Need To Link Table In SQL Express 2005 From Informix/Access

Apr 5, 2007


Can someone help me and advise steps how to create link through ODBC between SQL Express 2005 & Informix ODBC / Access Database



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Link To Express Table In Access 2003

Jan 29, 2006

How can make link to a table stored in an sql express 2005 database in access 2003 ? the classic method doesen't work. i tried to use odbc databases as file type to link, then build a data source using SQL native clint driver, but in the combo for default database i don't have the database created before, only master,msdb, model, tempdb. If i try to use the attach database filename text box i receive an error "the datadase entered is not valid". Any suggestions ?


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Access Can't Link To NEW LOCAL SQL Server 2005 Express Installation

Jan 17, 2008

I have just downloaded and installed the SQL Server 2005 Express version, enabled TCIP and Named pipes but when I try to link to the tables with Access 2003 or try to create a database connection I get an error 17 "connection failed - SQL Server does not exist or access is denied".

I am able to open Management Studio Express and see all of the databases, including another SQL Server 2005 server that I have. I am able to Link to my other server but I can't get see my local install.

What can I do?


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How To Link To An Existing SQLExpress 2005 Table From Access 2003

Nov 22, 2006

I initially created an Access application within Access 2003 which I subsequently migrated to SQLExpress 2005 (Tables only) using Microsoft SQL Migration Assistance for Access 2003 (SSMAA) and continue to use Access 2003 as a front end, this really was easy and worked perfect. Now I added a new table to my SQLExpress DB and need to link to it from my Access application but can not find a way to do so in the same way that the SSMAA does. I need to run the Access 2003 application in share mode from multiple PC in the LAN. If I try linking to the table using an ODBC connection I can only access from the PC where the link was done! Any ideas? THanks in advance.

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Cannot Link To SQL Tables Using ODBC Link Table In Access 2003

Feb 3, 2006

When trying to link to an SQL table in Access 2003, the software appears to be malfunctioning. 

The sequence of events is File - Get External Data - Link Tables - Files of Type: ODBC Databases().

The Problem: On two of my computers, the select data source window does not pop up, preventing me from linking to any ODBC data source. 

Observations:  This function has worked normally in the recent past and works on other computers running Access 2003.  One difference between the computers working and non-working computers is Norton Antivirus 2006 (recent upgrade).

Has anyone experienced anything like this?  What's going on?

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Link Informix To SQL Server

Oct 6, 2006


I am considdering to link a Informix database (running on SCO Unix) to a SQL Server 2005. Only problem is ... I have no idea how to do this! The reason I'm attempring this is to try and see if it would fix a problem I'm experiencing when using Reporting Services to generate reports from a Informix data source. I've been told that setting up a linked server might fix the problem. If anyone could perhabs guide me through setting up the linked server I would be very grateful! The ODBC credentials for setting up a connection to the Informix DB as follows:

Servername : pal_tli
Hostname : server_name
Service : pal_ser
Protocal : sesoctcp
Database : db_name
Username : user_name
Password : pword


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Link To SQL Server Express From Access 2000

May 22, 2006

i'm trying to set a data source in Access 2000 to link to SQL Server express..I have mixed mode set..what user/password do I put in? I tried sa, but get error server does not exist, or access denied..

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Importing Access Table Into SQL Server 2005 Express Table And Adding One Field

Feb 16, 2007

Hi all,

Hopefully I am posting this question in the correct forum. I am still learning about SQL 2005. Here is my issue. I have an access db that I archive weekly into and SQL server table. I have used the dst wizard to create an import job and initally that worked fine. field I have as the primary key in the access db cannot be the primary key in the sql table since I archive weekly and that primary key field will be imported several time over. I overcame this initally by not having a primary key in the sql table. This table is strictly for reference. However, now I need to setup a unique field for each of the records in the sql table. What I have done so far is create a recordID field in the sql table that is an int and set as yes to Identify (auotnumber). That worked great and created unique id for all existing records. The problem now is on the import. When I try to import the access table i am getting an error because of the extra field in the sql table, and the error is saying cannot import null value into this field. So... my final question is how can I import the access table into the sql table with one extra field which is the autonumber unique field? Thanks a bunch for any asistance.


