Need To Find Out The Name Of My Stored Proce Being Called. How Can I Do This?

Oct 12, 2006

I am maintaining some C# and ASP.NET code with SQL server 2000. My code calls a stored procedure. The code is a little confusing as to the name of the SQL Server stored procedure that is calling. At this point I don't know how to trace into or debug the stored procedure. Kind of hard to do in the first place when you are not absolutely certain as to the stored proc to be called.
I can take an educated guess as to which stored procedure is being called. I figure if I can deliberately make a certain stored procedure fail then this might be able to somehow give me the name of the stored proc that I am calling.
So is there a way to do this. Namely make a stored procedure fail, or to return the name of the stored Proc?
I would sincerely appreciate some help with this problem.

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DB Engine :: Can Find A Record Of Stored Procedure Being Called?

Jul 15, 2015

I seem to be able to see where a procedure is being recompiled, but not the actual statement that was executing the procedure.

Note, with 2008 there is a DMV called dm_exec_procedure_statsĀ , which is not present in 2005

USE YourDb;

SELECT qt.[text] AS [SP Name],
qs.execution_count AS [Execution Count]
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) AS qt
WHERE qt.dbid = DB_ID()
AND objectid = OBJECT_ID('YourProc')

The above shows results that include the CREATE PROCEDURE statements for the procedure in question, but this only indicates that the procedure was being recompiled, not necessarily that it was being executed?

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How To Create Sys Store Proce

Jul 9, 2004


how to create my own System store procedures, please send me an example

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Why Is It Called Stored Procedure Instead Of Stored Sets?

Jul 23, 2005

Since RDMBS and its language SQL is set-based would it make more senseto call a given stored process "Stored Sets" instead of currenttheorically misleading Stored Procedure, as a measure to prodprogrammers to think along the line of sets instead of procedure?

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SqlDataSource And Stored Procedure Not Getting Called

Feb 23, 2007

Im using a SqlDataSource control. Ive got my "selectcommand" set to the procedure name, the "selectcommandtype" set to "storedprocedure"What am i doing wrong ?  Ive got a Sql 2005 trace window open and NO sql statements are coming through  "ds" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:myConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="my_proc_name" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">

"txtF1" Name="param1" Type="String" />
"txtF2" Name="param2" Type="String" />
"" FormField="txtF3" Name="param3" Type="String" />
"" FormField="txtF4" Name="param4" Type="String" />


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Update Stored Procedure Not Working When Called From C#

Jul 11, 2007

OK, I have been raking my brains with this and no solution yet. I simply want to update a field in a table given the record Id. When I try the SQL in standalone (no sp) it works and the field gets updated. When I do it by executing the stored procedure from a query window in the Express 2005 manager it works well too. When I use the stored procedure from C# then it does not work:
 1. ExecuteNonQuery() always returns -1 2. When retrieving the @RETURN_VALUE parameter I get -2, meaning that the SP did not find a matching record.
So, with #1 there is definitely something wrong as I would expect ExecuteNonQuery to return something meaningful and with #2 definitely strange as I am able to execute the same SQL code with those parameters from the manager and get the expected results.
Here is my code (some parts left out for brevity):1 int result = 0;
2 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(icaoCode))
3 {
4 icaoCode = icaoCode.Trim().ToUpper();
5 try
6 {
7 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedureName);(StoredProcedure.ChangeAirportName);
8 cmd.Parameters.Add("@Icao", SqlDbType.Char, 4).Value = newName;
9 cmd.Parameters.Add("@AirportName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newName) ? null : newName);
10 cmd.Parameters.Add("@RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
11 cmd.Connection = mConnection; // connection has been opened already, not shown here
12 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
13 int retval = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // returns -1 somehow even when RETURN n is != -1
14 result = (int)cmd.Parameters["@RETURN_VALUE"].Value;
16 }
17 catch (Exception ex)
18 {
19 result = -1;
20 }
21 }

