Null Value Handling In SSIS Package
May 24, 2007
Hi All
I am facing this problem while loading data from text file into Table.
Scenario is -
There are chances of having spaces for null values in text file.
when i m trying to rum my SSIS package this is getting failed.
How can i avoid this problem? i want null values to be inserted if ther is spaces for that field in text file.
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Jul 21, 2007
I am copying a simple table from a Sql Server 2005 database to an *.sdf mobile database.
I am brand new to SSIS and I am probably doing something wrong. But after executing the SSIS package all the rows and all the fields are NULL in the destination database. I put a datagrid viewer between the OLE DB Source and the Sql Server compact edition destination and I can see the real data which is obviously not ALL NULL.
Does anyone have a clue as to why it would be doing this?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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Feb 8, 2008
Hi, I have a database field for completion dates - until a task is completed, there is no date and at the moment I have null values in this field.My problem arises when searching the records. I have a search form which passes parameters via a query string to a SqlDataSource. The SqlDataSource has the CancelSelectOnNullParameter set to true, so if any fields on the search form are left blank, they are ignored. For other dates, my sql query contains something like (Job.EnteredAt < ISNULL(DATEADD(d, 1, @EntTo), '2099-01-01')) This approach doesn't return any records for the completion date as there is no date to compare to the '2099-01-01'.Can anyone give me any tips on how I should handle this? I'm willing to change my structure, search page or sql query!Thanks, Neil
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Oct 19, 2007
I would like to know the solution for the below problem.
Actually I have a single Hibernate xml file which has the query on it. And I am accessing the xml file for SQL server 2005 and Oracle 10G. But the query is working in Oracle and not working in SQl Server.
I noticed from the query that handling 'NULL' is the problem.
1. The following query is the same in both Oracle and SQL Server, which is causing the Issue.
WHERE o.OU_ID = 20000000
Oracle treats NULL and the empty string almost the same making the latter almost an alias for NULL
The following two statements produce identical results:
1. update employee set lastname = ''
2. update employee set lastname = NULL
In our case, the CLIENT_SKU_END_CODE is an empty string which is being checked with an empty string returns False in Oracle where as returns True in Sql Server causing the issue.
It would be great if any one who can give some possible solution to resolve the same.
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Nov 12, 2007
can anybody tell me how to do a select query on a datetime field where if i have a null value in that column, i need to display a some character.
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Jan 28, 2008
I want to select records where AnswerDate is within 30 days of today, and include records that have a NULL AnswerDate.
How can I tell DATEDIFF to treat NULL as Today? (I think I am looking for something like VBA's nz() function.)
SELECT RegistrationID ,
(DATEDIFF(dd,AnswerDate,GETUTCDATE())) AS InvitationAge
FROM Registration
WHERE (DATEDIFF(dd,AnswerDate,GETUTCDATE())) <= 30
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Jun 30, 2000
I would like some suggestions on how to keep from displaying the value "1/1/1900" on my asp pages when my recordset field returns a Sql date value that is null
Thanks for any tips
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Nov 28, 2006
I using Visual Web Designer Express (with Visual Basic), with a SQL Server 2000 database. I have a prototype application running satisfactorily using code that builds queries, but I'm now trying to rebuild the application "properly" using three-tier architecture. I have been following the principles of Scott Mitchell's tutorials. I have created an database .xsd with a table adaptor, and replaced the rather grotty query-building code in the business layer with better code referencing the table adaptor. Thus where the first version had code: -
Dim queryString As String = "SELECT * FROM NZGDB_User WHERE USRid = '" & Userid & "'" Dim message As String = "" Dim Found As Boolean = False Try Using connection As New SqlConnection(GDB_AppSettings.Connection) Dim command As New SqlCommand(queryString, connection) connection.Open()
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
If reader.Read() Then Found = True _USRid = reader("USRid") _USRPassword = reader("USRPassword") _USREmail = reader("USREmail") _USRTitle = reader("USRTitle") _USRName = reader("USRName") _USRRole = reader("USRRole") If IsDBNull(reader("USRAgreedConditions")) = False Then _USRAgreedConditions = reader("USRAgreedConditions") End If End If reader.Close() End Using Catch ex As Exception If Left(Err.Description, 68) = "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server." Then Return "Cannot open database to logon" Else Return Err.Description End If End Try
the new version is much more elegant: -
Dim taUser As New NZGDBTableAdapters.NZGDB_UserTableAdapter()
Dim tbUser As NZGDB.NZGDB_UserDataTable = taUser.GetUserByUserid(userid) If tbUser.Count <> 1 Then ' Anything other than 0 or 1 should be impossible Return "User not found" End If
Dim trUser As NZGDB.NZGDB_UserRow = tbUser(0) _USRid = userid _USRPassword = password _USREmail = trUser.USREmail _USRTitle = trUser.USRTitle _USRName = trUser.USRName _USRRole = trUser.USRRole _USRAgreedConditions = trUser.USRAgreedConditions
However, there is a problem. The database field USRAgreedConditions is a Datetime field that can be null. The new version works perfectly when it is NOT null, but throws an exception: -
System.Data.StrongTypingException was unhandled by user code Message="The value for column 'USRAgreedConditions' in table 'NZGDB_User' is DBNull." Source="App_Code.wt2vzoc1" ....
