Not Writing To The Transaction Log - May Need A Guru Here.....

Jan 3, 2001

Good afternoon one and all,

I have the following problem :

I have a table which currently has 40+ mill records. Some of the fields are of type nvarchar and these need changing to varchar. I have attempted to change these fields to varchar but the process proceeds to increase the transaction log (to 6 Gigs!) until there is no space left on the server (causing a multitude of other problems with existing programs on the server). Once this happens I have no choice but to kill the change.

Does any1 know how I can make these changes without SQL writing to the transaction log?

Any and all help appreciated,



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Guru Of Guru Needed -- Gag Zues

Mar 21, 2002

Is it possible to change table design without running an alter table SQL Script??

For example, change the following :

Table_A ( column1 int identity(1,1) <<----BEFORE
, column2 varchar(10) null
, column3 char(20) not null


Table_A ( column1 int identity(1,1) <<----AFTER
, column2 char(255) not null
, column3 varchar(20) null

Is it possible to change sysobjects and syscolumns or other system objects for this to occur??

I know this is not recommended but if I had to, what are the steps required to do this??

Thanks very much

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SQL Server 2012 :: Run Stored Procedure Without Writing To Transaction Log?

Feb 26, 2015

Any way to have a process run that will not write its changes to the transaction log? I have a process that runs every three hours and has a huge impact on the transaction log (it becomes larger than the database itself). We do hourly backups of the transaction log and normally it is reasonably sized but when this process runs, it gets HUGE.

The process takes source data, massages it and writes it to summary tables. It is not something we need to track as we can recreate the summary tables if needed and it has no impact on the source tables.

Everything is driven through a stored procedure. Is there a way to run a stored procedure and tell it that nothing it does should be written to the transaction log?

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SQL Guru's Please Help

Apr 7, 2004

I would like to create a command that will make a new logical field that is true or false depending on weather field is a certian value for example


col1 is firstname
col2 is lastname
col3 is numeric

SELECT col1,col2,(if col3=6)=true AS Boolean
FROM table

i know this code doesnt work but it is a representation of what i would like to happen

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Any SQL Guru's Out There?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello, this probably isnt the best place to ask but I can't find a moresuitable sql newsgroup so I hope y'all dont mind too much.I have 2 tables; Cellar and ColourCELLAR contains the wine name, its year and the no.of bottles.Wine Year BottlesChardonnay 87 4Fume Blanc 87 2Pinot Noir 82 3Zinfandel 84 9COLOUR contains wine name and it's colourWine ColourChardonnay WhiteFume Blanc WhitePinot NoirRedZinfandel RoseThis is from a past exam paper btwOne of the questions was:Write the sql to count how many white wines there are in the table cellar.The solution that the lecturers included is:SELECT count(wine)FROM cellarWHERE colour='White'Now i havent' been able to try out this sql yet but to me that looks wrong.My solution would be:SELECT count(wine)FROM cellarWHERE = and colour.colour='White'Can anyone tell me which one is correct, and if mine isn't correct then whyisn't it?Thanks

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Question To Guru...

Oct 30, 2000

One of of server was restarted... In the early hours... And i found this has a resson in event viewer..

Does anybody knows what this means..

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000007f (0x00000008, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). Microsoft Windows NT [v15.1381]. A dump was saved in: C:WINNTMEMORY.DMP.

Thank you


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Question For SQL GURU??

Aug 28, 2000


Below is the insert statement... it insert a new record by selecting the max ID and add plus 1 to the existing value.. with in the same statement..

My question is can i get the inserted value of NewID into a VARIABLE with in the same insert statement.. I dont want to pass another sql statement to select the MAX ID..



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Need DTS/VBScript Guru

Nov 9, 2005

I am trying to write a DTS package at work that uses a loop to fire a query off against a different server/database at each loop iteration. Prior to the execute SQL task , I use ActiveX (VBScript) to change the Catalog and DataSource of the connection (created by drag and drop if icon). My Execute SQL task selects @@servername and getdate() just as a dummy query to make sure I am actually pointed at a different server.

While testing the properties of the connection using global variables and msgbox shows that the database (catalog) and server (data source) ip address is being changed, the result returned is always from the first server. I feel like I need to disconnect the connection object, change the parameters and then reconnect to the new server but there doesn't appear to be anyway to do this.

Anyone out there able to successfully change a connection object inthis manner??

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HELP! SQL Guru Is Out Of Town!!!

