Non-Admin Users Cannot Load Reports

Mar 17, 2008

Originally posted this in the performance point forum, the error actually occurs if link direct to the reporting web site as well. The reports are being created in the report builder, from the web service.


Attempting to add a report services report into a performance point dashboard page. Everything is installed on one box.

When the admin logins load the page, everything works great.

When a non-admin loads the page, everything except the report generates, and the following error kicks off:

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

Cannot create a connection to data source 'dataSource1'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
Login failed for user '####'
The user login in question has been given browse access to everything in the report services web. I'm not sure where or how to grant whatever access is necessary for this to work properly.. and really I was hoping that any authenticated user at the dashboard level would be able to view the report so I didn't have to do security twice.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

View 4 Replies


Can I Get Ordinary Users To Create Reports Rather Than Admin...?

May 30, 2007

Can I get ordinary users to create reports rather than admin using a web browser interface?

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Copy Reports From Other Users My Reports Folder

Aug 7, 2007

Is there a way to copy reports from other users "My reports" folder? I am logging onto the management studio reporting services using an administrative account and I am able to view the reports from all users' "My Reports" folder. But I am not able to export them as an rdl file. I am able to export reports from other common folders, but not from the "My Reports" folder.

The reason I need to do this is some of the users have created some reports in one environment and the reports are available in their respective "My Reports" folder. I need to move these reports to their corresponding "My Reports" folder in another environment.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for your help.

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.Net App Deployment Scenario: Privileges For Non-Admin Users

Sep 17, 2007

My application manipulates data in a local SQL Express database. When the app is installed, the database does not exist, but it cannot be created at run-time by anyone other than a user with administrator privileges. In addition, the application shares the data stored in SQL with a critical 3rd party component that can only reach the database via named DSN (also not existing prior to installation).

I see my primary SQL security options as being:

(1) Use SQL or Mixed Mode authentication with an admin-level username/password combination, or
(2) Create a db user/group with admin-level privileges and grant membership to all NT authenticated users

Secondary problem: Creating the DSN.

Does it make sense to create a Custom Action (.dll) that is called at the end of the installation process in order to create the database, the user security context and the named DSN?

Am I overlooking some built-in functionality provided by Visual Studio 2005 that will accompish some or all of this for me? I am aware that customizing the 'silent' installation of SQL Express to use a different authentication mode requires manifest tweaking -- I just don't know anything about setting up the appropriate security for this situation. Would you put the db and role creation stuff in a SQL script and execute it post-install?

Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.


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Report Generation Time Between Users And Admin

Aug 9, 2007


When we generate a report with an account that is in the admin group it takes 2-3 seconds but when we do it with another user it takes over 2 minutes... any reason for this?
(The "Report is being generated" thing, by the way)

Not sure if my question is clear, I've been looking and searching for the past 2 hours but can't find anything remotly close to that problem... any help would be appreaciated!


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SQL Security :: Domain Admin Users Cannot Login

Jun 12, 2015

Is SQL Server sensitive to Domain group name? Like "Domain Admin"?

I have user that belong to "myDomainDomain Admin" group. Group is in SQL as sysadmin but user cannot login using domain credentials. When I move that user to a different domain group which that group is in SQL again as sysadmin my user is able to login. 

Environment: SQL 2008 Standard Edition. 

View 12 Replies View Related

SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Backup Without Interrupting Users

Sep 24, 2014

Is there a way to backing up SQL DB without having to stop users from connecting to it.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Load Balancing With Availability Groups

Aug 28, 2014

We are having a conversation at work and the subject of load balancing with SQL came up. Right now we are running SQL Server 2014 on four (4) machines. I am using a AlwaysOn with Availability Groups (AG). Now I know that we can scale out the reading in AG by allowing the secondary serves to receive reads.

Is there a way to be able to do this with writes? Can I have in essences 2 masters that some how reconcile with each other? We are expecting a huge amount of writes in the near future and we need a way for SQL to handle the amount of traffic we are expecting with out any issues.

