Negative Number To Numeric Table Results In Error
Apr 10, 2015
I have an Excel/ vba module to update a SQL database. One of the data is numeric. If the data is a positive number, there is no problem, but if the number (zscore) in Excel is negative an error pops up: Error converting datatype varchar to numeric.
zscore = Range("J" & mytel99)
rc.Open "INSERT INTO dbo.QHSE_3rdline_history (RvA_Nr, RvA_Letter, Afdeling, Datum, Organisator, NummerRO, Eenheid, ALC, RO, Interpretatie) " _
& "VALUES ('" & rva1 & "', '" & rva2 & "', '" & Range("B" & mytel99) & "', '" & datum & "', '" & Range("B1") & "', '" & Range("B2") & "', '" & Range("G" & mytel99) & "', '" & Range("H" & mytel99) & "', '" & Range("I" & mytel99) & "', '" & Range("K" & mytel99) & "')", con
rc.Open "UPDATE dbo.QHSE_3rdline_history SET [Matrix] = '" & Range("C" & mytel99) & "', [Component] = '" & Range("D" & mytel99) & "', [Zscore] = '" &
how to get negative data in a numeric SQL table?
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May 7, 2008
Sorry if this question has been answered before--i tried a search but nothing came close to what i needed.
I have a report I am creating where I need to group on whether a number is positive or negative. The number will never be zero. This number is a decimal (currency), if that makes a difference.
I have tried creating a formula field with the following expression:
Code Snippet
IIf(Fields!Num.Value > 0, 1, 0)
I tried creating a group using this field (essentially, positive = 1 and negative = 0), but it gave me no results at all.
If you need any more information, please let me know and I will provide what I can. Thanks for your answers!
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Feb 20, 2007
I have a table with a field that has a numeric data type (15,2) and length of 9. The problem is that it won't display the actual negative sign for any values less than 0 when running a query. Any ideas? I've used Query Analyzer as well as Access.
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Sep 30, 1999
I'm a newbie when it comes to using SS7. When I try to insert a negative number (-1) into a integer column, the value is changed to 65535. How can overcome this problem?
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Sep 28, 1999
Why is the unsed space is negative number? Whould that affect the database? How do you fix the negative number?
If 'out of lock' happen, how do you check at what level the object was/is locked and how many locks is needed to configure?
Thank you ahead of time
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Jun 5, 2008
I am trying to output the difference in minutes between 2 times. The sql statement works for the most part but if I compare a time before midnight and a time after midnight, the query returns a negative number.
Here is my SQL statement:
dbo.fdc_trips.enrdate,dbo.FDC_Trips.enrtime, dbo.fdc_trips.atsdate,dbo.FDC_Trips.atstime, DATEDIFF(n, dbo.FDC_Trips.enrtime, dbo.FDC_Trips.atstime)
AS TimeDiff
FROM dbo.FDC_Trips
For example: if enrtime = 23:57:00 and atstime = 00:04:00, the DATEDIFF formula returns -1433, and really it should be 7.
How can I get this query to work with times before and after midnight?
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Jan 18, 2008
I was just wondering if there is a way of converting a number from negative to positive within Reporting Services, ie remove the "-" sign from the front of the number? One of the columns within my report contains a calculation which results in an integer, but it is always a negative number, even though it should really be positive (it would take too long to describe the exact reason for this, but it's to do with the underlying database, which I don't have access to anyway). When I right-click on the relevant cell within the table in Layout view in the Report Designer and go to Expression, there is a list of Conversion functions under the "Common Functions" heading but I can't find anything there which would convert a number from negative to positive. Does anyone know how this can be achieved?
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Feb 21, 2008
I am representing negative number within parenthesis , but as I am working on reporting service, it is possible to make the exact alignment of the number and parenthesis.
here is one example ....
when i format number with #,##,0;(#,##,0) i am getting output in a format in subsequent rows like
How can I make this alignment like
where the parenthesis will be outside the number space keeping in mind the alignment is in right .
any help will be apriciated.
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May 20, 2000
Could some one help me to explain what does it means when I ran sp_spaceused on the database it reported ex. -15430kb for unused. Does this mean that the index ran out off space. Do I need to increase space for the database. I will try to run the dbcc check hope it will fix the problem.
