This morning I found that during the night someone hacked into my remote hosted SQL server 2005 database. Every record in a description field in each of three tables had everything after the first sentence replaced with the same URL. The three pages that used these tables badly infected anyone who viewed them in IE.
I had my host restore the 12/30 backup, and I changed all the database and ftp passwords, now I want to be sure my code isn't giving anyone access. I'm using strongly typed datasets. This is my code behind code.
Dim sCategory = Request.QueryString("cat")
Dim ResourceAdapter As New ResourcesTableAdapters.ResourcesTableAdapter
Dim dF As Data.DataTable = ResourceAdapter.GetDataByCategory(sCategory)
Dim numRows = dF.Rows.Count
LabelCat.Text = sCategory
Repeater1.DataSource = dF
Is there anything I can do to better secure this? Oh, my connect string is in the web.config file only, but it isn't encrypted. I will be encrypting it today.
Hi all.. I've been scouring the forums for about 6 hours to no avail. This is a really simple question. I'm trying to have a registration page that lets the user input name, email, desired username, and password. I want to check the username and email fields to make sure ppl cannot sign up twice. So from what I've gathered I have a couple of options:
1) i can set up a unique constraint on the database columns, 2) i can run a select statement before inserting, 3) i can store the whole database column in a variable then search through it.
My question is how to do option 2? All of my transactions are through a sqldatasource object in c#.
Hi I have a problem. Every time I select the first Item of a dropdownlist, it prevents the Insert to the database. There are 8 droplists on the page but the insert is only effected by the First Item of lstTheme selcetion. My Insert code is here: Any ideas?? Private Sub btnInsertChange_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs) Handles btnInsertChange.Command
The database is configured for single publisher, many subscribers,merge replication. The maintenance plan started to fail a couple ofmonths ago and the database would not get backed up. After clearingall the locks, I am able to backup the database manually. The locksreturn again and I'm not able to backup the database with themaintenance plan. How can I get around the lock issue or solve it sothat I can backup the database again?Thanks,Chris
I have a user AD account SOPUSJSmith for example. I have given this account security admin at the SQL Server level and dbo at the database level. Is there any way to prevent them from using ODBC to pull data into an Access DB or an Excel spreadsheet?
I am trying to deploy a SQL Server Express database to a remote SQL Server 2005 host. I was planning to copy and paste the data from my local tables to the remote tables using Management Studio Express but my ISP (NTL) appears to be blocking port 1433 and preventing me from getting a connection to the remote database. Will an upgrade to SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition help me? I understand that it has a Backup & Restore Wizard but how does this work? Does it rely on a remote connection and will it fall foul of the NTL port blocking? Or, can the file that the Backup stage produces be copied into the web-based MSSQL Manager, that my web host provides, to restore to the remote database? Any help would be much appreciated.
we're in a business where customers often ask for a foolproof scheme that even prevents folks with DB privileges from fraudulently inserting, updating or deleting data. The scheme must be so air tight that a judge can be convinced of its reliability.
I am attempting to drop a database (sales), however I receive this message: Error 3274 is "Cannot drop the database 'sales' because it is published for replication." Yet, I no longer have any publications in this database. It seems that there is some orphaned information related to a publication that existed. Any help would be great.
We are running SQL Server 2014 Web Edition (64-bit). On three occasions now we have had two of our live secondary log shipping databases become unusable through the log shipping process. We ship logs to these databases every five minutes, and generally the process works fine. However, on three occasions in as many months we have suddenly received alerts warning us that the transaction log restores could not be performed on the secondary databases. The SQL Server Error Log revealed the following:
Date,Source,Severity,Message 10/13/2015 04:01:16,spid52,Unknown,Setting database option SINGLE_USER to ON for database 'ObfuscatedName'. 10/13/2015 04:01:17,spid52,Unknown,Starting up database 'ObfuscatedName'. 10/13/2015 04:01:17,spid52,Unknown,Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database 'ObfuscatedName' (8). This is an informational message only.
An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database 'ObfuscatedName' (8:0) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected, contact Technical Support."
The extract above shows two previously successful restores to the secondary database. Suddenly, at 04:11:16, the database can no longer be started up or restored to. This is despite CHECKDB giving a clean bill of health only five minutes earlier. The result is that the last three lines are then repeated ad infinitum.
The only way we have managed to get around this issue so far is to replace the secondary database with a recent backup of the primary. Once this is in place, any outstanding transaction logs are successfully applied when the log shipping restore job next runs. However, this seems rather drastic.It is rather concerning that our warm-standby databases continue to become corrupted without any apparent explanation from SQL Server.
I have SQL 2005 Express on a hosted webserver - the server is behind a provided firewall with port 1433 closed.
