I have a flat file that is read in by SSIS and then populates our db.
In this flat file there are blank spaces that represent null entries, which are date time values that we need to remain null but instead shows up in the table as the lowest date time value (1753)
Does SSIS automatically convert this since this is not done in our code?
[Code] ....
The insert column I am trying to get into is a date type. The original state of the field is YYYYMM varchar. How to get this into the table.
I have a flat file that has a date column where the date fields look like 20070626, for example. No quotes.
The problem is that several of the date values are missing, and instead of the date value the field looks like this , ,
That is, there are several blank spaces where the date should be. The number of blank spaces between the commas doesn't appear to be a set number (and it could even be 8 blank spaces, I don't know, in which case I don't know if checking for the Len will produce the correct results, but that's another issue...)
So, similar to the numeric field blanks problem, I wrote a script to convert the field to null. This is the logic I used:
If Not Len(Row.TradeDate) = 8 Then
Row.TradeDate_IsNull = True
End If
The next step in my data flow after the script is a derived column where I convert TradeDate from 20070625 to 06/25/2007. So the exact error message I am receiving is this:
[OLE DB Destination [547]] Error: There was an error with input column "TradeDate - derived" (645) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (560). The column status returned was: "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
Do I need to add a conditional split after the script and BEFORE the derived column to redirect bad rows so they don't go to the derived column?
I'm creating an ISP for extractig data from a text file and put it in a database.
One of the fields in my textfile contains the value '0' or a date. If it's '0' it should be converted to the Null Value. The column in which it has to be saved is of type smalldatetime.
This is the code of my script where I want to check the value of the field in my textfile and convert it to a date or to Null.
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
If Row.cdDateIn = "" Or Row.cdDateIn= "0" Then
Row.cdDateInCorr = CDate(DBNull.Value)
ElseIf Row.cdDateIn_IsNull Then
Row.cdDateInCorr = CDate(DBNull.Value)
Row.cdDateInCorr = CDate(Row.cdDateIn)
End If
End Sub
The error that I get is:
Validation error. Extract FinCD: Conversion of cdDateIn [753]: Eroor 30311: Value of type 'System.DBNull' cannot ben converted to 'Date'.
The following error is encountered when importing a delimited flat file with date of fomat "dd.mm.yyyy"
Error: 0xC02020A1 at Data Flow Task, Source - DCDtest_xpt [1]: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "value date" returned status value 2 and status text "The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".
This was when I manually built the package.
I get the same error when using the Import/Export wizard
I am even using the "suggest types" button and have tried sampling the default number of rows (?200) and also 2000.
The type it suggests is DT_DATE.
But reading the BOL, this would appear to be the wrong type:
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141036.aspx (obviously the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing)
seems to indicate that
is the correct value
(I cannot believe that they have different datatypes in SSIS than in SQL. I can't believe for a minute this is for all the hundreds of thousands of Oracle users who obviously switched to SSIS when they saw what a high quality product it is.)
I tried other DT_... values but no dice.
Can anyone help?
I always thought that Classic ASP was the worst product I've ever worked with from the Microsoft stable, but I was wrong.
I am fed up of having to post on this board (no wonder it is so 'popular')
Talking to peers, reading books, googling nearly always enables me to figure out a problem with any application I have ever used, but SSIS breaks the mould in sheer crapness and the weirdnes and unfathomability of its cryptic errors,.
can somebody explain me how I can assign a NULL value to a datetime type field in the script transformation editor in a data flow task. In the script hereunder, Row.Datum1_IsNull is true, but still Row.OutputDatum1 will be assigned a value '0001-01-01' which generates an error (not a valid datetime). All alternatives known to me (CDate("") or Convert.ToDateTime("") or Convert.ToDateTime(System.DBNull.Value)) were not successful. Leaving out the ELSE clause generates following error: Error: Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.
How can I automatically change records by a specific date specified inside the record. An example would be the way ebay sales work. How does ebay have the status of an item change to closed, at the time inside the item record of the database.
I know i could use triggers or something to check the current date against the enddate everytime the record is accessed, but is there a more efficient method?
How would you create a column which displays the difference of two other columns in SQL? For example, column C=column A – column B. My idea is that when ever data enters column A and column B, column C should show the difference of the two automatically. A, B and C are datetime columns. I'm looking at setting up an 'after' trigger on the table. Is there a better approach? Thanks.
