ODBC-based To OLE DB-based Data Transfer
Oct 7, 2006
I would like to transfer selected data from an ODBC-based table to a OLEDB-based table. However, there isn't a data flow source on the Data Flow Design screen to accomodate such an action. Please help!
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Mar 26, 2007
How is it possible to set data to flow through development,test,and production environment???????
I have created one package.Right now i am transferring data to tables in the development environment.
I want to use the same package for several diffrent distinations two based on environment.
Is there a way that the destination componnent sets itself automatically by passing destination tables through registry or is there anything i could or do i need to change manually everytime which ever i want to..
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Jun 25, 2001
Can anyone tell me if this can be done?
I'm using CR8 against SQL Server 7 and am trying to use a stored procedure as my data source.
Basically my boss would like to move all the code that is now client-side(formula fields, parameters, suppressions, etc.) to the server-side.
I connect by Database>ODBC and then choose my sp here.
I get the error: "There are no fields in the file"
All my sp is doing is accepting two parameters: a report type and a user name, and then generating a report based on this data.
I can post the exact sp but it is a pretty long IF THEN ELSE block.
I checked the Seagate site and it said to convert the database driver to the native driver;
I guess this would mean to connect by: Database>More Data Sources>Microsoft SQL Server
But we need to connect by ODBC since we don't want the popup for the Login to Database, Server, etc., to be entered by the client.
Can someone tell me if there is a way around this to connect by ODBC using stored procedures.
Thanks in Advance.
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Jan 18, 2007
Can Anybody tell me the different ways of transfering data from ODBC Layer to SQL Server using C#.
I want to transfer using Threads,means by running 4 threads, I need to transfer 4 tables at a time.
Though we have SQLBulk copy Object in .NET it's not useful in multi threader env.
Can anybody help me in this.
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Jul 20, 2005
hi all,I am trying to create a dts package to transfer data from tables in mysql server 2000 database to a db2 UDB v8.1.4 database. When I use ibmdb2 oledb driver for the destination this works fine except that rowsare committed on a row by row basis thus performance is slow. I wantto use the odbc driver but when I define it as the destination, i geterrors saying that the maximum number of rows failed has exceeded theminimum.Does anybody know what to do in order to get the transfer workingusing ibm db2 odbc as the datasource?ThanksLyn
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Sep 4, 2015
I need to create a function that replaces the data in a column with an 'X' based on the LEN of the data in the column. I created one that does a replacement, but it fills the column based on the max data length, and not the current length of the string or integer. An example of what I'm trying to accomplish.
Original data in a varchar(30) column:
replaced with
My current function is replacing the data like this:
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Jul 10, 2015
I have 4 Tablix and 2 of the Tablix get data from Server 1 and other 2 get the data from Server 2.I have set NoRowsMessage "=Data Not Available for the Selected Values" for all the 4 Tablix.Now if data is not available from Server 1 then I must show "Data Not Available for the Selected Values" only once in the outputbut now its appearing twice in the output because of the 2 tablix that had no rows.Similarly if data not available from Server 2 then it should show "Data Not Available for the Selected Values" only once in my output.If Data not avilable from all the Tablix then also i t should show only once as "Data Not Available for the Selected Values" in the report output.
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Jun 7, 2006
I need to periodically import a (HUGE) table of data from an external data source (not SQL Server) into SQL Server, with the following scenarios:
Some of the records in the external data source may not exist in SQL.Some of the records in the external data source may have a different value at different imports, but this records are identified univocally by the same primary key in the external datasource and in SQL Server.Some of the records in the external data source may be the same in SQL.
Due to the massive volume of the import, I would like to import only the records which are different from what I have in SQL Server (cases 1 and 2 above). In fact case 2 is the most critical.
I thought of making a query with a left outer join between the data in the external data source table (SOURCE) and the data in the SQL Server table (DESTIN). The join is done on the respective primary keys (composed keys of up to 10 columns) and one of the WHERE conditions will be that the value in SOURCE is different from the value in DESTIN.
The result of this query would be exactly what I need to import.
How to do this in SSIS??? I couldn't figure out how to join tables in different data sources yet.
In fact I cannot write a stored procedure to do that, since one of the sources is in a datasources not SQL Server.