May 12, 2006

I got the following error on my database when I ran DBCC CHECKDB

Server: Msg 8951, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Table 'PhoneCall' (ID 254623950). Missing or invalid key in index 'PhoneCall0' (ID 2) for the row:
Server: Msg 8955, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Data row (1:98383:16) identified by (RID = (1:98383:16) ) has index values (PhoneCallID = 46361).

This error is on a couple of different indexii?? What do I do? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you

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SQL Guru Wanted

Aug 2, 2006

Ok guys I have read everything in my previous post but unfortunately can not seem to get it to work properly. Would anyone like to do this 10 minutes work (I am sure). Obviously I dont expect it to be free but if I continue I am going to get a sledge hammer to this now.

Thanks in advance

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Interview With The Guru

Mar 7, 2008

My boss asked me to interview 2 people on Monday for a programmer/developer position. They say they are gurus, but my boss wants me to find out for sure. I thought a question about bitwise operations would be good, maybe one about semi-joins. Are there any questions you can think of that will spot the phony pretty quick?



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Jan 2, 2008


I am trying to import comma delimitted text files which contain data for any particular country.

I have created SSIS package to import data into sql server table. table structure is exactly same as text file except one additional column which is to identify the CountryID. Text files we recieved does not contain CountryID column.

I am using BULK INSERT Task in SSIS to import the data as text files are quite big (up to 1 GB). during processing I do determine the country id for that text file as file name contain countrycode which can be use for lookup and get the countryid.


CYN is the country code and country table has got country id for it.

I am using Format file with BULK INSERT task as table has additional column which does not present in source file.
currently after inserting all rows into table i have to run an UPDATE statement to update the value of CountryID column which is very expensive some time taking more then 30 min for (30 million rows)

Can anyone tell me how to insert an expression when using BULK INSERT command / Task in SSIS. there must be a way to insert litterals using Bulk Insert.

Thanks in Advance.
Furrukh Baig

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Question To Supreme GURU

Feb 6, 2001


I am executing the bcp statement with i a stored procedure, everything works fine. But the question is I want to pass the delimiter as a parameter to the BCP command. I tried but i couldnt make it. I declare a variable and set that variable to a delimiter and try to pass that variable to BCP, but it doesnt accept it, in the export file the delimiter is '@i' instead of ';'

@i CHAR(2)
SELECT @i = ';'

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp " select city, name = case whenname like(''%''+char(13)+char(10)+''%'') then replace(name, char(13)+char(10),'''') whenname like(''%''+char(13)+''%'') then replace(name, char(13),'''')whenname like(''%''+char(10)+''%'') then replace(name, char(10),'''')else name end From dbDev..tbtest" queryout d:invoice.txt -c -Sdevelop_server -Uadmin -Padmin -t@i'


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Nov 20, 2000

Upon running DTS manually to transfer data from Excel into SQL Server, I
get the error:

-----------------------------ERROR OUPTUT ------------------------------------
Error at Source for Row number 264. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1. General error -2147217887 (80040E21).
Data for source column 3 ('Value') is too large for the specified buffer size.
---------------------------END ERROR OUTPUT----------------------------------

*** 'Value' is varchar(4000); largest having length of 1000.
*** The network packet size is 4096.


Your kind help is greatly appreciated

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Question To SQL SERVER DBA Guru...

Sep 27, 2000

Hi Guru,,

There are bunch of file on a SQL SERVER installed machine under WINNT floder they are as follows..


This files occupies 2G.B of disk space... We are in the cleaning process to create some disk space. The thing is no one really understand which application uses this files..

My question is does sql server uses this files... Can we delete this files..

Thank you..

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Updated BOL For 2000 Or 7.0?? DTS Guru?

Dec 11, 2000

Does anyone know if there is an updated Books Online for 2000 published anywhere?? Or even a more recent copy of the 7.0? MS has probably made corrections
to them.

Also, I'm looking for all the free info about DTS for 2000. Not anything that MS publishes, more of a third party evaluation.

Thanks in advance,


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I Need A CONNECTION GURU To Explain What Is Going On.

May 26, 2006

I have a application that uses a connection that is always active until the application is closed, and many other connections that are opened and closed as different data is requested. I DO close and dispose these connections, datasets, and data readers after requesting data to release the resources. BUT they still show in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. I believe they are NOT active and are part of the Pooling system.

The problem is the connections don't seem to be reused, the Pooling system just makes more, so I end up with hundreds of them until no more connections can be created but SQL Server; hence timing out on some attempt to open a connection.

I have experimented with the 'Min Pool Size' and 'Max Pool Size' values in the connection string but the only change is behavior is that I can make more connection showing in SQL Server but the problem still happens anyway.