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How To Import Access Table Into SQL Express 2005 Database?

Mar 7, 2007

Can anyone help me import a ms access (97) table into a sql 2005 express database? The sql database already contains other tables but I would like to add some of my older access tables to this database without having to re-enter all the data. Please help! Thanks!

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How To Link ASP With SQL Express 2005?

Dec 5, 2005

Hi, I am trying to link my ASP project with my SQL server but ASp 2005 is pretty different from the earlier version. I don't even see any Data Adapter. I set all my rights for my SQL server so I believe that all I have left to do now is to link them together. I hope someone can help me.

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Link To An Access Table From SQL Server

Feb 26, 2007

I'm trying to find how to link to an Access table from within SQL Server. I know I have seen it once, but can not remember where I saw it. I'm using SQL Server 2005. TIA,

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Trying To Setup ODBC Link To SQL 2005 Express

Nov 8, 2006

Hello All

I am trying to use SQL 2005 express as a datasource for a mailmerge with Word 2000.

I have created a ODBC link successfully. I have enabled all the protocols. When I open the ODBC link, all I see is a ODBC drop down. I cant see or select any database tables?

When I open the dsn I get a dialog caled Header Record Delimiters. I accept the defaults and then I get another Dialog called Mail Merge Recipients with a whole lot of connection info, but no sign of any database tables.

Any Ideas?

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Download Link Of SQL Express 2005 Not Working

Feb 12, 2007

When I click Download, it show NOT FOUND

What happened ?

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Connecting To SSCE3.5 Database Using Access Link Table?

May 20, 2008

I'm a long-time Access developer who is looking to migrate his approach to SQL Server CE 3.5 instead of having all these MDBs. One thing that I do like is using Access to surf through databases; it's a lightweight way to see the data without having to fire up the overhead of Visual Studio etc. Plus there's the QBE grid for easy query design for those of us whose tool-less SQL coding is a bit rusty...

Anyway, I was wondering whether it was possible to "attach" to a SSCE database so you can see it in Access. I've tried but haven't found a way of doing it. Any thoughts? Or is this an intentional lack of capability so we have to use a more robust tool such as Management Studio or Visual Studio?

Thanks in advance!

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ODBC Link From Access To SQL Server 2005 Stored Function

Sep 20, 2006

If I define a table-valued function in a SQL Server 2005 database, can I link to it from Access 2003 using ODBC?

I've defined the function successfully, and I can link from Access to tables in the database (so my ODBC link is basically functioning), but I can't see the table-valued function in the Linked Table Manager in Access.

I can define a pass-through query to grab the table, but with a pass-through query I have to provide the ODBC password every time.

What am I missing?


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Mar 18, 2008

My task is to convert this Informix SQl Script to SQL 2005, unfortunately I am not really familiar with Informix SQL. Below is an example script. I can figure out the "Select" statement and the "Where" statement, but the "From" statement is giving me a hard time. Any assistance would be appreciated.Thanks

set explain on;
UNLOAD TO '/export/home/permit/propinact.txt'
SELECT distinct property.parcel_number,,

FROM property,
OUTER (legal_description, legal_lines),
outer property_char,
outer (property_char usecd, code_table ct),

WHERE = prop_valuation.property_id
AND = legal_description.property_id
AND property.eff_to_date <= TODAY
AND = legal_lines.legal_id
AND legal_lines.line_nr = 1
AND = prop_valuation.tca_id
AND = property_char.property_id
AND property_char.prop_char_typ_code = "SIZE"
AND = usecd.property_id
AND usecd.prop_char_typ_code = "USECD"
AND usecd.value = ct.code_table_cd
AND property.pact_code <> 'PERS'


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Migrate Informix Table

Dec 19, 2013

Migrate an Informix table (and eventually an entire database) to MS SQL Server 2012. This is my first experience using SSIS. I started off using the SSIS Import/Export Wizard to create a package. I was actually able to successfully copy a table, but it just didn't copy all the data. It skipped all the data that was in string columns. It created the columns with the proper datatype in the destination table, it just didn't copy the data. The other columns all copied properly. I need to do to get the string column data to copy?

