I cannot seem to find a group where this question would fit so I am
posting it here. I have what I believe is a unique situation. I am
using SQL Server Analysis Server to build a cube of "snapshot"
month-end type of data. This data is from an instance of Microsoft
Navision and I have successfully used SQL-DMO and DTSPackage Library
objects to allow the user to rebuild the cube through Navision. This
is accounting data and as such, the accountants want to be able to
archive this data by month. I know through Analysis Server Manager
interface I can copy the cube and save it to a different name.
I would like to know if there is a way to programmatically save a cube
to a different name with some type of automation object?
I'm looking into adding OLAP Cubes as part of our software to be distributed with our OLTP and eventually OLAP databases. Is there any books that deal with distributing OLAP Cubes and or security. Our clients will have SQL Server with our databases. Thanks
While creating a model, i can access to relational tables as data source, but not to olap cubes. Is it possible to browse olap cubes for mining? If yes, how? Thanks...
How can we allow users to access a MS SQL Server OLAP cube but restrict the level of data that he might see? I mean, if there is a cube with data for three different countries. How can one user be restricted to see data pertaining to only one of the countries and not the other two countries?
Does anyone know the best way to set up filters against the Cube data. Ex. The Cube was built with data for 1998,1999, 2000. The totals and the rollups will include the value for all years. Client A want to access the Cube Data through Excel 2000 but only wants to see the values for 1999 - with the correct totals and rollups...
I know you can uncheck the other years in the filters in excel, but the totals and rollups will still include the values summing for all years.
Can someone tell me how you can automate the refresh of OLAP Cubes? I just inhereted a data warehouse running on SQL7 and the idea of having to go in and manually refresh the cubes everyday is, well... stupid. I can't believe that they've been doing this for a year. Unfortunately, I'm not familar enough with MSOLAP yet and I can't figure this out. Any tips?
i want to know whether it is possible to develop ADHOC reports using SSRS 2005 and OLAP Cubes. the requirement is the user should be able to select the columns he wants to see in the report.
I think this requires Dynamic RDL generation. It is very urgent. i have to give POC to the client on this. Any help in this regad is appreciated.
I am having a question on the SSAS2005 OLAP Cubes storage modes. We know SSAS2005 supports 3 different storage modes: ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP.
Do all these three storage modes of cubes store data in another physica analysis services databases which are inrelative from their data warehouse (in case they are built on top of the data warehouse)? (so it does not matter at all even we remove the data warehouse?)
Thank you very much in advance for your help and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.
On the subject of Data Warehouses, Data Cubes & OLAP….I would like to speak frankly about Data Warehouses, Data Cubes andOLAP (on-line analytical processing). Has it dawned on anyone elsethat these buzz words were created by some geek who decided to take astab at marketing? Knowing that to the backwoods manager who knowslittle of technology that new innovative names for old concepts wouldhelp to sale their products.I mean seriously, what is the story here? In a nut shell, and pleasestop me if you disagree, but isn’t a data warehouse simply adatabase? Can’t you do everything on a conventional databaselike SQL Server, Oracle or DB2 that you can do on these newproprietary Data Warehouse constructs? I mean who are they trying tofool?Take a look, for instance, at Data Cubes. Who hasn’t noticedthe striking similarity between data cubes and views used in all themore robust databases? Also, what about OLAP? OLAP is nothing morethan a report generator. There’s nothing you can do with thesemillion dollar price tagged Data Warehouse total solution packagesthat I can’t do with SQL Server, Oracle or DB2…for thatmatter Microsoft Access.As an example some sales people for Metadata Corporation has the VicePresident of I.T. in Nashville, for Healthspring, sold on their totalsolution data respository which is such a scam. All they had to dowas throw a couple of buzzwords at him and they have him hypnotized.Personally, I feel that these kinds of marketing practices undermineour industry. It helps to unravel what little standards orconsistency we have. What do you guys think?Stuart
Our OLAP environment involves an ETL/Data Warehouse/Data Mart server and a cube publisher server. We would like to learn how to automate the Archival/Restore of OLAP databases. We are currently doing it manually though OLAP Manager. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. James.
-- James E. Bothamley Senior Database Administrator Dave & Buster's, Inc. 2481 Manana Dallas, TX 75220
Work Phone (214) 904-2296 email jbothaml@DaveAndBusters.Com
"Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right"
What I want to do is remove part of a result from a query. I am selecting the srvname from sysservers as follows.
