New Databases In SQL Server...easy Design Methods?

Dec 2, 2005

I am new to using SQL Server but will be having to get to know it at work and have downloaded SQL Server 2005 Express to tinker with at home.

What are the easiest methods to set up a relational database?

Are there any tools you can download to give SQL Server or the express version functionality similar to Access?

Can you get a tool to allow you to not only design tables in design view but then go on to create relationships and a database model?

Please excuse my ignorance if this is possible already, can anyone provide any links to getting started links?

There seems to be plenty out there about writing queries and stored procedures etc. but I haven't found as much about setting up a database from scratch.

Thanks in advance,


View 12 Replies


SQL Server 2008 :: Easy Way To Compare Contents Of Objects Between 2 Different Databases?

Jul 20, 2015

Is there an easy way to compare the contents of objects between 2 different databases? For example, say I had 2 databases, My_DB_1 and My_DB_2, each with a SEC_User table. Say I wanted to do an object-to-object comparison between databases to see if there were any differences. Here's some sample SQL:

use My_DB_1
select * from sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities('dbo.sec_user', 'object')

use My_DB_2
select * from sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities('dbo.sec_user', 'object')

Say that the result sets above both returned a SEC_GetUser sproc object ref. Is there a way to write SQL that will compare the SEC_GetUser sprocs (and other objects in the above rowsets) from both databases? For example, if My_DB_1.SEC_GetUser returns an extra column in the result set than My_DB_2.SEC_GetUser then I'd like my comparison SQL to return a single column "IsDifferent" with SEC_GetUser as a row....

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Easy Design Tool

Mar 23, 2007

I have fairly simple table queries, and only a few dicey things, which I can handle in access. Is their a design tool for sql as easy and convenient as access?

Can someone suggest a good beginner's book on sql server 2005?

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Standard And Easy Way To Do Schema Design

Aug 15, 2007

I wonder instead of just brainstorming, there probably isa very standard and a simple way to do database schema design.let's say we are doing a website. the user can go overand type in the movie name and zipcode, and the websitewill return all the theaters showing that movie and at whattime, for theaters in THAT zipcode only (for simplicity).so how do we just start and use a standard method thatcan be simple and very accurate to ensure good tables design?

View 12 Replies View Related

DB Design :: Join Two Table From Two Different Databases But Same Server

Nov 9, 2015

I am trying to join two table from two different databases.

Database 1 = Agent and Table = Stats 
Database 2 = Amount and Table = Sales 

The common field is Expr1 (table1) and Initials (table2)

View 7 Replies View Related

DB Design :: Resizing LDF And MDF Files Of Server Databases

Jul 9, 2015

I want to control the size of ldf files and mdf files of several databases on SQL Server 2008 in my organization (manual increase), but i have a question:

What would be the best practices (best methods) for provisioning a ldf file and mdf file?  Exists any generic formula?

With this i want to avoid the shrink operation and the autogrow of sql server databases...

View 6 Replies View Related

How To Design Databases Dynamically?

Jul 14, 2007

We are developing products to target thousands of clients.
Front-End : C#.Net 2005
Back-End : SQL-Server 2005

We started an Inventry control project (Product) with 10% percent of data as we didn't meet any clients (User requirements). I mean, I could not get complete user requirements. version by version, I need to change the database dynamically, and it should support backward compatiblity. While altering the database the existing primary keys are affecting. It seems I need to complete reconstruction of data Layer, Business Layer and Presentation Layer. How to avoid reconstructions in such scenerios? How database designers designing databases for a product like this? Or should I need to create "Table_Name_Serial_Number" (identity data type) column for each table and column to be primary key of that table?. Please help me!

Thanks in advance,
R. Pandiarajan.

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DB Design :: Auto-growth Script For All Databases?

Oct 5, 2015

I am trying to create sql script which will check all databases file size and then depend on the size set up auto growth different sizes with MB.

for example, sql server has 50 databases with different sizes, i would like to change auto growth all databases with different autogrowth size MB.

  File size       Data Autogrowth   Log Autogrowth 
  0MB - 250MB           25MB             25MB
250MB -   1GB          250MB            250MB

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DB Design :: Moving All SC Databases From Their Respective Application Servers To A Central One?

