I am writing a program using VC++ 6.0 and SQL 2000 and I am trying to use nested transactions. I have 1 outer transaction and the 2 inner transactions are in sepetrate function calls inside the outer transaction. I have something like this:
if (!functioncall1()) // commit if function suceeds, otherwise rollback
Rollback Transaction;
if (!functioncall2()) // commit if function suceeds, otherwise rollback
Rollback Transaction;
Both functions contain a complete transaction inside the function call. If either function fails however, I want to do a rollback of the entire transaction. This is not happening though. If functioncall1 suceeds and the transaction in that function commits, then if I do a rollback during functioncall2, the transaction in functioncall1 is not rolled back. This seems to be directly opposite of the SQL help for transaction. Am I missing something obvious here?
I have a question why does not the following nested transaction work?
begin tran insert into t1 values('A') begin tran insert into t2 values('1') commit insert into t3 values('B') begin tran insert into t2 values('2') commit rollback
Hello! Sorry if I choose wrong forum for this post. I have next scenario: Transaction1 Transaction2 Commit Transaction2
Transaction3 Commit Transaction3 Commit Transaction1 I wanna implement it in C# code (.NET 1.1, MS SQL 2000): IDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); IDbTransaction transaction = null; connection.Open(); /* NOTE: I can't use something like this: * transaction outter = connection.BeginTransaction(); * transacrion inner = connection.BeginTransaction(); * // Here I'm getting an error: OleDB doesn't support parallel transactions, * // though I wanna create nested one. */ // So, I decided to turn implicit transactions mode on in hope it should help: IDbCommand bt = connection.CreateCommand(); bt.CommandText = " SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON; BEGIN TRANSACTION;"; bt.ExecuteNonQuery();
transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); IDbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.Transaction = transaction; command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; command.CommandText = "Insert into Region (RegionID, RegionDescription) VALUES (100, 'Description');"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.CommandText = "SELECT @@TRANCOUNT;"; int transCount = (int)command.ExecuteScalar(); // It's equal to 2 here, seems to be OK.
transaction.Commit(); // Let's start the second "nested" transaction IDbTransaction transaction1 = connection.BeginTransaction(); IDbCommand command1 = connection.CreateCommand(); command1.Transaction = transaction1; command1.CommandType = CommandType.Text; command1.CommandText = "Insert into Region (RegionID, RegionDescription) VALUES (101, 'Description');"; command1.ExecuteNonQuery(); command1.CommandText = " SELECT @@TRANCOUNT; "; transCount = (int)command1.ExecuteScalar(); // WOW! Now it's already equal to 1 here. transaction1.Commit(); // Well, here I wanna close outter transaction, but... I'll get exception: There is nothing to commit here bt = connection.CreateCommand(); bt.CommandText = "Commit TRANSACTION"; bt.ExecuteNonQuery();
Well, I know that SQL Server has no support for nested transactions. Nesting of transactions only increments @@TRANCOUNT and it is the final commit that has control over the outcome of the entire transaction. And I can't use the new TransactionScope class in .NET Framework 2.0 which has promotable transactions concept.
Please help me: How can I implement required operations?
Can anyone verify for me whether SQL Server CE 2.0 does or does not support nested Transactions when using the SQLServerCe Data Provider? The SQL Server CE Books Online documentation definitely states that SQL Server CE supports nested Transactions, but the example provided uses ADOCE Data Provider. The error message that I get when trying to begin a new Transaction with an existing Transaction still uncommitted on the same SqlCeConnection is "SQL Server CE does not support parallel transactions". Is it not possible to nest Transactions with SQLServerCE Data Provider?
I've a very basic doubt with Nested transactions (across procedures) in SQL Server and i guess the given below sample code illustarates my doubt well more than my words ..