SELECT srvname from sysservers Where srvid ='0'
When the name is returned some times it might be like servernameinstance. What I need to do is cut off the and everything after that so that my result is just servername. I am then using this result in a cursor to go after server shares. The length of the servername varies. Any suggestions.
Hello: I'm scheduling DTS packages to run as a job but when I do that, the job siply does not works, someone tolds me that it's a problem with the SQL and Windows NT authentication and security and he gaves me this URL http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q269074. but it not so clear to me, i'm working with SQL Server 200 and Windows Server 2000.
Currently I am using the BCP functionality to import/export tables between different SQL Server 2005 databases. The process is working ok, but it creates alot of manual work, when 70 or more tables need to be transferred, every week. I am new to RMO development and am interested if the following may be possible.
- I would like to build an interface in VB.net allowing users to select a source database, and select the tables that need to be transferred from the Source DB, to the Destination DB.
-Put in place RMO funtionality to replicate the source database tables into flat files.
-Within the Vb.net app transfer the created flat files into the destination database.
I would greatly appreciate any advice on this, or if there may be a better approach at replacing the BCP functionality.
Need help from experts on web service (ReportingService class).
I am trying to change a datasourcereference of a report from one location to another location. I am kind of stuck at this point where i am able to get the location but only dataSource.Item, dataSource.Name are not enough items for me to solve this problem.
any possible help or any threads already answered these type, greatly appreciated.
Hi!I want some tutorials on how to actually program database applications. Everything seems so bound with the data controls provided by Visual Studio and coming from PHP I don't like to not have full control over my applications. So where can I learn about creating my own database applications without using repeater, gridview or formview?Thank you in advance!
I need to create a database with one table and its column names. I got this script from the query analyzer templates as a database basic template: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE name = N'<database_name, sysname, test_db>') DROP DATABASE <database_name, sysname, test_db> GO
CREATE DATABASE <database_name, sysname, test_db> GO
I am not sure what it all means, what I need to do it name the database a certain name each time. and then create one table with 6 column names.
Currently, I am running the code in an Access/VBA module through an ODBC connection, but I would like to be able to run all my code directly on the server.
Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide.
What do all of you use to create and edit stored procedures? I am looking for a better way to code than to use the default window supplied with Enterprise Manager.
Do most of you use the Query Analyzer? Are there third party products you like using better?
I am looking into a production geared software called MassGroup. (www.massgroup.com) It says that its FactoryServer builds are on a standardized SQL framework and web architecture for data collection, work order requests, reporting and asset management. My questions are:
1. Is SQL its own programming language? If not what is it? Answer: After going thru several pages and reading the fine print I discovered they use VB, ASP, COM technology, and Crystal Reports.
2. How powerful do you think this would be at gathering data and does it have the capability of creating a number sequence automatically? (example: 0001; 0002; 0003...)
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!!!!!
I have just started in Sql 6 months ago. I was an IT major in graduate school and am now in my late 30's (career change). It took me 4 years to finally get what I thought was my dream job. Well, I was promised training which I have yet to receive and bascially went from doing basic queries that I did in class in college to doing advance Sql - stored procs, etc. I completely hate it. I do not know if it is from the lack of training or if it just not for me. I am completely bored out of mind. I am also tired of struggling everyday to complete assignments. The first 2 assignments I received were way out of my league. I was told this by a project mgr who did a similiar assignment and they have years of sql experience and it took her 3 months with assistance to complete it. I have been with the company for almost 6 years. I am not sure if I should just complete my current assignments and ask if they can reassign me to a different IT department, look for a new job or just continue to struggle and pull my hair out. Please give me some feedback as to how you would handle this situation.
I need to know what exactly other languages [C#/VB.net/ADO/XML/ASP.net..etc] that I should learn in order for me to be able to excel in SQL Development.
I started getting my hands dirty with some SSIS / SSRS & SSAS, but inorder for me to handle situations such as [Find if file exist in ftp before loading, Checking a certain row of a data file before processing/ Zipping and Unzipping data files and etc...] What should I need to know well in order for me to add more value to my skills? I would like to learn 1 language and master it pretty well.What are your suggestions?
And what is this CLR that is being talked about ?Does it use other language besides SQL?
Are there any good resources (books, websites, etc) for programming SQLServer using Visual C++? I am currently using C# but I really want to learnhow to do it using C++, but it appears to be much more difficult using C++.Thanks