Need Help With DTS Jobs On 2005

Oct 15, 2006

I need to copy (not convert) a number of existing DTS jobs and the related DTS packages from a 2k machine to a 2k5 machine.  I'm trying to avoid having to re-create the Jobs and type in all the Jobs steps in 2005.

(Yes, we will be converting the jobs, etc. but that's not an option right now)

I've had good results using the nifty technique from ( for the packages, but this doesn't quite work for the Job steps due to the new 'Step_UID' column in the sysjobsteps table in 2005.

I've tried a number of variations in DTS to populate this new column, which is of type uniqueidentifier, but still no joy.

Does anyone know of a workaround or a better method to get the Job copied over from 2000?



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Schedulling Jobs On SQL 2005

Jun 14, 2006

I am changing the SQL 2000 to 2005 but i dont know how I can do the configuration of the schedule for each DTS that migrated?

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SQL 2005 Upgrade - SQL Jobs

Jul 19, 2007

Hello All
I am currently reviewing MS documentation regarding an upgrade to SQL 05 (from 2000). Given the risks invloved we have opted for a side-by-side upgrade. The "Upgrade Technical Resource Guide" indicates that system databases cannot be upgraded. This leaves the question "What to do with Jobs, Operators and Alerts?"
Do these have to be recreated manually?
Also is there no easy way to migrate DB Maintenance plans ?
I will use MS's sp_help_revlogin stored proc to re-create users but what about the msdb stuff ? I am presuming the structure is different hence cannot script (in 2000) and apply (to 2005) the Jobs.
The Copy Databases wizard can copy Jobs etc but my past experience with this has not been brilliant so am reluctant to use it. We plan to use the "backup and restore" method to migrate the user databases.
Thanks in advance.

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Who Should Own Jobs In SQL Server 2005?

Mar 15, 2007


Who should own job in SQL Server 2005? Currently, I have set up a couple new jobs, the owner is a windows login with administrative privileges on the server. So the job runs fine.

When I tried to change the owner to a non-admin user, the job failed, stating that I needed to set up proxy permissions or something to that effect. So I left the owner as the admin user.

Is that ok, or even the preferred owner of jobs?

Also -
One of my job steps is calling an SSIS package. On the "general" tab, it shows that it will run the package as the SQL Server Agent, and then there is a section "Log on to Server" where you select windows or sql server login info. In this case, I the SQL Server agent is a different windows account than the job owner... so who is logging in at the package level - the job owner or the SQL Server agent account?

Thanks very much

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Creating Jobs In SQL Server 2005

Nov 19, 2007

Hello I am using SQL Server 2005 I want to delete the data from my table after specific number of days.This should happen automatically. After the days I specified the data from the table should automatically get deleted. Can anyone let me know how to achieve this.If anyone can give an example for this it will be great.Thanks in advance.   

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SQL Server 2005 Jobs Issue

Aug 10, 2007

Migrated Packages from DTS to SSIS...
Tried running the jobs calling these DTS packages ....but getting error ......

the step in job is :
DTSRUN /S<servername> /U<username> /P<password> /N"ATL_Get_Down_Dates"
giving error :
Executed as user: USATLBNHSYSTEM. DTSRun: Loading... Error: -2147220438 (8004042A); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: The specified Storage File contains multiple Packages; Loading requires a Name or Guid. Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts80.hlp Help context: 713. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

Help Required !!!!!

Thanks in advance !!!

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Script Out ALL Jobs In SQL Server 2005

Jan 4, 2008

Will prbly write a blog about this pretty soon. Until then, here is a quick llist of steps:

Create an IS package from Visual Studio. In the Toolbox, under the "Control Flow Items" there is a "Transfer Jobs Task". Use this to transfer jobs to your local machine or any other server.

I still have to figure out how to make it write to a flat file. The only destination it allows at this point seems to be another SQL server.

Dinakar Nethi
Life is short. Enjoy it.

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Jobs Migration From SQL 2000 – 2005

Mar 19, 2008

I am trying to migrate few of my SQL jobs to SQL2K5. Can I simply script and execute them on the new environment. I hope the script is forward compatible.

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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Asynchronous Jobs In SQL Server 2005

May 13, 2008


The application that I'm working is has a job that runs 24/7 which checks a table for rows with specific status, if it finds it, then I has to execute a job for each row that it finds.
I don't know wheather if SQL Server jobs are asynchronous or not, since I need the execution of jobs to be in parallel instead of in a pipeline mode.

