No Data In The Report After Populating DB

Oct 31, 2007


I populed my data base. But before I populate I created some reports beased on this DB. Now after I populating I can execute query and see results in Management studio or query designer. But When I change it the report to preview mode I can not see it.
Does anyone know why this is?


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Report Populating Incorrectly

Aug 29, 2004

I have a customer who is running a script that generates a custom report. IT is not populating as it should and is returning zeros for everything.

I have tested the the script in the office and it is populating as intended. I have run a debug on the script and it is executing the correct SQL commands. The debug results for the customer and for the one tested in the office are identical. For some reason, the script is not writing to file but is looking at the correct data. I suspect that it is an environment issue most likely on the SQL level.

Could this be an issue with character set? How can I check their character set and language preferences? I understand they are set during installation.

They are using the same collation as us.

What else can I check as I am running low on ideas.

I advised the client to create a new DB and restore over the top. The script was then tested and it was found to be working fine. As it was given an inappropriate name (ie test), I advised to create a new DB with a production name and restore over the top again. We have since returned back to where we started as the report is generating only zeros.

H E L P !

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Pre-Populating Report Tables

Nov 28, 2007

Hi. I have a report which has several datasources which require a table to be populated before they read from it.
i.e. The first thing that needs to happen whenever the report is run, is a call to a stored procedure which populates the table the report datasources are based off of. The SP takes several minutes to complete and MUST complete before any of the datasources fetch their data.

How can this be achieved?

I can not find anything in the Visual Studio Report Designer which allows to me to instruct Datasource B to not execute before Datasource A has completed (or any other way to call a data population SP, before the data reader SP's execute).


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Saving A Report To Excel And Populating Formula's

Feb 12, 2008

Is there a property or a format type that I can use on a field to enter an excel formula and have it actually be a formula once it is saved to excel out of reporting services.

This is a 'what if' report. That the users want to fiddle with after it is generated.

I have item number, cost, sell price, and discount from the database. I calculate the gross profit and the percent from those fields. They want to take this report, save it to excel and then have the gross profit change when they enter a new discount amount.

I have tried to just enter the fields like they would look in excel but the report just shows A3 - A2. If I use the = before it will not run and says A3 is not defined. I have tried quotes, parenthesis, square brackets any thing that looked remotely possible in properties menu to have the values save as a formula.

I don't think it is possible but would like a second opinion.

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Populating Data Between Ranges

Oct 3, 2007

Hi All,
I have a startdate (01/11/2007) and a enddate (01/11/2008).  I need to add dates into a table for everyday between these dates.  Can anyone help?

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Populating Data In A Pdf File

Jan 18, 2005


Need to populate data from SQL Server in a pdf file which is basically a government form.

Data should be fetched from the SQL server database and needs to be displayed in a pdf file.

Advice me on how to implement this.

Suggest me if there is any other idea for implementing the same.

Thanks in advance

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Populating Data From One SQL Database To Another

Jul 13, 2007

I have a project that entails the following:

There are two separate SQL Server databases involved that reside on two different servers. One of the depts within our building wants to have building permit data imported from Permit Database on Server "A" to their own database on Server "B".

I dont think this will be an overly complicated process. There are only a few fields they want populated (5 or 6 tops). This will have to be ran every
weeknight via some sort of scheduled task in Windows or SQL.

I was just interested in seeing if anyone has had prior experience working on data transfer like this. I would like to know what would be the best and most efficient way to approach this.

Thanks in advance.

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Populating A Database With Data From Db If A Value Exists

Nov 16, 2004

Hi all,

I have a table where I want to populate it with data (certain fields) from another table. But I only want to populate the table if there is data in a certain field in the table I wish to get the data from.

How exactly would I do this test? Would an I have to perform an IF statement to test if the field contains a value first?



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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Populating Data For Every Day Of The Week?

May 21, 2015

I have a date table(A) for every day of the year from 1990-2016 including the week number.There is another table(B) that has a number, date and week number.

I would like to join these 2 tables together, in order to populate the number from table B on every day of the week (of the week number in table B).