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Upsizing From Access To SQL 2005 Express

Jul 23, 2007

I need some help upsizing  from Access2007 to SQL Server 2005 ExpressI need some URGENT HELP UPSIZINGIf you have done this before and are confident, then please can you help me, This is critical and very very URGENT I am on a dedicated server at RackSpaceWhen I try and upsize using the Wizard, it said that it cannot connect to the database, I get error number I select Upsizing to create a new database On the next screen, I select (local) database to  upsize toUsername and password are already confirmed and the user exists and has been granted Admin priv to operate on the DatabaseThe error I get is:SQL State 01000SQQL server state Error2Connection failedError 08001 connection failedError 17 When I list the databases it gives me an error as do I upsize correctly, what steps am I missingRegardsAndrerw

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Migrate Access To SQL 2005 Express

Aug 7, 2006


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me here. I'm very new to SQL server and has been asked to convert microsoft access database .MDB to SQL server. In another word, i'd like to migrate access to SQL Server. It's not a huge database. The size of it is roughly 6MB. The reason for migration is simply because our clients don't have microsoft office running on their system. They use SQL Server. This's a new challenge to me as i'm more comfortable with using Access now.

I have been searching and studying it thru the online tutorial about what it's and what it does. I have also downloaded and installed the SQL Server 2005 Express edition because it has GUI Interface and it does have the ability to produce reports like Access does. Now my question is how do i start because when i created the database i didn't think of any client/server application? so if i want to run the Access, i just double click it and start using it. how do i migrate it to SQL Server for a testing sake?

I really need some guidance here please.

Thank you in advance

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SQL 2005 Express And Access 2003 SP2 Adp. Please Help

Mar 22, 2007

Hi all,

I have SQL Server 2005 Express running and I am creating a database through access (Access 2003 SP2) and no problem it creates the database...

But when I try to create other objects like views and database diagrams, I get the message below which is quite detailed but I just don't know where to get the service packs or updates needed to have this problem solved. Can anyone point out what the problem and the fixes are?

Here is the message that I get:

"This version of MS Office Access doesn't support design changes with the version of MS SQL Server
your access project is connected to. See MS Office Update Website for the latest information and
downloads (on the Help menu, click Office on the Web). YOur design changes will not be saved.

You have connected to a version of SQL server later than SQL Server 2000. This version of Visual Studio
or Access that you are using was released before teh version of SQL Server to which you are connected.
For this reason you might encounter problems.

Please check with MS to see if there is a service pack that you should apply to Visual Studio or Office
in order to get support for the version of SQL Server to which you are connected.

You can continue but any new object types might not be enumerated, and it will not be possible to
save any objects or database diagrams thatyou create using the Visual Database Tools."


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Access 2003 With SQL Express 2005

Nov 15, 2006

I am a fresher in using SQL with access.

I am using a code in Ms access to link a table that is in Sql express 2005.

I use this linked table name to download records to the local Access table.

The link is then dropped in Access.

Is there any way to write back records into the linked Sql table from Access.

It does not allow me to delete / add / modify records of a linked table.

How can I do this.



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MS Access To SQL With SQL Server 2005 Express

Nov 2, 2007

Trying to convert my access DB to SQL using 05 express using the upsizing wizard but receiving "SQL Server does not exist or access is denied"
[microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory] ConnectionOpen(connect())

I'm brand new to this. My site is currenty running cold fusion with MS Access on a remote hosting server that doesn't allow me to update the DB. They suggested migrating to SQL with CF so I can make changes without bring down the entire server.

I'm trying to make the conversion on my local machine running XP pro. I have just installed the .net framework and SQL server 2005 express. Do I need a different version?


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Sep 8, 2005


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Nov 7, 2005


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Fragmenting Table (Informix/Oracle Way)

Jul 22, 2006

What is it called or how can I fragment data for a table based on date or a column using SQLSvr2000? :confused:

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How To Access SQL Express 2005 Remote Connection?

Jul 11, 2007

I have written a database application using .mdf in visual studio 2005 using (Windows XP sp2)

The app runs fine on the local machine. But I want to access the database from another computer (remote connection)

My Questions:
1. How to host the database file (mydb.mdf) on server machine?
2. How does connection string change on the client side?

Any other idea?


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Only Local Access To SQL Server 2005 Express Ed. ?

