Number Of Visitors To Report

Apr 9, 2008

Is is possible in SSRS 2005?... like a miscellaneous variable expression... thanks

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What To Store For Best Performance To Track Visitors? (was I Need Your Suggestions)

Jan 9, 2006


I am writing a script to track visitors..
I will report them hourly,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly

what should I store them for best performance ?

the example below is the best ??


1bla bla bla16/1/2006 10:02
2bla bla bla26/1/2006 10:03
3bla bla bla36/1/2006 10:03
4bla bla bla46/1/2006 10:03
5bla bla bla56/1/2006 10:03
6bla bla bla66/1/2006 10:03

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How To Limit Number Of Rows Displayed In A Report From A Report Designer

Jun 5, 2007

How to limit number of rows displayed in a report, i' am using report project in Visual studio 2005 to design my reports

How to use page navigation once i deploy the report on to report server..?

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Report Page Number

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all. how make a page number at the buttom of the report. I can't find it in Business Intelligence project.


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Footer Report Version Number

Aug 28, 2007

How do I display the SQL embedded major version number of my rdl report.



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Trying To Figure Out Number Of Pages In Report

Oct 2, 2007


I have a report that is created that is typically 2-3 pages long. I've tried the "ExecutionInfo.NumPages" but it always results in "1" as the answer. Code is something like this:



Dim reportHistoryParameters As sqlprod1_res.ParameterValue() = Nothing

Dim SessionId As String
Dim execInfo As New ExecutionInfo

Dim execHeader As New ExecutionHeader()

Dim result As Byte() = Nothing

Dim format As String = "PDF"

Dim devInfo As String = "<DeviceInfo><Toolbar>False</Toolbar></DeviceInfo>"
Dim extension As String = ""
Dim encoding As String = ""
Dim mimeType As String = ""
Dim warnings As sqlprod1_res.Warning() = Nothing

Dim streamIDs As String() = Nothing

result = rs.Render(format, devInfo, extension, encoding, mimeType, warnings, streamIDs)

execInfo = rs.GetExecutionInfo()

Dim Pages As Integer = execInfo.NumPages

Also tried to count streams with the same result.

Any ideas?


Dan Ribar

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Sp_spaceused Report Negative Number For Unused

May 20, 2000

Could some one help me to explain what does it means when I ran sp_spaceused on the database it reported ex. -15430kb for unused. Does this mean that the index ran out off space. Do I need to increase space for the database. I will try to run the dbcc check hope it will fix the problem.


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Report With Constant Number Of Detail Lines

Nov 1, 2007

I am developing a report analog of a machine readable form that has to display a static number of detail rows regardless of the number returned from the database - i.e. if a record set has only three detail records, I need to display three blank rows, while if the record set has ten detail records, I need to display six detail records, print the footer, start a new page, repeat the header information, print the remaining 4 detail records and 2 blank rows, print the footer again and move on to the remaining recordset. I am new to report development and I'm having to pick it up on the fly. I can't seem to locate any documentation about how to handle this scenario.

I don't have the time or inclination to re-invent the wheel here, is there anyone who has solved this problem who can point me in the direction of some help?

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Not Calculating The Correct Number Of Pages In Report

Mar 5, 2008

When viewing a report our users see that it is x number of pages, however when they print the report is actually y number of pages. For example once a report is ran, it says that it is 43 pages, however in actuality it is 62 pages. If they only want to print the last page, they choose to print 43 from the print dialog box, but that gives them a page in the middle of the report not the last page. Is there a way to remedy this?

Thank you,


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Problem - Number Is Correct In The Dataset, Coming Out As Zero On The Report

May 15, 2008

I'm having a very frustrating problem that no amount of formatting via properties and/or expression seems to be clearing up.

I have a column in the dataset that is data typed decimal (6,4) (from the SQL query). The numeric value is, for example, being returned to the data set as 0.6500.

The problem is the report wants to just show zero. Formatting efforts to date have only yielded, '0', '0.00', & '0.0000'.

I have no clue. Anyone have any ideas?



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How To Make Footers Page Number Appear When I Print The Report

Jan 10, 2007

I have the footer with the following in it,


= " Page " & Globals!PageNumber & " of " & Globals!TotalPages & " " & String.Format(Globals!ExecutionTime, "dd-MM-yyy uu:mm")


When i view the report it shows the page number and time, but when i print it does'nt appear at all on the print paper( page number and time)

is there a trick to make it appear on the print.

Thank you very much.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - In Report Number Value To Text

Sep 27, 2015

I have a requirement, I want to display the employee status report. In status report, if the status=0 ,I need to display inactive.. if the status=1 active and if status=2 archived.. I am getting values from table like below. I need to change to text.How can we achieve the same.

