Need To Adjust Pricing Without Affecting Old Pricing

Mar 4, 2004

Our database creates proposals, work orders, and purchase orders. Each of those systems pulls from the same price list. I need to be able to adjust pricing for products without affecting the proposals, work orders, and purchase orders. Does anybody know how to steer me in this direction?


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SQL 7 Pricing

Jul 15, 1998

Does anybody know what the pricing for SQL 7.0 will be?? (I am especially interested in the cost of the SQL 7.0 personal version for windows 95/98).


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CPU Pricing

Mar 12, 2007

Hi there SQL team trying to licence SQL 2005 loaded on to a
HP DL 380 Dual DC Xeon 2.33GHz

Dual means 2 CPU's on this server or is it one?

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Upgrade SQL 6.5 To 7.0 Pricing

Apr 6, 2001

Does anyone have pricing source for upgrading SQL 6.5 to 7.0? I need 1 server and 10 workstations?


Dave Lowe

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SQL Server Pricing

May 8, 2006

If this is not the best place for this question perhaps someone can direct me to the right place. Please do not send me to a knowledge base article as this does not really help.

I come from a Sybase background. I have the potential to direct various companies that need client/server applications to SQL Server but it is not clear to me (even vaugely) what it is going to cost them. These businesses have maybe 20 to 50 PC's that might need to access data on a SQL Server database. This will almost always be done through an application like Visual Studio .NET. The number of people that will actually need to go into SQL Server Management Studio may be only 1 or 2.

Given the above, can someone tell me, roughly, what the Microsoft costs are going to be for the company? I think they can get by with Standard edition. I don't think they need anything more fancy than that.

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Question Regarding Licencing And Pricing

Jun 1, 2004

Can someone please explain me how much does it cost for Per CPU license and how much /Server for an enterprise edition


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SQL License And Pricing Question

Aug 15, 2006


We currently are running SQL 7 Enterprise Edition on a Windows 2000 server. We are looking to move upto the 2005 edition but do not see the need for Enterprise edition as we use the database server for websites only. We currently have about 60 databases and 60 users on our server. Connecting are 5 web servers. So for the licensing and what not would I need to get 5 devices cals? Or is my only option the CPU license with the Enterprise edition?



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Pricing Of A SQL Server Clustering Solution

Jul 20, 2005

I understand that to implement SQL Server clustering solution, it isnecessary to have Win 2K Advanced server. We are looking at 2Nodefailover solution on a 2CPU Pentium box. Is there a site where wecan find out the cost of Win2K and SQL server for this configuration.Thanks.Ravi

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SQL 2000 Memory Adjust

Oct 3, 2007

Does anyone know how or where to adjust Ram Memory usage for SQL 2000.
      I've just added Changed the 512 MB Ram that came with the Server and Exchanged it with 4 GIG Ram . Is it a good Idea to allow only 2GiG for SQL . I 've heard that SQL will take/use all Ram that you install if you let. If this is true
Can anyone advise on how/where to make adjustments. Thank You...

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Adjust Namespaces In Generated XML

May 21, 2015

I'm having trouble getting the namespaces correct in the XML that is generated by SQL. The XML consists of two parts: a header part with some context information and the payload part with the actual data. With my current SQL script, the namespace is also copied to the payload part.

Here are some DDL and DML scripts to generate two test tables and some test data:

CREATE TABLE dbo.context(
idintNOT NULLconstraint pk_dbo_context primary key,
namenvarchar(100)NOT NULL
INSERT INTO dbo.context(id, name) VALUES (1, 'Here comes some great context information.')

[Code] ....

This is my current FOR XML script that generates the XML:

SELECT AS [Context/Name],
(SELECT AS [Content/Reference],

[Code] ....

This generates this XML (notice that the namespace is repetated in the <Questions> element):

<RegisterSubscription xmlns="">
<Name>Here comes some great context information.</Name>

[Code] ....

The XML should be like this:

<RegisterSubscription xmlns="">
<Request xmlns="">
<Name>Here comes some great context information.</Name>

[Code] ....

The generated XML does not pass the XSD validation.

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Adjust Identity Gaps

Apr 6, 2008


I have a table with an identity column..How will the identity gaps be adjusted if i delete few records in the sequence should automatically adjusted..Is there any way for this ?

