Need To Count Inserted Rows
May 30, 2008I need to count how many rows are inserted and then how many updated from a table then put that result in a new table.
Lisa Jefferson
I need to count how many rows are inserted and then how many updated from a table then put that result in a new table.
Lisa Jefferson
Hi all
i using lookup error output to insert rows into table
Rows count rows has been inserted on the table 59,123,019 mill
table rows count 6,878,110 mill ............................
any ideas
Using insert stored procedure ,How to count the number of rows inserted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedInitially I had designed ETL using Dataflow task in SSIS , No I have converted into Store procedure using merge statement.
I am getting new records inserted, source records and deleted row count when I am running sqp manually.
In ssis simple I have used the rowcount transformation to capture the records.
below variable i have declared in SSIS Package.
now I am incremental loading using Stored procedure below is the sp which is executing when task success and logs the records.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_LogArchiveBBxEndTime]
@EtlArchiveLog_Id int,
@RowsSource int,
@RowsNew int,
@RowsChanged int,
@Sucessful bit,
@Description varchar(500)
Now I want to log the variable records which I have declared in my stored procedure .how can I log it in table?
I am run a stored procedure using Execute SQL task in, I want to log information of number of record inserted update in my table. I want to enable SSIS logging after from where I get information number of record inserted update.
I am using SQL server 2008R2 standard edition.
I have a table in which i have to delete last n inserted rows, how should i approach this , Sql server does not provide any ROWGUID BASED ON TIMESATAMP
i dnt think Rank() wil work either
Any suggestions?
There is a stored procedure that inserts a row into 'Vendors' table. Is it possible that two different calls to this sp happen at the same time and as a result, each sp inserts into the table its row at exactly the same time?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy does this code tell me that I inserted 2 rows when I really only inserted one? I am using SQL server 2005 Express. I can open up the table and there is only one record in it. Dim InsertSQL As String = "INSERT INTO dbCG_Disposition ( BouleID, UserName, CG_PFLocation ) VALUES ( @BouleID, @UserName, @CG_PFLocation )"Dim Status As Label = lblStatus
Dim ConnectionString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("HTALNBulk").ConnectionString
Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(InsertSQL, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("BouleID", BouleID)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserName", UserID)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("CG_PFLocation", CG_PFLocation)
Dim added As Integer = 0
added = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
Status.Text &= added.ToString() & " records inserted into CG Process Flow Inventory, Located in Boule_Storage."
Catch ex As Exception
Status.Text &= "Error adding to inventory. "
Status.Text &= ex.Message.ToString()
End Try Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
Rajesh writes "Hi
I have a table. I need to see the newly inserted row on the day. i.e. newly inserted data alone. I dont have any date field in the table."
HI, I am wondering if it is possible to retreive this information without using row count transform. Can I get the # of rows inserted/updated or deleted by destination from the log?
Thank you,
I am trying to create a SSIS package, which will extract data from a SQL server view and populate the data in our local SQL server database tables. My objective is to get the data from the view such that only inserted and updated rows are fetched from the view.
Note: the view does not expose any updated date type of column thru which I can check. So I guess I have to compare each and every field with my destination table row's fields.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how to approach the problem.
Thanks in advance.
I want to merge in a Datawarehouse, data of "source databases"
I need to insert on destination inserted rows a default value, acording to the datasource of the rows.
Something like in the field <SOURCE> fill on correspondent ROW the value <DATASOURCE1>
the row data is filled with default DATASOURCE value.
in nowdays i can extract and load the data of sources but i know how i can do this inserts,
Hello All,
Doe anyone know if any limitations with SQL Server Express may be causing this?
I have an application (a web service hosted on my local PC) that parses an InfoPath form and submits the data to a database (SQL Server Express). The problem I'm have is that new records are not always inserted into the database when I submit. There is an autoincrement ID field and I observed that every other record was successfully inserted (a day ago) and today I observed that the records were inserted intermittently. However, when I run the same application on a laptop, the records are inserted each time.
I posted the associated code on the Data Access forum but it occurred to me that it may be because of the nature of SQL Server Express.Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I want to do a "bulk" insert and then get the id (primary key) of the inseret rows:
insert into table1 select * from table2
If I get the value of the @@identity, I always get the last inserted record.
Any idea how to get the ids of all inserted values?
I have a TableA where data get inserted from Excel(IMPORT/EXPORT wizard)
ID(identity) Date (NOT NULL Defaulyt Getdate() )
Name Phone
1 2014-06-17 17:28:21.190
Nick 12345678910
2 2014-05-17 17:28:21.190
Stan 00045678910
3 2015-08-17 17:28:21.190
Kim 11111678910
4 2015-08-17 17:28:21.190
Tom NUll
3,4 are the rows i have inserted now , you can see by date, likewise i have 100,000 rows(old and new combination) and now the data from excel to TableA can be imported/exported daily , hourly, weekly basis.
