No Such Interface Supported Exception 0x80004002 - HELP!
Apr 9, 2006
I finally figure out why I can't connect to the SQLEXPRESS on this computer (technically, I was a remote connection), get everything installed (Advanced edition), and then...
It keeps telling me that "No Such Interface is Supported" and "Unable to cast COM object of type "System._ComObject" to Interface type..."
I grabbed it in a screen capture and will try to get it to a server tonight when I get home.
I have the following VB function. The stored proc that is being called ("GetList") inside the function does a simple SQL Select statement against an SQL Server 7 database using OLE DB. I'd like to store the result of the SQL Select statement in the "Rs" parameter to pass back to the calling function. Whenever I call this function, I get an error message stating "No Such Interface Supported". Does anyone know why I cannot do this?
Also, this function is being called from ASP code. That's why the "Rs" is passed as a variant. It's created in the ASP code before this function is called.
Function GetAddressDropDownList(Rs As Variant, CustomerId As Long)
Dim ProcComm Dim Parameter
Set ProcComm = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") ProcComm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc ProcComm.CommandText = "GetList"
Set Parameter = ProcComm.CreateParameter("CustomerId", adInteger, adParamInput) Parameter.Value = CustomerId ProcComm.Parameters.Append Parameter Set Parameter = Nothing
Using the full SQL Server 2005 patched up to build 9.0.3054.
Creating a simple maintenance plan to backup specific databases.
As soon as i try to save the plan i get the popup error :"no such interface supported". It won't allow me to save any plan at all regardless of what I put in there.
I need to refresh my cube daily and once this processed is done, i will update in ETL table with lastcubeprocessedtime in my timestamp column. Actually i am using IBM db2 provider since my ETL table resides in IBM DB2 source.
In my first task i am using script task where i will check whether my timestamp column value is NULL or not.
I am getting error like "The script threw an exception : keyword not supported: 'network port'." when this script task executes.
Moreover i am getting another error like "The execution succeeded, but the number of error raised(1) reached the maximum allowed(1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number of specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix this errors." For this error i have changed MaximumErrorCount value from 1 to 100 in dataflow task.
Can anyone tell me what might be the problem for these two errors?
Greetings everyone, I am attempting to build my first application using Microsofts Sql databases. It is a Windows Mobile application so I am using Sql Server Compact 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2. When I try and insert a new row into one of my tables, the app throws the error message shown in the title of this topic. '((System.Exception)($exception)).Message' threw an exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException'
My table has 4 columns (i have since changed my FavoriteAccount datatype from bit to Integer)
Account type will either be "Checking" or "Savings" when a new row is added, the user will select what they want from a combo box.
Next is a snap shot of my startup form.
Where it says "Favorite Account: None" in the top panel, I am using a link label. When a user clicks "None" it will go to a account creation wizard, and set the first account as it's primary/favorite. As more accounts are added the user can select which will be his/her primary/favorite. For now I am just creating a sample account when the label is clicked in an attempt to get something working. Below is the code used.
account.FavoriteAccount = 1;//datatype is an integer, I have changed it since I took the screenshot.
financesDataSet.BankAccount.Rows.Add(account); //The next three lines where added while I was trying to get this to work. //I don't know if I really need them or not, I receive the error regardless if these are here or not.
catch (global:ystem.InvalidCastException e) { //Stops at the following line, this error was caused by 'if (this.financesDataSet.BankAccount[num].FavoriteAccount == 1)'
throw new global:ystem.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'FavoriteAccount' in table 'BankAccount' is DBNull.", e);
I have no idea what I am doing wrong, all of the code I used I retreived from Microsofts help documentation included with VS2008. I have tried used my TableAdapter.Insert() method and it still failed when it got to
if (this.financesDataSet.BankAccount[num].FavoriteAccount == 1)
in my refreshDatabase() method it still failed.
When I look, the data has been added into the database, it's just when I try to retreive it now, it bails on me. Am I retreiving the information wrong?
