ODBC Connection Failing On 64 Version Of Windows 2003 Server

May 3, 2006

I have an application that talks to a SQL backend using an ODBC DSN connection. It works fine when running on a 32bit machine but fails in the 64bit environment. The DSN is setup properly on the 64bit box and the Test Connection returns sucess. However when my application tries to use the DSN to connect to the database I recieve the following error.

IM002 - Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

The data source name does exist, it's in the ODBC.INI and in registry. As mentioned above the Test Connection succeeds in the ODBC Administrator so logic would dictate that it's setup correctly.

Any help would be appreciated.

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ODBC Connection To SQL Server Failing

Jul 23, 2005

Hi, I have an access 2003 database which connect to sql server via aDSN that goes through a VPN. The database works fine and everyone cancoonect from their normal computers but for anyone working on theirLaptops (IBM Think Pad T42's) they cannnot connect to the datasource.The DSN fails upon connection attempt with :Connection Failed:SQLState: '01000'SQL Server Error: 1326[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen(Connect()).Connection Failed:SQLState: '08001'SQL Server Error: 17[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not existor access is denied.This has been driving me insane as i cannot understand why it works forour desktop computers and not for our laptops. The version of MDAC isthe same on a computer that connects as it is on a laptop that doesn't.TCP/IP is enabled on the server and is using the default 1433 port.severs, desktops and laptops all patches and up to date with the latestSP's. DSN has been dropped and re-created. Domain user has been put inlocalAdmin group for laptop.I hope i'm mising something really obvious....can someone please pleaseput me out of my misery and tell me they have come accross this beforeand have a solution. Ive tried everything i can think of.CheersDan

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Oracle Odbc Driver On Windows 2003 64 Bit, SQL Server 2005

Oct 24, 2006

God morning!
I 've just installed SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2003 Server 64 bit. One of my databases need to connect to seveal Oracle databases.
- I tried installing 64 bit Orcale 9 on this server. Got a strange message that the application (Oracle 64 bit) could not be installed on a 32 bit server! Strange!
- I installed Oracle 9 32 bit on the server, but I could not find ODBC driver in the Data sources! Neither the oledb under providers in MSS Manager Studio!
- Same result efter several desintall and installation. A college copied the .dll files och run a script to register the dll files. We could then se the Oracle driver in the Database sources, but we could not create any connection.
- We have even tried an 10G version of Oracle with the same result.

Is there anyone who succeeded installing Oracle on 64 bit Windows and could create odbc connection/linked server?


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Connection From XP SP2 To Windows 2003 R2 With SQL Server 2005 Failed

Jul 16, 2007

I cannot make named pipe connection with client by ODBC DSA.
Here is information. Refering to http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=362498&SiteID=1.
[1] Client side:
1. What is the connection string in you app or DSN? (please specify) ODBC \[SERVER_NAME]pipesqlguery
2. If client fails to connect, what is the client error messages? (please specify) Connection failed: SQLState: €™01000€™ SQL ServerError: 1326 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]connectionOpen (Connect()) Connection failed: SQLState: €™08001€™ SQL Server Error: 17 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
3. Is the client remote or local to the SQL server machine? [Remote | Local]
4. Can you ping your server? [YES | NO ]
In cmd.exe console, type €œping -a <server_name>€?.
5. Can you telnet to your SQL Server? [YES | NO, please specify the error message ]
In cmd.exe console, type €œtelnet <server name> port, where port can be 135, 445 or sql_server_tcp_port. If your cmd.exe console turns into a complete black screen with a cursor flushing on top left corner, you are connected. Type ctrl+€™[€˜ to bring up telnet prompt and type €œquit€? <enter>.
6. What is your client database provider? [SNAC | MDAC | ADO.NET1.0 | ADO.NET2.0| other ODBC (please specify] Or/And, what is your client application? [SQL Management Studio | SQL Profiler | Visual Studio | Other (please specify).
7. Is your client computer in the same domain as the Server computer? (Same domain | Different domains | WorkGroup)
8. What protocol the client enabled? [Shared Memory | TCPIP | Named Pipes].
9. Do you have aliases configured that match the server name portion of your connection string? If so, please check if it is correct. You can use cliconfg.exe (SS 2000) or SQL Server Configuration Manager (SS 2005) to configure the alias. [NO]
10. Do you select force encryption on server and/or client? [NO]