Now i want to find out only the rows which are imported to tableA today, or hours back, or yesterday .....
the reason is ,
Step1:get data from excel and import to tableA( this is a manual Step) and i know when the data is inserted with exact date and time.
Step2: get newly inserted rows from TableA and pass them as Parameters in Stored Procedure.( i may run step 2 after 1 hour, or after 1 day or after 1 week ,but i want only rows that are inserted )
I tried with using where Datecreated, but did work.
I have a table that sometimes has modifications to column(s) comprising the primary key [usually "end_date"]. I need to audit changes on this table, and naturally, turned to after triggers.
The problem is that for updates, when the primary key composition changes, I'm not able to relate/join using the primary key - obviously, it no longer matches across INSERTED and DELETED. Now, for a single row update, it's easy to check for updates on PK columns and then deduce what changes were made...
So the real question is: are rows in INSERTED and DELETED always in matching order (1st row in INSERTED corresponds to the 1st row in DELETED...)?
I don't want to put a surrogate key (GUID nor IDENTITY) on the base table if at all possible. INSERT... SELECT from the inserted/deleted tables into a temp table with identity column is fine, and is what I'm currently doing; I would like MVP or product engineer level confirmation that my ordering assumption is correct.
Testing using an identity surrogate key on base table, and selecting from the Ins/del tables, and the temp tables without an order by clause seems to always return in proper order (proper for my purposes). I've tested under SQL 2005 RTM, SP1, SP2, and SP2 "3152".
FYI, I've lost the debate that such auditing is better handled by the application, not the database server...
Aside: why doesn't the ROW_NUMBER() function allow an empty OVER( ORDER BY() ) clause? Will SQL ever expose an internal row_id, at least in the pseudo tables, so we can work around this situation?
I create a Trigger that allows to create news row on other table.
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[TI_Creation_Contact_dansSLX]
But if I create an INSERT with 50 rows.. My table CONTACT and ADDRESS possess just one line.I try to create a Cursor.. but I had 50 lines with an AdressID and a ContactID differently, but an Account and an AccountId egual on my CONTACT table :
C001 - AD001 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C002 - AD002 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C003 - AD003 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C004 - AD004 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C005 - AD005 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
I search a means to have 50 lines differently on my CONTACT table.
C001 - AD001 - AC001 - ACCOUNT 001
C002 - AD002 - AC002 - ACCOUNT 002
C003 - AD003 - AC003 - ACCOUNT 003
C004 - AD004 - AC004 - ACCOUNT 004
C005 - AD005 - AC005 - ACCOUNT 005
In my ETL job I would like to truncate stg table but before truncating stging table, I want to make sure that all the records are inserted in the data model. The sample is as below
create table #stg (
CreateID int,
Name nvarchar(10)
insert into #stg
select 1, 'a' union all
select 2, 'b' union all
[Code] ....
How can I check among these tables and make sure that all values are loaded into the data model and the staging table can be truncated.
I would like to perform autodeletion operation from my table using stored procedure....
Here is my table structure: | emp_name | dept | desig | time_out | date | emp_sign |
if the user inserts new employee record that record should delete automatically from original after
30 minutes..I don't want to keep that newly inserted record after
30 minutes...I don't know how to achieve this...
Hi all!In a insert-trigger I have two joins on the table named inserted.Obviously this construction gives a name collition beetween the twojoins (since both joins starts from the same table)Ofcourse I thougt the usingbla JOIN bla ON bla bla bla AS a_different_name would work, but itdoes not. Is there a nice solution to this problem?Any help appriciated
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a table called Cartype and there is field called typeid contained 5 rows such as A,B,D,C,E,F
Ihave another table called transaction that the field called typeid and the data contains 3 rows of A and 3 rows of B , and 1 rows of E
I want to write the sql that output something like this
A 3
B 3
D 0
E 1
F 0
Is it possible to count total no. of rows in a table without scanning whole table??
View 10 Replies View RelatedHi,
I am using a foreach file to loop through mdb files kept in a folder and then transfer them to Sql server.
I want to do the following -
Sum the total no. of rows in mdb while the package executes
Sum the total no of rows transferred to Sql server.
Write them to a database (InitialRowCnt, FinalRowCnt, PackageNm, UserNm)
Note: Total = Total rows in all mdb files. so if there are 10 mdb files with 10 rows each, total = 100.
I saw a RowCount transformation..but just dont know where to place and what to do with it.
is there any way of getting the identity without using the "@@idemtity" in sql??? I'm trying to use the inserted event of ObjectDataSource, with Outputparameters, can anybody help me???
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a view that I want to find all the rows that have a matching itemid and have more than 3 rows in them and group them by the itemid.