What makes it a little more complex is that the dates in table B not always correspond with the week number in the same row. Adding to the problem are some conditions:

- Every day of the week should have a number, and it should never be 0.

- If the 1st date of all rows in table B with the corresponding week number is not the monday of the week (but for example wednesday) it should start with this number on monday.

- Thousands of rows are in table B and for some of them the date corresponds with the week and for some of them they don't

- The rows can be grouped together using the week number.

Take the following example of table B:

ID Date Number WeekNo
1 21-5-2015 25 21
2 23-5-2015 30 21

In this example the dates correspond with the weeknumber, because the 21st and the 23rd of may are week 21. By joining this with the date table (A), by using for example cross apply, I would hope to get the following result;

Date Number WeekNo
18-5 25 21
19-5 25 21
20-5 25 21
21-5 25 21
22-5 25 21
23-5 30 21
24-5 30 21

The same should work if the same example had the week number 22 in every row.

Take the following example of table B:

ID Date Number WeekNo
1 21-5-2015 25 22
2 23-5-2015 30 22

In this example the dates do not correspond with the weeknumber, because the 21st and the 23rd of may are week 21 and not 22. By joining this with the date table (A), I would hope to get the following result;

Date Number WeekNo
25-5 30 22
26-5 30 22
27-5 30 22
28-5 30 22
29-5 30 22
30-5 30 22
31-5 30 22

Because the last result (ordered by date) of the week number 22 is 30, the whole week shows 30 on every day.

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Populating DataGridView With Data From Two Tables?

Oct 11, 2007

I am sorry for asking such a broad question, but I have been working on this and from what I can gather it can be done. My problem is that much of it has gone right over my head and I am getting more confused the more I read... I'm really, really confused...

Basically, I have a dataGridView that is populated with a number of fields from Table1 (ID, NameID, Status, Phone, Notes). This works fine, BUT I would like to access Table2 and have, where ID in Table2 = NameID in Table1, it load the First Name & Last Name into the dataGridView. I am able to load the information from Table 2 like so: SELECT NameFirst + ' ' + NameLast from Table2", but I can't get both Tables to work correctly.

I would like the dataGridView to be layed out like this:

ID NameID Name (NameFirst + NameLast) Status Phone Notes

I can't for the life of me understand or get this to work (Or for that matter even understand what I am trying to do...

Also, I am using Access 2007.

I would greatly appreciate some help, and possibly some explanation in laymans terms so that I might be able to understand this. I have read a lot about this, but for whatever reason it is just soooooo over my head that I can't follow it whatsoever.

Here is the code as it stands now:

//Populate the DataGridView
string conString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"DB.accdb;Jet OLEDBatabase Password=MyPassword;";

// create and open the connection
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(conString);
OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand();
command = conn.CreateCommand();

// create the DataSet
DataSet ds = new DataSet();

// run the query
command.CommandText = "SELECT ID AS [#], NameID AS [Name], Status AS [Status], Phone AS [Phone], Notes AS [Notes] FROM Table1 WHERE ID = " + textBox13.Text + ";";
OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(command);

// close the connection

bindingSource1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1;

// set the size of the dataGridView Columns
this.dataGridView1.Columns[0].Width = 10;
this.dataGridView1.Columns[1].Width = 100;
this.dataGridView1.Columns[2].Width = 100;
this.dataGridView1.Columns[3].Width = 100;
this.dataGridView1.Columns[4].Width = 176;

Any help and information is greatly appreciated.

Thanks Again,

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Parsing A Field Data And Populating Other Fields

Nov 3, 1999

I have just started to look at SQL and have a theory question that I could apply to a test I want to run. I have some legacy data from a previous project and the database was not designed properly (in my opinion). They have ONE field to capture City and State information. All the data is formatted City, State .

Does SQL have commands that can look at data in a field, strip out info before and info after a comma and then write that to other fields?

So, I would like to normalize this to take the data in a field called CityState and parse it, trim it and then populate two new fields 1) City and 2) State.

Thanks for your help!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Populating Data By Date Intervals

Mar 6, 2015

Table Name: EmployeeDetails
Columns: EMpID - Date - WorkedHours

For each day I get details of number of hours worked by each employee in this table.