There is no point in writing: - If Not IsDBNull(trUser.USRAgreedConditions) Then _USRAgreedConditions = trUser.USRAgreedConditions End Ifbecause the exception occurs within the automatically-created code in the data access layer. I tried changing the Nullvalue property of the field USRAgreedConditions in the table adaptor, but the only valid option is (Throw Exception) unless the field is a String. Of course USRAgreedConditions is a Datetime field, so I can't change the property.
It seems that my only options are: -1. To stick with the old query-building code. But this doesn't give me the advantages of a proper 3-tier architecture2. To change the generated code in wt2vzoc. This MUST be a bad idea - surely I should leave this code untouched. Besides, what if the table adaptor has to be regenerated when I change the table design?3. Code a Try block within the business layer: - Try _USRAgreedConditions = trUser.USRAgreedConditions Catch ex As Exception _USRAgreedConditions = Nothing End Try
This seems to work OK, but seems less elegant than the original code in the old version: - If IsDBNull(reader("USRAgreedConditions")) = False Then _USRAgreedConditions = reader("USRAgreedConditions") End IfIs there a better way?
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Aug 30, 2006
Hey, I've a few jobs which call SSIS packages. If I run the SSIS package, it runs fine but if I try to run the job which calls this package, it fails. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? None of my jobs that call an SSIS package work. All of them fail.
Thank you
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,Currently we get data from more then 200 different sources and all ofour vendors provide data in different file formats. The problem is wehave more then 100 DTS packages now and the maintainance is verydiffucult.Every time our vendor changes the format we have to change in multipleDTS packages.Is anybody know what would be the right way of reducing the no. of DTSpackages.The type of file formats we get are .xls .txt .dat .csv etc. and .txt& .dat files comes with different delimitters. The # of columns alsovaries from file to file. Is it possible to have a DTS package whichcan handle diff file formats and loads data into a staging table andfrom there based of the source of the file we can move data intorespective tables & columns.We are using SQL SERVER 2000Thanks in advance.Subodh
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Dec 9, 2007
I am reading Microsoft REAL project ETL part. I find that it uses neither transaction nor checkpoints throughtout the packages. I am wondering if something goes wrong with the process and the process aborts in the middle,how are we going to handle this. Any particular reson not using transaction? Is it best practice without using transaction for performance consideration and log volumn? I am new to SSIS. I would like to follow the best practice. Thanks for advice..
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Apr 11, 2008
hello All,
I have a flat file which has a column (length of 24) . Whenever I have that column more the 24 char length, my package failed. I would like to know if there is any way if I can continue my package in this situation and send my bad row to the output table?
Any help will be appreciated.
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Mar 24, 2006
I have a main package that calls several other packages using Execute Package Tasks. I also have OnPreExecute, OnPostExecute, and OnError event handlers at the package level to audit the beginning and completion of each package. I want to prevent each task from bubbling up to the package event handlers as well as prevent each task from bubbling up to the main package event handlers. I've tried setting the Propagate variable for each of the event handlers to False and setting the DisableEventHandlers property of each task to True but neither solution seems to work. Is there a way to do this that I'm missing?
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Dec 3, 2007
I have created a SSIS package with a Foreach Loop including a Data Flow Task, which in turn include a Row Count component which pass the row count value to variable with package scope. The variable is used in an Execute SQL Task following the Data Flow Task.
The package executes successfully when executed on its own, but when executed as a child from a parent package (which only include an Execute Package Task) the variable from the Foreach Loop becomes NULL.
There are a lot of other variables in the package receiving values dynamically without any problem, the row count variable however is the only variable in the package that receives a value as part of a Data Flow (and used in following tasks within the Foreach Loop).
Why does the variable become Null? For your information, I am using a variable with package scope and no variables from the parent package are used or passed from the child package to the parent package.