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Feb 4, 2008
I'm working with a horrible database! The field I'm having issues with is a negative number stored as a nvarchar, but it's not stored in a consistent format. I need to convert the field to a decimal (9,2) but I can't because of the negative sign.
I don't even know where to start to convert this. Any help is appreciated!
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Jun 10, 2014
when I run below query I got Error of Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric
declare @a numeric(16,4)
set @a=99362600999900.0000
The 99362600999900 value before numeric is 14 and variable that i declared is of 16 length. Then why this error is coming ? When I set Length 18 then error removed.
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Mar 21, 2006
I'm getting the above when trying to populate a variable. The values in question are :
@N = 21
@SumXY = -1303765191530058.2251000000
@SumXSumY = -5338556963168643.7875000000
When I run, SELECT (@N * @SumXY) - (@SumXSumY * @SumXSumY) in QA I get the result OK which is -28500190448996439680147097583285.072256 ie 32 places to left of decimal and 6 to the right
When I try the following ie to populate a variable with that value I get the error -
SELECT R2Top = (@N * @SumXY) - (@SumXSumY * @SumXSumY)@R2Top is NUMERIC (38, 10)
Any ideas ??
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May 27, 2015
I have a 2012 report builder chart that has two series (one area chart and one bar chart) combined into one chart. The problem I'm having is the bar chart has much smaller numbers than the area chart and the scaling is messed up.
Is there any way to put the bar chart on the right axis and keep the area chart on the left axis? My goal is to increase the size of the bar chart in relation to the area chart.
Also, is there any way to make the bar chart color red if the number is negative and green if it is positive?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I have a field: usercode [tinyint]In Query Analyzer:UPDATE tblUserProcessSET usercode = 1002Result: Error "Arithmetic overflow error for data type tinyint, value = 1002.The statement has been terminated."In VBA/Access ( linked to SQL Server ):intOptions = 512pstrQuerySQL = "UPDATE ..."CurrentDb.Execute pstrQuerySQL, intOptionsResult: no errors, insert value 223 (???)Why?Thanks, Eugene
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Nov 5, 2007
How do I display numeric data as text string?? I need the report to spell out the number. 1 would read as One, 2 as Two ect. For example writing the amount on a check. Need to do in SSRS.
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Oct 4, 2013
I have a table with debits and credits columns
Credit Debit
I am transferring the debits and the credits in to one column in another table
Type Amount
And I am facing two problems one is the negative numbers don't transfer and also when I have debit and credit on the same line they are not transferring.
Select Case When isNull(A.[Debit], 0) > 0 And IsNull(A.[Credit], 0) = 0 Then 'D' Else 'C' End,
Case When isNull(A.[Debit], 0) > 0 And IsNull(A.[Credit], 0) = 0 Then Round(A.[Debit],2) Else Round(A.[Credit],2) End
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Jun 9, 2006
Hi there,
This seems a bug to me. Or does anyone has a logical explanation that escapes me?
When in SSIS Designer Version 9.00.1399.00 I add output columns (numeric 4,0 ) to a scriptcomponent and fill them with valid numeric data in thescript I get a database error 'invalid number' when I use these columns in an OLE db Command-transformation . This errormessage disappears when I replaces those columns by a dataconversion to the datatype they originally have.
Derived Column Name Derived Column Expression
Maybethis info is usefull for somebody else who can't figure out wathever he's doing wrong.
Paul Baudouin
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May 14, 2006
I keep getting the following error when trying to show the mining model viewer for MS Neural Network but I can view accuracy charts without any problem:
Execution of the managed stored procedure GetAttributeScores failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Invalid content found containing negative probabilities. -1.
Could anyone tell me how to avoid this?
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Oct 29, 2007
I have a table that displays a bunch of data based on their percentage changes.
There is a parameter (let's say 5%) that the user can set to display only the data which either increased more than 5% or decreased more than 5%.