I've a Proc1 like this
create procedure sp_proc1 as begin begin tran sp_proc1 insert into tab1 values (1,2) exec sp_proc2 1 if <Some cdn statement> rollback tran sp_proc1 else commit tran sp_proc1 end
and called proc sp_proc2 is like this
create procedure sp_proc2 ( @val1 int ) as begin tran proc2 update tab2 set col1 = 5 IF <some cdn statement> begin rollback tran proc2 end else begin commit tran proc2 end
The pblm is when the 1st proc is executed and when the cdn statement in the 2nd proc is sucess, then it results with the error
Failed to retreive execution plan: Cannot roll back proc2. No transaction or savepoint of that name was found.
Hope I am posting in the right forum. If I understand correctly, a ROLLBACK TRAN statement rolls all transactions (if they are nested) back to the original BEGIN TRAN.
I have a situation when an SP uses a transaction, performs a series of operations inside that transaction, including a call to a different SP, which uses a distributed transaction. If the transaction inside the child SP fails and needs to be rolled back, I get a warning message saying that the tran count on the way out is less than that on the way in. No problem, since it's not fatal. But the problem manifests when I attempt to use the SQL Agent to schedule a job to run the parent SP. It fails on that warning message, interpreting it as an error.
I was thinking of disabling the distributed transaction inside the child SP, and just have the transaction in the parent SP, which, again if I understand correctly, should be escalated to a distributed transaction once the child SP is called. The child SP will raise an error (if it's a real error) and then the trnasaction in the parent SP will handle the rollback of everything.
The reason for this elaborate setup is that I need to cycle through a cursor (yes, I know, sloppy, can't see an alternative) in the parent SP, and each iteration begins and commits (or rolls back) a transaction.
This should be a fairly simple question. It's based on this error message:"Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates that a COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is missing. Previous count = 1, current count = 0." I get this when executing a stored procedure upon processing a form. This error happens when I intentionally provide input to the stored procedure that I know should cause it to error out. I catch the exception, and it contains the error message, but it also contains the above message added on to it, which I don't want. I won't post the entire stored procedure. But I'll list a digest of it (Just those lines that are significant). Assume that what's included is what happens when I provide bad input:BEGINBEGIN TRYBEGIN TRANSACTION RAISERROR('The item selected does not exist in the database.', 16, 1); COMMIT -- This won't execute when the RAISERROR breaks out to the CATCH block END TRY BEGIN CATCHROLLBACKDECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT, @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000)SET @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()SET @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, 1) END CATCH END Okay, so that works fine. The problem is when I execute this with an SqlCommand object, on which I've opened a transaction. I won't include the entire setup of the data (with the parameters, since those seem fine), but I'll give my code that opens the connection and executes the query: con.Open(); SqlTransaction transaction = con.BeginTransaction(); command.Transaction = transaction; try { command.ExecuteNonQuery(); transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { transaction.Rollback(); } finally { con.Close(); } I'm calling the stored procedure listed above (which has its own transaction), using a SqlCommand object on which I've opened a transaction. When there is no error it works fine. But when I give the stored procedure bad data, it gives me that message about the transaction count. Is there something I need to do in either my SQL or my C# to handle this? The entire message found in the Exception's Message is a concatenation of the message in my RAISERROR, along with the transaction count message I quoted at the beginning. Thanks, -Dan
Hi there, I have decided to move all my transaction handling from asp.net to stored procedures in a SQL Server 2000 database. I know the database is capable of rolling back the transactions just like myTransaction.Rollback() in asp.net. But what about exceptions? In asp.net, I am used to doing the following: <code>Try 'execute commands myTransaction.Commit()Catch ex As Exception Response.Write(ex.Message) myTransaction.Rollback()End Try</code>Will the database inform me of any exceptions (and their messages)? Do I need to put anything explicit in my stored procedure other than rollback transaction? Any help is greatly appreciated
Hi All, Can anybody suggest me a website where I can find articles on Managing transactions with Sql server. Also a scenario where the transactions take place in a environment involving 2 different databases, Like the bank account and credit card transactions (specifically of 2 way kind) Thanks
I have a web application with a shopping cart, how do I stop all the shopping cart transaction from going into the db log? Is this possible? These are are only transient data movements, and will never be need to to restore to, and they are cause log bloat. Or is there a better way to stop log bloat?
