Need To Identify Column In Resultset

May 10, 2007

Okay, I now have some dynamic SQL working. This is the SQL statement I have for a report in Reporting Services:

DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000)


FROM RptValueTypeMap

WHERE RptValueTypeMap.SectionCd in ('ITEM0010'))


We have a table set up that actually holds different SQL statements based on the report items. This is reading the SQL statement from AdHocSQL for the Report item #0010 and it is returning the results. However, it does return the correct value, but under (No Column Name). I have tried to incorporate an "AS", but I get errors when I try this.

I am familiar, but new to SQL statements and I would like this to return a field so I can use this value in the report. What do I need to do?

Thanks for the information.

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Column Data Truncation , How To Identify Column?

Sep 3, 2007

Hi There

This one has bothered me ever since sql server 2000.

When you do an insert into a table with literally hundreds of char or varchar columns and you get the error that the insert failed due to data loss/truncation on a column.

Is there anyway in 2005 to actually find out what column ? Since there are hundreds is is literally a long process of going though each column 1 by 1 manually.

The database engine surely MUST know what column this occurred on so why can it not tell you which column the truncation occurred on ?

Can this be done in 2005 if not will this information be available in 2008 ?


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Identify Value In A Column Nullified

Jan 20, 2006


I have a huge db with many services ,users and applications hitting the db.
Suddenly one of our column is nullified , we are not able track who /how it is done,

Can any one tell be whatz the best way to identify this????
trace(what events to select ), trigger or what????


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Adding Column In Resultset From SP

Dec 27, 2006

I have a sp: mysp_getstuff it contains the following:SELECT  Adress,City FROM tblUserData WHERE UserName='john'as you can see it returns 2 columns.I also have another SP: mysp_GetNr. This sp returns an integer.I want to call mysp_getnr from mysp_getstuff and add the result to the 2 columns in a column named 'Number'So the resultset from mysp_getstuff should be:Adress, City, Number (in which the number column contains the result from mysp_GetNr)How can I do that?

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Resultset To Single Column

Nov 19, 2007

I have a situation where I would like to take a single column resultset and convert it to a single comma delimited row within a query. The reason I need this is because the data is from a child table of a parent and my end user has requested to be able to view the data in a tabular fashion. Therefore, I want to add this child table's contents as a comma delimited column in the stored proc I am using to retrieve the data for the display.

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How To Format Identify Column In SQL Server?

Mar 21, 2008

I don't wnat SQL's Identify column's format ( which is 1�2�3 ...)I want my Prikey column is looks like starts in 0000000001�0000000002�0000000003....I set the Prikey columns type is Char(10) not nullis it possible to setting my identify column as I want?

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Remove Identify Property From A Column

Mar 1, 2002

Hi, I want to know how to remove identify property from a column without recreating the whole table...
When I do it in Enterprise Manager, it actually drop and recreate the table
in background. I just like to know if there is other way without recreating the tables. Thanks!
Xiao Tan

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Identify If A Tables Has An IDENTITY Column

Apr 1, 2008

Been poking around, but how can I tell if a an identity column exists in a table?

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Identify Change Points In A Column

Apr 18, 2008

DECLARE @EffLevels TABLE (ChangePoint int, Value Int)

SELECT'1000', '767' UNION ALL--Changed
SELECT'1000', '675' UNION ALL
SELECT'1001', '600' UNION ALL--Changed
SELECT'1001', '545' UNION ALL
SELECT'1001', '765' UNION ALL
SELECT'1000', '673' UNION ALL--Changed
SELECT'1002', '343' UNION ALL--Changed
SELECT'1002', '413' UNION ALL
SELECT'1002', '334' UNION ALL
SELECT'1001', '823'--Changed

-- My Result should be
-- ChangePointPrevChangePointValue
-- 1000Null767
-- 1001 1000 675
-- 1000 1001 765
-- 1002 1000 343
-- 1001 1002 823

Any suggestion ?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Does Not Display Resultset Through Dataset Returns Resultset

Oct 10, 2012

I am creating a simple SSRS table report through Report Builder. My dataset is looking for the stored procedure . When I execute the Stored procedure through SSMS I get resutset for certain parameters. I execute the dataset  (Store procedure) through query designer in dataset properties and I get results back. But when I try to run the report and see the preview, I do not get any results displayed. I been looking on the same issue form last 3-4 days and have not found any clue.