I was able to connect with TCP/IP settings.
[2] Server side:
1. What is the MS SQL version? [SQL Server 2005]
2. What is the SKU of MS SQL? [Enterprise | Standard | Workgroup | Express (or MSDE) | other (please specify)].
3. What is the SQL Server Protocol enabled? [Shared Memory | TCPIP | Named Pipes ]. Use SQL Server Configuration Manager to configure it and check ERRORLOG or event log to confirm.
4. Does the server start successfully? [YES | NO] If not what is the error messages in the SQL server ERRORLOG?
5. If SQL Server is a named instance, is the SQL browser enabled? [YES | NO]
6. What is the account that the SQL Server is running under?[Local System | Network Service | Domain Account]
7. Do you make firewall exception for your SQL server TCP port if you want connect remotely through TCP provider? [YES | NO | not applicable | not enabled]
8. Do you make firewall exception for SQL Browser UDP port 1434? In SQL2000, you still need to make firewall exception for UDP port 1434 in order to support named instance.[YES | NO | not applicable | not enabled]

I could connect locally with named pipes.
Do I have to make some file shares manually?
[2a] Tool Used to Connect
What tool or Application are you using to connect to SQL Server (eg: Visual Studio, SQL Server Management Studio, SQLCmd.exe, OSQL, etc) and especially the version of SQL Server (Express, Workgroup, Standard, Enterprise, Developer)
[3] Platform:
1. What is the OS version? [Windows XPSP2 | Windows 2003 | Windows 2000 | Windows 98 | others (please specify ) ].
1. Server [Windows Server 2003 R2]
2. Client [Windows XP SP2]
2. Do you have third party antivirus, anti-spareware software installed? [Symantec | Norton | other (please specify) ½ NO].

[4] Misc:
1. If you have certificate configuration issue: Please use €œcertutil.exe €“v €“store my€? to dump certificate specific info and post it in your question. [NO]

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JDBC Connection Fails After Windows Server 2003 SP2

Apr 3, 2007

In testing new patches, I tried Windows 2003 Server SP2 and our JDBC connections stopped working. I uninstalled SP2 and they started working again. Anyone know where the problem is?

I have already read pages of documentation, but I will keep looking. Please let me know if you know the setting that needs to be changed. I'm assuming it is a new "security enhancement" but I'm just not sure exactly where.

Thanks in advance.


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ODBC Driver For Windows 2003 64bit

Feb 7, 2007

Hi All,

I have installed windows 2003 R2 64bit on one of the system, but my devlopment team pointed out that there is no odbc driver available.

I check it for odbc driver on OS cd but i do not found any relevant files/packages, can any one tell me from where I can download the ODBC driver for windows 2003 64bit OS.

Thanks & Regards


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Connection Problem To Sql 2000 On Windows 2003 From Windows 95

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have a Windows 2003 server, which is also a terminal server forapplication, with sql 2000 installed. My company has developed anapplication that uses SQL 2000 as its database. The application is aclient/server one. In each client computer there's a link to theapplication on the server. There is no problem with Windows 98,Windows 2000 pro, Windows xp pro clients, but the windows 95 onescannot log in to the database. The log of the application shows thefollowing error:connection error -2147467259. Cannot open database requested in login'database name'. Login fails.Till a week ago the application was running on a Windows 2000 serverwith SQL 2000 install and the W95 clients had no problem connecting tothe database, so my guess is the error has something to do withWindows 2003 server, but what'causing the error?I tried to install a newer version of MDAC (MDAC 2.5, the last versionof MDAC you can install on W95)but with no success. By the way W95clients have no problem accessing shared folder on the Windows 2003server.Any idea?ThanksMarino

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ODBC Connection Failing

Jun 26, 2006

First of all i apologise if this is in the wrong area.  My problem is as follows.  I had set up a couple of aspx pages on our webserver which accessed a sql database on another server.  These pages were set up using frontpage 2003 and everything worked fine.  A week ago the pages stopped working giving the error "Server Error in '/' Application". As far as I know nothing has been changed on the servers.  On top of this frontpage has started having connection problems.  Frontpage will connect to the database but is unable to access the fields giving the following error.
Server error: Unable to retrieve schema information from the record source ' NAME' in a database using the connection string:
'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=servername;DATABASE=live;UID=********;PWD=********'.
The following error message comes from the database driver software; it may appear in a different language depending on how the driver is configured.-------------------------------------------------------[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'NAME'.
Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC DriversNumber: -2147467259 (0x80004005)
I have been trying for the past few days to solve this one, but am reasonable new to SQL, so this may be an easy one.
Hope someone can help me

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ODBC Connection Failing. Help!

