Number Formats - Why Does Excel Show 12.% Instad Of 12.0%?

Feb 6, 2007

I have a percentage cell within a matrix. I want this cell to be formatted to 1 decimal place, so I use the format of ##0.#% (After trying P1 etc). The cell appears formatted ok within the report viewer:



However after exporting to Excel the following occurs:

100.% - There is no 0 after the decimal point (but there is a decimal point . )

12.9% - Works ok when the the trailing digit is not a 0

Any ideas?

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Can I Disable All Exporting Formats But Excel Spreadsheets?

Jun 25, 2007

Hi, there

Some of the reports I am generating have tens of columns so the management decides to use Excel files only.

Is there any way that for a single report (not the whole project) I can disable printing and most of the exporting options (including PDF, HTML, TXT ...) and only leave the xls files available?

Thanks a lot.


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Formating A Number To Show $23.49 From Sql Server Into An Asp Web Page

Feb 10, 2000

I need to make the format by pulling the number from a table from sql server 7.0 and show the result in a table and have the following format $120,534.45 is that possible.


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Show Number Of Values As % Of Total Records..?

Feb 15, 2007

HiI'm migrating from Access til MySQL.Works fine so far - but one thing is nearly killing me:I got the count of total records in a variabel - (antalRecords)I got the count for the Field Q1 where the value value is = 'nej'Now I just need to calculate how many % of my records have the value 'nej'I access this worked very fine - but with MySQL ( and ASP) I just cant getit right!!! I go crazy ....My code looks like this :strSQL="SELECT COUNT(Q1) AS Q1_nej FROM Tbl_evaluering " &_"WHERE Q1 = 'NEJ' "set RS = connection.Execute(strSQL)antal_nej = RS("Q1_nej")procent_nej = formatNumber((antal_nej),2)/antalrecords * 100Hope ...praying for help ...Please ;-)best wishes -Otto - Copenhagen

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Transact SQL :: Show N Number Of Column As Per No Of Days In Month

Aug 26, 2015

I want to show this kind of output

UserID UserName 1 2 3 30
UserID UserName 1 2 3 31

user data saved in db select distinct UserID,Name from Userss Where IsActive=1 and order by UserID and i want to just calculate no of days in month based on year and month name supplied by user. one way i can do it. first i will create a temporary table and in loop add many columns to that table and later dump user data to specific column.

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Format A Number For Use As Number In Excel

Dec 20, 2006

I want to format a number like "#,##0.00" in order to handle it in Excel as a number (i.e. compute a sum).

Excel is able to show a number in a specail format and still allow to compute with ...

Thanks in advance,


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Task Manager Memory Show Wrong Number In Sqlservr.exe

May 28, 2008


I've SQL Server 2005 Dev Edition and Windows Server 2003 ENT SP2.
in the task manager i see that the server use 5GB out of 6GB,but when i arrange the process to see whom takes all the memory i see that the sqlservr.exe takes 150MB(he is the biggest).
when i open Perfmon and look on the sqlservr.exe memory use, i see that he takes the 4.5G.
i've a problem that the server use alot of cpu time to run users queries,i see that pages/sec counter is very big average between 600-800.

is there any problem with my memory?
why the memory reading from the task manager is wrong?
if my pages/sec counter is so big do i have a memory leaks + pressure?


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Need To Produce A Query That Show The Cities And The Number Of People Per City?

Jan 31, 2008

Please help!!!!
Need to produce a query that show the cities and the number of people per city?
simple table

location shows the dif cities and the sql query will show cities will a count of people per city

how do you do this?

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When Exporting To Excel - The Numbers Show Up As Text

Apr 4, 2007


is there a way to force the numers to show in excel as numbers, not as text?



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Analysis :: How To Show All Level Of SSAS Dimensions In Excel

Oct 28, 2010

The all-level of dimensions doesn't show up in the PivotTable Field List? I have reports where I want to show one member of a dimensions compared to the total of the dimension (and not the total of the members shown). But I can't select the ALL-level. Is there any way to do this?

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Integration Services :: Excel Column Doesn't Show In Preview

Oct 26, 2015

We are running 2014 enterprise. I noticed recently that my spreadsheet's column A, while not being used by user, doesn't show up in excel source preview. F1 is column B and so on. 

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Export To Excel - Number Formatted Cells Export To Excel As 'General' ?

Feb 5, 2007

Anyone know why cells within a matrix that are formatted as numeric export to Excel with a cell format proprty of "General"? Cells within a table however export with an appropriate format.


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Reporting Services :: Show Complete Data In Report And Export Into Different Sheets To Excel

Aug 12, 2015

I want to show complete data in SSRS report and while exporting to Excel i want it to be exported into different sheets according to the category.

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How To Show The Report Exporting Date Only In The Exported PDF/Excel File (ReportViewer Control)?

