No Dbo For A Database - But There Are Db_owner Users

Aug 27, 2006

I have a number of user databases who have lost their owner. That is, displaying properties for the database says the owner is unknown.

I assume that any user for such a database that's assigned to the db_owner role can admin everything in this database? Which means that the lack of a dbo doesn't cause any other problem than making it impossible to run a sp_helpdb for the database, or...?

Of course I'd like to make someone the owner, but it seems difficult to make an already existing database user the owner, without dropping the user and re-creating it.

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Stored Procedure To Grant All Users Db_owner

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to come up with a stored procedure to grant all usersdb_owner role (rather than have to manually check the users eachtime)Thanks in advance for your helpTY

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Model Database Without Db_owner

Dec 5, 2007

I am receiving this message in my MOM Server:
The system stored procedure sp_helpdb, which is used to gather information about the databases, has returned an error that may indicate that it cannot determine the db owner for the database [model]. Here are the details: sp_helpdb @dbname='model' on SQL Server Instance: INSTANCENAME. Error number: 515, Error Information: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column '', table ''; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

So, I run this script in the Master DB:
select name, suser_sname(sid) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where suser_sname(sid) is NULL

And I get the result that the db_owner is set to NULL!

I know that it is not possible to change the DB Owner of the model database but is there any workaround to solve this without reinstalling or similar solutions?

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Can't Create A View Despite Being Db_owner On The Database

Feb 11, 2008

I am getting the following error when trying to create a view in a database.

If I have db_owner rights so I should not have an issue? Any thoughts

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Property DefaultSchema is not available for Database '[GiftTraq]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights. (SQLEditors)

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Can't Take Database Back On Line With Db_owner Userid

Aug 19, 2002


I have granted db_owner to a user id. This userid was able to take a database offline, but when trying to bring the database up online, I got an error message 5011, user doens't have permission. Does anyone has any idea why? I read in books on line saying that db_owner fixed roles has permssion to set this database property. Thanks.

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User Not A Choice When Trying To Add To Db_owner Role For Database

Mar 14, 2008

How do I get a particular user to be a choice under the db_owner role for a particular database?
The user is listed under logins and even shows to be the db_owner for the database under the database access tab of the login properties. This is SQL 2000.
David P.

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Why Out Of The Blue Would VPN Users Be Unable To Connect To Database And Local Users Are Unaffected?

Mar 6, 2008

I have had this issue just pop up. I have local users who can connect fine, but my users that require connection by VPN cannot connect. I get the server not available or access denied error. I did confirm that the VPN'ers are connected to the network correctly and can see that their shares and mappings are correct. Any ideas? Thanking you all in advance!!

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Difference Between Database -- &&> Users And Security --&&> Users

Nov 28, 2006

Hi Team,

In SQL Enterprise Manager, when we expand "Database -->Users", we see the

users there. When we expand "Security --> logins" we see the same users there.

Can you differentiate these two.



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Restore Of Database Backup To Another Database Makes Users DBO

May 7, 1999

Anybody figure a way around this:

In a development server you take a backup and you want to move the entire database to a production server. The production server does not contain the database, users, or logins in master.

When you restore the backup to production in 7.0, the users get moved to DBO because the logins do not exist and then you cannot delete them.

We are having to drop the users from the database on development, back up the database and restore it to production, then recreate the users on production.

This is bogus and did not happen in 6.5 because of the aliases.

Anybody come up with a better way?

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Jan 31, 2008

when i try to create an ER diagram in VB Web Server Express it tells me that You do not have the required permissions..
What's up?

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Sep 6, 2005

I have a stored procedure that I believe is not executing as the specific db in question has no owner(shows as "unknown"). What is the solution?

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More Than 1 Db_owner

Feb 20, 2008


I have a database which contains 5 db_owner. If I need to remove two of them (they have left the company and are not being replaced) so db_changedowner is out of the question.

What is the proper way to do this?

Do I need to transfer their ownerships to one of the existing db_owner?

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After Replicating A Database, SP's In The Same Database Are Not Able To Modify By Other Users.

May 21, 2008

hi there,

After replicating a database, the stored procedures in that same database are not able to edit by other users than service account (sys admin users), When the normal users try to edit any of the stored procedures, sql server 2005 is throwing the following error...

Msg 21050, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSmerge_ddldispatcher, Line 12Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role or db_owner fixed database role can perform this operation. Contact an administrator with sufficient permissions to perform this operation.

any suggessions are most welcome.


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Db_owner Problem

Sep 10, 2006

I recently registered  my  hosted  database  server  on my  pc. When I ran aspnet_regsql.exe the table created have dbo as schema, but when I create a news table throught stored procedure it has my username as schema.When I buildt my site on my pc all tables have dbo as schema.How do I make all tables on my hosted server db have same schema?Thanks The very Newbie 

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Db_owner Role

Mar 2, 2007

Hi All,


Why would the user other than sa need the db_owner rights?

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DB_Owner Is Leaving

Feb 20, 2008


I have a database which has two db_owner (dbo and a user).

The user has left the organization a while ago.

Can I remove him or do I need to replace him?

What will happen if I remove him?

Do I need to keep dbo there also?

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Db_owner To All Tables

Jul 23, 2005

is there a command that can change a login role to db_owner in all thetables, or do i have to use{USE table_nameEXEC sp_adduser 'login name'EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'login name'}for each of the tables ?thanks

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Db_owner Rights

Jul 23, 2005

If I on a remote hosting server have db_owner rights, do I then also havedb_securityadmin and db_dlladmin rights?BRGS, TCHillII

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Adding Dbo To Db_owner

Aug 16, 2006

Im duplicating a database by running the script below. This works fine. My only problem is that the dbo user does not by default have any role memberships in the new database hence no access. I have tried using sp_addrolemember but dbo is not a valid user for this procedure. Adding dbo to the db_owner role through the sql2005 MS works fine, but I would very much like to script this. Any suggestions?

