ORDER BY [Date] Isn't Working Since It's Not A DateTime (it's A Varchar!)

Mar 4, 2004

Hi everyone.

I know, I know, it should have been a datetime from the start...but here's the problem.

I'm trying to sort by my date field but because it looks like: "04/03/2004 12:14:21 PM" it's not ordering it properly using:


Are there any work arounds for this? Is there some way of doing:

ORDER BY covert(datetime, [Date], 103) or something?



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Select As VarChar But Order By DateTime

Mar 13, 2008


I'm trying to CONVERT some DateTime column to VarChar in the SELECT part but still do a DateTime ORDER BY while using a UNION.

In other words, does anyone know how to make this work:

create table #temp1 (
d datetime

create table #temp2 (
d datetime

insert into #temp1(d)
select '2001-12-12' union
select '2002-11-11'

insert into #temp2(d)
select '2003-10-10' union
select '2004-09-09'

--works fine-------------------------------
select convert(varchar, d, 101) dd from #temp1
order by d

--but can't make this work-------------------

select convert(varchar, d, 101) dd from #temp1
union select convert(varchar, d, 101) dd from #temp2

order by dd -- wrong type of sorting

--order by d-- error

--order by cast(dd as datetime) -- error


drop table #temp1
drop table #temp2

I would really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

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Correctly ORDER BY Date That Has Been Cast As A Varchar

May 23, 2008

how do you get it to sort correctly for the date? at the minute its sorting on the characters rather than actual date value

Code Snippet
INSERT INTO @TempItems (OrderID)
FROM Orders o
INNER JOIN Customers c ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
INNER JOIN Employees e ON e.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID
CASE @SortOrder --Order ASC
WHEN 0 THEN cast(OrderID as varchar(100))
WHEN 1 THEN cast(c.CompanyName as varchar(100))
WHEN 2 THEN cast(e.FirstName as varchar(100))
WHEN 3 THEN cast(o.OrderDate as varchar(100))
WHEN 4 THEN cast(o.RequiredDate as varchar(100))
WHEN 5 THEN cast(o.ShippedDate as varchar(100))
ELSE '1'

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Order Results By Date Not Working

Oct 3, 2006

hi. i'm trying to order my results ascending by date except i'm getting some really weird output. my ouput resembles something like this:

oct 2
oct 3
sep 13
sep 21
sep 22
sep 30
aug 3
aug 5
aug 16

the data is stored in a date field. i use getdate when inserting the date to the database. is there a reason why the dates are showing up weird and not ordering appropriately? thanks for your help.

also, can you not search here any more? i keep getting timeout errors.

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Order By Date ASC - Datatype Is Datetime

Jan 16, 2015

I have below SQL, which should be order by posteddate ASC

SELECT AnnouncementID,[Subject],[Description],
CONVERT(nvarchar(10),PostedDate,101) AS PostedDate,
CONVERT(nvarchar(10),ExpiredDate,101) AS ExpiredDate,
CountryID,CreatedBy, CreatedDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate
FROM Announcements a
WHERE isActive = 1
AND CountryID = 2
AND (GETDATE()>= PostedDate)
AND (GETDATE()<= ExpiredDate)

But result is displaying as below, PostedDate datatype is datetime


Expected result is


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How To Convert Datetime From Varchar To Datetime

Sep 11, 2007

How do i convert a varchar field into the datetime data type? the reason i need this lies in the requirement that in the earlier data base the column that is hlding the date value is having the data type as varchar. and in the new design the column data type is datetime. i am using sql scripts for the data migration from the older design to the newer and got stuck with this datetime convertion issue. do let me know the best possible solution.

following are the sample data that is theer in the older table for the date.


there is no uniformity of the data that is stored currently.

thnkx in adv.
rahul jha

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How To Use Convert Date Statement In CmdInsert.Parameters.Add(Date,SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = Date

Sep 21, 2006

HiI am using SQL 2005, VB 2005I am trying to insert a record using parameters using the following code as per MotLey suggestion and it works finestring insertSQL; insertSQL = "INSERT INTO Issue(ProjectID, TypeofEntryID, PriorityID ,Title, Area) VALUES (@ProjectID, @TypeofEntryID, @PriorityID ,@Title, @Area)"; cmdInsert SqlCommand; cmdInsert=new SqlCommand(insertSQL,conn); cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("@ProjectID",SqlDbType.Varchar).Value=ProjectID.Text; My query is how to detail with dates my previous code wasinsertSQL += "convert(datetime,'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy") + "',3), '";I tried the code below but the record doesn't save?string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy"); insertSQL = "INSERT INTO WorkFlow(IssueID, TaskID, TaskDone, Date ,StaffID) VALUES (@IDIssue, @IDTask, @TaskDone, convert(DateTime,@Date,3),@IDStaff)"; cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("IDIssue", SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDIssue.ToString();cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("IDTask",SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDTask.Text;cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("TaskDone",SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TaskDoneTxtbox.Text;cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("Date",SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = date;cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("IDStaff",SqlDbType.Int).Value = IDStaff.Text;Could someone point to me in the right direction?Thanks in advance

