Need An Efficient Way To Repeat The Column Headers Of A Table

Dec 19, 2007

There are 2 tables

ID Name

1 Arun
2 B
3 C


PeopleID Address
1 Test Address A
1 Test Address B
1 Test Address C
2 Address A
3 Address1
3 Address2

Expected Result

ID Name Address1 Address2 Address3

1 Arun TestAdressA Test Address B Test Address C

2 B Address A

3 C Address1 Address2

Address columns repeated = max(count(Address)) for PeopleID

Help me on this!

I can do it through dynamic sql using Execute sp_executesql

Is there any workaround except this?

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Repeat A Table Column On Every New Physical Page

Mar 22, 2007


I wonder how and if this can be achieved:

In a tabular report I have one or more columns that need to be repeated on every new physical page when printed.

Viewing the report in the ReportViewer control allows such columns to be fixed using the "FixedHeader" switch, allowing the user to conveniently scroll the reports content while always having the fixed columns in sight. This is perfect. However, when switching to the Print Layout view or when printing the report, I would like to have these fixed columns be printed on every new page that is generated at the beginning of the table printed.

E.g. I have a report that has a huge number of columns that need to be shown. When printed, the columns need at least 6 pages' width. I would be very convenient if I could repeat e.g. the first column (containing some identificational information) on every of these 6 pages. It wouldn't hurt if e.g. 7 pages would be generated because of the repeated column(s).

Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot!


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How To Show A Line Between Table Column Headers And The Details

Jan 8, 2007

I am using table object to present report.

table row1 has all the column names and table row2 has the data.

How can i put a horizontal line between column names and the data rows.

Thank you very much.

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Table Column Headers Are Not Repeated On Each Page When A Row Spans Pages

Jul 5, 2007

If a single row of data spans a page then the column header is not repeated until the next row on the next page.

Is there a way to overcome this?

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Reporting Services :: Add A Variance Column Into SSRS Report Where Column Headers Are Non-static?

May 13, 2015

I am creating a report in SSRS which has the following criteria:

- Row 1 (parent) is 'Product'

- Row 2 (child) is  'Feed'

- Columns are date.  I have 5 dates showing at any one time across the top.  The date field is set up as a parameter so depending on the date the user selects, the report will show that date on the end column and then the 4 days prior to that in the other columns.   

 - Data is the number of records.

I have a sub total on the Product and the report is collapsed on Product as default.

What i'm stuck on is trying to insert a column at the very end that will show the variance between the last two dates.  So the difference between the date the user selected (@date parameter) and the day before that. 

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Finding Max/Min Value In A Column When Row Data Repeat

Feb 13, 2008

I have a table. In that table I have a list by student number that lists the entry dates into a particular grade. When trying to list only the first time entered, there is no unique way to identify one row from another other than the date. Is there a way to use max or min to only pull one date per student number? I have done a series of case when statements and I am able to get it down to 1 to 2 entries per student number, but I need to get it down to only 1 date per student number.

Thank you for your help



THEN er.enterdater


THEN ea.enterdatea


THEN ep.enterdatep

ELSE eb.enterdateb



END AS entrydate


dbo.v_EntryDate9_R AS er ON mx.stu_num = er.stu_num LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.v_EntryDate9_P AS ep ON mx.stu_num = ep.stu_num LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.v_EntryDate9_A AS ea ON mx.stu_num = ea.stu_num LEFT OUTER JOIN

dbo.v_EntryDate9_B AS eb ON mx.stu_num = eb.stu_num

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Transact SQL :: How To Repeat Rows Based On Column Value

Apr 30, 2015

I have a query that gives me a result with a column value for example 4.

I now want to repeat this row 4 times with a new column that calculated from 1 - 4.

Or when column value is 3 I want to repeat row 3 times with new column name 1-3

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Reporting Services :: How To Repeat Matrix Vertically When Grouped By Column

May 18, 2015

I am using ssrs 2012 using sql server 2012. I have grouped by project name in the header now it is repeating horizontally i need to repeat it by vertically using project name  grouped by column.