I explored the possibility of Peer - to - Peer replication; however, it seems that it would be more work if we are constantly making updates to the database scheme.

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How To Make You Reports Load Faster ?

Sep 3, 2007

Any ideas how to make reports faster when returning lots fo rows?
I know you would need to work on your sql query etc..
Or maybe cache it.
But i'm thinking of having a kind of middle tier thing that sits between your sql database and the reports itself.
Any ideas would be appreciated

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL Server Admin 2014 :: List Of Users That Accessed A Table

Jul 22, 2015

I'm trying to find out what tables are being used in a Database.

I don't want the last User but the User and the Dates.

I have a script that return the last user but that is not going to work.

The following script returns the last user but not all users and the Login Name:

ITH LastActivity (ObjectID, LastAction) AS
SELECT object_id AS TableName,
last_user_seek as LastAction
FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats u
WHERE database_id = db_id(db_name())

[Code] .....

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How To Prevent Domain Admin Users From Accessing SQL 2000 Databases?

Mar 6, 2008

Based on our database infrastructure, we need to secure our SQL databases. The security issue concerns on allowing a limited number of Domain Admin users to access the SQL databases.
We tried certain ways, based on the documents in the Microsoft web site, but we couldn€™t reach to the point of preventing the Domain Admin users accessing the SQL databases.

Thanks in advance.

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Report On Users Accessing Reports

May 13, 2008


I would like a report to display the number of users and the reports accessed for a certain duration of time[being able to go back and check for previous years as well].

I read on the msdn that 60 days worth of report log is kept,and the rest gets wipped off.Any suggestions on how I would be able to get user access list for the past year as well.

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Users Cannot View Reports That I (=creator) Can

Jan 26, 2007

Hello colleagues,

I am trying to create some reports in VS.NET for our Microsoft CRM3.0.

I am using a SQL query like this:

SELECT CRMAF_Account.Name, CRMAF_Account.primarycontactidName, CRMAF_Account.address1_line1, CRMAF_Account.address1_line2, CRMAF_Account.address1_city, ActivityPointer.scheduledstart, ActivityPointer.subject, ActivityPointer.description
FROM ActivityPointer, FilteredAccount CRMAF_Account INNER JOIN FilteredSystemUser FSU ON CRMAF_Account.ownerid = FSU.systemuserid
WHERE ActivityPointer.regardingobjectid = CRMAF_Account.accountID AND FSU.Domainname = SYSTEM_USER

When I run this query, I get the desired result (I am the database dbo), but when any user tries doing the same, they get an error

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help

Query execution failed for data set '[DatabaseName]'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Get Online Help

SELECT permission denied on object 'ActivityPointer', database '[DatabaseName]', owner 'dbo'.

I desperately need to know which user rights are missing and where are they missing - I do not suppose that the rights are expected to be assigned directly to the database tables

Any quick help would be highly appreciated. I would also appreciate any articles with examples how to use parameters, filters and subreports.

Thank you very much.

Marek Hlavac.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Automatically Daily Load Data From Oracle?

Oct 7, 2015

how to load the data from oracle to sql server

oracle source is having 7 tables
sql server target is having 7 tables

i have used VISUAL STUDIO and created the one data for individual but how to run in sql server that ssis package

View 9 Replies View Related

SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Allowing Users To Run SSIS Packages Remotely

Mar 12, 2015

I am quite new to SSIS but managed to build a package which imports text files in to SQL. The text files are generated after users complete a manufacturing process on a machine.

The SSIS package is stored in the SSIS catalog and currently a SQL Agent tasks runs every evening to import new files that have been created during the day. Users have now requested the ability to run the import process as soon as they have finished their manufacturing runs as they may want to query the data to looks up stats etc.

What is the best way to do this considering all of the users are not SQL guys and wont have direct logins into the SQL Server or access to SQL Server Management studio. They will have access to the PC where the files are generated, so I ideally I need a batch file which they can just execute to import their new files.

