No Authorized Routine Named GETDATE Of Type Function Having Compatible Arguments Was Found. Sqlstate:42884
May 30, 2008
Hi All,
I am inserting a row in my SSIS_LOG table when my package executes. Here in this table i have column date_dt which is date data type. Once package executes i am getting error like "No authorized routine named "GETDATE" of type "Function" having compatible arguments was found. sqlstate:42884". Note i am using IBMDB2 data provider.
I have an SqlDataSource control on my aspx page, this is connected to database by a built in procedure that returns a string dependent upon and ID passed in. I have the followinbg codewhich is not complet, I woiuld appriciate any help to produce the correct code for the code file Function GetCategoryName(ByVal ID As Integer) As String sdsCategoriesByID.SelectParameters("ID").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input sdsCategoriesByID.SelectParameters.Item("ID").DefaultValue = 3 sdsCategoriesByID.Select() <<<< THIS LINE COMES UP WITH ERROR 1End Function ERROR AS FOLLOWS argument not specified for parameter 'arguments' of public function Select(arguments as System.Web.DatasourceSelect Arguments as Collections ienumerable
Help I have not got much more hair to loose Thanks Steve
suppose,the type of the stored procedure's paramters is varchar .I hate to add parameterNames and types.If i can read the string of the stored procedure the get the paramterNames by operating text? public void storeOperate(string stringParameter,string name) { string[] strs=stringParameter.Split('&'); SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(getConnectionString.getconnectionString()); SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand(name,conn); cmd.CommandText=name; cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure; foreach(string str in strs) { cmd.Parameters.Add(".....",SqlDbType........).Value=str; //my trouble } conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); }
Hi,I have a Scheduled Job on my PC that runs against a Linked Server. Ihave scheduled the Job to run when SQL Server Agent starts and I haveconfigured my SQL Server and SQL Server Agent to start when the OSstarts. The connection to the Linked Server is via my Broadbandinternet connection.I have some suspicions as to the cause and hence a possible solutionbut I want to run my ideas past anyone else who may have experiencedthe same.1. Should I have my DSL modem turned on before I start the PC so thatthe Network connection is available when the OS starts?2. Are the Network connections only made available after you havelogged in and hence not established quickly enough before SQL Serverand SQL Server Agent are started?Yesterday, when I rebooted the PC with the modem still on theScheduled Job ran without failure but this morning again it failed. Myusual routine is to turn on the modem just before I login.If No. 2 is the case then maybe I just need to set the "Retryattempts" parameter.Thanks,Michael HolbertonHospedaje Los Jardines & Sacred Valley Mountain Bike ToursCusco Database Development and Cycling Services
Hi;I am trying to write a rountine ( below ) that will go into a colum oftext data type ( fae.pmcommnt ) locate the word "to" and replace it.I have the routine below. I get no error messages, but it also seemsto do nothing :).Any clues would be greatly appreciated.ThanksSteve================================================== =============declare @ptrP intSELECT @ptrP = PATINDEX('%to%', pmcommnt)from fae where projid ='00013'declare @ptrPC binary(16)select @ptrPC = TEXTPTR(pmcommnt)from faeif( TEXTVALID ('fae.pmcommnt', @ptrPC ) > 0 )print 'works'print @ptrPUPDATETEXT fae.pmcommnt @ptrPC @ptrP 2 'JJ'select projid, pmcommnt from fae
Im getting this error when looping through a gridview. Im trying to save each row into the database. The weird thing is that it saves the first row, but errors out on the second.If I only add one item to the gridview, it works. The second row is screwing it up somehow. Any ideas? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some of my code to get an idea of how im doing it:(This is for a shopping cart. It displays the products in the shopping cart. If the order is approved by the CC processing company, each product entry is saved in the DB. The gridview is being populated by my ShoppingCart Profile Object.) SqlConnection objConn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["rdevie"].ConnectionString); SqlCommand objCmd = new SqlCommand("InsertOrderDetails", objConn); objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
Hi,I have a simple stored procedure that basically SELECT some data from database. I am calling this stored procedure using a sqldatasource. The first time I try it, it works perfectly fine. But I get the error message "Procedure or function has too many arguments specified" the second time I try to search for thing. This is the code that I have that called the stored procedure: Session("SearchItem") = txtSearch.Text.Trim SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "_MyStoredProcedure" SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("SearchItem", Session("SearchItem")) SqlDataSource1.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure Gridview1.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource1" Gridview1.DataBind() The following is the code in the stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[_MyStoredProcedure] ( @SearchItem nvarchar(255) = NULL)ASSELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM Registration WHERE((@SearchItem IS NULL) OR (Field1 LIKE '%' + @SearchItem + '%') OR (Field2 LIKE '%' + @SearchItem + '%'))GO Please help.Stan
I have two tables: Person (member_no, name) and Participant (participant, member_no) member_no is the primary key in Person.The stored procedure is:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.InsertRecs@member_no char(10),@name char(10),@participant char(10)ASbegininsert into person (member_no, name)values (@member_no, @name)select @member_no = @@Identityinsert into participant (participant, member_no)values (@participant, @member_no)endGOWhen I run this via the DetailsView control and try to insert a record I always get "Procedure or function InsertRecs has too many arguments specified"If I remove the second table from the stored procedure it works fine.Does anyone have any ideas?
