I have two tables. Table A has 2162 rows and table B has 101 rows. There isn't any join keys that I can join on these two tables. But I need everything from table B and only one column (Col1) from table A. It will result in a cross join and retruns 218362 (2162 * 101) rows, which is correct. But this takes about 30 seconds to complete. Any workaround to accomplish this? Optimizer shows no predicate joins on the Nested Loop and to me it is correct.
Here is what I have so far.
SELECT B.*, A.col1
ON 1 = 1
am encountering the NO JOIN PREDICATE warning in a query plan for a particualr SQL statement. In poking around, I've come across psotings that mention the CU 4 for SQL Server 2005. The update applies to a KB article that addresses complex queries with an outer join.
But in my case, it's not an outer join causeing the problem - they are all left joins. Here is the piece of SQL that is running extremely slowly:
Code Snippet UPDATE @TESTTABLE SET [@TESTTABLE].SignInCancelledNoEMR = (SELECT q.cnt FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt,cl.Clinic_id AS ClinicIDq,cl.CLINIC_REG_ID AS MarketIDq FROM dbo.tblactivity AS t LEFT JOIN [ERIIProduction].dbo.computer c on t.machineid = c.comp_windowsname LEFT JOIN [ERIIProduction].dbo.clinic cl on cl.clinic_id = c.comp_clinic_id LEFT JOIN [ERIIProduction].dbo.Region r ON cl.CLINIC_REG_ID = r.REG_ID WHERE t.status = '1' AND cast(checkindate as datetime) >= @startDate AND cast(checkindate as datetime) < DATEADD(d, 1, @endDate) AND cl.clinic_reg_id IN (SELECT Item FROM dbo.Split(@regionIDList,',')) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [ERIIProduction].dbo.VisitPatient vp WHERE (t.activityid = vp.VSPAT_GalvanonActivityID)) --AND (t.memberid = vp.VSPAT_GalvanonMemberID)) GROUP BY cl.Clinic_id,cl.CLINIC_REG_ID) AS q WHERE q.ClinicIDq = ClinicID AND q.MarketIDq = MarketID)
Before I apply the CU and enable the trace flags, I'd like to know if there is something else I can do within the query itself to make it run faster. I've tried the OPTION(FORCE ORDER ) hint, but that doesn't have any effect on the queery run time. And as a whole, the query cost relative to the entire batch jumped from 75% to 96%.
Granted the execution time of the entire batch dropped from 9 minutes to 1 minute, this query should not even take that long.
Hi, our application is failing sometimes, with some select queries. After making traces in the database, I found the following error: Missing join predicate. I googled that, and I only found this useless tip:
Missing Join Predicate: Indicates whether or not the query in question has a join predicate. If not, this can cause the Query Optimizer to produce a less than optimized query plan. The fix to this is to add a join predicate.
So, I dont know what a join predicate is... maybe I used it, but I don't know it by that name.
I am a new SQL Profiler user trying to baseline our eCommerce site. I am receiving EventClass 80, Missing Join Predicate (hereinafter MJP), often enough to be concerned about what may happen during very high traffic. I have isolated the query, included at the bottom of this post (cleaned up). There is very little info on this event class out on the web. Version is SQL 2000, latest service pack. I know I don't have table DDL here; I'm just trying to get overall direction without causing you much work/time.
1. Even though only the value of product_id in the HAVING clause changes, I do not always get the MJP. I would expect that a query without a JP is a query without a JP and it would be all-or-none.
2. Although it happens maybe 20-30 % of the time in production, I can’t make it happen in testing.
Anyone have experience with MJPs? How about the issue of why it's sporadic? Can anyone shed light? Know of good links, etc?
