The DLL is written in delphi32 and cannot be easily ported)

- The most important pro is "code reuse"... sql implements the same math as applicstions and once the DLL is bug free, SQL math behaves the same as apps. No need to write code twice and so on.

- The most important con is about code security... not sure if an hard problem in the DLL may take down all the server, even if the situation is very unlikely to happen since the type of the DLL... but never to say...

I'd like to hear some comment from you...


« Ă— »

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Opinions Needed

Jan 24, 2007

I would like some opinions on how you would deal with the following scenario:

We probably have somewhere from 500 to 1000 reports (written in crystal). We also have about 120 clients; each client has their own database. One of the reasons for so many reports is because a lot of our customers want report A but with this or that extra column added so we end up with a lot of custom versions of one report for a particular client. My question is in converting over to Reporting Services, how would you setup the file structure?

Right now, we are thinking that every client is going to have their own folder which would contain all Reports, Models, and Datasources. What do you guys think?

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Duration Too Long (opinions)?

Sep 15, 2004

Hearing complaints from users about speed on db server (I have almost no control on design) it just has to work. Ran profiler looking for all sql statements over 4000 millsec and in one hour returned over 715 tsql statements. Over 300 of these were over 10000 milliseconds. THis is on an 8 way Dell with 8 gig of RAM. Looking for opinions, how bad does this look compared to other servers you are taking care of? Cache hit ratio is at 99 % and system queue length still under 1, but this does not look good.

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Opinions On SQL Server Hardware

Oct 8, 2007

Hi all,I was wondering if I could get some experienced opinions on SQL hardware torun an ERP app on SQL 2000. The app does not yet support SQL 2005. The ERPapp has 25 users and likely won't exceed 30 users for several years. Alltraffic is on the LAN. The ERP clients basically submit SQL requests forreads and writes. The app makes heavy use of temp tables, temp views butnot many stored procedures. The current size of the db is 6GB and willlikely double in 4 years.Planned server:Windows Server 20034 GB RAMSQL 2000 Standard (ERP app does not yet support SQL 2005)RAID1 for OSRAID 10 for SQL dataRAID1 for SQL logsRAID1 for temp dbDual, teamed NICsI would try to get 15K SCSI drives. Any thoughts on SATA instead of SCSI?Could I expect much of an impovement by using SQL 2000 Enterprise since itcan use more RAM? I would rather wait for SQL 2005 to be supported.Does anyone have a Dell or HP server configured in an email-able cart thatthey would care to share?Thank you.

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Opinions On ListCleaner ( WinPure ) ??

Jul 20, 2005

Anyone here tried ListCleaner by a company called WinPure (a data deduping software) incomparison to other products that may be out there? Looks like somecompanies like Hewlett Packard use this.I am looking for a good (and inexpensive) datacleansing tool to dedupeand standardise lists, happy to extract the data from database andre-import it (which seems WinPure does) before incorporating it intoother BI tools. Tried MatchIt from help it systems but it is a bitcumbersome.Particularly interested in a tool with a good phonetic matchingengine, that handles multiple lists.Mostly work with oracle, sql and access.Recommendations appreciatated.dbdb

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Opinions About Insertion Technique

Jul 20, 2005

Looking for some insight from the professionals about how they handlerow inserts. Specifically single row inserts through a storedprocedure versus bulk inserts.One argument are people who say all inserts (and updates and deletionsI guess) should go through stored procedures. The reasoning is thatthe developers that code the client side have no reason to understandHOW the data is stored, just that it is. Another problem is an insertthat deals with multiple tables. It would be very easy for thedeveloper to forget a step. That last point also applies to businesslogic. In my case, adding a security to our SecurityMaster can touch 1to 4 tables depending on the type of security. Also, certain fieldsare required while others are set to null for depending on the type.Because a stored procedure cannot be passed datasets but only scalarvalues, when you need to deal with multiple (i.e. bulk) rows you arestuck using cursors. This post is NOT about the pros and cons ofcursors. There are plenty of those on the boards (some of themprobably started by me and showing my understanding (or morecorrectly, lack of) of the way to do things). Stored procedures alsogive you the ability to abort and/or log inserts that cannot happenbecause of contraints and/or business rule failures.Another approach is to write code (not accessible from outside thedatabase) that handles bulk inserts. You would need to write in rulesto "extract" or "exclude" rows that do not match constraints orbusiness rules otherwise ALL the inserts would fail because of one badrow. I guess you could put the "potential" rows into a temp table.Apply your rules to the temp table and delete / move rows that wouldfail. Any rows left can that be bulk inserted. (You could also use therows that were moved to another temp table for logging why theyfailed.)So that leaves use with two possible ways to get data into the system.A single row based approach for client apps and a bulk based forinternal use. But that leaves use with another problem. You now havebusiness logic in TWO separate areas. You have to remember to modifycode or fix bugs in multiple locations.For those that are still reading my post, my question is...How do you handle this? What is the approach you take?

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Looking For Opinions.....want To Use SQL Server To Store Images

Apr 25, 2006

I have a client who wants to be able to upload images to his website for his customers to access.  It will probably max out at 100 images a not a huge amount of data.  I am using 2.0 and SQL Server 2005. 
Does anyone have thoughts or opinions on why I should or should not take this approach?

