Normalization,Mappings, Relationships Of Table

May 30, 2008

:eek: =>First ,2nd ,3rd normalization

=>Data Integrity

1 1:1 mappings
2 1:2 mappings
3 Many :MAny mappings

=>Establish relationship


3. Multiple

Defination of these all or details with subjects also

pls reply me soon
it is urgent for me

thanks in advance

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Database Table Normalization

Dec 8, 2005

Hi all,
This is actually a pretty stupid question, but somehow I need an answer from you experts.
We are currently building a web application using ASP.NET, and it simply manages contact information, like outlook. Contact information include first name, last name, birthday, etc. It also tracks address, phone number, and email. Here come the problem.
We allow only one address, 4 phone numbers and an email for each contact. When we building the database table, should we create 6 fields to contain all the information or should we create address, phone, and email table and then create the relationship between them.
Will the first method speed up the performance? Or the second method is the proper way?
I need some pros and cons on each
Thanks so much for your opinion

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SQL Query Help - - Table Normalization

Jul 20, 2005

helloI've a denormalized table PRODUCTS with following fields:ProductNo ,OrderNo ,SerialNo ,OrderDate ,PromiseDate ,ManufacturerID ,......DistributorID ,DealerID ,......ReceiptDate ,......I have to denormalize this table, so I created 3 tables:Table Name : ProductOrdersFields:+ProducrOrderID,ProductNo ,OrderNo ,SerialNo ,OrderDate ,PromiseDate ,ManufacturerID ,-------------------------------Table Name: ProductsOrdersDetailsFields:+ProductsOrdersDetailsID,ProductOrdersID,DistributorID ,DealerID......-----------------------Table Name: ProductsOrdersReceiptsFields:+ProductsOrdersReceiptsID,ProductsOrdersDetailsID,ReceiptDate ,......----------------------------DistributorID and DealerID appear in Details table because aparticular order number for a specific product number can come fromdifferent distributor and dealer.What I need is a query to populate these normalized tables from theoriginal denormalized Products table.Can any one please help?Thanks

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Table Design/Normalization Question

Jan 11, 2008

I have a form that I am building and I've run into this problem. There is a section on the form that checks if a person wants to sign up for a AM shift or PM shift for a Show. What I need to know is how do I normalize the form to reflect that in the database? Here is what the user would see on the web form.

Show AM Shift PM Shift
Show #1 checkbox checkbox
Show #2 checkbox checkbox
Show #3 checkbox checkbox

Here is what I have so far in the table design:

Table Shows
ShowID int PK
Name nvarchar(50) Not Null

Table Person
PersonID int PK
FirstName nvarchar(50) Not Null
LastName nvarchar(50) Not Null

Table Shift
ShiftID int PK
Name bit Not Null

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Normalization - How To Get Repeated Data From Existing Table

Jul 8, 2014

What I need to know is how to get repeated data from a existing table, to normalized tables with out typing it...


| 1 |text1|repeating|
| 2 |text2|repeating|

How to normalization would be use 3 tables ,one for tags_id and tags, and another relating the tags_id to ID from the table above...but how does the code already know there is a tag called repeating?

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Question On Column Mappings Between Mining Structure And Case Table For Lift Chart

May 3, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

I am a bit confused for the model evaluation (lift chart), should we map all the columns for both the mining structure and the case table? I mean for those predictive models, we have a predict column, shouldnt we ignore the mapping of the predictive column between the mining structure and the case table? But it seemes we are not allowed to miss the predictive column mapping between the mining structure and the case table.

Why is that? Could any experts here give me some explanation on that?

Hope my question is clear for your help.

Thanks a lot and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Table Relationships

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Does anyone have any suggestions on the best to go about enforcing arelationship between two tables that exist within separate databaseson the same SQL Server instance.

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Relationships As A Table

Jul 20, 2005

I have the tables tblEmployees and tblProjects.tblProjects has one column called Percentagetime, to hold the percentage oftime by an employee for a project.My Question : Why should we introduce a 3rd table calledtblProjectsAndEmployees?tblProjectsAndEmployees will have1)EmployeeNumber(PrimaryKey in tblEmployees)2)ProjectNumber(Primary key in tblProjects)3)PercentageTimeHaving only the tblEmployees and tblProjects is not sufficient?Kind Regards,Vinodh Kumar P

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How Many Relationships From 1 Table To Others?