I am rewriting this application from VB6 to VB.Net. The VB6 version uses SQL Server 2005 Edition too and the connection problem doesn't exist.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Upgrade Challenge - For The SQL Server Guru&#39;s

Nov 3, 2000

This is an upgrade issue :

I have a SQL server 6.5 with NT users mapped into the SQL Server running in production. At one point of time, this Server was set up for mixed security, which has since been changed to standard ( still with NT users mapped in ).

When upgrading to SQL 7.0, I noticed that it brought in both : Nt USers as well as the mapped login id's as if they were separate entities ( Probably since SQL Server stores mapped login id's in master..syslogins, and mapped NT logins information are stored in the registry ). It also, does not bring in passwords.

I am planning to re-write this part of the upgrade and write my own scripts to transfer the logins ( Unfortunately, I will have to drop them first from the database using sp_dropuser, immediately after the upgrade process ).

Here's how I'm planning to do this : BCP out the contents of the syslogins table from the 6.5, bring it in into, say 'sys_xlogins' ( New table ) in 7.0, update the 'sysxlogins' system table in 7.0 with the passwords from the 'sys_xlogins' table, and add all the users back into the database.

If anyone else has been thru this, or anything like this ( Upgrading from mixed security 6.5 to 7.0 ), I would appreciate their inputs. Any words of wisdom / experience welcome !

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Dec 19, 2000


Till couple of days ago.. I was able to watch different object counters in SQL Server performance monitor..

For some reason now i am unable to see non of the object counters related to sql server in performance monitor..

The error it records in event viewer is as follows..

The description for Event ID[1001] in Source [ SQLCTR70] could not be found.
It contains the following insertion string[s]: SQL Performance DLL Open function failed..

help is greatly appericated...

thanks indeed


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Injection Attack - Guru Needed.

Jan 19, 2007

Hello all,

I have a question on whether the following stored precedure would be open to an SQL Injection attack. Assume that a string query would be passed to the SP.

I am told that because the password parameter is only varchar(8) that it is safe.

Can someone prove this wrong?


I have added sample code below.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[JB_Test](
[Name] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_JB_Test_Name] DEFAULT (''),
[Email] [varchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_JB_Test_Email] DEFAULT (''),
[Password] [varchar](8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_JB_Test_Password] DEFAULT (''),


Insert dbo.JB_Test (Name, Email, Password )
values ('John', '', '2345')
Insert dbo.JB_Test (Name, Email, Password )
values ('Paul', '', '2345')
Insert dbo.JB_Test (Name, Email, Password )
values ('Geroge', '', '2345')
Insert dbo.JB_Test (Name, Email, Password )
values ('Ringo', '', '2345')


Create procedure dbo.JB_Test_Login

@Username varchar(100),
@Password varchar(8)


select Name
from dbo.JB_Test
where Name = @Username
and Password = @Password

--Clean Up Your Mess
--Drop procedure dbo.JB_Test_Login

--Drop Table dbo.JB_Test

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Query Question For A Real Guru

Feb 27, 2007


I've been trying to fill a tree view based on some criteria in another table.
I have the standard table with a ID - ParentID - Text
when I bind the table everything works fine.

What I need to do is display only the tree items based off a username and ID in another table.

Files can be found

tblTourgroup(UserName = Jim)
tblTourgroup (GroupID = 110)
tblGroups (GroupID = 110)

Results from tblGroup:
- Cuisine
- Steakhouse

Query Results should be layed out like tblGroups

Any ideas?
This is what I have so far... But it does not traverse up and get the other nodes..

USE SQL2005_335573_cplanet;
WITH DynamicTree (ParentID, GroupID, GroupName)
SELECT e.ParentID, e.GroupID, e.GroupName
FROM tblGroups AS e
INNER JOIN tblTourGroup AS edh
ON e.GroupID = edh.GroupID

SELECT e.ParentID, e.GroupID, e.GroupName
FROM DynamicTree as e

INNER JOIN tblTourGroup AS dp
ON e.GroupID = dp.GroupID
WHERE dp.UserName = N'Test'

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SQL Server Guru: Execution Plan Issue?

May 29, 2004

As a developer, we always say "using a stored procedure, instead of a cliet side SQL statement, provides performance benefits". However, it seems it has not been true anymore since SQL Server 7.0.

See SQL online "Execution Plan Caching and Reuse" at

I am quite confused with the following questions:
1. it seems since SQL 7.0, a SQL statement in client side uses the existing execution plan as a stored procedure does. That means SP doesn't has much advantage over SQL statement in terms of performance.