(For your information, we are running the 64 bit version)
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Jul 15, 2015
I have a flat file with the following columns
SampleID Rep_Number Product Protein Fat Solids
In the flat file SampleID and Product are populated in the first row only, rest of the rows only have values for Rep_Number, Protein, Fat, Solids.
SampleID and Product are blank for the rest of the rows. So my task is to fill those blank rows with the first row that has the sampleID and Product and load into the table.
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Sep 3, 2015
I have an SSIS package that imports data from an Excel file, replaces any value in Excel that reads "NULL" to "", then writes the data to a couple of databases.
What I have discovered today, is I have two columns of dates, an admit date and discharge date column, and what I need to do is anywhere I have a null value in the discharge date column, I have to replace it with the value in the admit date column.
I have searched around online and tried a few things using the Replace funtion in Derived columns but no dice so far.
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Feb 22, 2008
All, I am new to SSIS package. I need to know how to handle the errors in SSIS work flow. Can you please provide any specific procedure or method to handle the error. Basically, i wanted to trap the failed records and alert through email... I would be pleased if any one could answer for this..
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Apr 24, 2008
I have a package which stores the data from Excel to SQL database. Excel file contains 2 records in which one is good record and other one is bad record. I would like to transfer the bad record to sql 2005 error table.
How should i accomplish this and what are the steps to be followed for successful package implementation.
Its Urgent....
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Sep 20, 2006
When I have an alternet Data Flow in an event handler, caused by a record failing to be inserted due to a unique-key constraint violation, does this increment the number of errors, counting towards the MaximumErrorCount? How can I NOT count it as an error?
The thing is, I need to insert 300,000+ records each day, and some may be duplicates from data already in the table. So I set a unique key constraint on the table, and if during the load, it fails, it will trigger an alernate data flow to load the error records into another table. But if someone tries to load a file that already has been loaded, for example, all the records would be duplicates, which would be equivelant to 300,000+ errors, and I don't want to keep setting the MaximumErrorCount property higher and higher.
Is there any way to treat the error as "being handled" in the dataflow, so therefore doesn't treat it as an error? Or conversely, can I set the MaximumErrorCount property to 0 or -1 to accept all errors, no matter how many?
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Nov 2, 2007
I have an SSIS package in which i use the OLEDB command to InsertUpdate the table (i.e., the command calls an Stored Procedure which has the logic to insertupdate in the table). In the SP we are having Try.. Catch blocks which logs the error into the table, Now my problem is if i give ignore failure then the error is not logged anywhere, if i give fail component obviously the package fails, which i dont want, however when i give Redirect Row then the errors are logeed in the error table via the SP but the problem is it is showing a warning because i have given no destination to the error output. Am i doing anything wrong wat should be the actual mechanism if i want to get the error logged into the table from the SP and not thro. the SSIS package. Thanks in advance.
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Feb 20, 2006
I guess this is an easy one, but I haven't found a (nice) way to handle "error"-rows.
In my application I load a lot of data, in earlier version I used the Transformation task, which did deliver log and error-files. How do I make the same in SSIS? In the best of worlds I would like to log when a package/task i starting, ending and how many rows are OK and how many rows are errors. For the errors I want a Description what is wrong (FK, PK, NULL value ....) and the complete row in a file so it will be easy to reolad it.
I've tried the logging-feature but when I redirects the error-rows to a text-file, it also eliminates the error text in my log file. So it seems that I have to choose to have the description or the row-records?!
Best, Jocke
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Apr 18, 2007
How do I handle error login login and output using SSIS? Is there any step-by-step tutorial on this error hanlding and notification topic?
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Mar 29, 2006
I'm currently rewriting a package that was developed in SQL 2000 DTS to SSIS SQL 2005. When I right click on my DTS package and I go to the Logging tab at the bottom there is an "Error Handling" section. I have the path to the text file where I want the errors saved off. I also have a check in "Fail Package on First Error". My question is how can I do this in SSIS? I can't find any way to do this.
Thank You for any help
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Mar 26, 2008
I am developing a package which takes data from SQL Server 2005 and hits the JDE files.
In this package I need to send error mail when anyrow returns failure on OLE DB Command component which calls JDE Stored Procedure. So I created a script component which takes error output (red arrow) from OLE DB Command component. But whenever error is triggered, this is not redirecting the rows to script component even though I configured Error output as "Redirect Row". Can anyone please tell me how to redirect error to a script component?
