No Transparency Used By Report Using PNG Image?

Feb 1, 2007


I used some transparent png images in my reports, but it seems that they are rendered using a white background.

Why is this?

Best Regards.
Luis Simoes

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Image Transparency

Apr 30, 2008


I'm trying to incorporate a PNG image with transparent background in my report.

When dragging it into a cell from a table component, i'm facing following issue: the image reflects report's background instead of showing current cell's background.

Is there a workaround for this behaviour ?

Thanks in advance.

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Reporting Services :: Display Logo / Image In Middle Of Report Header In SSRS Report

Jun 22, 2015

How to display the logo in middle of report header , The logo is embedded in the Image folder . The column of the report  are static. we are using SSRS 2008

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Report And Image

Feb 4, 2008

i have inserted an image (company's logo) in the report and it doesn't show in print preview nor in print.

how do i fix it?

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Image Does Not Display On Report

Apr 17, 2007

I have a simple report that has nothing but an image. The image is part of the project. The image displays in the VS 2005 dev environment when report is previewed. But when deployed and run on the report server website, it does not display. If the report is print previewed or exported to Excel, the image displays. I've set my browser to have the least security as possible but still to no avail (made the website trusted as well). The server is running SQL Server 2005 SP2. My browser is IE7. Can anyone please help? Thanks.

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Image In Report Header

Jul 18, 2007

I embeded an image in my report.When i export it to PDF and Excel,it works fine but in HTML in does not show..

Can anyone tel me why..



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Report Generation Image

Dec 8, 2005

Is there any way to change the image "Report is being generated" to something else or at least change the location of it.  I have a report that is very long and our users have to scroll down to see that.  They think the report is frozen when in all reality it is still generating.  It is postioning in the center of the page and I want it to position at the top.

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I Can't Display Image On My Report

Jan 22, 2008

I used insert command to insert a image file to my SQL like
insert [ABC].[dbo].[Itemimage] value ('12345', 'c:Imagepicture1.jpg'). but when I use report
design to read this DB, I can't show this image in my report.
Does anybody can help me to find out my error?


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Displaying Image In Report

Feb 18, 2008

Hello Guys, I am trying to display image on a report. The image field is stored as a binary data in the database. I am using webservice to access the database and return datasets through which data on the report can be accessed. I saw that the xml returns binarystring value from the database. but when i try to display the image it does not show me anything except blank page. I checked the value of the binary data and it does not proceed with ox and tried appending 0x value but no luck. Guys please help me.

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Image Not Displayed In Report

Mar 16, 2007

Hello everyone,

I have a Reporting Services report which must show photographs stored in a SQL Server database. The trouble is that the photos just don't display. The report just shows the little red cross icon.

When I use MS-Access forms and reports it works fine. But I need this to work with Reporting Services!

Help please!


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SQL Report Image Not Showing

Sep 20, 2007

When generating a SQL report, external images from a Sharepoint image library are not shown (red X).

An unattended execution account is set correctly, the image exists. I have tried with setting the UseSessionCookies to true/false. nothing seems to work.

Anyone any ideas wath else I can try?

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RTF Image In A SQL Server Report Not Shown

Jan 25, 2008

i have generated the rtf from html and this rtf contains an image and some text,the text is shown in reporting services but image is not shown.i am also using the code that is mentioned in this problem.
can any body help me out that image is shown at their side in report server?
kindly help me out.
thanks in advance

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Databound Image In Report Header

Jun 14, 2006

After finding out that SSRS doesn't directly support databound items in the header or footer, I found the workaround from Microsoft yesterday at The problem is that their solution only works for the first page of the report, so it's basically useless! Because this is an image, it also means the workaround of using a parameter doesn't work, either.

Does anybody have any advice? Is there a solution to this problem?

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Loading Image Url Into Report At Runtime

Apr 8, 2008

Hello All,

Unfortunatelly, I am a very newbie when it comes to SQL Server Reporting Rervices

I'm currently working on a prototype for a GIS system. It is a web application where the user can select and scroll certain maps (will look like google maps).
The user can print the currently displayed view of the map (including some other data) via a report using the SQL Server Reporting Services infrastructure.

As far as I know, it is possible to add images on the report at built time (using url, database or file in project). Is it also possible to add an image at runtime by passing as parameter? My idea is that when the user wants to print the report, the url to the image of the map would be send to the server and the server would call the report, passing the url of the user. And the report is printed with the image referenced by that url?

I hope, that you understand somehow, what my problem is... I tried to search this forum, but couldn't find any ideas.

Best regards

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Using A Web.config Value For Image In SQL Server Report

Jul 5, 2007


Is it possible to use a Web.Config value to set the path of an image control in the report.

I want an image control in the report and I want to set the path of the image in the web.config and assign it to the image.

How to acheive this..................

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Report Viewer And Image Caching

Nov 22, 2007


I'm having some troubles getting a chart drillthrough to work correctly in the MS Report Viewer. I'm using VB.NET 2.0 in a WebApplication.