 And this is the stored procedure invoked by the code above:1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ChangeAirfieldName]
2 -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
3 @Id bigint = null,-- Airport Id, OR
4 @Icao char(4) = null,-- ICAO code
5 @AirportName nvarchar(50)
6 AS
8 -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
9 -- interfering with SELECT statements.
12 -- Parameter checking
15 RETURN -1;-- Did not specify which record to change
16 END
17 -- Get Id if not known given the ICAO code
20 SET @Id = (SELECT [Id] FROM [dbo].[Airports] WHERE [Icao] = @Icao);
21 --PRINT @id
24 RETURN -2;-- No airport found with that ICAO Id
25 END
26 END
27 -- Update record
28 UPDATE [dbo].[Airfields] SET [Name] = @AirportName WHERE [Id] = @Id;
30 END

 As I said when I execute standalone UPDATE works fine, but when approaching it via C# it returns -2 (did not find Id).

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How To Check When A Stored Procedure Was Last Called/executed

Jul 23, 2005

HiOur SQL server has a lot of stored procedures and we want to get somecleaning up to be done. We want to delete the ones that have been notrun for like 2-3 months. How exactly will i find out which ones todelete. Enterprise manager only seesm to give the "Create Date"How exactly can I find the last called date ! I guess you could write aquery for that ! but how ???P.S I dont want to run a trace for 1 months and see what storedprocedures are not being used.

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How To Get The Output Parameter From An Internally Called Stored Procedure???

May 29, 2005

Hi all,i have a problem and couldnt find anything even close  to it. please help me, here is the description of what i m trying to accomplish:I have a trigger that is generating a column value and calling a stored procedure after the value is generated. And this stored procedure is setting this generated value as an output parameter. But my problem is:my page is only sending an insert parameter to the table with the trigger, trigger is running some code depending on the insert parameter and calling this other stored procedure internally. So basically i m not calling this last stored procedure that sets the output parameter within my web form. How can i get the output parameter in my webform? Everthing is working now, whenever an insert hits the table trigger runs and generates this value and called stored procedure sets it as an output parameter. I can get the output parameter with no problem in query analyzer, so the logic has no problem but i have no idea how this generated output parameter can be passed in my webform since its not initiated there.any help will greately be appreciated, i m sure and sql server 2000 is powerful and flexible enough to accomplish this but how??-shane

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SQL Server 2008 :: WAITFOR Being Ignored In Stored Proc Only When Called From EF

Oct 19, 2015

We're trying to troubleshoot a timeout issue, so it was requested that I add a WAITFOR statement (1 hour) in a certain stored proc our application uses. I added it and confirmed that it was working by executing the stored proc in SSMS.

However, when our application (using Entity Framework) calls the stored proc, the WAITFOR statement is ignored.

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Gettings Warnings Sent From A Stored Procedure Called With Jdbc

Dec 6, 2007

When running a stored procedure, how can i retrieve the warnings that are issued within the stored procedure?

the code used is below,

the jdbc is connecting fine, it is running the stored procedure, but when an error is raised in the stored procedure, it is not coming back into s.getwarnings()
warning raised in stored proc with

Code Block

RAISERROR ('Error', 16, 1)with nowait;

there are no results for the stored procedure, I am just wanting to get the warnings

Code Block


Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://localh...........);

CallableStatement s = con.prepareCall("{call procedure_name}");


//running in seprate thread

SQLWarning warn = s.getWarnings();
while (m.running) {
if(warn == null) {
warn = s.getWarnings();
if(warn != null)
warn = warn.getNextWarning();

}the code is not complete, but should show what is happening

it is continually outputting null for the warning, though the strored proc is definately raising errors, which is proven by running it in a query window in sql server.

it is retreiving warning if the statement is a raiseerror instead of a call to the proc

Code Block

CallableStatement s = con.prepareCall("RAISERROR ('Error', 1, 1)with nowait;");

this thread is quite related, but doesnt offer a working solution
Getting messages sent while JDBC Driver calls stored procedure

any help much appreciated,


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Debugging A CLR Stored Procedure That Is Being Called From An SSIS Package

Mar 3, 2008

I need help debugging a CLR stored procedure that is being called from an SSIS package. I can debug the procedure itself from within Visual Studio by using "Step into stored procedure" from Server Explorer, but really need to debug it as it is being called from SSIS.