Hello, I am using SQL Server 2005 and ASP.NET 2.0. We have a very simple content management system where we have to keep track of date last modified for each row in all of our content tables. I know there's a "timestamp" datatype that is used for replication scenarios, but is there anything similar that I can use to set up a date_modified column for each of my content tables that will automatically update with GETDATE() whenever anything in a given row is updated? Or do I have to create a date_modified column of smalldatetime datatype and write a trigger on update for EVERY single table of content that I have in the database? It seems there should be an easier way to do this than to write 20 triggers for my 20 content tables. Thanks!
I have a SSIS data flow task that downloads data from an Oracle source which has some real dates and some date values of 0001-01-01 which I am trying to convert to '1900-01-01' using a decode(Date1,'0001-01-01','1900-01-01',Date1). The problem I am having is that when I run the package in Business Intelligence Development Studio on my local machine the date value is stored correctly in the SQL table in a datetime field as 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM, however when I run the package from the server the field gets saved as 1/1/2001 12:00:00 AM.
I have tried a bunch of ways to work around this issue and the only solution I have found that works it to download into a temp table and then load into the live table. Does anyone have any idea of what might be causing this issue when I run the package from the server?
I am using SQL Server 2005 with Reporting Services (Using the Visual side - not direct code)
I am having problems understanding the dates. eg where to put them,
I want a report that runs on the 1st day of the month for the previous month. I know you can set up something in subscriptions but then how do I get my report header to say from .......to...............
I have been through the AW reports but can't see what I need.
Happy if someone wants to direct me to somewhere that has date examples.
Hi I would like to get more information about using detail view together with auto date/time. I am designing user input form as follow. tid : uid : tool : priority: reticle: status: remarks: request time : <- to autogenetrate current timeInsert Cancel How to use date/time function inside detailed view, insert template.
I have a client data which has the candidate id, a start date which will have only the date in varchar format and a time value associated to that date in varchar format in a seperate column.
To give a brief explanation about the data a candidate will come to study center at any time point in a day for example 10:00 AM on 20-10-2014. The start date will be 20-10-2014 and from 10:00 AM he will have test based on the time point. So if the time point is 2 HR, then at 12:00 PM he will have a test. If the time point is 8 HR, it will get added with 10:00 AM and based on this he will have the test at 06:00 PM. When the timepoint reaches 00:00 the start date needs to be the next date instead of 20-10-2014.
The start date needs to be appended with the time value such that when it crosses over the time 00:00, the start date needs to get increased by 1 ie the next day. I have added the start date to the time by using the code below
CAST(STARTDATE as datetime) + CAST(CAST(STUFF([TIME],3,0,':') as time(0)) as datetime) as [EXPECTEDDATETIME]
By this above code i have created the expected datetime however
I will not be able to hardcode the value due to dynamic data. I tried to apply >= and < to the time value something like
case when MyTime >= '00:00' and MyTime < '08:10' the Dateadd(day, 1, date)
This works perfect but my concern is that I cannot put the value 08:10 because it will not a constant value for all rows.
I have provided a screenshot of my data and a expected date column for reference.
I know 2008 MS SQL Server has a timestamp data type that adds date and time when the rows are inserted. Is there a way to automatically update the date and time when the rows are updated?
Disable logins on access expiry date(Not windows password expiry). we grant access to users on databases only for 60 days. So access is only valid for 60 days. Then the user should again request access to the database going thru security clearance. Thn the DBA's enable the login. Maintaining all these logins of users manually is causing more confusion. As we know, we dont have any inbuilt functionality to automatically disable logins in SQL Server.
I have a table where the logins and expirydate were recorded in a DB.