Mar 3, 2008

Hello everyone,

Our customer wants to display the exporting date only in the exported file when exports a report to PDF/Excel (we are using ReportViewer Control in ASP.NET). Can anybody tell me how to achieve this?

Thanks a lot.

Danny Li

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - How To Show Hovering Data In Exported Excel Report

Sep 23, 2015

We are showing hovering data in the report. When we hover the pointer of the mouse over cell, it shows the data. But when we export the report in excel, hover functionality is not working in exported report. Finding the solution to ensure hovering should work in the exported excel report.

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Analysis :: Hidden Cube Measure Groups Are Shown In Excel Pivot (Show Fields Related To) Drop Down

Jun 18, 2015

We have hidden few measure groups in cube for time being, where Users can browse the cube with Excel pivot. But, All these measures can be seen from Excel pivot in 'Show fields related to' drop down.

Need to remove the hidden measure groups from showing in Excel pivot and to remove 'All' option in 'Show Fields related to', So that users may not get confused by seeing all the measures. Can we achieve this.

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DTS - Excel Conversion From Number To Database Char

Aug 31, 2004

I have to import data from Excel file to an SQL Server Database.
One of the Excel Worksheet columns it's number (with max value of 4550204008914630000), I will import the column to a char 21 database field. Using a DTS to do the work, when I import that column it will convert the data in something like 4.5502041E+18.
Can you give me some help for the DTS.


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Export To Excel - Formatting Number Output

Aug 17, 2006

Hi all,

Once again, SSIS is giving me a 'F.U.N.' time (ask for definition of the F.U.N. acronym another time ).

have a relatively simple task - create an excel spreadsheet with 3
columns of data - Id, Description and Sales. ID and Description are
text, sales is int.

So my SP aggregates and creates my resultset
in my OLE DB Source in the Data Flow. It proceeds to the Excel
destination, and that all seems fine. My issue is that the data is
being written as text. Looking at the excel destination in Advanced
the Excel Destination Input, Input columns are formatted as
I expected: DT_WSTR 8 for the ID, DT_WSTR 100 for the Description and
DT_I4 for the Sales.
Excel Destination Input, External columns refuse to fall in line, though. They are all listed as DT_WSTR 255.

target excel spreadsheet is being created from a template file. That
template file has header columns. The target column for the Sales has
the entire column formatted to NUMBER (0 decimals). Yet to now avail.

I check the spreadsheet, the column has retained the cell formatting,
and I have a 'I' pop-up to inform me that 'someone' has inserted text
data into the number column (even though the data IS number).

the SP spits out INT, it isn't a case of receiving a text value, imho.
While trying to change the external column data type in the advanced
editor, SSIS is quite happy to let me change the value for the Sales
output to DT_I4, apply, and ok. Then, when I open it immedaitely
aftgerwards, it has reverted to the DT_WSTR's! AArrgh. If is can't
handle it, at least tell me when I try and change it. don't let me
change it, and then revert back without telling me! Grumble grumble...

So - anyone know a way around this?

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Export To Excel Number Formatting Problem

Jul 4, 2007


when i try to export reports to excel number fileds has exported as text !!

I use SQL server with database in US codepage, Reporting Services in english version but excel with Italian codepage settings.

So i must convert the defaul decimal separator from "." to "," within the report generation. This cause that i can't use te cdbl() conversion directly in the report field.

Anyone have sugestion ??

P.S. I can't change the database and excel codepage settings

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Excel Destination Number Conversion Error

Feb 8, 2006

In my SSIS project I am populating an Excel spreadsheet with several worksheets. When I define a worksheet in Excel Destination Editor, I use Create Table SQL statement to create a worksheet. Most of the fields are defined as numbers, however when job runs my numeric fields appear as text in Excel with yellow warning sign - 'The number in this cell is formatted as text or preceeded by an apostrophe'. I need my numbers to appear as numbers. Is there a workaround for this?

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Integration Services :: Export To Excel Dynamic Number Of Columns

Sep 11, 2015

We have a requirement to produce adhoc Excel reports with a standardized header page with a disclaimer attached. We want to be able to feed in a SQL Statement, or a table with the resultset from a SQL Statement and have SSIS populate an existing blank Excel workbook, which the disclaimer attached. The use of xp_cmdshell is not an option.I've spent a lot of time looking for solutions on the web and it seems though its not possible - although many articles are 3-5 years old. Before I throw in the towel, I just wanted to get feedback from this group if it still is not possible in the latest versions of SQLServer and SSIS, or to ask if there are any other 3rd party solutions that can do this today.

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Convert From Number To Text- Exporting To Excel From SQL Reporting Services 2000

Sep 18, 2006

I was trying to export a report which contains a number format. When I do that, all the numbers in excel will have a green small tag beside it saying "Convert from Number to Text".

