Number Of Users

Sep 16, 2004

Quick question, is there a limitation on the number of users that can get into SQL server at one time? Say 1500 or 2000 users? If not, I wonder how many users can actually cause the performance of the server to have a significant drop.



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Db Properties-Number Of Users

Apr 9, 2007

when i see the number of users on my local connection. It says 4 and another DB says 12. But nobody is connected to these DB but me. Why is it showing 4 and 12?

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Max. Number Od Users In SQL Server

Dec 19, 2006

How many users can access to SQL server at the same time with web aplicationwritten in C# 2005? What if my database is 1GB and 1000 people access at 1second - some simple query. My web hosting acc will be or something simmilar!

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Number Of Concurrent Users

Apr 13, 2006


There was a 5 concurrent user limitation in MSDE (the version prior to SQL Express). Does that same limitation exist with SQL Express 2005?


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What Could Be Maximum Number Of Users On MSDE ?

Oct 1, 2005


Can somebody let me know how many (maxi) no of users can be created to deal with MSDERelA ?

With kind regards,


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Getting Number Of Logged On Users To Server

Jul 20, 2005

SQL Server 2000 - MSDE 2000Is there a way to get the number of current users logged into a SQL 2000 Server (also MSDE)? Cant be distinct users as most users are logged into the database using the same login.-- Tim Morrison--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vehicle Web Studio - The easiest way to create and maintain your vehicle related website.

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Maximum Number Of Users (licensing)

Oct 28, 2007

I need a small SQL server for up to 10 users. If I understand the EULAs and FAQs correctly, there is no limit on the number of users imposed by the SQL Server 2005 Express license. If so, then the number of users is only limited by the OS's license so all I need is SQL Server 2005 Express (free), Windows XP Pro (10 users limit) and no CALs for either Windows or SQL Server.

I'd be thankful if someone could verify this.

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Number Of Simultaneous Users/connections On SQL Server

Mar 30, 2001


could somebody please let me know what is the maximum number of simultaneous users/connection per single SQL Server 7.0 box? Licenses are not the issue here, rather the number of physical connections supported before another server needs to be purchased.

Another variation of this question would be what's the highest number of databases that 7can be created on SQL 7.0 server and what is the highest number of physical connections supported per database? Again, licenses are not the issue. Thanks a lot in advance.

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Migrate A Number Of Users To Windows Authentication

Aug 7, 2015

I'm looking to migrate a number of sql users to windows authentication, so I want a list of each login and for each login a list of all their roles. My plan is to write 2 WHILE loops that will go through each login and for each login the list of roles.The first Row_Number is not returning the order that I want, I was expecting results like this:

1 Aaron ...... 1 db_reader
1 Aaron ...... 2 db_writer
2 Ben ....... 1 db_reader

The first row_number used doesn't seem to use the partition.The second seems to work fine.I know I can break this up into 2 queries but I want to understand where this is going wrong.

Code used:
, convert(char(45), as srvLogin
, 'WIN' + convert(char(45), AS WinLogin


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SSRS 2005 && Number Of Concurrent Users

Jun 22, 2007


In one CPU installation of SSRS 2005, are there any restriction on number of users accessing the same concurrently?

Please let me know.



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Transact SQL :: Number Of Distinct Users In Last 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 Months

Aug 26, 2015

I have table A(year int, month int, user varchar(20)), and I am trying to write a view that would show number of distinct users in the last 3 months, last 6 months, last 9 months and last 12 months(all from the most recent year/month) in following format:

3 months     6 months     9 months     12  months

number of distinct users        x                  y                  z                      w

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SQL Server 2005 Workgroup - Number Of Users Limit?

May 7, 2008

Does SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition have a limit to the number of user logins I can make?

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SQL Security :: Maximum Number Of Users That Could Be Created For Any Database

Jun 16, 2015

Is there any maximum cap on the number of users that could be created in a given database of MS-SQL Server?

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How To Know Number Of Users Hitting A SSRS Report Over A Time Period?