Now my HR wants a report with such columns

empid - Week - Month - Qtr

So, week will have Sum of hours worked by employee in that week
Month will have Sum of hours worked by employee in that Month
Qtr will have Sum of hours worked by employee in that Qtr

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Test - Populating Tables With Dummy Data

Aug 24, 2006

In 2000, BCP seemed the way to go. DTS packages would also work. My question is, in 2005, what is the best choice? I seem to remember that BCP ignored all referential integrity constraints, and applying them afterwords was a royal pain. I'm not a BCP expert by any means. Running this at the command line means using the DOS prompt correct?

What is 2005's answer to this?

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Populating A Surrogate Key Inside Data Flow Task

Jul 19, 2007


I have tables like the one below for my Stage and dimension tables:

Stage Table




Dimension Table

accountkey ---- surrogate key (DW key)

accountid ---- business key (transaction's primary key)



I used slowly changing dimension to detect the changes for the records inside my Dimension table. But I had a problem when a new record exists in the stage table. The accountkey is set as the primary key and it gets its value from a different table which stores the last account key that was created. I cannot load all the changes unless i have a business key. Is there a way that i can get the "last key" from a different table in the data flow area and then supply it together with the other fields in the new output branch of the slowly changing dimension?



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Data Warehousing :: Populating Fact Tables With Surrogate Key From Dimension Table?

Sep 11, 2015

How do I correctly populate a fact table with the surrogate key from the dimension table?

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Replication :: Populating Local Database Daily With Data From Linked Servers?

Jul 29, 2015

I have multiple web databases for storefront orders as linked servers on SQL Server 2008 R2. I need to organize the data for these orders into a structure that can be imported into my ERP application db frequently either on demand or periodically during the day. We are essentially trying to make the manual order entry process automated. My thought was to get the data into views that resemble the schema of the order table in my application db and then schedule a stored procedure with sql jobs or a load routine from within the ERP application that would insert data from the view into the order table.

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Populating An Access Combo Box With Large Amount Of Data Causes Table Lock In SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

I have a combo box where users select the customer name and can eithergo to the customer's info or open a list of the customer's orders.The RowSource for the combo box was a simple pass-through query:SELECT DISTINCT [Customer ID], [Company Name], [contact name],City,Region FROM Customers ORDER BY Customers.[Company Name];This was working fine until a couple of weeks ago. Now wheneversomeone has the form open, this statement locks the entire Customerstable.I thought a pass-through query was read-only, so how does this do atable lock?I changed the code to an unbound rowsource that asks for input of thefirst few characters first, then uses this SQL statement as therowsource:SELECT [Customer ID], [Company Name], [contact name],City, Region Fromdbo_Customers WHERE [Company Name] like '" & txtInput & "*' ORDER BY[Company Name];This helps, but if someone types only one letter, it could still bepulling a few thousand records and cause a table lock.What is the best way to populate a large combo box? I have too muchdata for the ADODB recordset to use the .AddItem methodI was trying to figure out how to use an ADODB connection, so that Ican make it read-only to eliminate the locking, but I'm striking outon my own.Any ideas would be appreciated.Roy(Using Access 2003 MDB with SQL Server 2000 back end)

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Report Parameter Populating Another Report Parameter

Feb 16, 2007

OK, I'm pretty sure that the answer to my questions is "no", but the boss is pushing, and I thought I'd double check.

I want the selection of one report parameter to decide what shows up for another report parameter. Specifically in my case it has to do with dates. I have narrowed the results down to monthly dates, meaning that the starting dates always start with mm/1/yyyy and the ending dates are always mm/31/yyyy (for a 31 day month).

The boss wants the ending dates to always be >= the month of the starting dates. So, if the user choose 1/1/2007 for starting, the minimum ending date would be 1/31/2007, etc.. Since the parameters are loaded at report initiation, and SSRS isn't really event driven, I didn't think this was possible. I just wanted to make sure before I tell the boss that it's not. Please advise.