I have seen lots of things on the web about running dtsexec but as the package is stored in the SSIS Catalog, how can I execute this remotely?

View 6 Replies View Related

SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Practical Upper Limit On Number Of DB Users

Sep 9, 2015

Our development team wanted to create a database user for each application user in the application and use these for granular data access control, which at first, sounded like a good idea but our initial testing ran into some interesting results.

Our target user base was about 15 million users with an estimated 1% concurrency rate, and finding no MS documentation on an upper limit to the number of users a database can have we began some load testing to see how the database performed. In the hundreds of thousands of users range our test database had a hard time performing well under light loads (even without any concurrent connections).

When we purged the users and reverted back to just a handful of service accounts, performance went back to "normal" under the same loads. I began to wonder if this is a situation where throwing more hardware at the problem would overcome the issue or if there is a practical upper limit to the number of users a single database can handle well.

(There were of course other cons to this arrangement and I certainly was never going to expand the users tree in the object explorer for a database like this, but we thought it a solution worth investigating.)

What is the largest number of users any of you have had in a single database?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Delete Orphans Users From Multiple Databases

Oct 21, 2015

I have a requirement to delete all the orphans users for the databases. The issue I am having is with when database principal owns a schema in the DB, User cannt be dropped.

How do I transfer it to DBO in case I am looping multiple databases. This is what I got so far .

declare @is_read_only nvarchar (200)
Select @is_read_only = is_read_only from master.sys.databases where name='test' /* This should be a parameter value */
Declare @SQL as varchar (200)

[Code] .....

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Sending Different E-mail Reports Based On Users

Jan 21, 2008

Hey guys, I need a little help for my group project(Using ASP.NET 2 connected to SQL Server 2005). Here's the scenario:

Our system is basically a sort of login/logout system, so we have a table that has (Name, Date, Subject, TimeIn, TimeOut).

1. User registers on website, so information like e-mail is recorded into the database (and the user in the website is "linked/checked" to his data in the SQL Server for verification).
2. Users can choose to subscribe to a weekly report e-mail(maybe using a simple "IsSubscribed" boolean value in the database).
3. Every week, our system scans the database for those users who subscribed, then send different e-mail reports depending on the particular user (a compiled weekly report for Mon-Fri).

Is there such a feature in Database Mail? If not, how do I execute these types queries and just set them as a Scheduled Task?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Making Reports Customizeable For Users On A .NET Site

Oct 11, 2007


We have a small .NET intranet site and I have some experience with Reporting Services. What I am looking to do is develop some reports on our website. However, I would like to make it so the user can do some customization of their reports.

For example, there would be sections of reports (Headcounts, Turnover, etc.) and in each section there would be measurements they could click to include. So I could select the Headcounts section and select the measurements such as Terminations, Hires, and Period End Headcount. I may not select the Turnover sections at all. I am almost thinking like a Google page where you can move around the sections and have your own customized report. Maybe these sections could work as Web Parts, or something like that.

Does any of this make sense? Is it possible? Are there are websites or examples that are out there that I could get an idea to see if this has been done and how to do it?

Thank you.


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Can Sql Server Reports Vieweble By Anonymous Users?

Aug 3, 2007

Hi there,

I created reports and deployed successfully. but one problem i am facing is when i am opening the browser to see reports, it is asking for credentials..

But i want to show these reports for anonymous users

Is there any way to show reports for anonymous users? If yes, what is the process. please refer me any articles.

please help me out.


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Problem Getting Some Users To Be Able To Run Reports (probably Security Of Some Sort)

Jan 12, 2007

I am able to deploy and run reports from my screen at work, but some non-developers cannot run them. They can see the reports, but get the following error message when they click on the report:

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

Cannot create a connection to data source 'DataSource1'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)

For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

- I assume the preceding error has something to do with credentials. I am using Windows security authentication for this. One user has worked through this and is now getting cannot run report query (one of the report queries in the report). Help would be appreciated.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Read And Load Extended Events Into A Table For Querying

Jun 19, 2015

I am setting up extended events more or less just fine, however I am a bit confused as to how to read and load them into a table for querying. In particular the offset part - is there a way to load just a given dates worth in?