I have seen the Lookup transformation in this article http://www.sqlis.com/default.aspx?311 but this is not exacltly what I want to do.
Another possibility is to use the merge join, but due to the sorting I believe its performances would be terrible!
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
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Apr 1, 2008
I'm in the middle of developing a Database for a hospital that measures its audits, inhouse operations, and finance. What we currently have and do everyday is collect data from a large database that is real time with patient data, progess, infomation, etc and dump it into a data warehouse that runs on TSI/Eclipsys. We run reports using a number of programs and dump it into Excel sheets that have charts, reports, etc. This Database for which I'm developing won't come soley from the TSI/Eclypsys source, but this is the only source thats updated regularly. I don't want to have in sync with TSI/Eclipysys in fear that every day when it updates data may be lost, not read, or worse won't be up date if there is a problem. My question is is it possible to run a query from Sequel Server 2005 that will take that data upon request using the reporing features on Sequel Server 2005. i.e. What if I need to run a report on measure B in department 12 from Jan 1-Feb 1, instead of being in sync, can I just write queries to take that information rather than double the data and take up twice the space and trouble. FYI, these datatypes rarely change in the TSI/Eclipsys data warehouse. This sure was long question and didn't intended it to be . Thanks for listening and hope to hear back.
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Feb 17, 2008
1st of all i'm using 3.5 and c#.
On my page I have 2 sqldatasource controls. sds1 and sds2
In my select statement of sds2 how do I make a select parameter based on a value or column I return from sds1? And please don't tell me to join my sds2 select in sds1, I don't want to do that. I need two seperate sds.
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Nov 20, 2013
The query below brings up a set of data below that. All items are valued at $9.99. If a row has any information in the column "ShadowOf", I want to update that row. It should take the price from the row where the contents of shadowof appear & add 2%. To give an example 'GreenApples' is a shadow of 'BoxOfApples'. 'BoxOfApples' is valued at $9.99, so I want to make 'GreenApples' $10.19. How would I do this?
DECLARE @tmpTable TABLE(ID NVARCHAR(50), BuyDotComPrice DECIMAL(18,2), ShadowOf NVARCHAR(50), CompanyID INT);
('BoxOfApples', 9.99, '', 344),
('GreenApples', 9.99, 'BoxOfApples', 344),
('GalaApples', 9.99, 'BoxOfApples', 344),
('CaseOfSoda', 9.99, '12Sodas', 344),
('12Sodas', 9.99, '', 344),
('PackageOfSoda', 9.99, '12Sodas', 344);
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Mar 27, 2007
I've got this feeling that something is missing in Integration Services. You can add a DSV in any Integration Services project, but you can't use it inside a data flow. Can someone please tell me why this is?
Let me explain why i want this: In Dynamics AX you've can make perspectives. These perspectives are a combined set of tables. From these perspectives you can automatically deploy these as Report Models. The Reporting Services generates a DSV for you, based not only on physical tables but also on Business logic. So it generates the linking between the tables (based upon application logic), derrived enumerated tables, referred tables, etc.. So these generated DSV's are great to get a quick startup.
So repeating my question. Why can't i select a DSV as source? What is the function of a DSV inside Integration Services?
Hoping to receive an answer for this question.
Kind regards,
Johan Blad
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May 29, 2008
Hi I hop i make sense with this, i have a page where you can update a products price based on the year, so for instance some products will still have prices set in 2007, while some may have prices which will be set in 2008, what i am trying to do is if the price has been set in 2008 it shows this value. The fields in the table which control the values are Rate(controls 2007), and Rate2007Period2. What i am trying to do is if Rate2007Period2 is null or 0, then display the 2007 rate, and if Rate2007Period2 is greater than 0 then display that value. Here is the view which displays the rates;
SELECT dbo.tblRateSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SWT, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Tstamp, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateSchedule_ID, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleUnit_ID, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleType_ID, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit, dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description, dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Work_Type_Description AS Expr1, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate_Active, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2FROM dbo.tblRateSchedule INNER JOIN dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.MA_Code = dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.MA_Code LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblRateScheduleType ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleType_ID = dbo.tblRateScheduleType.RateScheduleType_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblWorkType ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID = dbo.tblWorkType.WorkType_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleUnit_ID = dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.RateScheduleUnit_IDWHERE (dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate_Active = '1')
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Dec 16, 2003
How can I populate options in a dropdown (combo?) box based on data pulled from a SQL database compared against certain paramaters (if it is not equal to x, equal to y, etc)?
