When I begin Enterprise Manager and open a connection to a Server, it fails with a timeout error. But if I do a refresh and then connect again, it immediately works.
I have had similar symptoms setting up a data source for ODBC. When you initially logon to SQL Server to define the connection it times out. But then if you immediately try again it succeeds.
Furthermore one of my application programs fails to work (due to the timeout) on systems that have this behavior.
I have had these symptoms occur on 2 diferent workstations, but other workstations access the SQL Server with no problem.
All systems are WinNT 4.0; the engine is SQL Server 7 with SP2. The timeout is defined as 15 seconds so should be long enough.
Does anyone know what is going on, or how to fix it?
I'm using the following code to add some data to a table: Dim rand As Random = New Random Dim num As Int32 = rand.Next(10000000) Dim strConn as string = "......." Dim sql as string = "INSERT INTO tblitemid (itemid, userid, datetime, supplier, comment, commenttype, uniqueid) VALUES ('" & label1.Text & "', '" & user.identity.name & "', '"& System.DateTime.Now & "','3763' ,'" & textbox1.text & "' , 'C' ,'" & num & "')" Dim conn as New SQLConnection(strConn) Dim Cmd as New SQLCommand(sql, conn) Try conn.Open() Catch SQLExp as SQLException Response.Write ("An SQL Server Error Occurred: " & e.toString()) Finally cmd.ExecuteNonQuery conn.Close() End Try
As far as I can tell the code works fine. But for some odd reason I click the button, the code execute and the page closes as it should, but the data is never inserted into the database. I cant really seem to pick up on any paterns for why this would be happening. As a rough guess I'd say it doesnt insert the data 1 out of every 5 times or so it seems. Anyone every have any experience with this? Any comments would be helpful, cuz I'm at a loss. If youd like to see more code let me know.... Thanks, Scott
I have a longstanding problem where Stored Procedures or complex T-SQL called from VB.NET will not populate a DataTable object, but will work fine with a DataSet. For example: 'oConn is defined elsewhere... Dim sErr as String = "" Dim dt As New DataTable If Not oConn Is Nothing Then Try Dim sSQL as String = "select 1" Dim oCommand As New OdbcDataAdapter(sSQL, oConn) oCommand.Fill(dt) Catch ex As Exception sErr = "Database Error: " & ex.Message Finally sqlCloseConnection(oConn) End Try End Ifthis works fine and my dt DataTable object gets one row. However using this as the SQL: Dim sSQL as String = "declare @foo table(mycol integer);insert @foo select 1;select mycol from @foo;"does not work. It executes with no errors, but the DataTable has no rows. Finally, if I replace the DataTable with: Dim ds as DataSetI can then get the data in ds.Tables(0) no problem.So, if the results of the sql are a single result table being put at index 0 of a DataSet, why are they not being put in a single DataTable?When a sql is a simple select statement it always works directly to a DataTable. Only when it's a SP or sql with some logic does it require the DataSet approach. This is a reporting utility so I need to standardize the code though the sql will be dynamic. Any ideas?
Hey all, I am still pretty new to all of this and I am having problems accessing a the same DB twice in my page. I want to pull information once in one spot, but then pull different information in a different spot on the page. Anyway, in the first spot, I have the following code: Dim conString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DataConn").ConnectionString Dim con As New SqlConnection(conString)Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("Select Team1.TeamID as Team1ID, Team1.TeamName as HomeTeam, Team2.TeamID as Team2ID, Team2.TeamName as AwayTeam, Football_Schedule.ScheduleID as ScheduleID from (Select * from Football_Teams) as Team1, (Select * from Football_Teams) as Team2, Football_Schedule where Football_schedule.team1 = Team1.teamid AND Football_Schedule.team2 = Team2.teamid order by Football_Schedule.WeekNum, Team1.TeamName, Team2.Teamname", con)Using con con.Open() Dim RS As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() While RS.Read() blah blah blah End While End Using
Then in my other spot on the page I have the following: Dim cmdresults As New SqlCommand("Select Users.Firstname, sum(PointsID) as TotalPoints from Football_Input, Football_Schedule, Users where Football_Input.TeamID = Football_Schedule.winID and users.userid = Football_Input.UserID Group by Users.firstname") Using con con.Open()Dim RD As SqlDataReader = cmdresults.ExecuteReader() While RD.Read()%> <tr> <td><%=RD%> </td> </tr> <%End While End Using When I try to execute I get this error, "ExecuteReader: Connection property has not been initialized." on the following line, " RD As SqlDataReader = cmdresults.ExecuteReader()" Any ideas? If possible a little explanation on how multiple connections to the same database work would be nice just for future reference. Thanks in advance!!, Chris
We are having a problem with Query Analyzer not connecting to SQL Server anymore. Sometimes it will, sometimes it won't. Sometimes when it does, then you click on the databases drop-down, it may take a long time to return. Likewise, it may take a long time to open the object browser, or it may open without the database info but with just the "Common Objects" info.