Here's what happening:

I build the report with drillthrough functionnality in a chart. When I preview it, or look at it on the report web interface (http://localhost/Reports) it works perfectly. However, once I open it in my WebApplication with the MS' ReportViewer it starts to get ugly.

The report loads the first drillpath correctly. Once I click on a bar to drill to the next drillpath, the report seems to load the data, but the image doesn't represent that as it is the old one. I can tell that the correct data is loaded since the imagemap has changed when I mouseover the chart (links are not on bars, but where they are supposed to be on the second image).

In an attempt to be clearer, here's a step by step:

1- Create the report and the drillthrough functionnality.
2- Preview it in the report builder, works perfectly.
3- Test it in the report manager (http://localhost/Reports), works perfectly.

4- Load it in the MS' ReportViewer in my WebApplication, the first image in the drillpath loads correctly.
5- Click on the chart to get to the next drillpath, report reload with what seems to be the good data, but the image isn't refreshed.

So, is it possible to force an image to be reloaded with Reporting Services?


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Dynamic Image In Report File

Apr 29, 2008

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Background Image In Report Pixelated When Printing

Oct 9, 2007


I have a background image I'm using as a form within my report. the problem is that I needed to reduce the resolution of the image to 96 dpi in order to work with it and line things up within the ssrs/vs2005 report editor. However because the image is only 96 dpi, it looks awful when I go to print. Is there a way I can make it use a different higher resolution version of this image for printing.. or what would someone suggest I do in order to get around this problem..


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Our Logo Image Appears In Designer But Not In Report Viewer

Dec 25, 2007

I created a virtual directory in IIS that points to a folder on c: where my images reside. I use a URL to reference one of those images in my report heading. It appears as it should in designer's preview tab but only as a big red X in Report Viewer from my browser.

Directory security on the virtual directory is set to Integrated Windows.

Right clicking on red x in IE7>properties shows a path to report server instead of the special virtual directory I created.

RDL snippet shows:
<Image Name="image1">
<MIMEType />
<Style />

Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

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Is It Possible To Develop A Custom Report Item Other Than Image Type

Sep 10, 2007

I have developed a renderer that renders the xml to paint a rectangle with textboxes in all the right places based on the data retrieved off the database. When i render the a complete report to the reportviewer i have no problem.

I need however to render the rectangle into a custom report item for reusability and different scenarios. This just seem to be impossible since it seems like I cant use anything other than an imagemap to render custom report items. Is this true?

To make sure you other words....

Is there a way to develop a Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.IRenderingExtension that renders the required xml like rectangles/textboxes etc. and then migrate this to a custom toolbox item. It just seems like this should be a very easy thing to do and something regularly needed. For example when you want to use textboxes in certain positions within a rectangle to draw a organisational chart.

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Reporting Services :: How To Show Compressed Image In Report

Sep 14, 2012

I have created a new report.what i do in application is i  compress the image and save it in i need to retrieve the compressed image and display in the report. I have used the following code to decompress the binary data save in the image.

I dont know after that what should i do. How to show the picture in SSRS Report. I need to show picture in many of my doubt is how to call this function in SSRS Report. The function accepts input as byte but in database the column in varbinary.

Should I convert the input type of function to varbinary instead of byte array?

Public Function Decompress(ByVal arr As Byte()) As Byte()
Dim notCompressed As Boolean
notCompressed = False
Dim MS As MemoryStream
MS = New MemoryStream()

[Code] ....

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Unable To Display Report Header Image When Deployed

Apr 17, 2007

Hello All,

I am unable to display report header when I deploy the reports on report server (Internet). However, they look perfect when previewed in the BI studio. Any clue where could be the problem?

Thanks in Advance!


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Image Graph Wont Show In HTML Report

Oct 9, 2007

I have a graph in my rdl which retrieves data from database.It works fine in report viewer and also when i export it in PDF and Excel format,but in HTML,it wont show?What could i do about this,i can see in the property that it is looking for the getimage.aspx.I had tried to incorporate the code i have seen from the internet but it seems to me,that the new reporting services now dont have the method renderstream?and what would be my parameters for whatever method that would act as substitute for that missing method..Thanks..

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ASP.NET Report Viewer, Slow Rendering, Image Broken

Jan 29, 2008


I have been using the report viewer to render my reports on a webpage. All worked fine for a time and now nothing is working correctly.

I have about ~8 report viewer on one page, all in an individual IFRAME. What happen is, sometimes I'm getting an error from IE (Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage) or the report starts loading (I see the title) but where the chart should be I have an X (broken image) icon.

Sometimes when I click on the image and choose "Display Image" the image will display.