ID Name City
1 abc xyz
2 mexm mcel
3 olekc kcome

Suppose i delete the record where ID=2..still the sequence should be auto record of ID=3 should become ID=2 automatically..there shouldn't be any gaps.

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Affecting Performance?

Dec 17, 2005

I have a table with 23 columns.  8 columns are not always filled by users and so valued to default.  Would this affect the overall performance of querying this table?  Should I separate those 8 columns and link with a one-to-one relation?


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Adjust Values In Db Base In The Value Modified On The Form?

Apr 3, 2006

Hi everyone,Here is the problem I am facing with. I have a form which has multiple fields including Price (read only), Discount(read/write), TotalSellPrice(read/write), Quantity(read/write) ... What I need to do is I need to adjust TotalSellPrice value if there was a new Discount value entered and vise versa. If both values have been changed I should use Discount value entered and calculate the TotalSellPrice. I am having hard time figuring the query out. Any thoughts or ideas in what direction should I go.Thanks for your help!

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Triggers Affecting Multiple Tables

May 4, 2004

I have a table "PageInfo" wich has columns "PageID, Title(has "AboutUs" as one of the values), DateModified, Active". My other table is "AboutUs" and has columns "ID, WhatsNew, Welcome, Active".

My goal here is that if table "AboutUs" is affected as an "INSERT" or an "UPDATE" on any row, I want "PageInfo.DateModified" WHERE "PageInfo.Title = AboutUs" to be updated with "getDate()". Don't know if I'm clear enough but thanks in advance.


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Insert Statement Not Affecting Any Rows

Feb 4, 2008

I have the following code:

Code Snippet
INSERT INTO [CICC].[dbo].[972createtest]
CAST(SUBSTRING(DateOfPayment,5,2) + SUBSTRING(DateOfPayment,1,2) + SUBSTRING(DateOfPayment,3,2) as datetime), CAST(TotalPmtAmt AS decimal(9,2))/100,
CAST(AmtPdToAgency AS decimal(9,2))/100,
CAST(AmtPdToClient AS decimal(9,2))/100

FROM [CICC].[dbo].[972create]

I'm trying to insert data into the table called 972createtest. It has the following columns and datatypes:

[Always81] [smallint] NULL,

[AccountNumber] [nvarchar](8) NULL,

[DateOfPayment] [nvarchar](6) NULL,

[TotalPmtAmt] [decimal](11, 2) NULL,

[Collector] [nvarchar](3) NULL,

[PmtCode] [smallint] NULL,

[AmtPdToAgency] [decimal](11, 2) NULL,

[AmtPdToClient] [decimal](11, 2) NULL

And here's a sample of the data stored in those columns:

81 01068713 092107 40.00 NJW 31 4000.00 0.00

81 01068713 111207 2000.00 NJW 31 2000.00 0.00

81 01068784 110806 10000.00 KSD 31 10000.00 0.00

81 01068784 121506 10000.00 KSD 31 10000.00 0.00

81 01068784 030507 10000.00 KSD 31 10000.00 0.00

81 01068784 033007 14100.00 KSD 31 14100.00 0.00

81 01068784 051807 7400.00 KSD 34 7400.00 0.00

Everytime I try to run the code, I get a message telling me "0 row(s) affected". What stupid thing am I doing wrong?

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Changes To Cloned Database Are Affecting The Original

Oct 20, 2006

I am trying to use SQL Express to support unit testing of functionality which requires database access.

I created an express database (.mdf) which contains a database snapshot which is the database environment that each test expects to see when it starts. Through the execution of the test the database will be modified arbitrarily and I need to reset the database to the original state before the next test executes.

Here's what I do today:

Before Test:

The original database is copied to a unique location in the temp directory
A unique database name is generated (GUID-based)
I connect to the new database file with:

Server=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="PathToTempFile";Database="GuidDBName";Initial Catalog="GuidDBName";Trusted_Connection=Yes;User Instance=true

During the test all database access is routed to the temporary database GuidDBName

After Test:

Close all active database connections and clear the connection pool
Connect to the master database and detach the database:

Server=.SQLEXPRESS;Database=master;Initial Catalog=master;Trusted_Connection=Yes;User Instance=true - sp_detach_db 'GuidDBName'

Delete the temporary file

When I do this, everything seems to work correctly but when I re-open the original database it has changed unexpectedly and includes the modifications that were made by the test as it ran.