When running the package in VisualStudio it runs properly, but if I let this package run as part of an SQL-Server Agent job, I got the message "The script threw an exception: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown." on my log and the package ends up with an error.
Both times it is exactly the same package on the same server, so I don't know how the debug or even if there is anything I need to debug?
Hi all. I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this question, so my apologies if it should be in another section.
I need to build a simple QA (quality assurance) DB for my company (a small physician group). I have the DB built in Access, but would much prefer to put it in SQL Server for reasons of stability, security, and access control.
What I would like to do is build a web interface to this DB so the users can just click an IE shortcut on their desktop, and be able to enter information via the browser like they would in a form in MS Access.
What would be the best way of going about building something like this? My background is as an analyst, so I'm unsure when it comes to actually building a front-end.
Sorry if this question is simplistic or if it has already been answered, and thank you in advance for any assistance you may lend.
I am working on the project for Health Care Provider. They use HL7 interface to data sources. Any other interface is not an option. I need to address following scenarios for daily ETL jobs:
Pull analyses results for patients based on certain criteria to my database (SQL2005). Hundreds of results per day. Verify list of patients against master list thru HL7 and update data elements that has changed. There are millions of patients I am considering using WEB Services task in SSIS for scenario 1. Scenario 2 is more complicated because of the volume of data. I am considering using BizTalk for this one. Can BizTalk handle this scenario? Is there is more efficient way?
Is there an interface that I could use in SQL Server to create queries or tables instead of typing codes in query analyzer? Any help would be appreciated.
Dear All,SQL-SERVER-DBAccess interface25 usersI want to know how the users are working with the interface:* What forms the use* What routines the run ( commandbuttons)* How long they use the interface* etc.I'll use a public function to add the information.Where should i store the information ? :* in a table in the SQL-DB: 1 table for all users on the server* a text-file for each user on the users computer.What solutions is the quickest?Thanks,Filip
Hi everyone. I need to be able to query a database in Oracle and thenactually save the data in an MS SQL database, does anyone know what isthe best way to do this? Would it be best to do everything internal(inside MS SQL) or external (with some script: javascript, vbscript,perl)?Thanks in advanced,Mike
Dear All,I'm looking for a VBA-code to run a sql-sript from the Access.adp-interface.I want to send scripts so my client can add sql-server-objects from theinterface.Thanks,Filip
we have several DWH Load processes running in SSIS, however I want to enable the enduser to have more control and information about the status of these processes. Therefore I plan to write a monitoring interface based on ASP.NET 2.0. However I hardly could find good docu or samples on what is available from within ASP.NET 2.0 to read out or control SSIS.
Anybody having me some good pointers to start with ?
Well... I'm implementing a clustering algorithm following the examples given on the Managed Plugin Algorithms tutorial. As the samples are in C# and I'm implementing it on C++, I'm facing some problems, but nothing really significant.
But I've some conceptual questions about the implementation:
1) It necessary to implement the IDMClusteringAlgorithm interface in order to implement the ClusterMembership() and the CaseLikelihood() methods, right ?
2) The changes needed to be done on the Navigation class have nothing to do specifically with clustering. These changes are only to set calculated statistics to be shown, and if I want, I can simply don't implement them. Is this correct ?
3) Is there any documentation on the parameters received by the ClusterMembership and CaseLikelihood methods ? What's its inputs and outputs ?
I need to export all the work that I have done in SSIS, but I dont know the option to do it... If I do a printscreen of the ETLs, I dont have all the layout of the ETL... Do you know how can I get it better to create my document?
I downloaded SQL Server Express 5.0 and would like to know - must I open SQLServer through a studio like SQL Server Management Studio Express, or can it open on its own? Does it come with a GUI inside it?
I clicked Start/All Programs/Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and only submenues were displayed, not the server itself. The submenues were
Configuration Tools SQL Server Management Studio Express.