Thanks!! bbRichbb
SELECT p.Product_Id, MIN(ae.Enum_Value) AS color, p.Product_Name, p.Status_Code, ps.Curr_Price, s.Section_Id, COUNT(ps.SWATCH_STATUS) AS total_available_colors FROM Attribute_Enum_Value ae INNER JOIN Product_Attribute_Enum pae ON ae.Attribute_Value_Id = pae.Attribute_Value_Id AND ae.Attribute_Type_Id = pae.Attribute_Type_Id INNER JOIN Product p INNER JOIN Section_Product sp ON p.Product_Id = sp.Product_Id INNER JOIN Section s ON sp.Section_Id = s.Section_Id ON pae.Product_Id = p.Product_Id INNER JOIN PRODUCT_SWATCH ps ON ae.Enum_Value = ps.Color_Attr AND p.Product_Id = ps.PRODUCT_ID WHERE (pae.Attribute_Type_Id = 500001) AND (p.Product_Class_Id = 2) AND (p.Status_Code = 'ACTV') AND (ps.SWATCH_STATUS = 'ACTV') GROUP BY p.Sequence_Number, p.Product_Id, p.Product_Name, p.Status_Code, ps.Curr_Price, s.Section_Id HAVING (p.Product_Id = 1209645) ORDER BY p.Sequence_Number, p.Product_Id
I am a new SQL Profiler user trying to baseline our eCommerce site. I am receiving EventClass
80, Missing Join Predicate (hereinafter MJP), often enough to be concerned about what may happen
during very high traffic. I have isolated the query, included at the bottom of this post
(cleaned up). There is very little info on this event class out on the web. Version is SQL
2000, latest service pack. I know I don't have table DDL here; I'm just trying to get overall
direction without causing you much work/time.
1. Even though only the value of product_id in the HAVING clause changes, I do not always get
the MJP. I would expect that a query without a JP is a query without a JP and it would be
2. Although it happens maybe 20-30 % of the time in production, I can€™t make it happen in
Anyone have experience with MJPs? How about the issue of why it's sporadic? Can anyone shed
light? Know of good links, etc?
Thanks!! bbRichbb
SELECT p.Product_Id, MIN(ae.Enum_Value) AS color, p.Product_Name, p.Status_Code, ps.Curr_Price, s.Section_Id, COUNT(ps.SWATCH_STATUS) AS total_available_colors FROM Attribute_Enum_Value ae INNER JOIN Product_Attribute_Enum pae ON ae.Attribute_Value_Id = pae.Attribute_Value_Id AND ae.Attribute_Type_Id = pae.Attribute_Type_Id INNER JOIN Product p INNER JOIN Section_Product sp ON p.Product_Id = sp.Product_Id INNER JOIN Section s ON sp.Section_Id = s.Section_Id ON pae.Product_Id = p.Product_Id INNER JOIN PRODUCT_SWATCH ps ON ae.Enum_Value = ps.Color_Attr AND p.Product_Id = ps.PRODUCT_ID WHERE (pae.Attribute_Type_Id = 500001) AND (p.Product_Class_Id = 2) AND (p.Status_Code = 'ACTV') AND (ps.SWATCH_STATUS = 'ACTV') GROUP BY p.Sequence_Number, p.Product_Id, p.Product_Name, p.Status_Code, ps.Curr_Price, s.Section_Id HAVING (p.Product_Id = 1209645) ORDER BY p.Sequence_Number, p.Product_Id
hi , what is the definition and difference between predicate and residual predicate. give me some examples..Basically the columns used in where clause are called as predicates. Am i right.
I have been changing the placement of the brackets in the SELECT after the JOIN but keet getting error messages (table "RE_1" not present, error on "ON" or befor "LEFT"). Here is the command:
I have a book catalog where some books have more than one author, henceI've made a one-to-many table where I have the book isbn matched up tothe author id.I have a table called books that has the book title, etc. and an authortable that has the author info. I join these to on the book_to_authortable that has two columns, the isbn and the author id, where they matchup.Now I want to do a search that pulls up all the titles written by oneauthor, so that if someone sees a book they like on our site, and theywant to pull up all the titles by that author, they click on the authorsname and all the titles they have written now appear on a scroll outpage.I'm confused about how to write the join statements given the threetables. So how would I write this?Thanks for your help,Bill*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
I have two tables, one is a minimal details, the other is a full details. I'm trying to join the two based on a parameter I'll be passing in later. It SHOULD return 5 rows, but instead its multiplying the entire full details table by 5, and giving me roughly 500,000 rows.
Here is my query (i is the min details, d is the full). Actually I'm not doing a join as of now, just trying to get this to work, I'll convert it later....
select i.parcel_id,i.building_number,d.parcel_id from site_info i,site_desc d where i.building_number in (select building_number from site_desc where building_number='523b')
Hi again, all...here I am again, trying to work on my CloseIndex thang again...Same subject, different tack...
