ORDER BY Clause In A Stored Proc?

Apr 6, 2000

Can you put an ORDER BY clause in a stored procedure? What I'd like to do is have a stored procedure where the proc could be called, with an ORDER BY clause passed on as a variable,

as in:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.select_all_from_users
@order_by varchar(100)

ORDER BY @order_by;

This doesn't work, I get the following nastygram thrown in my face "Error 1008: The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number 1 contains a variable as part of the expression itentifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression refrencing a column name."

That's where I'm stuck. The variable @order_by WILL be refrencing a column name, at least it will in my opinion, but the SQL Server doesn't think so...

Any ideas or workarounds?

Alan McCollough

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HELP: Want A Stored Proc In The FROM Clause

Feb 7, 2000


Let's say I have a procedure called spGetData, which accepts two params
ParamA and ParamB. It returns all the columns of a view that match the
criteria specified by the two parameters. That works fine, no prob.

Now I want to write another stored proc that only returns certain columns
from the rowset returned by spGetData. I want something like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE spGetDataList(@A int, @B int)
SELECT colA, colB, colC
FROM (EXEC spGetData @A, @B)

I've tried a few different syntaxes, and I can't seem to get this right.
Please tell me there's a way to do this! If not, here's the reason I want
it and maybe someone can answer this. We don't always know what search
criteria a user will want, and right now we are using ASP to build our our
SQL statement. We want to move to stored procs for performance and code
maintainability reasons. Sometimes, we want to get the entire row back,
like for detail pages. However, sometimes we only want to get back enough
information to present a list to the user. We have some views with a large
number of columns (~50), and we don't want to waste time returning them all
when we don't need them. Finally, the logic for the stored proc to retrieve
the desired rows could be long in some cases, and we don't want to maintain
that logic twice. Hence, we write one proc for selecting the rows, which we
call directly when we want all columns. Then we write another proc which
returns a subset of the columns for performance and ease.

Any other advice?

Kevin Finke

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Stored Proc/WHERE Clause Issue In MSSQL2k

Nov 26, 2004

Hey there everyone, hopefully someone can shed some light on this problem.

Here is the stored procedure:

CREATE Procedure sp_getRequestorwCredentials

@LoginID varchar(50)


SELECT Users.Name as name, Users.Email as email, Users.Manager as manager, Users.Mgremail as mgremail, Users.Empid as empid, Users.Phone as phone, Users.Dept as dept, Users.Busunit as busunit, Users.Segment as segment, Users.EmpPosition as position, Users.Region as region,

Requests.RequestDate, Users.EmpPosition, Users.Reason as reason, Users.District as district, Users.NetId, Users.Status as status


Requests ON Users.Empid = Requests.UserId

WHERE (Users.NetId like RTRIM(@LoginID))

ORDER BY Requests.RequestDate DESC



Now this query will work fine when using the like operator however if a user with a similar name to another user already in the table then the user may get the other persons record instead of thier own. Of course the solution here is to use the = operator instead of LIKE. This works fine when querying the DB directly however when executed within the stored proc no records are returned using the = operator even if they exact same query text works fine in a query window with a hardcoded var.

Yes I know there are SQL injection issues but the LoginID is being grabbed from the users domain login DOMAINNAME and is grabbed from the authenciation module. Since Active Directory names have a limited char set and theres not a way to pass an invalid name with text that allows for an injection attack.

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Using The AS Clause In A SQL Stored Proc -- Problem Using Datetime Column

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to concatenate fields in SQL stored proc for use in textfield in asp.net dropdownlist. I'm running into a problem when I tryto use a DateTime field, but can't find the answer (so far) on theInternet. Was hoping someone here would know?My sql stored proc:SELECT AnomalyID, DateEntered + ', ' + Station + ', ' + Problem As'SelectInfo'FROM tblAnomalyWHERE WorkOrder=@varWO AND Signoff=NullORDER BY DateEnteredbut I get the error:The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted inan out-of-range datetime value.I'm not the brightest bulb on the block, so any clues greatlyappreciated!Thanks, Kathy

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Order By Clause With Variables In A Stored Procedure

Mar 24, 2004

I need to include two input variables
in my Order By Clause in a stored procedure like ORDER BY @column @Dirction. But MS SQL does not allow me
to do so and gives an Error 1008.
How can i solve this problem?

Thanks for your help!!

