Null Parameter In Uniqueidentifier Field

Dec 10, 2005

I have the following database structure:

The table aspnet_users, which we all know

Another table with an uniqueidentifier which references the user iD

I want to set the value of the iD in one of the entries in the second table to null.

I tried this:

string assigned is null, i am passing this as a method parameter


string queryString = "UPDATE  [table2] SET  AssignedUserId=@assigned WHERE ProblemId = @id";

        System.Data.IDbCommand dbCommand = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();


System.Data.IDataParameter dbParam_au_pr = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter();

        dbParam_au_pr.ParameterName = "@assigned";

        if (assigned == null)


            dbParam_au_pr.Value = null;




            dbParam_au_pr.Value = assigned;


        dbParam_au_pr.DbType = System.Data.DbType.String ;


I also tried using "" instead of null, or not using that "if" statement at all.

I get an error that says:

Parameterized Query '(@id nvarchar(1),@assigned
nvarchar(4000))UPDATE  [tracker_Probl' expects parameter @assigned,
which was not supplied.
Please help with this as soon as possible.Thanks

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Uniqueidentifier Field In SQL With Null Value - Cannot Detect This In Code... Why?

Nov 3, 2007

OK, I use membership and have created a new table that links together related users by use of the uniqueidentifier field as a foreign key.  However, it is possible to link to a not-yet existent user (by their email) so that when that user creates an account and gets a guid, it will be updated into my table of related users and finalise the link.  Trouble is, I'm trying to stop people adding the same "pending user" multiple times, so in my BLL logic I look for the entered email address for the current user and I want to check on the foreign key (the GUID field) so that I can tell the user that they've already added this user, but they haven't signed up yet (if they haven't got a foreign user key with a guid in it, they haven't signed up yet).
However, when I check the foreign key guid value (shows as null in sql enterprise manager) for null values, it never goes down the "true" logic channel... what I mean is that I've debugged it, hovered over the item I've read (it says it is system.dbnull, which it is) and yet when I do "isDBNull(myGUID.Value)" it never equates to true!
Why not?

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Optional Parameter On Joined Field Which Could Be Null?!

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables: eg. a person-table (no nulls allowed), with an idand so on, and a person_course table (an intermediate table in amany-to many relationship between person table and courses tables),with two fields person_id and course_id.But I want to make ONE multipurpose stored procedure, which has ONLYoptional parameters on all fields in the person table AND the fieldcourse_id in the person_course table.I have no problems making optional parameters on the person table (eg.P.ID=ISNULL(@PersonID, P.ID ) ) BUT the problem is, when I try to addan optional parameter on the field course_id it dosn't produce theright results. Some times the course_id is null (because some personshavn't joined a class yet).Is there a way around it?Ole S. Pedersen

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Fail To Update Field With A Field Uniqueidentifier

Mar 30, 2004

Hi all,
I have a problem about a query to update a table

UPDATE Email SET EmailDT='31 Mar 2004' WHERE Idx={BDF51DBD-9E4F-4990-A751-5B25D071E288}

where Idx field is a uniqueidentifier type and EmailDT is datetime type. I found that when this query calling by a VB app. then it have error "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation" and i have tried again in Query Analyzer, same error also occur, the MS SQL server is version 7. Please help. thanks.

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Get The Last Inserted Uniqueidentifier Field

Jan 26, 2008

As you know we can get the last identity by using these functions:@@IDENTITY, IDENT_CURRENT( '[Table_Name]' ) And More.But if I set my primary key datatype to uniqueidentifier, I Can't get the last GUID inserted by SQL.Anyone have any idea?Reach me at my blog:

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Urgent Help Needed: How To INSERT Into A Field Having UniqueIdentifier Data Type

Jan 8, 2008

I am new at and I am having problems inserting data using C# in ASP.netI have created a table named "Profile" in the MS sql server database named "MyDataBase". There is a field named "ID" that has data type 'uniqueidentifier'.I am confused how to INSERT data into this data field. I have used MS Access and MYSQL in which there is an option of auto increment so we don't a unique identifier for each record.Please tell me what can I do to  If I want to have a uniqueidentifier for each new record I INSERT in the "Profile" table of MS sql server database.While trying to insert, I get following errorsCannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID'and I don't know how I can insert something in this field that is of value type unique identifier.Please help me I will be very thankfull of you.

