I am trying to use an OLE DB Command to run a different SQL command for each row in the data flow. I have a script component that builds the SQL command and puts it in a data flow variable, and a property expression in the data flow mapping [OLE DB Command].[Sql Command] to that variable.
The problem is that the OLE DB Command has a validation error, saying that "the command text was not set for the command object", and it doesn't run.
Did I miss anything? should I tell the OLE DB Command that the SQL command would come from expression? or is it a bug?
I am having problems exporting data into a flat file using specific code page. My application has a variable "User::CodePage" that stores code page value (936, 950, 1252, etc) based on the data source. This variable is assigned to the CodePage property of desitnation file connection using Property expression.
But, when I execute the package, the CodePage property of the Destination file connection defaults to the initial value that was set for "User:CodePage" variable in design mode. I checked the value within the variable during runtime and it changes correctly for each data source. But, the property of the destinatin file connection doesn't change and results in an error.
[Flat File Destination [473]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column01" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "Flat File Destination" (473) failed with error code 0xC02020A0. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
If I manually update the variable with correct code page and re-run the ETL, everything works fine. Just that it doesn't work during run-time mode.
Untill recently I had a smooth running SSIS package,but suddenly it throws error syaing "OnError,,,,,,,The result of the expression
"@[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] +"SomeTextStringHere"+ @[User:trANTTextFileName] +(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key]+ "SomeTextStringHere" " on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property."
I have child SSIS package running under a parent package (through execute package task)
I have few flat file connection managers in child package for text file import , in which I am building text file path dynamically at run time by assigning an expression in connection string property of connection manager. The Expression is as follows
Where @[User:trTextFileImpDirectory] is a variable which contains path of directory containg text files.Value in this variable is assigned at runtime from parent package's variable,which in turns fetch value from a configuration file on local server.
With my current configuration this path has been configured to some other server's directory over network ( I.e my package picks text files from some other servers folder over network)
While "Some string here"+ @[User:trANTTextFileName]" part of file name string.
(DT_STR,30,1252) @[User:taging_Date_Key] Contain the date of processing ,value in this variable is also picked up at run time from parent package variable.
1) So can someone give me some insight into possible reason of failures. 2) Is it possible that problem arises if directory (from which I m picking text files) is assigned password or is there exist some problem in accessing forlders over network ? 3) Or there can be some problem in package configuration at design time( I.e where I m assigning value in variable from parent package vriables)?
Error 3 Error loading MLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx: The result of the expression ""C:\sql_working_directory\MLS\AZ\Phoenix\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls"" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property. c:documents and settingsviewmastermy documentsvisual studio 2005projectsm l sMLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx 1 1
Directly using C:sql_working_directoryMLSAZPhoenixDocsArmls_Schema Updated 020107.xls as connectionString works
However - I'm trying to deploy the package - and trying to use expression: @[User::DIR_WORKING] + "\Docs\Armls_Schema Updated 020107.xls" which causes the same error to occur
(Same error with other Excel source also: Error 5 Error loading MLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx: The result of the expression "@[User::DIR_WORKING] + "\Docs\Armls_SchoolCodesJuly06.xls"" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property. c:documents and settingsviewmastermy documentsvisual studio 2005projectsm l sMLS_AZ_PHX.dtsx 1 1 )
I have run into what appears to be a strange bug (or I am expecting too much) in SQL Reporting Services.
I have a field with a dollar amount. If the dollar amount = 0, then the users want "NA" to display. I have this set-up correctly.
I have now found that if the dollar amount is displayed, they want the text box right aligned, and if the "NA" is displayed, then they want the text box to be center aligned.
I put the following expression in the "TextAlign" property setting...
Code Block =IIF(Field.value = 0, Center, Right)
Now the IIF function is available in my expression window, and so is "Center" and "Right". But when I try to run the report, I get the error that "Center" is not declared.
So maybe this just is not possible in SQL Reporting Services, but I wanted to check before I told the users "no can do".
