Needed To Connect Remote DB By Client Tool (Enterprise Manager)

Dec 28, 2005

Here is what I knew: usr/pwd, Domain, Server and Database.

How to set Enterprise Manager, then can I connect to DB ?

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Accessing Remote Sql Server 2000 ( Enterprise Manager Like Tool)

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I need to gain access to a remote SQL Server 2000 storing my data.The remote SQL machine can only be accessed via an internet connection,that is - it is not part of my network.I know Enterprise Manager can do the job, but EM only comes bundled inMS SQL Server, which is not installed on the client machine.Please let me know which other (preferably free) tools can performsuch remote access.Thanks,Gilad Haimov

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SQL Enterprise Manager - Not Very Usefull Tool For Building Views

May 29, 2007

Man do I struggle with Enterprise Manager as a graphical tool forbuilding views etc.Its flaky and hangs frequenlty so i have to kill it with the taskmanager and re open it.You cant debug functions ( or am I missing something)But the worst thing is that it appears to cache the results of viewsand doesnt refresh from the source.If I build a view that includes a calculated field using a customfunction, and have another view thats built on the first one, thenchange the function to produce a different result, the second viewdosnt show the new value, its shows the old value. I have to cut thesql statment from the view and then paste it back in and save it onboth views before the data is refreshed correctly.Has anyone else found this??Surely there are some better tools out there to replace EnterpriseManager for building views and SQL statements graphcally?CheersGrant

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Enterprise Manager On W95 Client

Jan 26, 2001

I'm working at a customer there they use SQL server clients on W95. In Enterprise Manager I experience problems when trying to do some tasks like opening the design of a table, open the table, create a new table and also creating a DB diagram. Whenever I select one of these actions all I get is an empty window.
I know for sure that it's not a permission issue since I'm sa and I can perform these tasks in QA.
Is this a problem with W95 or has someone another idea ?


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SQL Client -Enterprise Manager

Dec 7, 2006

what components do I need to install on my laptop so I can SQL Enterprise Manager so I can connect to the database remotely.


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Registering Sql2K In Client Enterprise Manager

May 28, 2002

I have a problem that connecting sql serve 2000 name called "CBDATA" connecting into in my local machine Enterprise manger. I have the following information

1. I am the group of fiest domain.
2. My server is group of connectbuilder domain and locating in different place.
3. I added the server IP address in the client network utility alias with TCP/IP port 1433.
4. I try to register in my local machine with IP Address or server name but it getting the error
"SQL Server Registration failed because of the connection failure display below. Do you wish to register anyway?.
Specified SQL Server not found.
ConnectionOpen (Connect()) "

I don't have any problem if I am using the Terminal server to access the server physically.

I have tried to find the solution for this in many website but couldn't able to find any information.
Could you Please help me out regarding this problem.

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Server Connection From Client Enterprise Manager - Slow

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am seeing very slow connections from some client enterprise managersto server. Even at server level it takes 1 minute or less to open adatabase. I have adjusted some of the memory for the SQL server, butthere are only about 60 Dbs on the server, totalling about 2 GBs.CPU is very low at all times, 1 GB of ram, p3 1.4Ghz. SQL 2k.I know I should refrag the disk, but is there anything else I can doto speed up SQL operation via enterprise manager--ODBC connections is fairly fast, as well as query analyzer.Adam

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Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, Client Tools Question

Mar 6, 2001

Our installation has two instances of SQL Server 7. We have the client tools associated
with SQL Server 7 on our NT desktop. We will be implementing two servers running
SQL Server 2000 (SMS).

Ideally, on our NT desktop we would like to have one set of client tools (EM, Query Analyzer,
etc.) for supporting both versions of SQL Server.

Do we need both versions of client tools on our desktop?

Will SQL Server 2000 client tools support both versions of SQL Server?

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

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Remote Restore Without Enterprise Manager

Oct 7, 2005

Hi guys, I don't own a copy of Enterprise Manager and I need to remotely restore a database on my local machine to my hosted machine, can you guys recommend an application that can do remote restores?