In my event log I am getting hundreds of these :
Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:]
Event ID 18456
They come thick and fast from the same IP.
When I look in SQL Error Logs it's State 8 which seems to be invalid password - so it looks like someone probing the server to me.
I can see a way in the firewall to block certain IP's.
Anyone know a way I can lockdown the SQL, or the server (Packet Filtering?) to stop this? The server is hosted by 1&1 who aren't that hot with support on stuff like this.
I am getting alot of logged events from loads of different IP's as seen below. Majority are trying the sa account.. a few trying 'admin' which doesnt exist anyway. But how are they getting through my firewall to actually get to this point? What am i not blocking? Using SQL Server 2005 on a win2003 server. Commodo firewall software.
I'm getting dozens of attempts per minute on my SA account for SQL Server 2000. The systematic nature of it makes me think a script kiddie is doing this - and has been doing this all weekend. I'm not worried about him ever guessing the password, but I would like to use my firewall to block his IP address.
Is there any way to get the IP addy of someone trying to log into my SQL server?
I guess this is a fairly common topic but couldn't find the right words to find anything in a search.
What I'm getting at, is there any tsql functions or combination of commands for the following.
You have identity columns in your tables, if you set the a seed and autoincrement, I enter in rows 1 -10 and then I delete 4, 6, 7, 8.
My next new record uses 11. Is there any logic that allows you to check and reuse 4, 6, 7 & 8 described above? Not looking for something that consists of having to create an extra ID table for each table and handle configuring what the next available number is everytime an Insert or delete is called.
1 ALTER PROCEDURE links_GetAllLinks 2 @startRowIndex INT, 3 @maximumRows INT, 4 @sortExpression nvarchar(50) 5 AS 6 7 8 9 10 11 SET @startRowIndex = @startRowIndex + 1 12 --SELECT @TopicsFrom = CASE @TopicsDays WHEN '1' THEN DATEADD(day,-1,getdate()) WHEN '2' THEN DATEADD(day,-7,getdate()) WHEN '3' THEN DATEADD(day,-14,getdate()) WHEN '4' THEN DATEADD(month,-1,getdate()) WHEN '5' THEN DATEADD(month,-3,getdate()) WHEN '6' THEN DATEADD(month,-6,getdate()) WHEN '7' THEN DATEADD(year,-1,getdate()) ELSE DATEADD(year,-1,getdate()) END 13 -- populate the table CAST(getdate() as int) 14 15 16 IF @sortExpression LIKE '' 17 BEGIN 18 SET @sortExpression = 'links_Links.link_date' 19 END 20 DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000) 21 SET @sql = 'Declare @Links TABLE 22 (RowNumber INT, 23 link_id INT, 24 cat_id INT, 25 cat_title VARCHAR(100), 26 sub_id INT, 27 sub_name VARCHAR(100), 28 link_aproved BIT, 29 link_name VARCHAR(100), 30 link_url varchar(100), 31 link_desc varchar(500), 32 link_date datetime, 33 link_rating INT, 34 link_ratingscount INT, 35 link_ratingvalue INT, 36 link_poster uniqueidentifier, 37 link_comments INT, 38 hit_date datetime);INSERT INTO @Links 39 SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + @sortExpression + '), links_Links.link_id, links_Links.cat_id, links_Categories.cat_title, links_Links.sub_id, links_SubCategories.sub_name, links_Links.link_aproved, links_Links.link_name, links_Links.link_url, links_Links.link_desc, links_Links.link_date, links_Links.link_rating, links_Links.link_ratingscount, (links_Links.link_rating/links_Links.link_ratingscount) as link_ratingvalue, links_Links.link_poster, links_Links.link_comments, links_Links.hit_date 40 FROM links_Links INNER JOIN 41 links_Categories ON links_Categories.cat_id = links_Links.cat_id INNER JOIN 42 links_SubCategories ON links_SubCategories.sub_id = links_Links.sub_id 43 WHERE links_Links.link_aproved = 1;SELECT * from @Links 44 WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @startRowIndex) + ' AND (' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @startRowIndex) + ' + ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @maximumRows) + ') - 1' 45 46 47 48 EXEC sp_executesql @sql 49 50 51 RETURN at row 39, i define a field by dividing to values. I use these for ratings (finding the mean). The problem is, when a new link is submited, it has no ratings, so it performs a divide by zero. how do I check if the column "link_ratingscount" is zero? if it is, then return a zero, and if it is not zero, then do the divide?