Dec 18, 1998

We recently install SQL Server 7 and we are testing things to get it up to speed so we can use it for our clients. We are having difficulty calling the database from a ASP page. Here is the error it gives in the browser:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user ''.

/asptest.asp, line 11

Now here is the ASP code:

set conntemp=server.createobject("adodb.connection")
conntemp.open "DSN=Northwind;uid=dbuser;pwd=dbuser"
set rstemp=conntemp.execute("select * from customers")
howmanyfields=rstemp.fields.count -1

I have created a System DSN name Northwind, and a user 'dbuser' on the PDC (running IIS as well). I have gone into SQL Server and added the user dbuser and specified to authenticate it from the PDC. What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?
Could someone please point it out to me.



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ODBC Connection Failing

Feb 9, 2007

I had an ODBC connection set up, and it has been working fine for the last week or so.

Suddenly, last night, I started getting this error and I'm at a loss for what to do.

Here is the error that I get:

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Problem With Asp Page And ODBC On Windows 2003 SR 64 Bits

Sep 8, 2006

I have an Application developed on ASP, I got a few new servers 64bits, I installed microsoft WIN 2003 SR.
When I get in into the web site I receive this errors:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/ConnectToDatabase.asp, line 17

I made some obvios checks, I checked that the ODBC really exists and we move the IIS 6.0 to run in 32bits mode as I found in some page.

Thanks you.


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Connection Failure To SQL Server 2000 In Remote Machine From Application In Windows Server 2003

Dec 25, 2007


I'moving my asp application to a new hosting server.

So when i tried the setup locally with the live DB & application in my test machine...
The DB access is denied when application tries to hit the DB.

DB is in seperate machine with SQL Server 2000 & application(ASP) is in Windows server 2003.....
Kindly help me with your suggestions....on what went wrong?

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Installation Of SQL2005 Enterprise(English Version) Under Different Lanuage Verion Of Windows 2003

May 6, 2008

I found sql2005 Enterprise cannot be installed under Simplied Chinese win 2003, the only thing i suspect is that win2003 is an envaluation copy with netframework 2.0 be installed.

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Getting ODBC Connection Errors With SQL Server 2000 On Windows XP

Apr 21, 2008

Hi all-

I setup a new ODBC connection to MS SQL Server 2000 on Windows XP and keep getting the following errors when I try to
either register a new SQL Server 2000 group within Enterprise Manager or test the new ODBC connection:

Current configuration

- MS SQL Server 2000
-Windows XP
-ODBC 3.85.1117


I. Within SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager

Error: SQL Server connection open

II. When I test the ODBC connection:

Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Version 03.85.1117

Running connectivity tests...

Attempting connection
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]Specified SQL server not found.


Now here is what has me totally confused:

I can use the command line ISQL to access the database on the server and IP is all correct and port is available.

Any tips how to get this ODBC working?

Ben Prusinski

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SQL 2005 Express - Remote Connection - Windows 2003 - MSKB 914277

Dec 18, 2007

Hey all!

I've tried all I know in an effort to get SQL 2005 Express to allow remote connections on my customer's 2K3 server and I'm not having any luck. I've followed MSKB 914277, including adding the exceptions to their Windows firewall...even disabled the firewall altogether (for testing purposes), and I still can't get remote clients to connect. As suggested by various other posts, I used netstat -an to confirm that SQL is listening on port 1433 for the desired IP on the server.....and saw that it is listening. Here's a snippet:


I can connect to the database locally (i.e. on the 2K3 server itself) using just the IP address .... tried with a DSN, UDL, ODBC, and SSMSE...all of which have no problems (as shown by the two, "ESTABLISHED" entries in the netstat results above which were from running SSMSE locally on the server at the time of the netstat). But if a remote computer on the network tries to connect, they cannot connect. Sorry, I don't have a copy of the error message the clients are getting yet.