2. It seems, a stored procedure is not always compled ONLY once. If a stored procedure is not used for a long time, it could be kicked out from procedure cashe.

3. In order to use an existing execution plan, it seems that we have to use the fully qualified identifier, such as
SELECT * FROM Northwind.dbo.Employees

instead of
SELECT * FROM Employees

However, I rarely see anyone uses these kind of fully qualified references for objects both in SQL statements and SP. For example, in the sample database pubs and NorthWind, they don't use the fully qualified expression. I only see the use of it in master database.

I guess I might miss something in the issues above. I would like to get any explanation from SQL guru or anybody. Thanks a lot.

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ASAP Help Needed Need Sql Guru To Help With Massive Script Issue

May 3, 2007

I need some help I have this massive sql script the problem is I tried to put it in to the query string box in my sql reports and it will not take it this script will run if I break it up but I think it is to large is there a sql guru out there that can show me how to reduce the size of this script maybe by using an out parameter to a stored proceedure. I just dont know what to do and need to produce the report from this script.  Below is the entire script
SELECT  'Prior Year All ' as 'qtr', COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'transcount',  COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'patientcount',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) AS 'tcost',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'dtcost',  AVG(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgTDisc',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) + SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'TGrossAmtBilled',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'PatAvgT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgPercentDiscT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'RefAvgT',  JOB.JURISDICTION,                        PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME,                         PAYER.PAY_COMPANY,                         PAYER.PAY_CITY,                         PAYER.PAY_STATE,                         PAYER.PAY_SALES_STAFF_ID,                         JOB.PATIENTID,                         JOB.INVOICE_DATE,                        JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID,                        JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME,                        INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO,                         INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE AS Expr1,                         INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE,                        INVOICE_AR.CLAIMNUMBER,                        PATIENT.LASTNAME,                        PATIENT.FIRSTNAME,                        PATIENT.EMPLOYERNAME,                        JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION,                        SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION,                        PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.TRANSPORT_TYPE,
            (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed Successfully') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS  'CompletedSuccessfullyItems',
             (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with complaint') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithComplaintItems',                                                  (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Show') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoShowItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Charge') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoChargeItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with Situation') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithSituationItems',
                        (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Not Completed') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'NotCompletedItems',
                        (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Cancelled Prior to service') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CancelledPriorToServiceItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Cancelled During Service') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CancelledDuringServiceItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed Successfully') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'AwaitingforcompletionItems',
                        (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Pending for review') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like'%T ')) AS 'PendingforreviewItems'
FROM JOB                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR                                  ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER                                 ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                  LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES                                 ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT                                ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME                                ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE                                ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME               LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY                                ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID
WHERE                 (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0)AND                 (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                 (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12))AND                (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%')AND                (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')  
GROUP BY                         JOB.JURISDICTION,                        PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME,                        PAYER.PAY_COMPANY,                         PAYER.PAY_CITY,                         PAYER.PAY_STATE,                         PAYER.PAY_SALES_STAFF_ID,                        JOB.PATIENTID,                         JOB.INVOICE_DATE,                        JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID,                        JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME,                        INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO,                         INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE,                        INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE,                        INVOICE_AR.CLAIMNUMBER,                        PATIENT.LASTNAME,                        PATIENT.FIRSTNAME,                        PATIENT.EMPLOYERNAME,                        JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION,                        SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION,                        PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.TRANSPORT_TYPE
SELECT  'Current Year 2007 All ' as 'qtr', COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'transcount',  COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'patientcount',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) AS 'tcost',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'dtcost',  AVG(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgTDisc',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) + SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'TGrossAmtBilled',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'PatAvgT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgPercentDiscT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'RefAvgT',  JOB.JURISDICTION,                        PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME,                         PAYER.PAY_COMPANY,                         PAYER.PAY_CITY,                         PAYER.PAY_STATE,                         PAYER.PAY_SALES_STAFF_ID,                         JOB.PATIENTID,                         JOB.INVOICE_DATE,                        JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID,                        JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME,                        INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO,                         INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE AS Expr1,                         INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE,                        INVOICE_AR.CLAIMNUMBER,                        PATIENT.LASTNAME,                        PATIENT.FIRSTNAME,                        PATIENT.EMPLOYERNAME,                        JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION,                        SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION,                        PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.TRANSPORT_TYPE,
            (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed Successfully') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (@startDate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS  'CompletedSuccessfullyItems',
             (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with complaint') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (@startdate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithComplaintItems',                                                  (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Show') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (startdate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoShowItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Charge') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (@startdate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoChargeItems',

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Error 8525: Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

May 31, 2008

Hi All

I'm getting this when executing the code below. Going from W2K/SQL2k SP4 to XP/SQL2k SP4 over a dial-up link.