I need this like below :

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Reporting Services :: Row Heading Repeat In A Tablix With Column Grouped

Nov 30, 2015

We run 2014 enterprise.  I tried this with both table and matrix controls to no avail.

In the table scenario, I drag the table control over, instruct ssrs that a group name will go into column 1 and a sales figure in column2.  Then I highlight the sales figure cell,  add a column group on month number and generate my report off some june and july data.

ssrs understands that the months now expand horizontally but the rows alternate one with june filled in (blanks in july) and the next with july filled in for the same group name.  I believe I got all my sort by conditions set but am not sure. 

I tried all sorts of combos in the tablix and group properties before giving up.

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Getting Column Headers

Apr 12, 2006

Is there any way to retrieve the column header name along with your query data?

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Supressing Column Headers

Oct 27, 2005


Just curious if we can supress column headers in SQL Server..


create table Empmaster
empid int identity(1,1),
empname varchar(10),
empsalary numeric

insert Empmaster(empname,empsalary)values('Imran',5000)
insert Empmaster(empname,empsalary)values('Raja',5000)
insert Empmaster(empname,empsalary)values('Ram',8000)

Select empname, empsalary from Empmaster

would have a result set like (this is not an exact result from analyser)

empname empsalary
----------- ------------
Imran 5000
Raja 5000
Ram 8000

But I was wondering if I could somehow make it display

Imran 5000
Raja 5000
Ram 8000

I actually implementation of this is something vast, but I have illustrated a very simple example to explain what I want to achieve. Might seem a very simple 1 line solution, but I haven't been able to find it. .If ther is any documentation that might help please reply and point me to that..

thank you

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Column Headers For Matrix

Sep 26, 2007

I am developing a matrix report in SRS. In columns group there are several values. When report runs they apper in any order based on the first record in row group. I want colums to apeear in specific order all the time. For example the column sequence in one out put is Follwup 1, Initial , Followup 2. I want to column header to be in order of Initial, Folloup 1, Followup 2.
Can someone help?

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Column Headers At The Top Of The Page....?

Jul 23, 2007

I have a report looking something like this:

Field 1 Field 3 Field 5

RandomInfo1 RandomInfo1 RandomInfo1

RandomInfo2 RandomInfo2 RandomInfo2

Field 2 Field 4 Field 6

RandomInfo1 RandomInfo1 RandomInfo1

RandomInfo2 RandomInfo2 RandomInfo2

It extends along a fair number of pages, and I'm currently using the "# of columns = 3" in the Report properties --> Layout section in order to make it span over 3 columns instead of the usual 1. I'm using a table in which the random info fields are the repeating values, and the Field 1,2,3,4,etc are included in the list control, but not part of the physical table itself.

My question stems from a couple of chunks of data which basically extend over the course of 1.5 pages (yep. There's enough to fill about 4.5 columns worth.)

I currently have

Field 1 RandomInfo50 RandomInfo100

RandomInfo1 RandomInfo51 RandomInfo101

Randominfo2 RandomInfo52 RandomInfo102

etc.... etc.... etc....


RandomInfo150 Field 2

Randominfo151 NewRandomInfo1

RandomInfo152 NewRandomInfo2


What I'm looking to do is have "Field 1" appear at the top of each column whenever a larger chunk of data forces itself into multiple columns, or even multiple columns on multiple pages. I have this nasty feeling it's something silly and blatantly obvious I'm missing...

Any thoughts?

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REPLACE In Derived Column Transform Causing Repeat Data In Rows That Should Be Blank

Jul 25, 2006

W2k3 server, SQL 2005.
@@version = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)
Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2
(Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

I have my first SSIS package almost working, but I'm having an odd problem and can't find any information to help resolve it.

I'm importing from a flat file (csv) to an existing table (append). I've got a Derived Column transformation in the middle to do some data cleanup. It's all working except for one little problem...

