Normal User Backup

Jan 12, 2000

We have a payroll database that needs to be backed up just before completing the payroll for that period. I need to create a batch file that a normal user can run that will tell the database to back up and then tell the user when it is done so they can continue working. Is there an easy way to do this without giving the users special permissions? I don't want to give them backup op status. Any help would be appreciated.

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Help:SQLExpress User Instance Fails For Normal User; Works For Administrator

Jan 22, 2008

I'm using the RTM version of Visual Studion 2008 and SQLServer Express.

Logged in as an administrator, I can create a connection to an mdf file and all is well.

As a normal user, attempting to create a connection gives the message "sqlservr.exe has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."

I have tried this with UAC turned on and turned off. The result is the same. In Services I can see that SQLEXPRESS is running, but each time I try to connect, I get the "stopped working" message.

For existing database programs that have the .mdf file stored in the project folder, I can run the program in the VS IDE on my XP machine and on my Vista machine as administrator, but not as a normal user.

I'm not looking for a workaround to make this work once, but the cause and solution to the problem. This is for an introductory VB textbook and we must be able to move a database program from one machine to another and make it work. Everything I have read says that SQLExpress should be able to do that.

Can anyone help me with this?

Judy Fraser

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Make Normal Windows NT User As DBO??

Jul 4, 2002


How do we make a normal Windows NT user as DBO in Sql server 2000?


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ADDUSERASADMIN Doesn't Work If Not In Normal User

Apr 12, 2007

As pointed out in the SQL Express blog recently (look for the section that starts "Watch out!"), the SQL Express SP2 argument ADDUSERASADMIN will not work correctly if the user is a normal user. If the user is a member of the BUILTINAdministrators group then Vista will prompt to elevate them to allow the Admin rights to be effective.

However, my reading of the blog post is that if they are normal users, Vista will prompt for the Administrator credentials. This effectively runs the install as the Administrator user. So the ADDUSERASADMIN argument works, but adds the Administrator rather than the normal user.

This is not what I need to happen. Is there any way around this? I have a ClickOnce application. Is there any way to restrict the ClickOnce install to require the user to be a member of the BUILTINAdministrator group?


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Server And Database Role Requests For Normal User

Jun 5, 2007


I want to know how to assign a normal user to take backup,Restore and attach and detach the database in sqlserver2000.

Please can anyone help me to find out which server role or database role will suites my requirements.

Md S.Hassan

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Full Backup For USer DB's

Dec 10, 2007

I have a scheduled job backup/maintenance plan. In it I told it to delete all logs older than one day.
Does that mean it delete logs for every job or just that job? I ask because for some reason all the logs on every job is being truncated down to one day.


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Allowing User To Backup Only

Apr 16, 2008

I have databases

TESTDB db owner testuer

Login testuser

When right clicking on logins i see dbo
When open this i see testuser

So i clicked on Role Members db_backupoperator was denied
had to do it on the owner schema and select db_backupoperator

Not sure why the role member is permitted.

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User && Roles Backup

Jun 27, 2007


Can you please tell how to backup the users and their access permission from a database before restoring it.


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Backup Job For User Db's Is Failing

Dec 25, 2007

Backup job for User databases is failing.
I found below errors
View job history

Step 0:
The job failed. The job was invoked by schedule 4(DBMP_User). The last step to run was step 1(subplan)
Step 1:

Message: Executed as user ServernameSystem. The package execution failed. The step failed

Appln-event log:

SQL server scheduled job DBMP_User failed. Invoked on 2007-12-24 , the job was failed.

Sql server error log

Database backed up. DBname creation,date()time€¦€¦paged dumped 8434659,first LSN: 21126:101410:48,last LSN :21128:933:1, number of dump devices:1, device information: file=1,type=disk (E:MSSQLBACKUP )
This is an informational message only. No user action is required

Error log:

Log: SQL Agent (current €¦)
(396) An idle CPU condition has not been defined-OnIdle job schedules will have no effect.

Please advice how to proceed?

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Backup Sql DataBase From Webpage By End User

Apr 7, 2008

hi this is raja sekar.k from bangalore,i need to know how to make a webform with the "BACKUP SQL DATABASE " from a user.. if it is possible.. please help me ..thanksregards Raja Sekar.kChola software consulting pvt ltd..Bangalore

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Login, User And Roles Backup

Nov 16, 2000

I am wondering is there anyway I can backup only Login name, Users and Roles, Not database, stored procedure, Views and Trigger. If some one can suggest there is a way that will be really great

Thanks in advance.

