Not Able To Display Images Of PNG Type When Placed In ReportViewer Control During Runtime
Jan 27, 2006
I have placed a Image Control in ReportViewer , and in design mode the image(.png) is displayed properly and when it is deployed , i am not able to see the image.
whereas there is no problem of images of gif or jpg or bmp or jpeg type. only problem is image of png type.
I am having a problem with MMSQL BLOB with VB, Sorry to say I am new in Programming using VB 6 and MSSQL and I have never touch BLOB in my live.
I just wish anyone could give me any ideal, like, white pages, or manual on how do I insert BLOB data (Images) to MSSQL 2000 database using VB 6. I need to know exspecially the VB Code and the SQL Portion if you have a store procedure code for that it will be nice. :confused:
I have a report which has an embedded image in the heading and an image control that loads images from the database (Image control Data section configured as MIMEType=image/jpg, Source=Database, Value=Fields!Img_Data.Value).
In both cases I can see the embedded heading image and the database images in design mode (VS2005) and through the report manager web pages. When I try to render the report through the ReportViewer web control in my web application, the images do not display (standard missing image red "X" appears).
I have a button on my web form which re-runs the report and exports it to PDF, and when pressed the report is displayed correctly in PDF with all images.
What do I need to do to the ReportViewer web control for it to show embedded and database images? I am using the ReportViewer for 2005.
I have a report that comes with one main image and 15 other images that needs to be visible as needed at fixed position to the main image. Adding all the images is easy but managing the visibility is not working. What is the best way to do it? I am looking for sample but have come up empty.
I have couple of reports designed and they are on the report server and those reports are driven using some strored procedures.
I am building a program and want to use the reportviewer control in it, and i was wondering if there is any way that i could reference the reports thats been created usiing BIDS and use them in report viewer, or do i have to build them from scratch.
The client side reportviewer control is used with a typed dataset in vs 2005. But I have noticed something that is really interesting, the turkish characters in the dataset are changed in the runtime enviroment when used with the reportviever control. such as.exec sp_executesql N'SELECT CASES._ID, CASES._OWNERID, CASES._LASTMODIFYDATE, CASES._DELETIONSTATUS, CASES._SECURITYCODE, CASES._NAME, CASES._STATE, CASES._DESCRIPTION, CASES._CATEGORY, CASES._TYPE, CASES.PRIORITY, CASES.REASON, CASES.ORIGIN, CASES.FROMDATE, CASES.TODATE, CASES.COMMENT, CASES.WHATID, CASES.WHATTYPE, VIEW_WHONAME.WHONAME, ORGANIZATION._NAME AS ORGANIZATIONNAME, PERSON.HOMETEL, PERSON.EMAILFROM CASES INNER JOIN VIEW_WHONAME ON CASES.WHOID = VIEW_WHONAME.WHOID INNER JOIN PERSON ON VIEW_WHONAME.WHOID = PERSON._ID INNER JOIN ORGANIZATION ON PERSON.WORKINGORGANIZATIONID = ORGANIZATION._IDWHERE (CASES._OWNERID = @ownerID) AND (CASES._ID = @entityID) AND (VIEW_WHONAME.WHOTYPE = ''KÄ°Åžİ'')',N'@ownerID smallint,@entityID int',@ownerID=1,@entityID=30 ------------------------------------>>> the bold area should be 'KİŞİ' which is a turkish string....What sholud I do? Do I need to configure the sql server or do I need to configure runtime?
We have a problem with our ASP.NET 2.0 app in one aspx page which contains reportviewer control.
The problem is in this: When this page is shown in IE6 the reportviewer control is working OK and the report is shown, but when this page is shown in IE7 reportviewer control starts to act strange. The report isn't shown until F5 or refresh button isn't clicked. Does anybody have problem like this one?
I want to use ReportViewer Control to show the data. Can I render report using Sql Server 2005 Reporting web service call. I didn't get any sample which allow me to host report on reporting server but view them using ReportViewer Control using webservice call rather than using URL.
I need to hide Reporting server URL location. And If you show report using ReportViewer Control using URL mechanism, anybody can see the report server url.
I have an ASP.NET web site with form authentication.
When I use a ReportViewer control in a page (with a masterPage) and my report (ServerReport and Remote processingmode) has DateTime parameters I can't see that calendar gif in order to select a date. Same thing with a DropDownList bound to a dataset for another paramater (I can't see that arrow from the right side of DropDownList so I can't dropdown it).
When I want to see the report with a browser direct from my Reports site it works fine. Only in reportviewer has this simptoms.
IE has some errors in script
1. 'RSClientController' is undefined
2. 'ClientControllerctl00_contentPanel_ReportViewer1' is null or not an object.
I have a Gridview control and a ReportViewer control that use the same datasource (SqlDataSource1). The gridview displays rows and columns of data and the ReportViewer displays a chart of the same data. This works fine when the page is initially loaded.
