I'm not sure if this is a .net or a SQL issue. My development machine is using SQL 2005 while the live server is SQL2000. I have a smallmoney field in the database for holding a house rent. The following is used to display the contents on the page
In development, the number is displayed correctly, with the decimal place, .e.g. 200.50 but on the live server the number is displayed as 20050,00.
What I have noticed in the database is that the number is held differently
SQL 2005 - 200.5000
SQL 2000 - 20050
Is there a difference between SQL 2000 and 2005? How do I get around this problem?
Hi there,I am trying to write a stored procedure in which I will retrieve SessionStartDate, SessionEndDate, and Duration (where Duration is calculdated by subtracting SessionEndDate from SessionStartDate).I was duration in the format of hours:minutes:seconds.The stored procedure is pasted below. I am getting the following error. Syntax error converting datetime from character string. Any ideas? ============================== CREATE PROCEDURE sp_ActiveSessions_UsersBrowsingDurationByDate_List ( @websiteID AS int = 0, @SelectedDateFrom AS dateTime, @SelectedDateTo AS dateTime) ASIF DateDiff(d,@SelectedDateTo,@SelectedDateFrom)=0begin set @SelectedDateFrom=null endIF ISNULL(@SelectedDateTo, '') = ''begin SET @SelectedDateTo = @SelectedDateFromendSET @SelectedDateTo = DATEADD(d, 1, @SelectedDateTo)SELECT UserID As 'User ID', SessionStartDate As 'Session Start Date', SessionEndDate AS 'Session End Date', ExitPageTitle As 'Exit Page Title', NumberOfPagesVisited As 'Number of Pages Visited', Convert(datetime, (CONVERT(DATETIME, SessionEndDate, 24) - CONVERT(DATETIME, SessionStartDate, 24)), 101) As 'Duration' FROM ActiveSessions WHERE UserID != 'Anonymous'GROUP BY SessionID, UserID, SessionStartDate, SessionEndDate, NumberOfPagesVisited, ExitPageTitleHAVING (min(SessionStartDate) BETWEEN @SelectedDateFrom AND @SelectedDateTo AND min(SessionEndDate) BETWEEN @SelectedDateFrom AND @SelectedDateTo)GO============================== <Columns> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="User ID" HeaderText="User ID"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Session Start Date" HeaderText="Session Start Date"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Session End Date" HeaderText="Session End Date"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Duration" HeaderText="Duration"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Number Of Pages Visited" HeaderText="Number Of Pages Visited"></asp:BoundColumn> <asp:BoundColumn DataField="Exit Page Title" HeaderText="Exit Page Title"></asp:BoundColumn> </Columns> ============================
in my sql, i want to change a decimal number to percent format number, just so it is convenient for users. for example there is a decimal number 0.98, i want to change it to 98%, how can i complete it?
Hi I have the problem that the below defined paramter gets entered in the database as a interger. the Field in the DB is a nvarchar(5) and the controll that suplies the value is a TextBox this is the parameter definition:<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="tbComment" Name="Comment" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" /> Why do I get this error, why does ASP to whant to make an integerfrom this text field? When putting a interger value in the textbox all works well and the data gets posted to the database. I use a SqlDataSource with automatic generated script.
I'm running SSRS reports on my local server - having deployed them locally. The calendar control is rendering dates in US format, i.e. 03/31/2008 and I need the British format of 31/03/2008.
The weird thing is that when I access the reports using the link:
produces the US format. My Regional setting is using English UK and the server is British English. What on earth is going on here? By the way cbada00272 is synonymous with localhost.
The IT group that I work with has the habit of gathering data,formatting (i.e. in reports) and then storing the same formated data inthe same database.I think the practice is wrong. I think the activity is fundamentallywrong because we are storing the exact same data in a database in twodifferent locations. Somehow I have the impression that database designis about "oneness".I believe that collecting the data and then storing summerized data forreporting into a data warehouse would be the right solution.I am getting flack for my viewpoint.Am I all washed up?
Can anyone tell me why I would be getting this error on the following query?
Wrong number of arguments used with function in query expression 'ISNULL((SELECT Sum(Game_Schedule.Score) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T1_ID = standings.ID),0) + ISNULL((SELECT Sum(Game_Schedule.Opp_Score) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T2_ID = standings.ID),0)'.
In my report I have two date parameters, both are of type DateTime. The problem is that when the report is called for the first time the report parameter value is not shown in the expected format (de-DE, 01.01.2007) but in en-US 01/01/2007 Only when I change a Date using the calendar popup and click on the "show report" button, the right format will be taken over.
Language properties of the report are"=User!Language" IE language is de-DE. Report Server is a MS Windows Server 2003 R2 Standart Edition SP2 with MS SQL SERVER 2005 SP2
P.S. on a server with MS SQL SERVER 2005 SP1, this report works fine. may be this bug is a new feature of SP2?
I have designed a package that works perfectly well, exporting data to an excel file from an ole db source. The problem is that in the excel destination file, columns of data that originally were numbers, are formatted as text. It would be just annoying if it weren't because I use those figures in a pivot table that operates with them.