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Using ISQL To Have End User Do Backup Of Database

Jul 28, 2004

I need to have an Application owner backup a SQL Server dbase after his updates.
Im not that familiar with ISQL. He does not have EM installed on his machine. What minimum installments do I have to do on his machine for him to log into SQL Server, after I create a login for him ?
Once in the command window I would give him the script of isql -Usa -Ppassword -SSqlServerA -Q "BACKUP DATABASE [test] TO DISK = N'E:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBackupdbase1' WITH NOINIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'test backup', NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT"

Is this the correct way to go ?

Thank you

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Taking Backup Of All User Database

Jul 3, 2013

In order to take automated backup of all user databases below is the query. This query will eliminate use of manual backups for user databases, in order to fully automate this just create a SQL Agent job and write this query in the job and forget about taking any manual DB backups.

DECLARE @name VARCHAR(50) -- database name
DECLARE @path VARCHAR(256) -- path for backup files
DECLARE @fileName VARCHAR(256) -- filename for backup
DECLARE @fileDate VARCHAR(20) -- used for file name
SET @path = 'C:DB_BKPUP'

[Code] .....

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Backup User - Server Role?

Aug 29, 2005

I wish to create a user that can backup any or all databases in our SQLServer 2000 Instance. I thought there would be a server role for thisfunction, however I can only find that after I grant access of adatabase to the user, then I can choose ds_backupoperator.I want to create a user that will have the ability to backup all thedatabases. I dont wish to have to come back to the server after a newtable is created and add the backup user to that table.I want SA w/o the full I crazy?Any Suggestions?TIARobBackgroup: We currently have about 10 SQL servers, and adding more inthe future. I am using SQLBackup from Idera along with HP SurestoreTape library (60 slots,2- DLT8000 drives with 40/80 GB capacity) withArcServe from Computer Associates. I want to have this automated tobackup to file then tape, regardless of what databases get created.

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DB Backup - Single User Mode

Oct 30, 2007

Hello ,Is it possible/recommended to do SQL server instance backups in Singleuser mode ?Thanks in advance,atv

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Is This Normal

Nov 23, 2005

Hi. Sorry if I am asking a stupid question since I am an absolutely beginnerin SQL Server. Here is the question . . .About 13 hours ago, I got my SQL Server 2000 to index a table which has 104million records. At first the CPU usage was high. But after an hour or two,the process has seemed dead and the Enterprise Manager has had no response.The CPU usuage dropped to zero and has been jumping between 0 to 5%. Theharddisk indicator has been blinking at a rate of roughly three times pertwo seconds.Is this normal? Has anyone got any idea how long the process would take? Ihave assigned 1.8GB of RAM to the SQL service and is currently taking upabout 1GB.

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SQL Server 7 In Single-User Mode After Backup?

Sep 13, 2000


This question came to me from a friend and I don't have a lot of details so I apologize in advance. I thought it might be worth a shot to ask here since I couldn't find anything on point in the MS help or KB. A SQL Server 7 database running on an NT 4.0 box is having a full database backup nightly. The backup routine is pretty standard, created using the Maintenance Wizard. It backs up two databases on the server. The problem is that when folks come into work in the AM, the databases are in Single-User mode and someone has to go in and change this. Is this normal behavior? My (admittedly limited) understanding of SQL 7 backups is that they are relatively transparent, and Single User mode is not necessary. You can operate normally other than you can't to any unlogged txn's while the backup is running. They have not done anything explicit to put the databases in Single-user mode when the backup begins. Any ideas how to prevent this from happening? (Or how to automate the switch out of Single-user mode when the backup is completed?)


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Restrict Backup To One Directory Pr. User/database

Sep 30, 2004


I have an MSSQL server where I would like to create a couple of databases, create one user pr. DB, and give them db_owner permissions.

Giving a user db_owner permissions allows the user to make a backup of the database, which is a good thing and I would like it to stay that way.

My problem is that I don't know how to restrict the user from saving the backup to any directory or filename that he wants to.
He can not get out of the directories that the user MSSQL is running under has access to. But he can overwrite another users backupfile or placing the file in the MSSQL-programfolder.

The users is using SQL Server authentication.

Can I restrict the backup procedure to save to only one file or in one directory?

What is the best practice regarding backup if you give your users db_owner permissions?