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Dec 16, 2003
I apologize about the newbie-ness of these questions, but I am a total newbie (I have used VB for a while but this is my first 5 hours with ASP ever).
I just asked how to populate dropdowns, which I have found out how to do, but this question is quite a bit more difficult for me.
I have a SQL database, and in that database is a table, with a few columns. The first columnis a list of user id's, and the second is list of "options".
I want to make it on my webpage so that if the userid matches the column1 data, then it will display a checkbox for the column 2 option. Ie, if its "USERID1,OPTION1" in the SQL table, then if userID = "USERID1" then it will make an checkbox with caption/name "OPTION1". It has to loop through all the rows in the SQL table and make all the checkboxes for these options that match.
I have no idea how to do this, any help would be great.
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Jun 1, 2000
Do you have any idea if there is / where can I find web based data entry into SQL 7.0 database. What I'm looking for is something like Oracle Forms but for SQL 7.0.
Thanks in advance,
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Jan 16, 2007
I have x amount of tests for a person on a particular day. There are criteria to invalidate a test. I can filter all the bad tests away, but now I need to only accept 2 valid tests per day, even if there are more tests. The tests are filtered according to person ID and then put in order by date. I need to accept the first 2 valid test based on the criteria and reject the others. Any suggestions
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May 31, 2008
Hi I hope i make sense this time around, I have a page in which a customer can either add a new product and its rate as well as update an existing product. What i am trying to achieve is get the live rate of the product, when a user goes to order the product. Each existing product can be updated twice in a year either in period 1 or period 2, therefore there is a possibility that a rate hasnt been updated which means the price should be the alst updated rate. Therefore the following are the possible rates which the product can have;
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate - This will be the rate when a product is new and has just been added, therefore no previous rates.
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2- Most existing products are still having this rate as their latest rate.
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 1
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 2
What i am trying to do is get the latest rate as it stands in the system, based on the above scenarios. This what I have so far, i tried to use the ISNULL, however that didnt work for probably because there are four instances. The following is the "view" which returns the rates.
SELECT dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Survey_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.ScheduleStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit, dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description,
dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID, ISNULL(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Valuation, 0) AS Valuation, dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_DateTime,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION ELSE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description END AS DESCRIPTION,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN tblRateSchedule.SWT ELSE tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID END AS SWT, dbo.tblCategory.Category,
dbo.tblScheduleStatus.Schedule_Status, CASE isnull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)
WHEN 0 THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate ELSE tblWorkSchedule.Rate END AS Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate AS UPLIFTED_RATE,
CASE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID WHEN 1 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID)
END WHEN 2 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID) END END AS UpliftedRate,
CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) ELSE CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) END AS Total, dbo.tblCompany.IsContractor, dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Constructor_Percentage,
dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Contractor_Percentage, CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) ELSE ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) END AS After_Lift, ISNULL(dbo.tblSurvey.Survey_Completed, 0)
AS Survey_Completed, LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Title)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Forename))
+ ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Surname)) AS Inserted_By, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_By AS InsertedBy_ID,
ISNULL(dbo.tblUploadedFile.File_Name, '') AS File_Name, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Variation_ID,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2008Period1,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate
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Aug 4, 2005
Right now i'm developing a time attendance system.
So in that case i'll be playing with time where that time represents what time an employee come to office and go home.
I'm a little bit confuse which data type i'll be used in this system.
Because there will be a lot of calculation according time data inside the database, such as: how many times an employee comes before 08.00, how much hours that he/she spend in the office that they, etc.
Can somebody help me with this problem, what data type most suitable with this kind of system and how can I do the calculation more easily?
thanx before,
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Nov 22, 2005
Hi there,
I have a situation in which I need to do one thing if the values of a field ("ServiceCode") fall within the range of 100-299, and do something else if the value is outside this range. The problem is that ServiceCode field has a datatype of char(6), and there are some non-numeric values in that field.