I'd appreciate your help.


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Problem With Jobs In SQL Server 2005

Nov 11, 2007

Hi there,,
I've a problem when I make a a full backup for my db using maintenance plan the job that is associated with the maintenance plan is not working and gives the followning error:
The job falied. The job was invoked by user machine nameuser name. The step to run was step1(subplan).
The user I'm using is administrator and the jobs was working normaly and suddenly it stoped.

Thanks in advance

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Running 2005 SSIS Jobs On 2000

Sep 10, 2007

I would like to create an SSIS package in 2005 and run it in 2000. Is there anyway to do this? Or does SQL Server 2000 have a precursor to SSIS? I am trying to create a job to automatically catch and kill orphaned processes.

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Query Find A List Of All The Jobs In A SQL 2005 Database

Apr 22, 2008


I was wondering if there was a SQL query I could run that would list all the current jobs in a SQL 2005 database? I would like to check to ensure a job exists before I call it, but was having trouble finding a way to determine if it existed.

Thanks for any advice!


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SQLAgent - TSQL Jobs Hangs (SQL Server 2005)

Aug 15, 2007

I have two tables
t_DTM_DATA_STAGING around 2 million records
t_DTM_DATA around 251 million records

The below SQL statement looks for records in the t_DTM_DATA_STAGING table that are not in the t_DTM_DATA table and adds them to a 3rd table. (t_DTM_DATA_STAGING2)

This statement has been running fine for weeks, but now it seems to get hung every day. I ran sp_Who2 and it says the status is runnable. I let it run for around 5 or 6 hours the other day to see if it will finish but it didn't. This SQL job is step 3 in a 6 step SQLAgent job that usually finishes in 30 to 45 minutes.

I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this problem. No other jobs are running at the time this job runs.

Could this SQL statement be written a better way?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.




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How To Programmatically Reschedule/schedule Jobs In Server 2000 And 2005 ?

Oct 3, 2006


how to reschedule/schedule jobs in server 2000 and 2005 Programmatically?



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How To Monitor Failed Sql Server 2005 Jobs When Database Mail Is Disabled

Sep 14, 2007

We have our SQL Server 2005 hosted at a datacenter and have only SS Management Studio access (no term serv, no event log, etc.). Also, our hosting company has disabled the Database Mail feature. We have over 60 jobs running on a minute/hourly/daily basis that are critical for our business. It is super important for us to know if and when a job failed.

Given this scenario, how do you suggest we implement monitoring/notification of failed jobs?

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SQL Server 2005 Start Jobs Window And Job Activity Monitor Do Not Show Job Status Correcly

Mar 14, 2007


We have development and user acceptance (UA) servers. When I start a job on the development server, on the management studio, Start Jobs window and Job activity windows indicate "Executing" until the end of the job and finish with "success" or "failure"

But on the UA server, second after I start a job, Start Jobs window comes up with "success" or failure" and Job activity monitor says "idle" but Job continues to log without any error message and updates the tables. So these two windows are not reliable at all. I have to add that I have only job operator rights on the UA server.

Does anybody know what the reason is ?


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Sql Jobs

Aug 2, 2005

Hi,It may sound funny but it is true. I have 2 version of same procedure, 1 is named as "update_aggre" other named as "update_aggre_2" .if I run these procedures using sql jobs the 1st procedure takes 12 seconds and the 2nd takes 2 second. I am stil surprise why is that both of them have same code.Any ideas please?and also I need to have lock mechanism within a procedure so that if some one is calling a procedure which is already called by some one ans is stil working on it the second user shld not be able to overwrite the existing data untill the first one is finished.TIAAmit

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Can&#39;t Run Jobs In SQL 7!

Mar 20, 2000

We're upgrading to Sql 7 from 6.5 but having problems running jobs with the following sql statement :

SQLMAINT.EXE -D master -BkUpDB e:dump -BkUpMedia DISK -DelBkUps 2 -Rpt d:salogmaster_dump.log

The error message is [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState :28000}] Error 18456:[Microsoft]ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for
user 'Domainuser'. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

The user is a domain account and already in local administrator group. It also starts up both Sql server & Sql server agent. It can run the same job on another server. I have compared the set up and can't find any differences.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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SQL Jobs

Nov 17, 2000

If i've created myself a job on my SQL Server and then scripted it, how do i run this script and so doing create my job on another server?