hyei set in the connection string "connect timeout=400" and the application send error after 30sec ... why ? *in the sql server properties , the connection time set to 0 . *i know the run time of the query is very long , but in this case its doesn't matter :)
i am using this expression to get the time difference between two times.
{%Z.elapsed.time(@AK.VD.depart.date,@AK.VD.depart.time,@AK.VD.depart.date,@DV.VD.arrival.time,"hh.hh")*60} as [LOS (min)]
When Arrival time and depart time both are on same day above expression working to get the diference .
But if arrival date 2013-09-20 00:00:00.000 and arrival time 0800 and depart date 2013-09-21 00:00:00.000 and depart time 0050 when i calculate the time difference(using above expression) between these two i am getting -429.60 which is wrong. i have to get around 990.
Hello, i've developed a website using VB.NET, and SQL SERVER 2K, in my dev environment works properly (SQL Server and WEB SERVER are in the same machine). When i put everything in the target machine, where the webserver is but not the sql, i get the following error: Sql SErver does not exist or access denied
I've tried so many ways to do this, ODBC, ADO.NET, OLEDB.....and everything ends in the same error. Also if i try to connect with ODBC (from odbc manager) it seems to work (test connection succesfull), but in asp.net nothing works. I've tried to access the server with: INSTANCE_NAME SERVER_NAMEINSTANCE_NAME IP,PORT
I think (they are checking this), that the auth mode is set to MIXED MODE.
I'm running Windows Xp Pro With SQL 2005 Dev edition with Adventure Works sample db installed. I am the local administrator on my desktop, the services are up and running and I specified local connections only since this is the DEV edition of SQL05.
When I try either one of these connection strings: Data source=(SQLDEV05); initial catalog=AdventureWorks or Data source=(local); initial catalog=AdventureWorks.
I receive this error message:
TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer -----------------------------
A connection cannot be made to the database. Set and test the connection string.
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2)
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&EvtSrc=MSSQLServer&EvtID=2&LinkId=20476
I have a query to check the records of job has received after 4pm Monday to Friday and it has completed before 9am next day and also weekend it should be Friday after 4pm and before Monday 10am for particular financial year period. I have my job table which has full date but it doesn't show the date exactly Monday to Friday it shows only as 12-12-2014 like that.
I have setup report subcription with stored credential using a valid domain account and "Use as Window Credentials..." checked. Everything tested fine and works properly when the report is viewed in a web application. The problem is this report renders fine in the browser 80% of the time and occasionally it gives me Logon failure error:
An error has occurred during report processing (rsProcessingAborted) Cannot impersonate user for data source 'Pinnacle'. (rsErrorImpersonatingUser) Logon failed. (rsLoginFailed) Logon failed: unknown user name or bad password. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007052E)
Since the report is working 80% of the time and the user domain account hasn't changed. I am confused why I am getting bad user account error. Please help!
Hi all,I'm having a big problem here. I can't seem to connect to a database of MSSQL Server 2005... Here is what I've did:1. Under the Server Explorer>Data Connections. Right click and choose "Add Connection..."2. Data Source was "Microsoft SQL Server Database File". Click OK.3. I browse to the database in the MSSQL.2/MSSQL/Data folder.4. Click on the "Advanced" button, and change the default DataSource from .SQLEXPRESS to .MSSQLSERVER. Click OK5. Received this error:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default setting SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 - Connection string is not valid) Only .SQEXPRESS that I was able to connect to... i've tried the solution from Microsoft, opened SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration and enabled "Local and remote connections", checked the option "Using both TCP/IP and named pipes" but it didn't help. This is frustrating because I can't get the Membership provider, login to work on my host. Please help. Thank you very much,Kenny.
Now for the complicated part, a person can take absence(sick,holiday,other) for any part of a day or whole day(s). For these absence periods only the worked time on that day needs to be negated off, not the whole period of time.