So the logic needs to be:
If ServiceCode is a number datatype (int or decimal) AND ServiceCode is between 100 and 299, then <Do Something>
Additionally, this statement needs to be within a larger Select statement.
Any suggestions?
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May 31, 2008
Hi this is my first post i am hoping its the write place. I have a page in which a customer can either add a new product and its rate as well as update an existing product. What i am trying to achieve is get the live rate of the product, when a user goes to order the product. Each existing product can be updated twice in a year either in period 1 or period 2, therefore there is a possibility that a rate hasnt been updated which means the price should be the alst updated rate. Therefore the following are the possible rates which the product can have;
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate - This will be the rate when a product is new and has just been added, therefore no previous rates.
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2- Most existing products are still having this rate as their latest rate.
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 1
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 2
What i am trying to do is get the latest rate as it stands in the system, based on the above scenarios. This what I have so far, i tried to use the ISNULL, however that didnt work for probably because there are four instances. The following is the "view" which returns the rates.
SELECT dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Survey_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.ScheduleStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit, dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description,
dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID, ISNULL(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Valuation, 0) AS Valuation, dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_DateTime,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION ELSE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description END AS DESCRIPTION,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN tblRateSchedule.SWT ELSE tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID END AS SWT, dbo.tblCategory.Category,
dbo.tblScheduleStatus.Schedule_Status, CASE isnull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)
WHEN 0 THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate ELSE tblWorkSchedule.Rate END AS Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate AS UPLIFTED_RATE,
CASE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID WHEN 1 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID)
END WHEN 2 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID) END END AS UpliftedRate,
CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) ELSE CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) END AS Total, dbo.tblCompany.IsContractor, dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Constructor_Percentage,
dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Contractor_Percentage, CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) ELSE ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) END AS After_Lift, ISNULL(dbo.tblSurvey.Survey_Completed, 0)
AS Survey_Completed, LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Title)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Forename))
+ ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Surname)) AS Inserted_By, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_By AS InsertedBy_ID,
ISNULL(dbo.tblUploadedFile.File_Name, '') AS File_Name, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Variation_ID,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2008Period1,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate
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May 27, 2014
I have a table having multiple fields but I need to extract data based on the two fields.
Field1 Field2
1 | 123
1 | 213
2 | 123
2 | 3654
2 | 4758
I want the result with 2 cases
1.) distinct in Field 1 but multiple in field 2
Expected result:
Field1 column1 column2 column3
1 | 123 | 213
2 | 123 | 3654 | 4758
2.) multiple in field 1 but distinct in field 2
Expected Result :
Field 2 | Column1 | Column2
123 | 1 | 2
There may be more columns added according to the data available.
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Nov 13, 2014
I have table called AbsData with one field called Servicedate which is Datetime filed.. like date is stored as 2014-11-12 10:03:00.000 etc..
When I trying to retrieve data from that table using below query I am not getting any data
select * from AbsData where Servicedate = '2014-11-12'
Even I used
select * from AbsData where Servicedate = 2014-11-12 00:00:00.000'
select * from AbsData where Servicedate = 2014-11-12 00:00:00'
none of this query is worked..
How to get all the data from table where date is equal to 11/12/2014
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Jun 7, 2007
Hi All
I want to select a certainnumber of rows
select custno, amt, balance from customer where custno='customerno'
when showcust='r' then select rows where amt<balance
when showcust='c' then amt>balance etc
if showcust='' then show everything
Any insight will be greatly apprecaited.
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Aug 9, 2007
I'm fairly new to SQL and I have been asked to load multiple tables with duplicate and inconsistent data into a single table. Each source (table) has been assigned a rank in terms of the quality and reliability. After some thought, I have come up with this solution to get all of the data loaded based on rank.
Does anyone know of a better way to do this?
Value is a unique key.
FROM table_1
FROM table_2
where (value + '_' + yr) in
( select value + '_' + yr
from table_2
select value + '_' + yr
from table_1)
FROM table_3
where (value + '_' + yr) in
( select value + '_' + yr
from table_3
select value + '_' + yr
from table_2
select value + '_' + yr
from table_1)
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Jul 23, 2005
I've been tasked with designing a database to store collectiveagreements. I need to store each sub-article of each article of eachagreement in it's own row within a table. I'm having difficultyfiguring out the best way to store each sub-article's identifier sothey sort properly.The majority of the collective agreements use numbers in a dottednotation, for example: agreements mix letters with numbers, such as:A-1.11.1.A.1Any ideas how I should deal with this?
