OLEDB Conn Mgr Change Is Not Detected In BIDS/vs.net

Aug 23, 2007

I have changed the database name in an ole db connection manager. (The server name is identical)

When I run the package, it is still using the old db name.

I have tried restarting VS but it makes no difference.

How can I get it to stop caching the original name/update it to get the new name?

View 1 Replies


Error When An OLEDB Source Points To An OLEDB Destination.

Oct 10, 2006

Hi all,

I got an error when i do an OLE db Source pointing to an sql 2000 database and executing a sql query inside the OLE Source. The ole source will point to an OLE DB destination which is an sql 2005 database.

But i got the below error:

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Destination [245]]: the column firstname cannot be processed because more than one code page (936 and 1252) are specified for it.

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "OLE DB destination" (245)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.

Error at Data Flow TaSK: There were errors during task validation.


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First SQL Conn

Jun 14, 2007

Hi forum, thought about time I updated from OleDB to SqlClient.
My remote host company supports MS SQL Server 2005, I have created a testsql.mdf, now I want to connect to that database,( im used to writing Access conn like below and have updated my OleDB code to Sql ).
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data"%><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %> 
strAccessConn ="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=C:\inetpub\vhosts\blablabla\httpdoc\App_Data\testdb1.mdb";
How do I write the SQL connection string?
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data"%><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
strSqlConn =?????? this bit ?????
This is the remote host path 
data source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true
This my first SQL data application so need some help thanks Paul

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Conn Obj

Apr 7, 2005

Hi All -
 Prior to ASP .Net I use to create a connection object for SQL Server in my global.asa file and I would reference the obj whenever needed. how can I do the same in asp .net.
Here is my old asp sample:
Global.asa file:
Sub Session_OnStart
set session("conn") = createobject("adodb.connection") session("conn").Open "PROVIDER=MSDASQL;DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx;DATABASE=xxxxx_db;UID=xx;PWD=xxxxxxxx;"
End Sub
Call from Other Pages:
sqlstr = "select * from members WHERE memberid = '" & session("mbr_memberno") & "'" set objRS = session("conn").Execute(sqlstr)
...  How can I do this in .net?

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Database Conn

Oct 23, 2004

I have downloaded some code on how to upload images to a sql database and I am getting
this error message

"SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied."

I have opened Enterprise Manager and made sure I was a "user" and everything seems to be ok there.
The connection string looks like this
Could anyone give me an idea on what to check or try next


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MS SQL Conn String

Dec 26, 2004

My MS SQL Server was working perfectly fine locally when I used the following connection string:

server=(local)\DB;Integrated Security=True;uid=;pwd=;database=AspNetDb

When I moved my SQL server to another machine within my LAN, it stopped functioning.

Could someone kindly give me some advice? I appreciate your assistance.

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Trusted Conn.

Apr 19, 2000


Does anyone know how to create trusted connections?. What I want to do is to have
connection to a sql server that's in a different domain as I am (a NT workstation).
I tried to create a login id on the server with my nt id but got an error:

"15401: NT group or user not found"

I msut be missing some steps.

Thanks in advance.

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Conn String

Mar 12, 2007

What is the impact of the differences in the following 2 connection strings:

Initial Catalog=xxx;Data Source=xxxxxx;Trusted_Connection=True;

Driver={SQL Server};Server=xxxxx;database=xxx;Trusted_Connection=yes;

To outline the differences I'm concerned with are

Missing Driver on first string

Difference in Trusted_Connection parameter (true vs. yes)

Initial Catalog vs. database parameter

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Days Are Not Detected

Apr 7, 2008

Hi, I used the following query to update my columns according to the change of time and days of the week. But my query is not working as it should. Today is Tuesday and the time now is 9am so according to my query Mon_Night column should be updated but Sat_Night column is being updated when i execute the query. Please advice..

declare @Weekday bit, @hour int

select @Weekday = datepart(dw,getdate()),@hour= datepart(hh,getdate())

Update Weekly set
Sat_Night=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 1 and (@hour> 7 AND @hour<=19))


Sun_Day=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 1 and (@hour > 18 AND @hour < 7))


Sun_Night=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 2 and (@hour> 7 AND @hour<=19))


Mon_Day=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 2 and (@hour > 18 AND @hour < 7))


Mon_Night=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 3 and (@hour> 7 AND @hour<=19))


Tue_Day=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 3 and (@hour > 18 AND @hour < 7))


Tue_Night=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 4 and (@hour> 7 AND @hour<=19))


Wed_Day=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 4 and (@hour > 18 AND @hour < 7))


Wed_Night=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 5 and (@hour> 7 AND @hour<=19))


Thu_Day=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 5 and (@hour > 18 AND @hour < 7))


Thu_Night=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 6 and (@hour> 7 AND @hour<=19))


Fri_Day=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 6 and (@hour > 18 AND @hour < 7))


Fri_Night=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 7 and (@hour> 7 AND @hour<=19))