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Database In Single User Mode After Backup

Feb 7, 2001


I have a problem with databases that are left in single user mode after transaction log backup.
I have a database maintenance plan job that backs up the transaction log and checks data and index linkage every hour.
Sometimes the job fails and when I look in the report file it says that it has tred to put the database in single user mode and failed because the database is in use and then in the next step it says that it cannot perform the operation because there already is a user in the database.

Why is the database put in single user mode?
What can I do to avoid finding my databases in single user mode?

Below is a part of the report file:

[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 15089: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot change the 'single user' option of a database while another user is in the database.
[1] Database BV Produktion: Check Data and Index Linkage...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **

[2] Database BV Projektering: Check Data and Index Linkage...
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 924: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Only the owner of object 'dms_user' can run DBCC CHECKTABLE on it.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

The following errors were found:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Only the owner of object 'dms_user' can run DBCC CHECKTABLE on it.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 9 secs **

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Backup And Restore Of A User's Default Database

May 17, 2007

I am trying to perform a backup and restore of a user's default database. the user- "myuser", was created with a default database. I have backed the user database and tried to restore it in different ways and I always get the same error when trying to connect with the user after restore:

"Cannot open user default database.Login failed (error 4064)".

It happens if I don't delete the user before restoring the database.

If I try to delete the user before restore and create it afterwards, when I try to set the default user database to the same database I get the error:

"user, group or role 'myuser' already exist in the database"

And when I try to delete the user from the restored database (in order to recreate it) I cannot, because the user's schema is connected to objects in the database.

Can anyone help?... How do I restore??

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Backup Plan Reccomendations For User With ZERO Experience.

Aug 15, 2007

Hello all, I was just awarded the job of maintaing the database serverfor our company. I have basically ZERO experience using MS SQL Server2000. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good resource forcreating backups of our database? I would love something that comeswith a gui that really simplifies the process; seeing as how i havenever even opened the MS SQL program.Our database is fairly small we have 7 users with access to thedatabase. That is it.any advice or good resources would be greatly appreciated.

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Backup Of SQL Database In Single User Mode ?

Oct 30, 2007

Hello ,

Is it possible to do the backup of SQL server instance in a Single user mode ?
What is the recommended practice ?

Thanks in advance,

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DB Engine :: Prevent User To Backup From Database

Apr 28, 2015

We have a user with read,write and execute permissions.

But this user with is used by a windows application,Is able to backup on the Database server(On C: drive).

How can I prevent it to backup on the server.

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Just The Most Normal Connexion

Dec 7, 2003

Impossible to connect to my mssql 2000 database

web.config connexion string >>>

<add key="DataSourceSql" value="Initial Catalog=angiras;Data Source=localhost;Uid=sa;Pwd=;" />


<add key="DataSourceSql" value="Initial Catalog=angiras;Data Source=localhost;" />

connexion code >>>

Private ConnexionSQL As SqlConnection

Public Sub OpenConnexionSQL()
ConnexionSQL = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DataSourceSql").ToString)
End Sub

when I try >>>


I get an error

any idea ?

thank you

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Normal Forms

Feb 1, 2008

Hi guys, I've been thinking about this problem now for some time but somehow I don't know if my "solution" for it is right. I'd like to read your opinion.

There is a Capital table with Capital_Nr, Capital_Name, Capital_Population, Country_Nr and Country_Name as attributes.

I know the table is chaotic so I brought it to 3NF :

Capital table : Capital_Nr, Capital_Name, Capital_Population, Country_Nr(foreign key)

Country table : Country_Nr and Country_Name

Ok so I guess the table should be now in 3NF, but what intrigues me is in what NF the table originally was. I tried then to use Codd's definition of 2NF : "a 1NF table is in 2NF if and only if none of its non-prime attributes are functionally dependent on a part (proper subset) of a candidate key". In my opinion the original candidate keys could only be {Capital_Nr},{Country_Nr} and {Country_Name}, each one of them single, i.e. separate from each other. So, as there is no composite candidate key, I can affirm that the original table was in 2NF. Am I right ?

Thanks !