If I take away the begin tran and commit it works, but of course, if one statement fails I want a rollback. I'm executing this from a Delphi app, but I get the same from Qry Analyser.

I've tried both with and without the Set XACT . . ., and also tried with Set Implicit_Transactions off.

Begin distributed Tran
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1 and DONE = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
update OPENDATASOURCE('SQLOLEDB','Data Source=;User ID=*****;Password=****').TRANSFERSTN.TSADMIN.FIXED
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1
set REPFLAG = 0 where REPFLAG = 1

It's got me stumped, so any ideas gratefully received.Thx

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SSIS, Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

Feb 22, 2007

I have a design a SSIS Package for ETL Process. In my package i have to read the data from the tables and then insert into the another table of same structure.

for reading the data i have write the Dynamic TSQL based on some condition and based on that it is using 25 different function to populate the data into different 25 column. Tsql returning correct data and is working fine in Enterprise manager. But in my SSIS package it show me time out ERROR.

I have increase and decrease the time to catch the error but it is still there i have tried to set 0 for commandout Properties.

if i'm using the 0 for commandtime out then i'm getting the Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.


Failed to open a fastload rowset for "[dbo].[P@@#$%$%%%]". Check that the object exists in the database.

Please help me it's very urgent.

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Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

Feb 6, 2007

I am getting this error  :Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new
transaction or the NULL transaction. Description:
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code. Exception Details:
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Distributed transaction completed. Either
enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.have anybody idea?!

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Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction.

Dec 22, 2006

i have a sequence container in my my sequence container i have a script task for drop the existing tables. This seq. container connected to another seq. container. all these are in for each loop container when i run the package it's work fine for 1st looop but it gives me error for second execution.

Message is like this:

Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.

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Distributed Transaction Completed. Either Enlist This Session In A New Transaction Or The NULL Transaction. (HELP)

Jan 8, 2008


i am getting this error "Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction.".

my transations have been done using LINKED SERVER. when i manually call the store procedure from Server 1 it works but when i call it through Service broker it dosen't work and gives me this error.

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restore Lost Transaction From Transaction Log File

Jun 10, 2015

I have Full database backup upto previous day and transaction logfile of Today transaction. my database has crashed. I have restored previous day's Full backup. I have faced difficulty to restore today's transaction from today's transaction log. What are the steps to restore full database back and one day's transaction log file. Note: there is no differential database backup and transaction backup.

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I Need Away To Show The Pending Transaction From Transaction Replication In A User Friendly Format.

Jul 11, 2007

I want to list out the pending transaction for transaction replication by publication.

Help needed.

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Nov 14, 2006

I'm receiving the below error when trying to implement Execute SQL Task.

"The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION." This error also happens on COMMIT as well and there is a preceding Execute SQL Task with BEGIN TRANSACTION tranname WITH MARK 'tran'

I know I can change the transaction option property from "supported" to "required" however I want to mark the transaction. I was copying the way Import/Export Wizard does it however I'm unable to figure out why it works and why mine doesn't work.

Anyone know of the reason?

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Analysis :: Find Amount Distribution Across Different Transaction Types Under Spend Transaction

Jul 27, 2015

I created a Calculated measure in cube something like this : ([TransType].[TransTypeHierarchy].[TransTypeCategoryParent].&[SPEND],[Measures].[Transaction Amount]). To get only spend transactions. Now, I want to slice this measure with same hierarchy to find the amount distribution across different transaction types under spend transaction. But this query behaving like the measure doesn't have relation with measure.

you can think this as below query:
MEMBER SPEND AS ([TransType].[TransTypeHierarchy].[TransTypeCategoryParent].&[SPEND],[Measures].[Transaction Amount])
,NON EMPTY ([TransType].[TransTypeHierarchy].[TransTypeCategoryParent]) ON 1

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How Do I Make Use Of Begin Transaction And Commit Transaction In SSIS.

Jun 1, 2007


How do I make use of begin transaction and commit transaction in SSIS.

As am not able to commit changes due to certain update commands I want to explicitly write begin and commit statements. but when i make use of begin and commit in OLEDB commnad stage it throws an error as follows:


descriptionyntax error or access violation.

its definately not an syntax error as i executed it in sql server. also when i use it in execute sql task out side the dataflow container it doesnt throw any error but still this task doesnt serve my purpose of saving/ commiting update chanages in the database.



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