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Mar 7, 2006
i have the following requirement
Can a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 generate XML data based on the schema, We don't prefer to manually build an xml string inside the stored proc?
Is there any SQL Server 2005 feature to do it if possible?
i appreciate your help.
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Oct 24, 2007
Hi everybody!
My users need to sort data on base of columns that they select ,the same as sorting in grid but i need it with reporting services.
Thankas in advance.
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Oct 3, 2007
I have the following tables :
Code Block
Create Table #Request ( [requestid] int , [customername] Varchar(30) , [stateno] nvarchar(5) , [cityno] int , Callid int, UniqueNo int);
Create Table #Call(Callid int,Calltype int,callDetailid int ) // CallType 1=New 2=Change 3=Delete
Create Table #CallDetail(callDetailId int,empid int)
The tables are populated in the following order: One row for CallDetail, One for Call and one for Request and so on
I have to generate a UniqueNo - Per empid, Per StateNo, Per CityNo, Per CallType and insert into #Request table along with the other data. How do I do this?
Code Block
Insert into #CallDetail(12123,1)
Insert into #CallDetail(53423,1)
Insert into #CallDetail(6532,1)
Insert into #CallDetail(62323,1)
Insert into #CallDetail(124235,1)
Insert into #CallDetail(65423,2)
Insert into #CallDetail(56234,2)
Insert into #CallDetail(2364,2)
Insert into #CallDetail(34364,2)
Insert into #CallDetail(85434,2)
Insert Into #Call(111,1,12123)
Insert Into #Call(112,1,53423)
Insert Into #Call(114,1,6532)
Insert Into #Call(123,2,62323)
Insert Into #Call(134,1,124235)
Insert Into #Call(143,2,65423)
Insert Into #Call(145,1,56234)
Insert Into #Call(154,2,2364)
Insert Into #Call(185,1,34364)
Insert Into #Call(195,1,85434)
Insert Into #request Values('324234','Jack','SA023',12,111,0);
Insert Into #request Values('223452','Tom','SA023',12,112,0);
Insert Into #request Values('456456','Bobby','SA024',12,114,0);
Insert Into #request Values('22322362','Guck','SA024',44,123,0);
Insert Into #request Values('22654392','Luck','SA023',12,134,0);
Insert Into #request Values('225652','Jim','SA055',67,143,0);
Insert Into #request Values('126756','Jasm','SA055',67,145,0);
Insert Into #request Values('786234','Chuck','SA055',67,154,0);
Insert Into #request Values('66234','Mutuk','SA059',72,185,0);
Insert Into #request Values('2232362','Buck','SA055',67,195,0);
EXPECTED OUTPUT will be (See the last column for unique nos). :
Code Block
Insert Into #request Values('324234','Jack','SA023',12,111,1);
Insert Into #request Values('223452','Tom','SA023',12,112,2);
Insert Into #request Values('456456','Bobby','SA024',12,143,1); // Calltype = 1 empid= 1, but state is different, hence unique id is 1
Insert Into #request Values('22322362','Guck','SA024',44,114,1);
Insert Into #request Values('22654392','Luck','SA023',12,123,3);
Insert Into #request Values('225652','Jim','SA055',67,143,1);
Insert Into #request Values('126756','Jasm','SA023',69,134,1);
Insert Into #request Values('786234','Chuck','SA023',72,145,2);
Insert Into #request Values('66234','Mutuk','SA059',72,185,1);
Insert Into #request Values('2232362','Buck','SA055',67,195,2);
Please note that this will not be run as a batch query, but the no. has to be generated and inserted into #record table in realtime. I have given bulk of records for understanding of the problem
Plz help. I am stuck from 2 days on this :
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Feb 15, 2007
Hi~, I have 3 questions about memory based bulk copy.