Can anyone explain why this is happening and/or provide a solution?

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Reporting Services :: Adjust Table Height And Width?

Nov 5, 2015

I have designed a matrix report to display activities for which I added a table with in one of the cell When I run the report, I see activities but the row alignment is not proper and also when there are no records it displays blank.

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DB Engine :: Adjust Instance Memory When Service Not Starting

Apr 23, 2015

One server, a part of a 2 node always on cluster, had problems, I had to restart.

I'm getting this error for example now:

Error: 49910, Severity: 10, State: 1. (Params:). The error is printed in terse mode because there was error during formatting. Tracing, ETW, notifications etc are skipped.
SQL Server was unable to run a new system task, either because there is insufficient memory or the number of configured sessions exceeds the maximum allowed in the server. Verify that the server has adequate memory. Use sp_configure with option 'user connections' to check the maximum number of user connections allowed. Use sys.dm_exec_sessions to check the current number of sessions, including user processes.

Now, on the instance I have activated maximum servere memory, my question; Is it possible to adjust this setting without starting the service?

Some parameter for example?

The server itself have enough memory.

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How To Copy Database Structure From One Db To Another W/o Affecting Data

Jul 23, 2005

Is there a way to copy the structure from one database to anotherwithout affecting the actual data?For example, I added new fields and stored procedures to a db in mydevelopment environment. There are a lot of them.I now want to make the same changes to my production environment db butdon't want to affect the data. Only the fields, stored procs &constraints and stuff pertaining to the structure of the db should bechanged.Does anyone know of a program that can do this or can this be done inMS SQL Enterprise Manager.Any help would be appreciated.7078895

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Affecting SELECT Rows To A Table Variable

Aug 16, 2006


I would like to know how to add SELECT row to a table variable. It's not for my SELECT syntax(code following is just an ugly example) that I want help it's for the use of table variable.
Your help will greatly appreciate!!!

ex :
DECLARE @MyTestVar table (
idTest int NOT NULL,
anotherColumn int NOT NULL)

SET @MyTestVar = (SELECT idTest, anotherColumn FROM tTest)-- This cause an error :-- Must declare the variable '@MyTestVar'. ???? What?

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How Do I Adjust Object Explorer Filter Settings? - SQL Svr Mgt Studio 2005

May 7, 2008

My default filter settings are:          Name       Schema      Created
How do I add an additional filter such as 'Modified'?
I can get into the Filter Dialog box by clicking on the Funnel, but I can't figure out how to add another filter to the list.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Lock Out Users Without Affecting Replication?

Sep 1, 2015

We are approaching the "go live" date of a big application upgrade, so while the application is being upgraded i was asked to lock out all users and backup all databases and make sure the data isnt changed during a period of time

It turns out, as one of my databases is being replicated to another server, i cant put that database in read_only mode, or restricted_mode, without removing the replication.

Removing the replication means i have to set it up again and that means another 3 hours added to an already cram-packed weekend without sleep!

How I can lock out the users to make sure there are no changes to a database other then read_only/restricted_mode/single_user ?

I really don't want to touch that replication...

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Factors Affecting Effort Estimate For SSIS Package

Aug 30, 2007


I need to estimate the effort required in writing some SSIS packages.
Could anyone provide some pointers to the various factors (E.g. number of tables, source, etc.) which influence the effort estimate for SSIS packages?

Thanks in advance.


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Reporting Services :: How To Adjust Column Length Dynamically In SSRS Report

Nov 11, 2015

I developed a SSRS report, the problem is i dont have data in DEV server. So i dont know how to adjust the column lengths in ssrs report. is there any property so that the column length can be adjusted dynamically based on the data length whenever data is available in production.

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SQL Server 2014 :: CASE Condition Not Affecting CAST Output

Jun 10, 2014

I've a variable in my SP that I'd like to use to change the format of my output. Try this!

select case when 1=2 then cast(1 as decimal(10,2)) else cast(2 as decimal(10,0)) end

Then this:

select case when 1=1 then cast(1 as decimal(10,2)) else cast(2 as decimal(10,0)) end

Why in either case, the output is returned as n.nn ? Whilst single select expressions (like these):

select cast(1 as decimal(10,2)) -- = 1.00
select cast(2 as decimal(10,0)) -- = 2

Work fine.