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Reporting Services :: Give Meaning Full Name To Allow Null Value Check Box In Report Parameter Instead Of NULL?

Oct 20, 2015

In my report i have CNAME parameter , which allows null value. I checked Allow null value check box in report parameter properties.

when i preview the report , it displays checked NULL check box beside CNAME parameter . I want to give some meaningful name(i.e.ALLCustomers) to this checkbox instead of NULL. 

Is it possible through SSRS designer?

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Subscription Issue With Null Default Parameter - Key Cannot Be Null

May 3, 2007

I have a report that is run on a monthly basis with a default date of null. The stored procedure determines the month-end date that it should use should it be sent a null date.

The report works fine when I tell it to create a history entry; however, when I try to add a subscription it doesn't appear to like the null parameter value. Since I have told the report to have a default value of null it doesn't allow me to enter a value on the subscription page.

Now, I suppose I could remove the parameter altogether from the stored proc, but then the users would never be able to run the report for a previous time period. Can someone explain to me why default values aren't allowed to be used on subscriptions when they seem to work fine for ad hoc and scheduled reports? This is really quite frustrating as most of my reports require a date value and default to null so that the user doesn't have to enter them for the latest data.

An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help

Key cannot be null. Parameter name: key

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Reporting Services :: Share Point List Data Set Parameter Allow Null In Multivalue Drop Down Parameter

Aug 28, 2015

my dataset from sharepoint list. and this dataset value assign to parameter. i want when no any parameter is selected than it should filter like "ALL". when i select alow null value it give me prompt error you  can not select null in multivalue parameter.How can i do it. i am using share point list.

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Pass In Null/blank Value In The Date Field Or Declare The Field As String And Convert

Dec 30, 2003

I need to pass in null/blank value in the date field or declare the field as string and convert date back to string.

I tried the 2nd option but I am having trouble converting the two digits of the recordset (rs_get_msp_info(2), 1, 2))) into a four digit yr. But it will only the yr in two digits.
The mfg_start_date is delcared as a string variable

mfg_start_date = CStr(CDate(Mid(rs_get_msp_info(2), 3, 2) & "/" & Mid(rs_get_msp_info(2), 5, 2) & "/" & Mid(rs_get_msp_info(2), 1, 2)))

option 1
I will have to declare the mfg_start_date as date but I need to send in a blank value for this variable in the stored procedure. It won't accept a null or blank value.

With refresh_shipping_sched
.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
.CommandText = "spRefresh_shipping_sched"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ret_val", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@option", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, update_option)
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@mfg_ord_num", adChar, adParamInput, mfg_ord_num_length, "")
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@mfg_start_date", adChar, adParamInput, 10, "")
Set rs_refresh_shipping_sched = .Execute

Please help

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Filters For Dataset From Parameter - How To Ignore If The Parameter Is NULL ?

Apr 10, 2007


I am starting to use reporting services and I created a report that takes 4 parameters for a Filter on the dataset.

The idea is the create snapshot nightly and then display the report filtered based on parameters to users.

I'd like that the filter be ignored for a parameter if the parameter is passed as NULL,

Right now I defined it this way :

Left =Fields!RegionCode.Value
Operator =
Right =IIF(IsNothing(Parameters!RegionCode.Value),Fields!RegionCode.Value,Parameters!RegionCode.Value)

I do this for the 4 parameters that are passed, if they are null, make then equals to the field.

I was wondering if there is a way to ignore the whole parameter all together, I would guess it'll be faster to execute.


