Need Help On GROUPING Sets Of Rows And Comparison

Jan 24, 2007

Hi folks. Hope all the gurus including Brett,Pat Phalen, RdjBarov, r937 are fine. ;)
been so long to ask stupid question. Here's the question and i really need help on this.

i have data that tracks patterns of bus stops from one point to another.
like point a, to point b, point b to point c forms one pattern.
point a to point c , point c to point b should be a different pattern.

create table #journeypatterns (patternid int ,points varchar(100))
insert #journeypatterns
select 1 ,'a' union all select 1 ,'b' union all select 1,'c'
union all select 2,'a' union all select 2,'c' union all select 2,'b'
union all select 3 ,'a' union all select 3 ,'b' union all select 3,'c'

select * from #journeypatterns

patternid points
1 a
1 b
1 c
2 a
2 c
2 b
3 a
3 b
3 c

what i want is to get unique pattern value of sequence of points by grouping on patternid. if the sequence of points change, i need a unique value against that pattern.
like for patternid 1, sequence of points a,bc for example should be abc.
for patternid 2, sequence of points a,c,b for example should be acb.
again patternid 3, sequence of points a,bc for example should be abc.

i tried CHECKSUM_AGG which brutally failed in production because the checksum values for each single point when summed produce SAME result for different patterns.

select checksum_agg(binary_checksum(points)) ,patternid
from #journeypatterns
group by patternid


here patternid 2 should be different because sequence is acb. i know checksum is not the right approach for what i need.

I NEED A GENERIC FUNCTION, that marks the pattern differences, my ultimate goal was to create a procedure, whom a patternid should be passed, and it would result the NEXT patternid in the table which has the SAME ORDER OF point sequences.

now folks, i can do this holding all data into a temp table and write a cursor to traverse through each patternid and concatenate the sequence of points.
BUT, using this approach is the ugliest, as it has slow down the process badly and boss is not happy with the performance. the table holds a lot of data.
I NEED a query rather than a cursor on the fly to resolve this.
Here's the query i am using to get the current sequence of a pattern and then i have to search all sequences similarly against it.

declare @patternid int
set @patternid =1
declare @sequence [varchar] (100)
declare @id varchar(10)
declare cr_sequence cursor fast_forward for select points from #journeypatterns where patternid=@patternid
open cr_sequence
fetch next from cr_sequence into @id
while @@fetch_status = 0
select @sequence = isnull(@sequence,'')+@id
fetch next from cr_sequence into @id
print @sequence -- next i have code to find the similar sequence for another patternid.... which is not mentioned here but is similar

View 5 Replies


Grouping Results Into Sets Of 5?

Jun 19, 2013

I have been tasked with creating a report that shows sales of our products grouped into buckets of 5 each, DESC. I have a table that has the itemNo and revenue. The final report would be something like:

Top 5 Spreads$695,066
Next 5 Spreads$467,845
Next 5 Spreads$416,946
Next 5 Spreads$361,946
Next 5 Spreads$305,607
Next 5 Spreads$270,567
Bottom Spreads$15,954

My initial thinking was to use row_number() and partition to label the rows in groups of 5 like:

item 130,0001
item 229,0001
item 328,0001
item 427,0001
item 526,0001
item 625,0002
item 724,0002
item 823,0002
item 922,0002
item 1021,0002
item 1120,0003
item 1219,0003
item 1318,0003

And then Sum the revenue, grouping by this row_number. But I haven't been able to get it working right.

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Transact SQL :: How To Use GROUPING SETS

Jul 12, 2015

I was working on what I was told was SQL 2012 and it turns out it is SQL 2005.  I wrote two procs that I need to convert to 2005.  Here is the code:

era_provider_name AS Provider,
RIGHT([era_upi], 5) AS 'ERA Upi',
[era_fy] AS 'ERA FY',


I'm not finding an efficient way to do this.  I cannot use GROUPING SETS with 2005.  Here is the code for the second proc:

WHEN GROUPING(era_provider_name) = 1 THEN 'TOTALS'
ELSE era_provider_name
END AS era_provider_name,

[Code] ...