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Aug 21, 2006
I am new to using SSIS. I need to know how can I retrieve the records in a Lookup component that cause an error to use them in a Data Transfer task. I created the error event handler but I don't know how to retrieve the records causing the error to use them in the Data Transfer task.
Thanks in advance for help!
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Mar 19, 2008
Please suggest me the approach for handling the below custom validation in SSIS
Source: A Table in the database
Destination: One or More Tables in the database
Transformation:For each record in the source table, I have to do custom validation and redirect to one of the destination tables
Custom validation for each record include
1. Checking a set of fields are not matching with main record data in database - If so move to a duplicatelist table
2. Checking for set of fields have got any new values - If so make an entry in a newvaluesfound table
3. If no new/duplicate found move to success table
Approach 1
An OLEdb Source Task to point the source table
An OLEdb Transformation to call an SP for each record in the source
The Transformation is implemented in SP(Custom validation & loading to destination)
Approach 2
An Script task from the control flow items - To call an SP in the database
The Source, Transformation, Destination - everything managed in the SP
Suggestions needed
Is there any better approach of handling this type of requirement in SSIS
If I write all the code in SP, I may need to use cursors for looping through each record..
Thanks & Regards,
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Mar 11, 2008
Hi, I have source data in encrypted format. How should i handle it in SSIS?
I have found no information for such situation.
Anybody have any idea about it.
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Oct 15, 2007
Hi guys,
i'm running my SSIS package via a web application,
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();
Package pkg = app.LoadFromSqlServer("\send mail test", "localhost", null, null, null);
Variables vars = pkg.Variables;
vars["username"].Value = "C# user Name ";
vars["message"].Value = "C# body text";
DTSExecResult result = pkg.Execute();
//MessageBox.Show(result.ToString(), "result from dts"); --app mode
now sometimes the "result" variable return Failure, but i don't know what's wrong, when i run the package in debug mode (in VS) it works fine. DTSExecResult only returns "Success" or "Failure", is there a way to find out more information about the result. like why did the package fail?
the ssis package is built with event handlers but they don't get triggered. it's just when i execute from the web it just returns failed. i checked all the SQL connections as well, they are all fine, as they use SQL authentication, and connection strings are hardcoded as expressions.
any help?
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Apr 26, 2007
I have a flat file component in a package that is reading a comma separated file.
It expects two columns of int type.
I have an on error event for the entire package. The On error event has one script task which just logs to the windows event log.
if I corrupt the input values in the file, for example instead of a number I put a character
When I debug the package, I see that the script task in the on error event blinks 7 times and I get 7 errors in the windows event log.
Now If I put another script task next to the flat file source and attach it to the flat file source as a error output (with row redirect).
I get only one error message.
Why are the two behaviours different? Both are error handlers one is at the component level the other is at the package level.
So why is it that the package level is invoked 7 times if the input is corrupt but the component level is invoked only once.
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Nov 22, 2007
I have two columns in Informix data base One has Data Type of date and another column of data type string.
Time is stored in string format. I have to Validate wether both are correct, not null, greater than 1753 and concate to get one datetime field to transfer to SQL Server.
Right now I am doing it in script component, as I need to log error if any thing is wrong
Is there any better way to do it,(derived column or any other component) so that I can log the error also.
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Oct 14, 2011
I have one ssis package moving the data from staging to destination. In stating table we have the duplicate data. But in destination table 4 columns have primary key. How to handle the duplicate records in oldedb source.
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Jul 8, 2015
I want to caputure all error records with rowid and error code and Error description in SSIS 2012.We want to do this in Dataflow level... I am using error out option(Redirect Row). But it is not giving detailed information of the error records.
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Apr 26, 2008
Hello My package flow is like This
lookup output / error output(for new Inserts)
(updated records) /
| |
v v
(Updating records in destinationTable)
in this senario new records r insrted properly
but though package runs without error records not get updated in Destination.
In OLEDB COMMAND my query is like below,
In advanced editor of OLE DB I hv created additional 16 paramater columns though i assign datatype as numeric to tht columns when i press refresh automatically it changes to DT_STR.
My destination table columns r numeric .
I though due to this datatype mismatch the error came So i change the datatype of dest to varchar to make compatible with OLEDB Comand Transformation. THN also no Use NO UPDATES
package is running without error but records not get updated.
if change the flow like below
lookup output / error output(for new Inserts)
(updated records) /
| |
v v
(Updating records in /
destinationTable) /
In This Case The updated record get inserted in the target as wel as the old remains as it is means m getting one additional record.
kindly help me to figure out the bug
M frusted with this issue please.............
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