I've got the files configured to be 20MB before rolling over, the XE is running all the time.

So if i load in the full file now, say that covers 2.5 days worth, when I load it again tomorrow to get the updated data I'm also reloading today, which is a waste?

I presume I am going about this wrong, but lack an example that really goes into detail of practicalities of loading this data.

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How Do You Allow Users To View Reports Without Having To Enter User/password?

May 31, 2007

Ideally, I'd like to have the reports use windows authentication, ie grab current user/password so long as user does not have to enter it manually. If that is not possible, then how do I make it so user does not have to enter this info manually? My theory is that I have IIS set up incorrectly for doing this, but I'm not familiar enough with either reporting services or IIS to find out.

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1 To 1, 1 To Many. Create One Stored Procedure For Crystal Reports(CR). For Any CR Users Also.

Jul 12, 2007

Situation: If possible, create one stored procedure for Crystal Reports(CR). For any CR users ou
there, looking for coding suggestion also. Thank you for your assistance.

Currently, CR has a header(Report Header) coming from 1 to 1 tables, there is a parameter
which is passed in, allowing it to retrieve one record for the header(report header or RH).

The CR then has 4 subreports in which each has its own stored procedure. This I believe happens
because the Report Header records relationship to the subreport is 1 to many. The 3 remaining
subreports relationship to the Report Header is also a 1 to many. The main problem is the
subreports is that there may or may not have any records based on this, the subreport is
suppressed within CR and thus there can be alot of unused white space on the 1st page and one
of the subreports prints on a 2nd page when it could have been on the 1st page.


Main Stored Procedure(sp)
RH Tables: aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd are 1 to 1 record tables and have a @xyz parameter.

Results of subreports and their associated procedure are varchar(8000) decriptions. Each line
should be counted in some manner in the stored procedure(sp) and then should be counted in CR
to avoid excess white space. To complicate matters subreport 2 to has font, bold, showbox but
can have different font sizes. These variations could cause different line space requirements.
Any ideas?

Each line should be counted in some manner in the stored procedure and then should be counted
in CR. There is a count of records for each the main stored procedure.

RH has 1 record to many records in subreport 1 with same @xyz parameter.
RH has 1 record to many records in subreport 2 with same @xyz parameter.
RH has 1 record to many records in subreport 3 with same @xyz parameter.
RH has 1 record to many reords in subreport 4 with same @xyz parameter.

Because of the relationships, its seems impossible to create one stored procedure which give
in one select statement with all the 1 to 1, 1 to many relationsips, as stated above. I thought
concatinating i.e. 3 records together and then parsing it out some how in CR, along with
utilizing the i.e. 3 record count to help count lines. Thought of some how creating a temporary
table matrix for 8pt - 28pt for line and spacing considerations.

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Restrict Users To View Reports And Also Folders In Report Manager

May 6, 2008


I would like to restrict users to allow to view related reports only...
like i have 2 users..with 4 reports

1 user can see only two reports
2 user can see only another two reports

how can i do this by SSRS???
Can i do by using Configure item-level role definitions in seetings link..
or is thr any another way to do this?

Pls reply back


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Modifying A Report Model Without Rewrite ALL The Ad-hocs Reports Developed By Is Possible?

Mar 13, 2007


Suposse that some models are deployed in Report Server for a while, and users have developed some ad-hoc reports on them using Report Builder, (some of the models are SSAS Cubes).

Modifications are required for a Model, what is the procedure to deploy this modifications? What happens with ad-hoc reports of this Model? Rewrite all the reports is a VERY BAD option, I agree that some reports must be rewrote, but only if they reference objects no longer valids in new model.