Sat_Day=CASE WHEN (@Weekday= 7 and (@hour > 18 AND @hour < 7))

from ALD join Weekly on Weekly.TesterID = ALD.TesterID

View 18 Replies View Related

SQL Conn Login Fail

Aug 9, 2007

Hi Forum,
I am having issues with hosted Sql05 server conn. Ive made the move from Oledb to Sql, so am unsure if trouble is permissions or connection related!
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
<connectionStrings>    <remove name="LocalSqlServer" />    <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=**.**.**.**;Initial Catalog=***_Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;" />  </connectionStrings>  <system.web>    <roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="SqlRoleProvider">      <providers>        <clear />        <add name="SqlRoleProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="ConnectionString" />      </providers>    </roleManager>
Ive tried some conn varients re security id, but its always the same error. I can use SQL Server Management Exp to login/manage database, using SQL authentication.
The web app is the conn I cant open, hosting company support useles, now thats something new, cheers P

View 4 Replies View Related

Error With Conn String

Dec 16, 2007

Just installed AJAX for VS2005 and started to build a AJAX enabled web site. I got the following message  after creating a database (SQL) and Dataset "FOLLOWING ERROR OCCURED WHLE GETTING CONNECTION STRING INFORMATION FROM CONFIGURATION:'CANNOT GET WEB APPLICATION SERVICE'.
I didn't have this problem before,can it be related to AJAX?
Thank you in advance,

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Cannot Connect To SQL 7 Using Dsnless Conn & ASP

Sep 3, 1999

I have IIS4/ASP on one server (Nomad) and SQL7 on another server (Reliant) in a rack. I am attempting to retrieve records from a table.

I am using this dsnless connection script and I am receiving a login failure:

set con1 = createObject("ADODB.connection")con1.open "Provider=sqloledb;Server=;Database=wc c;UID=andy;PWD=sterling;"
set rs=con1.Execute (sql)

I have set up a new login called andy with the above password and associated the login with the wcc database and the one table that I want to pull data from AND given the login db_creator permissions and checked all of the "select, edit, delete. etc" options.

However when I view who has OWNER status of the wcc database it still reflects the user dbo. Could this be the problem? If so, how do I fix it?

Your help is greatly appreciated!


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Question About OLE DB Conn Mgrs

Jun 20, 2007


I just realized I have this question. Let's say you are building a simple package that just loads some data from a flat file into a database table.

And let's say that many people will be logging on to the server to run this package from the file system, (so each person will have their own Window's login.) Some people will have rights to read/write to tables database, but some will not. They just need to be able to run the package.

So, when you set up the OLE DB Destination conn mgr, should you choose Windows Authentication or SQL Server login?

Because what if someone does not have permission to write to the database? Won't the package fail to execute since it's relying on the Window user's login to for the OLE DB conn mgr?


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Thread Starvation Detected

Apr 19, 2001

Any practical suggestions as to how to elminate this error as result of script executions?


Steve Brown

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An Inconsistency Was Detected During An Internal O

Feb 2, 2008

I am going crazy!!
We have a new server with 80GB RAM.
I restore a database a little over 3TB, EXEC DBCC CHECKDB and receive the output below which conitues to error on tempdb any idea why tempdb?? Thanks for any help!!