1. What is the limitation count of IRowsetFastLoad::InsertRow() method before IRowsetFastLoad::Commit(true)?
For example, how much insert row at below sample?(the max value of nCount)
for(i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++)
pIFastLoad->InsertRow(hAccessor, (void*)(&BulkData));
2. In above code sample, isn't there method of inserting prepared array at once directly(BulkData array, not for loop)
3. In OLE DB memory based bulk copy, what is the equivalent of below's T-SQL bulk copy option ?
BULK INSERT database_name.schema_name.table_name FROM 'data_file' WITH (ROWS_PER_BATCH = rows_per_batch, TABLOCK);
My solution is like this. Is it correct?
// CoCreateInstance(...);
// Data source
// Create session
m_TableID.uName.pwszName = m_wszTableName;
m_TableID.eKind = DBKIND_NAME;
DBPROP rgProps[1];
rgProps[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED;
rgProps[0].colid = DB_NULLID;
rgProps[0].vValue.vt = VT_BSTR;
rgProps[0].vValue.bstrVal = L"ROWS_PER_BATCH = 10000,TABLOCK";
PropSet[0].rgProperties = rgProps;
PropSet[0].cProperties = 1;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
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Nov 18, 2003
OK. I have this query, works on another box fine.
acraccts ON LEFT(bookkeep.accnum, 9) = acraccts.p_accnum
WHERE (bookkeep.busdate = '03/09/10') AND (bookkeep.tradetype = 'S')
on my sql box, if i run it, i get no data.
i figured out that if i change the where clause to (bookkeep.busdate='2003/09/10') it works
if i simply put SET DATEFORMAT YMD on the first line before the SELECT * that it also works.
my problem is the basic query is hard coded and i really can't change it.
is there a global sql server setting that will make my sql 2000 sp3 box recognize '30/09/10' as 2003/09/10?
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Mar 26, 2003
I am using DTS (Data Pump Task) to fetch selective data from AS/400. The Selection is based on a table which is on SQL Server.
I can not fetch the whole data as data is huge & only want for particular items. How can I achieve this taks
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Apr 18, 2005
I am running a couple of sql 2000 SP3a servers with merge and snapshot replication. One server acting as publisher and distributor and the rest subscribers. On one of the server I have got the error below and have tried most of the suggestions by msdn. This server has not crashed ever before or any hardware problems. It has been running for a couple of months and no problems. This has not happened no any of the other servers. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as the only resolution I have left is to bring up a new instance, setup replication and see if this would resolve the issue. Stopping and starting of agents don't work.
[4/18/2005 11:59:20 AM]BRAAMPDC1ICAS2000.HO_Master: {call sp_MSgetversion }
[4/18/2005 11:59:20 AM]BRAAMPDC1ICAS2000.distribution: {call sp_MShelp_subscriber_info (N'BRAAMPDC1ICAS2000', N'EASTSRV3')}
Connecting to Subscriber 'EASTSRV3.ICASData'
Server: EASTSRV3
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 08.00.0760
user name: dbo
API conformance: 2
SQL conformance: 1
transaction capable: 2
read only: N
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 1
owner usage: 31
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: Y
max columns in table: 1024
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 524288
max statement len: 524288
max row size: 524288
[4/18/2005 11:59:27 AM]EASTSRV3.ICASData: {call sp_MSgetversion }
Percent Complete: 2
Connecting to Subscriber 'EASTSRV3'
Percent Complete: 3
Retrieving publication information
Percent Complete: 4
Retrieving subscription information
Percent Complete: 4
The merge process is cleaning up meta data in database 'HO_Master'.
Percent Complete: 4
The merge process cleaned up 0 row(s) in MSmerge_genhistory, 0 row(s) in MSmerge_contents, and 0 row(s) in MSmerge_tombstone.
Percent Complete: 4
The merge process is cleaning up meta data in database 'ICASData'.
The merge process could not perform retention-based meta data cleanup in database 'ICASData'.
Percent Complete: 0
The merge process could not perform retention-based meta data cleanup in database 'ICASData'.
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147199467
Message: The merge process could not perform retention-based meta data cleanup in database 'ICASData'.
Percent Complete: 0
Source: Failed Command
Number: 0
Message: {call sp_mergemetadataretentioncleanup(?, ?, ?)}
Percent Complete: 0
Source: EASTSRV3
Number: 11
Message: General network error. Check your network documentation.
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