The results as in SQL 2012 are exactly as I would like them.  I want to mimic those results in 2005.

View 6 Replies View Related

Grouping Sets Sample With Rollup

Sep 4, 2014

How to writing this query using rollup or grouping sets in two way?

shop time date sku discount% sales qty amount
A 13:00pm, 2014-feb-11 apple 30% 5 #20
A 13:00pm, 2014-feb-11 apple 30% 5 #20
A Shop Qty :10 Amt:40
B 23:00pm, 2014-feb-11 apple 30% 5 #20
B 23:00pm, 2014-feb-11 apple 30% 5 #20
B shop Qty :10 Amt $40
Grand total qty:20 , Amt $80

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Transact SQL :: How To Get Sum Of Results From GROUPING SETS

Jul 8, 2015

I needed to add in the Fiscal Year (FY) to group my results by FY.  I changed my code to the following:

EXEC ADAMHsp_BSS_GetNonMedicaidReportTotals
@pstrProviderName = 'FAM SER-WOOD'

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ADAMHsp_BSS_GetNonMedicaidReportTotals]

[Code] ....

See my result set in the picture below.  The rows with NULL in the 'ProcGrp' column have the totals of the groupings by FY that I am looking for - that's great.  What I want to do now is have another row that contains the sums of the values from any row where 'ProcGrp' is null so that I have a totals row.

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Transact SQL :: How To Add Subtotal / Grandtotal Using Case And Grouping Sets

Jun 15, 2015

How do you incorporate a case statement so that you can add "sub total" and grand total" to each grouping set section? Trying to see how to incorporate case.

[URL] ....

YEAR(OrderDate) AS 'OrderYear',
SUM(TotalDue) AS 'TotalDue'
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader

[Code] .....

View 4 Replies View Related

How Do I Get Two Sets Of Rows In A Single Output?

Apr 11, 2008


I want two different set of rows in a single output. For example - the query gets records from the same tables, but first condition is a date range of 60 days and value = '1'
then the second condition is a date range of 180 days and value = '2'

Is it possible?


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Find Matching Sets Of Rows

Apr 11, 2006

Given an ID (column B), I need to find which IDs have identical data.That is, given '200', I want the desired result to be:100The idea is that the system sees that id=200 has 5 records with theindicated data in cols C and D.It should then find any other ids with the exact same data for thosecolumns.Note, in this case, both 200 and 100 have (30:1, 30:2, 30:3, 40:4,40:5) so they match. 300 and 400 should NOT be returned.Any bright ideas out there? Thanks!DECLARE @a TABLE(A int, B int, C int, D int)DECLARE @b TABLE(A int, B int, C int, D int)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (1, 100, 30, 1)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (2, 100, 30, 2)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (3, 100, 30, 3)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (4, 100, 40, 4)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (5, 100, 40, 5)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (6, 200, 30, 1)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (7, 200, 30, 2)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (8, 200, 30, 3)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (9, 200, 40, 4)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (10, 200, 40, 5)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (11, 300, 30, 1)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (12, 300, 30, 2)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (13, 300, 40, 3)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (14, 400, 40, 4)INSERT INTO @a (A, B, C, D) VALUES (15, 400, 40, 5)SELECT * FROM @a

View 7 Replies View Related

Limiting Rows Returned By Result Sets

May 20, 2008

In MySQL we use "SELECT (....) LIMIT 0, 10" to only return the first 0 to 10 records. Alternatively we could do "LIMIT 10, 20" to return the 10th to 20th records.

What's the equivilent of this in SQL Server?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Identify Sets Of Rows

Jul 15, 2015

I have the following sets of records:

ColA ColB
----- -----
21 A
22 A
23 A
24 B
25 B
26 D

What I want is to be able to identify a set sequence (1,2,3) based upon ColB such that I'd get the following result:

ColA ColB ColC
----- ----- -----
21 A 1
22 A 1
23 A 1
24 B 2
25 B 2
26 D 3

I know that I should be able to get it using ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ColB ORDER BY ColA), but instead of getting the sequence (1,1,1,2,2,3) I get (1,2,3,1,2,1). Using DENSE_RANK gave me the same results.