BTW, I tried "Left", "Right", and "General" in place of "Center" and got the same error.
We're trying to launch a SSIS package throw a webservice. This WebService loads a configuration file with "myPackage.ImportConfigurationFile(pathConfig)" and assigns values to some variables with "myPackage.Variables.Item(Parameters.Keys.Item(i)).Value = Parameters.Item(i)". Seems to work.
I we execute the webmethod of the WebService, this works but only when we execute first time, the SSIS finished succesfully. But when we execute a second time the Webmethod, we've a lot of failure with messages:
The result of the expression "@[User::Email]" on property "ToLine" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.The result of the expression ""The Import of " + @[User::ExcelFile]+ " is successful"" on property "MessageSource" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.
First and foremost, I'm officially and thoroughly confused between Variable, Expression and settings. I need help clearify this up for me.
I'm going to use the Flat File Connection as an example.
I have:
> A global variable named: FileToImportFullPath (string) that stores the full path of the file I want to import. Note: the file path will change has the package executes (the location of the file depends on a number of conditions, namely the Date and Time of the package execution)
> A Flat File Connection Manager used by a Flat File source in the package's main Data Flow
So ideally, I want the Flat File Connection Manager's ConnectionString to be set to whatever the value of FileToImportFullPath variable is at the time. To accomplish this, I set the ConnectionString Expression to equal to FileToImportFullPath. First question, if I set the ConnectionString Expression, is it okay for me to leave the ConnectionString property (i.e. in the Editor or the Property Editor) blank? Second, whenever I leave the ConnectionString property blank, I will get a warning stating: "A valid file name must be selected". Since this is a warning, I ignored, but during exeuction, the value really is blank. Also, I'm 100% certain that the FileToImportFullPath variable is set correctly before the Data Flow step is executed.
All in all, I'm just confused if an object's property must be set if there is already an express for it (e.g., in the file move task, the source and the destination properties).
I'm wondering if anyone's accomplished this before - I've been unable to find a whiff of info on how to do this so far.
I'm creating a custom component that I'd like to give a "Derived Column" type of ability to. By that, I mean I'd like to populate a property of my component with an expression (including references to input columns, package variables and functions) and be able to evaluate it at runtime - per row processed by the component.
I would also appreciate any information as to how to provide the interface to allow the user to build such an expression as well - is there a UI function in SSIS I can call to pop up the "expression builder"?
Is it possible to use a property, say name, of an object ( say the connection object) in the "Property Expression" of that object? I would like to modify the Connection String property of a flat file connection manager to append date to it. To do this I need to be able to use the Name property of the connection manager in the Property Expression editor. How ever I get an error that it does not recognize name, it almost seems to suggest I can only use variables. I find it hard to believe since it seems like common requirement to be able to use properties of an object (connection manager) in modifying other properties of the object. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Is it possible to use a property, say name, of an object ( say the connection object) in the "Property Expression" of that object? I would like to modify the Connection String property of a flat file connection manager to append date to it. To do this I need to be able to use the Name property of the connection manager in the Property Expression editor. How ever I get an error that it does not recognize name, it almost seems to suggest I can only use variables. I find it hard to believe since it seems like common requirement to be able to use properties of an object (connection manager) in modifying other properties of the object. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I have an expression set on the 'Disable' property of a data-flow task. When the expression evaluates to true the data-flow still executes. That seems wrong to me.
I ahve a demo package here: http://folders.live.com/self.aspx/VQ9oHa1TJjc/Public/SSIS%20Stuff/ExamplePackages/20070717%20Expression%20on%20Disable%20property%20has%20no%20effect/Package1.zip
Please reply letting me know whether this is indeed a bug or not.
I have a matrix table with a rectangle in the data cell. The rectangle has an image and textbox. The textbox has an expression in it's Hidden property based on the column name. The report renders fine on screen. When the report is exported to Excel, CSV, XML the textbox contents are not output (the images display as expected). I've tried setting the DataElementOutput to Output/Yes with no success. Exporting to TIFF, PDF, Web Archive/MTHML is fine.