I asked The customer's IT to confirm that the clients CAN can "see" the server (i.e. that there wasn't some kind of router or firewall blocking their path) and they sent me a copy of the server's pfirewall.log file. Here is an entry from the file that seems to show that client requests ARE getting to the server:

2007-12-17 19:12:13 OPEN-INBOUND TCP 1213 1433 - - - - - - - - -
2007-12-17 19:12:13 CLOSE TCP 1433 1213 - - - - - - - - -

I'm starting to get in over my head here (I'm a programmer, not a DBA or Net Admin), but doesn't the above suggest that an incoming request came in from .4 on port 1213 and attempted to connect to .2 on port 1433, but the connection was denied or dropped by the server? If so, why? Is this related to another MS KB I read about connection pooling? I'm way over my head here and could use some help. Did I miss something subtle during configuration of SQL Express?
Thanks in advance.

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What Is The System Requirement Installing Ms Sql Server 2003 Client Version?

Sep 6, 2006

compare to ms sql 2000, the newer version seems to be slow when i tryto open or modify a table. is this a demerit of the newer vesion or mymachine problem?

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Can't Find SQL Native Client In ODBC Connection Manager In SQL Server Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

Feb 13, 2007

I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this posting. Looking at the descriptions, it appeared to be the best choice.

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. I have installed the SQL Native Client for
XP. However, when I try to add a new data source through ODBC Connection
Manager, SQL Native Client is not listed as an option. I have followed this procedure on three other systems with no problems. What would be causing the
SQL Native Client to not show up in the list of available ODBC data sources?

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ODBC Driver Error? 2003 Server.

Apr 29, 2005

Hi all,

Current (working) Environment within same domain:
MS SQL (v8 sp3?) on windows 2000 sp3
web server on windows 2000 sp3

New (not working) Environment:
MS SQL (v8 sp3?) on windows 2000 sp3
web server on windows 2003 sp3

when i try to connect to the remote sql db (the asp page code has remained unchanged), i get this error:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/Default.asp, line 567
line 567 is the attempt to open the connection (again, no code changes).

The ODBC reg tree has the IUSR internet guest account permissions.

When I try to create a system DSN via the ODBC manager on the current, working system, I can see a list of the SQL boxes on the network. When I try the same on the new 2003 server...our SQL server list isn't displayed.

Any ideas on why I'm getting this error in the asp page?
Creating a system DSN on the new 2003 server works, if the "Named Pipes" network libraries are choosen in the set up. If the TCP/IP network libraries are choosen...the connection fails. Named pipes uses port(s) 445 & 139. The TCP/IP libraries use port 1433.

Why would Named pipes work and not TCP/IP?


P.S. I posted this in the O/S forum, but it looks like no one browsing that forum can help on this, so it was suggested I post in the DB forum.

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Windows 2003 Server

Jan 23, 2008

Hello, pls Some of my factory guys can log on the same user name at the same time, so I want a situation where a user name may be able to log on, one at a time. Whoever that is reading this, note this is not a misplacement, this is the fact that I don't have means of solving it, I am also of opinion that some have full knowledge of windows 2003 server

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Windows 2003 Server

Apr 22, 2004

I have SQL 2k on a W2003 Server.
I have SP3 installed.
My problem is that i cant connect to the server via telnet:

"C:>telnet localhost 1433
Connecting to localhost...Could not open connection to the host, on port 1433: Connect failed."

I try telnet also.
In the Server Network Utility TCP/IP is ENABLED and the port number is 1433.

Who can help me?
(Sorry for my english)

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SQl With Windows Server 2003 SBS R2

Nov 25, 2006

We have purchased Windows 2003 Small Business Edition Premium.

Our company uses Analysis Manager / Analysis Services and also MDX functions. However Release2 only appears to have SQL 2005 Workgroup edition with it and these features do not seem to be present.

Does anybody know how I upgrade to get these functions? I don’t know if these functions can be downloaded or whether we have to upgrade by purchasing SQL Server Standard 2005 edition outright?

Thanks, Stephen.

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Windows 2003 Server And ASP

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am unable to connect to a database in my SQL 2000 Server installed ona Windows 2003 Server machine from an asp page. It gives the thefollowing error:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005)Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQLServer connection.I also sometimes get:MSDataShape (0x80004005)Data provider could not be initialized.I can connect with the same connection string and parameters from avisual basic 6 application.I can also connect the web client with the same DB in SQL 2000 runningon Windows 2000/XP.The authentication mode is mixed.I believe it is something to do with security. Please advise me on whatto do. It is very urgent.

