I understand that SQL 2005 doesn´t support TIME ( which is, for me,
incredibly weird). Now, could anyone please help me solve my problem. I
want to make it possible to insert into database a start-time for the
first runner in a team. And when he finishes, a finish-time. This
finish-time I will also use as a start-time for the second
runner....a.s.o. Furthermore I want to be able to get the results from
the database to present them in several ways. This also means I can't
simply insert the time as a string since it won't change hour at every
60 minutes. I have read somewhere that it should be possible to create
own datatypes, but I have absolutely no knowledge to that. Could anyone
please help me?
I would like to store a time field in one of my SQL tables and display it in my report formated appropriately. What is the best datatype to use? Can I use an int and format it like HH: MM: SS? I've tried the t format to no avail and have tried something like
= First(Fields!Time.Value,2) + ":" + .......
But I get the following error: "The value expression for the textbox has scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function."
Obviously I am going about this wrong. What's the best way?
Here is my delema: I have data that I have transfered from Access2000 to SQL2000 without issue. However, in my data from Access I have a date field that has just date. When brought into SQL2000 it is given a timestamp as well. According to documentation, if no time is entered in teh field, one is provided (12:00:00 AM).
My delema is that I have a dropdown list box that displays distinct dates from a table for selection to execute a query but now my listbox is twice as long due to the insertion of the timestamp.
Is there a way to get rid of the timestamp that I am not capturing for this field? I can't believe that SQL2000 doesn't have a way to handle just a date.
Is there a way to strip off the time portion of a datetime datatype without changing the datatype? I know I can convert it using CONVERT (NVARCHAR(10), dbo.tblPayments.PaymentDate, 101) but I need to keep it as a datetime datatype?
Hello experts, I want to create a table to store only time in a fileld. There is "DateTime" for my purpose but i dont want to save the Date part only the time part as "12:30:44 AM". I know i can select only time part from Datetime field but i want to save only time.Can anybody help me how can i create that kinda table ?
We are migrating our database from DB2 8 to SQL Server 2005. We have date and time saperate columns in DB2. For example, Date_of_birth, Store_sun_open_time, Store_sun_close_time etc. For date we are using datetime. For time what datatype should we use in SQL Server?
we have a table like thisOrderNo OrderDate1 2005-11-04 01:12:47.00022005-11-19 04:26:54.00032005-11-16 11:03:23.00042005-11-21 15:58:37.00052005-11-24 21:45:04.000what will be the sql query, so that the Result look like this.only to neqlect the time factor from datetime data type .OrderNoOrderDate1 2005-11-0422005-11-1932005-11-1642005-11-2152005-11-24
For some reason, I recall having read that SQL Server 2005 would supporta datatype that represented date, but not time. (This would be usefulfor storing things like birthday, where you usually don't care about thetime of day). But I've got SQL Server 2005 installed, and there's nosuch datatype to be found.Is this something that might be released in a Service Pack, or is itjust not going to happen?
insert into scn_transaction (sourceSystemName) values(@sourceSystem);
SELECT @txOut = @@identity
Whose purpose is to perform an insert into a table and return me the identity value of the inserted record, which I'll then use throughout the rest of my package. The identity column in the inserted table is numeric(18,0).
I execute the stored proc with the following sql with an OLE DB connection manager:
exec sp_newTransaction ?, ?
The first parameter is a string variable from earlier in the package, and the second is the output parameter. I have the following parameter mappings to the execute sql task:
The proc is correctly called, and the row insesrted, however I get a type conversion error when SSIS attempts to map the return parameter to my package variable... I've tried all sorts of combonations, and can't seem to get it to execute.
At one point I wasn't returning a numeric, but rather an int from the stored proc, and all was well until I went to use the variable in a derived column later in the package, and the type was converted quite incorrectly (a 1 was 77799789080 or some such), indicating a type conversion error likely related to the encoding of the number.
I'd like to keep the datatypes as numeric and make ssis use those - any pointers are greatly appreciated as to what type my package variable should be to allow proper assignment of a sql server numeric type to it.
We used SSIS to move data from a table in SQL 2000 which had a column with the image datatype to a column in a table in SQL 2005 that has a datatype of varbinary(max). No errors were produced from the SSIS package.
There were a number of records where the DATALENGTH of the column with the image datatype was greater than 8000. Was the data truncated for these records?
This is probably a very elementary question, but I am not familiar with the application or the data.
Below is the source table in SQL 2000 and a select count(*) ...