Or is there a way to convert a Database into a long set of Transact SQL statements that I can run on the remote server (ala MySQL's MySQLDump)?


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Can't Connect Through Enterprise Manager

Apr 11, 2001

Please HELP ME!!! I have a server that is behind a firewall that I can not connect to through Enterprise Manager. However, I can connect to it through Query Analyzer. I am using TCP/IP. The credentials are fine, but the firewall is complaining. The firewall team has told me that the port is fine and that I should be able to connect. Is there a different port that Enterprise Manager uses along with 1433? I am told the answer is no, but I can't think of any other possibilities.

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Using A Client To Connect To A Remote Sql Db

Feb 28, 2005

hey i created a client app.. i want to connect it to a remote db.. but i am not able to connect through the internet. but its working for LAN.

is there anything that i must change in the settings of the enterprise manager??

i am connecting through an sa password and i allowed other sql servers to connect remotely to this sql server using rpc...

i am using this code to connect . i am using

"Data Source=x.x.x.x;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=test;User ID=sa;Password="

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How Does Enterprise Manager Connect To SQL Server?

Jun 12, 2001

Can anyone tell me how Enterprise Manager connects to SQL Server? Does the Client Network Utility affect it? I can ping the servers with SQL on them, but I get timeouts and 'Connection Broken' in EM. Query Analyzer works sometimes and sometimes doesn't.

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I Can't Connect To My SQL Database Using Enterprise Manager :(

Sep 9, 2004


I am trying to solve this problem for the past 1.5 weeks and it is driving me crazy :(

I can't connect to my SQL database using Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, Visual Studio 2003 .NET or a .aspx that I created for testing.. it runs perfectly on my domain but it doesnt work on my computer, on the browser I get this message: SQL Server unavailable or access denied. It is the same message I get when I try connecting to my db using EM, QA, VS.NET etc :(

I can ping my sql domain, so I know I have access to it and it is working.. I can successfully connect to my personal SQL server running on my machine. (SQL Server Personal Edition running on Windows XP )

I tried doing everything I could,

I already selected TCP/IP as my client only protocol;
I tried installing the lastest MDAC (v 2.8);
I tried every other port on my TCP/IP client setup like 14333 or 11433 or 11143 etc;
I tried every other port on the alias I set for my sql address;
I tried downloading the evaluation version of MS SQL2000 and updating it to SP3;
I tried reinstalling several times my MS SQL2000 (I use the personal edition on my windows XP) and updating it to SP3;
I tried connecting to my sql address domain and directly to its IP;
And I tried a lot more resolutions that I can't remember right now, but it didn't work :(

I've been searching all forums/google etc looking for someone with my problem but I still didnt, everyone who had a problem connecting to their DB using EM or QA resolved it by doing "this or that", I did exactly the same "this or that" on my computer/config and it didn't resolve my problem. :(

What am I doing wrong? I can't connect to my database from my personal computer :(

I have never used enterprise manager before, so I don't know if it is a problem on my personal computer or on my sql server address on internet.. Is there anyway to find a free test ms sql database with like 1mb just to try and find out if I can connect to a sql database at all using EM or if the problem is here on my computer?

Thanks in advance for any help,

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Cannot Connect To Database Using Enterprise Manager

Jul 4, 2007

I cannot seem to connect to this Instance locally which was i able toin the past. I can connect to the instance from out side. The instanceis running and the DBs in the instance are available and usedsuccessfully by the applications but i cannot connect to the instanceusing the enterprise manager.the error i get isSQL Server does not exist or access deniedrubeel

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Unable To Connect With Enterprise Manager

Jul 20, 2005

I am attempting to connect to a remote default instance of SQL Server2k on Win2k using Enterprise Manager from my local host but receive a"SQL Server registration failed, timeout expired" error message eachtime.I am able to connect using Query Analyzer when specifying the IPaddress of the server (I am also specifying the IP address in myEnterprise Manager connection), am able to ping the server from thecommand line, and am able to telnet to port 1433. I have triedconnecting both before and after creating an appropriate alias inClient Network Utilities all to no avail.I ran SQL Profiler while attempting to connect and do not see theconnection attempt reach the server. What could be preventingEnterprise Manager from reaching/connecting to the server while allother utilities (including profiler) are fine?Thanks in advance.