How can we change connection properties in a DTS pkg with connection? You can loop through the connection count but the connection ID is not static one.So can’t rely on that. Is there another way of changing connection properties?
I am currently designing a DTS Package to import data that is processed daily into a large database.
I have to design the package such that if any step fails when importing, I roll back the entire transaction.
I have designed the package with this in mind, checked "join transaction if present" and "rollback transaction on failure" in all of the workflows. I have also made all workflows serialized.
However, when I run the package, it fails on one of the data pumps with the error:
I am replicating (finally!!) and on my publishers agent history I can see it says xx transactions with xx commands were delivered. (xx being the number) Where can I look to see what the transactions or commands are?
Is there a place the system stores this information?
Is there a point to wrapping a single UPDATE or INSERT statement in an explicit TRANSACTION:
INSERT INTO Table (...) VALUES (...)
I understand ACID and concept of transactions. However, I thought they were only necessary for multi-statement operations. I'm maintaining code that does this and am wondering if this is necessary. Does SQL Server guarantee ACID for single statements? Are single UPDATE/INSERT statements prone to race condition like affects without using explicit transactions?
If you run the Begin Transaction code and then run a create such as an update query and you see that it effects the number of rows that you wanted it to effect is there a way to look at the actual data that changed before you Commit Transaction?
I have a table with around 240 columns and one of the column in the Table is the Inserttime ( DATETIME ) and I using a GETDATE() function in the stored Proc, when we insert data into the table. In the same Milli second 2007-06-27 09:32:58.303 , I have around 7600 records in the database. The Stored Proc is called for each Individual record and we don't bunch the transactions. Is this possible.
I did some bench marking on this server and I can insert only 700 - 800 records approx / sec on this particular table.
I have a small database that I have been testing.I get an error about a transaction deadlock.The code is in stored procedures and I added transactions to the sp'sbut the error happened again.I wrapped the whole sp in just one transaction and I don't have anyindex on the tables.When I test just by running a program that sends 3 calls at a time itwill get a deadlocked transaction as I send 6 or 9 at a time.I am not sure how it can have a deadlocked transaction after I usedtransactions(begin and commit) in the sp's.Steve
I am working with transactions and use try catch to capture errors and in the event of an error i have to rollback the transaction. How can i perform this?, most of the errors which i forsee are either insertion of null values into non nullable columns or violation of Primary keys while inserting duplicates. I started by coding the following way but it does not rollaback apparently the try catch does not work for above kind of errors..Can somebody help..
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
--Step 1
--Step 2
FROM [dbo].[IN_T_FLE]
ERROR_NUMBER() as ErrorNumber,
ERROR_LINE() as ErrorLine,
ERROR_MESSAGE() as ErrorMessage;
-- Test XACT_STATE for 1 or -1.
-- XACT_STATE = 0 means there is no transaction and
-- a commit or rollback operation would generate an error.
-- Test whether the transaction is uncommittable.
IF (XACT_STATE()) = -1
N'The transaction is in an uncommittable state. ' +
'Rolling back transaction.'
-- Test whether the transaction is active and valid.
I've been searching around and haven't found anything that simply states what I want to know.
I want to use a transaction within my CLR Stored Proc, to do so I've got System.Transactions referenced and I can access the current transaction via Transaction.Current.
My questions are
Will there always be a current transaction?
Do I need to create a new transaction if one doesn't already exist?
I need to push rows from CE to SQL Server 2000 and after delete these rows of CE database only if all rows have been sent to SQL Server 2000.
I think the best is work with transactions. Since I know I can use transactions for this purpose, can anybody give me a link with push transaction examples ?
What does "Transactions/sec" counter in SQL 2005 under databases do in terms of performance. My counter shows almost 100% all the time in 4 terrbyte DB in superdome with many CPUs.
My first question: Can there be a performance loss if I uncomment the lines about transaction usage? I mean, when I do this I start to get more timeouts.
My problem goes on. When I comment those lines and run a stress tool, I am getting "column X does not belong to table Y" errors. If those lines are not commented i am not getting this error, but I get timeout errors frequently. So, my second question: is there something wrong in my query or is there a bad coding practice I am following? Could someone offer a better and more robust sample for this code block?