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Converting Date To Varchar? And Varchar To Date?

Jul 31, 2007

I have a column of data in a table that has date formatted as '2006-03-26 00:00:00.000'

What T-SQL command that will alter the column so that it is now Varchar '03-26-2006'?I also want to know how to do the opposite... if I have '03-26-2006' via command, how do I convert the column of the table to be datetime from varchar

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How To Order By Varchar

Dec 30, 2005

Dear all,

I have a varchar field which have data:

everytime i use select statement with order by, the result is above

Does somebody know..? HOw to make the result like below


Sorry i'm not good in english...


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Find Order By Date Range Or Order Id

May 8, 2007

hi basically what i have is 3 text boxes. one for start date, one for end date and one for order id, i also have this bit of SQL
SelectCommand="SELECT [Order_ID], [Customer_Id], [Date_ordered], [status] FROM [tbl_order]WHERE (([Date_ordered] >= @Date_ordered OR @Date_ordered IS NULL) AND ([Date_ordered] <= @Date_ordered2 OR @Date_ordered2 IS NULL OR (Order_ID=ISNULL(@OrderID_ID,Order_ID) OR @Order_ID IS NULL))">
 but the problem is it does not seem to work! i am not an SQL guru but i cant figure it out, someone help me please!

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ORDER BY &&<VarChar Field&&>

May 23, 2006

Hi group,

I've got a table with two columns named [Year] and [Month]. They are both defined as VarChar.

Is it possible to ORDER THEM as if they where of type DateTime?

select [year], [month]
from tbl_WeightedAverageGenerated
where [Year] = 2006
ORDER BY [Month]

2006, 10
2006, 11
2006, 12
2006, 5
2006, 6

I need it to return:
2006 5
2006 6
2006 7
2006 8
2006 9
2006 10

2006 11

2006 12

Is this possible....and how??




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Convert Datetime String To Datetime Date Type

Mar 11, 2014

I am inserting date and time data into a SQL Server 2012 Express table from an application. The application is providing the date and time as a string data type. Is there a TSQL way to convert the date and time string to an SQL datetime date type? I want to do the conversion, because SQL displays an error due to the

My date and time string from the application looks like : 3/11/2014 12:57:57 PM

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HOw To Order Fields Of Type Varchar?

Mar 22, 2000

I have a varchar field which holds IDs like (1, 3, 5, 19, 23) when I order it, i get it ordered in ASCII order like (1, 19, 23, 3, 5) rather than (1, 3, 5, 19, 23) Even if I convert it to int, I won't be able to order it.

is there any way I can order a varchar field numerically?


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Convert Varchar To Datetime!!!

Apr 20, 2005

I have a column call Date_Sent (28/02/2004)(dd/mm/yyyy) format as varchar at beginning. I want to convert to other column as datetime. 
I use Query like:
CAST(SUBSTRING(Date_Sent,1,2)as int) + '/' +CAST(SUBSTRING(date_sent,4,2) as int) + '/' +CAST(SUBSTRING(DATE_SENT,7,4) as int)
From MyTable
It is not working, anybody can give me some advise!

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Converting Varchar To DateTime

Sep 17, 2007


I wanted to convert the varchar to date time and here is what i am doing


SET @dt = '20070111' -- YYYYMMDD format

select CONVERT(datetime, @dt, 120)

This works perfectly fine and the result would be- 2007-01-11 00:00:00.000

But if i changed my datetime format from YYYYMMDD to YYYYMMDDHHMM then this is failing and throwing

"Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string."

Can any one please let me know how do we achieve this?


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Converting Varchar To Datetime

Oct 23, 2007


I'm facing a small issue with date conversions. It would have been great if someone could help me out. I have a field in my database (SQL Server 2000) called SavDateTime of type varchar(50). I store dates in this field in the format "dd/MM/yy hh:mms". A sample date would be "23/10/2007 10:15:30 AM". Now I need to have an order by for this field, say like,

select * from sample order by SavDateTime desc

When I execute this query I get an error saying "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.". I tried using the convert method also like CONVERT(DATETIME,SavDateTime,103), but the problem still exists. It would have been helpful if you could provide me with a solution to this problem.