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Query That Get Sets Of 3 Rows Based On Given Date?

Aug 16, 2014

I need to get 3 rows per set based on a date given (must be this date) but I want the rows to be based on this date as...

1 ( row where the date from the date column is the next date after given date )

0 ( row where the date is the closest date prior to the date given )

-1 ( prior to the date at 0 )

And add a column with the relative number.

** The dates for the same name and item will never repeat.

For example, a set of rows...

Row ID, Name, Item, Number, Date
1 Andy, Item1, 12030, 2014-06-30
2 Andy, Item1, 62030, 2014-03-31
3 Andy, Item1, 30300, 2013-12-31
4 Andy, Item1, 40030, 2013-10-31
5 Andy, Item1, 50030, 2013-08-30
6 John, Item2, 50240, 2014-04-30
7 John, Item2, 41400, 2014-03-31
8 John, Item2, 40509, 2014-01-31
9 Andy, Item2, 24004, 2014-03-31
10 Andy, Item2, 20144, 2013-12-31
11 Andy, Item2, 20450, 2013-09-30
12 Andy, Item2, 25515, 2013-06-30

If I have 2014-03-15 as the date and search for 'Andy', I expect...

Row ID, Item, Date, Relative Date
2, Item1, 2014-03-31, 1
3, Item1, 2013-12-31, 0
4, Item1, 2013-10-31, -1
9, Item2, 2014-03-31, 1
10, Item2, 2013-12-31, 0
11, Item2, 2013-09-30, -1

This is what I'm using which I have no issues switching if necessary...

DATEDIFF( quarter, 2014-03-31, date )
date BETWEEN DATEADD( quarter, -1, '20140315' ) AND
DATEADD( day, 1 ( DATEADD ( quarter, 2, '20140315' ) )

which returns...

Row ID, Item, Date, Relative Date
2, Item1, 2014-06-30, 1
3, Item1, 2014-03-31, 0
4, Item1, 2013-12-31, -1
9, Item2, 2014-03-31, 0
10, Item2, 2013-12-31, -1

Not sure if date math is the best option here. Perhaps using row_number() in some way?

I'm trying to avoid having to process the entire table programmatically given the size of the data set.

View 8 Replies View Related

Grouping Rows By Just The Date

Mar 2, 2001

I store data in a table using a column named InsertTimestamp which is a datetime format. I now want to report on rows by just the date. I have been able to do this by converting the datetime like such:
convert(varchar, inserttimestamp, 107)
This reurns the data correctly however is very ineffiecnet. DOes anyone know another easy way around this dilemna???

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Restricting The Rows And Grouping

Dec 14, 2004

I have a table strcutre as follows.This is like a many to many relationship between category and Article. Now i need to pick 3 recrord from each category which has a relavancy 1 sorted by Article date Desc. ie.. from the recent articles..
I can fire 4 diff queries and restrict it using top keyword..
Can i do this in a Single query or in a better way..can anyone help me plz......


catID - PK

ArticleID - PK

ArticleID - Composite Key(ArticleID,CatId)

View 8 Replies View Related

Grouping Rows By CSV Column

Aug 24, 2013

I have a table with following sample data:

**CategoriesIDs RegistrantID**
47 1
276|275|278|274|277 4
276|275|278|274|277 16261
NULL 16262
NULL 16264
NULL 16265


I need to know :

1). which category has how many regisrtantids (like 277 has how many registrantids) 2). group the registrants by category so that i can find which registrants are in category 277 for example)

Do I need to create a function which generates a table from csv ? I have created a function but not sure if it will work in this situation with IN clause.