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Null Parameter

May 5, 2008

I have a sql proc. I need to make a parameter optional. I've setup the parameter to use a dataset as its source, and I need NOT to allow the value to be null. I've NOT selected allow nulls check box, But, when the parameter is null (‘’), still data comes back in a table as empty or if it is date will default to 1/1/1900. How do I send a null value to the database through sql proc and raise an error without inserting a null value? I’m hoping to avoid creating a special query just for that purpose.



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Out Parameter Value Is NULL

Mar 19, 2008

I Created a Procedure that Generates an ID value based in the current Date (Year/Month) and a value which are stored in a table. This ID value is update in the table, and passed on to an output parameter as folows:

Code Snippet

@SectionID bigint
,@Year bigint
,@Month bigint
,@ID bigint output


SELECT @ID = [Year]* 10000000 + [Month] * 100000 + [Number]
FROM [dbo].[CNGuideID]
WHERE [Year] = @Year
AND [Month] = @Month

print 'New ID : '
print @ID

This is working and the value printed here is the correct one.

but when I execute the procedure inside another one, the variable i pass on as an output parameter remains NULL...

Code Snippet

@SectionID int
,@ClientID int
,@UsuaryID bigint
,@UsuarySectionID int

DECLARE @Date as datetime
DECLARE @Year as int
DECLARE @Month as int

SET @Date = GetDate()
SET @Year = YEAR(@Date)
SET @Month = MONTH(@Date)

EXEC CNSPGetNewGuideID @sectionID,@Year,@month,@ID


I also tried just declaring a variable and executing the procedure but the same thing happens

Code Snippet
declare @ID2 bigint

EXEC CNSPGetNewGuideID 06,2008,03, @ID2

print 'ID : '
print @ID2

this is the result I get:

New ID :
ID :

I must be missing something...
Can anyone help?


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Using NULL Xml Parameter

Feb 7, 2008

Hi all,

I'm passing a list of values to a stored procedure using an XML parameter - using SQL 2005.

The stored procedure is used to search a table for matching values so this list can contain one or many values, or could be NULL to indicate all values should be returned.

Returning one or more than one value works fine in the code sample given below. How can I phrase my query to cope with the scenario of the parameter being NULL to select all values?

I currently have the following code to cope with one or many values being passed:

Code Snippet

SELECT * FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE idField IN
(SELECT'.', 'int') FROM @testxml.nodes('/rootnode/idfieldvalue') as paramvalues(id))
where @testxml is the XML parameter passed into the stored procedure.

Thanks as always


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Null Parameter

Sep 26, 2007

In the report I created, there is a drop down used as a parameter, i.e. Sector.
This drop down gets populated with data. It also has <Select a Value> in there.
When no item is selected, i.e. only <Select a Value> is shown in the drop down list, when the view Report button is clicked, the message says:
Please select a value for the parameter 'Sector'
The view Report used a stored procedure which allows null for this Sector parameter.
The SP does work fine in the sql server query analyser because it returns data with and without the sector parameter.
Any thoughts please?

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Key Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: Key

Mar 27, 2007

We are using forms authentication with SSRS2005 and we are able to access Report Manager (http://servername/reports) and Reportserver (http://servername/reportserver). The problem we are having is every time we add a user to the Content Manager or the Publisher role. The user is able to login and reach the Report Manager but no folder is showing up and also we have the following error message : "Key cannot be null. Parameter name: key".

We removed users from the Content Manager and Publisher Roles and they are able to reach report manager and see the folders. This only happens with report manager. everything works fine with reportserver(http://servername/reportserver).

Any idea why we're getting an error message when trying to assign the Content Manager and publisher Roles to a user.

here is the error log from ReportServerWebApp :

aspnet_wp!ui!1!3/27/2007-16:38:49:: e ERROR: Key cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
aspnet_wp!ui!1!3/27/2007-16:38:49:: e ERROR: HTTP status code --> 500
System.ArgumentNullException: Key cannot be null.