Using this table and SQL Server agent. Can i achieve this process automated ? CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LoginsExpiry]( [LoginName] [varchar](50) NULL, [ExpiryDate] [date] NULL, [Roles] [varchar](500) ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
i am write an archive program, there are some date before 1/1/1753, but there are a constraint of system.data. How can i fix this. Could i change the minimum data to 1/1/1200. SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
Hello,I have an Access DB with a column [date] holding dates from present day backto around year 1702, and I am trying to run DTS Import with this MDB, whichfails due to a conversion error.MSDN says the datetime data type only allows 1753-01-01 to 1900-01-01, thusI am under the impression having the [date] field as varchar is the only wayto store the dates.My questions are:a) Can dates prior to 1753-01-01 be stored in a date column?b) If dates are in a column of type varchar (or similar) is it possible tosort them chronologically with T-SQL ?c) 1753-01-01 seems particularly arbitrary, any reason for this?Many thanks for any help, it's driving me mad!John
I cannot for the life of me figure out why im still getting this error. I have tried everything i can think of from using dbnull.value to setDOBnull() to datetime.minvalue. Can anyone help me? Here's the code on my BLL: Public Function AddEmployee(ByVal SSN As String, ByVal FirstName As String, ByVal LastName As String, ByVal PreferredName As String, ByVal MaidenName As String, ByVal MaritalStatus As Nullable(Of Char), ByVal DOB As Nullable(Of Date), ByVal Gender As Nullable(Of Char), ByVal Ethnicity As String, ByVal StartDate As Nullable(Of Date), ByVal TerminationDate As Nullable(Of Date)) As Boolean ' Create a new employeeRow instance Dim employees As New HRMS.EmployeesDataTable() Dim employee As HRMS.EmployeesRow = employees.NewEmployeesRow() Dim sqldatenull As SqlDateTime sqldatenull = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value employee.SSN = SSN employee.FirstName = FirstName employee.LastName = LastName If PreferredName Is Nothing Then employee.SetPreferredNameNull() Else employee.PreferredName = PreferredName If MaidenName Is Nothing Then employee.SetMaidenNameNull() Else employee.MaidenName = MaidenName If Not MaritalStatus.HasValue Then employee.SetMaritalStatusNull() Else employee.MaritalStatus = MaritalStatus.Value If Not DOB.HasValue Then employee.SetDOBNull() Else employee.DOB = DOB.Value If Not Gender.HasValue Then employee.SetGenderNull() Else employee.Gender = Gender.Value If Ethnicity Is Nothing Then employee.SetEthnicityNull() Else employee.Ethnicity = Ethnicity If StartDate = DateTime.MinValue Then employee.StartDate = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value Else employee.StartDate = StartDate.Value 'If StartDate = DateTime.MinValue Then employee.SetDOBNull() Else employee.StartDate = StartDate.Value 'If Not StartDate.HasValue Then employee.StartDate = sqldatenull Else employee.StartDate = StartDate.Value If TerminationDate = DateTime.MinValue Then employee.TerminationDate = SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value Else employee.TerminationDate = TerminationDate.Value P
Hi there... i have a search page with consitst of DatePicker and DataView this is how i'm binding my dataview <asp:ObjectDataSource runat="server" EnableCaching="false" ID="ods" TypeName="daab.Employee" SelectMethod="GetEmployee"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DatePicker1" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" PropertyName="SelectedDate" Name="SearchDate" Direction="Input" Type="DateTime" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:ObjectDataSource> .......................................................................................... the searchDate is optional user may select date from datepicker or leave it blank if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DatePicker1.SelectedDate)) { // } else { this.ods.SelectParameters["SearchDate"].DefaultValue = DBNull.Value.ToString(); } when i execute the above code i get this error:, what i'm missing? error Message = "SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM."
hey, i will make calender(by use Asp.net 2003 - C# - framework 2.0 ) that stored and retreive data from Database(SQL Server 2000), that success , but if add this function (Calendar1_DayRender)
Server Error in '/bwarq' Application.
SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.Source Error:
Line 1999:DA.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@eventdate",eventdate); Line 2000:DataTable DT=new DataTable(); Line 2001:DA.Fill(DT); Line 2002:DA.SelectCommand.Connection.Close();return DT; Line 2003:} Source File: c:inetpubwwwroot4paldataaccess.cs Line: 2001
Yes, I've parsed many a topic on many a site regarding this issue.sigh.I am using a calendar control within a TemplateField on a DetailsView.I know that my SQL DB will accept NULL for my DATETIME field, because if I don't bind the control to the insert, the insert succeedes, yeilding a null for DATETIME in the new record.My problem is that I want the user to be able to choose to not select a date. I find that I have to bind selected value to the insert parameter, so that if they do select a date, it get inserted.( duhh!! ) When I do though, and the user does not select a date, I get the above error.My best guess? it is sending a datetime value of 00:00:0000 00:00:00 (or something like that anyhow)?So... does anyone have any ideeas on a simple way to evaluate the value when the form is submitted? and how to set it to NULL if it is, for example "in the past" or "00:00:0000....." ? ,Gary"We truly fail, only when we quit."