May 19, 2008

I'm working on a database for which I require to have a lot of relations from my Persons table to other tables. I will need my primary key in those other tables: about 10 to 15 tables, to be able to relate to my persons data.

I believe this means I have 10 to 15 clustered indexes on this table.
Is this the right way of working? I know too many of this relations to other tables will have impact on performance concerning insert and updates.
But I noticed in the adventureworks example it works just this way for the products table.

What is the max limit of this kind of relations? (for reasonably good performance)
Should I use triggers instead? - for those with the least user interaction?

Thanks in advance,


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Plot Table Relationships

Jan 26, 2004


I am looking to print the table structure of a Microsoft SQL Server 7 database through the Enterprise Manager Utility. I would like to print it to a plotter but the print options in the Enterprise Manager are inadequate. I believe I will need to use another program to manipulate the object prior to plot due to its size. I have the following tools available:

(Do not have Adobe Writer)

Is there a way to get this print object to Autocad or even as a bitmap?

Thanks is advance,

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Sql Query To Get Table Relationships

Nov 12, 2007

What is the iso sql query to get the relationships between all tables in a db?

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How Do I Create Table Relationships?

Aug 3, 2006

I have spend days researching this and found others with the exact same
problem but there are no useful replies as people don't seem to
understand our problem. Please read this carefully...

What is the best way to create relationships between new SQL tables? For example, say I want to create a new database with tables for Customer, Orders and Details, how to I relate these tables?

- Edit via the Dataset designer in Visual Studio 2005?
- Use the Server Explorer's Table designer in Visual Studio? (not sure how to use the 'relationship' icon)
- Use SQL Server Managment Studio Express (SSMSE) Database Diagram
- Something else?

I am using Visual Studio 2005 Standard and SQL Server 2005 Express (SP1).

I created a new database in Visual Studio's Server Explorer and then used the Table Designer to create two new Tables (Customers and Orders). I then assigned primary keys but I don't know the best way to relate the tables.

If I create and edit a new dataset, I can graphically drag a relationship between the tables. HOWEVER, this relationship isn't recognized by SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE). I found this out when I tried to create a database diagram, none of the relationships appear in SQL?! This would cause problems when I want to deploy the database to my client.

If however, I START in SSMSE and create the tables there, then open a Database Diagram in SSMSE and graphically link the tables, then Visual Studio will see all the relationships.

I thought it was supposed to be a seamless integration between Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005. Am I missing something?


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Junction Table/ Many To Many Relationships

May 9, 2007

I am trying to update 2 tables at the same time by adding new records to them and then making sure that they are related on my junction table?




Table2 (JunctionTable)






And I want to create a new package and new Job Name at the same time I would need to make multiple insert statements

First take care of the new Package

INSERT INTO Table1 (PackageName) Value (@PackageName)

Then Take Care of the JobName

INSERT INTO Table3 (JobName) Value (@JobName)

Finally marry the two together

but how?

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Programattically Access The Relationships For A Sql Table

Mar 29, 2008

Can I programatically access all relationships for a sql table? I know i can do this in the table designer ...

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Lookup Table Relationships Best Practice

Jul 23, 2005

What is the best way to setup relationships between one lookup tableand many other tables. The tables did not have any lookup tablerelationships which I am adding. One lookup table is used for same datain several different places.To use one lookup tables with several tables, I had to disable "CascadeUpdate" and only have "enforce relationships for updates and inserts"checked.Any pros/cons?Thanks in advance.P

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How To Do A JOIN Statement For A Table With 2, One-to-many Relationships.

Nov 9, 2005

Hello,I want to be able to view data from 3 tables using the JOIN statement, butI'm not sure of how to do it. I think i don't know the syntax of the joins.Iimagine this is easy for the experienced - but Im not.Allow me to explain:I have 2 Tables: PERSON and SIGNPERSON------PersonNo int (Primary Key)Name varchar(50)StarSign intFavFood intSIGN----StarSign int (Primary Key)StarSignName varchar(50)Relationship: SIGN has a one-to-many relationship with PERSON. The linkingfield is called 'StarSign'.Question 1:I want to display all the peoples names, and their star sign (whether theyhave one or not).Answer 1:SELECT PERSON.Name, SIGN.StarSignNameFROM PERSON LEFT OUTER JOIN SIGN ON PERSON.StarSign = SIGN.StarSign;No problems there. But now I want to do the same thing, but have theirfavourite food displayed as well. So an additional table is needed:FOOD----FavFood int (Primary Key)FavFoodName varchar(50)Relationship: FOOD has a one-to-many relationship with PERSON. The linkingfield is called 'FavFood'.Question 2:I want to display all the peoples names, their star signs (whether theyhave one or not), and their favourite food (whether they have one or not).Answer 1:???I'm not sure what to do. Notice that I want to use an LEFT OUTER JOIN so ALLthe rows from table PERSON will appear 'irrespective' of whether they haverelated records in the other tables.Jack.