I am building my first ASP.Net app from scratch and while working on the DAL I came across the problem of SQL Injection. I searched on the web and read different articles but I am still unsure about the answer. My question is should I add
Add in Parameters to my C# code to avoid SQL Injection. What is the best practice. I am unclear if the stored procedure already helps me avoid SQl Injection or if I need the add in parameters in the C# methods to make it work. I need some help. Thanks, Newbie
My C# update method in the DAL (still working on the code)
private static bool Update(AvatarImageInfo avatarImage) { //Invoke a SQL command and return true if the update was successful. db.ExecuteNonQuery("syl_AvatarImageUpdate", avatarImage.AvatarImageID, avatarImage.DateAdded, avatarImage.ImageName, avatarImage.ImagePath, avatarImage.IsApproved);
return true; }
I am using stored procedures to access the data in the database.
My update stored proc
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[syl_AvatarImageUpdate] @AvatarImageIDint, @DateAddeddatetime, @ImageNamenvarchar(64), @ImagePathnvarchar(64), @IsApprovedbit AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; BEGIN TRY UPDATE[syl_AvatarImages] SET [DateAdded]= @DateAdded, [ImageName]= @ImageName, [ImagePath]= @ImagePath, [IsApproved]= @IsApproved WHERE[AvatarImageID] = @AvatarImageID RETURN END TRY BEGIN CATCH --Execute LogError SP EXECUTE [dbo].[syl_LogError]; --Being in a Catch Block indicates failure. --Force RETURN to -1 for consistency (other return values are generated, such as -6). RETURN -1 END CATCH END
In the VB 2005 Express, I can get the SqlConnection and ConnectionString of a Database "shcDB" in the Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) by the following set of code: ///--CallshcSpAdoNetVB2005.vb--////
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Public Class Form1
Public Sub InsertNewFriend()
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=shcDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_insertNewRecord", connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure ....................................... etc. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// If the Database "shcDB" and the Stored Procedure "sp_inertNewRecord" are in the Database Explorer of VB 2005 Express, I plan to use "Data Source=local" in the following code statements to get the SqlConnection and ConnectionString: ......................... ........................
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=local;Initial Catalog=shcDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_insertNewRecord", connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure ........................ etc.
Is the "Data Source=local" statement right for this case? If not, what is the right code statement for my case?
My problem is that the 'INSERT INTO' query that sends the records to thetable is dynamically compiled in VBA and and the target table has a twocolumn primary key. I have made a number of attempts at getting 'WHERENOT EXISTS' to cure the problem but so far without success and previouspostings have resulted in advice to create an 'ignore duplicates' index.This solved the problem in asmuch as it allowed the SQL to insert the records that did not alreadyexist but resulted in the message appearing every time the user ran thethe query. Whilst this is not a major problem it is vaguely irritatingand I would like to find a way to stop it happening. I suspect that thesolution may involve using the @@ERROR command but I am not sure of thesyntax.RegardsColin*** Sent via Developersdex ***
My site has come under attack from sql injections. I thought I hadthings handled by replacing all single quotes with two single quotes,akaReplace(inputString, "'", "''")Alas, clever hackers have still managed to find a way to drop columnsfrom some of my tables. Can anybody direct me towards a best practicedocument on preventing these attacks?Thank you thank you,Kevin
Hello Everyone, I have a web form that allows the user to select a time to reserve. I am trying to make it so that when a user selects a date to schedule something (which i have working) a drop down list will fill with times that have not been reserved. The data is stored in two tables: tblCalendar and tblTime. tblTime contains pkTimeID and times (which are all possible times to select from in half hour intervals). tblCalendar contains a few fields but timeID and date (which is in the format M/d/yyyy) are what I need to test against. timeID is the foreign key of pkTimeID. Basically when the user selects the date, a function gets called that will run a SELECT statement to get the times available. All of this works, I am able to fill the ddl with all times available no matter what the date is or what has already been reserved. I want to check if a time has been already selected based on the date selected by the user and only allow times not selected to be listed. After acheiving this I would like to prevent the immediate time before and immediate time after from being displayed because each reserved time will last for one hour but the data is stored in half hour increments. Any help/suggestions/links will be greatly appreciated. If I need to provide anything else please let me know. Thanks in advance, Brian
I use paramaterized queries when using ad-hoc queries in my code-behind. Everywhere website I visit says to use stored procedures or paramaterized queries if stored procedures cannot be used. I understand how SQL injection attacks work, but could someone please enlighten me why a paramaterized query helps prevent these attacks? It seems to me that the text that is entered on the web form would just be passed into the paramater, but I'm obviously missing something. Thanks.
I have a schema/user called mstp who has tables in another schema/user. How do I prevent the mstp user from seeing those tables/data that do not belong to their schema?
database xxxx has tables som.employees and mstp.employees The mstp user should only allowed access to mstp.employees and nothing else.
I'm using MSSQL7, NT authentication and application roles so only my application can access the data. Also, other applications (like Excel) can not access the data and read it. So far, so good...