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Can I Access MSDE On A Remote Machine With Enterprise Manager?

Sep 22, 2007

We just installed an application, WhatsUpGold, to monitor our servers. Management won't let me host that on my primary SQL box. So, we are using MSDE on the local machine (call that box my_netmon).

I can access the db with very basic functionality using osql while on the my_netmon machine. I've added my domain user account as a System Admin using the following commands.

exec sp_grantlogin @name

exec sp_addsrvrolemember @name, 'sysadmin'

But when I go to the my_sql machine and try to attach to it with Enterprise Manager I get an error that the server does not exist.

What gives??? Is it just not possible, or am I missing something here?

My goal is to just be able to see the data stored in the MSDE db. Write views, etc...

Please advise,


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Problem Connecting To Remote Site With Enterprise Manager

Apr 22, 2004

Hi All,

Recently had to rebuild our SQLServer installation from scratch! major pain!! We had a remote server running a replicated version of the internal database system for the website. We also have a SQL DB hosted with a new ISP which is in test mode. All managed via EM.

Re-installed software, upgaded tp SP3, new MDAC. Set up the references for the two external DB's with the Client Network Utility. In EM set up a connection to DB on the new ISP, works perfectly, tried on the old DB and get 'SQL Server is not running or access denied' error message.

I confirmed the server is running, as its our live site. Cant connect using Query Analyser. I can ping the adress successfully. I've created new user logings that mach on both machines/servers, still no luck!

Can anyone suggest what the problem is/might be or how to fix... I'm flat out of ideas!

Major THANKS! for any gems...


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How To Connect To My Web-Site'SqlServer Through Enterprise Manager?

Aug 19, 2006

Hi all,
I have Sql Server 2000 installed in my home and also i have a website that works with Sql Server2000 and .Net FrameWork v1.1 ,now i want to know is it possible to connect from my home SqlServer to Host SqlServer( where my Website resides )  through Enterprise manager or Query Analizer to do some data-manipulation And how?
Thanks in advance.Regards.

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Unable To Connect To Server Using Enterprise Manager

May 7, 2004

Server does not exist or access is denied ...

Im trying to replicate a database (on web hosting server) my own local machine

I have successfully registered the server in enterprise manager, i know i have username/password correct [server status shows a blank white dot??]

Any ideas??? Maybe my network wont allow me, i cannot telnet to the server even specifying the particular port?

I have managed to backup the database via services provided by web hosting company, is there a way i can expand the database from this backup file using enterprise manager surely???


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How To Connect To SQL Instance Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

Apr 16, 2008


i have Oracle Enerprise Manager installed and want to connect to SQL Server instance. can i, if yes please suggest me.

thanks in advance
Helin Shah

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How To Connect To Remote Sql Express From Client Comp/app??

Sep 21, 2007

I think this is a taff problem for me when I connect to remote sql express from .net application

I use Connection String:

Data Source=MYREMOTESVRSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=microDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=micro;Password=micro


Data Source=MYREMOTESVRSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=microdb;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=micro;Password=micro

And found EROR message when running aplication from client comp/application
"... Login failed foruser MYCOMPGuest... "

How to setup a user in the sql expss server to support Client/Server Application?
Anyone can help me?


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Problem COnnecting Remote Database Server Thru Enterprise Manager

Sep 6, 2003

Hello Guys,

I have just put up an Webserver with SQL Server 2000. Everything is working fine on the remote machine Thru TS .. i can do every administrative things .. But i m facing problem to connect my remote databse server thru the Enterprise Manager .. It Gives me Cant Connect Database Server " Connection Failiure " when i try to connect my remote database server thru Ip address ,.. Please some one help me out to make connecting database server thru Enterprise Manager ..


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Registering Remote Database Server With Local Dbserver Enterprise Manager

Nov 15, 1999

I amtrying to register remote database server with my local machine Enterprise Manager. It says server doesnot exist or not available.