Thanks & Regards,

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ORDER BY Not Working!

Apr 23, 2008

I'm trying to create a view using the following code:

quote:SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT Program, COUNT(Program) AS Total,
(SELECT COUNT(Program) AS Count
FROM dbo.Active_Enrollments_by_Earn
WHERE (CDE_PROJ LIKE 'NC%') AND (Program = List.Program)
(SELECT COUNT(Program) AS Count
FROM dbo.Active_Enrollments_by_Earn AS Active_Enrollments_by_Earn_1
WHERE (CDE_PROJ LIKE 'WS%0') AND (Program = List.Program)
FROM dbo.Active_Enrollments_by_Earn AS List
GROUP BY Program
ORDER BY Program
On my server, it sorts the resulting view in alphabetical order automatically (it didn't matter if I put "ORDER BY Program"). On my production server, however, it doesn't sort by Program at all and I can't seem to resolve it. HELP!

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ORDER BY Not Working With ADO Or OLE

Aug 29, 2007

I am inserting rows into an Excel file and the ORDER BY is coming out wrong.

When I run the select I get priority 1,2,3,4, ...10, 11, 12, ... as I should.
But in the excel file the rows come out 1,10,11,12,13 ..., 2, 20, 21, ...

SET @sql = ' INSERT INTO OpenRowset(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'',''Excel 5.0;Database='+@finalFile+';HDR=YES'',

''SELECT [ID],[Priority],[Comments] FROM [Sheet1$]'')

SELECT ID,priority,comments FROM OurTable WHERE orgId='+@orgId+' ORDER BY priority,ID'

EXECUTE (@sql)

Please help!! Thank you!

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Change Datatype From Varchar To Bigint Not Working

Nov 14, 2007


I would like to change the datatype on a particular column from varchar to bigint across 100's of tables within a database.

I have the command ready which is:


The problem happening is that it seems there are constraints across all the columns in every tables.

The error message is:

Server: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The object 'DF__tablename__columnname__0ABD916C' is dependent on column 'columnname'.
Server: Msg 4922, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN columnname failed because one or more objects access this column.

I understand that if I delete this constraint, then it will let me modify the datatype of the column, but since there are tons of them and they are randomly named, how do I achive changing the datatype across multiple tables in bulk.

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VarChar Auto Updating DateTime

Apr 12, 2005

I have a textbox that is receiving a date in the format  mm/dd/yyyy.  The field in the database is VarChar size 10.  I purposely don't want to use the DateTime data type for various reasons.  When I extract the text from that textbox:
I do my INSERT.  When I look in the database at that field, it shows up like:April 11, 2005 12
The database's field is VarChar! How/why is it doing automatic DateTime formatting?

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Will Varchar Automatic Convert Into Datetime ?

Aug 8, 2006

hi, good day, if i have a table as follow:

Create table test
student_name varchar(20),
student id varchar(20),
register_dt varchar(50)

and insert data like

insert into test values('rebecca','0001','2006-08-08 12:15:03')

after all , i would like to query the data and insert into another table say data_tbl where it define as follow

Create table data_tbl

student_name varchar(20),
student id varchar(20),
register_dt datetime

would the test table regiter_dt auto convert into datetime format or we need to convert it before insert into data_tbl table?

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How To Cast A Varchar Column To DateTime

Jan 21, 2012

Below is my query.Its working great if i remove ,Cast(C.ClassTime as time) as StartDate.But when i use this i get an error as The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value My ClassName is a varchar.Whose definition i cant change to DateTime now.But i want to cast it to DateTime.

Select C.ClassID as Appointment_Id,C.ClassName as Appoitment_Descr,Cast(C.ClassTime as time) as StartDate,C.EndClassTime as EndDate, 'Class' as Type
From Dojo D inner join DojoClass C on D.SchoolID = C.DojoSchoolID
Where D.SchoolID = @DojoID
and C.Days like'%' + @Days + '%'
Select E.DojoEventID as Appointment_Id,E.EventName as Appoitment_Descr , E.EventStartDate as StartDate , E.EventEndDate as EndDate,'Event' as Type
From Dojo D inner join DojoEvent E on E.DojoID = D.SchoolID
Where D.SchoolID = @DojoID and @Date
Between E.EventStartDate and E.EventEndDate

how can i cast it correctly?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Changing Varchar To Datetime?