I suposse that the procedure for SSAS Cube Models will be different for a Relational Database Source because metods of generating models are so different. (I am particularly curious about Cubes, I can't figure out how I can do it)

Suggestions and links will be very appreciate.


Julio Díaz C.

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What Is The Solution For This Internal Error EnsureMyReportsExists: Users Folder Not Found When My Reports Accessed

Nov 1, 2007

Any help would be apprecaited....

aspnet_wp!library!1!11/01/2007-09:36:59:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., EnsureMyReportsExists: Users folder not found when My Reports accessed.;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
aspnet_wp!library!1!11/01/2007-09:37:04:: i INFO: Exception dumped to: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesLogFiles flags= ReferencedMemory, AllThreads, SendToWatson
aspnet_wp!webserver!1!11/01/2007-09:37:04:: e ERROR: Reporting Services error Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.

10/31/07 14:54:06, ERROR , SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, AdjustTokenPrivileges () failed (00000514)
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 2160
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 0
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x0
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x0
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x053F5860
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used
10/31/07 14:54:06, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used
10/31/07 14:54:10, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used
10/31/07 14:54:10, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesLogFilesSQLDmpr0001.mdmp
10/31/07 14:54:10, ACTION, aspnet_wp.exe, Watson Invoke: No
10/31/07 15:25:56, ERROR , SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, AdjustTokenPrivileges () failed (00000514)
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 2160
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 0
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x07E31E9C
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used
10/31/07 15:25:56, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used
10/31/07 15:25:59, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used
10/31/07 15:25:59, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesLogFilesSQLDmpr0002.mdmp
10/31/07 15:25:59, ACTION, aspnet_wp.exe, Watson Invoke: No
10/31/07 15:28:01, ERROR , SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, AdjustTokenPrivileges () failed (00000514)
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 2160
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 0
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x07E32A04
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used
10/31/07 15:28:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used
10/31/07 15:28:04, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used
10/31/07 15:28:04, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesLogFilesSQLDmpr0003.mdmp
10/31/07 15:28:04, ACTION, aspnet_wp.exe, Watson Invoke: No
10/31/07 15:29:31, ERROR , SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, AdjustTokenPrivileges () failed (00000514)
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 2160
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 0
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x07E3356C
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used
10/31/07 15:29:31, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used
10/31/07 15:29:34, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used
10/31/07 15:29:34, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesLogFilesSQLDmpr0004.mdmp
10/31/07 15:29:34, ACTION, aspnet_wp.exe, Watson Invoke: No
10/31/07 15:31:14, ERROR , SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, AdjustTokenPrivileges () failed (00000514)
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 2160
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 0
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x07E340D4
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used
10/31/07 15:31:14, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used
10/31/07 15:31:17, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used
10/31/07 15:31:17, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesLogFilesSQLDmpr0005.mdmp
10/31/07 15:31:17, ACTION, aspnet_wp.exe, Watson Invoke: No
10/31/07 15:37:52, ERROR , SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, AdjustTokenPrivileges () failed (00000514)
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 2160
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 0
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x0
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x07E34C3C
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x00000000
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used
10/31/07 15:37:52, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used
10/31/07 15:37:54, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used
10/31/07 15:37:54, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesLogFilesSQLDmpr0006.mdmp
10/31/07 15:37:54, ACTION, aspnet_wp.exe, Watson Invoke: No
11/01/07 09:37:01, ERROR , SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, AdjustTokenPrivileges () failed (00000514)
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Input parameters: 4 supplied
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ProcessID = 260
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ThreadId = 0
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Flags = 0x0
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDumpFlags = 0x0
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, SqlInfoPtr = 0x47405860
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, DumpDir = <NULL>
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExceptionRecordPtr = 0x00000000
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ContextPtr = 0x00000000
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ExtraFile = <NULL>
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, InstanceName = <NULL>
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, ServiceName = <NULL>
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 11 not used
11/01/07 09:37:01, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 15 not used
11/01/07 09:37:04, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, Callback type 7 not used
11/01/07 09:37:04, ACTION, SQLDUMPER_UNKNOWN_APP.EXE, MiniDump completed: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.4Reporting ServicesLogFilesSQLDmpr0007.mdmp
11/01/07 09:37:04, ACTION, aspnet_wp.exe, Watson Invoke: No