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Return Number Of Columns - Pivot Query Into Report Builder

Oct 31, 2014

I have a query which returns number of columns using pivot ( rows into columns -- dynamic sql pivot columns). Since it is dynamic pivot, how can I bind this returned values into report builder matrix reports.

Look at this example :

First time query returns
StudentId | Col1 | Col2 | Col3

Second time query returns
StudentId | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 ...

How to bind this query into report builder 3.0 reports?

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Decrypt Credit Card Number For Reporting Services Report

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,A co-worker is creating a web application which uses theCryptKeeper.dll to encrypt credit card numbers into a sql database.It is my job to pull these encrypted numbers and use the decryptmethod of this dll to show the credit card numbers on a ReportingServices report. I'm not even sure where this should be done. In thesql stored procedure or in the report itself? Any help would begreatly appreciated.Thanks in advance,Amy Bolden

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Reporting Services :: Report - Change Number Of Rows Per Page

May 29, 2008

I am fairly new to reporting services and recently created a simple tabular report. There is one table which queries the database and I would like to change the table so there are more than 25 rows of data per page. How do I do this? Also it would be advantageous to know how to set the report to only create a new page for every different item in a column. E.g., if I have various data for each date, I would like to only create a new page when the date changes so that all data for a specific date is on one page etc etc.

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How To Know Number Of Users Hitting A SSRS Report Over A Time Period?

Jan 24, 2008

Hi all,
I want to raise one question which might not relevant to current discussion.
Prob:-- I have some SSRS reports. I want to know for a given time period
1. How many people hit the report.
2. Who are the users hit the report in that time interval.

Is there any query to get that data?
should I go somewhere to see the data?

NB:- There is not any table in the application which is storing the data

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Displaying Total Number Of Rows In A Report In Page Header.

Jun 20, 2007


I have requirement to display Total number of Rows in a Report in Page Header.

I have written the following code in Page header it shows RowCount for the Page only.


Can anyone please help on this?



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Write A Report That Includes Different Lab Values For Account Number Depending On The Test?

Dec 10, 2012

I am trying to write a report that includes different lab values for an account number depending on the test. What I mean is if patient xyz had lab work and procedure number 1012 was ordered I need to include one line for the highest result value and one for the lowest result value. If I have procedure number 1032 I only need a line for the lowest value. I have a list of about 40 lab procedures that some require both highest and lowest, some just the lowest and some the highest. I have played around with CASE, but that hasn't worked for me.

Here is an example of what I'm getting:

Acct Number MR # AdDateDDateCode CDateCTime Result Test
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0830110515 4.5 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0831110515 4.7 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0827110525 5.1 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0826110455 5.3 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0828110525 5.7 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0829110500 5.7 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0901110500 6.6 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0825110609 6.8 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0824112050 9.3 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111032 0830110515 10.1 HB
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111032 0831110515 10.2 HB
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111032 0826110957 10.2 HB
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111032 0827110525 10.4 HB
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111032 0826110455 10.5 HB
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111032 0901110500 10.7 HB

Her is what I need:

Acct Number MR # AdDateDDateCode CDateCTimeResult Test
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0830110515 4.5 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111012 0824112050 9.3 WBC
E00000000000 MR00000000 0824110902111032 0830110515 10.1 HB

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Emailed Subscription Not Including Port Number In Servername URL Link For Report

Aug 14, 2007

I hope someone can help as I have searched for a solution but been unable to find one as yet.

My problem is that after installing SharePoint V3.0 and amending the Report Server to <ServerName>:8080, as I don't yet wish to use integrated mode, everything works fine except email delivered subscriptions. The URL in the email body referencing the report only puts in <ServerName> etc. omitting the port number :8080. I have tried to find where this URL link is built-up from but have had no luck in the report manager, report services configuration and the config files, does anyone know where I need to look and if possible what I need to amend to have the link include :8080 after the servername portion of the URL. I can copy the URL and manually insert the port address and it works but this defeats the object of automated subscriptions.

Sorry if this is a dumb question but it is giving me a headache at the moment.

All answers gratefully received,


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Reporting Services :: Report Builder 2.0 - Counting The Number Of Times A Field Is Completed?

Oct 1, 2015

In report builder 2.0, I cannot determine how to display the number of times a field has been filled out when a  one to many relationship is involved. I get an error every time I use two aggregates.