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Normal Disk IO

Apr 15, 2008

I am wondering what normal disk I/O should be.
i know it verys depending on use but im looking for an average.

here is an idea of what we have

there is about 10 centers doing replication to our primary server.
we have about 80 users connecting directoy to our primary server using MS Dynamics through CITRIX.
we have a few other apps use the database as well however i am fairly certin its Dynamics generating our disk IO
Hardware wise we have a powerful blade connected to a raid 5 SAN with 15000 rpm disks.
normaly the disk IO stays fairly low but every so often it goes crazy and im thinking it shouldn't

Below is a sample of our disk IO from perfmon over 2 minutes or so. as you can see everything looks ok untill 04/15/2008 10:12:49.470 when the Disk I/O % goes above 100%

"04/15/2008 10:12:23.470","2.8300181121159178"
"04/15/2008 10:12:24.470","0"
"04/15/2008 10:12:25.470","3.950025280161793"
"04/15/2008 10:12:26.470","0"
"04/15/2008 10:12:27.470","0"
"04/15/2008 10:12:28.470","5.9800382722449426"
"04/15/2008 10:12:29.470","7.7400495363170325"
"04/15/2008 10:12:30.470","3.4500220801413128"
"04/15/2008 10:12:31.470","0"
"04/15/2008 10:12:32.470","4.180026752171214"
"04/15/2008 10:12:33.470","3.8600247041581071"
"04/15/2008 10:12:34.470","0"
"04/15/2008 10:12:35.470","142.71091334984544"
"04/15/2008 10:12:36.470","0"
"04/15/2008 10:12:37.470","1.1500073600471041"
"04/15/2008 10:12:38.470","0.81000518403317789"
"04/15/2008 10:12:39.470","0"
"04/15/2008 10:12:40.470","2.1400136960876548"
"04/15/2008 10:12:41.470","10.230065472419025"
"04/15/2008 10:12:42.470","4.5800293121875981"
"04/15/2008 10:12:43.470","0"
"04/15/2008 10:12:44.470","0"
"04/15/2008 10:12:45.470","14.500092800593926"
"04/15/2008 10:12:46.470","6.730043072275663"
"04/15/2008 10:12:47.470","1.6300104320667652"
"04/15/2008 10:12:48.470","7.3500470403010585"
"04/15/2008 10:12:49.470","264.66169383484055"
"04/15/2008 10:12:50.470","324.18207476527851"
"04/15/2008 10:12:51.470","536.17343150996169"
"04/15/2008 10:12:52.470","270.31172999507197"
"04/15/2008 10:12:53.470","331.97212462159757"
"04/15/2008 10:12:54.470","333.84213658967417"
"04/15/2008 10:12:55.470","435.57278766584108"
"04/15/2008 10:12:56.470","442.31283080211716"
"04/15/2008 10:12:57.470","685.92438991609549"
"04/15/2008 10:12:58.470","295.1618890360898"
"04/15/2008 10:12:59.470","61.470393410517829"
"04/15/2008 10:13:00.470","56.360360706308519"
"04/15/2008 10:13:01.470","45.260289665853861"
"04/15/2008 10:13:02.470","224.58143732119885"
"04/15/2008 10:13:03.470","1022.0365410338626"
"04/15/2008 10:13:04.470","1114.6271336136551"
"04/15/2008 10:13:05.470","241.52154573789269"
"04/15/2008 10:13:06.470","506.79324347675828"
"04/15/2008 10:13:07.470","374.88239924735518"
"04/15/2008 10:13:08.470","359.5723012627281"
"04/15/2008 10:13:09.485","427.62119831413077"
"04/15/2008 10:13:10.485","400.15256097639025"
"04/15/2008 10:13:11.485","1076.2868882360847"
"04/15/2008 10:13:12.485","325.94208602935055"
"04/15/2008 10:13:13.485","449.36287592240592"
"04/15/2008 10:13:14.485","344.28220340610181"
"04/15/2008 10:13:15.485","569.57364527132972"
"04/15/2008 10:13:16.485","775.02496015974498"
"04/15/2008 10:13:17.485","729.54466908588222"
"04/15/2008 10:13:18.485","778.70498371189581"
"04/15/2008 10:13:19.485","1080.1269128122422"
"04/15/2008 10:13:20.485","754.56482921490704"
"04/15/2008 10:13:21.485","999.11639434492372"