Hello All, I am having a very strange problem which I cannot figure out. I am using the ASP.NET 2.0 SqlDataSource control to insert a news item into a SQL Express database. When inserting the a message I receive the following error: Procedure or function has too many arguments specified However according to me every thing adds up. Can anyone please help me figure out what is wrong? Here is the code: SqlDataSource: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlNews" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:FlevoOptiekDB %>" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" SelectCommand="dbo.usp_News_ByID" InsertCommandType="StoredProcedure" InsertCommand="dbo.usp_News_Insert" UpdateCommandType="StoredProcedure" UpdateCommand="dbo.usp_News_Update" DeleteCommandType="StoredProcedure" DeleteCommand="dbo.usp_News_Delete" OldValuesParameterFormatString="{0}"> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="p_iNewsID" QueryStringField="news_ID" /> </SelectParameters> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="p_dtmPublished" Type="DateTime" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_sTitle" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_sDescription" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_sStaticUrl" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_iPhotoID" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_iNewsID" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_iAlbumID" /> </UpdateParameters> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="p_dtmPublished" Type="DateTime" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_sTitle" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_sDescription" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_sStaticUrl" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_iPhotoID" /> <asp:Parameter Name="p_iAlbumID" /> </InsertParameters> <DeleteParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="p_iNewsID" QueryStringField="news_ID" /> </DeleteParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>Stored procedure:ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_News_Insert( @p_sTitle VARCHAR(256), @p_sDescription TEXT, @p_sStaticUrl VARCHAR(256), @p_dtmPublished DATETIME, @p_iPhotoID INT, @p_iAlbumID INT)AS /* SET NOCOUNT ON */ INSERT INTO dbo.tbNews(news_Title, news_Description, news_StaticUrl, news_Published, photo_ID, album_ID) VALUES(@p_sTitle, @p_sDescription, @p_sStaticUrl, @p_dtmPublished, @p_iPhotoID, @p_iAlbumID) RETURN Thanks, Maurits
We had a crash of SQL server this week, everything came up fine, with the exception, SQL EM would no longer connect to SQL Server via named Pipes Library. SQL Server [DB-Library] Not found or Server does not exist.
Client Applications are able access the DB, ISQL /w acesses and runs SP's fine DBCC CHECKDB returned no errors. I have to Reporting funtions that utilze Crystal Reports to connect to the DB. I am unable to do that n=now. This really is causing major problems. Any assistance would be appreciated.
I have already tryed Client Config. and adding the TCP/IP in the Advanced Tab wih Named pipes identified as "." and "(local)" [without quotes]. this did not work either.
If I have a corrupt Dll, can I reload it, or do I need to reload SQL Server, and rebuild databases from Datadumps?