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Validation Of Returned Order Of Fields From A Stored Proc

Jul 17, 2006

Can we validate the returned order of fields from a stored procedure? Infact, i am taking a query as user input and extracts the results based on the query but for that order of fields specified in a query is important.
Can i check the order after the query is run i.e if this is entered "select field1,field2,field3 from table" then i need to check the order of the resultset generated. I can't check the query before the resultset is generated because a user can enter bunch of queries.
Any way will work, tsql or .net app.

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Order By Clause In View Doesn't Order.

May 18, 2006

I have created view by jaoining two table and have order by clause.

The sql generated is as follows

SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.UWYearDetail.*, dbo.UWYearGroup.*
dbo.UWYearGroup ON dbo.UWYearDetail.UWYearGroupId = dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYearGroupId
ORDER BY dbo.UWYearDetail.PlanVersionId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWFinancialPlanSegmentId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYear, dbo.UWYearGroup.MandDFlag,
dbo.UWYearGroup.EarningsMethod, dbo.UWYearGroup.EffectiveMonth

If I run sql the results are displayed in proper order but the view only order by first item in order by clause.

Has somebody experience same thing? How to fix this issue?


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Inconsistent Sort Order Using ORDER BY Clause

Mar 19, 2007

I am getting the resultset sorted differently if I use a column number in the ORDER BY clause instead of a column name.

Product: Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition
Version: 9.00.1399.06
Server Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

for example,

create table test_sort
( description varchar(75) );

insert into test_sort values('Non-A');
insert into test_sort values('Non-O');
insert into test_sort values('Noni');
insert into test_sort values('Nons');

then execute the following selects:
order by
cast( 1 as nvarchar(75));

order by
cast( description as nvarchar(75));



Any ideas?

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Can You Trace Into A Stored Proc? Also Does RAISERROR Terminate The Stored Proc Execution.

Feb 13, 2008

I am working with a large application and am trying to track down a bug. I believe an error that occurs in the stored procedure isbubbling back up to the application and is causing the application not to run. Don't ask why, but we do not have some of the sourcecode that was used to build the application, so I am not able to trace into the code.
So basically I want to examine the stored procedure. If I run the stored procedure through Query Analyzer, I get the following error message:
Msg 2758, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetPortalSettings, Line 74RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 60002 in sysmessages.
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
I don't know if the error message is sufficient enough to cause the application from not running? Does anyone know? If the RAISERROR occursmdiway through the stored procedure, does the stored procedure terminate execution?
Also, Is there a way to trace into a stored procedure through Query Analyzer?
-------------------------------------------As a side note, below is a small portion of my stored proc where the error is being raised:
SELECT  @PortalPermissionValue = isnull(max(PermissionValue),0)FROM Permission, PermissionType, #GroupsWHERE Permission.ResourceId = @PortalIdAND  Permission.PartyId = #Groups.PartyIdAND Permission.PermissionTypeId = PermissionType.PermissionTypeId
IF @PortalPermissionValue = 0BEGIN RAISERROR (60002, 16, 1) return -3END 

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Stored Proc - Calling A Remote Stored Proc

Aug 24, 2006

I am having trouble executing a stored procedure on a remote server. On my
local server, I have a linked server setup as follows:

This works fine on my local server:

Select * From [Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563].DatabaseName.dbo.TableName

This does not work (Attempting to execute a remote stored proc named 'Data_Add':

Exec [Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563].DatabaseName.Data_Add 1,'Hello Moto'

When I attempt to run the above, I get the following error:
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Server1.abcd.myserver.comSQLServer2005,1563'.
No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

Could anyone shed some light on what I need to do to get this to work?

Thanks - Amos.

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Stored Proc Question : Why If Exisits...Drop...Create Proc?

Jun 15, 2006

Hi All,Quick question, I have always heard it best practice to check for exist, ifso, drop, then create the proc. I just wanted to know why that's a bestpractice. I am trying to put that theory in place at my work, but they areasking for a good reason to do this before actually implementing. All Icould think of was that so when you're creating a proc you won't get anerror if the procedure already exists, but doesn't it also have to do withCompilation and perhaps Execution. Does anyone have a good argument fordoing stored procs this way? All feedback is appreciated.TIA,~CK

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ASP Cannot Run Stored Proc Until The Web User Has Run The Proc In Query Analyzer