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Dynamic Security Stored Procedure Repeatedly Called

Jan 26, 2007

I have implemented an SSAS stored procedure for dynamic security and I call this stored procedure to obtain the allowed set filter. To my supprise, the stored procedure is being called repeatedly many times (more than 10) upon establishing the user session. Why is this happening?

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Debugging A CLR Stored Procedure That Is Being Called From An SSIS Package

Mar 3, 2008

I need help debugging a CLR stored procedure that is being called from an SSIS package. I can debug the procedure itself from within Visual Studio by using "Step into stored procedure" from Server Explorer, but really need to debug it as it is being called from SSIS.

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SQL Server 2014 :: Embed Parameter In Name Of Stored Procedure Called From Within Another Stored Procedure?

Jan 29, 2015

I have some code that I need to run every quarter. I have many that are similar to this one so I wanted to input two parameters rather than searching and replacing the values. I have another stored procedure that's executed from this one that I will also parameter-ize. The problem I'm having is in embedding a parameter in the name of the called procedure (exec statement at the end of the code). I tried it as I'm showing and it errored. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything related to this. Maybe I just don't have the right keywords. what is the syntax?

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[runDMQ3_2014LDLComplete]
@QQ_YYYY char(7),
@YYYYQQ char(8)
select [provider group],provider, NPI, [01-Total Patients with DM], [02-Total DM Patients with LDL],

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Error Handling In Called Stored Procedures?

Apr 14, 2015

I have one main stored procedure. It calls other 10 stored procedures by giving input parameters.

Do I want to implement Begin Try/Begin catch in each sub procedures or in main procedure only.

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Can A Stored Procedure Called From An Inline Table-Valued Function

Oct 5, 2006


I'm trying to call a Stored Procedure from a Inline Table-Valued Function. Is it possible? If so can someone please tell me how? And also I would like to call this function from a view. Can it be possible? Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks

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Grab IDENTITY From Called Stored Procedure For Use In Second Stored Procedure In ASP.NET Page

Dec 28, 2005

I have a sub that passes values from my form to my stored procedure.  The stored procedure passes back an @@IDENTITY but I'm not sure how to grab that in my asp page and then pass that to my next called procedure from my aspx page.  Here's where I'm stuck:    Public Sub InsertOrder()        Conn.Open()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_NewOrder", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        ' pass customer info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@LastName", txtLName.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@AddressLine1", txtStreet.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CityID", dropdown_city.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Zip", intZip.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailPrefix", txtEmailPre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmailSuffix", txtEmailSuf.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneAreaCode", txtPhoneArea.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhonePrefix", txtPhonePre.Text)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@PhoneSuffix", txtPhoneSuf.Text)        ' pass order info to stored proc        cmd.Parameters.Add("@NumberOfPeopleID", dropdown_people.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@BeanOptionID", dropdown_beans.SelectedValue)        cmd.Parameters.Add("@TortillaOptionID", dropdown_tortilla.SelectedValue)        'Session.Add("FirstName", txtFName.Text)        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()        cmd = New SqlCommand("Add_EntreeItems", Conn)        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        cmd.Parameters.Add("@CateringOrderID", get identity from previous stored proc)   <-------------------------        Dim li As ListItem        Dim p As SqlParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@EntreeID", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)        For Each li In chbxl_entrees.Items            If li.Selected Then                p.Value = li.Value                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()            End If        Next        Conn.Close()I want to somehow grab the @CateringOrderID that was created as an end product of my first called stored procedure (Add_NewOrder)  and pass that to my second stored procedure (Add_EntreeItems)

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Identifying Results Sets When Stored Procedure Called Multiple Times

Oct 18, 2005

I have a report based on our product names that consists of two parts.Both insert data into a temporary table.1. A single grouped set of results based on all products2. Multiple tables based on individual product names.I am getting data by calling the same stored procedure multipletimes... for the single set of data I use "product like '%'"To get the data for individual products, I am using a cursor to parsethe product list.It's working great except that I have no idea how to identify theresults short of including a column with the product name. While thatis fine, I'm wondering if there is something that is like a header ortitle that I could insert prior to generating the data that would looka little tighter.Thanks in advance-DanielleJoin Bytes!