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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Reporting Services :: Open Report In Excel But Need Raw Data Not Duplicate Of Report Output

Nov 23, 2015

We are about to implement SSRS reports (SQL Server 2012), and have found one issue we don't like. The report looks great when we open it in pdf format. However, when we open it in Excel format, we want it to be the raw data, not look like the pdf report. I tried the simpl headers, and that removed the page header/footer. However, the report format was still in play.In other words, we would like the report when opened in Excel, to look just like it does when we open it as a CSV.I have tried to modify the config file a couple of times. Here is my latest attempt:

Extension Name="CSV" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
     <Name Language="en-US">CSV (comma delimited)</Name>
   <Extension Name="CSV" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
     <Name Language="en-US">Excel (csv)</Name>

Essentially I have set Visible = "false" for the Excel type, and tried to duplicate the CSV, changing the name to make it look to the user like it is "Excel". This fails. I checked the event viewer, and I see two entries.. The RSReportServer.config file has been modified. (Information)The value for UrlRoot in RSReportServer.config is not valid. The default value will be used instead.I literally took the file, opened it in Notepad, pasted in my changes, from another notepad window, and tried to run the report. I did not see EITHER of the two names I expected, using the OverrideNames tag. As I said earlier, I was able to affect the outcome, by setting SimpleHeaders to true (or however it is identified). That did work in that the page header and footer was removed.

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Reporting Services :: Set Data Source In Report Manager For Whole Folder Rather Than Each Report?

Aug 28, 2015

I have few reports under different folders in Report Manager. Is there a way to set the data source for the whole folder rather than each report individually? There is also a folder where reports generate dynamically. Since the report project doesn't exist anymore, I can't set the data source through code. How can I set the data source for the whole folder?

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How To Display Data At Bottom Of Report By Daily, Weekly, Monthly, SYTD Using Ssrs Report

Dec 14, 2007

hai iam new to ssrs, please help me.

i have student billbale information assume what ever data it. i need to to dispaly total amount for the student at

Bottom Of Report By Daily, Weekly, Monthly, SYTD . take any example, i want to know formula.

thanks to advanced

Jacks v

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Problem With Report Viewer , No Data Is Displayed And Report Comes Out As Empty

Dec 6, 2007

Hi ,

I have a problem using Report Viewer With SQL Reporting Services 2005.

I had a really weird issue with a ReportViewer. It would show the little green Loading progress bar image €¦ but it wouldn€™t show any data, just a white background where the output should be. I knew the data was there because exporting to Excel or PDF showed the data just fine.

The problem is report toolbar is display but NO DATA is displayed and the report comes out as EMPTY .

Thanks in advance..

Can you please help me out in resolving this problem.

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Reporting Services :: To Suppress Whole Main Report When Sub Report Has No Data

Apr 21, 2015

I have a SSRS report with 4 sub reports embedded. Previously i faced a situation where sub reports was getting displayed with static data even if there is no data being pulled from data set. I solved this problem according to solution provided in my previous post here. Now blank space is getting displayed in place of empty sub report. But still the main report that hosts empty sub report (Which has a header with header name coming from main data set) is getting displayed. Is there any way wherein the whole main report can be suppressed when the sub report  has no data?

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Sub Report Parameter Selections Via Values From Master Report Data

Jan 30, 2007

I am designing a report which will be used under the subreport control of a master report, now i am using a stored procedure for the subreport which has two parameters.

In the subreports dataset parameters tab, how can i mention the master reports columns, since i do not see the master reports columns here. since it is a different report.

If i use a hardcoded select query then i can just say

select address, city, state, zipcode from customer where (customerid = @customerID)

but i am using a stored proc. how to define the parameters under datasets parameter tab.

Thank you very much for the information.

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Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Reporting Services.

Apr 24, 2006

I'm using SQL Express with Advance Services & I get this error when I try to deploy my reports. Why do I get this error

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

Cannot create a connection to data source 'EDPSYS'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)

The feature: "Remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services. (rsOperationNotSupported)

Justin Song

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Retriving Metadata And Data Of Report From Report Server

Oct 7, 2007

hi all,

i have a deployed on the report server. is there any way i can retrive the metadata(xml) from report server using C#.