Hi, i wanted to read some datasets from a table with the ROWVERSION. Then i wanted to save these records with the ROWVERION- Column in a temp table. Now it seems i cant explicitely write data in a ROWVERSION Column. As i understand its only possible to write a default value in such columns. Only SQL Server itself can write into ROWVERSION columns.
I have a field in a table that stores date of birth. The field's datatype is char(6) and looks like this: 091703 (mmddyy). I want to convert this value to a datetime datatype.
What is the syntax to convert char(6) to datetime?
HI,I have a table with IDENTITY column with the datatype as INTEGER. Nowthis table record count is almost reaching its limt. that is totalrecord count is almost near to 2^31-1. It will reach the limit with inanother one or two months.In order to avoid the arithmentic overflow error 8115, we would likechange the datatype from INT to BIGINT. we hope this will solve ourproblem.How do I approch this datatype conversion?. Since the data count ishuge, that leads to a long down time of database.we need better approach or solution for this problem?. kindly give mea better solution that will reduce the total downtime of the productiondatabase.?.Regards
i have so doubts in my mind and that i want to discuss with you guys... Can i use more then 5/6 fields in a table with datatype of Text as u know Text can store maximu data... ? acutally i am trying to store a very long strings values into the all fields. it's just popup into my mind that might be table structer would not able to store that my amount of data when u use more then 5/6 text datatypes...
and another thing... is which one is better to use as data type "Text" or "varchar(max)"... ? if any article to read more about these thing,, can you refere to me...
ok. Here we go again. they got my Servers built yesterday and here I am on a saturday doing the installs
I ran SQL SERVER 2005 Standard Edition Setup on my Windows 2003 Enterprise Server with SP2
it ran through and installed Client tools, BOL and such.. but did not install an actual Instance. I never got the Advanced button to choose which components to install. What did I do wrong????????
I need to install a Named Instance on Both Server.. one will be DEV one Production. help?
In my report, I get a '0' as my Age @ TOS. What I would like to have is 7 months vs the '0' it is reporting. I would like to try accomplishing this without doing a function if possible. I know I used YY in my DATEDIFF. I only noticed this today because of a few patients in my DB were under 1 yr at the TOS.
In order to allow my customers to use their existing data and install updated application, I want to be able to add columns to existing CE tables at startup time, and allow the user to enter data into the new column(s) immediately. I used the ALTER TABLE command as shown in the example below:
cmdexe = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() To add the column, But this does not set the columns in the attached dataset. The program sees the columns and data is able to be added, but is not then in the underlying table? What else do I need to do?
hi all, in my sql server 2005 , i 've a table gg containing a column 'date'.its data type is datetime ,null now i want to insert only the date to this field from vb.net page. i dont want "time" to insert in this page. one more thing ,i know varchar will work for what i need but i want to use date time. If anyone who knows how this is possible pls do send me the code. thanks swapna
I will be installing SQL Server 2005 enterprise edition for the first time and was looking for some hints...
unfortuntely, I don't know alot about what kind of applications they will be using the databases for.. but I do know that I have 400GB to allocate. My manager suggested a seperate volume for the SQL Server Binaries.. not sure why... ANY OPINIONS ON THAT???
This is what he suggested C: OS D:SQL Server application install E:datafiles F:Logfile e:tempdb
any hints, suggestions, opinions, things to watch out for... ???????
I was thinking more along the lines of c:OS and application installs (sql server etc..) E:datafiles and TempDB F:Logsfiles
I have a problem installing sp 1 for sql 2005 express. How can I check if I have sql server or the sql 2005 express edtion and if it is a beta or not. I want ot install the SP1 OF SQL 2005 When I go to the add/remove program section I see sql 2005 edition and not sql 2005 express edition, very confusing because it indicates to look for sql 2005 express edition in the add/remove program and remove it. I don't even know if I have a beta release or not at this point anymore. Is sql 2005 express packaged with VWD 2005 express edition.
Hello, We are using Reporting Services 2005 with large amount of data. Our reports displays the data in various presentation (charts, tables, Images and matrixes). Sometimes the underline queries takes a lot of time (few algorithms implemented by SQL and few by web services). We tried to run the reports in various scenarios and we are getting a timeout n each of the scenarios: 1. Running the report with windows application (based on Report Viewer control) 2. Running the report via subscription.
We noticed than the timeout occurs after about 20 minutes. WE changed the following parameters: 1. The system timeout in the report server database: 60000 2. Reports execution timeout (site level): Do not timeout report execution 3. Reports execution timeout (report level): a. Do not timeout report execution b. A very big number