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Is The Transaction Context Available Within A 'called' Stored Procedure For A Transaction That Was Started In Parent Stored Procedure?

Mar 31, 2008

I have  a stored procedure 'ChangeUser' in which there is a call to another stored procedure 'LogChange'. The transaction is started in 'ChangeUser'. and the last statement in the transaction is 'EXEC LogChange @p1, @p2'. My questions is if it would be correct to check in 'LogChange' the following about this transaction: 'IF @@trancount >0 BEGIN Rollback tran' END Else BEGIN Commit END.
 Any help on this would be appreciated.

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Cannot Find Stored Procedure

Mar 11, 2005

I developed a web application with a MSDE database backend on my laptop( 2003 XP Pro), then I transferred the website onto a server(Windows Server 2003) and generated a SQL Server 2000 database from the scripts I exported from MSDE(web administrator). The problem I am having is that it can't find any stored procedures. I keep getting errors when logging on, 'Could not find stored procedure "_myProc" '.
Any one with any clues what might be the problem?
Yes I have changed the connection strings.
Thanks in advance

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Could Not Find Stored Procedure

Jan 5, 2006

I use the following code in ASP.NET 2.0 to update the database:
Dim myConnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("server=local);uid=sa;pwd=xxx;database=Northwind")Dim myCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("dbo.spTralen_customer_save 'CACTU'", myConnection)myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProceduremyConnection.Open()myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
I get the following error message: "Could not find stored procedure..."
The sp is in the database and dbo is the owner of the sp and I'm logged in as sa as you can see above. It doesn't matter if I remove the "dbo." from the sql command, it still doesn't work. If I remove the parameter value 'CACTU' above I get an error message saying that the sp expects the parameter so the sp is obviously in the database.
Can someone please help me as soon as possible!// Gato Gris

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Need To Find Where In Db Record Is Stored

Feb 8, 2005

I have a mystery database on my is part of an application that my company bought, and it uses SQL server for its backend. The reporting features built in are not good enough, so I need to write some queries by hand...trouble is I am having a hard time figuring out how the schema works...using the front end they gave us I put a value of "12345" for a field I need to get to, but I can not locate where in the db it gets stored....can anyone tell me a way to query that will look at every single record and every single field in the db to find the value "12345"??

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Could Not Find Stored Procedure

Apr 29, 2008

Not sure if this question belongs here or in a .NET forum.
But Im going to give it a shoot. The problem is that Im getting the following error: "Could not find stored procedure 'xxx'".

Ive never used stored procedures before, so what I am wondering is there anything basic that Im forgetting?

I have this simple stored Procedure:

@FirstN varchar(128),
@LastN varchar(128)
FROM Person
WHERE (FName = @FirstN) AND (LName = @LastN)

and each time I call this procedure I get the prior stated error.

returnValue = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader(); //crashes when this line executes.

Ive found some people talking about this and it might be caused due to the "initial catalog=<database name>" in the connection string is missing. I tried that but didnt work.

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Find The Stored Procedure

Sep 13, 2005

Hello,Our SQL machine is getting bogged down by some sort of stored procedureand I am trying to find which one. My SQLdiagnostic software (by Idera)that monitors our SQL server, says that these commands are executingand taking upwards of 30 minutes to run. This is new and unexpected.The commands are:exec sp_executesql @Pm0 = 0x683AAD4E8159A84C90B65216A4DA25DE, @Pm1 =25, @Pm2 = 2, @Pm3 = 1exec sp_executesql @Pm0 = 0x683AAD4E8159A84C90B65216A4DA25DE, @Pm1 =105, @Pm2 = 2, @Pm3 = 1exec sp_executesql @Pm0 = 0x683AAD4E8159A84C90B65216A4DA25DE, @Pm1 =57, @Pm2 = 2, @Pm3 = 1I am getting pages of these and yesterday the are taking upto 30minutes to run (currently they are taking 1-2 minutes to complete w/opeople on the machine).We are not getting much help from our software vendor (of ouradmissions software, not Idera) on this matter. I have sa access to theSQL machine and I can see the pages and pages of stored procedures, butI don't know what the above is running. I want to find the storedprocedure that keeps getting executed. Is the @Pm0 = an encryptedentry?Any advice I would appreciate.ThanksRob Camarda