Feb 23, 2007

I have an ASP that has been working fine for several months, but itsuddenly broke. I wonder if windows update has installed some securitypatch that is causing it.The problem is that I am calling a stored procedure via an ASP(classic, not .NET) , but nothing happens. The procedure doesn't work,and I don't get any error messages.I've tried dropping and re-creating the user and permissions, to noavail. If it was a permissions problem, there would be an errormessage. I trace the calls in Profiler, and it has no complaints. Thedatabase is getting the stored proc call.I finally got it to work again, but this is not a viable solution forour production environment:1. response.write the SQL call to the stored procedure from the ASPand copy the text to the clipboard.2. log in to QueryAnalyzer using the same user as used by the ASP.3. paste and run the SQL call to the stored proc in query analyzer.After I have done this, it not only works in Query Analyzer, but thenthe ASP works too. It continues to work, even after I reboot themachine. This is truly bizzare and has us stumped. My hunch is thatwindows update installed something that has created this issue, but Ihave not been able to track it down.

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Order By Clause

Apr 30, 2001

I am looking to get a cyclic order in the order by clause. how do I do this?

for example I have 5 customers with ids like
xyz 1
xyz 2
xyz 3
xyz 4
xyz 5

when I am selecting xyz 3 I want the list to show
xyz 4
xyz 5
xyz 1
xyz 2
xyz 3

How do I do this by using the order by clause?

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Order By Clause

Sep 5, 2007

can any one tell me about the difference between the following queries.


I don't think there is any difference in the above queries. kinldy make me clear on this.

rahul jha

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Reg. Order By Clause

Aug 19, 2006

Can you explain the below scenario

The ORDER BY clause can include items that do not appear in the select list. However, if SELECT DISTINCT is specified, or if the statement contains a GROUP BY clause, or if the SELECT statement contains a UNION operator, the sort columns must appear in the select list.

what is the reason behind this.

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Order By Clause

Jul 20, 2005

If I use the order by clause to sort on a date, where the date andtime stamp are the exact same for multiple records, how does SQLoutput the data?At random... or does it look at the primary key?

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Order By Clause Problem

Aug 7, 2007

Hello,Ive got a column which stores integers ranging from 0-200. I need to order them so that 1 is first, and 0 is last like 1,2,2,3,4,6,8....98....0,0,0My Order By clause statement looks like 'ORDER BY column_name', but obviously this will put the '0' records at the top. Is there a way around this?Thanks, Curt. 

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A Special Order By Clause?

Aug 29, 2007

The following SELECT query gives me a list of 50 plus countries. How do I order them by 'United States' First (happens to be ID 225) and then alphabetical?
 SELECT Country_ID, Country_Long FROM Countries WHERE isIndustrial = 1 ORDER BY Country_Long

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T-SQL : Order By Clause Is Just Strange

Mar 19, 2008

Hi! I think the order by clause is driving me crazy.The following T-SQL query works: SELECT
count(*) AS c
Where id=@id
Order by c  Ok, so far so good, but in the following case it is NOT possible to order the result set according to "count(*)": Select
count(*) AS c
From F_Post
Where id=@id
Order By case when @OrderBy = 1 then c
elseT_DATE DESC  This is just strange since it is essentially the same query!? Furthermore, it seems to be inpossible to have a order-by-clause that looks like:  Order By case when @OrderBy = 1 then T_Column1 ASC
elseT_Column2 DESC

 Does anyone know how I can implement querys that do (almost) exactly this what the last 2 querys "should" to do?

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JOIN With ORDER BY Clause?

Dec 1, 2005

like so often my Forums database design (in its simplest form) is:Forums -ForumID -Title -CategoryForumsMsgs -fmID  -DateIn -AuthorID -MessageI need to create a sql query which returns all forum titles along with some data for 1) the first message entry (date created and author) and 2) the last one. So how can I do a JOIN query which joins with a ORDER BY clause so that the top/bottom entry only is joined from the messages table?

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Table Order By Clause

Mar 23, 2006

When I say to sort on a datetime field on descending order, the date is sorted. However, the time difference is not reflected in the results.
Any way, we can fix it.
i.e. If I have two records with the same dates but different times, the sorting order is not considering the time.