Following is the stored procedure I am using. Also I am passing multivalued parameter through report as well, and I am using spilt function to seperate the libraryid I am reading from parameter values. This works fine. I have similar kind of four other reports and with different stored procedure which exactly follow the same method , like multivalue parameters and other criteria are also very similar. All other reports works just fine.. This perticular report has issue for displying results, following is the stored procedure I am using 



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Adding A Column To A Resultset In A SP WITHOUT Using A Temp Table

Feb 7, 2007

I have the following tablestblGroupsGroupID intGroupName nvarchar(50)tblGroupMembersGroupID int (FK)UserID intI need a stored proc which:returns the groupID and name of  all the groups of which userid 5 is a member AND also return the number of members that a group has (so the numbers of records in tblGroupMembers with a specific groupID)I have 2 sp's:myspGetGroupMembersCount which takes as input a groupID and has as output an integer valuemyspGetGroupsforUser which must return the entire resultsetSo say that userID 5 is a member of GroupID 6,18 and 22the following must be the resultset:UserID GroupID GroupName Members5          6             bla           132            5          18            yes          17             5          22           whatever    200                 I think I need to call myspGetGroupMembersCount from within myspGetGroupsforUser and add it to the resultset (I dont want to work with a temptable)...but I dont know how...

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Transact SQL :: How To Identify When There Is A Break In Continuity Of Integer On A Column

Jul 16, 2015

I have two columns, one column has a document ID and a given document can have many pages. The second column has the pages. Now I want to find out when the page number is broken. For example, if doc ID 1 has 3 rows and each of the three has 1,2,3 and then the fourth row has document 1 but the value jumps from 3 to 7 and then goes to 8,9,10 and then jumps again and starts from 17, i want to have the ranges identified.

DocID Page Number 
1    1
1 2
1 3
1 7
1 8
1 9
1 10
1 17
1 18
1  19
1    20

The result should look like :

DocID Page Number 
1   1-3
1     7-10
1   17-20

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SQL Server 2008 :: SELECT On Column Name From Querys Resultset In Same Query?

May 9, 2015

I have a column colC in a table myTable that has a value (e.g. '0X'). The position of a non-zero character in column colC refers to the ordinal position of another column in the table myTable (in the aforementioned example, colB).To get a column name (i.e., colA or colB) from table myTable, I can join ("ON cte.pos = cn.ORDINAL_POSITION") to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS for that table catalog, schema and name. But I want to show the value of what is in that column (e.g., 'ABC'), not just the name. Hoping for:

----------- -----
colB 123
colA XYZ

I've tried dynamic SQL to no success, probably not executing the concept correctly..Below is what I have:

CREATE TABLE myTable (colA VARCHAR(3), colB VARCHAR(3), colC VARCHAR(3))
INSERT INTO myTable (colA, colB, colC) VALUES ('ABC', '123', '0X')
INSERT INTO myTable (colA, colB, colC) VALUES ('XYZ', '789', 'X0')

;WITH cte AS
SELECT CAST(PATINDEX('%[^0]%', colC) AS SMALLINT) pos, STUFF(colC, 1, PATINDEX('%[^0]%', colC), '') colC
FROM myTable


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SQL Server 2008 :: Capture Database / Server Name In A Derived Column To Identify Source Of Data?

Feb 1, 2012

I am task with identifying the source database name, id, and server name for each staging table that I create. I need to add this to a derived column on all staging tables created from merging same tables on different servers together.

When doing a Merge Join, there is no way to identify the source of data so I would like to see if data came from one database more than the other servers or if their are duplicates across servers.

The thing that bugs me about SSIS Data Flow task is there is no way to do an easy Execute SQL Task after I select my ADO.NET Source to get this information because my connection string is dynamic and there is no way of know which data source is being picked up at runtime.

For Example I have Products table on Server 1 and 2:

Server 2 has more Products and would like to join the two together to create a staging table.

I want see the following:

Product ID, Product Name, Qty, Src_DB_ID, Src_DB_Name, Src_Server_Name
1 IPAD 1000 2, MyDB1, Server1
100 ASUS Pad 40 1, YourDB, Server2

get database name and server name in DATA FLOW only (without using a for each in Control Flow)

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How To Identify A Dll

Apr 17, 2008


How would I know that a dll component I built is in .NET framework 1.0 or 1.1??


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FOR XML Vs. Resultset

Apr 9, 2003

How much performance hit should I expect to use FOR XML to generate XML string directly from SQL Server 2000? I like this approach because it is simple and easy. However, others told me that it has a big performance hit. They prefer to use a COM+ component to create XML string from a Resultset. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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How To Get This Resultset...