I am having a hard time setting the executable path for an Execute Process Task in SSIS. I have a variable that is initialized at package statup which holds the path to an executable in Windows. When I set the property "Executable" Path in an expression, I get a warning that the path for the executable is not set. One workaround was to try and initialize the variable with a bogus path with the hopes that the "correct" value will be written on run-time. NO LUCK. I still get the error and I cannot run the package until I put a static path.
Can anyone provide an example or point me to an article that explains how to programmatically set the SQL command for a data reader. I am using a data flow task in a For Loop Container and want to change the SQL command for each loop based on the data from the previous.
I am writing a custom task that has some custom properties. I would like to parameterize these properties i.e. read from a varaible, so I can change these variables from a config file during runtime.
I read the documentation and it says if we set the ExpressionType to CPET_NOTIFY, it should work, but it does not seem to work. Not sure if I am missing anything. Can someone please help me?
In the Editor of my custom task, under custom properties section, I expected a button with 3 dots, to click & pop-up so we can specify the expression or at least so it evaluates the variables if we give @[User::VaraibleName]
I developed a simple custom control flow component which has several read/write properties and one readonly property (lets call it ROP) whichs Get method simple returns the value of a private variable (VAR as string). In the Execute method the VAR has a value assigened. When I put the value of ROP or VAR into MsgBox I can see the correct value. However when I execute the component I can not see the value of the ROP in the property window. I see the property but its value is empty string. For example when I put a breakpoint to postexecute or check the property before click OK in a MsgBox I would expect that the property value would be updated in SSIS as well. Is there a way how to display correct values of custom tasks properties in property window?
I have created 1 report with 2 datasets. This report is attached to the 1st dataset.For example,1st one is "Smallappliances", 2nd is "Largeappliances".
I created a tablix and, the 1st column extracts Total sales per Sales person between 2 dates from 1st dataset (Small appliances). I used running values expression and it works fine.
Now, I would like to add another column that extracts Total sales per sales person between 2 dates from 2nd dataset (Large appliances). I am aware that I need to use Lookup expression and it is giving me the single sales value rather than the total sales values. So, I wanted to use RunningValue expression within lookup table to get total sales for large appliances.
This is the lookup expression that I added for the 2nd column.
I get this error when I preview the report.An error occurred during local report processing.The definition of the report is invalid.An unexpected error occurred in report processing.
The header table row for G4 contains 3 textboxes containing the sums of the contents within G4. The header table row for G4 is visible while it's contents, including the G4 footer table row, is kept invisible until the report user drills down into the group.
When the report user drills down into G4 the footer table row becomes visible and the sums of the contents of the group are displayed for a second time.
At this point I want the sums in the header to be set to invisible when the sums in the footer are made visible by the drilldown.
When I try to reference the hidden property of textbox66 in the G4 footer in order to set the hidden property of header textbox57 in the G4 header I get to this point...
When it fails to give me an option of choosing the .Hidden property and instead only gives me a .Value.
If I complete the IIF statement manually so that it spells out .....
So my question is, how do I reference the hidden property of one or more textboxes in a group to use as condition checks to set the hidden property of another textbox in that same group?
Thank you for any help you can provide. We are only now beginning to implement reporting services and I have not yet had the chance to research this in greater detail for lack of time.