View 2 Replies View Related

Grouping Rows By Customer

Nov 8, 2006

my source flat file has many rows per customer,
but I need to transfer it to database with only one row per customer and accumulated sales (and probably do other calculations and lookups).
I understand how to do stuff with derived columns, but how can I read source file first, calculate, group and then save to database?
As I understand, the script offers only processing row by row: Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)



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Removing Duplicate Rows In Grouping

Feb 14, 2012

i've to generate a notepad using this query in :

strSql = "Select count(*), d.ShareholderId, d.UsufructId, d.BnkAccount, b.SBMCode, " & _
"LTRIM(ISNULL(d.TitleCode + ' ', '')) + LTRIM(ISNULL(d.Forename + ' ', '')) + d.Surname as ShName," & _
"d.BankCode, (select count(*) from (select ShareholderId from dividend " & _
"where CompCode = 'L1' and PaymentMode = 'B' group by ShareholderId, UsufructId, " & _


In the select statement i need to select "d.amount" as well. When i do so, it ask me to insert it in the group by option or in an aggregate function.

Grouping by "d.amount" returns extra field as there can be 2 similar "d.shareholderId" but with different amount.

how to group the "d.amount" without having repetition in the "d.shareholderid" ??

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Grouping Consecutive Rows In A Table

Feb 21, 2013

SQL Server 2008.

From individual event logs I have generated a table where arrivals and departures at a location are registered per device. As there are multiple registration points, there might be multiple consecutive registrations per location.
If this is the case I need to filter those out and have one registration per location and in the result I need to get the earliest arrival and the latest departure of these consecutive rows.

Part of the table:

3485441082013-02-07 17:51:05.0002013-02-07 17:51:15.0005110
3492041082013-02-07 17:51:15.0002013-02-07 17:51:26.0005220
3500241082013-02-07 17:51:27.0002013-02-07 17:51:37.0003312
3508941082013-02-07 17:51:41.0002013-02-07 17:51:54.0004413

[Code] ....

So as long the field LocationID is the same in the next row, it needs to be grouped.

I have added the rows Grp1, Grp2, Grp in an attempt to get an unique grouping number with the following script in the select statement:


By subtracting Grp2 from Grp1 (Grp = Grp1 - Grp2) I hoped to get an unique group number for each set of equal consecutive locations, however the Grp2 column does not restart from 1 each time the LocationID changes: Grp2 in line 7 should have been 1 again, but it is 2 because this is the second row with LocationID = 3 in the list.

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Transact SQL :: Grouping Similar Rows After Unpivot?

Sep 23, 2015

I've unpivoted some data and stored it in a temp table variable


Using the above data, if two rows have the same FreqDt, I want to see the record with the lowest row number.

So it should look like the below


I've used the below code to accomplish it

CASE WHEN t2.idNum IS NULL THEN t1.idNum ELSE t2.idNum END,
CASE WHEN t2.FreqDt IS NULL THEN T1.FreqDt else t2.FreqDt END,
CASE WHEN t2.freq is null then t1.freq else t2.freq end
FROM @tmptbl as t1 LEFT JOIN @tmptbl as t2
ON t1.idNum = T2.idNum
AND t1.FreqDt = t2.FreqDt
AND t1.rn = (t2.rn-1)

After all this, I'm supposed to condense the result set to only include sequential frequency dates with unique frequencies.should look like below (this is where I'm stuck)


answer is below:

FROM @t as t1 LEFT JOIN @t as t2
ON t1.idnum = T2.idnum
AND t1.freq = t2.freq
AND t1.rn = (t2.rn-1)
WHERE t2.idnum IS NULL

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Query Or Grouping Problem (some Kind Of Parallel Grouping?)

Nov 26, 2007

I'm really stumped on this one. I'm a self taught SQL guy, so there is probobly something I'm overlooking.

I'm trying to get information like this in to a report:

-WO Line #
--Work Order Line Detail #1
--Work Order Line Detail #2
--Work Order Line Detail #3
--Work Order Line Detail #etc
--Work Order Line Parts #1
--Work Order Line Parts #2
--Work Order Line Detail #etc
-WO Line #
--Work Order Line Detail #1
--Work Order Line Detail #2
--Work Order Line Detail #3
--Work Order Line Detail #etc
--Work Order Line Parts #1
--Work Order Line Parts #2
--Work Order Line Parts #etc

I'm unable to get the grouping right on this. Since the line details and line parts both are children of the line #, how do you do "parallel groups"?