So for example
If this person
had a days holiday on the 22nd, shown in the HOLIDAY table as
The 'Leave of Absence' on the 20th had no effect on the total for the day as it was between planned work times. how to do this within T-SQL, as simple as possible as I've got to had this code over to other staff members to maintain, who have not had much SQL experience yet?
I've tried doing it as a temp table, with dual insert/select commands, splitting the times over midnight, which partially worked but missed some of the combinations.
We have 2 databases ( Guider and Talker ) and we have a WCF service that is logged in with a domain identity.
In our SQL Server we have the service ID added to the Data Server Logins and both Guider and Talker are given access to the user.
When we access Guider we have no problems getting data.
When we access Talker we have a login failure:
Cannot open database 'Talker' requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'AcornCommunicationServices'.
The thing that gets me is that the user is created at the Server level, in both Databases, and at the server level both databases are checked for the user. master has been set as the default database for the user.
Basically, as far as I can see Talker and Guider are configured identically! So I cannot figure out why I cannot login to the second database!
Is there a specific setting I'm missing somewhere to grant login access to the user? I'm using
The following (VB.Net) code causes exceptions at seemingly random times. Any suggestions? Not sure if the problem is in .Net's ODBC support or in Sql Native Client.
If MARS is off, usually after less than 100 loops:
Code Snippet
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException was unhandled ErrorCode=-2146232009 Message="ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Connection is busy with results for another command" Source="SQLNCLI.DLL" Turning MARS is on bypasses that error, so it will sometimes survive a thousand or so runs before hitting:
Code Snippet
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException was unhandled ErrorCode=-2146232009 Message="ERROR [23000] [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Number', table 'tempdb.dbo.#TempTable___..(shortened to fit).. _________000000002F3F'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. Source="SQLNCLI.DLL" Code here: (Console Application, empty database, Visual Studio 2005, .Net 2.0, Windows XP,SQL Server 2005 or SQL Express 2005, Local or Remote)
Code Snippet
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'Dim connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("database=TestDB;server=.sqlexpress;Integrated Security=SSPI;") 'Doesn't crash 'Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLNCLI;database=TestDB;Server=.sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;") 'Doesn't crash
'Dim connection As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={SQL Native Client};Database=TestDB;Server=.sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;") 'Crashes Dim connection As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={SQL Native Client};Database=TestDB;Server=.sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes;MARS_Connection=yes") 'Crashes
Dim run_count As Integer = 1 connection.Open() Console.WriteLine("Connected!!")
While True 'connection.Open()
Dim testcmd As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("CREATE TABLE [#TempTable] (Number int PRIMARY KEY)", connection) testcmd.ExecuteNonQuery() testcmd.Dispose() testcmd = Nothing
Dim dtTemp As New DataTable Dim daTemp As New Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [#TempTable]", connection) daTemp.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey daTemp.Fill(dtTemp) Dim cbTemp As New Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder(daTemp) Dim viewTemp As New DataView(dtTemp, Nothing, "Number", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows)
Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 1000 Dim test_number As Integer = CInt(Rnd() * 2000) If viewTemp.Find(test_number) = -1 Then 'Keep it unique Dim new_temp_row As DataRowView = viewTemp.AddNew() new_temp_row("Number") = test_number new_temp_row.EndEdit() End If Next
'daTemp.Dispose() 'daTemp = Nothing
'cbTemp.Dispose() 'cbTemp = Nothing
'dtTemp.Dispose() 'dtTemp = Nothing
'viewTemp.Dispose() 'viewTemp = Nothing
Dim testcmd2 As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("DROP TABLE [#TempTable]", connection) testcmd2.ExecuteNonQuery() testcmd2.Dispose() testcmd2 = Nothing
'connection.Close() 'GC.Collect()
'Console.Write(".") run_count += 1 End While
End Sub
End Module
Usually the ".Update" triggers the exception, but sometimes the other sql commands do it. Have tried various experiments with disposing of objects immediately when finished, but no effect. Opening and closing the connection each loop seems to delay the errors, but it still happens eventually.
I've been working with Database Mail for some time but I haven't seen this one before. I have a maintenance plan that does the following:
1. Check database integrity On Success: 2. Perform backups On Success: 3. Perform a maintenance cleanup On Success: 4. Notify operator of success
Steps 1 - 3 are also linked (via On Failure arrows) to a singular Notify Operator of Failure task.