Also wanted to run the reoprt from server and get it's output (data) in XML.

please help.

girija shankar

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Need Help Populating A Variable (using .Net && C#)

Mar 28, 2008

I'm trying to populate the variable "STATUS" with the BEFORE value from TABLE1 to insert into TABLE2, but not sure how to do that. Attached is a stripped down code I'm working on. Sorry, I'm new at this...// some variable stuff      protected ErrorText ErrorText1;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList DISP_CD;public System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputText DISP_DOC;protected System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputText DISP_DATE;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataList DataTagList;protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button BtnUpd;public string STATUS = string.Empty; <---- Help me.// some update stuffprivate void UpdateTable(){ using(DatabaseConnection conn = new DatabaseConnection()) {      try  {   conn.OpenConnection(devSettings.junk);   for (int i = 0; i < DataTagList.Items.Count; i++)   {    HtmlInputText textTag =    (HtmlInputText)DataTagList.Items[i].FindControl("TagList");         if (textTag.Value.Trim() != string.Empty)     {      GetOldStatus(conn, textTag.Value.Trim()); <---- Help me.      UpdateTable1(conn, textTag.Value.Trim());      UpdateTable2(conn, textTag.Value.Trim());     }     }   }   catch ( Exception ex )   {    conn.Rollback();    throw ex;   }  }}// some sql table stuffprivate string GetOldStatus(DatabaseConnection conn, string tag){ StringBuilder sqlStr = new StringBuilder(); sqlStr.Append("  SELECT  "); sqlStr.Append("  STATUS  AS STATUS"); <---- Help me. sqlStr.Append("  FROM  "); sqlStr.Append("  TABLE1  "); sqlStr.AppendFormat(" WHERE TAG in '{0}'", Functions.DBFormatUpper(tag)); conn.Update(sqlStr.ToString()); return sqlStr.ToString();}private string UpdateTable1(DatabaseConnection conn, string tag){ StringBuilder sqlStr = new StringBuilder(); sqlStr.Append(" UPDATE TABLE1 "); sqlStr.AppendFormat(" SET DISP_DOC = '{0}',",Functions.DBFormatUpper(this.DISP_DOC.Value)); sqlStr.AppendFormat(" DISP_DATE = to_date('{0}', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),", DISP_DATE.Value); sqlStr.AppendFormat(" STATUS = '{0}',", Functions.DBFormatUpper(DISP_CD.SelectedValue)); sqlStr.Append(" UPDT_DATE = sysdate "); sqlStr.AppendFormat(" WHERE TAG in '{0}'", Functions.DBFormatUpper(tag)); sqlStr.Append(" AND STATUS in ('1','2','3')"); conn.Update(sqlStr.ToString()); return sqlStr.ToString();}private string UpdateTable2(DatabaseConnection conn, string tag){ StringBuilder sqlStr = new StringBuilder(); sqlStr.Append(" INSERT INTO TABLE2 ("); sqlStr.Append("  TAG"); sqlStr.Append(" ,DATE"); sqlStr.Append(" ,FIELD1"); sqlStr.Append(" ,FIELD2"); sqlStr.Append(" ,BEFORE"); <---- Help me. sqlStr.Append(" ,AFTER");  sqlStr.Append(" ,USER"); sqlStr.Append("   )"); sqlStr.Append(" VALUES ("); sqlStr.AppendFormat("  '{0}'", Functions.DBFormatUpper(tag)); sqlStr.Append(" ,sysdate "); sqlStr.Append(" ,'JUNK1'"); sqlStr.Append(" ,'JUNK2' "); sqlStr.AppendFormat("  ,'{0}'", Functions.DBFormatUpper(this.STATUS)); <---- Help me. sqlStr.AppendFormat("  ,'{0}'", Functions.DBFormatUpper(DISP_CD.SelectedValue)); sqlStr.AppendFormat("  ,'{0}'", Functions.DBFormatUpper(devState.UserId)); sqlStr.Append("   )"); conn.Update(sqlStr.ToString()); return sqlStr.ToString();}

