I try to select a store procedure in SqlExpress2005 which inside store procedure execute another store procedure, When I select it but it prompt error messages "An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.". In Fire bird /Interbase store procedure we can nested. Below are the code; declare @dtReturnData Table(doccode nvarchar(20), docdate datetime, debtoraccount nvarchar(20)) Insert Into @dtReturnData Exec GetPickingList 'DO', 0, 37256, 'N', 'N', 'YES' Select doccode, docdate, debtoraccount From @dtReturnData Inside the GetPickList It will do like this, but most of the code I not included; ALTER PROCEDURE GETPICKINGLIST @doctype nvarchar(2), @datefrom datetime, @dateto datetime, @includegrn char(1), @includesa char(1), @includedata nvarchar(5) AS BEGIN declare @dtReturnData Table(doccode nvarchar(20), docdate datetime, debtoraccount nvarchar(20)) IF (@DOCTYPE = 'SI') BEGIN Insert Into @dtSALESINVOICEREGISTER Exec SALESINVOICEREGISTER @DateFrom, @DateTo, @IncludeGRN, @IncludeSA, @IncludeData END ELSE BEGIN Insert Into @dtDELIVERYORDERREGISTER Exec DELIVERYORDERREGISTER @DateFrom, @DateTo, @IncludeGRN, @IncludeSA, @IncludeData END Select doccode,docdate,debtoraccount From @dtReturnData END
So how can I select a nested store procedure? can someone help me
Hi,all,When I use following sql, an error occurs:insert into #tmprepEXECUTE proc_stat @start,@endThere is a "select * from #tmp " in stored procedure proc_stat, and theerror message is :Server: Msg 8164, Level 16, State 1, Procedure proc_stat, Line 42An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.What's the metter? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hello,I want to share my experiences about using insert into exec which mayhelp others .Using SQL Server 2000, SP3 .Two Proceduers - Parent SP caliing a Child SP (nested ) . No Explicittransactions .I have defined a # table in Parent SP and calling a Child SP like thisinsert into #temp exec childsp ......Child SP has Select * from local # temp table ( local to child SP) as the last statement .When number of records are less ( around 1000 - 5000) Parent SPexecutes but slow .When the Child SP returns higher number of rows ( 1,00,000 or more )the SP will be running for hours with out completion .Although executing the child SP , with exec ChildSP .... with sameparameters it is completed in 2 mins for 3,00,000 rows .Resolution : - Define a temp table (say #tempChild ) in the Parent SP..In the Child SP instead of select * replace with insert into#tempChild select * from ...Also note that this problem is not noticed in SQL 2000 Server with SP4..This may be due to SP executing in implicit transactions .
I use OdbcConnection inside clr procedure, for getting data. If I use simple EXEC dbo.clr_proc - all is OK. If I use INSERT...EXEC I recive error message: Distributed transaction enlistment failed.
I set MSDTC security options for No Authentification and Allow inbound and Allow outbound, but it's no use.
Have this problem solution? May be, I must use another method to get my data?
P.S. Linked Servers and OPENQUERY is not applicable. Sybase not describe columns in stored proc result set and one stored proc may return different result set by params.
Hi, I am facing a problem here. I am trying to make a stored procedure which accepts an input. The input is a table name within the database. The procedure itself then will make an after update trigger for the table. The purpose of making this stored procedure is because the table keeps changing (columns can be added or deleted) and I don't want to make the trigger manually everytime the table changes, instead I want to execute the stored procedure by passing the table's name and the procedure will create the trigger for me. The problem is sql server 2005 has limited the length of any variable to 8000. The create trigger statement can be longer than that. So using a variable to store the create trigger statement and then executing that variable is not an option. That is why I have inserted the statement to be executed into a column in a temp table. Now how do I execute that statement? I have tried this:
Qry is the column name which holds the create trigger statement. temp_Update is the temporary table. But if I run it, it will give this error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 123Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 123Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Can anybody tell me how to execute a query which is place in a column in a table? If we can't do this, then what is the workaround, maybe how to have a variable that can hold more than 8000 characters? Any suggestion is greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Hi everyone, What is EXEC statement ?? What is the usage and purpose of it ?? It is really difficult to find ant resource about this keywords that's why I would like you to help me.
I have this code in a stored procedure: DECLARE @SQLString VarChar(200) SET @SQLString = 'SELECT ' + @LookupField + ' FROM ' + @DBTable + ' WHERE (' + @IDField + ' = ''' + @IDValue + ''')' Exec (@SQLString) it works fine - with just one issue - I must grant select permission on the table. Is there a way to do this WITHOUT granting the select permissions?
It complains about ‘…. Integer…’, but even if I use a varchar parm and convert Count to varchar in the sql statement, it still does not work. It does not like the = , or so it says.
OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI','Server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes;', @str) AS a;
Incorrect syntax near '@str'.
select * from
OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI','Server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes;', 'EXEC SP_HELPTEXT ''createReport''') AS a;
Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot process the object "EXEC SP_HELPTEXT 'createReport'". The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "(null)" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object.
Code is really not important. Any sys SP can replace the above code.
I am getting the following error Msg 8164, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSload_tmp_replication_status, Line 80 An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.
I have seen the following link which discuss this issue, http://www.sommarskog.se/share_data.html But there is no solution there.
I tried with sp_executesql and EXEC(), but unable to get the result. Can anyone put some light?
------------------------ I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes
I've got a case where I am bringing older data into a brand new DB. Unfortunately, there are several versions of the old DB and I won't know ahead of time which one I will be running against. The data's basicaly the same, the table names are the same, but the column schema is NOT. Basiclly, I want to use a conditional on the Insert.