Parameter name: key

at System.Collections.Hashtable.Insert(Object key, Object nvalue, Boolean add)

at System.Collections.Hashtable.Add(Object key, Object value)

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.BasePermissions.ReadPermissions(String[] permissions)

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.Permissions.GetPermissions()

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.Permissions.CurrentUser(String itemPath)

at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.FolderPage.Page_Init(Object sender, EventArgs e)

at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Control.OnInit(EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Page.OnInit(EventArgs e)

at System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)

at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
aspnet_wp!ui!1!3/27/2007-16:38:49:: e ERROR: Exception in ShowErrorPage: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path, Boolean preserveForm)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg) at at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort(Object stateInfo)
at System.Web.HttpResponse.End()
at System.Web.HttpServerUtility.Transfer(String path, Boolean preserveForm)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.ReportingPage.ShowErrorPage(String errMsg)



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Null In Bit Field?

Jan 19, 2000

sorry, this is probably a really basic question ..........

is there any way to enable the bit data type in SQL Server to accept nulls?



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How To Add NULL To INT Field

Jun 12, 2007

Hi all,

I have a table, named systems, with fields as follows.

field datatype
system varchar(50)
modelID int
.... ....
... .... etc...

The modelID field is related to the Models table. Therefore, the value it expects is a number that already exists in a Models.modelID field.

In the systems table, I allow nulls for the model ID field. If I edit the table directly through SQL front end it allows me to enter a system name for example and leave modelID value as NULL.

My problem occurs when I try inserting into the table from ASP. Whether I leave the value I'm passing to the stored procedure for insert blank or NULL it gives me problems.

Is this a typical issue that can be resolved with a simple property change?

Please help me resolve this, I need to have the ability to leave certain fields empty even though they are related to other tables. Is that possible?

Thank you for any help in advance.

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How To Set A Field Value To Null

Mar 26, 2014

I have a column called person.last_name, and I want to set this field to NULL if person.last_name ='test'///

I have tried this but don't work: ISNULL ({person. last_name},'<>"test'))

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Set Field Value To Null

Apr 22, 2007

May i know how to generate a SQL query to set a field of row to Null? Thank you.

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How Can I Pass NULL To A Parameter

Dec 11, 2006

How can I pass NULL to a parameter, if now entry is made in the textbox?
Dim KeywordParam As New SqlParameter("@Keyword", Me.KeyWordText.Text)

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Include All If Parameter Value Null?

Mar 14, 2007

Hi:I have an application in which I am producing a lists of media outlets based on a number of 6 possible parameters including location, medium, format, scope, language and coverage.  I have an interface in which users can select some or all of the possible parameters.  Where they don't choose a parameter - e.g. location, I would like the SELECT query to include all locations.    I am at the point now of writing 6 X 6 = 36 possible queries to handle the different combinations of possible parameters.  This seems a bit excessive and clumsy.  I am just learning about stored procedures and was wondering if it is possible to create a procedure that would accept the 6 parameters including ones with null or 0  values and generate a query that would ignore those that were null or zero. Any help in this regard greatly appreciated.Roger Swetnam 

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Delete Parameter Getting Set To NULL Why?

May 27, 2008

I have datagrid whose data source is set to SqlDataSource. SqlDataSource's connection string is set dynamically at pageload. When i click on delete link in gridview it executes delete command but row doesnt get deleted from data source. When i run Sql server profiler i found the delete statement is getting executed but the parameter is always null. why?
  <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True"
Caption="Events emitted by the application." DataKeyNames="EventId" OnDataBound="GridView1_DataBound" Width="600px" OnSelectedIndexChanged="GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged" OnRowDeleting="GridView1_RowDeleting" OnRowCommand="GridView1_RowCommand">
<asp:BoundField DataField="EventId" HeaderText="EventId" SortExpression="EventId" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="EventTime" HeaderText="EventTime" SortExpression="EventTime" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Message" HeaderText="Message" SortExpression="Message" />
<asp:CommandField SelectText="Vew Details" ShowDeleteButton="True" ShowSelectButton="True" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM aspnet_WebEvent_Events WHERE (EventId = @EventId)"
SelectCommand="SELECT EventId,EventTime,Message FROM aspnet_WebEvent_Events WHERE (ApplicationVirtualPath = @ApplicationVirtualPath)">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList2" Name="ApplicationVirtualPath" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
<asp:Parameter Name="EventId" Type="String"/>
 protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)

protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "Delete")