Msg 5242, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation in database 'tempdb'(ID:2) on page (17:4003567). Please contact technical support. Reference number 4.
The statement has been terminated.
Msg 5242, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation in database 'tempdb'(ID:2) on page (15:913355). Please contact technical support. Reference number 3.
The statement has been terminated.
Msg 5242, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation in database 'tempdb'(ID:2) on page (9:3514551). Please contact technical support. Reference number 4.
The statement has been terminated.
Msg 5242, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation in database 'tempdb'(ID:2) on page (18:2808171). Please contact technical support. Reference number 4.
The statement has been terminated.
DBCC results for 'SalesDM'.
Service Broker Msg 9675, State 1: Message Types analyzed: 14.
Service Broker Msg 9676, State 1: Service Contracts analyzed: 6.
Service Broker Msg 9667, State 1: Services analyzed: 3.
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Service Broker Msg 9669, State 1: Conversation Endpoints analyzed: 0.
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DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200611'.
Msg 8908, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200611' (object ID 351340316) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 56265296 rows in 1003654 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200611".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctItemFctTender200611' (object ID 351340316).
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DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200608'.
Indexed view check failed for indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200608' (object ID 1037246750) due to internal query error 5242, severity 16, state 1. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database. However, this view will not be processed further.
There are 62321634 rows in 1112544 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200608".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200702'.
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DBCC results for 'FctTenderBridge200712'.
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DBCC results for 'FctTrans200707'.
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DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200606'.
Indexed view check failed for indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200606' (object ID 1069246864) due to internal query error 5242, severity 16, state 1. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database. However, this view will not be processed further.
There are 60310390 rows in 1040058 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200606".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200604'.
There are 67935 rows in 6794 pages for object "FctPurchases200604".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200604'.
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DBCC results for 'FctTrans200708'.
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DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200605'.
Msg 8908, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200605' (object ID 1085246921) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 55705251 rows in 960564 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200605".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctItemFctTender200605' (object ID 1085246921).
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200509'.
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DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200603'.
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DBCC results for 'FctTrans200709'.
There are 33951188 rows in 524909 pages for object "FctTrans200709".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200604'.
Msg 8907, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200604' (object ID 1101246978) contains rows not produced by the view definition. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 55331833 rows in 959978 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200604".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctItemFctTender200604' (object ID 1101246978).
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200510'.
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DBCC results for 'DimPriceBookPromo'.
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DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200602'.
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DBCC results for 'FctTrans200710'.
There are 33485504 rows in 517574 pages for object "FctTrans200710".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200603'.
Msg 8908, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200603' (object ID 1117247035) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 56649889 rows in 976726 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200603".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctItemFctTender200603' (object ID 1117247035).
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200511'.
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DBCC results for 'vw_DimItemAccount'.
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DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200603'.
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DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200701'.
There are 81741 rows in 8175 pages for object "FctPurchases200701".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200601'.
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DBCC results for 'FctTrans200711'.
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DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200602'.
There are 47477589 rows in 818580 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200602".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200512'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200512".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryOverShort200704'.
There are 22221 rows in 2332 pages for object "FctInventoryOverShort200704".
DBCC results for 'FctTrans200712'.
There are 32819820 rows in 507497 pages for object "FctTrans200712".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200601'.
Msg 8907, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200601' (object ID 1149247149) contains rows not produced by the view definition. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
Msg 8908, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200601' (object ID 1149247149) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 50796714 rows in 875806 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200601".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctItemFctTender200601' (object ID 1149247149).
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200601'.
There are 13947 rows in 1163 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200601".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryOverShort200705'.
There are 25592 rows in 2432 pages for object "FctInventoryOverShort200705".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200512'.
Msg 8908, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200512' (object ID 1165247206) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 54301932 rows in 936241 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200512".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctItemFctTender200512' (object ID 1165247206).
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200602'.
There are 12009 rows in 1001 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200602".
DBCC results for 'vw_DimScenario'.
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DBCC results for 'FctPurchasesDetail200603'.
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DBCC results for 'FctInventoryOverShort200706'.
There are 27514 rows in 2620 pages for object "FctInventoryOverShort200706".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200702'.
There are 76123 rows in 7613 pages for object "FctPurchases200702".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200511'.
Indexed view check failed for indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200511' (object ID 1181247263) due to internal query error 5242, severity 16, state 1. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database. However, this view will not be processed further.
There are 52659454 rows in 907922 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200511".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200603'.
There are 13039 rows in 1087 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200603".
DBCC results for 'vw_DimTransAccount'.
There are 23 rows in 1 pages for object "vw_DimTransAccount".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200510'.
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DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200604'.
There are 11613 rows in 968 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200604".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200609'.
There are 30397051 rows in 241247 pages for object "AggFctInventory200609".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200605'.
There are 12187 rows in 1016 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200605".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200704'.
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DBCC results for 'FctPurchasesDetail200602'.
There are 1254092 rows in 41804 pages for object "FctPurchasesDetail200602".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200703'.
There are 85893 rows in 8590 pages for object "FctPurchases200703".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200606'.
There are 11818 rows in 985 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200606".
DBCC results for 'FctTenderBridge'.
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DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200607'.
There are 12518 rows in 1044 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200607".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200601'.
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DBCC results for 'FctBudget'.
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DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200608'.
There are 13150 rows in 1096 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200608".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200602'.
There are 64427 rows in 6443 pages for object "FctPurchases200602".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchasesDetail200701'.
There are 1534839 rows in 51162 pages for object "FctPurchasesDetail200701".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200606'.