Is there anyway that I can change the format to a number when I export it to excel?

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Excel File Manipulation - Repeat First 7 Columns Based On Number Of Lines In Transaction

Jul 10, 2015

I have a task where I need to process roughly 60000 excel spreadsheets and bring them into a SQL Server 2014 database. All excel files have the same format and same number of identical columns. I have set up an SSIS package that is using Foreach Loop Container to look into a folder and process these files one at a time and load them to a table. The mappings are straight-forward, no problems there.

I am attaching a sample spreadsheet with two tabs - current structure and desired structure.

Basically what I need to do is to repeat the first 7 columns based on the number of lines in a transaction.

The number of lines is variable per patient.

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Power Pivot :: Show Images In Power View With Power Query On Excel Desktop Version / Office 365

Aug 2, 2015

I am trying to show images in a product listing in power view.I work with an excel 2013 desktop version based on an office 365 pro account.I did the following steps:

import of an excel file with an article list via power query and loading the data to the data model import jpg images from a folder via power query, setting content as binary type and loading the data to the data modellinking both tables in power pivot--> manage via the image namesetting the table behavior for the images table under power pivot --> manage --> Advanced (e.g. Default Image: Content)opening power view and building article cards with article number and imageProblem: only a camera icon shows up in power view

Is there a solution with a desktop version?Can I use my Office 365 Pro account to make it work? How?Why is there no solution showing images in a pivot table?Link to Dropbox with power pivot files 

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Date Formats...UK

Oct 9, 2001

My SQL 7.0 database is set to show UK format date ranges. But when opening a table and adding criteria to the grid pane I having to put the US format date to retrive correct results...

Is this correct. I am wanting to be aboe to enter UK format in the criteria


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Date Formats In SQL 7

Jan 23, 2001


I am creating a VB application that will run on a NT machine with Regional Settings as UK English and dd/mm/yyyy settings. When I try to input these values into SQL 7.0 ( default database setting mdy and us_english with Regional Settings as UK dd/mm/yyyy) , I get the error -" The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value " .
Can I change my databse to always be dmy format. It seems to be active for a connection , can it be configured somewhere .

Any help will be greatly appreciated !



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Changing Formats

Apr 25, 2007

Hey guys,
I have a file that has date formatted like so: 2006-11-16 20:12:00
I would like the dateformat to be like mm/dd/yyy hh:mm

The file is being pulled into a varchar field..... as 2006-11-16 20:12:00
when I do a conversion i can only get it to mon 11,2006

any suggestions

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Date Formats

Dec 4, 2006

I read this and got confused...I use PHP and got this:$sql = "delete from blabla where startdate< =to_date('2000.05.05','YYYY-MM-DD')";$result=odbc_exec($conn, $sql);Result: Warning: odbc_exec() [function.odbc-exec]: SQL error:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]'to_date' is not arecognized function name.to_date should work?At the other end i'd like to read out startdate as a date var or formatit as I need.... ( Convert makes me confused... helpplease?S

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Q. About Binary Formats.

Jul 20, 2005

Is it true that binary and varbinary has a max-kapacity at 8000 bytes? Imjyst unsure how to read the dokumentation and want to be completely sure.And image is only one to use for data aobve that size?Thx in regards for clearing things out for meReagardsAnders

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SSRS Formats

May 1, 2008


I have two beginner questions:
1. How should I set up report layout/printing format so it would fit to the page?
2. Is there a way to change the color of every other row in the table? Can I highlight the rows based on some kind of a condition?
Thank you.

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Time Formats

Mar 7, 2007

OK - totally new to this game but here goes ...

I want to put together a database to record times achieved by swimmers in competition. The database itself is simple but I don't know what format to use to store the time achieved. Times can vary, for example 35.27 (SS.00), 1.12.63 (MM.SS.00). Oh, and by the way I want to rank the output but haven't even begun to think about that yet!

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SQE Vs. SQL 2005 .mdf Formats?

Sep 4, 2006


My ISP says that the file format for SQE .mdf files is different than a regular sql2005 .mdf file. So, what I am told to do is backup my SQE file, and send it to them to restore into a SQL2005 format.

Does that make sense? Or should I simply be able to upload a .mdf file to their SQL2005 server without backing it up for them to restore?



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Different Datetime Formats

Sep 25, 2006


I have a problem with DateTime...In my local sql server I use "mm.dd.yyyy" format and i work fine with the database. But that crashed in my clients sql server. Their sql server wants "" format. Ofcourse I can use parameterized queries and solve the problem but I write the program on WinCE5.0 and I use the RDA method to access the SQL Server.In RDA,I have no chance to use parameterized queries as I know.

How can I solve the problem and what causes this problem? A setting in sql server or something else?What causes this difference..?

I wish I could explained my problem..

Thanks in advance.

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