There are 4 tables:

Work Order Header
Work Order Line
Work Order Line Details
Work Order Line Requisitions

The Header has a unique PK.
The Line uses the Header and a Line # as foreign keys that together are unique.
The Detail and requisition tables use the header and line #'s in addition to their own line number foreign keys. My queries ends up looking like this:

226952 10000 10000 10000
226952 10000 10000 20000
226952 10000 10000 30000
226952 10000 10000 40000
226952 10000 20000 10000
226952 10000 20000 20000
226952 10000 20000 30000
226952 10000 20000 40000
399999 10000 NULL 10000
375654 10000 10000 NULL


It probobly isn't best practice, but I'm kinda new so I need some guidance. I'd really appreciate any help! Here's my query:

SELECT [Work Order Header].No_ AS WO_No, [Work Order Line].[Line No_] AS WOL_No,
[Work Order Requisition].[Line No_] AS WOLR_No, [Work Order Line Detail].[Line No_] AS WOLD_No
FROM [Work Order Header] LEFT OUTER JOIN
[Work Order Line] ON [Work Order Header].No_ = [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] LEFT OUTER JOIN
[Work Order Line Detail] ON [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] = [Work Order Line Detail].[Work Order No_] AND
[Work Order Line].[Line No_] = [Work Order Line Detail].[Work Order Line No_] LEFT OUTER JOIN
[Work Order Requisition] ON [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] = [Work Order Requisition].[Work Order No_] AND
[Work Order Line].[Line No_] = [Work Order Requisition].[Work Order Line No_]

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MDX Help With Sets

May 21, 2008


I'm new to MDX and was hoping someone could answer this question. I'm working on an MDX query, a simplified version is below.

What I'm trying to do is to pull 2 sets, based on a date range. Based on those, I'd like to see the total "cost" measure for each set, and divide one by another.

What I'm finding is that when I run the query below, the cost is broken out by month. So, my select statement gives me the cost for January 2008 and February 2008 in the CurrentPeriod set, and for January, February, etc. 2007 in the PriorPeriodData set. What I want instead is to get the total "cost" measure for all the months in each set. I believe this is what I'd get if I put the date range in a subcube or a where clause - but in that case, I wouldn't be working with 2 distinct sets.

Is there some other way to write this, or to combine all the months in the set before the measures?


SET [CurrentPeriod] AS

'{[Activity Date].[Date].&[2008-01-01T00:00:00]:[Activity Date].[Date].&[2008-02-01T00:00:00]}'

SET [PriorPeriod] AS

'{[Activity Date].[Date].&[2007-01-01T00:00:00]:[Activity Date].[Date].&[2007-12-01T00:00:00]}'

MEMBER [Measures].[Cost Variance] AS

'([CurrentPeriod],[Measures].[Cost]) /





([Measures].[Cost Variance])


FROM [Cube]

Thanks for your help!

View 3 Replies View Related


Nov 23, 2000

Dear All

I am new to the topic T-SQL.
I am trying to use T-SQL to merge the content of two tables (table1 and table2) into one table making sure there are no duplication.

I wonder if any body can let me have a simple code.

Best Regards

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Sep 13, 2007

Hey guys what would be the easiest way to create a report of value changes for particular records from one day to the next..... ?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated....


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SQL Comparison

Aug 8, 2006

Hi there! can anyone help me out??? I need to compare a date from the database and the system date which will be coded in a store procedure in SQL... HELP!!!!!

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SQL Sets Query

Apr 21, 2003

PLEASE SEE my update (post #3) for a better simpler explanation!!!!!

I need a query which is basically

(query 1)
(query 2)

SQL server supports
(query 1)Union (query 2)
but I can't get the Except to work.