There are 62724410 rows in 1391801 pages for object "FctItem200606".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctItem200612'.
There are 52130481 rows in 1133272 pages for object "vw_FctItem200612".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200609'.
There are 12481 rows in 1041 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200609".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200610'.
There are 34001457 rows in 269853 pages for object "AggFctInventory200610".
DBCC results for 'FctTrans200606'.
There are 38400926 rows in 640654 pages for object "FctTrans200606".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200610'.
There are 13520 rows in 1127 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200610".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctItemFctTender200610'.
Indexed view check failed for indexed view 'vw_FctItemFctTender200610' (object ID 1305771709) due to internal query error 5242, severity 16, state 1. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database. However, this view will not be processed further.
There are 57939653 rows in 1033756 pages for object "vw_FctItemFctTender200610".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200612'.
There are 35384669 rows in 280831 pages for object "AggFctInventory200612".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200611'.
There are 13381 rows in 1116 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200611".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchasesDetail200601'.
There are 1338455 rows in 44616 pages for object "FctPurchasesDetail200601".
DBCC results for 'vw_DimPriceBookPromo'.
There are 118229 rows in 1895 pages for object "vw_DimPriceBookPromo".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchasesDetail200702'.
There are 1488946 rows in 49632 pages for object "FctPurchasesDetail200702".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200612'.
There are 22346428 rows in 69265 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200612".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctBudget'.
There are 7888015 rows in 144737 pages for object "vw_FctBudget".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200612'.
There are 15684 rows in 1307 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200612".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200609'.
There are 22601520 rows in 69974 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200609".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200701'.
There are 17266 rows in 1439 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200701".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200608'.
There are 24686521 rows in 76429 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200608".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200702'.
There are 14803 rows in 1234 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200702".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchasesDetail200512'.
There are 1434370 rows in 47813 pages for object "FctPurchasesDetail200512".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchasesDetail200703'.
There are 1650558 rows in 55020 pages for object "FctPurchasesDetail200703".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200607'.
Msg 8907, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_TicketInternalKey200607' (object ID 1369771937) contains rows not produced by the view definition. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 24698391 rows in 76466 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200607".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_TicketInternalKey200607' (object ID 1369771937).
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200703'.
There are 16608 rows in 1384 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200703".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200606'.
There are 23769033 rows in 73589 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200606".
DBCC results for 'Staging_FOCUSITEMS_ByVendor'.
There are 21777 rows in 921 pages for object "Staging_FOCUSITEMS_ByVendor".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200802'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "AggFctInventory200802".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200607'.
There are 33035231 rows in 262184 pages for object "AggFctInventory200607".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200704'.
There are 16125 rows in 1344 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200704".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200605'.
There are 22425315 rows in 69429 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200605".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200803'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "AggFctInventory200803".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200705'.
There are 16463 rows in 1372 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200705".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200512'.
There are 73225 rows in 7323 pages for object "FctPurchases200512".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200701'.
There are 12107517 rows in 115310 pages for object "FctMarketBasket200701".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200604'.
There are 22166578 rows in 68937 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200604".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200804'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "AggFctInventory200804".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200608'.
There are 33151524 rows in 263107 pages for object "AggFctInventory200608".
DBCC results for 'FCTInventoryWaste200706'.
There are 16117 rows in 1344 pages for object "FCTInventoryWaste200706".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200702'.
There are 11214976 rows in 106810 pages for object "FctMarketBasket200702".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200603'.
There are 22886943 rows in 70858 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200603".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200805'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "AggFctInventory200805".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200509'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200509".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200703'.
There are 12761633 rows in 121540 pages for object "FctMarketBasket200703".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200704'.
There are 37695453 rows in 523551 pages for object "FctInventory200704".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200602'.
There are 19189009 rows in 59409 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200602".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200608'.
There are 64855844 rows in 1457417 pages for object "FctItem200608".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200806'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "AggFctInventory200806".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200510'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200510".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200511'.
There are 70537 rows in 7054 pages for object "FctPurchases200511".
DBCC results for 'FctTender200701'.
There are 34225526 rows in 561075 pages for object "FctTender200701".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200601'.
There are 20660832 rows in 63966 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200601".
DBCC results for 'FctTrans200608'.
There are 39789289 rows in 653515 pages for object "FctTrans200608".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200609'.
There are 23083511 rows in 378604 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200609".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200801'.
There are 29905699 rows in 523773 pages for object "FctInventory200801".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200511'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200511".
DBCC results for 'DimTill'.
There are 16 rows in 1 pages for object "DimTill".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200705'.
There are 38970106 rows in 541256 pages for object "FctInventory200705".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200512'.
There are 21779722 rows in 67430 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200512".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200608'.
There are 25207905 rows in 435214 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200608".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200610'.
There are 23766888 rows in 389807 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200610".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200512'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200512".
DBCC results for 'FctTender200702'.
There are 32671979 rows in 535607 pages for object "FctTender200702".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200511'.
There are 21311948 rows in 65982 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200511".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200607'.
There are 25234186 rows in 442871 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200607".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200802'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventory200802".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventoryReview'.
There are 958840 rows in 7611 pages for object "AggFctInventoryReview".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200601'.
There are 128704 rows in 10726 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200601".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchasesDetail200511'.
There are 1409930 rows in 46998 pages for object "FctPurchasesDetail200511".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200706'.
There are 38252109 rows in 531284 pages for object "FctInventory200706".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200510'.
There are 22062804 rows in 68306 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200510".
DBCC results for 'DimCashierScoreCardMetric_01162007'.
There are 46 rows in 16 pages for object "DimCashierScoreCardMetric_01162007".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200711'.
There are 39850504 rows in 355810 pages for object "AggFctInventory200711".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200602'.
There are 112303 rows in 9359 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200602".
DBCC results for 'FctTender200703'.
There are 36122249 rows in 592169 pages for object "FctTender200703".
DBCC results for 'vw_TicketInternalKey200509'.
There are 21589065 rows in 66840 pages for object "vw_TicketInternalKey200509".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200801'.
There are 29441137 rows in 262868 pages for object "AggFctInventory200801".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200606'.