Sep 24, 2006

Hi,I have 3 tables as follow :Kanji :kanji_id....References :ref_id....KanjiRefskref_idkanjikref_idrefkref_value....So, there is a many-to-many relationship between Kanjis and References(one kanji may have more than one reference type, and a reference typemay be set to more than one kanji).For example, one kanji may have the value 'abc' for reference type #1,and the value 'def' for reference type #2, another kanji may also havethe reference type #1, but have instead the value '123' and so on...I have two questions :1) How to get all kanjis that do NOT have the reference #3 (ref_id = 3)within their list of references?2) How to get the value of all the kanjis that have the reference #3,but still get other kanjis that do not have the reference #3...forexample, if I had 3 kanjis, with the two first having values 'abc' and'def' for reference #3, and the last one having no reference #3, I'dlike to get that resultset :kanji_id kref_value1 'abc'2 'def'3 NULLI manage to get all the kanjis that have reference # 3 with thefollowing query :SELECT kanji_id, kref_valueFROM Kanjis INNER JOIN kanjiRefs ON kref_idkanji = kanji_idWHERE kref_idref = 3however, this obviously does not include kanjis having no reference#3...any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)ibiza

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Identify Neg And Pos Values

May 7, 2003

How do l select a negative value from a column and set it to 'C' and if its a positive value set it to 'D' for debit

l've written it in layman's terms .Is it wise to use substring or they is a better method......

when amount is (negative) then 'C'
when amount is (positive) then 'D'

from table_Tran

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SHOWCONTIG - Need A Bit Of Help To Identify If

Oct 11, 2007


I'm currently on a company with an ms sql server 2000. I'm looking into the indexes and tables to see if there are some bottlenecks there but the LogicalFramentation is very low in the index I have searched.

However, this table has a logicalFragmentation of 99,9215698242188 which I get when I do DBCC SHOWCONTIG ([TInsurance]) WITH TABLERESULTS. Is that a value to be trusted or not to be trusted since this does not check an index? If it is, how do I defrag a table? I know only how to defrag an index. (example: DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (MFSSEK,[TInsurance], PK_InsuranceID) )

Tipps, suggestions, help, all is very wellcome! :-)

DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'TInsurance' table...
Table: 'TInsurance' (2051694557); index ID: 0, database ID: 17
TABLE level scan performed.
- Pages Scanned................................: 1275
- Extents Scanned..............................: 225
- Extent Switches..............................: 224
- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 5.7
- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 71.11% [160:225]
- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 74.67%
- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 520.0
- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 93.58%
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

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How To Identify An Array

Nov 20, 2006

I have seen several examples explaining the fact that a tablecontaining a field for each day of the week is for the most part anarray. An specific example is where data representing worked hours isstored in a table.CREATE TABLE [hoursWorked] ([id] [int] NOT NULL ,[location_id] [tinyint] NOT NULL,[sunday] [int] NULL ,[monday] [int] NULL ,[tuesday] [int] NULL ,[wednesday] [int] NULL ,[thursday] [int] NULL ,[friday] [int] NULL ,[saturday] [int] NULL)I had to work with a table with a similar structure about 7 years agoand I remember that writing code against the table was pretty close toHell on earth.I am now looking at a table that is similar in nature - but different.CREATE TABLE [blah] ([concat_1_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[concat_2_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[code_1] [varchar] (30) NOT NULL ,[code_2] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[code_3] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[some_flg] [char] (1) NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]The value for code_2 and code_3 will be dependently null and they willrepresent similar data in both records (i.e. the value "abc" can existin both fields) . For example if code_2 contains data then code_3 willprobably not contain data.I do not think that this is an array. But with so many rows wherecode_2 and code_3 will be NULL something just does not feel right.I will appreciate your input.

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How To Identify Hot Tables

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone know how to identify the hottest, most active tables in adatabase?We have hundreds of users hitting a PeopleSoft database with hundredsof tables. We are I/O bound on our SAN, and are thinking of puttingthe hottest tables on a solid state (RAM) drive for improvedperformance. Problem is: which are the hottest tables? Would like todo this based on hard data instead of developer/vendor guesses.Any suggestions are much appreciated.

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Limited Resultset Without SP

Sep 22, 2006

I have a search query on my page. However, since the resultset may be very large, I want to retreive only those results that are currently shown on the gridview page.Often a user won't browse through more than a couple of pages, so it's b-*** to send all the records to the client.I know that with a sp you can define that you want to retrieve the first or second x records, but I want to do this with that possible?

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Query Resultset

Mar 31, 2005

I have 2 Sql statements within a stored procedure.But second one crashes my app - I'm getting object not found
I need some help when writing several querys into the same sp, do I have to define some thing special?

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Resultset From Two Tables

Feb 1, 2008

I am trying to write a select statement that will return the values of two columns from two different tables in the same statement. I believe the join word needs to be used somewhere, but I am having difficulty with it.

Table1 (table name)
Column1 (column name)

Table2 (table name)
Column2 (column name)

results should be:

Thanks in advance.