Basically, I have two tables...for the sake of simplicity, let me define them as:
PortfolioIndex PortfolioID int CreateDate smalldatetime CloseIndex float
PortfolioPerformance PortfolioID int CreateDate smalldatetime PrevDate smalldatetime DailyPerChg float
UPDATE PortfolioIndex SET CloseIndex = CASE WHEN PPI.CloseIndex IS NULL THEN 100.00 ELSE (PPI.CloseIndex + (PPI.CloseIndex * PP.DailyPerChg / 100)) END FROM PortfolioIndex AS P INNER JOIN PortfolioIndex AS PPI on (P.PortfolioID = PPI.PortfolioID), PortfolioPerformance AS PP WHERE (P.PortfolioID = PP.PortfolioID) AND ((P.CreateDate = PP.CreateDate) AND (P.CreateDate = @CreateDate) AND (PPI.CreateDate = PP.PrevDate))
What I am trying to do is...get the previous day's portfolioIndex row's CloseIndex and create a new one for today's row.
As ugly as it is, it works when I execute it in the SQL Query Analyzer, but when I try to create the stored procedure, the syntax check complains that the PortfolioIndex reference at the UPDATE... part is AMBIGUOUS...yet when I define it in the SP as P.PortfolioIndex, it fails at run time saying there is no object named P.PortfolioIndex (well, of course there isn't!).
How can I make this work (and if possible, make it prettier too! *L* ;) )
So I know that each employee should have 2 Type 1's and 4 Type 2's. I hope that makes sense, I'm trying to change my data because ours is very proprietary.
I need to identify employees who do not have all their stages and list the stages they are missing. The final report should only have employees and the associated missing types and stages.
I do a count by employee to see how many types they have to identify the ones that don't have all the types and stages.
My count would look something like this:
EmployeeNumber Type Total 100, 1, 2 100, 2, 2 200, 1, 1 200 1, 2
So I know that employee 100 should have 2 more Type 2's and employee 200 should have 1 more Type 1 and 2 more Type 2's based on the required list.
The problem I'm having is taking that required list and joining to my list of employees with missing data and pulling from it the types and stages that are missing by employee. I thought I could get a list of the employees that are missing information and right join it to the required list where the missing records would be nulls. But, that doesn't work because some employees do have the required information and so I'm not getting any nulls returned.
I run statement down,result is "go". why goes,gone,going is not in the result? SELECT ID, firstname, lastnameFROM [contain-1]WHERE CONTAINS(firstname, ' FORMSOF (INFLECTIONAL, go) ') information table [contain-1] ID firstname 1 go 2 goes 3 gone 4 going
I run query down.result is null. Why is result null? SELECT ID, firstnameFROM [contain-1]WHERE CONTAINS(firstname, 'yaser NEAR pooya') table information: ID firstname 1 ali 2 peter 3 yaser 4 yaserapooya 5 mehdi
Hi,i want to search record in a table where a varchar column is equal toa word or this word with the letter 's' or this word with the letter'e'.Today, i've this query :select * From Table Where Column = 'Word' or Column like 'Word[es]'I want to remove the 'or' of this query to have only one condition.Does someone know a solution to my problem.Excuse my poor english language.I hope you understand my problem and thks for solution.
Hi everybody, I have a problem using the CONTAINS predicate. I use the contains predicate in a web page that students utilize to look for dissertations stored in a database (MS 2000) of the library. The search is one big textbox where students can perform any type of reaserch. For instance, they can insert the author, the title or few keywords of a dissertation. After they have clicked on the button Submit, the words that they have inserted are filtered and combined (with AND) in one string: Example: miami, education --> 'Miami AND Education'
An example of the query that I need to perfrom is the Query Number 1:
select docnumber,Title
FROM [Log].[dbo].[DocTable1]
where contains(SearchColumn,'miami AND education') order by docnumber
SearchColumn is a field (varchar) that is the concatenation of various fields such as Location, Title, Author, etc... that are contained in the same table (See below for the description of the Table DocTable1).
I'm currently testing the search and I have figured out that the query described above does not work. For example, the query should produce the same resultsof the following one, but it does not:
select docnumber FROM [Log].[dbo].[DocTable1] where contains(Location,'miami') AND contains(Keywords,'education') order by docnumber
I need to implement the first query, but i can not understand why it does not produce the same results of the second one. Any Ideas?