There are 24283086 rows in 426176 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200606".
DBCC results for 'DimCashierScoreCardMetric_orig'.
There are 44 rows in 15 pages for object "DimCashierScoreCardMetric_orig".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200803'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventory200803".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200603'.
There are 127779 rows in 10649 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200603".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200610'.
There are 60162067 rows in 1305938 pages for object "FctItem200610".
DBCC results for 'FctItem'.
There are 0 rows in 1 pages for object "FctItem".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryDetailOverShort200704'.
There are 1484083 rows in 46481 pages for object "FctInventoryDetailOverShort200704".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200605'.
Msg 8907, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctTransFctTender200605' (object ID 1549248574) contains rows not produced by the view definition. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
Msg 8908, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctTransFctTender200605' (object ID 1549248574) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 22888622 rows in 401040 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200605".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctTransFctTender200605' (object ID 1549248574).
DBCC results for 'FctTrans200801'.
There are 22806016 rows in 352545 pages for object "FctTrans200801".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200604'.
There are 115408 rows in 9618 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200604".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchasesDetail200510'.
There are 1368026 rows in 45601 pages for object "FctPurchasesDetail200510".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200611'.
There are 58588889 rows in 1271737 pages for object "FctItem200611".
DBCC results for 'FctTenderBridge200701'.
There are 23067465 rows in 59916 pages for object "FctTenderBridge200701".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryDetailOverShort200705'.
There are 1517066 rows in 48130 pages for object "FctInventoryDetailOverShort200705".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200604'.
There are 22618689 rows in 396964 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200604".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200801'.
There are 41208843 rows in 894225 pages for object "FctItem200801".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200804'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventory200804".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200605'.
There are 123662 rows in 10306 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200605".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200612'.
There are 58947898 rows in 1279917 pages for object "FctItem200612".
DBCC results for 'FctTenderBridge200702'.
There are 21954795 rows in 57026 pages for object "FctTenderBridge200702".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryDetailOverShort200706'.
There are 1340892 rows in 43708 pages for object "FctInventoryDetailOverShort200706".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200707'.
There are 39662660 rows in 561343 pages for object "FctInventory200707".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200603'.
There are 23344796 rows in 409706 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200603".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200606'.
There are 115162 rows in 9597 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200606".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200610'.
There are 12762686 rows in 121550 pages for object "FctMarketBasket200610".
DBCC results for 'FctTenderBridge200703'.
There are 24276224 rows in 63057 pages for object "FctTenderBridge200703".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200602'.
There are 19578204 rows in 343603 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200602".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200805'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventory200805".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200607'.
There are 122175 rows in 10182 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200607".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200510'.
There are 70660 rows in 7066 pages for object "FctPurchases200510".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200611'.
There are 13561902 rows in 129161 pages for object "FctMarketBasket200611".
DBCC results for 'FctTrans200701'.
There are 36465522 rows in 564690 pages for object "FctTrans200701".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200708'.
There are 39701544 rows in 616017 pages for object "FctInventory200708".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200601'.
Msg 8907, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctTransFctTender200601' (object ID 1613248802) contains rows not produced by the view definition. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 21061710 rows in 369635 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200601".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctTransFctTender200601' (object ID 1613248802).
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200608'.
There are 121127 rows in 10094 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200608".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200612'.
There are 12860503 rows in 122481 pages for object "FctMarketBasket200612".
DBCC results for 'FctTrans200702'.
There are 33238975 rows in 514737 pages for object "FctTrans200702".
DBCC results for 'AggFctCashierScoreCard200701'.
There are 1434201 rows in 11952 pages for object "AggFctCashierScoreCard200701".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200512'.
Msg 8908, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctTransFctTender200512' (object ID 1629248859) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 22210120 rows in 389795 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200512".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctTransFctTender200512' (object ID 1629248859).
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200806'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventory200806".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200609'.
There are 115143 rows in 9596 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200609".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200610'.
There are 34233332 rows in 461211 pages for object "FctInventory200610".
DBCC results for 'FctTrans200703'.
There are 39713913 rows in 614538 pages for object "FctTrans200703".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200704'.
There are 60365747 rows in 1310370 pages for object "FctItem200704".
DBCC results for 'AggFctCashierScoreCard200702'.
There are 1214541 rows in 10122 pages for object "AggFctCashierScoreCard200702".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200709'.
There are 38675506 rows in 545787 pages for object "FctInventory200709".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200511'.
Msg 8908, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctTransFctTender200511' (object ID 1645248916) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 21730576 rows in 381381 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200511".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctTransFctTender200511' (object ID 1645248916).
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200610'.
There are 125323 rows in 10444 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200610".
DBCC results for 'FctPurchases200509'.
There are 72751 rows in 7276 pages for object "FctPurchases200509".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200705'.
There are 65959516 rows in 1445243 pages for object "FctItem200705".
DBCC results for 'AggFctCashierScoreCard200703'.
There are 1406685 rows in 11723 pages for object "AggFctCashierScoreCard200703".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200510'.
Msg 8908, Level 16, State 1, Server KNXPNAETLSQL2005, Line 1
Indexed view 'vw_FctTransFctTender200510' (object ID 1661248973) does not contain all rows that the view definition produces. Refer to Books Online for more information on this error. This does not necessarily represent an integrity issue with the data in this database.
There are 22504065 rows in 394958 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200510".
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'vw_FctTransFctTender200510' (object ID 1661248973).
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryDetailOverShort200801'.
There are 1040806 rows in 24007 pages for object "FctInventoryDetailOverShort200801".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasketFuel200612'.
There are 6121409 rows in 65822 pages for object "FctMarketBasketFuel200612".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200707'.
There are 39662300 rows in 354130 pages for object "AggFctInventory200707".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200611'.
There are 122336 rows in 10195 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200611".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200611'.
There are 33667100 rows in 438313 pages for object "FctInventory200611".
DBCC results for 'FctItem200706'.
There are 67926976 rows in 1474350 pages for object "FctItem200706".
DBCC results for 'AggFctCashierScoreCard200704'.
There are 2087657 rows in 17398 pages for object "AggFctCashierScoreCard200704".
DBCC results for 'TempMTDDailyMCheckDate'.
There are 16359 rows in 46 pages for object "TempMTDDailyMCheckDate".
DBCC results for 'FctInventory200710'.
There are 40550644 rows in 574700 pages for object "FctInventory200710".
DBCC results for 'vw_FctTransFctTender200509'.
There are 22017622 rows in 386422 pages for object "vw_FctTransFctTender200509".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryDetailOverShort200802'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventoryDetailOverShort200802".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryWasteDetail200612'.
There are 178662 rows in 15465 pages for object "FctInventoryWasteDetail200612".
DBCC results for 'FctMarketBasket200704'.
There are 12611156 rows in 120107 pages for object "FctMarketBasket200704".
DBCC results for 'AggFctCashierScoreCard200705'.
There are 1442440 rows in 12021 pages for object "AggFctCashierScoreCard200705".
DBCC results for 'AggFctInventory200701'.
There are 35666434 rows in 318452 pages for object "AggFctInventory200701".
DBCC results for 'TempMTDDailyCheck'.
There are 605 rows in 5 pages for object "TempMTDDailyCheck".
DBCC results for 'FctInventoryDetailOverShort200803'.
There are 0 rows in 0 pages for object "FctInventoryDetai