I also have a couple textboxes where the user can select a start and end date and press a submit button.
When the submit button is selected the SelectCommand of SqlDataSource1 is modified to use the new dates (SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = SQLString).
The Gridview correctly updates the data based on the user-selected dates but the chart in the ReportViewer control does not change. It is still displaying the data before the user selected a start and end date. Why does this happen when they are using the same SqlDataSource1??
Protected Sub button_submit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles button_submit.Click
Dim SQLString As String
SQLString = "select tech_clients.client_name, SUM(tech_hours_worked.hours_worked) as hours_worked_per_client " & _ "from tech_hours_worked, tech_clients " & _ "where tech_hours_worked.hours_company_id = tech_clients.client_id And tech_hours_worked.hours_company_id <> 1 and tech_hours_worked.hours_worked_date >= '" & TextBox_start_date.Text.Trim & "' and tech_hours_worked.hours_worked_date <= '" & TextBox_end_date.Text.Trim & "'" & _ "group by tech_hours_worked.hours_company_id, tech_clients.client_name " & _ "order by hours_worked_per_client desc"
I want the reportviewer to display the report exactly over the entire screen. If I try to use "width=100%", the report viewer control expands beyond the screen area making us to scroll to view the "View Report" button. However, in the report manager, the same report gets displayed exactly occupying the screen size no matter what resolution the screen size is.
We have a project fully developed using framework 1.1 VS2003.
We are currently working on the reports, i see the reportviewer control but, there seems to be lot of problems.
Please does anyone know, is there a report viewer control developed by microsoft or somebody which works with VS2003 and pointing to SQL server RS 2005.
Please help thank you very much for the information.
Is there some way of troubleshooting errors when using the reportviewer control (with no reportserver).? Specifically, I am dynamically loading supreports and their ascociated datasets. I get an "Error: Subreport can not be shown." in the report viewer display panel at run time. In the past when I have gotten them it was a matter of randomly trying things until I hit on the problem. I can trace it to the point where I load the dataset for the subreport and all seems correct. There are no report parameters to be passed so I know its not that. I've double checked the subreportname,datasource and dataset names and they are all okay.
I've been successfully using the WinForm ReportViewer control to view reports from relational databases. I'm starting to investigate viewing reports based on Analysis Services 2005 multi-dimensional sources.
From my reading (including the following thread, it seems that the RDL Aggregate function is key to getting proper results in expressions.
The RDL spec indicates that the Aggregate function behaviour is tightly coupled with the Data Processing Extension (DPE). This is fine for web-based Reporting Services, but with the ReportViewer control, we do all data processing and provide a .NET DataTable object that the viewer consumes and evaluates expressions from.
How does the WinForm ReportViewer handle evaluating the Aggregate function when there is no DPE to talk to?
We have just upgraded from an embedded browser hosted RS2000 system to the Microsoft.ReportViewer.Winforms control for RS2005 in our applications, and have encountered a SOAP / firewall problem again.
We were using an embedded browser to display the reports, as some of our client sites block or strip the SOAP wrapper from SOAP 1.1 commands that the old RS2000 control tried to use when the data passes through their firewall. We have no control over, or visability of their firewall configuration, as this is part of their own site security.
Is RS2005 still using the same older version of SOAP, or has it been moved up to version 1.2, which I believe does not trigger as many alarm bells in some firewall systems.
We have no problems makeing web service calls to our own applications through the firewall, so its only the report viewer control that gives us these problems.
I have not been able to explicitly clarify this down to the SOAP version, but it looks too close the our previous firewall problem to be anything else - comments invited !!!!!
As an aside, is there any way to trace the inbound request through IIS to ReportServer so I can see what hits the report server ? The IIS logs alone show a request has been made, but no qualifying data, and the report server logs only seem to show processing once the request has been accepted. What I want to to is see the inbound request, and then the outbound error message being returned so I can confirm my suspicions.
I have posted a similar thread on google groups for reporting services.
Hi everyone,I followed the steps below to localize the report viewer control accoring to" Deploying Localized Versions of ReportViewer ControlsThe ReportViewer control includes language packs for eight languages: Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. To use a localized version of the control, you must do the following:1. Run ReportViewer.exe.2. Navigate to the folder that contains the language pack you want to use. Language pack folders are located at <drive>:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8SDKv2.0BootStrapperPackagesReportViewer<lang>.3. Run ReportViewerLP.exe." But I could not find the ReportViewerLP.exe in the step 3. Could anyone please tell me why?Thanks a lot.Danny
Hi, Is it possible to create a web user control inheriting from Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportViewer? When I do this it gives me an error during compile saying
Code SnippetMake sure that the class defined in this code file matches the 'inherits' attribute, and that it extends the correct base class (e.g. Page or UserControl).