--copy databaseuse master;alter database polaris_regular set single_user with rollback immediate;DROP DATABASE polaris_regular;backup database polaris to disk = 'c: mppolarisbak.bak' with INIT,format;restore filelistonly from disk = 'c: mppolarisbak.bak';restore database polaris_regular from disk = 'c: mppolarisbak.bak'with move 'polaris' to 'C:Datapolaris_regular.mdf',move 'polarisLog' to 'C:Datapolaris_regularLog.mdf';

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Db_owner Role

Aug 15, 2006

I am getting this error message when disabling a job. The user is not a SA.

TITLE: Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo
Alter failed for Job 'XYZ'.

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


EXECUTE permission denied on object 'sp_help_operator', database 'msdb', owner 'dbo'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)

The user can diasble the job if i give db_owner permission on msdb.

Is there a way i can do this without making the user db_owner?

Thanks for any help

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Roles, Permissions, Db_owner

May 1, 2002

Whats the difference between db_owner and public role...
I want to create a role and add user to it..that user will have all the permissions on all the tables (our tables), all permissions on all stored procedures, triggers, views...that user is owner of all objects....right now we have to manually grant these permissions to each user, and I was think if I create a role I don't have to what happens with stored procedures and jobs ??

Can some one help me the script to do this... am reading lots of articles about these but none have clear instructions...
How do you create
db_datareader, db_datawriter roles ??
I cannot use EM as I have to send this script with our application..

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Fixed Db_owner Role

Nov 1, 1999

I have a server that was upgrade to 7 several months ago. The cmptlevel was set to 7 once upgraded. I have a developer group as dbo_owner role on a database and now on certain tables (not all) they can add fields and save. But then go back in and remove the field then try to save they get the error message "- Unable to modify table. ODBC error:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]SETUSER permission denied, database 'XXX',owner 'dbo'."

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Stored Procs And Db_owner

Oct 31, 2005

I have some users that I need to run stored procedures, but they can'tseem to run them unless they are in the db_owner role of the database.How do I give them access to run the stored procs without giving themthe complete rights of the db_owner role?Thanks in advance.

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Problem With DB_OWNER Role..

Aug 21, 2007

Hi All,I am facing a problem while executing a statement through C++ codeusing OLEDB API of Sql server.There is a problem with DB_OWNER role. If I will enable the DB_OWNEReverything is going fine but if I will remove this role than I amgetting error "DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND".But if I will execute the same in query analyser it is goingabsolutely fine in either case.I am not able to understand why I am getting error while using API.Please help me......thanks in advance

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Db_owner VS Db_ddladmin Roles

Jul 10, 2007

We have several departamental "database administrators" that needs access to their databases "only" and cannot perform maintenance tasks administrative tasks such as backup and create new server login. We basically function as a "database hosting services" to these departamental dbsa. I granted rights to these departamental dbas to their database and I assigned the db_ddladmin role to them. They can create the objects within their database but they cannot read the records because when the table was created it belongs to the dbo schema - I don't want to assign them to the db_owner role, this role is much more permission that they need.

My question is: What is the best way to give these departamental dbas rights to manage their databases without having too much permission to maintain the database permission and settings?

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Error While Change Db_owner

Jan 2, 2008


how can i change the database owner field in sp_helpdb. becoz each &every database owner is having different names.
so i want to change to administrator.

when i try to change the through exec sp_changedbowner 'administrator'
it raises error :

Msg 15110, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The proposed new database owner is already a user or aliased in the database.

can any one help on this one.

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Users Database

Jan 31, 2008

how can i create a users database to store users infos (names pictures...) ??
thx for taking time to read this

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Run SP From Remote Computer Needs Db_owner Privileges ?

Oct 13, 2006

Hi All,

I created SP and enabled db_datareader and db_datawriter for roles for BUILTINUsers on database level.

I can call that SP from my application if I am accessing DB from my app running on the same machine. If I run app on other machine SP throw exception related to lack of permission.

I fixed that by enabling db_owner roles for BUILTINUsers. But it is not good fix from security point of view.

My question is: is there any other way to allow regular user to run that SP by not giving him db_owner privileges?

Also I have to mention that my SP procedure has some dynamic SQL code.

I would greatly appreciate any help,


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Urgent,find All Db_owner Login

Jan 29, 2007


I need to find all userlogin have db_owner role in any database in the server.

thanks in advance

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Accessing Database Users

Feb 8, 2007

 I would like to know if there is any way of Accessing database users from frontend and changing their persmissions.

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Users Not Listing In Database.

Jan 25, 2001

Hello Experts,

I copied a database from my production server to the development server and now i dont see the users in the database from the enterprise manager,database and users folder. But, When i run a query to against the sysuser table from a query analyser I can see those users here. Why cant I see in from the Enterprise manager. Any advice please..

Appreciated any comments on this.


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How To Force Users From A Database?

Dec 1, 2000

Does anyone know a way to force out all users from a particular database? I need to script this to perform some maintenance at a particular time every day.

Thanks for your help,


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Dropping Users In Database

Dec 23, 1999

Is there a way in SQL to drop any users from a database. I am trying to schedule some nightly DB maintenance and some users are still in there sometimes. I need to be able to kick the out to do dbcc checkdbs, etc. Is there a way for me to do this without stopping the SQL services?

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