Code Block
CREATE TABLE TestTable (Col1 int NULL, Col2 varchar(50) NULL) GO
This results in an "Unknown column" error. What am I missing here and how can I accomplish it. I know that I COULD build a SQL string and Exec it, but that is such a PITA and not very elegant.
I have a stored procedure that transfers data from one database to another. I do a lot of manipulation to the data in between because although both databases are for the same purpose, the database designs are different. The two databases exist on two different servers. Till now my transfer procedure used a linked server to pull the data from one server to the other. This process takes a ton of time with complex queries across linked servers. I was researching on a faster method to transfer data and the only other working method seemed to be the insert..exec statement with which I can call a remote stored procedure which would run and return the results of the complex queries which I can then use locally as I wish.
My main question is, can I rely on insert..exec to work consistently and/or is there another method to achieve what I need that I'm totally ignorant of? I already know of inline/multi table value functions (they wont work across servers); openquery/openrowset (I need to be able to pass parameters); creating permanent tables to be used and then destroyed (not very appealing). I read an excellent article about these online by Erland Sommarskog (http://www.sommarskog.se/share_data.html) but I'm hoping someone can explain a little further.
There must be some workaround for this. I need to grab the data from a stored proc on another server and place it into a temp table. I do not have the option to change the proc.
I have a trigger on a table. I am trying to dynamically log thechanged fields on the table to another table, so I am iteratingthrough the bits in COLUMNS_UPDATED() to find what's changed, andgetting the column name programatically. This is all working fine.If I do a regular insert command in my trigger then everything worksfine. However, since I want to retrieve data from the column namewhich I got programatically from the inserted and deleted tables (toget the old and new values) I wanted to do something like this:insert into auditTransactionLog (TableName,PrimaryKeyId,ColumnName,OldValue, NewValue, ActionType) EXEC( 'SELECT(''cmContactInfo''), I.contactID,'''+ @colname+''', D.'+@colname+',I.'+@colname+', '+@action+' FROM inserted I INNER JOIN Deleted D onI.ContactId = D.ContactId')The presence of this line of code appears to be preventing theupdating of the table with the trigger. Is there some reason why Ican't do the EXEC in the trigger? If I did it without EXEC it worksfine but I have no idea of getting at the D. and I. @colname columnsotherwise.Thanks for any help!Rebecca
Hi, I have written a stored proc to bulk insert the data from a data file. I have a requirement that i need to insert the data into a table of which the name is not known. I mean to say that the table name will be passed as a parameter to the stored proc. And also i need to insert the date that will also be passed as the parameter to the stored proc
The follwing statement works fine if i give the table name directly in the query
Code Snippet
DECLARE @LastUpdate varchar(20)
SET @LastUpdate = 'Dec 11 2007 1:20AM'
INSERT INTO Category SELECT MSISDN, @LastUpdate FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '\remotemachinedatafile.txt', FORMATFILE = '\remotemachineFormatFile.fmt', FIRSTROW = 2) AS a
To satisfy my requirement ( i.e passing the table name dynamically , and the date) , i have formed the query string ( exact one as above ) and passing it to EXEC statement. But its failing as explained below
Code Snippet
@Category - Will be passed as a parameter to the stored proc
Print @vsBulkSQL - This prints the folliwing statement
INSERT INTO Category SELECT MSISDN, 'Dec 11 2007 1:20AM' FROM OPENROWSET ( BULK '\remotemachineDataFile.txt' , FORMATFILE ='\remotemachineFormatFile.fmt', FIRSTROW =2) AS a
Exec @vsBulkSQL - This statement gives the following error
The name 'INSERT INTO Sports SELECT MSISDN, 'Dec 11 2007 1:20AM' FROM OPENROWSET ( BULK '\remotemachineSecond.txt' , FORMATFILE ='\remotemachineFormatFile.fmt', FIRSTROW =2) AS a' is not a valid identifier.
Can any one please point out where am i doing wrong? Or do i need to do anything else to achive the same
All- I'd be interested if any of you could advise as to how the nested CASE statement below could refactored to be more concise. (Works fine as is, but just interested to know!) Thanks! 1 SELECT headcount.person_id, person.last as Lname, person.first as Fname, 2 3 CASE headcount.coming WHEN 'False' THEN '0' ELSE 4 5 CASE person.is_adult WHEN 'True' THEN 6 7 CASE person.is_y_parent_or_kid WHEN 'True' THEN activity_session.usd_per_y_parent 8 ELSE activity_session.usd_per_guest_adult9 END10 ELSE11 12 CASE person.is_kid WHEN 'True' THEN13 14 CASE person.is_y_parent_or_kid WHEN 'True' THEN activity_session.usd_per_y_kid15 ELSE activity_session.usd_per_guest_kid16 END17 END18 END19 20 END AS 'Cost', 21 22 23 24 25 no_answer, not_coming, coming, wanted, comment, activity_session.act_session_id, for_sale, headcount_id FROM headcount26 27 INNER JOIN person28 ON headcount.person_id = person.person_id29 30 INNER JOIN activity_session31 ON headcount.act_session_id = activity_session.act_session_id
I need to perform an update where there are multiple scenarios which determine the value that is entered. Below is a sort've psuedo code of how it needs to be.
Update MyTable SET MyColumn = CASE WHEN MyCol1 = 'Value1' Then NewValue Else WHEN MyCol1 <> 'Value1' And MyCol2 = 'Active' Then 'Value1'
In the scenario where MyCol1 <> Value1 and MyCol2 <> 'Active' then no update would occur and the original value would remain intact.