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Hard Drive Defragmentation Opinions

May 9, 2008

I'm wondering what other people do in regards to running hard drive defragmentation programs on SQL Server 2005 servers (assume 64-bit and Windows 2003). From what I can tell the most common opinions are:

1. Don't defragment because it doesn't help and it can cause problems.
2. Use Diskeeper
3. Use the built-in Windows defragmenter

Other respected defragmented programs are PerfectDisk, O&O Defrag, JkDefrag, and Contig.

What is your hard drive defragmentation strategy?

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Importing Excel File To SQL Server (Opinions Please)

May 18, 2005

Dear All,
I am writing a procedure to import daily the customer excel file to SQL server 2000, I managed to do that where the excel file will be imported directly to the SQL server after creating the new data table, & then I need to read the created table & import it row by row to my original data table.The problem:
I.        The original excel file has the following:a.       a protection passwordb.      The contents has two merged headers (which effecting the import procedure)c.       And last line is a totals line
Before importing the file I have manually to remove (a – b & c)!!
The Solution:
II.     I am trying to find a way to do the above points automatically inside the project.
III.   Also I thought of importing the excel file to a DataGrid first then:a.       Let the user approve the file contents &b.      Remove manually point (I.b.) above (I don’t now how yet, need to try it).c.       Then import the DataGrid the the SQL server.
I think I prefer solution (III), any suggestions are highly appreciated

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Server Hardware Opinions Please (Separate Db/iis Vs Same Machine)

Dec 16, 2005

Please help me decide what to do about my current hardware configuration.
I have an ASP.NET app that uses SQL Server for the database.  Currently both IIS and SQL are running on the same machine (see machine 1 below).  I want to separate it so that IIS and SQL each have their own machine but I have a very limited hardware budget right now.  I am trying to decide if it would be worth moving either IIS or SQL to another machine that we have, or if I would actually lose performance by doing so considering the extra machine I have is a bit outdated (see machine 2 below).
Should I leave well-enough alone or try to split it to these 2 machines I have. (buying new machines aren't an option right now although that's what I'd like to do).  I could probably afford a memory upgrade on one or both computers if necessary.
Machine 1Dual XEON 1.8 Ghz w/ 1G RAM
Machine 2P3 1.13 Ghz w/ 512K RAM

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Opinions Needed On AutoMate To Replace SQLAgent

Jan 25, 2005

We have been told by the director over the DBAs that we may be standardizing ALL scheduled jobs and tasks (including SQL jobs) onto 1 tool called AutoMate (by NetworkAutomation), although I suspect the decision has already been made. I've argued that a standard for batch jobs is good but SQL has a job scheduler designed for SQL and integrated with SQL that works extremely well, but don't think I'm getting through.
Has anyone used AutoMate as a replacement for SQLAgent? I am open to hearing both pros and cons please. Thank you.

Signed, Frustrated DBA

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Date Table In Data Warehouse? Opinions...

Jun 1, 2004

I'm reviewing a data warehouse design schema for a client that is following Kimball's data warehousing principles. One of the first things I noticed was a table of dates with expanded columns giving such information as the year, month, month name, fiscal year, quarter, etc for each date, They also have a surrogate key (int) for the date value. The fact tables store the surrogate key rather than the date value itself.
They were very surprised when I questioned the purpose of this table, assuring me that Kimball was very strong on the concept of having a date dimension for each table.
I don't see the purpose of a table containing nothing by derived date formats. I think they will get a bigger performance hit from having to link through the surrogate key than they would suffer from having to convert datevalues stored in the fact tables.
Has anybody else ever seen this before? Does Kimball really advise this?

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Creating Reporting Databases

Sep 11, 2002

I have a reporting server with 5 databases which are currently being updated via log shipping. These databases need to be (read) accessed by the users. All users have System Admin perms due in order to access the databases. I need to tighten security on the server and remove SA perms from the users. The largest database is about 8gb and is growing slowly. What is the best way to move the databases efficiently from the source server to the reporting server? The log shipped databases can't be backed up and restored due to the standby mode. DTS is an option but may pose time issues due to database size especially as the databases grow in the future. Replication is another option but i have heard it has alot of issues. Any help is welcome. Thanks.

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Creating A Form With Reporting Services

Sep 19, 2007

I'm trying to create a form with reporting services. Basically I am trying to draw this form using lines that has 2 columns down the page. The problem I have is the fields can grow on either side of the page, so the lines will not line up. I have tried putting this in a list box and then text boxes inside of these, but this will not work. I have not been able to get just the line to work because it doesn't grow with the list either. Has anyone else been able to design a form like this? Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!Thanks SQLNewbie1000

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Creating Subscriptions In Reporting Services

Mar 26, 2008


I am trying to create new subscription on on of my reports. but some reason when I right click on the subscription the create new subscription is disabled. I have same permissions on the other reports also but it is anabled. Is there any thing do I need to do to create new subscription. The data source on that report is shared.Please some body let me know. Thank you!

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Re-creating, The IIS Part Of Reporting Services 2005

Mar 14, 2007

Hi, i have a problem, i had an ASPX (ASP 2.0, VS2005) application installed on a 2003 server´s IIS, the application uses SQL server and reporting services, and it was installed and running smooth on the same server, a software provider came one day and for some reason uninstalled and then reinstalled my IIS instalation , the thing is that my reporting server stoped working because the reporting services Virtual Directories and Application Pools are gone, is there any way to recreate this part or is there a way to create it manualy, i tryed to uninstall reporting services in oreder to reinstall it but it doesn´t uninstall because it can not find the IIS entrys , please i need a solution for my problem, any help will be highly apreciated.

Amilkar Reyna

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