I was just wondering why when i go to burn a cd it says Interface not registered. If somone could help i thank you.. cause i really want to burn cds again. thanks
I did a little bit of looking in the forums for something like this, but I wasn't able to find anything. In essence, I am looking to create a web form in ASP.NET which will emulate the SQL Server Query Analyzer Tool... eventually what I'd like to see: - A dropdown of different connection strings, to connect to different databases -A multi-line textbox where a user could type in a query (be it a SELECT, CREATE, UPDATE, or multiple queries at once) -A gridview object for results -A multiline textbox to contain server output ("the command completed successfully", "xxx rows returned", "syntax at line 3 not recognized", etc) I can do the first 3 without any difficulty, but I have absolutely no idea where to start with the server output. Anyone have any ideas? It does not need to be secure, as the only databases they'll have access to will be "test" databases and the pages will not be publicly hosted (LAN only)
Does any one know abt the web interface for managing SQL SERVER I would like to create database,create tables create users, modify, insert data etc.. over the web
i belive there are interfaces are available on the net
HELP!!! I've looked at a few, but none of them support insert and update. I hate to say it, but the Access inteface is better, but uses a different SQL than SQL Server. :(
Hello everybody, please advice: what is the fastest standard method of user interface access to SQL database? I am looking for fast display of one master record plus related dependent records, plus fast scrolling through master records with display of dependent records as fast as posible. Perhaps a standard problem with standard solution? At current state of matters, I am still much slower then with my old Access97 database.
I am getting "writing conflict" or "Update or Cancel Update Without AddNew or Edit" errors even though there is nobody else updating the same record. I use Access Form as interface, the DBMS is MS SQL Server 2000 Standart Edition. I did not write any code for the form and its AllowEdits property is set to Yes.
Can anybody tell me what is the problem and how I can fix it?
We are looking for a way to have sales data to flow from 1 database to another database on same SQL server. Can we build or have a link between 2 database? If yes, how to and how much effort will that be?
I don't want to use SSRS's GUI for parameter entry. It's quite minimal and not very easy to use for users and doesn't cope very well with large selection lists (E.g if you wanted to select 3 companies from a list of 60 000 to run a report for).
So I want to make my own parameter entry screen and then pass only the user parameter value selection on to the report parameters. Can I do that? Are the parameters exposed?
I'd wanna do something like: My_SSRS_Rep.param1=@MyValFromMyApp1 My_SSRS_Rep.param2=@MyValFromMyApp2 My_SSRS_Rep.Run/Refresh/View
Currently I just have a Windows form with a web browser control in it. And I've set the url to http://myserver/reportserver?%2fDB+Report+Server%myRep&rs:Command=Render So it is possible? Or do I need to go about this some other way like using the SSRS Report Viewer or some other mechanism?
Answer: Report Viewer it is then!
UPDATE1: Or maybe not... When I do the following, the report does not refresh:
Dim param(0) As Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter param(0) = New Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("Test", a) Me.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.SetParameters(param) Me.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.Refresh()
I would like to initiate a discussion regarding a client-side interface using a SQL db. Specifically, I want to have all users with read-only privileges, but include an event on a form that will nevertheless update a record on the server using a different user identity in ADO code - one that has read-write privileges in the database.
Is there a way to provide updates to the user interface during execution of a package? I realize it's not the purpose of SSIS, but would find it helpful... especially in terms of looping through recordsets, etc. what value a certain variable is set to.
I've been tasked to understand and develop an easy interface to query (insert, select, update, etc) a sql server compact database on an x86 win ce 5 machine. I'm using VS 2005 and have all the necessary SDK's installed. The problem is I can't find any good tutorials or documentation on sql server compact coding in C++ (only in C# and VB). Do y'all have any suggestions on where I can get started to learn the basic c++ sql interface coding?
Thanks! Jeff
Edit: I'd like to note that I can run the sample northwind project on a win ce 5 x86 emulator, so it's not the setup that I need help with, but the actual coding.