I want to have a space between the positive changes and the negative changes. ie, to create a blank row between the +'s and the -'s. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to set an alert for a specific table whenever an event hascaused a deadlock to occur on the table.I understand how to set up an alert. But I don't know which errornumber to use for the New Alert error number property for a deadlock.Or how to specify a deadlock on a specific table.Thanks,DW
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Oct 17, 1999
Facing a strange problem, but obviously not expected earlier on, I am trying to execute a stored procedure via ADO which refrences a linked server table and I get an error specifying
OLEDB provider SQLOLEDB does not contain table "<DatabaseName>"."<owner>"."<tableName>"
Has any one else encountered this problem before ?
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Oct 17, 2013
I have a table names Alert_Event and a new column named BSP_Phone has been added to the table. I am trying to set NULL values to the column and I get the below error. I am setting null values in the bolded text in the query.
Error Message:
Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SaveBSPOutageInfo, Line 22
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.USE [gg]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SaveBSPOutageInfo] Script Date: 10/17/2013 19:01:20 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SaveBSPOutageInfo] @eventCreatedDate DATETIME, @eventOrigin varchar(10),
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Aug 27, 2007
Hi all,Is there a way of counting the number of results/rows from an SqlDataSource which uses a select statement like: "SELECT * FROM TABLE1". I need to get this value from the SqlDataSource into the Sub Page_Load. I don't want to bind to any gridviews, repeaters etc. I just want to get the number of rows/results from the SqlDataSource.Is there a way of doing this?Thanks
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Jan 13, 2006
I would like to add a field to a query that returns an ordinal number indicating which row of the results it is. Anybuddy know how?
eg. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7....
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Jan 30, 2008
I would like to get the top 5000 records from a union. The oringinal query is
SELECT * from tbl_A WHERE fld_Id = 0
SELECT * from tbl_B where fld_Id = 0
I thought that the I could do:
SELECT * from tbl_A WHERE fld_Id = 0
SELECT * from tbl_B where fld_Id = 0
This gives me a syntax error that I cannot figure out.
Any ideas?
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Sep 2, 2004
I am doing some SELECT queries on my database through ASP, but for example, I only want to return the 50 most recent entries that match the criteria. Is there any easy way to limit the number of results returned?
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Jul 20, 2004
I have a query that pulls records from a table based on whether is matches one or more of several criteria. I'd like to be able to order the results of this query by the number of conditions a particular row met. So a row that met 3 conditions would rank about a row that only met 2. So far I haven't been able to dent this with any attempt so I'm open to any suggestions.
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May 29, 2007
In other SQL programs I have seen the use of Limit to tell it how many rows to return.
Is there an equivalent in MS-SQL that will let me do a quick Select clause and tell it how many rows to return.
In other words if I just wanted to see the first 10 rows what would I add to Select * from tableA
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Jul 23, 2005
In MSSQL, is there a way to count the number of instances of asubstring within a string, so that I can sort by that?For example:table tst contains one column: tst_dataif tst_data = "the man with the plan"I'd want a function that counts the occurances of "the"count_substring(tst_data,'the') = 2Basically, I'm making a search engine and I'd like to put the mostrelavent hits at the top of the page.
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May 17, 2007
Iam using front page to dispalay my results.
At the bottom it shows me 1/10 i.e 1st page of 10 pages.
but what do i do if i want it to be shown as 1-10 out of 100 (if each page contains 10 results).
or it would be really good if i get count of both no. of recors as well as no. of pages.
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Oct 13, 2004
I am working on a project that displays images. Before you can get to the image, you have to select a category that the image may be in. After that, you select the sub categories. I am trying to display a count of the number of records that the subcategories contain. Here is an example:
The user can make a selection from the categories listed below:
Geographic Area
Time Period
Record Type
If the user selects time period, he/she is taken to a list of subcategories. I would like to display the subcategories with a count of the number of records that will be displayed if it is selected. Listed below is an example of what this would look like:
Colonial (10) -----the number in parenthesis is the number of records that will be displayed if selected------
Gilded Age (12)
Revolutionary (9)
Progressive Era (22)
Is there a way to display the number in parenthesis using ASP.Net and SQL Server 2000? Any clues will be greatly appreciated.
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Apr 20, 2015
I need a column in my query results that just numbers the rows sequentially (i.e. 1, 2, 3). How can I do that?
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Sep 24, 2007
I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns
For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?
Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls
( SQL Server 2005)
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