Oct 2, 2014

I can't get a varchar to datetime conversion to work. The varchar data is in the form yyyymmddhhmi

I tried convert(datetime, '200508310926')

also tried cast('200508310926' as datetime) both have error "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"

Is there a format code that needs to be there? If so, I can't figure out what it should be.

I eventually need to convert these to dates and compare them to getdate, example:

...where convert(datetime, dtfield) >= getdate()-1

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How To Convert A Varchar To A Yyyy-mm-dd Datetime?

May 27, 2008

Hi All,

I have a table called Table1 with a field Date (varchar type). The records are like this;


I want to convert the above into datetime (yyyy-mm-dd format)....in the above example my output should be;


How can i do this?

Please help.


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Math Over Datetime In Varchar Format??

Jun 17, 2008


I have this column of time values:

It is in varchar format. I tried converting it to datetime but get an invalid format error message.

How can I sum up these values and average them out?



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Convert Varchar To Datetime Datatype?

Jun 19, 2014

I have a column on my table with the varchar(50) datatype. The whole column has the value 2014-04-31

I want to Convert the varchar(50)datatype to datetime datatype.

The table name is called - dbo.pracs

the column name is - LastDatUpaded

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It Can't Convert Varchar To A Datetime Type

Dec 14, 2007

I have this procedure and it can't convert this date to datetime type:

Exec scnr.prc_tblScannersReemplazarClasificacion
'NO aplica',
'NO aplica',

and after that i tried to execute it, but I changed the date like next:

Exec scnr.prc_tblScannersReemplazarClasificacion
'NO aplica',
'NO aplica',

and the procedure reseive this parameter:

CREATE PROCEDURE scnr.prc_tblScannersReemplazarClasificacion(@tipoclasificacion varchar(200),
@categoriaV varchar(200),
@categoriaN varchar(200),
@subcategoriaV varchar(200),
@subcategoriaN varchar(200),
@tipoV varchar(200),
@tipoN varchar(200),
@subtipoV varchar(200),
@subtipoN varchar(200),
@fechascanner datetime,
@fechaingreso datetime,
@usuarioscanner varchar(200) )

The error is:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure prc_tblScannersReemplazarClasificacion, Line 0
Error converting data type varchar to datetime.

Why can't this procedure reseive these dates?
What can I do?

Help me...

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PHP/MS SQL - Automatic Formatting: Varchar, Datetime

Apr 10, 2008

Hi,I want to change 2 default behaviors of ms-sql server within a connection.1. All varchar (etc.) fields should be returned as UTF-8.I know about field attribute collation and convert function,but I want simple query like:SELECT * FROM table;to return all varchars as UTF-8, no matter how the fields weredefined and which collation.In MySQL I execute: "SET NAMES 'utf-8';" after connecting to serverIn PgSQL I use native function: pg_set_client_encoding()2. Default datetime format is sth like this: "Apr 20 2008 12:01PM"I just want all datetimes fields were returned as:"2008-04-20 12:01:02"I can do that with function convert() (style=20) but I want(as in question above) a simple query like:SELECT * FROM table;to return date and time formatted as described above.In MySQL and PgSQL the format "2008-04-20 12:01:02" is the defaultone.Is it possible to do that? If yes, please tell me how can I do that?Wladyslaw

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Comparing A Varchar And A Datetime Field

Feb 22, 2008

I have a varchar field named FinancialYTDCode containing data in the format 2007F or 2008F. I want to only select the rows with the FinancialYTDCode that is the same as the current year.

Could someone please show me how I write this in my script.

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Ho To Convert Varchar Datatype Into Datetime

Aug 22, 2007

declare @a varchar(10)
select @a= shiftstarttime from o_parameter
print @a

declare @b varchar(10)
select @b= shiftendtime from o_parameter
print @b

declare @dt varchar(20)
set @dt=Left(getdate(),12)

print @dt

declare @dt1 varchar(20)
set @dt1=Left(dateadd(dd, 1,getdate()),12)
print @dt1

declare @dt3 varchar(20)

set @dt3= @dt1 + space(0) + @a

print @dt3

declare @dt4 varchar(20)

set @dt4= @dt + space(0) + @b

print @dt4

output of above script is as fallow
Aug 22 2007
Aug 23 2007
Aug 23 2007 09.30am
Aug 22 2007 06.30pm

now i want to convert @dt3 and @dt4 into datetime .

because i wnat to calculate datedifference in hours by using this function
SET @in_hour=DATEDIFF (HH ,@D1,@D2)

where @D1 and @D2 are datetime parameters.

but how can i get @dt3 and @dt4 into datetime so i can pass it to DATEDIFF() function.

so plz Guide me. or if u know how to write it then plz write here

i already use cast for it but it doesn't work.

so plz reply urgently.