May 18, 2015

We are planning to move all of our System Center Databases that reside on front end servers to each system center application to a centrally located SQL 2012 server. We'd like to centralize everything and have our DBA care for the server. here is our setup:

SCOM has 1 monitoring and 1 Data warehouse server. SCCM has 1 server with all roles on it. DPM database is on the same server as Application. Same with SCVMM. I have 2 questions regarding this move:

1. Can I have all these databases running on 1 SQL instance?

2. Is there a best practice document that highlights steps and "gotchyas"

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DB Design :: DataType Change In Databases To Support Multi-language

Sep 13, 2015

i need to change the production database structures with multi language Support , datatype from VARCHAR to NVARCHAR in all SQL Objects SQL Objects: Tables, Functions, Stored Procedures...Some of production Tables with 15 Croces records with 10 to change the entire databases through SQL scripting

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Methods For Transfer Of Data From Sql Server 2000 To Sql Server 7

Nov 10, 2004


We are planning to upgrade from sql server 7 to sql server 2000.The sql server 2000 will be installed on another server.
If we have to move back from sql server 2000 to sql server 7 (if there are any problems on sql server 2000).is there a way to do it?
Is there a way to restore the changes made on sql server 2000 to 7?



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SQL Server 2000 Invoking Methods From A Class Library

Jan 8, 2008

Hi There!I have a big application which has two parts. A back-end developed in Deplhi 7 for desktop and a front-end developed in C#. The problem I am facing is to integrate the login between both applications. I have a database that has the USER table with the PASSWORD encrypted and I've been already developed a Class Library with all the needs of Cryptography that has been used by the application to authenticate users. The thing is, the desktop application has to authenticate the users too with the very same cryptography method, but Dephi cannot use dotNet assemblies (?). The client of the application ask to not use a web service and I'm trying to do this cryptography on the data base.The question is: Is there any way to invoke a dotNet Class Library through a SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure?Consider that the Dephi developers had researched some ways to use dotNet assembly inside their application with no success. They had tried to develop their own cryptography method based on the algorithm that I had said them, but the encrypted string is different. Whenever the application try to match the strings, it doesn't work.Do you have some idea guys?Thanks in Advance! Ramon Silva

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Easy Problem :SQL SERVER Connection

Apr 8, 2008

I installed Visual Studio 2005 and an SQL Server 2000 enterprice.
I called my SQL-Server instance "PALAGSQL".   My computer is called "PEARL"
when I try to create a connection in VisualStudio2005   ,I put Server-Name :  "PEARL/PALAGSQL" 
 .......but I  receive error 40 "Could not open a connection"
What did I miss ?
What shall I do.
Experts help.

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Real Easy Newby Q: SQL Server

Oct 28, 2005

This Q is so easy I can't find the answer anywhere!
Why is SQL Server called 'Server' ? I understand it is a lot more capable and robust than Access but where does 'server' come into it.
I currently use ASP and Access for dynamic websites but it is time to move up a notch.
Do I just buy SQL Server, make a database, upload it to the same place as before and hey presto?
can I run lots of websites (on different domains and servers) from databases created with my single license standard edition?

View 5 Replies View Related

Easy Question About Server Log Files

Feb 2, 2004

SQL Server 2000 running on Windows 2000

Is there a way to set up the SQL Server Log files so that it automatically creates a new one (or overwrites the old one) when the old one is full?

We keep having people shut out of our web site due to the log file being full. Since we have no DBA I volunteered to try to find out how we can avoid this faux pas in the future.

Thanks for your help!

View 6 Replies View Related

Easy Data Entry In SQL Server

Jan 22, 2006

Hi all,

I have been using SQL Server 2K for a couple of months now and I have been entering data into my tables through Enterprise Manager. I do this by selecting the table, right-clicking on it, and selecting Return All Rows.

After months of use, this method of entering data has become tedious and cumbersome. Is there an easier way to enter data into SQL Server? I don't know how to program Visual Basic, but I know how to create dynamic websites.

Microsoft Access offers the ability to make Forms, so that data entry is easier. Can SQL Server offer anything similar? Maybe SQL Server 2005 offers a GUI for data entry?

Cheers for your help!

View 11 Replies View Related

Easy SQL Server Version Identification

Sep 17, 2007

I know about @@version and SERVERPROPERTY, but I am looking for a query that will determine between SQL Server 2000 and 2005. I need to write an if/then statement and don't want to have to add all of the versions for 2005 and keep that updated with each hotfix that comes out.