Yet, I noticed that if I try to access the SQL Server from another SQL Server on the network, it is allowed to see the list of tables, SP, etc. It is not allowed to open the table, but the Import/Export wizard is working and will allow retrieving data from the secured tables. If I change to MSSQL authentication, any user will be able to access the data from my application and I don't want that either.
Unless I'm missing something, this is a big problem, especially today where any VPN connection with valid user name and password can actually log in to the domain and therefore connect to the database via SQL Server.
By the way, the server still must allow access to users via applications so logins must exist. I just don't want other SQL servers on the network to be able to connect to and import/export, view table and SP, etc.
I have a table using an identity column as its Primary Key and twocolumns (table reduced for simplicity) EmployeeNumber and ArrivalTime.CREATE TABLE [tblRecords] ([ID] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[EmployeeNumber] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNOT NULL ,[ArrivalTime] [datetime] NOT NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_tblRecords] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ID]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOI have an insert procedure that checks for duplicates before insertinga new record:IF (SELECT TOP 1 [ID] FROM tblRecords WHERE EmployeeNumber =@SocialSecurity) IS NULLBEGININSERT INTO tblRecords(EmployeeNumber,ArrivalTime)VALUES (@EmployeeNumber, @ArrivalTime)SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()ENDELSESELECT 0 AS DuplicateRecordIn 99.9% of the cases, this works well. However, in the event that theinsert attempts are literally "ticks" apart, the "SELECT TOP 1..."command completes on both attempts before the first attempt completes.So I end up with duplicate entries if the procedure is called multipletimes vey quickly. The system needs to prevent duplicateEmployeeNumbers within the past 45 days so setting the EmployeeNumberto UNIQUE would not work. I can check for older entries (45 days ornewer) very easily, but I do not know how to handle the times when theprocedure is called multiple times within milliseconds. Would aTRANSACTION with a duplicate check after the INSERT with a ROLLBACKwork in this case? Any help is greatly appreciated!-E
I'm using MSSQL7, NT authentication and application roles so only my application can access the data. Also, other applications (like Excel) can not access the data and read it. So far, so good...
Yet, I noticed that if I try to access the SQL Server from another SQL Server on the network, it is allowed to see the list of tables, SP, etc. It is not allowed to open the table, but the Import/Export wizard is working and will allow retrieving data from the secured tables. If I change to MSSQL authentication, any user will be able to access the data from my application and I don't want that either.
Unless I'm missing something, this is a big problem, especially today where any VPN connection with valid user name and password can actually log in to the domain and therefore connect to the database via SQL Server.
By the way, the server still must allow access to users via applications so logins must exist. I just don't want other SQL servers on the network to be able to connect to and import/export, view table and SP, etc.
I have a letter I am creating in SSRS and would like the data to flow smoothly from one page to the next even if the whole section doesn't fit on a page instead of it forcing a page break which results in a large blank space on the page before. I have put the data into multiple text boxes (can grow is set for the text boxes) because of formatting requirements (I also tried the table object).
--Start Example--
TEXT HEADER 1 very long report letter information here (call it detail 1)
TEXT HEADER 2 even more very long report letter information here (call it detail 2)
TEXT HEADER 3 The term ""Accountant€™s Letter"" as used herein shall mean the certain math verification report, to be provided by an independent certified public accountant, certifying that the Securities shall generate the debt service payments due under the Loans. (call it detail 3)
--End Example--
So assume that everything but detail 3 fits neatly on the first page. Now part of detail #3 should fit on page one but it pushes the whole section to page 2 because it doesn't all fit. All I want is for say line to to be the last line on page #1 and lines 2 and 3 to be in page 2 instead of lines 1 through 3 on page 2. In reality, this letter is about 6 pages and each section is about a half page to 2 pages. This perceived minor issue has cost me a good day+ set back. Thanks,
I need to be able to prevent an invalid character from being entered into a sql 2000 databae on import from oracle.
In short, I need to exclude a certain character from being entered and need to be able to send an email which specifies that an attempt was made to enter this character, if the change was due to an insert or an update, the row to be affected in the target database, date and time info. Also the source of the data.
If this is not possible, is it viable to remove the character after insert and still send the email withe the required info?
Any one any ideas on the cleanest way to achieve this?
Is there a way to use trusted connections in ASP.NET and WinForm applications yet prevent users from accessing databases directly (outside of applications) ? I know the use of trusted connections are recommended for several reasons however I have a lot of applications that I need to prevent users from accessing databases directly outside of the applications themselves.
Hi,i am using SQL server 2005 and have a table with 4 columns.Column1 is primary key,col2 is foreign key and col3 and col4 are regular data column.When the user enters the data i want to make sure that for a given foreign key(col2),entries in col3 are not duplicated.Is there a way,i can make sure this at db level,using some kind of constraints or something?Thanks a bunch..