One of the transformations is 'REPLACE([Column 3],"^","; ")', output to a new column. (The input file has a field that uses carets as delimiters between an unknown number of items; I'm changing that to semicolons for easier reading.) Not all rows have data in this column, some will have one item, some will have multiple items.

The REPLACE works except that it fills in repeated data for all the blank rows.


Incoming data is:

1 Smith,Jane^Jones,Jane

2 Brown,John


4 Adams,James^Adams,Jim


6 White,Debra

Data inserted into the table is:

1 Smith,Jane; Jones,Jane

2 Brown,John

3 Brown,John

4 Adams,James; Adams,Jim

5 Adams,James; Adams,Jim

6 White,Debra

I've tried to use a Conditional to skip the empty rows, but I can't get that working at all (get syntax errors no matter what I put in).

Any suggestions on how to fix this would be most appreciated!

Thank you.

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Column Headers And Rows From 2 Tables

Dec 16, 2014

I need to write a sql statement to retrieve column headers and rows from 2 different tables.


row1: EMP column list, tag: emp
row2: DEPT column list, tag: Dept
row3: EMP columns data
row4: DEPT columns data

And the data sorted by deptno column


EMP, Deptno, empno, ename, age, ...,
DEPT, Deptno, ename, loc
EMP, 10, 7548, Justin, 43,....
DEPT, 10, marketing, california
EMP, 20, 7345, Carol,26,....
DEPT, 20, finance, New York
EMP, ....

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How To Repeat Header Of The Table For Each Record

Feb 19, 2007


In RS 2005 i am using a table to show the multiple records.Now i want to repeat the header of the table for each record of table but dont know how to do this.the layout should like..

Name Address

Mach xyz

Name Address

Peter abc

Also how can i make our report multilingual.

Pls suggest me.

thanks in advance..

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Matrix Column Headers Not Displaying In IE7 (but Ok In PDF && Preview Tab)

Apr 29, 2008

My matrix column labels do not appear at all at the lowest level column grouping when viewing in IE7

All is ok when viewing the pdf, or when viewing using the preview tab.

Is this an ie7 bug?

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How Can A Matrix's Row And Column Headers Be Made Floatable?

Dec 25, 2007

when paging down or across in a matrix based report, it would be nice for headings (row and column) to float (ie not disappear) with the position of the report. Is this possible in RS?

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Interactive Sort On Column Headers In Matrix

Dec 7, 2007

Hi there,

I'm trying to implement Interactive Soring on the column headers in a matrix in a report. Is it actually possible to do this? I've read several internet posts and stories of implementing the Interactive Sorting in the upper-left corner of the matrix, but this is not what I want, I want to implement it on the column headers .

The goal I'm trying to achieve is to give the user the possibillity to click on a column header to sort the rows below in asc- or descending direction.

Please tell me if this is possible, because all my efforts have not been succesfull! If it's possible, please provide the solution to do this.

If you need more information, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks in advance,

Dave Ruijter
BI Consultant

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Report With Dynamic Column Headers

Sep 22, 2013

I have a report which runs for last 12 months data. Since this is going to be last 12 months the column headers change every month. How can we implement this with dynamic column headers in the dataset?

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Exporting Query Analyzer Data With Column Headers...?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Does anyone out there know how to do this? I've been banging head forawhile now trying to answer this seemingly simple question.tia,Mike

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Report Design Question Two Horizontal Column Headers One Below Other

Jan 30, 2007

I have a report requirement, i am new to reports.

I want to have two lines of column headers.( with 7 columns in parent columns header)

and 7 columns in child column header.

The first column header will show a parent record.

And after the parent record i want to show the next child related horizontal column headers and will show all child record related to the above parent record.

its a one to many: 1 parent record and below all child records for that parent record.

can i use subreports controls to show all child records of the parent.

Thank you very much for the information.



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Mapping Column Headers From Source To Rows In A Spreadsheet

Oct 17, 2006


I am trying to do the following:

I have been given an MS Access Database that has a table with columns

I have to create a spreadsheet that will have the data stored in the column header as a row (essentially we are creating a spreadsheet that records all of the different columns in all of the different tables in the MS Access DB).