The maintenance plan does exactly what I want it to, and if everything goes correctly, it successfully sends an email to an operator.
If steps 1 - 3 fail, the job ends in an error state, but does not trigger the Notify Operator of Failure task.
I was able to recreate the problem by creating another maintenance plan on the same instance with the same steps. Its "Notify Operator" on failure task also doesn't work.
It occurs to me that maybe I'm missing something, so here's some of the details of my SQL server:
SQL 2008 + SP1 (10.0.2531) x64 on Windows 2008 R2 DB Mail profile is public and default
I do have a slightly unusual profile, in that it uses two accounts:
1. A connection to a SharePoint SMTP service (where it catches emails directed at document libraries)
2. A connection to a UNIX-based smtp server (which routes mail to regular mailboxes and my SQL DBA mailing list)
The Profile will attempt to send to the SharePoint server first. The SharePoint server does not relay. If the document library email address doesn't exist, SQL will raise a warning (in the Database Mail log) and the profile will use the second account on the list, which is a real mail server and can relay the message to any mailbox.
It works really well, actually. When the maintenance plan completes successfully, the message is sent to the drop folder on the SharePoint server, and SharePoint routes the email to the correct library, and we have a central archive of all DB Mail notifications.
But if the job fails (for example, if the backup disk is out of space), none of this happens. According to the log, the job doesn't even try to send a notification. Looking at the DBMail log, the Mail service does not start. No email is delivered to the drop folder of the receiving SMTP server. So I don't think my Database Mail configuration is the problem here. It is apparently something to do with the way the job itself handles errors.
I need data fields in the page header. The report is multiple pages. I have multiple fields I need in the page header. These fields will change on each page.
I've tried everything I can find suggested on this forum. They all either don't work or work for a while. Then, as is the case today, we get a problem with a report that renders perfectly in the RS browser but when it's output to a PDF, a couple of the page headers become confused.
Why can't Microsoft provide a hack that actually works somewhere (Maybe I just can't find it)? A sticky at the top of the forum?
I'm currently using the answer supplied by NB at AeM here http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showpost.aspx?postid=638813&siteid=1&sb=0&d=1&at=7&ft=11&tf=0&pageid=1 As I said it works very nicely, thanks , except for when it doesn't export properly to a PDF which is an MS issue I presume not the solutions issue.
I really need to be able to make this work before I start throwing my toys from my pram and so my boss doesn't think I'm a complete idiot. I'm sure he doesn't believe me when I say I can't put data in a report header, after all it's only the most basic of reporting functions.
Win 2003 Small business server with IIS being used as a web server. Our client app can log in and run queries, but our web app when trying to log in gets the message, 'SQL server does not exsist or access denied' The system DSN's are both sql drivers and the configuration is name pipes. Our recomended specs use TCP/IP, but when I try to change it, it craps out on me. He's opened up his firewall completely to this new box and his old box, a Win2k machine can connect using TCP/IP. This machine is in a work group. Any suggestions on what it might be??? :confused:
i have an sql express db on my webserver. now from another computer I am trying to creat an odbc connection to the sql server but when I enter in just the ip and the login and password it fails. Please advise me what I can do?
what i really am trying to do is set up an access db on my home computer to be linked to an sql server express backend. I thought to do this with odbc - is this the correct way?
I'm a new comer to this APS language and hope sombody out there can help me with this I'm trying to find codes for me to connect from ASP to Sql Server using ODBC. Can anyone help me Thanx
Could someone tell me how to use a query with a "connection string" to connect to an ODBC driver and retrieve data from its tables. I am new at this and have been having a lot of trouble connecting from the SSIS manager. If someone has a tutorial on how to do this. I would really appreciate it.
Hi all I have problem with making Connection between two computer through SQLServer and ODBC.
I have two computers which are members of a WorkGroup network with WindowsXP(sp2) installed. on one computer i have installed SQL Server 2000 Enterprise edition with MIX Authentication mode enabled. Also i have created a LOGIN (Sql Server Authentication) with System Administrator ROLE (SYSADMIN).in that sql server environment .
But in another computer when i want to create an ODBC connection (ControlPanelAdministrative ToolsData Sources (ODBC)) to connect to mentioned Computer with Sql server,I receive the following Error: Access Denied...Sql Server doesn't exist.
I have disabled Windows-XP firewall on both computers but still problem persists. By the way these two computer have one Administrator Account with DEFFERENT Passwords.