Hi While coding with ASP.NET 2.0 I came across this error "Procedure or function InsertUpdateArtist_Tracks has too many arguments specified." Its quite frustrating because I dont know what arguments are being referred to because I've clearly assigned the correct parameters with their correct values to this Stored procedure :InsertUpdateArtist_Tracks Please can some help me with this? is there something fundamentality wrong with my code (Below) or is this a know Microsoft stuff up? or by the way I'm using SQL Server 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0 Below is my sample code: .............. 'Insert or Update Artist_tracks table Response.Write("<br><b>Inserting or Updating Artist_tracks table</b>") AT_Title = SearchArtistsResults(i).title AT_Meta_ID = SearchArtistsResults(i).meta_id AT_AA_ID = AA_ID Dim ParamTitle As SqlParameter Dim ParamMeta As SqlParameter Dim ParamAA_ID As SqlParameter dbCommand.CommandText = "InsertUpdateArtist_Tracks" dbCommand.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure dbCommand.Connection = conn ParamTitle = dbCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@AT_Title", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)) ParamTitle.Value = AT_Title ParamTitle.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input Response.Write("<br>Sent through this Title =" & AT_Title) ParamMeta = dbCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@AT_Meta_ID", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) ParamMeta.Value = AT_Meta_ID ParamMeta.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input Response.Write("<br>Sent through this Meta_id =" & AT_Meta_ID) ParamAA_ID = dbCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@AT_AA_ID", Data.SqlDbType.Int)) ParamAA_ID.Value = AT_AA_ID ParamAA_ID.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input Response.Write("<br>Sent through this AT_AA_ID =" & AT_AA_ID) conn.Open() dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() conn.Close() ..................
Hi All, I'm getting this annoying message when I try to call my Sp on an insert. I've executed the SP straight from SQL Server 2005 Express and it works fine. but I think I have a problem how I'm calling it. The SP------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.spInsertNewProduct( @productName nvarchar(50), @productSummary text, @productDesc text, @productPhoto int, @productFeaturelist text, @productTestimonials text, @productFile1 int, @productFile1_Title nvarchar(50), @productFile2 int, @productFile1_Title nvarchar(50), @NewProductID int OUTPUT)AS -- inserts new product INSERT INTO [tbl_products] ([productName], [productSummary], [productDesc], [productPhoto], [productFeaturelist], [productTestimonials], [productFile1], [productFile1_Title], [productFile2], [productFile2_Title]) VALUES (@productName, @productSummary, @productDesc, @productPhoto, @productFeaturelist, @productTestimonials, @productFile1, @productFile1_Title, @productFile2, @productFile2_Title); -- Read the just-inserted productID into @NewProductID SET @NewProductID = SCOPE_IDENTITY(); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DataSource------------------------------------------------------------------------- <asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsproduct" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:myConn %>" InsertCommand="spInsertNewProduct" InsertCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="productName" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="productSummary" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="productDesc" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="productPhoto" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="productFeaturelist" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="productTestimonials" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="productFile1" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="productFile1_Title" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="productFile2" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="productFile2_Title" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Direction="Output" Name="NewProductID" Type="Int32" /> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>------------------------------------------------------------------------- In code behind I grab params from front end dropdowns:------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub InsertProduct(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal Args As DetailsViewInsertEventArgs) dsProduct.InsertParameters("productPhoto").DefaultValue = CType(dvEditProduct.FindControl("ddlProdImage"), DropDownList).SelectedValue dsProduct.InsertParameters("productFile1").DefaultValue = CType(dvEditProduct.FindControl("ddlProdFile1"), DropDownList).SelectedValue dsProduct.InsertParameters("productFile2").DefaultValue = CType(dvEditProduct.FindControl("ddlProdFile2"), DropDownList).SelectedValue lblStatus.Text = "Product has been added to the database" End Sub------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can't see how in the VB front end file how there can be too many params? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance, I am getting the "Procedure or function JobsDb_Development_Update has too many arguments specified." error. Below is the sp and the vwd generated sqldatasource, any suggestions? Thanks Nick