i am using visual web developer 2005 and SQL 2005 with VB as the code behindi am using INSERT command like this Dim test As New SqlDataSource() test.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString1").ToString() test.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text test.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO try (roll,name, age, email) VALUES (@roll,@name, @age, @email) " test.InsertParameters.Add("roll", TextBox1.Text) test.InsertParameters.Add("name", TextBox2.Text) test.InsertParameters.Add("age", TextBox3.Text) test.InsertParameters.Add("email", TextBox4.Text) test.Insert() i am using UPDATE command like this Dim test As New SqlDataSource() test.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString").ToString() test.UpdateCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text test.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE try SET name = '" + myname + "' , age = '" + myage + "' , email = '" + myemail + "' WHERE roll 123 " test.Update()but i have to use the SELECT command like this which is completely different from INSERT and UPDATE commands Dim tblData As New Data.DataTable() Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True") Dim Command As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM try WHERE age = '100' ", conn) Dim da As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(Command) da.Fill(tblData) conn.Close() TextBox4.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("name").ToString() TextBox5.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("age").ToString() TextBox6.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("email").ToString() for INSERT and UPDATE commands defining the command,commandtype and connectionstring is samebut for the SELECT command it is completely different. why ?can i define the command,commandtype and connectionstring for SELECT command similar to INSERT and UPDATE ?if its possible how to do ?please help me
i am using a OLE DB Source in my dataflow component and want to select rows from the source based on the Name I enter during execution time. I have created two variables,
enterName - String packageLevel (will store the name I enter)
myVar - String packageLevel. (to store the query)
I am assigning this query to the myVar variable, "Select * from db.Users where (UsrName = " + @[User::enterName] + " )"
Now in the OLE Db source, I have selected as Sql Command from Variable, and I am getting the variable, enterName,. I select that and when I click on OK am getting this error.
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E0C. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E0C Description: "Command text was not set for the command object.".
Can Someone guide me whr am going wrong?
myVar variable, i have set the ExecuteAsExpression Property to true too.
Hi. I am writing a program in C# to migrate data from a Foxpro database to an SQL Server 2005 Express database. The package is being created programmatically. I am creating a separate data flow for each Foxpro table. It seems to be doing it ok but I am getting the following error message at the package validation stage:
Description: An OLE DB Error has occured. Error code: 0x80040E0C.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E0C Description: "Command text was not set for the command object".
Description: "component "OLE DB Destination" (22)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
This is the first time I am writing such code and I there must be something I am not doing correct but can't seem to figure it out. Any help will be highly appreciated. My code is as below:
private bool BuildPackage()
// Create the package object
oPackage = new Package();
// Create connections for the Foxpro and SQL Server data
MessageBox.Show("The DTS package was not built successfully because of the following error(s):" + sErrorMessage, "Package Builder", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Hi, After many nights without sleep I'm not seeing this? Can anyone help why I'm getting a ConnectionString Property not set error? thanks! Dim Sconn As StringDim DBCon As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionSconn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LocalSqlServer")DBCon = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(Sconn)Dim cmdCommand As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand 'Dont forget to instantiate a connection object cmdCommand.Connection = DBConDBCon.Open()
I would like to create table by T-SQLand need to specify DescriptionBut I can't find any sample to add Description property by T-SQL Additionally, I also would like modify Description property by T-SQL. What can I do ????? Please help me ......
Hello friends, I am using sql server 2005. In some tables to create the column Autoincrement I had set the 'Idetity Specification' property to 'Yes'. I want to know that how can we do it through sql scripts i.e. by writing query. Please let me know Thanks & RegardsGirish Nehte
I'm trying to see the properties of a database and I'm getting the following error, even when trying to connect as sa.
Property Owner is not available for Database '[EPro]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights.
I am use Reporting services 2000 SP2 and discover that the LineHeight property rendered correctly only in renderers for HTML output. PDF renderer, TIFF renderer and client side printing client do not render changes in this property at all.
Is it bug in Reporting services 2000?
Can someone try to change LineHeight property in SQL Server 2005 Reporting services and verify rendering output?
within a data flow task I have two OLE DB sources that I am attempting to put into a merge join.
When I connect them to the merge join transformation I get the following error:
The IsSorted property must be set to true on both sources of this transformation.
I understand what this means but I cannot see an IsSorted option in the properties of the OLE DB sources so I can't set it. Can you tell me where it is? for the time being I'm having to put a sort transform in to get it to work.