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Could Not Find Stored Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

I have an Access 2000 database connected to a SQL Server and am tryingto execute my first stored procedure. I created the stored procedureand verified that it works, but when I try to execute it from Access:cnn.Execute("sp_IPT")it says: 'Could not find stored procedure 'sp_IPT'Any ideas?Norman B. ScheininF-22 Applications DevelopmentM/S 4E-09(206) 655-7236Join Bytes!

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Could Not Find Stored Procedure

Aug 22, 2007

I have this error (Merge Replication):

The row was inserted at 'DISTRIBUTION.db_main' but could not
be inserted at 'subscriber.db_test'. Could not find stored
procedure 'bp_ins_8284C429C5514F08046769C0F2D24607'.

How can I solve this problem?


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Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'CMRC_ShoppingCartAddItem'.

Dec 14, 2006

I am not sure were to start on how to fix this.  I am not having any problems connecting to the mssql 2000 server.  My problem is Could not find stored procedure 'CMRC_ShoppingCartAddItem'.  The user has exec permissions on that procedure.  This is a custom 2005 web application.. Does any one have any ideas on how to check whats wrong?
The sub that calls the procedure:
Public Sub AddItem(ByVal cartID As String, ByVal productID As String, ByVal Company As String, ByVal quantity As Integer) ' Create Instance of Connection and Command Object
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=MANDB02;Initial Catalog=db_name;UId=nobigaccess;Password=$$$$$$$") Dim myCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("CMRC_ShoppingCartAddItem", myConnection) ' Mark the Command as a SPROC
myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
' Add Parameters to SPROC
Dim parameterProductID As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@ProductID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15) parameterProductID.Value = productID myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterProductID) Dim parameterCompany As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Company", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 8) parameterCompany.Value = Company myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterCompany) Dim parameterCartID As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@CartID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterCartID.Value = cartID myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterCartID) Dim parameterQuantity As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Quantity", SqlDbType.Int, 4) parameterQuantity.Value = quantity myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterQuantity) ' Open the connection and execute the Command
End Sub This is what the procedure looks like in sql: CREATE Procedure CMRC_ShoppingCartAddItem( @CartID nvarchar(50), @ProductID nvarchar(23), @Company nvarchar(8), @Quantity int
@CountItems = Count(ProductID)FROM
ProductID = @ProductID AND Company = @Company AND
CartID = @CartID

IF @CountItems > 0 /* There are items - update the current quantity */

Quantity = (@Quantity + CMRC_ShoppingCart.Quantity)
ProductID = @ProductID AND Company = @Company AND
CartID = @CartID

ELSE /* New entry for this Cart. Add a new record */

INSERT INTO CMRC_ShoppingCart ( CartID, Quantity, ProductID, Company ) VALUES

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Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'GetActivePoll'??