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Reporting Services :: Select Query - Formatting A Date Affecting MIN

Sep 2, 2015

In my SELECT query I have: MIN(a.orderdue) AS 'Oldest order date'

This works in that it brings through the oldest order date, however it brings through a date format like: 2015-06-11 11:30.000

So I amended the SELECT query to:

MIN (CONVERT(varchar(17),a.orderdue,103)) AS 'Oldest order date'

This brings the date through as 11/06/2015, which is preferable.

But I have noticed that doing this has affected the output: the MIN function no longer returns the first (oldest) date, but a completely different value.

Obviously my changing the formatting for the date has affected the MIN output. Is there any way I can amend the formatting of the date without this happening?

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How To Customize SSRS 2000 HTML Viewer Without Affecting Other Folders Or Clients?

Apr 17, 2007

Hi all,

Got a good question to ask. At the moment, I do not have any control over the reporting server webserver. This is due to the company's policy. The webhosting is controled by antoher department.

Anyways, the question is the following:- Is there a way to customize the config file for the htmlviewer (css style sheet, rendering and others) for a specific client without affecting the rest ?

There are about 20 clients on a server, and I am responsible for one of them. I had customized my config file to render or allow only two formats for this particular client. Since I don't have any control over the websever, I just can't replace the config file without affecting the others. How do i do this ? I just want th config file to ONLY affect a certain client's HTMLViewer and not the others. I tried to do some research on this, but came up empty handed.

Thanks !


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Table Corruption On Adjust Table

Mar 15, 2006

I have an old application running on SQL Server 6.5 (6.50.416) that has a number of internal issues - inability to dump the transaction logs (would dump 9gb out of a 10gb datbase everytime regardless of truncating the logs), transaction log size of 0 even though 700mb allocated, very long DBCC's (though they complete properly).

I am trying to salvage the database by using DTS to copy out the schema, data, sp's, etc. into a new database.

I have the conversion running without error. Data usage goes from almost 10gb down to under 3gb and the transaction logs are now working.

However, when I use DBCC checkdb on the new database, I get the following (just a small sample):

Checking 524528902
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=25930 row#=10); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=25930 row#=10 computed row length=551 row length on page=550
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=25941 row#=2); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=25941 row#=2 computed row length=527 row length on page=526
Msg 2596, Level 16, State 1
Page pointer = 0x1b20a800, pageno = 25941, status = 0xD, objectid = 524528902, indexid = 0 has an incorrect pgfreeoff value of 1794. The offset should be 1384.
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=25967 row#=2); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=25967 row#=2 computed row length=527 row length on page=526
Msg 2596, Level 16, State 1
Page pointer = 0x22ab9000, pageno = 25967, status = 0x5, objectid = 524528902, indexid = 0 has an incorrect pgfreeoff value of 1667. The offset should be 1345.
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=26146 row#=0); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=26146 row#=0 computed row length=551 row length on page=550
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=26151 row#=5); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=26151 row#=5 computed row length=521 row length on page=520
Msg 2506, Level 16, State 3
Table Corrupt: The values in adjust table should be in ascending order starting from the end of the table (page#=26163 row#=0); check adjust table in this row
Msg 2524, Level 16, State 1
Table Corrupt: Row length is inconsistent between the computed row length and the recorded row length on page; check the following page and row: pageno=26163 row#=0 computed row length=546 row length on page=545
Msg 2596, Level 16, State 1
Page pointer = 0x218ba800, pageno = 26163, status = 0x5, objectid = 524528902, indexid = 0 has an incorrect pgfreeoff value of 1387. The offset should be 577.

The errors occur only on 3 specific user tables, and are consistent each time I try the conversion. Same exact page numbers and offsets (page pointers are of course different). I do not get any DBCC errors on the original DB at all. I can do select's on the tables without issue, and they seem to have the correct amount of data (did row counts and sums of various columns)

Any insight into what might be causing this or what the actual error is would be welcome.



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