I am having problems with the following SQL statement. It works how I want it to work if I use = @SearchQuery but when I try to switch to LIKE I run into problems. I tried it the way it is shown below and I also tried LIKE '%'@SearchQuery'%' with no luck. Does this have something to do with the pattern to match being a parameter? How would I go about doing this correctly. "SELECT server_info.*, network_adapter.* FROM server_info LEFT JOIN network_adapter " + "ON server_info.server_id = network_adapter.server_id WHERE " + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString() + " LIKE '%@SearchQuery%'" Thanks
Anybody know how to do this? "Select something from some table where id in (@IDlist)" where @IDlist is a comma-separated list of values (or something top that effect)
HiI am having a debate with one of the Postgres developers (Tom Lane)according to him ms-sql does not implement predicatelocking(SERIALIZABLE).Where predicate locking is defined as (from the postgres help):" Serializable Isolation versus True Serializability"It states: "To guarantee true mathematical serializability, it isnecessary for a database system to enforce predicate locking, whichmeans that a transaction cannot insert or modify a row that would havematched the WHERE condition of a query in another concurrenttransaction"Now I put it to him that that is exactly what SERIALIZABLE does isMS-SQL.But his response was "Only for WHERE conditions that can be expressedas a simple range constraint."Now is he correct i.e SERIALIZABLE works "Only for WHERE conditionsthat can be expressed as a simple range constraint." ?Regards,Daniel RothMCSD.NET
Hi guys, I need to change some characters when reading the values of a certain columns, I am trying to use something like the code below, but the following error: "Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table 'JURNALTRANS' because it is not full-text indexed."
Code Snippet
CASE WHEN Contains (JurnalTrans.DESCRIPTION, 'A') THEN Replace(JurnalTrans.DESCRIPTION,'A','A1') WHEN Contains (JurnalTrans.DESCRIPTION, 'B') THEN Replace(JurnalTrans.DESCRIPTION,'B','B2') ELSE JurnalTrans.DESCRIPTION END AS 'Cost Description',
I am also trying something like this
but getting the same error "Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table 'JURNALTRANS' because it is not full-text indexed."
Any help will be appreciated, Thanks in advance, Aldo.
I have a report in SQL that passes parameters at runtime entered by the user for two date ranges (beginning and ending). I'm trying to write a formula that will print a specific field *only if* the specified date range entered by the user is BETWEEN a specific value (like 200401). This is kind of reverse of a normal WHERE, BETWEEN clause.
I tried a standard BETWEEN predicate in my WHERE clause like: IF '200401' BETWEEN ?BegPer and ?EndPer then salesanal.ptdbud01 else 0
But, it's returning an error that my Then statement is missing. I can't use a normal statement like 'IF ?BegPer >= '200401' and ?EndPer <= '200401', then.....' because users could enter a RANGE of periods, so it would be difficult to code all of the possible combinations this way. I'm actually doing this in Crystal, but if someone can give me a standard MSSQL example, I can translate that over to Crystal.
I have been searching for an escape character or a way of escapingdouble quotes that are actually in a string that I am using in thecontains predicate.Here is an exampleselect *from tablewhere contains(field, '"he said "what is wrong", that is what hesaid"')I need the double quotes in the string because they are part of thetext. Of course, Fulltext search raises the errorServer: Msg 7631, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Syntax error occurred near 'what is wrong", that is what he said'.Expected ''''' in search condition '"he said "what is wrong", that iswhat he said"'.If I remove the double quotes, the search does not return the properresults.Thanks in advance for the helpBill
What is the dowside of not using all uppercase for predicates and key words?
I cannot find to see a problem beside adhering to a clean coding convention. After all I already have color coding so what would be the uppercase for?
Same question for the semicolon ; at the end of a sql block. Is that real necessary not to get in trouble sometime down the road or is it a non-issue. I find like I am now a C# guys if I use these ;
Just curious, I find tedious to switch from all upper case to normal case all the time. And not forget to type the ;
I've a querie which inserts into a table, while joining on it. Something like:
insert into table1 (columnA, columnB ) select (columnA,columnB) from table2 where columnA NOT EXIST(SELECT 1 from table1,table2 where table1.columnA!=table2.columnA)
As a rule of thumb, I avoid subselects and negative logic. However, sql2k seems to pick the fastest execution plan using this query, using a left anti semi join on that subselect. My question is this; what are the repercussions of inserting into a table when sql2k has already picked a query plan based on its stats? Is deadlocking possible? I haven't been able to find any evidence one way or the other. My objects are several million rows, so I am expecting some sort of side effect.