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SQL 7.0 On Windows 2003 Server

Oct 19, 2006


I have a client requiring SQL 7.0 installed on Windows 2003 Server Std. Just wondering if its supported and possible to install SQL 97 on Windows 2003 servers.


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Accessing SQL 7 With SQL Server ODBC Driver Version 2.6

Jan 12, 1999

We will be converting shortly from 6.5 to 7. We have a widely
used application that currently accesses the SQL 6.5 using SQL Server
odbc driver version 2.6

Will the 2.6 driver work with 7.0 and ff not, what will we have to do to
get it work with 7.0?

Thanks for the info.

Jerry Dunn

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Version Of Windows Server?

Sep 9, 2005

Hello all,1. Is there a DOS command to check version of Windows server 2003 ( or 2000)?and Is there a DOS command to check version of SP in Windows Server?Thanks in advance,Do.--Message posted via http://www.sqlmonster.com

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Help Setting Up An ODBC Link To SQL Server From Access 2003

May 6, 2007


I'm a pretty smart guy, but sometimes I end up feeling left behind with all of the terminology I don't recognize.

I am running XP Pro, Access 2003, and SQL Server 2005 express.

I want to set up a ODBC connection in Access to a table that has been created in an SQL Server 2005 Express Database.

I keep getting the message connection failed, SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Can somebody here please help me?

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Server 2000 And Windows 2003

Oct 26, 2004

Hello y'all,
I have to do a new install of SERVER 2000 using WINDOWS 2003 . Has anyone done this. If so, what are the steps. Should I expect any problems ? Any help appreciated.

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MSDE2000A + Windows 2003 Server

Jan 15, 2004

I have been searching the net and haven't found anything that has worked so far for resolving this issue, hopefully someone on here can provide some insight?

I did a fresh install of a Windows 2003 Standard Edition server (as part of a workgroup, not a domain..the server is only temporary for testing) and installed MSDE 2000A (the version that contains all current service packs). I can use the MSDE server locally on the server without any issue...however when I try to connect to MSDE with a workstation, it tells me that Access is denied or the Server does not exist.

The ICF is disabled, and all passowrds being entered have been checked, however I still can not connect to the sql server. Does anyone have any ideas on this or run into this problem before?

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Windows Server 2003 Freezes

Mar 7, 2008

Set up - windows server 2003 - SQL server 2000 + tools installed

Not sure why its happening but recently when running some scripts onto one of the databases held on the server windows crashes.

I say crashes - it is non responsive but the mouse cursor can be moved.

these scripts are not being run from the server but from one of many machines on our companies network.

Any suggestions would be great

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SQL Server 2000 And Windows 2003 SBS

Jul 23, 2005

I have XP workstations and windows 2003 SBS. I setup an ODBC for anapplication (tried both User and System DSN), but after a few usage, I getthe following error:Connection failed:SQLState: 'HY000'SQL Server Error: 0[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Cannot generate SSPI context.Any ideas? Is this a bug?--Thank youPlease post only

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MSDE2000A + Windows 2003 Server

Jul 20, 2005

I have been searching the net and haven't found anything that hasworked so far for resolving this issue, hopefully someone on here canprovide some insight?I did a fresh install of a Windows 2003 Standard Edition server (aspart of a workgroup, not a domain..the server is only temporary fortesting) and installed MSDE 2000A (the version that contains allcurrent service packs). I can use the MSDE server locally on theserver without any issue...however when I try to connect to MSDE witha workstation, it tells me that Access is denied or the Server doesnot exist.The ICF is disabled, and all passowrds being entered have beenchecked, however I still can not connect to the sql server. Doesanyone have any ideas on this or run into this problem before?

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NFS Between Unix And Windows Server 2003 R2

Jan 18, 2008

I have a windows server 2003 R2 sharing a filesystem using NFS. I have created a group and passwd file and mapped the ids' to the unix login ids' . I', able to mount but when I try to cd to the directory I get "NFS access failed for server testsrvr: RPC: Authentication error". On the win2k3 server I'm getting an event error "There was a mapping failure". I have the Admin id on the win2k3 server mapped to the unix root login .

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MS SQL 2005 + Windows Server 2003 SP2

Jul 13, 2007

At first I thought it was just me, but has anyone else noticed that SQL 2005 suffers a performance hit when you install Windows Server 2003 SP2?

Since SP2, memory and hard drive usage has gone through the roof on a number of servers I use. It may just be coincidence... but it seems unlikely.

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