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Easy Question: SQL Server Agent Problem

Jun 1, 2000


I think this is probably an easy question for you. I have installed MSDE and
SS Desktop Edition on two different machines (Windows 98). Each time I try
to look at the Properties menu for SS Agent in Enterprise Manager, EM hangs.
I installed Service Pack 2 on one machine, but that did not fix the problem.
Also if I change SA password to something other than the default, SS Agent
will not start. It only starts with the default password; shouldn't I change
this for security reasons. I have SS7 running on another Windows NT box with
none of these problems.

Any help greatly appreciated,

View 2 Replies View Related

Article On Speeding Up Your SQL Server Development With Easy To Use Tools

Feb 23, 2004

View 1 Replies View Related

SQL Server 2008 :: Easy Way To Compress Backup File?

Jul 15, 2015

easy way to compress backup file. I use SQL Server 2008 R2

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SQL Server 2005 Non-ansi Joins: Any Easy Solutions?

Jul 20, 2006

My company wants me to research and flags or registry tricks that would allow non-ansi joins '=*' and '*=' in SQL Server 2005 with a compatiblity mode of 90 to be allowed.

The way I understand the situation is that in SQL Server 2005 with the database compatiblity set to 90, non-ansi join SQL such as the following would not work.

Select * from
Customer, Sales
Where Customer.CustomerID *= Sales.CustomerID

To work, the SQL above would have to be converted to ansi join SQL such as the following:

Select * from
Customer LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales
On Customer.CustomerID = Sales.CustomerID

Many hours would be spent browsing through millions of lines of code to find the non-ansi SQL and have changes made.

Does anyone know of any trace flaqs or registry entries that would allow SQL Server 2005 work in 90 compatiblity and still allow non-ansi =* and *= joins in SQL?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Creation Of Random Password Which Is Easy To Remember

Jun 2, 2015

I have written a script to GENERATE Random Password. But I want to modify that to a some kind of password which is little easy to remember!

I have seen some of the online sites where they generate passwords which are easy to remember and having some way to remember them,

my script:-
declare @db_pswd nvarchar(4000);
declare @len1 int = 16,
@min tinyint = 40,
@range tinyint = 74,
@exclude varchar(50) = '11cdtyuXR#0:;<=>?@O[]`^/abfty#$%^&1234567890*',
@output varchar(500)

[Code] .....

View 4 Replies View Related

SQL Connection Methods

Jun 5, 2007

Set myConn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 Set myRs1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Can anybody tell me what the ADODB in these two statements is telling me?

View 3 Replies View Related

UDT For Division Methods

Sep 4, 2007


I plan to implement UDT for division methods.

The following fragment TSQL with zero check:

DECLARE @a int, @b int



ELSE @a / @b

Clr UDT may look like this and script will be shorter.

DECLARE @a int, @b int

SELECT @a Type :: divide(@b)

Is that better to use UDT ?

Anyone have try this before?

View 8 Replies View Related

Methods Within An Assembly

Apr 4, 2007

Is there a way to retrieve the methods within an assembly that are attributed with SqlTrigger or SqlProcedure using T-SQL?

View 1 Replies View Related

Replication Methods

Aug 31, 2007


I'm a newbee to replication and wanted to know about the whole mechanism of replication and how is two way replication implemnted on 2 diffrent servers located at 2 different remote locations????

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SQL Table Lookup Methods

Aug 29, 2006

I am looking for a good method to do table lookups in a 2003 SQL database. I am retrieving products from an item table and then want to do value lookups in related tables in the same database like category name, category type, brand name etc. These values are referenced in the item master file by guid links to related tables.I am using a datareader to loop through the Select records and then I am writing results  to a tab delimited data file for a data conversion.  I am limited to net 1.1 and so can't use the 2.0 executescalar for single lookups.What would be the more efficienct method to use?'Dim myItemData As New DataReader Dim myItemReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReaderDim myItemCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand Dim myConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection("") myItemCommand.Connection = myConnectionmyItemCommand.CommandText = "SELECT ""mf_items"".""item_guid"", ""mf_items"".""item_description"", ""mf_items"".""item_wholesale_price"", ""mf_items"".""item_description_title"",""mf_items"".""item_cd"",""mf_items"".""category_guid"" FROM ""CDB006"".""dbo"".""mf_items"" WHERE ""mf_items"".""item_closed"" = 0 And ""mf_items"".""item_visible"" = 1 AND ""mf_items"".""item_available"" = 1"myItemCommand.Connection.Open()myItemReader = myItemCommand.ExecuteReader()Dim myfileout As StreamWritermyfileout = File.CreateText(Server.MapPath("out.txt"))myfileout.WriteLine("link" & vbTab & "title" & vbTab & "description" & vbTab & "price" & vbTab & "image_link" & vbTab & "category" & vbTab & "id")While myItemReader.ReadIf myItemReader.Item(4).ToString() > "" And Val(myItemReader.Item(2).ToString) > 0 Then'what method to to look up for example the category name using the category_quid referenced in the item master'Write out record for parts file 