I am not quite sure how to do this.
Any ideas?
SELECT ID_AnagraficaRivenditaFROM dbo.AnagraficaRivenditeWHERE EXISTS(SELECT *FROM dbo.Flussi_RivenditeWHERE dbo.Flussi_Rivendite.CodiceProdotto = 631 AND dbo.AnagraficaRivendite.ID_AnagraficaRivendita = dbo.Flussi_Rivendite.ID_AnagraficaRivendita)AND EXISTS(SELECT *FROM dbo.Flussi_RivenditeWHERE dbo.Flussi_Rivendite.CodiceProdotto = 615 AND dbo.AnagraficaRivendite.ID_AnagraficaRivendita = dbo.Flussi_Rivendite.ID_AnagraficaRivendita)GROUP BY ID_AnagraficaRivendita
hi, in this query (in which I extract all ID_AnagraficaRivendita who have a correspondence in table Flussi_Rivendite with CodiceProdotto = 631 AND CodiceProdotto = 615), I would like to receive also a count of extracted rows... have you any idea?? Thank you ;)
Hi, I am trying to get the first row of what might be a group of any size of rows within an id that may contain a specific field. For eg
Row A = NoteID 1, FK_JobID 1, UnRead
Row B = NoteID 2, FK_JobID 1, UnRead
Row C = NoteID 3, FK_JobID 1, UnRead
I need the sql to return to just one Job (row) even though the job as 3 UnRead fields. But its returning 3 because its only doing what I'm asking. What I need it to do is just get the one Job (row) where any of the notes = UnRead.
I tried using Top 1, but that will only ever return one row and since I need it to return more than one job (row) it won't work.
Heres my attempt
SET @UserID = 4
SELECT User_Notes.BeenRead, Master_Jobs.By_Who, Master_Jobs.Next_Action, Master_Jobs.Due_Time, Master_Jobs.Due_Date, Master_Jobs.Contact,
Master_Jobs.Job_Title, Master_Jobs.JobID
Note ON User_Notes.FK_UN_NoteID = Note.NoteID INNER JOIN
Master_Jobs ON Note.FK_JobID = Master_Jobs.JobID
WHERE Note.FK_UserID = User_Notes.FK_UN_UserID AND
BeenRead = 'UnRead'
Thanks in advance
Do anyone knows how can i count rows in all the tables in a database.
With select count(*) I can count rows only from one table .
I'm new to MS SQL having used MySQL for several years now. I just can't figure out the syntax on counting or selecting rows
a) in the Last X (days, weeks, months...)
b) between "date X" and "date Y"
I've tried this to get the last week:
FROM contacts
WHERE CONVERT(datetime,timestamp) < (GETDATE() - DATEADD(DAY,7,GETDATE()))
...but I always get a total that includes rows outside the span.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
hey, how would i count the number of rows, with out using a loop??
thanks, Justin
The following query returns 2142 rows which is correct.
select COUNT(*), sum(v.currentMarket)
from TRMaster m
inner join TRValue v on v.Year = m.Year and v.Parcel = m.Parcel
inner join TRProp p on P.PropCode = V.PropCode and p.PropType = 'A'
where m.Year = 2013 and m.deleted = 0 and m.ReviewDateTime is null and m.Status = 1
group by m.Year, m.Parcel
having SUM(v.currentmarket) > 0
How can I convert this query so that it returns just the count of 2142?
This is my sql string. It counts all the rows in Questions table but it should only count the rows where id in Quizzes matches the quiz column in Questions table.
"select,, count(Questions.quiz) as total from Quizzes inner join Questions on"
Why isnt it doing what I want it to do?
I am trying to get the number of rows for each month.
table name:sitez
ID Name crDate access
1 Bob .. 2014-01-11 .. 1
2 Jerry .. 2014-01-22 .. 2
3 Jim .. 2014-05-06 .. 1
4 Jason .. 2014-12-11 .. 1
5 Jen .. 2014-11-21 .. 3
I am using the results to make a bar graph so I am querying the database for a given year and expecting 12 results back (running SQL 2012).
Select count(*) as ttl FROM sitez WHERE year(crdate) = 2014 and access = 1 group by all month(crdate)
This should return:
However when testing the script I was only getting back:
which didn't knowing which months were 0
By changing the GROUP BY to GROUP BY ALL, it now puts in the zeroes. However I'm still having issues with incorrect results.
When I query the database, the results for December 2014 shows '13' when I execute:
Select count(*) as ttl FROM sitez WHERE year(crdate) = 2014 and access =3 group by all month(crdate)
There are ZERO rows made with a year of 2014 and an access of 3.I verified this by going a straightforward select * from sitez where crdate = 2014 and access = 3
Why I'm seeing ghost results?
All I need is 12 results, ordered by crdate month.