"04/15/2008 10:13:22.485","701.36448873272786"
"04/15/2008 10:13:23.485","276.26176807531567"
"04/15/2008 10:13:24.485","252.13161364232732"
"04/15/2008 10:13:25.485","533.27341294984296"
"04/15/2008 10:13:26.485","759.54486108711092"
"04/15/2008 10:13:27.485","817.11522953746908"
"04/15/2008 10:13:28.485","129.41082822930068"
"04/15/2008 10:13:29.485","158.94101722251023"
"04/15/2008 10:13:30.485","160.55102752657618"
"04/15/2008 10:13:31.485","655.87419759486454"
"04/15/2008 10:13:32.485","444.49284475420637"
"04/15/2008 10:13:33.485","272.47174381916045"
"04/15/2008 10:13:34.485","94.730606275880163"
"04/15/2008 10:13:35.485","355.28227380655238"
"04/15/2008 10:13:36.485","898.29574909279427"
"04/15/2008 10:13:37.485","1309.3783800216322"
"04/15/2008 10:13:38.485","88.200564483612695"
"04/15/2008 10:13:39.485","1.2300078720503811"
"04/15/2008 10:13:40.485","4.9400316162023437"
"04/15/2008 10:13:41.485","217.90139456892524"
"04/15/2008 10:13:42.485","373.26238887928884"
"04/15/2008 10:13:43.485","73.760472067021226"
"04/15/2008 10:13:44.485","1.4100090240577541"
"04/15/2008 10:13:45.485","34.960223745431975"
"04/15/2008 10:13:46.485","15.990102336654955"
"04/15/2008 10:13:47.485","63.580406914604247"
"04/15/2008 10:13:48.485","26.560169985087906"
"04/15/2008 10:13:49.485","11.150071360456707"
"04/15/2008 10:13:50.485","15.250097600624644"
"04/15/2008 10:13:51.485","17.010108864696736"
"04/15/2008 10:13:52.485","12.210078144500125"
"04/15/2008 10:13:53.485","95.650612163917842"
"04/15/2008 10:13:54.485","38.740247937586801"
"04/15/2008 10:13:55.485","5.6000358402293777"
"04/15/2008 10:13:56.485","1.6600106240679942"
"04/15/2008 10:13:57.485","19.590125376802412"
"04/15/2008 10:13:58.485","2.8100179841150981"
"04/15/2008 10:13:59.485","631.48404149786563"
"04/15/2008 10:14:00.485","579.14370651972172"
"04/15/2008 10:14:01.485","1.0600067840434177"
"04/15/2008 10:14:02.485","15.870101568650039"
"04/15/2008 10:14:03.485","112.28071859659903"
"04/15/2008 10:14:04.485","15.660100224641438"
"04/15/2008 10:14:05.485","4.9800318722039822"
"04/15/2008 10:14:06.485","25.44016281704203"
"04/15/2008 10:14:07.485","16.130103232660691"
"04/15/2008 10:14:08.485","5.9300379522428939"
"04/15/2008 10:14:09.485","4.8400309761982481"
"04/15/2008 10:14:10.485","2.6400168961081349"
"04/15/2008 10:14:11.485","19.430124352795858"
"04/15/2008 10:14:12.485","42.55027232174286"
"04/15/2008 10:14:13.485","37.550240321538055"
"04/15/2008 10:14:14.485","1.210007744049562"
"04/15/2008 10:14:15.485","15.930101952652498"
"04/15/2008 10:14:16.485","20.550131520841735"
"04/15/2008 10:14:17.485","4.0900261761675267"
"04/15/2008 10:14:18.485","8.0100512643280908"
"04/15/2008 10:14:19.485","1.6000102400655365"
"04/15/2008 10:14:20.485","2.3300149120954372"
"04/15/2008 10:14:21.485","1.6200103680663558"
"04/15/2008 10:14:22.485","10.730068672439504"
"04/15/2008 10:14:23.485","4.4600285441826832"
"04/15/2008 10:14:24.485","9.0300577923698704"
"04/15/2008 10:14:25.485","0"
"04/15/2008 10:14:26.485","15.550099520636932"
"04/15/2008 10:14:27.485","2.970019008121652"
"04/15/2008 10:14:28.485","64.580413314645213"
"04/15/2008 10:14:29.485","71.850459842942996"
"04/15/2008 10:14:30.485","53.220340610179903"
"04/15/2008 10:14:31.485","32.620208769336124"
"04/15/2008 10:14:32.485","1.0000064000409603"
"04/15/2008 10:14:33.485","4.8400309761982481"
"04/15/2008 10:14:34.485","8.2700529283387425"
"04/15/2008 10:14:35.485","11.160071424457115"