I also tried to implement it by using the "NOT IN" but didnt work.
Background: 3 tables, accnts, Opty, Opty_postn
I want
the accounts who have 1 or more opty's at 100% (sold) before 1/1/2002 but zero opty's at 100% after 12/31/2001.
accnts has fields ID & name, ROW_ID
opty has fields acct_id, prob, ROW_ID
opty_postn has fields opty_id, close_dt

My query:
FROM accnt
accnt.ROW_ID IN
SELECT acct_id
FROM opty
where prob = 100
(SELECT opty_id
FROM opty_postn
WHERE close_dt<1/1/2002)
SELECT acct_id
FROM opty
where prob = 100
(SELECT opty_id
FROM opty_postn
WHERE close_dt >12/31/2001)
AND accnt.ROW_ID = opty.accnt_ID

my intent was
select account.names
where id
is in set(prob = 100 & sale before 1/1/02)
but not in ( prob = 100 & sale after 21/31/01)
SO ,the accounts which have sales both before and after get counted. But I want only those accoutns which have sales only before 1/1/02.
I hope i explained this right.
Thanks in advance for your help.


View 14 Replies View Related

Named Sets???

Dec 18, 2004


Can someone briefly explain which this feature of Analysis services is and how canit be of use.

Also, besides BOL, I'll appreciate if someone can recommend a good reading on this.


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Using 2 Different Measures And 2 Different Sets

Jan 31, 2005


i have dimensions: month, country, customer, item.
measures: amount, price.

i would like to get such result :

for each customer from USA: sum (amount of item in June * price for the same
item in January).

is it possible?

thank you for your help, Mike.

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Overlapping Sets

Apr 24, 2007

I have the following table structure

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[QDisc](
[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[MinVal] [int] NOT NULL,
[MaxVal] [int] NOT NULL,
[PerVal] [int] NOT NULL,
[Id] ASC

I need to be able to select unique overlapping sets of data based on the minval and maxval.

Simple Example
minval maxval
5 15
16 25
10 20

query would produce
minval maxval
5 10
11 15
16 20
21 25

More Complex example
minval maxval
5 15
16 25
10 20
7 7
1 100

query would produce
minval maxval
1 5
6 6
7 7
8 10
11 15
16 20
21 25
26 100

Extra points if anyone can do this without SP and cursor but I'd be satisfied if someone supplied it that way.

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Dynamic Sets? (i.e. Where X In (@set))

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I've tried without success to create a function where one of theparameters determines the final line of a select statement.The final line includes a 'where referencenumber in (@set)' line.. and@set is the parameter I wish to use which is a string.If the set is just one value, it works fine, however with anything morethan that I just get no records returned.. If I output the parameter,and copy and paste that into query analyser I do get the correct result,so it's nothing to do with string delimiters etc..Any ideas to fix this problem? Or am I going to have to dynamic sql thewhole thing?Cheers,Chris

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Working With Sets

Aug 17, 2006

I need to manipulate some sets, doing joins based on intersection, and looking for subsets. Is there any way to store an array in a single data field? And then do operations based on those array lists? e.g. -

{1,2,3} intersect {2,3,4} ==> {2,4} (would like to then be able to do joins based on intersection, so that I could say, return all cases where two sets have all but one member from each in common...)

View 3 Replies View Related

Why Is My Comparison To A Bit Value Not Working?

May 21, 2008

I have a table with a field with a bit datatype. When I execute the stored procedure line if @bitvalue = 1 begin ...
and the value is passes as 0 the statements beneath the begin execute. What am I doing wrong?

View 4 Replies View Related

SQL Date Comparison

Jun 27, 2000


I have a problem comparing dates in SQL Server 7.
I want to find results where date1 = date2.

I am having problems becausing SQL is also trying to compare the time which
is included in the field value e.g. 03/04/00 12:01:32

So even if the dates are equal the time may be different so the results are not shown?

I've tried SUBSTRING, and CONVERT,CAST etc.. and still can't get it to work

Any ideas???


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Table Comparison

Oct 3, 2000

Is there a way to compare two similar tables? I'm more interested in finding out if the data content is exactly the same or not between the two tables.

Thanks for your help.

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Database Comparison

Aug 19, 2003

We are converting our project into new version. They have done lot of changes in new version including normalization/denormalization. I need to compare the old and new database.
Do you have any standard script or procedure like SQL Compare software?.
Let me know what are the possibilties we need to check.
Your help appreciated.

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