By the way, connection pooling is on. And these errors are observed under high loads.
I have transaction that will run on an hourly bases. I need to make sure that no one will start this transaction while it is running. I just need to know the system table that has all the transaction names in them and check to see if the transaction is running or not. what i am trying to do is not to have locks....just wanting to make sure that no one would run the same transaction twice. does anyone have any idea on how we can do this?
If you ask a .net developer he would likely say that he uses System.Transactions to manage transactions, a DBA on the other hand places transactions within the T-SQL of stored procedures.
What rules do architects and others, use when determining if the transactions should be placed in:
.net Middle Tier Components using System.Transactions for example.
T-SQL Stored Procedures.
Both .net Middle Tier Components and T-SQL Stored Procedures. Thanks in advance,
Can you give a whole SQL statement an alias so you can use it later?
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE age < 19 -- Could I call the above statement something like 'statement1' to use below as shown
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE age < 25 AND NOT IN (statement1)
Soin effect I get a nested statement. The reason I am asking about aliases is because this would need to be repeated for, E.g. age < 30 Then age < 35 and so on and so forth.
So basically, I just want to alias a qhole SQL statement
Hi all,I have a query that looks like so:SELECT GLDCT AS [Doc Type], GLDOC AS DocNumber, GLALID ASPerson_NameFROM F0911WHERE (GLAID = '00181913')However by stipulating that GLAID = GLAID I cannot get the person_nameas not all the GLALID fields are filled in. from my reading of thehelpdesk I have a felling that a nested query might be the way to goor a self-join but beyond this I am lost!?Many thanks for any pointers in advance.Sam
I am trying to do some nested IF ELSE conditions. I get an error saying 'Error near work Begin'. Below is teh query and the variables comes in thru cursor.
Can somebody advise me on this and also let me know the best practices and alternative to this if any.
IF (@CCTable = 'Claiminassoc') BEGIN IF ( @ClaimCenterField = 'ClaimID' AND @VALUE ='Claim') BEGIN UPDATE dbo.Table SET ColName = 'Y' WHERE ID = @ID AND CCTable = 'Claiminassoc' AND CCField = 'ClaimID' AND DWField = 'CatastropheDesignationFlag' END END
ELSE IF (@CCTable = 'EmploymentData') BEGIN IF (@VALUE ='TRUE') BEGIN UPDATE dbo.Table SET ColName = 'Y' WHERE ID = @ID AND CCTable = 'Claim' AND CCField = 'WagePaymentCont' END
ELSE IF (@VALUE ='FALSE') BEGIN UPDATE dbo.Table SET ColName = 'N' WHERE ID = @ID AND CCTable = 'Claim' AND CCField = 'WagePaymentCont' END END
I have a challenge, which seems like it is probably trivial, but SQL chops are not up to the task, and I am hoping one of you hot-shot DBAs can throw me a bone!
I have a query that populates an OLAP Time dimension table (basically one row per day of the year over several years). What I want to do is expand that table to include each hour of each day over the time span.
The CTE I am using for the day population is:
Code Snippet WITH dates(date) -- A recursive CTE that produce all dates between 2006 and 2057-12-31 AS ( SELECT cast('2006' AS dateTime) date -- SQL Server supports the ISO 8601 format so this is an unambigious shortcut for 1999-01-01 UNION ALL -- http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190977.aspx SELECT (date + 1) AS date FROM dates WHERE date < cast('2058' AS dateTime) -1 )
What I wanted to do was something like:
Code Snippet WITH hours(hr) AS ( SELECT (DATEPART(hh,date) hr UNION ALL SELECT (hr + 1) AS hr FROM hours WHERE hr < 24 )
inserted just after
Code Snippet FROM dates
in the initial CTE. But from what I have read, it seems as though nested CTEs are not allowed.
Can someone pls advise the maximum number of nested IIF statements allowed in a VS 2005 report builder layout textbox expression? I seem to be hitting a wall at about 10, but cannot find verification. In case the limitation is by characters, the full expression would run about 3,500. Any other limitations which may have a bearing?