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Jobs Won&#39;t Run

Jan 18, 2001

Hi, I have a DTS package that runs correctly when executed manually, but when I schedule a job via the package, the job begins executing and nevers seems to complete the run. The Package runs in less that 1 minute, but the job sticks on executing and does not complete. I have to cancel, any ideas?


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Sep 6, 2000

I have 12 scheduled daily jobs, all the jobs are depending on one job.I want to run rest all the jobs if and only if the Job#1 gets success.Now all are running independently.Is there a way to force the sequence by using SQL.

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Aug 30, 2000

If we have several jobs running several times daily,do we have to do any clean-up with the logs/job history so that they don't run into any problem later?Will it be o.k if we do not clear off the history frequently?

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Jobs In 7.0 Vs. 6.5

Feb 16, 2001

Hi all,
My firm has about 15 SQL Servers. 5 of them are still 6.5 and the other 10
are 7.0. I have noticed that the jobs I have setup to perform maintenance
tasks, backups etc. almost never fail in 7.0. Similar tasks routinely
fail on the 6.5 servers.

So I did a test. I deleted a database in 7.0 and ran a backup job. Although
the log for the job said that it couldn't find the db it still said the job
was successful. In 6.5 if you try to run a job on a non-existent db it
fails. What's going on in 7.0? What has to happen for a SQL Server agent job
to fail. This seems like an awfully dangerous new "feature".

If anyone could shed light on this I would appreciate it.


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DTS Jobs

Mar 5, 2001


How do we add DTS pakages to a scheduled job ?
Ex: Lets say i have 2 DTS pakages One has got to run immediately after the other.
>Now i create a schedule for the main DTS pakage.

>Once i create a schedule, It goes into Jobs as a Scheduled job.

>Now in the propertied part of the first DTS job i need to add a second DTS
as Step2, mentioning that it should run after the First DTS.

How do we do this ?

Thanks in Advance,

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SQL 7 Jobs

Jul 23, 2001

Does anyone know how I can set up some form of alert that tells me which scheduled jobs are still running?

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Jobs Sit Up Doing Nothing

Sep 21, 2001

We had some jobs in Sql server 7.0 which ran together at the same time.
Now we have moved to sql 2000 and when we run those jobs together again they just sit up(keep on going without doing anything) and do nothing.I have monitored that there is no Blocking or any kind of Performance Overload.

These jobs run fine when they are executed Individually in Sql 2000

Any kind of help will be appreciated.


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What Are Jobs?

Sep 29, 2004

hey guys!! can someone tell me, what are jobs on MS SQL?
and what is a job scheduler? how do it function? what are the processes
involved? and additional information about this stuffs.. thanks..really need it.. tnx tnx..

if your wondering
why i asked the questions
here..because it's really
hard to search the meaning
of it in the net..i hope you
guys could help me.. tnx

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Right To Run Jobs

Oct 5, 2004

Thanks for the help with moving jobs from one server to another.

Now that I have moved them, they now fail each and all. I have copied the script and saved them as vbs files and placed them in a folder on the server and ran them successfully. I think it has something to do with the rights, but I don't know what. Could someone shed some light on possible causes?


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Dec 6, 2004

Hi SQL Guru's

I am trying to run a job on Multiple SQL Servers in a domain.I am setting the job on my system,but the Radio button "Target Multiple Servers" is disabled.How do I enable the radio button "Target Multiple Servers".
Please let me know if this is possible.

Best Regards


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Jobs Are Here

Oct 31, 2005

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May 13, 2004

What's the best way to backup jobs in SQL Server 2000?

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SQL Jobs

Feb 5, 2007

I need some direction on SQL Jobs.

I can handle the setting up a SQL Job/DTS Package.

What I have is SQL Statement I need to run that creates a txt file Renames file to AUX_Export_020507.txt then zips that text file and Name it Then move the zip file to a FTP directory.
I would like to get email after it runs also.

This issue I am having is the Part that zips the file
Renames the text file and zip file to add the current date on end like I have above and move it to a FTP directy..

The old days we would creat an autoex.bat file to move and rename.

Michael Webb

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Nov 9, 2007

Hi All,

I want to create a job which will basically fetch the information from the system. I mean job will fetch the following information about disk available in the system.

1) Drive
2) Total Size
3) Available Space
4) %free space

Suppose I have 3 drives d,h,i
The information should look like this

Drive Totalsize Available Space %free space
H 2 Gb 1 GB 50%

Can anyone please help me.


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