ID, Symptom_ID
1, 111
3, 222
3, 333
3, 444
5, 666

The result should be 3 out of 5 records... Or even better displayed as a percentage of the total 60%

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Reporting Services :: Insert Row Number For Zone Wise (group By Zone Column) In SSRS Report

Jul 19, 2015

How to insert a row number for a zone wise(ie group by zone column) in ssrs report in zone column  i should get zone1 only once (should not get Zone1,zone1, zone1 -3 times)     Zone    District    no.of.region

1                      hyd           24
2          ZONE1 chn           12
3                      bang         2
1                      raj            4
2          ZONE2  vizag       3
3                       bbb         34

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The Number Of Requests For XXXServerXXXUser Has Exceeded The Maximum Number Allowed For A Single User

Oct 15, 2007

I have created a local user on Report Server Computer and the user has the administrative rights.
When i try to connect Report Server ( with this user's credantials. (ReportServer directory security is set -only- to Basic Authentication. ).
I get the following error.

Reporting Services Error

The number of requests for "XXXServerXXXUser" has exceeded the maximum number allowed for a single user.
SQL Server Reporting Services

Then i try to login using a different user with administrative rights on the machine, i can logon successfully.
The system is up for a month but this problem occured today?!? What could be the problem?!?

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How To Enter More Number Of Rows In A Table Having More Number Of Columns At A Time

Sep 24, 2007


I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns

For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?

Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls

( SQL Server 2005)

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Transact SQL :: How To Select A Number Less Or Equal Than A Supplied Number

Jun 23, 2015

Got this query and I need the following result;

declare @NumberToCompareTo int
set @NumberToCompareTo = 8
declare @table table
number int
insert into @table 
select 4

[Code] ....

The query selects 4 and 5 of course. Now what I'm looking for is to retrieve the number less or equal to @NumberToCompareTo, I mean the most immediate less number than the parameter. So in this case 5

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How To Change A Decimal Number To Percent Format Number?

Oct 8, 2006

in my sql, i want to change a decimal number to percent format number, just so it is convenient for users. for example there is a decimal number 0.98, i want to change it to 98%, how can i complete it?


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Limitations In Term Of Number Of Tasks And Number Of Columns

Jun 5, 2007


I am currently designing a SSIS package to integrate data into a data warehouse fact table. This fact table has about 70 columns among which 17 are foreign keys for dimension tables.

To insert data in that table, I have to make several transformations and lookups. Given the fact that the lookups I have to make are a little complicated, I have about 70 tasks in my Data Flow.
I know it's a lot, but I can't find a way to make it simpler. It seems I really need all these tasks.

Now, the problem is that every new action I try to make on the package takes a lot of time. At design time, everything is very slow. My processor is eavily loaded each time I change a single setting in one of the tasks, and executing the package in debug mode takes for ages. If I take a look at the size of my package file on disk, it's more than 3MB.

Hence my question : Are there any limitations in terms of number of columns or number of tasks that can be processed within a Data Flow ?

If not, then do you have any idea why it's so slow ?

Thanks in advance for any answer.

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How To Number Records / Duplicates Receiving Same Number

Feb 19, 2013

I have a large table of customers. I would like to add a column that contains an integer, unique to that customer. The trick is that this file contains many duplicate customers, so I want the duplicates to all have the same number between them.the numbers dont have to be sequential or anything, just like customers having the same one.

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How To Query A Number (street Number)...

Jul 30, 2007

I have a table that has a street number field.
if the user types in a street number of '2' i would like to return all street numbers the begin with 2 (2,20,21, 200, 201,205,2009,...)
how can this be done.

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Maximum Number Of Tables - Is 4^15 Big A Number?

Nov 26, 2006

Hello people,I might sound a little bit crazy, but is there any possibility that youcan incorporate 4^15 (1,073,741,824) tables into a SQL Database?I mean, is it possible at all? There might be a question of whereanyone would want so many tables, but i'm a bioinformatics guy and I'mtrying to deal with genomic sequences and was coming up with a newalgorithm, where the only limit is the number of tables I can put intoa Database.So, can you please advise if its possible to put in so many tables intoa SQL database? Or is the Bekerley DB better?

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Page Number &&amp; Records Number

Jun 20, 2006

1. how to show page number & total page number in report body?

2. how to show total records number?

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Format A Number For Use As Number In Excel

Dec 20, 2006

I want to format a number like "#,##0.00" in order to handle it in Excel as a number (i.e. compute a sum).

Excel is able to show a number in a specail format and still allow to compute with ...

Thanks in advance,


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Field LIKE Number,number,number

Nov 26, 2006

I am testing something in Visual Basic
that talks to a database and I want to
filter results by -> field1 like "###".
However, that 'like' and '#' is VB syntax.
How do you say that in SQL?

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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