View 6 Replies View Related

Reporting Services :: Could Not Load File Or Assembly Error On Adding Custom Libraries In SSRS Reports

Sep 21, 2015

I have created a custom library(CodeLibrary) which internally references the dlls Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client and Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.

I added this custom Dll codelibrary.dll to my SSRS report. and the expression of one of the field as 

codefunction is the class and GetValue is the method.

When I preview the report, I get the error "Error while loading code module:

'CodeLibrary,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null'. Could not load file or assembly 'CodeLibrary,Version1.0.0.0, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

I am using VS2013, I have placed the custom library DLL in the path

C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 12.0Common7IDEPrivateAssemblies

I have tested the custom library with a WPF application and it works fine.

I am not able to figure out what is causing this error.

View 4 Replies View Related

Not Able To Load The Application In Case Web Farm Garden When We Load Data Through Background Thread.

Dec 14, 2007


Here I will describe my problem.
1. We are loading large amount of data from database on background thread which is starting on Application_start event in global.aspx.cs file.The data is later cached for subsquent request to improve the performance.
2. Now when we put the application on web farm garden, it is not able to load the application.
3. We are sending the request the servers through Router kind of application.
4 This application is working fine on single server enviornment.

Please help us.

Ajay Kumar Dwivedi

View 1 Replies View Related

Reporting Services :: Adding (new) Child Domain Users To SSRS As System Users?

Jul 28, 2015

We have an existing SSRS server, and have just created a new child domain. We'll be migrating users from the parent to the child, and want to add the users of that new domain with access to SSRS. In the parent domain they are able to access, but after migration with the child domain account, they cannot.

I have added the group CHILDDomain Users with a system user role on SSRS, and PARENTDomain Users was already there.

Is there any additional step I should/could take to get this active?

View 5 Replies View Related

Why Out Of The Blue Would VPN Users Be Unable To Connect To Database And Local Users Are Unaffected?

Mar 6, 2008

I have had this issue just pop up. I have local users who can connect fine, but my users that require connection by VPN cannot connect. I get the server not available or access denied error. I did confirm that the VPN'ers are connected to the network correctly and can see that their shares and mappings are correct. Any ideas? Thanking you all in advance!!

View 6 Replies View Related

SQL Security :: Did Not Create Any New Users And There Are No Other Users Listed In Accounts Section

Sep 28, 2015

I am trying to revert back to Windows 7 after upgrading to Windows 10, however it will not let me and the following message occurs: "Remove new accounts.Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you'll need to remove any user accounts you added after the most recent upgrade. The accounts need to be completely removed, including their profiles.You created one account (NT SERVICEMSSQLSERVER) Go to Settings> Accounts> Other users to remove these accounts and then try again".However I did not create any new users and there are no other users listed in the Accounts section.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Does Security-admin Role Plus Deny Alter Any Login Cancel Each Other Out

Aug 27, 2015

I want to set up a database role so that users can use sp_readerrorlog through SSMS. It does a check on membership in the securityadmin role.

I have tested it and can see you can grant execute on xp_readerrorlog but the SSMS GUI uses sp_readerrorlog.

I thought I could create a user/certificate and add the signature to sp_readerrorlog but it's not permitted (likely because it's not a normal database object).

So the other solution is to add the users to the securityadmin role but then explicitly deny alter any login (best done with a custom server role in 2012+ but otherwise just manually in 2008). I tested this out and it works, I'm not able to alter any logins or increase my own permissions, I also did a check of what's reported from fn_my_permissions(null, null) and it shows minimal permissions like I'd expect.

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