Any idea on how to tell Excel that those columns are numbers?
Hi,I have a field: usercode [tinyint]In Query Analyzer:UPDATE tblUserProcessSET usercode = 1002Result: Error "Arithmetic overflow error for data type tinyint, value = 1002.The statement has been terminated."In VBA/Access ( linked to SQL Server ):intOptions = 512pstrQuerySQL = "UPDATE ..."CurrentDb.Execute pstrQuerySQL, intOptionsResult: no errors, insert value 223 (???)Why?Thanks, Eugene
Hi ALL, I am getting 2 errors for the report which has graph.
1.The chart €˜Chart_ID0EDABDA€™ contains a different number of DataPoints per ChartSeries element than the number of StaticCategory elements. If the chart contains no StaticCategory, it must contain one DataPoint per ChartSeries.
2.[rsWrongNumberOfChartDataPoints] The chart €˜Chart_ID0EDABDA€™ has a ChartData element that contains a collection of 6 DataPoint element(s), which is different from the number of expected datapoints (1). The expected number of datapoints in the definition is (Max(number of static categories, 1) * Max (number of static series, 1)).
I am converting crystal reports to SSRS.Can anybody give me some info about Data points requirments and how to get rid of these errors.I am getting these 2 error almost all the SSRS reports having Graphs. Thanks .
I've SQL Server 2005 Dev Edition and Windows Server 2003 ENT SP2. in the task manager i see that the server use 5GB out of 6GB,but when i arrange the process to see whom takes all the memory i see that the sqlservr.exe takes 150MB(he is the biggest). when i open Perfmon and look on the sqlservr.exe memory use, i see that he takes the 4.5G. i've a problem that the server use alot of cpu time to run users queries,i see that pages/sec counter is very big average between 600-800.
is there any problem with my memory? why the memory reading from the task manager is wrong? if my pages/sec counter is so big do i have a memory leaks + pressure?
I need to change a number that looks like 1365 and make it look like 1,365 without any decimal or trailing zeros. Then number can even be a 7 digit number. It seems like the only way I know is the money to varchar conversion using style 1, but this adds trailing zeros and a decimal point. Can anyone help on this
I am doing some simple arithmatic for a query that I am working on. What I have below describes the arithmatic that is taking place withing a portion of the query:
select(o.sales_val/o.qty_sales) as 'Unit_Price', (o.acctng_cost_val/o.qty_sales) as 'Unit_Cost' from opcsahf as o go
The division is correct. My only issue is that the results for 'Unit Price' or 'Unit Cost' may be formatted like example: 4.25000000.
How can I have my nubers show up with only to 2 decimal places instead of all the zeros at teh end?
When setting the format property for a textbox containing a number the first parameter relates to a positive number, the second negative and the third to zero.
eg #,###; (#,###); 0
Is there a way of also formatting Null values in the same way without writing custom code?
In the report Layout, if I right-click a cell that is located in the table details row, click Properties, and select the Format tab, there is an option for the Format code. I click on the little dot-dot-dot icon (...) and it brings up the Choose Format option. The choices are Default, Number, Date, Time, Percentage, and Currency. The format that I am interested in is Number, so I click on Number. Now, it shows '1234' ; '1,234.00' ; '1234' ; '1234.00' ; and finally '1.234123e+003'. The choice that I am looking for (or desire) is something that would show 9,452 and that is it. No decimals, but want the comma. I do not see an option for this. The option '1,234.00' has decimals. The two options '1234' and '1234' appear to not have decimals, but they do not appear to have commas either. Further, what is the difference between the first '1234' and the second '1234'?
*** Also, I have a couple formulas that I have entered. I have tried to change the Number Format for these cells in the table details row and nothing changes. Still the same format.
I have number field that I am trying to format. The number currently shows -7899.99. I would like it to show (7,899.99) for negative and 7,899.99 for positive.
Hi Everyone, I have a phone number coming from the database coming in the format of 2132563111. How can I do this in sql query213-563-3111 Please let me know if there is any function that does it. Thanks.
How to format phone numbers in sql? in current fields some phone number entered like this: 1 800 7894564 8001237878 1237878 1800blue etc... I am trying to get into uniform like this: 8007834444 Thanks
I have a table that has an Associate id for each agent.  The id is 8 digits sometimes starting with 0 (06956461) and sometimes not 0 (98039585).  How would I format this?
Hi, I have phone number column in Excel file. The phone number is in this format: 523-349-0212. When this data imported in to SQLServer file, it is not keeping the format, storing it as 5233490212. The data type of this column is varchar. How to keep this format?
Hi, It looks like by default the subtotal number inherits the number format from the main column. Is there a way to override it? In my case I am displaying percents with a decimal point in a column and sometimes the total comes out to 99.9% instead of 100%. I just want to round of the total to alway show 100%. Is there a way to do it?
Hi, I need to represent two different (number) fields in the same textbox , one number format is C0 (Currency) and other one is Percentage(P1), how can i keep this number format applicable to appropriate fields?
for exaple this is the expression to represent the two fiels in one textbox.