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Various Methods Of Storing Images

Jun 26, 2000

I'm fiddling around with my sql server in my home computer. I would like to store a different image in each row of the product table (for example). All the pics are now in my hard disk. I gather from various discussion boards that there are several ways of saving images -


a)Use VB. Run in ISQL/w
b) Use insert statement. INSERT INTO EMP(empno,empname ,Picture_Id)
c) Use isql/w & TSQL statement
d) Use sqlgetdata and sqlputdatn
e) Use textcopy in binn directory.
f) Use VB & ADO


a)store the image externally and simply store the path to it in a plain
varchar variable.

My questions are :-
(i) Can I save images simply using 1b)?
(ii)Is 2a) correct ? Do I just type the name of the image file in my harddisk as the value in the table ?
(iii) If I have the database linked to the internet and have it hosted by a commercial server in the future, will I have a nightmare reentering all the path names when I upload the database into the commercial server?
(iv) What are the pros and cons of the various methods listed in 1.

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Methods For Restoring The Master Db

Nov 16, 2006

Everytime I attempt to restore the master database, it corrupts the entire instance of SQL server 2000. I have been using the method out on Microsoft's Knowledgebase:

using sqlservr.exe and the switches -c -m -T3608 -T4022

I would like to know if anyone has other methods of restoring the master database from a backup device.

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Performance Tuning Methods

Mar 16, 2004

Hello everyone:

Can anyone list the general performance tuning methods? Thanks a lot.


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SSIS Deployment Methods

Oct 12, 2007

I have developed the SSIS project, but I have a problem with deployment. My users are statistic people and SSIS packges they use are cleaning the raw data for them. Since they would like to run this SSIS package by themselves whenever they want, I need some deployment method that is easy for them to run (they are really not IT oriented people). The problem I encountered is that there is no visual studio (integration service client) installed on there computer, but they are allowed to access several dbs and server on the net.

Can someone tell me what is the best solution for this type of deployment?

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Questions About Various DB Connection Methods.

Dec 15, 2006

Hello All,

I am looking to get some guidance and feed back from the community as to the prevalence and usage of the following technologies:

ODBC Descriptor support
OLE DB support
External Linked Server support
Data Link support for Data Transformation Services

Specifically I am hoping to find out when each technology should be used and the types of applications that use them. Additionally, I am wondering if there are alternatives to these technologies and why they may have been used instead.

Any guidance/feed back is appreciated.


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.rss Methods No Longer Supported

Feb 9, 2006

I am having a problem running a sql2k report service script on my new sql2005 server. It seems that the methods SessionHeader() and rs.render are no longer suport. can someone help me figure out what I need to do to continue automating my report running?

rss file contents: (the parts that should matter)


Report Parameters
Dim branch as string = nothing

Dim skipreport as string = nothing
dim skip as integer = 0

dim allbranchreport as string = nothing
dim allbranch as integer = 0

dim report as CatalogItem
dim repname as string = nothing
dim specificreport as string = nothing
dim filepath as string = nothing
dim errorpath as string = nothing
dim basefilepath as string = nothing
dim baseerrorpath as string = nothing
dim errorlog as integer = 0
Dim parameters() As ParameterValue = nothing
Dim paramcount as integer = 0

' Render arguments
Dim result As Byte() = Nothing
Dim reportPath As String = nothing
'Dim format As String = "PDF"
Dim format as string = "EXCEL"
Dim historyID As String = Nothing
Dim devInfo as string = Nothing
Dim credentials As DataSourceCredentials() = Nothing
Dim showHideToggle As String = Nothing
Dim encoding As String
Dim mimeType As String
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing
Dim reportHistoryParameters As ParameterValue() = Nothing
Dim streamIDs As String() = Nothing
Dim sh As New SessionHeader()
rs.SessionHeaderValue = sh
Dim omitdocmap as string = "True"