I am putting server name,Tcp/Ip, i.p,port in Sql client configuration utility
and then trying to register it with Enterprise Manager.

Pl help me out.



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HTTP Connection Manager Err:unable To Connect To Remote Server

Jan 23, 2007

Hi all,

i am trying to consume an webservice which under secure layer (HTTPS)


i'm connected thro' a proxy server.

when i use the same url in IE it works fine, but when i connect thro' http connection manager it always throws me a error saying "unable to connect to remote server "

can anyone provide me solution to over come this problem

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How To Connect To Remote SQL Server From SQL Server Enterprize Manager

Oct 24, 2007


I want to connect to the remote SQL server form my comupet using SQL server Enterprize manager. How cna i do that?
I realli appreciate your help.

Many Thanks.


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Problems Running Enterprise Manager And Service Manager

Jul 20, 2005

On one of our machines, all of the SQL Server 2000components except for the main Server component (SQL Servercore) itself were installed (Management tools, etc) a while agoand everything was running fine. Now I go and add/install theServer component and then Service Pack 3a.It seems that Service Manager won't start up (I get an hourglass cursor)and now I find that Enterprise Manager won't run as well. No errormessages appeared and I don't think I saw anything unusual inthe log file.However, I can use Enterprise Manager on a differentmachine and connect to the database (so the databaseitself seems to be running).Any suggestions as to what the problem might be and how tofix it? I like to see if I can repair this without havingto do a reinstall.Thanks.PF

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Help! Enterprise Manager Turns SQL Server Service Manager Off

Dec 6, 2006

IF someone can assist me. Everytime I load up enterprise manager the service manager turns off. And the enterprise manager can't connect to the local database. But everytime i turn it back on and try to connect again it shuts it off and around and around we go. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Sql Server 6.5 Client Tool And

Oct 8, 2007

Hi,I want to connect to Sql 6.5 server database server, What clientToolshould I use to connect it?And also Is it possible to update records in the Sql 6.5 2.0?Thansk In Advance

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Database Reporting Tool Needed

Apr 20, 2006

I need software that will write a report on the following items that I can have prepared to show our auditors. Any suggestions ??? OUr databases are SQL*Server 2000, SP 3a / SP4

1) database consistency checking
2) re-indexing
3) shrinking
4) allocation of growth boundaries
5) backup routines
6) disk space
7) table space
8) processing speed

Thanks so much,

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Primary Key Search Tool Needed

Dec 29, 1998

I need to search through a database that has a large number of tables to see if each table has an index that is based on the
primary key. I need this information in order to determine whether I can setup database replication or not. I believe all tables
involved with a replication need to be indexed on the primary key. Does anyone know of a stored procedure or command file that
will provide this information for me in a timely manner? I've used the sp_pkeys stored procedure but it is very time consuming
running this against one table at a time.

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SQL05 Client Tool Install

Dec 15, 2005

I'm running XP w/ SP2 and I tried to install just the client tools (management solution) from a SQL 05 Standard Edition. Don't have any kind of SQL sever or client tools installed (like older version or express). The install goes really quickly and installs successfully. When I try to go to Start - All Programs - SQL Server nothing shows up? It seems that nothing was installed. What am I doing wrong. Any ideas? All I'm trying to do is to connect to a SQL2005 server from a workstation with the new Management tool (the new version of Enterprise Manager). Thanks!

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Uninstall SQL 6.5 Client Tool From NT Workstation

May 12, 2000


I have installed SQL 6.5 client tool on to my workstation. Since then, we have upgraded to SQL 7.0 on our server. I installed SQL 7.0 client tool to my workstation and have been using it. I want to remove SQL 6.5 client tool from my workstation and do not know how. There is no uninstall button in the SQL 6.5 folder nor this program exists in Add/Remove Program in COntrol Panel. Can you help? Thank you.


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How To Check Service Pack On Client Tool

Jan 14, 2008

How do i check if latest service pack in applied on client tool.
i have sql server 2005 clinet tool installed.

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