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Datetime And Varchar Conversion Issues

Jan 30, 2008

Basically, I'm trying to take two dates and find the difference in hours b/t the two, sql server 2000. I've tried change the variables out from datetime to varchars even though it shouldn't matter. When I put the block of code out of the stored procedure and run it in line it works fine, I'M LOST.........

I get the errors everytime it runs into the first block, I get the error again when the block is hit again farther down in the procedure. I get:

Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Procedure tmpRyan_spRail_Job_NoMovement, Line 211
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tmpRyan_spRail_Job_NoMovement, Line 360
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
ERR dates Aug 4 2005 11:16PM.
Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Procedure tmpRyan_spRail_Job_NoMovement, Line 211
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tmpRyan_spRail_Job_NoMovement, Line 360
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.
ERR dates Aug 3 2005 12:35PM.
Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tmpRyan_spRail_Job_NoMovement, Line 211
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.


,@CodePair varchar(10
,@CodePairTimeDiff dec ,
@tmpTimeVar datetime ,
@tmpTimeCharVar varchar(30)

IF @NextStatusDate IS NOT NULL AND @StatusDate IS NOT NULL
set @tmpTimeCharVar = DATEDIFF(SECOND, @NextSTatusDate, @StatusDate)
set @tmpTimeVar =
CASE WHEN @tmpTimeCharVar/3600<10 THEN '0' ELSE '' END
+ RTRIM(DATEDIFF(SECOND,@NextSTatusDate, @StatusDate)/3600)
+ ':' + RIGHT('0'+RTRIM((@tmpTimeCharVar % 3600) / 60),2)
+ ':' + RIGHT('0'+RTRIM((@tmpTimeCharVar % 3600) % 60),2)
IF @@ERROR <>0
PRINT 'ERR dates' + Convert(varchar(20), @NextStatusDate) + '.'

inside update statement

,CodePairTimeDiff = CONVERT(dec, (100 * DATEPART(HOUR, @tmpTimeVar)
+ DATEPART(MINUTE, @tmpTimeVar))) / 60

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Order By Not Working Properly

Jan 17, 2007

Hello, i have something like this, i want the annoucements (status = 0) to be on top, then topics with (status = 1) below, then the rest of the topics.
So i tried:
SELECT forum_topics.id, forum_topics.status, forum_topics.username AS starter, forum_topics.subject, forum_topics.closed, forum_topics.answerpostid, forum_topics.views, forum_topics.answers, forum_topics.lastanswer, forum_topics.lastanswerid, forum_topics.created AS started, forum_answer.username, forum_answer.answer, forum_answer.created FROM forum_topics LEFT OUTER JOIN forum_answer ON forum_answer.id = forum_topics.lastanswerid WHERE (boardid = @ID OR boardid = 0) ORDER BY (status) ASC, (created) ASC
Problem is that they are not sorted diffrently, when i change the (created) ASC to (created) DESC i get the same result and the rows are not sorted, they only get sorted by status so i have status=0 at the top, then status=1 then the rest. How do i get them to be sorted first by status ASC then by created ASC/DESC?

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ORDER BY Not Working With Subquery Value

Dec 11, 2007

So.. I'm trying to add up the number of wins and losses from a schedule of games and list them with their corresponding team name from another table.

Then I want to be able to sort by each teams number of wins. This is what I've got now, and it runs through without error, but it does not ORDER the list by "Wins"

strSQL = "Select *, ((SELECT Count(Win) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T1_ID = standings.ID AND Win = true) + " & _
"(SELECT Count(Win) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T2_ID = standings.ID AND Loss = true)) AS [Wins], " & _
"(SELECT Count(Loss) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T1_ID = standings.ID AND Loss = true) + " & _
"(SELECT Count(Loss) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T2_ID = standings.ID AND Win = true) AS [Losses], " & _
"(SELECT Count(Tie) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T1_ID = standings.ID AND Tie = true OR Game_Schedule.T2_ID = standings.ID AND Tie = true) AS [Ties] FROM standings ORDER BY T_Tier, T_Name, Wins DESC"

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