'Repset run
Dim repset as string = ""
for each repset in repsetlist
specificreports = specificreportsstart
if specificreports = 0 then
select case repset.tolower
case "all"
specificreports = 0
case "brkctr"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_brkctr.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_brkctr(reportloop)
case "cashmgmt"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_cashmgmt.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_cashmgmt(reportloop)
case "com"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_com.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_com(reportloop)
case "com_vw"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_com_vw.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_com_vw(reportloop)
repset = "com"
case "comcons"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_comcons.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_comcons(reportloop)
case "cons"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_cons.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_cons(reportloop)
case "cons_vw"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_cons_vw.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_cons_vw(reportloop)
repset = "cons"
case "dep"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_dep.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_dep(reportloop)
case "staff"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_staff.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_staff(reportloop)
omitdocmapbranch = "False"
case "staff2"
specificreports = 1
reportcount = reportset_staff2.getupperbound(0)
redim specificreportslist(reportcount)
for reportloop = 0 to reportcount
specificreportslist(reportloop) = reportset_staff2(reportloop)
omitdocmapbranch = "False"
case else
specificreports = 1
redim specificreportslist(0)
specificreportslist(0) = "Undefined"
end select

if repset.tolower = "staff2" then repset = "staff"
End if

'Base values
basefilepath = basepath & client & "" & repset & ""
baseerrorpath = basepath & client & "" & "error_" & repset & "_"

'Reports List
Dim reports() as CatalogItem
reports = rs.ListChildren(basereportpath, False)

if datasourceok = 1 then
for each report in reports

skip = 0
allbranch = allbranchrun

for each skipreport in skipreports
if = skipreport.tolower then skip = 1

if skip = 0 then
if specificreports = 1 then
skip = 1
for each specificreport in specificreportslist
if = specificreport.tolower then skip = 0
end if
end if

if skip = 0 then
for each allbranchreport in allbranchreports
if = allbranchreport.tolower then allbranch = 1

Redim parameters(1)
parameters(0) = New ParameterValue()
parameters(0).name = "branchall"
parameters(1) = New ParameterValue()
parameters(1).Name = "branch"

'5 parameters reports
repname =
if (repname.substring(0,5).tolower = "loans" or repname.substring(0,4).tolower = "locs") then paramcount = 4
if (repname.length >= 13) then
if repname.substring(0,13).tolower = "loans_beacons" then paramcount = 1
end if

if paramcount = 4 then
paramcount = 0
redim preserve parameters(4)

parameters(2) = New ParameterValue()
parameters(2).name = "comconsall"
if repset.tolower = "cons" or repset.tolower = "com" then parameters(2).value = 0 else parameters(2).value = 1

parameters(3) = New ParameterValue()
parameters(3).Name = "comcons"
if repset.tolower = "com" then parameters(3).value = "commercial" else parameters(3).value = "consumer"

parameters(4) = New ParameterValue()
parameters(4).Name = "brokered"
parameters(4).value = 0
if repset.substring(0,3).tolower = "brk" then parameters(4).value = 1
end if

'All Branches Reports
if allbranch = 1 then

parameters(0).value = "1"
parameters(1).value = "admin"
if client = "CSCU" then parameters(1).value = "newwst"
if clienttype = "vw" then parameters(1).value = "1"

errorlog = 0
filepath = basefilepath & & ".xls"
errorpath = baseerrorpath & & ".txt"
reportpath = basereportpath & "/" &
omitdocmap = omitdocmapall
devinfo = "<DeviceInfo><OmitDocumentMap>" & omitdocmap & "</OmitDocumentMap></DeviceInfo>"

Console.WriteLine (repset.toupper & " " & & " All branches")

result = rs.Render(reportPath, format, historyID, devInfo, parameters, _
credentials, showHideToggle, encoding, mimeType, reportHistoryParameters, warnings, streamIDs)
sh.SessionId = rs.SessionHeaderValue.SessionId
Catch e As SoapException
errorlog = 1
Catch f as Exception
errorlog = 1
End Try