Could anyone help me.? Any help greately would be appreciated.
Installed SQL2005, connect via (the new) SQL Nativ Client ODBC Vers. 2005.90.1399.00 works, just as (the old) SQL Server ODBC-Driver 2000.85.1117.00. Works fine.
I am running SQL Server 2000 sp4 in Win Server 2003. I have a DTS packages which connects to FileMaker 6 files via the ODBC driver installed with FielMaker.
The DTS packages work correctly when executed directly. However, when executed from a SQL Server Agent job, the same DTS packages fail. Always with the same message:
Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 16394 (400A) Error string: [FileMaker][ODBC FileMaker Pro driver][FileMaker Pro]Connect failed Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Searching for info on the above message seems to indicate a permissions problem. However, I am running the jobs with an full administrator account. All connections and the FielMaker files reside on the one server.
I am trying out a simple ASP.NET application which includes access to an SQL Server Database. It works fine on my local machine when I connect to the SQL Server and use SQL commands (via C#) to access it. But my web hosting provider uses ODBC drivers for database access (they support the SQL database type). I would like to find out how I should connect to my SQL Server database and program the access in order for it to be ODBC compatible, so that I can deploy it to my web hosting server. I should also mention that I am using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition. Thanks for any help or pointers. Kumar
Hi all, I'm not a db guru and probably this is a very simple question for you, but I was wondering if it was possible to connect to a SqlServer using odbc without DSN. I mean, I'm trying to connect to the db server from a linux (Fedora Core 8) workstation, using odbc drivers, but it looks like I can do that only using a DSN connection and setting properly the odbc.ini file. It doesn't work, if I use a connection like this from a PHP script: $cn = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server};Server=MyServer;Database=MyDatabase", "MyUser","MyPassword") Does anyone know how to connect to SqlServer with a DSN-less connection? Could you explain me where is the error?
I'm using SQLServer2005, Fedora Core 8 with the last FreeTDS installed.
I wanted to know if there is a way to connect to my MSSQL without having to setup a datasource in the control panel.
Perferably I want to locate the database within my perl code instead. I don't want to have to setup a datasource each time I need a different database. Perhaps there is a way to pass the name of the database along with the username and password through the command line.
I am trying to connect to a database and run a query using vbscript. The problem I have run into currently is that I can not get the connection to open even though I know the DSN name it still says it can not find it. I am fairly new to vbscript so I am not sure exactly what it is looking for in the connection string so that it will find the database. Any ideas?
I've been running some tests with a 3rd party application during the last few days, but the ODBC doesnīt seem to be working well.
The ODBCs are configured to go through specific ports, since there's a firewall between the server (production area) and the database (which is located in the dev area). If i press the TEST CONFIGURATION button after i configured the ODBCs, the test is successful, and the log file of the firewall monitor shows that the server is connecting through the designated ports.
But when i run the 3rd party application, the queries fail, showing an error that says "The server cannot be found or you donīt have access", after this error, another one appears, saying something like "Connection().opened..." - unfortunately I don't have the actual text, I'll try to post it as soon as i get them .
Just to make sure that the 3rd party app is doing its job, dev team wrote a simple VB6 app to query the database, and it shows the same error.
Both apps are running well in the dev environment, since dev machines don't have to go through the firewall, and both apps are using the ODBC configured in the same way as the server. I could think that the problem is the firewall, but the firewall logs show that the production server is trying to use ports 1433, 1434, 445 and 139, and there isnīt a single entry showing activity for the ports specified on the ODBCs configuration.
The database server is running SQL Server 2000, the dev pcs are running Windows 2000, and the ODBC driver version is 2000.85.1117.00.
On the Production environment the server that is trying to access the database is running Windows 2003 Server Ent Ed. SP 1 , and the ODBC driver version is 2000.86.1830.00
I hope some one outthere has any ideas to solve this problem, or at least any idea of what is causing this error, because iīm running out of them.
I am running SQL 2005 SP1 on Win 2003 Std x64 SP2. I get an error trying to connect using an ODBC System DSN connection. The ODBC connection gets the following error:
Connection failed: SQLState:'28000' SQL Server Error: 18456 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'
The SQL Server logs the following error:
18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.
I have tried this with several SQL accounts. I am able to login to the SQL Manager with the accounts without issue. It is only when trying to connect via ODBC that I get the error. I am currently downloading SQL 2005 SP2 to see if this will help with the issue. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.