Hi,I cant see why this will not work, when i run the page and try and perform a function it clicks me out and underlines SQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() with this error Procedure or function sppaintinsert has too many arguments specified Code below: Imports System.IO Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClientPartial Class admin Inherits System.Web.UI.PageProtected Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpload.Click Dim strFileName As String Dim strFilePath As String Dim strFolder As String Dim strPicTitle As StringDim SQLConnection As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionDim SQLCommand As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
strFolder = "C:Documents and SettingsRoss HintonMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005WebSitesjessicawebsitePictures" strFileName = oFile.PostedFile.FileName strFileName = Path.GetFileName(strFileName) strPicTitle = TextBox1.Text If (Not Directory.Exists(strFolder)) Then Directory.CreateDirectory(strFolder) End If strFilePath = strFolder & strFileName If File.Exists(strFilePath) Then lblUploadResult.Text = strFileName & " already exists on the server!" ElseSQLConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|picturesdb.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")SQLCommand = New SqlCommand SQLCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure If DropDownList.SelectedItem.Value = 0 Then SQLCommand.CommandText = "paintingpictures" Else SQLCommand.CommandText = "spdrawinsert" End If SQLCommand.Connection = SQLConnection SQLConnection.Open() SQLCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@image", "Pictures" + strFileName) ' sp parameter nameSQLCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", strPicTitle) SQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() oFile.PostedFile.SaveAs(strFilePath) lblUploadResult.Text = strFileName & " has been successfully uploaded." End If frmConfirmation.Visible = TrueEnd Sub End ClassALTER PROCEDURE paintingpictures @image VARCHAR(50) AS INSERT INTO pictable([image]) VALUES (@image)
Can anybody help me with this error? I am not even sure where to start looking.
i am looping through an arrayList that populates the SqlParameters. I open the database outside the loop, close it outside the loop and execute myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); inside the loop for every loop.
The error I am getting is:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or function ImportData has too many arguments specified.
I've found that I'm not the first one to get the error
"Procedure or function x has too many arguments specified"
while working with Stored Procedures (which is no surprise at all). But all suggested solutions didn't help, maybe this is because I misunderstood the whole concept. The situation is: On my page there is a FormView control including the EditItemTemplate. The database contains a Stored Procedure called UpdatePersonByID which is working fine as long as executed in Visual Web Developer. Here's the procedure code:
This is not exactly what it will finally have to do, of course the WHERE-clause later will contain an ID comparison. But since I tried to break down my code as much as possible I changed it to what you see right now. Here's the aspx-source (the red stuff is what I think is important):
And then once again a totally different question: Is there a way to post the highlighted aspx or vb code into this forum and keep the colors? i think I've seen that in some posts but didn't wanna do it manually.
I've been on this one all day - and now tearing my hair out. I have a large SQL2005 database (migrated from SQL2000) which I'm trying to replicate using a VB6 front end.
The application and database concerned have been working with no problems using merge replication for the last 5 years - however, I now need to port to SQL 2005.
In the VB6 app, I'm using the SQLMerge9 control to handle the replication side of things. The code I'm using is exactly as per the code which works under SQL 2000, however, I'm getting an error message "Procedure or function sp_MSupdatesysmergearticles has too many arguments specified." when I try to initialize the subscription.
I've seen one other item on the web with this problem, and this was someone trying to replicate a 2005 client with a 2000 server. I'm using SQL2005 both ends with merge replication -the replication is set up for SQL2005 clients only, and the database (which incidentally is being created on the subscriber correctly) is in SQL2005 compatibility mode.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated - I haven't got much hair left now.