Any suggestions???

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Table Join Statement Returns Repeat Rows

Jul 22, 2007

Hello All.

I am struggling with the below join block in my stored procedure.
I can't seem to get the duplicate row problem to go away. It seems that SQL is treating each new instance of an email address as reason to create a new row despite the UNIONs.
I understand that if I am using UNION, using DISTINCT is redundant and will not solve the duplicate row problem.

Primary Keys: none of the email address columns are primary keys. Each table has an incrementing ID column that serves
as the primary key.

I am guessing I am encountering this problem because of how
I have structured my Join statements? Is it possible to offer advice without a deeper understanding of my data model or
do you need more information?

Thanks for any tips.


select emailAddress from Users union
select user_name from PersonalPhotos union
select email_address from EditProfile union
select email_address from SavedSearches union
select distinct email_address from UserPrecedence union
select email_address from LastLogin) drv
Left Join Users tab1 on (drv.emailAddress = tab1.emailAddress)
Inner Join UserPrecedence tab5 on tab5.UserID=tab1.UserID
Left Join PersonalPhotos tab2 on (drv.emailAddress = tab2.user_name)
Left Join LastLogin tab4 on (drv.emailAddress = tab4.email_address)
Left Join EditProfile tab3 on (drv.emailAddress = tab3.email_address)
Left Join SavedSearches tab6 on (drv.emailAddress = tab6.email_address

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How To Design The History Table To Be More Efficient?

Feb 8, 2007

I am running a website of crossword puzzle and Sudoku games. The website is designed to be:
There are 20-30 games onlines each day.
Every registered user could play and submit the game to win scores.
For each game, every registered user could get the score for ONLY one time. i.e., No score will be calculated if the user had finished the game before.
To avoid wasting time on a game finished before, user will be notified with hint message in the page when enter a already finished game.

The current solution is:
3 tables are designed for the functions mentioned above.
Table A: UserTable --storing usering information, userid
Table B: GameList --storing all the game information.
Related fields:
GameID primary key
FinshiedTimes recording how many times the game has been finished
Table C: FinishHistory --storing who and when finished the game
Related fields:
GameID ID of the game
UserID ID of the user
FinishedDate the time when the game was finshied

PS: Fields listed above are only related ones, not the complete structure.

Each time when user enters the game, the program will read Table B(GameList), listing all the available game and the times games have been finished. User could then choose a desired game to play.

When user clicks the link and enter a page showing the detail content of the game, the program will read Table C(FinishHistory) to check whether user has finished this game before. If yes, hint message will be shown in the page.

When user finishes the game and submit, the program will again read Table C(FinishHistory) to check whether user has finished this game before. If yes, hint message will be shown in the page. If no, user will get the score.

Existing Problems:
With the increase of game and users, the capacity of Table C(FinishHistory) grows rapidly. And each time when a game is loaded, the Table C will be loaded to check, and when a game is submitted, the Table C will be loaded to check again. So it is only a time question to find out Table C to become a bottleneck.

Does any one here have any good suggestions to change / re-invent a new structure or design to avoid this bottleneck?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Display Column Headers And Rows From Different Tables?

Dec 18, 2014

I am looking for SQL query which uses 2 tables CASH and BALANCE.

eg: Need Tablename, ColumsList and data in the results set.

eg: 10 rows shown below and ordered based on Acct_number











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Transact SQL :: Creating Dummy Headers (column Names) With Union All

May 19, 2015

I want to create a raw SQL resultset for outputting to Excel with some artificial headers transposed over the top of the 2nd part of the Union's column names. The first part of the Union will be the Headers. Like this, the space to the left of the topmost columns is preferably empty ....

COL 1     COL2      COL3       COL4 etc.                         BEH                             BIG       BPL etc.