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Value Cannot Be Null. Parameter Name: DataSet (was SQL Help :()

Feb 11, 2005

I keep getting "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: dataSet" when I run this statement and bind it to a dataset using a sqldataadapter in ASP.NET using VB.NET.

"SELECT playerstats.playerid, playerstats.gameid, SUM(playerstats.fta), SUM(playerstats.ftm), SUM(playerstats.tpm), SUM(playerstats.rb), SUM(playerstats.fga), SUM(playerstats.fgm), SUM(, SUM(, SUM(playerstats.a), 100(SUM(playerstats.fgm)/SUM(playerstats.fga)) AS fgp, player.playerid, player.lname + ', ' + player.fname AS fullname FROM playerstats, player WHERE playerstats.playerid = player.playerid AND player.leagueid = " & ddlLeague.SelectedValue & " ORDER BY " & strSortField

I know there is data in the db.

Please help :confused:

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Dealing With A Null Parameter In SP

Jul 20, 2005

I have a stored procedure as a recordsource from a contacts table. Inthis example, users can enter parameters to limit contacts by firstletter of last name or company name or keywords:Example:@myName nvarchar(30) = null,@Alpha char(1) = nullSELECTContacts.ContactID, ContactType,CASE WHEN Contacts.ContactType = 0THEN Contacts.CompanyNameELSEisNull(Contacts.LastName,'?') + ', ' +isNull(Contacts.FirstName,'?')ENDAS CNAMEFROMContactsWHERE(Keywords Like '%' + @myKeyword + '%' OR @myKeyword is Null)So far, so good, but...The problem is I want to also give the user the option of filteringalphabetically by first letter. I can't figure out how to deal withnulls in this example (user doesn't enter anything as parameter@Alpha):AND(@Alpha = CASE ContactType WHEN 0 THEN Left(LastName,1) ENDOR@Alpha = CASE ContactType WHEN 1 THEN Left(CompanyName,1) END)Any help is appreciated,LQ

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Allow Null Value In Multi-value Parameter

Jun 28, 2007


I have a multi-value parameter field and each item comes from a table in the DB.

This multi-value parameter allows to select all or some of the items.

What if I don't want to select ANY item??

I read in the forum the several tray to do the same but the answers are not so clear..

If I say that at the end is a bug in SSRS... AM I right?

Thank you

Marina B.

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DateTime Parameter With NULL Value

Apr 8, 2008

I have a report with datetime parameter which is required to be optional (there should be an option not to select this parameter which would cause in not narrowing result of this report by this parameter).

I used datetime parameter (to have the calendar control for selecting date) for which I enabled NULL value. The result is that next to this parameter there is a checkbox "NULL" which allows to send NULL as a value of this parameter. Everything is fine except for the prompt: "NULL"... Is there a way to change it? I would see there something like "Empty" or "Not selected", which would be understandable for users of the report.

Or is there any other way to send an empty date as a value of this parameter? (Setting some unusual value like 1/1/1900 for empty date is not sufficient as the empty value shouldn't appear in the parameter control).

Thank you,

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Null Hidden Parameter

Aug 1, 2007

In my report I have a dataset that is returning an ID field among other things. I am setting a hidden parameter = to that ID field. That parameter is then used to return another dataset.

My problem is that the original dataset with the ID field does not always bring back data (this is expected). If data is not brought back, I get an error when I try to execute the report ("The 'X' parameter is missing a value").

I have the parameter set to "Allow Null Values".