But the class definition of ReportViewer doesn't say it's sealed or non-inheritable. What is it that I am missing?
I have created an ASP.NET website with a ReportViewer on. The report renders fine, but when I change one of the parameters (manually), the report seems to invalidate itself and a blank while area is drawn. I would like the same behaviour as in the WinForms variant, where rhe rendered report remains the same until the 'View Report' button is pressed.
I am using a ReportViewer Control inside of a Windows Form and ran into an issue with the page navigation failing to update upon refresh (the report itself does refresh - the page navigation does not). If the initial report has one page and the subsequent refresh produces five pages, the page navigation window only shows one page. If you manually type in page two or three, nothing happens.
Hello everyone, I have a report that has a "Jump to report:" link in it and in the report it jumps to there is another "Jump to report:" link. When I click on this link I get the following error.
The path of the item '(null)' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. (rsInvalidItemPath)
I have tried moving the link from the header to the body of the report with the same results.
This is only happening in the web reportviewer control as our windows app works flawlessly.
We are running SQL SERVER 2005 SP2.
Does anyone have a fix, workaround or idea how to resolve this issue?
We get the following error when we try to export to EXCEL.
InternetExploer cannot download ...n=OnlyHtmlInline&Format=EXCEL from
Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.
This error comes up almost immediatly after it starts trying to download the file. It is a large dataset but it isn't "overly large". There are basically 44 records.
The other wierd thing is that it works fine on our BETA servers but not on our Production servers. We figure this is a setting somewhere that we have missed.
And now I found out that if it just leave it sitting there it eventually asks me if I want to open the file and it opened fine.
I am trying to use a reportviewer control (processing mode = remote) to view a rdl that is hosted on a server running MOSS, the reporting services are run in "sharepoint integrated mode". When i try to set the path to the RDL on the control like i usually do for an ASP.NET ReportViewer control, i get the error message posted below. I cant find anything on google, Please HELP
I found this method that will remove export options from a server report when called through ReportViewer. I like this one because you dont need to have a web reference to the SQL server to loop though each rendering extension. How do you call this method if for example, if wanted to remove the XML format from a particular report? I have tried ReflectivelySetVisibilityFalse("XML"), but no luck. Any clues?
I'm trying to take the output of the Render method and bind it to the ReportViewer control. First of all, is this possible? If so, what is the best way to render the report (format: XML,CSV, NULL, etc), and then how to I 'bind' the result to the control?
I'm proving some code to demonstrate how I'm rendering the report: ... string format = "XML"; string devInfo = @"<DeviceInfo><Toolbar>False</Toolbar></DeviceInfo>"; ReportExecutionService rs = new ReportExecutionService(); ExecutionInfo execInfo = new ExecutionInfo(); ExecutionHeader execHeader = new ExecutionHeader(); byte[] result= null;
rs.ExecutionHeaderValue = execHeader; execInfo = rs.LoadReport(path, null); string SessionId = rs.ExecutionHeaderValue.ExecutionID; result = rs.Render(format, devInfo, out extension, out encoding, out mimeType, out warnings, out streamIDs);
Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated. Peter
I am accessing remote reports via the Web ReportViewer control. I need to keep the document map on the report but I want to get rid of the extra set of scroll bars. Setting AsyncRendering to false removes the scroll bars and the document map. Is there a way to get rid of the scroll bars and keep the document map?
I have reportviewer control into the aspx page and i want to save the parameters informations to the database. but i also want to stick with reportviewer parameter UI instead of my own UI.
We are experiencing a problem where a server report is rendered in the ReportViewer control successfully but when the user chooses to print the content, the print output is incomplete (ex. only 18 of 23 pages are printed, etc.).
This is happening consistently and has been reproduced for multiple different reports. It does not happen if the same report is printed via the Report Manager web interface.
I have also found that if I switch to Print Layout mode and then initiate the print from the ReportViewer that the problem does not occur. This is our current workaround, but it would be nice to know what is causing this and have it fixed.
Has anybody else seen this? Is this a known issue with my current version (SQLRS 2005 with SP1 applied).
I have a MS Reporting Services Report which I display in a ASPX page inside a iFrame (i.e. an other ASPX page displayed inside the main ASPX page). The report is rendered to the screen using the normal ReportViewer control.
Everything works fine, except when I click on the Print Button on the ReportViewer control, I get a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) and my computer restarts. This is something that happens every single time I click on that Print button
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body> <h2>Object moved to <a href="/ReportServer/logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2freportserver%2fReportExecution2005.asmx">here</a>.</h2> </body></html>
How can I add multiple rdlc report definitions to a single Winforms ReportViewer control? I would like to start with the first rdlc and concatenate subsequent rdlc files after that. I want the user to be able to scroll through several different rdlc report definitions as if they were all just one report.