' Create an error log
If errorlog <> 0 then
Dim stream As FileStream = File.Create(errorpath, 1024)
Console.WriteLine("Errorlog created: " & errorpath)
Catch g As Exception
End Try
End if

' Write the contents of the report to a file.
If errorlog <> 1 then
Dim stream As FileStream = File.Create(filepath, result.Length)
stream.Write(result, 0, result.Length)
Console.WriteLine("Result written to file: " & filepath)

Catch e As Exception
End Try
end if

'Other Reports
parameters(0).value = "0"

for each branch in branches
parameters(1).value = branch

errorlog = 0
if branch <> "h/o" then
filepath = basefilepath & branch & "" & & ".xls"
filepath = basefilepath & "ho" & & ".xls"
end if
if branch <> "h/o" then
errorpath = baseerrorpath & branch & "_" & & ".txt"
errorpath = baseerrorpath & "ho_" & & ".txt"
end if
reportpath = basereportpath & "/" &
omitdocmap = omitdocmapbranch
devinfo = "<DeviceInfo><OmitDocumentMap>" & omitdocmap & "</OmitDocumentMap></DeviceInfo>"

Console.WriteLine (repset.toupper & " " & & " " & "Branch: " & branch)

result = rs.Render(reportPath, format, historyID, devInfo, parameters, _
credentials, showHideToggle, encoding, mimeType, reportHistoryParameters, warnings, streamIDs)
sh.SessionId = rs.SessionHeaderValue.SessionId
Catch e As SoapException
errorlog = 1
Catch f as Exception
errorlog = 1
End Try

' Create an error log
If errorlog <> 0 then
Dim stream As FileStream = File.Create(errorpath, 1024)
Console.WriteLine("Errorlog created: " & errorpath)
Catch g As Exception
End Try
End if

' Write the contents of the report to a file.
If errorlog <> 1 then
Dim stream As FileStream = File.Create(filepath, result.Length)
stream.Write(result, 0, result.Length)
Console.WriteLine("Result written to file: " & filepath)

Catch e As Exception
End Try
end if

end if

end if
end if


I get this error message from cmd when I try and run my batch:


J:PRA Publisher>rs -i pra_publisher.rss -s http://localhost/reportserver -l 0

The specified script failed to compile with the following errors:
J:PRA Publisher> "C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727vbc.exe" /t:exe
/main:MainModule /utf8output /R:"System.dll" /R:"System.Xml.dll" /R:"System.Web
.Services.dll" /R:"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Toolsinn
s.exe" /
out:"C:Documents and SettingsetopLocal SettingsTemp1fw7qn9k.exe" /debug-
"C:Documents and SettingsetopLocal SettingsTemp1fw7qn9k.0.vb" "C:Docu
ments and SettingsetopLocal SettingsTemp1fw7qn9k.1.vb"

Microsoft (R) Visual Basic Compiler version 8.0.50727.42
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 2.0.50727.42
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:Documents and SettingsetopLocal SettingsTemp1fw7qn9k.1.vb(253) : error
BC30002: Type 'SessionHeader' is not defined.

Dim sh As New SessionHeader()
C:Documents and SettingsetopLocal SettingsTemp1fw7qn9k.1.vb(254) : error
BC30456: 'SessionHeaderValue' is not a member of 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Reporting

rs.SessionHeaderValue = sh
C:Documents and SettingsetopLocal SettingsTemp1fw7qn9k.1.vb(434) : error
BC30456: 'Render' is not a member of 'Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005

result = rs.Render(reportPath, format, historyID, de
vInfo, parameters, _

C:Documents and SettingsetopLocal SettingsTemp1fw7qn9k.1.vb(436) : error
BC30456: 'SessionHeaderValue' is not a member of 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Reporting

sh.SessionId = rs.SessionHeaderValue.SessionId
C:Documents and SettingsetopLocal SettingsTemp1fw7qn9k.1.vb(496) : error
BC30456: 'Render' is not a member of 'Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005

result = rs.Render(reportPath, format, historyID
, devInfo, parameters, _

C:Documents and SettingsetopLocal SettingsTemp1fw7qn9k.1.vb(498) : error
BC30456: 'SessionHeaderValue' is not a member of 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Reporting

sh.SessionId = rs.SessionHeaderValue.SessionId


Any advice on how to fix this would be graetly appreciated. Thanks!

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