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How Should I Create A Table To Track Equivalent Relationships?

Mar 26, 2008

I'm building an application that tracks courses and equivalent courses. For example, say I have course A which a user should get credit for if they have taken equivalent courses. So if a user has taken (course B or course C) AND (course D or course E) he should get credit for Course A. What's the best way to setup a SQL table to create these type of equivalent relationships?

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Query For Setting Cascade On Update In Table Relationships

Aug 22, 2007


I'm looking for a query I can use to alter table relationships. What I want to do in particular, is to set every relationship to cascade on update. Can anyone point me out to a solution? MSDN seems very vague in this subject.


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Transact SQL :: Possible To Get Table Relationships Information From Database Diagram?

May 5, 2015

I'm using Sql Server 2012 Enterprise and have a database with over 400 tables. I am looking at one diagram which contains about 20 (or so) tables and their relationships. When I right-click on a relationship line I only see information about which tables are connected on that line but not on which fields.  Can I get that information from the Diagram or can I only get that from the sys tables?

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Mappings In The Packages

May 29, 2006

Hi all,

Is it possible to get information of the mappings availabe in the packages?, like the column mappings in the OLE Destination control, column mappings in the merge join control etc.,. I want the information of source and destination in the mappings(name of the DB, table). I want that to be in some file like excel file. Inform me is there a way to get it?

Thanks in advance,


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SCD Loses Mappings

Oct 23, 2007

Is it normal that my scd loses its mappings if I change one of its inputs?

When I talk about mappings, I talk about the first page of the scd wizard. I set everything (all the columns, business keys) and run the wizard until the last step. SCD creates two outputs (Changed and New Rows). All Ok.

If a column I use as input in the scd changes (for example, it is not a conversion column any more but a derived with the same name), my scd loses all the mappings!

It is very annoying since I have to map all of the columns again. Is this a normal behaviour of the scd or I' doing something wrong? Is there a way to 'repair' my mappings without needing to set one column at the time every time?

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Mappings Question In OLE DB Destination

Apr 10, 2007


I have a situation where I want to map a column from a flat file to TWO columns in a table.

However, in the mappings tab, you can only select the "Input Column" once. Once a column has been used, it no longer appears in the drop down list.

I am wondering if there's a way to override this behavior, and if not, what is the best way to handle this type of situation?

I have added an EXECUTE SQL task to update the second column with the inserted column values, but I would like to know if the default mapping behavior can be changed, as it seems so limited.


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Hide Column Mappings Tab?

Jan 16, 2008

I'm writting an adapter source for the SSIS, now I want to hide "Column Mappings" tab, How will I do it?

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About Connections And Component Mappings

Dec 12, 2006

1.After creating pacakages what i am concerned about is that when i move then to different locations do they work just the same as the had been.

2.About the mapping with in the components like lookups,and the variable with in conditional split or they get disturbed with any change in the location of the textfiles or anything of this kind of location change.

3.Is is adviceable transforming 5 to 6 text file with in one package in parallel

Please let me know


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Save/Copy Column Mappings In DTS?

Feb 20, 2007

Is it possible to save column mapping definitions from a Transform Data Task? The practical use is I have four tables with very similar layouts of which 200 or so columns are identical. I have various front and back office applications that require local copies of this data in various formats. It is EXTREMELY tedious to remap all of the columns for each Transform Data Task required on these applications.

Is there a way to store all of the column mapping def's and import them into a new transform data task?

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Change The Mappings In SSIS Packages

Feb 21, 2008


My need is to load data from flat files to SQL tables. All the flat files are different. For convenience flat file name and table name is similar.
I have placed a For loop container and in which I used SCRIPT TASK to read the file names from the specified folder and i populated this value to SSIS variable. All my flat file name and destination table name are given using this Script task. For the first run it executes perfectly, but for the second run it fails. The reason is due to the flat file connection manager. The file name is changed since it is taken care by my script, but the columns are not mapped it still have the previous file's columns. I do not know how to solve this.

Please tell me if there is any other way to solve this or i need to refine my process.