Hi. I am getting the error described in the title - SqlDateTime overflow. I have read what is available online but am still not able to get rid of it. Help much appreciated... thanks.
The Full Error Is:
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM. at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan value) at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.FromDateTime(DateTime value) at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime..ctor(DateTime value) at System.Data.SqlClient.MetaType.FromDateTime(DateTime dateTime, Byte cb) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.WriteValue(Object value, MetaType type, Int32 actualLength, Int32 encodingByteSize, Int32 offset, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TdsExecuteRPC(_SqlRPC[] rpcArray, Int32 timeout, Boolean inSchema, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at ASP.audiobook_viewdetails_aspx.DetailsView1_ItemInserting(Object Src, DetailsViewInsertEventArgs Args) in C:InetpubwwwrootdushkinmediasupportwebPresentationTieraudiobook_servicesaudiobook_viewdetails .aspx:line 151
And, below is the method that is raising the errors. The culprit is "created_date" as "DateTime".
Sub DetailsView1_ItemInserting(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal Args As DetailsViewInsertEventArgs)
'validate the controls
If Args.Values("ISBN") = "" Then Args.Cancel = True MSG.Text = "-- Missing ISBN number" End If
If Args.Values("author_first") = "" Then Args.Cancel = True MSG.Text = "-- Missing first name" End If
If Args.Values("author_last") = "" Then Args.Cancel = True MSG.Text = "-- Missing last name" End If
If Args.Values("publisher") = "" Then Args.Cancel = True MSG.Text = "-- Missing Publisher" End If
If Args.Values("text_description") = "" Then Args.Cancel = True MSG.Text = "-- Missing item description" End If
If Not IsNumeric(Args.Values("regular_price")) Then Args.Cancel = True MSG.Text = "-- regular price is not numeric" Else If Args.Values("regular_price") < 0 Then Args.Cancel = True MSG.Text = "-- regular price is out of range" End If End If
If Not IsNumeric(Args.Values("discount_price")) Then Args.Cancel = True MSG.Text = "-- Discount price is not numeric" Else If Args.Values("discount_price") < 0 Then Args.Cancel = True MSG.Text = "-- Discount price is out of range" End If End If
'if all the controls are valid, decalre the types Dim audiobookID As Integer Dim title As String Dim author_first As String Dim author_last As String Dim publisher As String Dim ISBN As String Dim regular_price As String Dim discount_price As String Dim text_description As String Dim created_date As DateTime
' ||||| Set up a Connection Object to the SQL DB Dim MyConn As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("server=ARIA;database=dushkinmedia;Integrated Security=SSPI") ' ||||| Pass in the StoreProcedure or Command String, as well as the Connection object Dim MyCmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("sp_RegisterNewAudioBook", MyConn) ' ||||| Set the Command Type (Stored Procedure, Text, etc) MyCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure ' ||||| Create Parameter Objects for values passed in Dim objParam1, objParam2, objParam3, objParam4, objParam5, objParam6, _ objParam7, objParam8, objParam9, objParam10, objParam11, objParam12, _ objParam13, objParam14, objParam15 As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter ' ||||| Add your parameters to the parameters Collection objParam1 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@audiobookID", Data.SqlDbType.Int) objParam2 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@title", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar) objParam3 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@author_first", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar) objParam4 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@author_last", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar) objParam5 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@publisher", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar) objParam6 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@ISBN", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar) objParam7 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@regular_price", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar) objParam8 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@discount_price", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar) objParam9 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@text_description", Data.SqlDbType.Text) objParam10 = MyCmd.Parameters.Add("@created_date", Data.SqlDbType.DateTime) 'objParam10 = MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@img_name", imgName) objParam11 = MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@img_data", System.Data.SqlDbType.Image) 'objParam12 = MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@img_contenttype", imgcontenttype) 'objParam13 = MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@aud_name", audName) objParam14 = MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@aud_data", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarBinary) 'objParam15 = MyCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@aud_contenttype", audcontenttype) ' ||||| Set the Parameter values to the passed in values objParam1.Value = audiobookID objParam2.Value = title objParam3.Value = author_first objParam4.Value = author_last objParam5.Value = publisher objParam6.Value = ISBN objParam7.Value = regular_price objParam8.Value = discount_price objParam9.Value = text_description objParam10.Value = created_date 'objParam11.Value = imgBinaryData 'objParam14.Value = audBinaryData
' ||||| Check if Connection to DB is already open, if not, then open a connection ' ||||| DB not already Open...so open it
MyConn.Open() MyCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
' ||||| Close the Connection Closes with it MyConn.Close()
Is there a way to catch the exeption (SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM) with in SQL Server, so it does not need to be caught in the code calling the procedure. E.g. I do not want to send null to the stored procedure.