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Populating Dropdownlist

Mar 23, 2006

I've got the following code and it's not really what I want. With the below code I can select in a dropdownlist a value and in the other dropdownlist the correspondending value will be selected. But when I select a value the second dropdownlist won't be filled with all the data in the database. It is filled only with the correspondending value and not with the rest of the value. When someone changes his mind and want to select a value in the dropdownlist it can't be done. Any ideas??Default.aspx:<body>    <form id="form1" runat="server">    <div>        <asp:Label            ID="Label1"            runat="server"            Text="Botanische Naam: ">        </asp:Label>        <asp:DropDownList            ID="DDL1"            AutoPostBack="True"            runat="server"            OnSelectedIndexChanged="ChangeBotanicName"            DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"            DataTextField="Botanische_Naam"            DataValueField="Botanische_Naam">        </asp:DropDownList>        <asp:SqlDataSource            ID="SqlDataSource1"            runat="server"            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:BonsaiDataBaseConnectionString %>"            SelectCommand="SELECT [Botanische Naam] AS Botanische_Naam FROM [BonsaiSoorten]">        </asp:SqlDataSource>        <asp:sqldatasource           id="SqlDataSource2"           runat="server"           connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:BonsaiDataBaseConnectionString%>"           selectcommand="SELECT [Nederlandse Naam] AS Nederlandse_Naam FROM [BonsaiSoorten]WHERE [Botanische Naam] = @Title1">          <selectparameters>              <asp:controlparameter              name="Title1"              controlid="DDL1"              propertyname="SelectedValue"              />          </selectparameters>        </asp:sqldatasource>         <asp:Label            ID="Label2"            runat="server">Nederlandse Naam:</asp:Label>                <asp:DropDownList            ID="DDL2"            AutoPostBack="True"            runat="server"            OnSelectedIndexChanged="ChangeDutchName"            DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3"            DataTextField="Nederlandse_Naam"            DataValueField="Nederlandse_Naam">        </asp:DropDownList>        <asp:SqlDataSource            ID="SqlDataSource3"            runat="server"            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:BonsaiDataBaseConnectionString %>"            SelectCommand="SELECT [Nederlandse Naam] AS Nederlandse_Naam FROM [BonsaiSoorten]">        </asp:SqlDataSource>        <asp:sqldatasource           id="SqlDataSource4"           runat="server"           connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:BonsaiDataBaseConnectionString%>"           selectcommand="SELECT [Botanische Naam] AS Botanische_Naam FROM [BonsaiSoorten]WHERE [Nederlandse Naam] = @Title2">          <selectparameters>              <asp:controlparameter              name="Title2"              controlid="DDL2"              propertyname="SelectedValue"              />          </selectparameters>        </asp:sqldatasource>     </div>    </form></body>Default.aspx.vb:Partial Class _Default    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page    Sub ChangeBotanicName(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)        DDL2.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource2"    End Sub    Sub ChangeDutchName(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)        DDL1.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource4"    End SubEnd Class
P.S. I posted this before but can't find it anymore so here it is again

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Populating A Table

May 19, 2004

I have a table with a list of products,once I enter the data into the table and start using it on my web site as a drop down list,the list is sorted as an alphabetical list,is there are way to have a single drop down list but still be able to group the those products,in order words force them not to get sorted aphabetically.


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Populating A Table

May 11, 2007

Hi, I have two tables:

1. RubricReportDetail with columns LocalPerf, Age
2. SppIndicator with columns Pct, Age

How can I populate the values of LocalPerf with Pct by matching

RubricReportDetail.Age = SppIndicator.Age ??

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

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One Of The DatSets Is Not Populating

Aug 16, 2007

Hi Guys!!

I have a DataSet (which requires 2 parameters), and for some reason even though it works in Query Analyzer and on the Data Tab of VS2003 it will not work when I choose to Preview it. Can anybody shed some light on this behaviour?

If you need to see the dataSet I can post it up!

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Populating A Table With A Dataset

Apr 17, 2007

I am running a program that populates tables on my local database by querying another database. 

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