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Backup/restore Table Belonging To One User/login

Sep 16, 2007


I have a SQL 2000 database that has several tables with the same name but with different users/logins.


Database "Customers"

Table Customer with user / login CompanyA
Table Customer with user / login CompanyB

Table Contact with user / login CompanyA
Table Contact with user / login CompanyB

I need to split these into two different database's

Database "CustomersA"
Table Customer with user / login CompanyA
Table Contact with user / login CompanyA

Database "CustomersB"
Table Customer with user / login CompanyB

Table Contact with user / login CompanyB

Any good idea how to do this?


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DB Engine :: How To Prevent User Of DB Owner To Backup Database

Nov 6, 2015

vendor did a full backup for his database and put some folder not being backed up by TSM, he is the owner of the database, and delete his backup later. The backup is not copy only, all the differential and log backups taken are based on his FULL backup. so they cannot be restored.

QUESTION: To prevent this happen in the future, what is the normal practices? or any way to prevent db_owner to do the ad-hoc full backup? I am thinking of using DENY backup database, or write a policy  claiming no responsibility if vendor make it happen again.

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Normal Vs Surrogate/artificial Key?

Jun 10, 2008

 Hey All, I'm trying to decide what's the 'best' to use.  I've been designing and creating database for a while and have pretty much always used a surrogate key and not a normal one.  I've finally had some free time to start studying more so in my spare time and read up and come accross a lot of guides, articles and stories that tout that normal keys should be used whenever possible as they're a better identifier and that surrogate keys should only be used when there is not a readily available normal key.  Now perhaps I'd be open to accepting that but absolutely every database I come across tends to only use surrogate keys.  For example I'm doing an authentication system from scratch and am looking at the User table.  Now of course the user name has to be unique, should that be the primary key or should I have a seperate column with a guid or an incrementing int or the like as the primary key? I can certainly see that username could be used.  I can also see how it may be easier when looking through the data tables to identify who/what a table is refering to with a surrogate key.  However it still seems sort of sloppy, for lack of a better word, to me.  Where now I could have somebody's username (or any other piece of data used for this purpose) spread accross a lot of other tables.  And while writting this I just thought of the scenario that perhaps somebody needs their username changed, with this method now the ids need to be changed on all the related rows of all the other tables whereas with a surrogate key it wouldn't matter. Anyways I'm mostly looking for opinions on which way to go (not just with the user sample, but more in general).Thanks.

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Difference Bw SP And Normal Query

May 9, 2001

Hi all,

I've been running a long query which takes almost 39 seconds in Query Analyzer. After creating a Stored Procedure (with the same query) I expected to run it faster bcoz I heared that SP has a cache, and its a faster technique. But I didnt gain any performance improvments.

Can somebody clear my confusion, what I'm doing wrong.


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Not Normal Will Stored Procs Help

Jun 19, 2000

I will be taking over a database that has almost no pk's or relations(this is not my choice, but a vendors)
Management is looking at stored procs to improve performance, but I am wondering
if the db is in this state will there really be a gain. I am pushing for normalization
first, but if anybody has any ideas or opinions I would appreciate

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Normal Query Or Join ?

Jul 20, 2007

hi friends the below query is actually what type of join whether inner join or normal query..?????

if not exists(select 'x'
from cobi_invoice_hdr h(nolock),
fin_quick_code_met q(nolock) ,
ci_adjustment_drdoc_vw z (nolock)
where h.tran_ou = @ctxt_ouinstance
and h.invoce_cat = @category_tmp
and d.so_no between @sonumberfrom and @sonumberto

and isnull(h.tran_amount,0) between @totalinvoiceamountfrom and @totalinvoiceamountto
and h.tran_date between convert(varchar(10),@invoicedatefrom,120)and convert(varchar(10),@fininvoicedateto,120)
and h.tran_no between @invoicenumberfrom and @invoicenumberto
and h.bill_to_cust between @billtocodefrom and @customerto
and h.fb_id = isnull(@fb,h.fb_id)
and h.tran_currency = isnull(@currency,h.tran_currency)
and h.createdby = isnull(@useridentity,h.createdby)

and EXISTS (select '*' from cobi_cust_custinfo_vw c(nolock)
where h.bill_to_cust = c.custcode
andc.ouid = @ou_tmp )

and z.status = q.parameter_text

and q.parameter_type = 'STATUS'
and q.parameter_category = 'STATUS'
and q.component_id = 'COBI'
and q.parameter_code = @status_tmp
and h.tran_no = z.documentno
and q.language_id = @ctxt_language
and z.language_id = @ctxt_language)
'No matching invoices found.'
select @m_errorid = 514 -- Porselvi.J - COBIDMS412AT_000255

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What Is Sixth Normal Form?

Sep 19, 2006

What is the 'sixth normal form' in the normalisation of tables in database management system.

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