Aug 2, 2007

I run an application with a SQL Server 2005 Express edition.

I read under

Start menu
--> all programs
--> Microsoft SQL Server Express
--> Configuration Tools
--> SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration
--> Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections
--> Database Engine
--> Remote Connections

"By default, SQL SERver 2005 Express, Evaluation and Developer editions allow local client connetctions only. Enterprise, Standard and Workgroup editions also listens for remote client connections over TCP/IP. Use the options below to change the protocols on which SQL Server listens for incoming client connections. TCP/UP is preferred over named pipes because it requeres fewer ports to be opened across the firewall."

Here I chose the option "Local and remote connections only, using TCP/IP only".

But still, does this mean that other users can't connect to my database since I'm running the Express edition?

If that's the case, could this be changed by using mySQL instead?

Is it hard to transfer a MS SQL Server .mdf database file into a new mySQL database?

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SQL Server 2005 Express Remote Access?

Jan 8, 2006

I am currently using a Microsoft Access (MDB) for my application. But I am looking at allowing other users on the network access the same database -- I know a Microsoft Access database is not the best solutuon for this enviroment.

I'd like to use SQL Server 2005 Express in this case. I am very fimilular with SQL Server 2000 Std/Ent editions. My question is, can I use the free SQL Server 2005 Express edition and allow remote users to connect to that database? Or  is it supposed to only be used as a local database accessed by only the machine it's installed on?




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SQL Server 2005 Express Import Of Access

Jan 15, 2006


  I have installed SQL Server 2005 Express on a laptop for development purposes and would like to import some Access databases that I was using coupled to programs written in VB 6.

 If using SQL Server 2000 I could use the management studio to automate the import but I can not find any way to do this in Management Studio Express. Would have thought that this would be the typical migration route - Access to Server Express

   Is there some way to automate this procedure?




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Migration Of VB Net 2005 (Pro) App Using Access 2000 DB (DAO &&amp; ADO) To SQL Express

Nov 3, 2006

I've downloaded the migration tool to convert an Access 2000 DB to a SQL DB. The VB code utilizes DAO (3.6) for hourly automatic compaction and the creation of an encrypted security database. ADO is used for the data maintenance functions. I expect the current connection methodology of ODBC using Jet 4.0 will need to be modified (many articles here address this). All the SQL code is inline and also must be modified. The Coldfusion code utilizes Micrsoft Access with Unicode via an ODBC connection with only SQL Select statements. At another job, I migrated an Informix 7 database to MS SQL 7 and for the most part the SQL code remained the same except for the wildcard spec from * to %.

I'm looking for insights and/or shortcuts on this effort, primarily in the SQL command mods area. I'm perusing the threads here as we speak, but hoped someone knew of a specific thread I could go to....laziness is alive and well for us chronologically gifted people, i.e. over 55.

Any help or links are greatly appreciated!

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SQL Server 2005 Express Connection And MS Access

Dec 14, 2007

I just installed SQL Server Management studio express. I am trying to remotely connect to a SQL Server Express 2005 remotely. I was given the server name, user name and password, and used SQL Server authentication. It connected fine, and I was able to get at the intended database.

I then went to ODBC data sources to add this SQL server using SQL authentication. I entered the server, user and password, and I got a nebulous "could not connect" error. I thought is may be because I still was connected in SQL Server Management studio express, so I closed it and tried again with the same error. I then reopened SQL Server Management studio express and tried to reconnect, and got the same nebulous error, and have not been able to connect since.

I tried rebooting and reinstalling SQL Server Management studio express, but had the same result. Does anyone have any idea what I may have done and how to undo?


Steve Colino

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Migrate MS Access To SQL Server Express 2005

Jun 30, 2006

I have a database in MS Access that I would like to migrate to SQL Server Express 2005. How do I do this? Is there a software I need to download?

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Can .NET Application Access SQL 2005 Express Remotely?

Jul 24, 2007

I am tring to access the SQL 2005 Express which installed in remote machine. Front end app is on Visual Studio 2005. Try to connect SQL Express using the application Layer which is installed on the computer where SQL Express is installed. Could not fetch data from the SQL Express. What could be the problem?

With Regards,


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