Jan 24, 2008

Hi all,
I want to raise one question which might not relevant to current discussion.
Prob:-- I have some SSRS reports. I want to know for a given time period
1. How many people hit the report.
2. Who are the users hit the report in that time interval.

Is there any query to get that data?
should I go somewhere to see the data?

NB:- There is not any table in the application which is storing the data

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Determining The Number Of Active Users Logged Into A SQL Server Database

Apr 20, 2006

How does one Determine the number of Active users logged into a SQL Server Database?

I want to use the info to control concurrent licensing for my Application

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SQL Server 2012 :: Manage Concurrency When Users Need To Create Invoice Number

May 31, 2014

I have a db to manage the creation of invoice number designed for a web application.

My problem is how to manage the concurrency when the users need to create an invoice number.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Practical Upper Limit On Number Of DB Users

Sep 9, 2015

Our development team wanted to create a database user for each application user in the application and use these for granular data access control, which at first, sounded like a good idea but our initial testing ran into some interesting results.

Our target user base was about 15 million users with an estimated 1% concurrency rate, and finding no MS documentation on an upper limit to the number of users a database can have we began some load testing to see how the database performed. In the hundreds of thousands of users range our test database had a hard time performing well under light loads (even without any concurrent connections).

When we purged the users and reverted back to just a handful of service accounts, performance went back to "normal" under the same loads. I began to wonder if this is a situation where throwing more hardware at the problem would overcome the issue or if there is a practical upper limit to the number of users a single database can handle well.

(There were of course other cons to this arrangement and I certainly was never going to expand the users tree in the object explorer for a database like this, but we thought it a solution worth investigating.)

What is the largest number of users any of you have had in a single database?

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Reporting Services :: Adding (new) Child Domain Users To SSRS As System Users?

Jul 28, 2015

We have an existing SSRS server, and have just created a new child domain. We'll be migrating users from the parent to the child, and want to add the users of that new domain with access to SSRS. In the parent domain they are able to access, but after migration with the child domain account, they cannot.

I have added the group CHILDDomain Users with a system user role on SSRS, and PARENTDomain Users was already there.

Is there any additional step I should/could take to get this active?

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Why Out Of The Blue Would VPN Users Be Unable To Connect To Database And Local Users Are Unaffected?

Mar 6, 2008

I have had this issue just pop up. I have local users who can connect fine, but my users that require connection by VPN cannot connect. I get the server not available or access denied error. I did confirm that the VPN'ers are connected to the network correctly and can see that their shares and mappings are correct. Any ideas? Thanking you all in advance!!

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SQL Security :: Did Not Create Any New Users And There Are No Other Users Listed In Accounts Section

Sep 28, 2015

I am trying to revert back to Windows 7 after upgrading to Windows 10, however it will not let me and the following message occurs: "Remove new accounts.Before you can go back to a previous version of Windows, you'll need to remove any user accounts you added after the most recent upgrade. The accounts need to be completely removed, including their profiles.You created one account (NT SERVICEMSSQLSERVER) Go to Settings> Accounts> Other users to remove these accounts and then try again".However I did not create any new users and there are no other users listed in the Accounts section.

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Stored Procedure To Get All Users Or All Users Of A Specific Country

Apr 30, 2008

hi alli've got two tables called "webusers" (id, name, fk_country) and "countries" (id, name)
at the meantime, i've a search-page where i can fill a form to search users. in the dropdown to select the country i included an option which is called "all countries".
now the problem is: how can i make a stored procedure that makes a restriction to the fk_country depending on the submitted fk_country parameter?it should be something like
SELECT * FROM webusers(if @fk_country > 0, which is the value for "all countries"){    WHERE fk_country = @fk_country}
who has an idea how to solve this problem?

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Difference Between Database -- &&> Users And Security --&&> Users

Nov 28, 2006

Hi Team,

In SQL Enterprise Manager, when we expand "Database -->Users", we see the

users there. When we expand "Security --> logins" we see the same users there.

Can you differentiate these two.