Reports loads correctly on the report manager site (the Reporting Services webpage)
Once those errors starts appearing, the session seems to act funny and I can't even refresh the webpage (F5)
I have the latest report viewer patch installed
I have the SP2 for SQL Server 2005 installed
Running Windows 2000 Server
Running IIS 6
The website was developped using IIS 5, but was tested on IIS 6 for about 3 weeks and we started to have problems today.
The reports are linked with Analysis Services to get the data from cubes.
I'm really out of ideas right now. Maybe I should just restart the IIS server, but the thing is live and I can't do it right now. However, if I need to restart it, will the problem occurs another time? Will it become a solution to restart the server?

I already restarted Reporting Services and nothing has changed.


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Display Image Datatype From A Table In Reporting Services Report..!

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table that has an image datatype column and I also have acontant type column in that same table to define which type of data isstored in that table.In this case a screen shot or may be a word document may be stored inthat table....!I am trying to use that image datatype field in my report and when theyclick some button I needed the reporting service report to open awindow based on the content type and display that image.Has anyone done this? Any help will be much appreciated...Thanks in advance....

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Displaying An Database Image In SSRS Report Page Header

Jan 23, 2007

How to display an database image in the Report page header of sql server reporting service?

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Visual Studio 2005 Report Designer - Background Image

Apr 7, 2008

Hi everyone!

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to design reports. Is there any way to use one single image as background for a whole report-page? I only managed to set seperate background images for page header, body and footer, so the only 2 possibilities to solve this problem would be to either

* divide the image into 3 parts so that they fit exactly to the page parts or
* not use any page header and footer.

Is there another possibility that I've missed?

Any help is highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,


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Reporting Services :: Export SSRS Report Into PDF Using Image Click

Jul 6, 2015

I need to export the SSRS report into PDF using Image click in addition to out of the box available Export option.

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SSRS Report Designer Background Image Does NOT Align With Text In Preview

Sep 12, 2007


I'm using the SSRS report designer within VS2005 and I have a .rdl report that I have placed a background form as an image background. I then have text placed on top of the form, the problem is that everything is aligned within the report designer layout view but when I go to view the report in report preview the text no longer remains vertically aligned within the background form.

This is very frustrating, and almost makes it impossible to marry up a form with report data. Any help would be appreciated.

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Return Bitmap Image From Custom Assembly To SSRS Report

Dec 11, 2013

I am using the QRCode4CS class [URL] .... to generate QR codes.

I can use the following code to successfully return a bitmap image to a picturebox in a Windows Form Application.

public class CreateQRCodeClass
public static Image CreateQRCodeImage(string inputString)
QRCode4CS.QRCode qrcode = new QRCode4CS.QRCode(new QRCode4CS.Options(inputString));
[Code] ....

In trying to adapt the same code (below) to display a QR code in an SSRS report I get the error "There is an error on line 1 of custom code: [BC30311] Value of type 'System.Drawing.Image' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of Byte.'

Here is the custom code I am using.

Public Function QRCode(ByVal RetailerId As String) as Byte()
Return QRCode4CSCreateQRCode.CreateQRCodeClass.CreateQRCodeImage(RetailerId)
End Function

Here is the revised custom assembly.

public class CreateQRCodeClass
public static byte[] CreateQRCodeImage(string inputString)
QRCode4CS.QRCode qrcode = new QRCode4CS.QRCode(new QRCode4CS.Options(inputString));
Image canvas = new Bitmap(86, 86);

[Code] ....

What data type can I successfully return to SSRS to display the image?

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Reporting Services :: Image Not Sized Correctly When Rendering Report In WORDOPENXML Format

Sep 18, 2015

In an app I'm creating email attachments from ssrs reports and am rendering them In Word and Excel using the WORDOPENXML and EXCELOPENXML format extensions.  When I render the report in excel, the image is sized correctly, however, when I render the same report in word, its very small.  I will attach a screenshot of each, and in the word screenshot, I will select the image so you can see the image control's outline (the control's actual size).  Notice the image inside of the border is very small.  How can I resolve this?

first, excel:

and now in word:

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Sending Uploaded Image To Data Access Class When Storing Image In SQL Server 2005

Apr 20, 2007

I am using the 3-tiered architecture design (presentation, business laws, and data acess layers). I am stuck on how to send the image the user selects in the upload file control to the BLL and then to the DAL because the DAL does all the inserts into the database. I would like to be able to check the file type in the BLL to make sure the file being uploaded is indeed a picture. Is there a way I can send the location of the file to the BLL, check the filetype, then upload the file and have the DAL insert the image into the database? I have seen examples where people use streams to upload the file directly from their presentation layer, but I would like to keep everything seperated in the three classes if possible. I also wasn't sure what variable type the image would be in the function in the BLL that receive the image from the PL. If there are any examples or tips anyone can give me that would be appreciated.

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How To Save Image In Sql Server And Display That Image In Datagrid??

Jun 27, 2007

Hay Friend's
Can u plese send me the way how to save image in sql server and display that images in datagrid or other control also like Image control or Image control Button?? Plese send the coding in C#.

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