e.g. The stored procedure should be able to catch dates that are outside the range 1/1/1975 and 12/31/9999 and change them to the limits.
IF @StartDate < CONVERT(DateTime, '01/01/1753 12:00:00')
SET @StartDate = CONVERT(DateTime, '01/01/1753 12:00:00')
IF @EndDate > CONVERT(DateTime, '01/01/1753 11:59:59')
SET @EndDate = CONVERT(DateTime, '12/31/9999 11:59:59')
This still throws an exception because the StartDate or EndDate when tested fail the condition.
I have connected to SQL SERVICES ANALYSIS SERVICE database through excel and when I observed that value of the date attribute is displayed as ######## in the excel for 1/1/1753.
I am able to see the value 1/1/1753 in the Cube browser but not able to see the vale in the excel.
how to replace this value with blank in the excel.
I have a table that has a date field that can't be null. When a new record is created, if a date is not passed in, I want the default to be the current date. How can I set that? I tried Now, Today, GetDate, etc. Diane
I have a problem with a SQL that check if a date column IS NULL. On one server the check work ok but on another (the same data is on both - restored copy) the check does not find any NULL values. If check where datecolumn =convert(datetime,'9999-12-31 23:59:59.000',121) I get the same result as when checking for NULL in the other.
Is there any parameter set somewhere that tell the server to return a value even if NULL is stored in the database?
I have 3 dates one of them could be NULL . I do not want my min to display it as NULL.Below is my script. Is there a way I could do it?
select Order_id, customer_id, date_1, date_2, date_3 into #temp1 from ##Temp_dates (nolock) Select Case when (date_1 < date_2 and date_1< date_3) then date_1 when (date_2< date_1 and date_2< date_3) then date_2
Caseinfo shows when a particular case entered and exited a particular project. If the project hasn't ended yet, then the end date is NULL.
Steps shows the steps the case has gone through and the dates of those particular steps.
I need to join the tables to show the steps the case went through during a particular project, but I'm having trouble with the NULL values in the end dates.
If I join the tables so that the step date is between the start and end dates of the project, then I get no step information for the cases where the end date is NULL (that is, where the project hasn't ended yet).
Does anybody have any ideas?
Here are my tables, the query that shows the main idea (with the wrong result), and my expected results.
insert @caseinfo select 10, '2006-12-23', '2006-12-27' union all select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL union all select 30, '2006-12-23', NULL union all select 40, '2007-1-15', '2007-3-4'
insert @steps select 10, 1, '2006-12-24' union all select 10, 2, '2007-1-3' union all select 10, 3, '2007-2-5' union all select 20, 1, '2006-12-26' union all select 20, 2, '2007-1-7' union all select 20, 3, '2007-1-9' union all select 30, 1, '2007-1-14' union all select 40, 1, '2007-1-23' union all select 40, 2, '2007-3-2' union all select 40, 3, '2007-4-16'
--- the main idea (with the wrong results)
select * from @caseinfo c left join @steps s on s.caseid = c.caseid and s.stepdate between c.startdate and c.enddate
insert @expresult select 10, '2006-12-23', '2006-12-27', 1, '2006-12-24' union all select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL, 1, '2006-12-26' union all select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL, 2, '2007-1-7' union all select 20, '2006-12-23', NULL, 3, '2007-1-9' union all select 30, '2006-12-23', NULL, 1, '2007-1-14' union all select 40, '2007-1-15', '2007-3-4', 1, '2007-1-23' union all select 40, '2007-1-15', '2007-3-4', 2, '2007-3-2'