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List Users Then Disconnect Users

Jun 4, 2008

I want to be able to list all users connected/logged in a specific database and disconnect them all or a certain user.

can this be done in SQL and if so how?

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Users Get Blocked By Other Users Alot

Sep 26, 2007

We are using Navision with SQL server 2003.

What kind of methods is there out there to reduce hwo often this happens?

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The Number Of Requests For XXXServerXXXUser Has Exceeded The Maximum Number Allowed For A Single User

Oct 15, 2007

I have created a local user on Report Server Computer and the user has the administrative rights.
When i try to connect Report Server ( with this user's credantials. (ReportServer directory security is set -only- to Basic Authentication. ).
I get the following error.

Reporting Services Error

The number of requests for "XXXServerXXXUser" has exceeded the maximum number allowed for a single user.
SQL Server Reporting Services

Then i try to login using a different user with administrative rights on the machine, i can logon successfully.
The system is up for a month but this problem occured today?!? What could be the problem?!?

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How To Enter More Number Of Rows In A Table Having More Number Of Columns At A Time

Sep 24, 2007


I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns

For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?

Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls

( SQL Server 2005)

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Transact SQL :: How To Select A Number Less Or Equal Than A Supplied Number

Jun 23, 2015

Got this query and I need the following result;

declare @NumberToCompareTo int
set @NumberToCompareTo = 8
declare @table table
number int
insert into @table 
select 4

[Code] ....

The query selects 4 and 5 of course. Now what I'm looking for is to retrieve the number less or equal to @NumberToCompareTo, I mean the most immediate less number than the parameter. So in this case 5

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How To Change A Decimal Number To Percent Format Number?

Oct 8, 2006

in my sql, i want to change a decimal number to percent format number, just so it is convenient for users. for example there is a decimal number 0.98, i want to change it to 98%, how can i complete it?


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Limitations In Term Of Number Of Tasks And Number Of Columns

Jun 5, 2007


I am currently designing a SSIS package to integrate data into a data warehouse fact table. This fact table has about 70 columns among which 17 are foreign keys for dimension tables.

To insert data in that table, I have to make several transformations and lookups. Given the fact that the lookups I have to make are a little complicated, I have about 70 tasks in my Data Flow.
I know it's a lot, but I can't find a way to make it simpler. It seems I really need all these tasks.

Now, the problem is that every new action I try to make on the package takes a lot of time. At design time, everything is very slow. My processor is eavily loaded each time I change a single setting in one of the tasks, and executing the package in debug mode takes for ages. If I take a look at the size of my package file on disk, it's more than 3MB.

Hence my question : Are there any limitations in terms of number of columns or number of tasks that can be processed within a Data Flow ?

If not, then do you have any idea why it's so slow ?

Thanks in advance for any answer.

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How To Number Records / Duplicates Receiving Same Number

Feb 19, 2013

I have a large table of customers. I would like to add a column that contains an integer, unique to that customer. The trick is that this file contains many duplicate customers, so I want the duplicates to all have the same number between them.the numbers dont have to be sequential or anything, just like customers having the same one.

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How To Query A Number (street Number)...

Jul 30, 2007

I have a table that has a street number field.
if the user types in a street number of '2' i would like to return all street numbers the begin with 2 (2,20,21, 200, 201,205,2009,...)
how can this be done.

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Maximum Number Of Tables - Is 4^15 Big A Number?

Nov 26, 2006

Hello people,I might sound a little bit crazy, but is there any possibility that youcan incorporate 4^15 (1,073,741,824) tables into a SQL Database?I mean, is it possible at all? There might be a question of whereanyone would want so many tables, but i'm a bioinformatics guy and I'mtrying to deal with genomic sequences and was coming up with a newalgorithm, where the only limit is the number of tables I can put intoa Database.So, can you please advise if its possible to put in so many tables intoa SQL database? Or is the Bekerley DB better?

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Page Number && Records Number

Jun 20, 2006

1. how to show page number & total page number in report body?

2. how to show total records number?

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