*************************************   INTAKT       DEFEKT       INTAKT DEFEKT          INTAKT

*************************************       B                E                 B         E                    B

I just want the text above as a 3 line header and there won't be any values obviously. Then the 2nd query will be joined to the above with a Union all. The 2nd query has all the same column names as what will be given in the first set above. What is the SQL Syntax for doing so? Do I have to use a from clause?

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Excel Connection Manager Where There Are Multiple Rows Of Column Headers

Oct 11, 2007

I have excel files where the column headers I care about are on line 5, and the actual data doesn't begin until line 6. Other than deleting the first 4 lines, which is impractical, how can I get the Excel Connection Manager to import the data correctly? I was able to do this under DTS, so I have to imagine it's possible.


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Reporting Services :: Report Viewer 10 And Fixed Column Headers

Aug 20, 2010

My problem is specific to the ReportViewer control. The report displays correctly in every other way (ssrs server viewer, visual studio preview, visual studio 'Run', etc)The aspx page hosting the control has two controls, the reportviewer control (assembly, and a scriptmanager control asyncrendering = 'true' and processingmode = 'remote'.So the columns are not 'always visible' with the reportviewer but they are with every other renderer that i've tried.

The report i'm testing is just a simple table with a couple groupings (built using the wizard). To enable the fixed headers I went to the groupings view and changed the "FixedData" property of the first Static member to true per instructions.

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Most Efficient Way To Count Subset Of Rows In A Table?

Sep 14, 2005

Hi all,
I’ve a table with production objects, and another with possible items composition of the object. I need to count how many occurrences of each standard composition appears:
Table PROD:
--------- ----------- -----
1         AAA         X1         BBB         Y2         AAA         X3         BBB         Y4         AAA         Y5         AAA         X5         BBB         YTable ITEM_COMPITEM_ID   COMPONENT   TYPE--------  ---------   -----7         AAA         X7         BBB         Y8         AAA         X9         BBB         Y
The result should be:
ITEM_ID   OCCURRENCES--------  ----7         28         19         1
Table PROD have millions of rows, my way is too slow (I’ve a loop where each PROD object are separately queried against the ITEM_COMP), some have an idea for a most efficient way?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Export Output Into CSV File As A Report With Column Headers?

Aug 20, 2015

I have a table which has few columns as Numeric value. I need to export the output into a csv file as a report with column headers. I have used bcp command. Here column name and Column Header name is the same. The BCP query which i have used is Below

bcp "SelectCompanyCode,MonthId,ActualityCode,CompanyCounterpartCode,LocalProductCode,LocalCustomerBillTo,
TXAmountYTD,LocalCurrencyCode,LocalAmountYTD,SourceSystemFromTable(nolock)" queryout D: est.csv -c -t ";" -r -S -T

Is there any way to export bcp with header or any other command to generate the csv file.

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Report Headers Vs Page Headers

Feb 8, 2007

Hi, this is probably a simple question but I just can't figure it out. I'm using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 sp1.

I'm trying to design a report that displays a particular embedded image on the first page, and then a different one on every subsequent page. I.e full, fancy company logo on the first page, and a trimmed down version on every other. In Crystal, I would have simply used the Report Header and Page Header sections to achieve this - easy.

However, in SQL Reporting Services, there is only a Page Header section - therefore whatever I place in the Page Header shows on every page. Now, I know how to stop it displaying on the first page, but I don't know how to display the other image instead.

I read in a support forum that it is possible to do this by "placing report items above or below your data regions" but I can't get it to work.

Grateful for any assistance.


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Repeating Table Headers

Dec 14, 2007

I have the option for repeating table headers for every page turn on as I would like the table headers repeated on every page. In the HTML report view, this works fine, however when the report is exported to pdf (a total of 80 some pages), when there is a table that contains a lot of data, the table headers are not displayed. I know this could be because the table includes a subreport and sometimes the subreport runs more than one page, but shouldn't the table header still be diplayed on the new page?

Is there something else that I need to check or should I move the table/column header information somplace else?

Thanks for any information.

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