This value is not required in the SQL Server stored procedure that returns values for the new dataset.
The parameter is of type Integer. (So I am not able to set the "Allow Blank Value" property)
This is NOT a multi-value parameter.

Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas/workarounds to solve my problem?

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.NET Framework :: Parameter Out With Null Value

Sep 3, 2015

I am having a trouble when I try to retrieve a SQL parameter outside to .Net Clr

I did a clr example like this:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

[Code] ...

I now my trouble and it is because the parameter @p_it is null when I try to sed it to pipe in SqlContex but really it is not null. When I test the clr with this code:


[Code] ....

I obtain the next error message:

"Mens 6522, Nivel 16, Estado 1, Procedimiento Test, Línea 14
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "Test":
System.ArgumentNullException: El valor no puede ser nulo. -----> The value can not be null
Nombre del parámetro: message
   en Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlPipe.Send(String message)
   en Test.StoredProcedures.Test(SqlString p_t)"

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Set NULL To Datetime Parameter

Dec 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have a problem while trying to set "NULL" value to my datetime parameters.

I have two datetime parameters (AllowNull=True) on my report. (BeginDate and EndDate)

it works fine in preview mode in reporting design.

The problem occurs, if I try to set an emtpy value to these parameters in my application.

The code looks like;

Dim repParams(1) As ReportParameter

repParams(0) = New ReportParameter("BeginDate", String.Empty)

repParams(1) = New ReportParameter("EndDate", String.Empty)


ReportParameter method requires String parameters. If user set any datetime value, I am sending "String.Empty" value to my paramaters in order to set them as NULL. But I am getting "rsReportParameterTypeMismatch Error."

How Can I set NULL value to these parameters from application?

Thans alot in advance.

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Null For A Datevalue Field

Mar 26, 2008

Hello all,
Can some one help me with this issue.  It seems to be a common question and I have tried a lot of options but nothing seems to work for me. 
I have a text box and this is linked to ajax calendar extender.  They get a date and I am inserting/updating the date in a sql 2000 database using a stored procdure.
This is the code I use to grab the data from my web form 
If txtTrimsEntryDate.Text = String.Empty Then
_oTrim.TrimsEntryDate = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.Null
Else_oTrim.TrimsEntryDate = CDate(txtTrimsEntryDate.Text)
End If
If txtEstCompletion.Text = String.Empty Then
_oTrim.EstCompletionDate = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.Null
Else_oTrim.EstCompletionDate = CDate(txtEstCompletion.Text)
End If
If txtProjectClosedDate.Text = String.Empty Then
_oTrim.CloseDate = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.Null
Else_oTrim.CloseDate = CDate(txtProjectClosedDate.Text)
End If
This is the code for the stored Procedure
Dim oSql As clsSqlServer = Nothing
oSql = New clsSqlServer(AppSettings(_dbName))oSql.AddParameter("@projTrimsEntryDate ", _trimsEntryDate, SQLDataType.SQLDateTime, ParameterDirection.Input)
oSql.AddParameter("@projStartDate", _startDate, SQLDataType.SQLDateTime, ParameterDirection.Input)oSql.AddParameter("@estCompletionDate", _estCompletionDate, SQLDataType.SQLDateTime, ParameterDirection.Input)
oSql.AddParameter("@closeDate", _closeDate, SQLDataType.SQLDateTime, ParameterDirection.Input)
 Now when it inserts or updates if the value is null then it inserts "01/01/1900" in the database.  I want the value to be Null in database.
Is there a way to do this.   

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Exclude Row If A Particular Field Is Null

Jun 12, 2008

Is there any way of excluding an entire row if a particular field contains a null value? Even if other fields in the row aren't null...  This is in SQL Server 2005 

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How To Write Where For Field That Can Be NULL Or Int

Jan 31, 2005

There must be a better way to write this where clause. Can somebody help

if @id is null
(bla bla bla) where parentid is null
(bla bla bla) where parentid = @id

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