Actually i have more than 100 files and so i am trying to do it at one short rather than creating individual packages.


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SSIS: Export Mappings For Documentation, Etc

Mar 1, 2008


I have SSIS packages with the usual: source, destination, and mappings between the two. How can I export these mappings to, say, Excel / Word for documentation purposes?


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SSIS Flat File To DB Column Mappings

Oct 2, 2007

hi -
I am totally new to SSIS etc and SQL 2005.
I have a dts task to recreate in SSIS. I have done most of them and muddled my way through, but this basic problem has got me stuck.
When mapping columns from my file to my ole db output table, I want to map one input column onto two output columns, but it will only seem to let me select one destination column for each input?
I have tried shift/alt/ctrl etc to try to get it to map to both columns but it wont have it.
How do I do it?

Also, somehow my Dataflow Sources tab has gone from the toolbox, and I can't seem to get it back any way - I switched on everything I could see and all components etc, but it is not in there as an option. How do I get it back in the toolbox?

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1 Flat File To 2 Destination Tables With Different Mappings :Please Help

Feb 21, 2007

Here is the Scenario.

I have a flat file with name "Employee.txt " (Full url: C:Employee.txt) .The File content is like this


(Note: Items are Comma Seperated)

Now, i have a SQL Server database called "EmployeeDB" which has 2 tables "TblEmp1", "TblEmp2".
The Table is like this.

TblEmp1 : Columns
EmpName EmpDept EmpjoinDate

TblEmp2 : Columns
EName EDate Edept

using integration services (SSIS) i need code( or c#) to Create a dtsx package so that i can push the flat file content to these 2 tables.
And the condition is :

After Executing the package Data loaded in TblEmp1 should be like this

EmpName EmpDept EmpjoinDate
Anil Engineering 1997
Sunil Sales 1981
Kumar Inventory 1991
Rajesh Engineering 1992

(No change in order compared to source)
And Data loaded inTBLEmp2 should be like this

EName EDate Edept
Anil 1997 Engineering
Sunil 1981 Sales
Kumar 1991 Inventory
Rajesh 1992 Engineering

Now, i know that we need to do like this in wizard
1) Create a flat file source component.
2) Create flat file connection and set the properties of flat file (delimeters and other things)
3) Create a Multicast Component.
4) Create a Path between Flat file source and Multicast.
5) Create 2 destination component(each for a table).
6) Create path from multicast to 2 destination components
7) Create a OledbConnection and set table names for 2 destination components..
7) Now,i have to do mapping for destination1.8) Now, i have to do mapping for destination2( this mapping will be different from mapping done for destination1 because iam not inserting the data in the same order in which iam doing for TBLEmp1.

I have done it in wizard.I need to do it through code and i know that its not complicated.Please find the attached file with this mail.i have attached a screen shot of how i have done in wizard.The main problem is Mapping differently for 2 destinations from source.for 1st one we can have a forloop for mapping.but for 2nd one iam confused!!

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Aug 17, 2004

Hi all,

I am still confuse in normalization. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and more.)

Any body have a detail idea abt that ???
Pls explain with example.


Shailesh Patel

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Nov 6, 2000

Is it possible to normalize a database using SQL statement? I have a huge duplicated records on a certain fields and need to do some normalization on it. For example, the raw data below

Field_A Field_B Field_C Field_D Field_E
1 0001 00/05/11 14.00 Start
1 0001 00/05/11 15.00
1 0001 00/05/11 16.00 End
1 0002 00/05/11 16.10 Start
1 0002 00/05/11 17.50
1 0002 00/05/11 17.10 End

should be normalized to

Field_A Field_B Field_C Duration(End-Start)
1 0001 00/05/11 16.00-14.00=2.00
1 0002 00/05/11 17.10-16.10=2.00

How can I do it using a SQL Query?


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Help With Normalization

Jan 15, 2008

Hi all,
Does anyone know of a good resource or tutorial that teaches you the basics of the 3 normal forms?

Muchos Gracias

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Please Look @ My Normalization

Mar 6, 2008

I'm working on a normalization for one of my classes and I've been sick and I feel lost now, could one of you please look at my database statements and tell me if/what is wrong with it?


I came up with..


Which lead to...


Referencial Integriety Statements

FireID in FIRE_Report must exist in FireID in FIRE

FiremanID in FIRE_Report must exist in Fireman

TruckID in FIRE_REPORT must exist in TruckID in TRUCK

Please, someone tell me if this is right or not. -cheers

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