Jan 12, 2007

can anyone please help me with my poll application? whenever i run it, i will comes out with this error "Could not find stored procedure 'GetActivePoll'". i've got stored procedure in my database with the name GetActivePoll', how come it cannot find the stored procedured? below are some images and codes i've attached with.    1 <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="poll.aspx.vb" Inherits="Polls_poll" title="Fanzine if Liverpool FC" %>
2 <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
3 <div style="text-align: left">
4 <span style="font-size: 30px; color: #3333ff; font-family: Verdana"><strong><span
5 style="color: #000000">Please take a vote...</span><br />
6 </strong></span>
7 </div>
8 <div style="text-align: left">
9 <br />
10 <table width="100%" align="center">
11 <tr>
12 <td style="width: 100px; border-top: thin solid; height: 20px;">
13 <asp:Label ID="lblPollQuestion" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Verdana"
14 Font-Size="10pt" Text="Poll Question" Width="500px"></asp:Label></td>
15 </tr>
16 <tr>
17 <td style="width: 100px">
18 <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rdoPollOptionList" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="9pt" Width="500px" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataTextField="PK_PollId" DataValueField="PK_PollId">
19 </asp:RadioButtonList><asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Poll.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
20 ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Polls]"></asp:SqlDataSource>
21 </td>
22 </tr>
23 <tr>
24 <td style="width: 100px; text-align: left">
25 <asp:Button ID="btnVote" runat="server" Text="Vote" Width="71px" BackColor="Silver" BorderColor="Silver" BorderStyle="Solid" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" /><br />
26 <br />
27 <asp:Label ID="lblError" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="Smaller"
28 ForeColor="Red" Text="You cannot vote more than once..." Visible="False" Width="500px"></asp:Label></td>
29 </tr>
30 </table>
31 </div>
32 </asp:Content>
  1 Imports System.Data
2 Imports System.Data.SqlClient
3 Partial Class Polls_poll
4 Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
5 Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
6 If Not IsPostBack Then
7 DisplayPoll()
8 End If
9 End Sub
10 Private Sub DisplayPoll()
11 Try
12 Dim ds As DataSet = getActivePoll()
14 lblPollQuestion.Text = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("Question")
16 Dim i As Integer = 0
17 For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(1).Rows
18 rdoPollOptionList.Items.Add(dr("Answer"))
19 rdoPollOptionList.Items(i).Value = dr("PK_OptionId")
20 rdoPollOptionList.SelectedIndex = 0
22 i = i + 1
23 Next
24 Catch ex As Exception
25 Throw ex
26 End Try
27 End Sub
28 Private Function getActivePoll() As DataSet
29 Dim strConnString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("ConnectionString").ToString()
30 Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(strConnString)
32 sqlConn.Open()
33 Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand()
35 sqlCmd.CommandText = "GetActivePoll"
36 sqlCmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
37 sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConn
39 Dim ds As New DataSet
40 Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd)
42 da.Fill(ds)
44 sqlConn.Close()
46 Return ds
47 End Function
48 Protected Sub btnVote_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnVote.Click
49 If Response.Cookies("Voted") Is Nothing Then
50 Response.Cookies("Voted").Value = "Voted"
51 Response.Cookies("Voted").Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)
53 lblError.Visible = False
55 RecordVote()
56 Else
57 lblError.Visible = True
58 End If
59 End Sub
60 Private Sub RecordVote()
61 Dim strConnString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("ConnectionString").ToString()
62 Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(strConnString)
64 sqlConn.Open()
65 Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand()
67 sqlCmd.CommandText = "IncrementVote"
68 sqlCmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
69 sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConn
71 Dim sqlParamQuestion As New SqlParameter("@i_OptionId", Data.SqlDbType.Int)
73 sqlParamQuestion.Value = rdoPollOptionList.SelectedValue
75 sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(sqlParamQuestion)
77 sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
79 sqlConn.Close()
80 End Sub
81 End Class

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Cannot Find Columns From A Stored Procedure...

Jul 21, 2007

I have an application that I inherited, and I have a annoying problem.  We're using stored procedures to return most of our data, and occasionally we receive errors stating that a particular column cannot be found in the resulting data table.  When I run the stored procedure against SQL Server I receive the expected output.  What would make this random act happen, any ideas?
Also, I keep receiving errors stating that a connection is already open and needs to be closed before an action to the database is performed.  I'm explicitly closing each connection in a finally block for every method in my data access code, so a connection should always be closed, right?

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Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'sp_grep'

Feb 27, 2008

I am trying to execute on my current database the following SQL: EXEC sp_grep 'CurrentState'
But I keep getting the error that sp_grep does not exist. I thought the above was a standard was of grepping a SQL Server 2005 database.
Does sp_grep really not exist in SQL Server 2005?

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Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'

Mar 28, 2008

Im getting this error and i have no idea what it means.
Server Error in '/menu' Application.

Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'.Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

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Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'.

Apr 1, 2008

Can any body let me how I can remove this Message:
Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'.
Thanx in advance to all

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Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'.

Mar 7, 2006

I created new database in sql server 2005 dev. edition and use
aspnet_regsql to configure my database to store information for ASP.NET
membership.Than i created simple login application and that
work fine on my local machine but when i deploy it on host server than
i got this message :
Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'.
please help.

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