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Weigh Resultset

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,This is what I want to do. For a data acquisition query, if conditionA is met, set weight to 1, else if condition B is met, set weight to 2etc.Is this possible? I thought about using CASE function but to noavail.Using the classical Northwind db as target db, and its employees tableas target table, if [note] column contains 'BA', then I want to setweight to 1, else if it contains 'BTS', then I want to set weight to 2etc. Weight or the like is an auxillary artificially created column.Something likeDECLARE @col intselect firstname, lastname, @col =(CASE noteswhen '%BA%' then 1when '%BTS%' then 2else 0END as aiCOL)-- and I'd like to alias @col as aiCOL or whateverfrom employeeswhere notes LIKE'%BA%'ORnotes LIKE '%BTS%'failed.Thanks.

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Resultset As Source

Mar 20, 2007

According to the BOL documenation of the ExecuteSQLTask you can populate a variable with a resultset. I specified a variable of type 'Object' and followed the instructions and everything is fine.

Now I have TWO issues.

1) I want to filter some unwanted rows from this variable and add into another recodset. For filtering i am using foreach loop and putting condition on variable. It works fine till here, but how to update another 'Object' type variable.

2) How to make the result set as source in a data flow task. I want the filtered result set to become source in a data flow



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ResultSet Streaming

Jan 10, 2008

I am using the SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver. I need to write a piece of code that makes use of the streaming ResultSet. That is as soon as I get the first row, a worker thread should be able to begin processing on it without waiting for the second row to arrive. When the second row arrives, the second worker thread should start processing on this new row without waiting for the third row to arrive and so on. Usually, with a ResultSet, I need to wait for all the rows to arrive first before I can start navigating the rows in the ResultSet. But in my code, I need to start navigating the ResultSet even as more rows are pouring in from the DBServer. How can I do that? Any pointers in this direction will be helpful. Further, I want to know will setfetchsize be of any help here? If I set the setfetchsize value to 1, does that mean that as soon as I get the first row, I can start working on this row of the resultset(viz start navigating the ResultSet) without waiting for the second row to arrive in the ResultSet?

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How To Identify The Fixpack Level?

Jul 21, 2004

for sql server 2000, how can we find the fixpack(service pack) level installed on this sql server?
is there any command, or any gui tool to identify the level?


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How To Identify SP Used By Front End Application

Sep 24, 2012

there is a Crystal Report run from the Front end Application. The DB used here is SQL Server 2008. I need to know the Stored Procedure used by the report that is been run from the front end. . How shall I do it?

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Statement To Identify Certain Fields

Sep 19, 2013

I am extract data from one of our Sql servers with the code below

Select SectDesc, PrGDesc, 'Product Description'=SetDescF, ProdSet, ProdSect, SectChar, Prdct.ProdGrp, OrigPr

From Prdct

INNER JOIN qryPRDGroupDets on Prdct.ProdGrp=qryPRDGroupDets.PGCode

where supersed =''
And OrigPr Not Like '9%' And OrigPr Not Like '%MDM%'
And LISTPR1>'0' And STANCOST>'0'

Which works fine, but what I need to do is reference the "OrigPr" field and mark it as "valid" or "Invalid", the "OrigPr" the field contains alpha numeric data e.g. A000, A001, A002 - ZZ99 and so on, amongst all of the potential different types of codes we have codes that end in treble Zero (0) e.g. A000 which are valid, but if they end in double 00 e.g. AA00 then this is invalid, the problem I have is I can't just add

'Marker'= Case When Right(OrigPr, 2) = '00' Then 'Invalid' ELSE 'Valid' End

For it will mark the A000 as invalid, is there a way of getting around this...

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Identify Backup Files

Apr 4, 2008

How to identify the backup files, whether the backup files were taken using SQL 2000 or SQL 2005?

Advance thanks,

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Identify Potential Duplicate

Apr 22, 2015

There is one report to identify potential duplicate in a table and it is performing poor.I'm now tuning the existing SP and got struck in modifiying it. rewrite the query in a best way. I just pasted below an example of query which is now in a report.The report will be run every week currently the table has 10 million records, and every week there will 5k to 10k will be added up so with that 5k to 10 k we have to check all the 10 miilion rows that if it is duplciated the logic is (surname = surmane or forename = forename or DOB =DOB )

Create table #employee
ID int,
empid varchar(100),
surname varchar(100),
forename varchar(100),
DOB datetime,
empregistereddate datetime,
Createdate datetime


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Identify What Tables Are Being Access In SQL

Jul 20, 2005

The database I'm currently working with is very old and some of thetables, SP, and views are not being used. I'm looking for a way toidentify what items are no longer in uses, or what items arecurrently in use.

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