View 1 Replies View Related

Tape Drive Not Detected

Feb 5, 2008

I have a SQL 2005 Server (SP1) running on Windows 2003 server machine. Now windows can detect the tape drive attached to the system as 'HP StorageWorks DLT VS160'. Even 'ntbackup' detects it and is able to backup data to the tape drive. However, SQL Server is unable to detect the tape drive. The tape does not show up in the Backup Devices in Server Objects and hence I'm unable to take backups directly to the tape via SQL Server. How do I get SQL 2005 to recognize the tape drive?

View 5 Replies View Related

Err. 823 Torn Page Detected

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,One of my database was suspected, So I try to recover database then itgives this errorErr. 823 Torn Page Detected823, ... 24, spid51 i/o error Torn Page (Detected)during read at offset 0x0000000040e0000 in file .........How can I recover my SQL Server 2000 Database? Please helpThanks

View 6 Replies View Related

Previous Version Detected

Jun 7, 2007

I just dowmnloaded sql 2005. I have been trying to install sql 2005 install keeps saying a previous version exists cannot proceed three is no sql anywhere to be found. what do i do? The support to this point is non-existent typical MSFT if you are not the peron to help who is?

View 1 Replies View Related

Different Conn Strings To Retrieve Different Datasets

May 8, 2008

I have a Save method in my class file that connects to my sql db to 4 datasets, which I then wrap together. I am currently instantiating 4 different Sql Client connections to do this.
Would it be more efficient to use just one?

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL Conn. Problem After Moving .mdf File

Aug 11, 2007

Hello ,

I am using SQLSExpress 2005 and VS2005.

Yesterday, i changed my sql connection string and i added ;


And i moved mdf file to project's debug directory by using cut-paste. I deleted dbase from databases section in SQL Managament Studio. And i attached dbase according to new path(project debug path).

After these, problem started to occur. If i open a table in SQLMS i cant start debugging my application, it throws
exception " Cannot open user default database .login failed. "

And when i start my application , i cant use SQLMS to see my tables or to run query.It says ; ...cannot be opened due to inaccesible file....

It seems like only 1 application can use my db at a time. But before i moved my database, i could both open tables in SQLMS and i could start running my application at the same time

Do u have any idea?

View 6 Replies View Related

SQL Ser. Detected A Logical Consistency-based I/O.

Dec 21, 2007


When I am running sp there i am getting below error. I have try dbcc checkdb but there he didn't show any error. Please help me

Msg 824, Level 24, State 2, Line 1
SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error:
incorrect pageid (expected 1:5276956; actual 0:496).
It occurred during a read of page (1:5276956) in database ID 16 at offset 0x00000a10a38000 in file
Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail.
This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately.
Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors;
for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.

Thanks & Regards


View 1 Replies View Related

An Inconsistency Was Detected During An Internal Operation

Oct 19, 2007

Hi experts. I would like to ask for this error that I've encountered

(Error msg)
Msg 5242, Level 22, State 1, Line 1
An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation in database 'smartapp'(ID:9) on page (1:28827). Please contact technical support. Reference number 7.

then I tried executing this:

DBCC CHECKDB('Bizbox_training', 'smartapp')
DBCC CHECKDB('Bizbox_training', 'smartapp')

but this error still occurs, can you help me fixing this kind of problem. Thanks in advance.

View 2 Replies View Related

A Deadlock Was Detected While Trying To Lock Variables

Mar 20, 2008

Hi Friends,

I have a problem to read varibale inside script.
the error discription is following-

Error: A deadlock was detected while trying to lock variables "User::FilePath" for read/write access. A lock cannot be acquired after 16 attempts. The locks timed out.

this is my code. i my code i am using two variables, but i can access only one .
i have to retrive file directory and file path is generated by other system.