The code I'm using is as follows:
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Set SQLMergeCtl = New SQLMerge Dim strSQL As String Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
' add subscriber strSQL = "EXEC sp_dropsubscriber '[subscriber name]'" Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection cnn.Open [connection string]
strSQL = "EXEC sp_addsubscriber '[machine name]', 0 , '[user name]', '[password]', @security_mode = 0" On Error Resume Next cnn.Execute strSQL
If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox Error End If
strSQL = "sp_dropmergesubscription @publication = '[publication name], @subscriber = '[machine name]', @subscriber_db = '[subscriber database name]', @subscription_type = 'pull'" cnn.Execute strSQL If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox Error End If
On Error GoTo Err_Handler cnn.Close Set cnn = Nothing
SQLMergeCtl.DistributorSecurityMode = DB_AUTHENTICATION SQLMergeCtl.Distributor = [distributor name - actually same as the publisher] SQLMergeCtl.DistributorLogin = [user name] SQLMergeCtl.DistributorPassword =[password]
Procedure or function sp_AddDealer has too many arguments specified. I am experiencing the 'too many arguments specified' error. I am running on SQL 2005. The Parameters lists on SQL server (when I view a dropdown under the sp name) shows a 'returns integer' (but without the @ the signifies a parameter).I have looked around the forums and haven't seen quite this flavor of this error. My forehead is sore from beating it against the wall... any clue would be appreciated! The error occurs when I click the 'new' link button, enter some data and then click the update link button after ... BOOM - Procedure or function sp_AddDealer has too many arguments specified. Thanks!! Chip Kigar Here is the stored Procedure:
set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgo ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddDealer] @sCarcareSystem varchar(100), @sDealerName varchar(50), @sDealerPhysAddrStreet varchar(200), @sDealerPhysAddrCity varchar(100), @sDealerPhysAddrState varchar(10), @sDealerPhysAddrZip varchar(20), @nReturnCode bigint output, @nReturnId bigint output AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @m_nCt bigint SET @nReturnCode = 0 SET @nReturnId = 0 -- VALIDATE IF (@nReturnCode = 0) BEGIN SELECT @m_nCt = COUNT(tblDealers.[_DealerId]) FROM tblDealers WHERE [Dealer Name] = @sDealerName IF (@m_nCt >0) BEGIN SET @nReturnCode = -2000 --'Error for exsiting Dealer' SET @nReturnId = 0 END END -- PROCESS IF (@nReturnCode = 0) BEGIN SET @nReturnCode = -2 --' Error getting new record id' DECLARE @m_nNewRecId bigint SET @m_nNewRecId = 0 EXEC sp_GetNewRecId @m_nNewRecId output IF (@m_nNewRecId > 0) BEGIN SET @nReturnCode = -1 --'Error adding Dealer' INSERT INTO tblDealers ( [_DealerId], [Carcare System], [Dealer Name], [Dealer Phys Addr Street], [Dealer Phys Addr City], [Dealer Phys Addr State], [Dealer Phys Addr Zip] ) VALUES ( @m_nNewRecId, @sCarcareSystem, @sDealerName, @sDealerPhysAddrStreet, @sDealerPhysAddrCity, @sDealerPhysAddrState, @sDealerPhysAddrZip ) SET @nReturnCode = 0 --'Success' SET @nReturnId = @m_nNewRecId END END
Here is the SQLDataSource. I plugged the ID parameter, so I got a schema back, but no data.
I get an error like 'Query failed for the datatset Reportsource.Procedure of function has too many arguments specified.' What could be the reason for this error?? please help me
Im really new to SQL SProcs. I have a function that I wrote that I am trying to compare a date within a record to today's date. The problem is that you cant call getdate from within a function... So, I was thinking that I could create a temp table that had a a date column with a default date of today and select that out. However, I cant find any documentation on how you would create a temp table with a default value, or if this would even work. I dont want to have to pass todays date into the function, nor do I want to have to create a permanent table just to hold this data. Any help, or other ideas? Thanks.
Does anybody knows if there is a problem que SQL Server 7.0 in the date?
I Created this Trigger...
CREATE TRIGGER pone_fecha_actual ON Pendent_Invoices FOR INSERT AS UPDATE Pendent_Invoices SET Publication_Date = convert(char(10),getdate(),7) WHERE Publication_Date IS NULL
But when browse the information it appears thie date... 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
Hello, I useSELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),GETDATE(),105) and get the now data 25-04-2006, but if i want to get the data format is 2006-04-25 How? Thank you!
I am trying to return data from between 2 dates. in this instance it is returning data from yesterday which works fine. However I am trying to return data for yesterday before 12 noon. The following returns yesterdays data. WHERE (dbo.People.SystemUser = 1 AND dbo.Actions.ActionDate > DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0,getdate()), -1) AND dbo.Actions.ActionDate < DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0,getdate()), 0) AND dbo.People.PersonId = 'JO')
How would I get it to return only yesterday before midday's data?