Public Sub Main()


' Add your code here


Dim vars As Variables

If Not vars Is Nothing Then


End If

Dim lFileName As String = String.Empty

Dim lFilePath As String = String.Empty

Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("FilePath", vars)

Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead("FileName", vars)


lFileName = vars.Item("FileName").Value.ToString

lFilePath = GetDirectoryName(lFileName)

If Not lFilePath.EndsWith("") Then

lFilePath = String.Format("{0}", lFilePath)

End If

vars("UnzippedKeyStatFilePath").Value = lFilePath


Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

Manish Jain

View 4 Replies View Related

Limitation On Conn.Execute In Classic .ASP && ADO With SQL Server

Aug 13, 2004


I have a project (using classic ASP & SQL Server) which adds one execute sql statement at a time to a temporary array, and then I join that array with a chr(30) (record separator), to a string variable called strSQL. I then run the following line of code:


I was wondering if there was any limitation to how large the strSQL variable can be? Reason I ask is because thru log writes I can see all of my sql execute lines exist in the variable strSQL prior to running the "conn.execute(strSQL)" command; however, not all of the lines run at the time of execution. Remember, this bug only is occuring whenever I have say over 600 sql lines to execute.

My understanding is that there was no limitation on the size of the string strSQL; however, in the interest of getting the bug fixed quick enough, I decided to just run a loop for each sql statment and run "conn.execute(strSQL)" every 50 times. This, in turn, has solved the problem and I do save all of my data; however, my original bug still exists.

Does anyone know why I have to split the sql commands and execute.com every 50 times instead of just being able to do it once ?

Please let me know. Thanks in advance.

View 8 Replies View Related

Why Can't I Connect To SQLServer With An Incomplete Conn. String ?

Dec 23, 2004

I found out that I could use SQLDMO to enumerate objects in a SQL server. However, I can't connect to my server, even though I have both "windows and SQL server" authentication on "(local) Windows NT".

Here is the code (it does not contain the validation in this snippet):

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports SQLDMO

Public Class ADO_2
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected WithEvents txtQuery As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents txtresults As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
Protected WithEvents lstDB As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList
Protected WithEvents lblResult As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
Protected WithEvents cmdExecute As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button
Protected WithEvents cmdNext As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button

Private m_objConn As New SqlConnection()
Private m_objSQLServer As SQLDMO.SQLServer

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


End Sub

Private Sub Page_Unload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Unload

m_objConn.Close() 'Just in case.....
End Sub

Private Sub cmdExecute_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdExecute.Click

Dim objCommand As SqlCommand
Dim objDataReader As SqlDataReader
Dim intField As Integer

txtresults.Text = String.Empty
m_objConn.ConnectionString = "server=radu;database=" & lstDB.SelectedItem.Text & ";integrated security=SSPI;"

objCommand = New SqlCommand(txtQuery.Text, m_objConn)
objDataReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader

While objDataReader.Read
txtresults.Text &= vbNewLine
For intField = 0 To objDataReader.FieldCount - 1
txtresults.Text &= objDataReader(intField).ToString.PadRight(15)
End While

objDataReader = Nothing
objCommand = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub EnumerateDatabases()

On Error GoTo EnumerateDatabasesError

Dim objSQLDatabase As SQLDMO.Database

m_objSQLServer = New SQLDMO.SQLServer()

'Iterate through all databases on the target server:
For Each objSQLDatabase In m_objSQLServer.Databases
Next objSQLDatabase

objSQLDatabase = Nothing
m_objSQLServer = Nothing
Exit Sub

lblResult.Text = Err.Number.ToString & ", " & Err.Description
Resume EnumerateDatabasesExit
End Sub
End Class

Why can't I connect with m_objSQLServer.Connect("radu") ? I also tried m_objSQLServer.Connect("radu", "", ""). Otherwise, I can connect just fine with m_objConn.Open() (after I select a db from the dropdownlist, which is for now populated by hand)....

Thanks a lot for your time.


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Connection String To Conn To SQL From Shell Script

Dec 27, 2007

I have a unix shell script. I need to establish connection to the MS SQL server to execute packages and jobs. Could you please help me out on how to establish this connection as I am new to SQL server. I am using SQL Server 2000.


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SSIS Deployment Question About Conn Strings? Please Help.

Jan 23, 2007

Hi everyone:

I have a package(SSIS) that works fine on a local SQL Server. Once I deploy it to the server A, and change the connection strings, it throws the following error:

Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "DatabaseName" failed with error code xxxxx.
Error: component "OLE DB Destination"(16) failed validation and returned error code xxxx.

Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error Code: 0x80040E4D. Al OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Description: "Communication Link Failure"

Error: Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error Code: 0x80040E4D. Al OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."

Error: Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error Code: 0x80040E4D. Al OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Description: "Login failed for user 'username'."

I have confirmed from my Network Engineer that this is not a Network issue. I can connect to the the target sql server from SQL Server A(where the package is running). The only thing that has changed is the connection string. In my package I connect to a local database on the server, and a remote SQL server. The connection to the local sql server works fine from the package. The remote SQL Server connection string is not working, I think. I also noticed that after I enter my password in the conn string, within the VS 2005, after building it, and deploying it on the server, I check back the conn string, and it is no longer there. I have read some posts about it, and I understand that SSIS hides it. What is the work around here? I have never used config files for SSIS, so I would need exact instructions to do that, if that is the way to go. Has someone else ever ran into this error? I have seen some posts on the forum with similar error, but they are not providing any solid answers. In my case, I need to know how to implement either a config file for conn strings, or how to deploy with conn strings which retains password. I can connect to a remote SQL Server from SERVER A utilizing SQL Management Studio, therefore any firewall/port issues are not relevant. I feel the issue is with conn strings, and I need some solid advise on how to implement them especially, where in my case, one of my connections is to a remote sql box, utilizing Sql server authenticaion(which involves use of password). Thanks.

Here is how my current connection string looks like and notice there is no attribute for password:

Data Source=;User ID=username;Initial Catalog=databasename;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Persist Security Info=True;

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Flat File Conn Mgr Column Limit??

Oct 17, 2007


I have a flat file with hundreds of columns.

I set up a flat file conn mgr with the following settings:

format: delimited
text qualifier: "
header row delimiter: {LF}
row delimiter: {CR}{LF}
column delimiter: comma

Now, here's the problem. In the preview screen, it shows only up to column 518 correctly. In column 519, it shows the remaining hundreds of columns all glommed together as one big string, like: "data", 123, 10/17/2007, "more data", etc

Anyways, I am wondering what to do about this?

When I attempt to run the data flow I get this error:
[Flat File Source [1]] Error: The column delimiter for column "Column 519" was not found.

However, the good news is that I only need the first 9 columns of the file. Some preprocessing in order, maybe?


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SQL Server Detected A Logical Consistency-based I/

Mar 16, 2008

This local test DB was doing just fine. I fire up SQL Server again, and all of a sudden I can't access it (expend the database in Management Studio). So I detach and try to run this script which was run initially to re-attach it:

USE [master]
( FILENAME = N'C:DatabaseABS.mdf' ),
( FILENAME = N'C:DatabaseABS_log.ldf' )
if not exists (select name from master.sys.databases sd where name = N'CMS' and SUSER_SNAME(sd.owner_sid) = SUSER_SNAME() ) EXEC [CMS].dbo.sp_changedbowner @loginame=N'domain estuser', @map=false

and I get this error: SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: torn page

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I/O Error (torn Page) Detected During Read

Mar 31, 2008

we are running a maintainance plan on sql 2000 standard edition, got the error,

[2] Database db_source: Check Data Linkage...
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 8928: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Object ID 1221579390, index ID 0: Page (1:197116) could not be processed. See other errors for details.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Table error: Object ID 1221579390, index ID 0, page (1:197116).
Test (IS_ON (BUF_IOERR, bp->bstat) &&bp->berrcode) failed. Values are 2057 and -1.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in table 'xxx'(object ID 1221579390).
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in database 'db_source'.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKDB (db_source noindex).

when i run query on anlyzer select * from xxx, i got the error
Server: Msg 823, Level 24, State 2, Line 1
I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset 0x000000603f8000 in file 'F:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdatadb_Data.MDF'.

Connection Broken

please help. thanks

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An Inconsistency Was Detected During An Internal Operation In Database

Jan 21, 2008

I'm getting the following error:

An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation in database 'LocalLab2000'(ID:5) on page (1:19992). Please contact technical support. Reference number 5.

I ran DBCC CHECKDB ('locallab2000') and no error messages came up and still have the same problem.
I ran then dbcc checktable ('part') with DATA_PURITY and no error messager came up and the problem still whenever i select anuthing in that particular table.

Any ideas?

Thank you

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An Inconsistency Was Detected During An Internal Operation In Database

Jan 21, 2008

I'm getting the following error:

Msg 5242, Level 22, State 1, Line 1

An inconsistency was detected during an internal operation in database 'LocalLab2000'(ID:5) on page (1:19992). Please contact technical support. Reference number 5.

I ran DBCC CHECKDB and there's no error messages neither alloc or consistency.
I ran dbcc checktable ('part') with DATA_PURITY and still no errors, but i still have the inconsistency error message whenever i access this particular table.

Any ideas?

-Ricardo Lozano

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'Identity Insert Off' Not Detected, Validation Error

Jul 24, 2007

I am trying to capture the rows that fail during an insert.

The insert is an OLE DB command component.

I have config'd errors to redirect to a flat file.

My problem is this

I need to override the identity, fine if you are using 'fast load' but then you can't capture the redirected rows.

So I am using the regular 'table or view' data access mode, but then I lose the 'keep identity' checkbox.

At this point I add in another OLE DB command "SET IDENTITY_INSERT table OFF" before the actual insert ODB component.

But now it won't validate. I changed the task 'delay validation' property to true, but still it is failing.

It seemingly cannot detect this statement.

So how then can I capture error rows from an insert where I need to switch the identity off?

[This is a one off historic load I am working on]

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