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Changing Order By Clause On The Fly

Jun 26, 2000

I'm using a Case statement to change an Order By clause on the fly, eg

ORDER BY case when @SortBy = 1 then s.ITEM_NAME
when @SortBy = 2 then s.ITEM_ID
when @SortBy = 3 then s.ITEM_SIZE

The numeric columns work fine but when @SortBy = 1, I get the following message when I try to run the sp:

Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure usp_CML_SAO_RptPresLvl, Line 95
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

ITEM_NAME is a varchar(40) containing alphanumeric characters; ITEM_ID is a numeric(8,0) & ITEM_SIZE is a varchar(5) containing numeric characters.

Is there some rule preventing me to dynamically change the Order By if using a alphanumeric characters?
Thanks for any help you can offer

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Order By Clause Using A Variable

Mar 10, 1999

I am trying to pass as an input parameter a user selected order by clause, and instead of repeating the SQL statement with a new Order By based on the parameter, I want to set the Order by using this parameter. I can't get it to work.

Here is the statement:

Create Procedure sp_InfoDump
@StartDate varchar(12),
@EndDate varchar(12),
@OrderBy varchar(50)
/* Local variables */
DECLARE @MinDate datetime, @MaxDate datetime

IF @StartDate = 'ALL DATES'
SELECT @MinDate = Min(AccessTime)
FROM tblAudit
SELECT @MinDate = @StartDate

IF @EndDate = 'ALL DATES'
SELECT @MaxDate = Max(AccessTime)
FROM tblAudit
SELECT @MaxDate = @StartDate

SELECT tblReports.ReportName, tblReports.ReportCode,
tblAudit.BadAttempts, tblAudit.LogonUser, tblAudit.AccessTime,
tblAudit.RemoteHost, tblAudit.RemoteIdent, tblAudit.ExitTime,
tblAudit.BrowserType, tblAudit.Access_ID, TotalTime=DateDiff(Minute,tblAudit.AccessTime,tblA udit.ExitTime)
FROM tblReports
tblReportsAccess ON
tblReports.Report_ID = tblReportsAccess.Report_ID
tblAudit ON
tblReportsAccess.Audit_ID = tblAudit.Audit_ID
WHERE tblAudit.AccessTime >= @MinDate AND tblAudit.AccessTime <= @MaxDate
ORDER BY (SELECT 'ColumnName'=ColumnName FROM tblOrderBy WHERE ColumnName = @OrderBy)


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Exception For An ORDER BY Clause

Feb 17, 2005

I have a query that returns several ordered rows where one of the fields in the ORDER BY clause is a date field (DueDate) that we use to see the most pressing deadline first. The problem is that the default value in that field (which other code translates to mean no due date) is 1/1/1900. That means that items with no due date show up before today's import deadline. I can see one potential solution where I join my results on the original table where DueDate>1/1/1900 and then back to my results so I can use an ISNULL() on the field to set a value in the future (like 1/1/9999), but that seems like a really nasty wrong round-about way to do it. I think there has to be something better.

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Using Group By And Order By Clause

May 21, 2014

I have a a grid (Fig-1) where i have LineID and corresponding RankValue. I want to sort out the Grid like (Fig-2) where It will be sorted based on Rank Value(Higher to lower) but LineID group should maintain. I am using SqlServer 2008.

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Problems With ORDER BY Clause

Mar 29, 2004

Need to pass column to ORDER BY as parameter in sp (possible 8 columns out of total 30). Is there a way to do it avoiding dynamic SQL use(will be used frequently)?

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Top Clause , Union And Order By

Dec 7, 2007


I'm currently have a problem with a query using a top clause. When I run it by itself as a single query, I have no problems and the results are valid. However, if I try duplicate the query after a union clause, the order by ... desc doesn't order properly.

The following is the query I'm using along with the results. Then I'll have the query I was trying to unite and the results (date ranges selected were the same in both):


select top 1 (s.ldate), v.mdtid, po.odometer, pi.odometer, (pi.odometer-po.odometer) as 'Total Miles'

from EventStrings ES

JOIN schedules s
ON ES.SchId=S.SchId
JOIN vehicles v
ON v.vehicleid=es.vehicleid
JOIN Events PO
ON PO.schid=es.schid
AND po.activity=4
JOIN Events PI
ON PI.schid=es.schid
AND pi.activity=3

WHERE es.providerid in (0,1,4)
and s.ldate>=?
and s.ldate<=?
and v.mdtid=20411

order by s.ldate desc


DATE MDT IDPU Odometer DO Odometer Total Miles
12/6/2007 2041112810.6 12874.5 63.9

QUERY 2 (with Union)

select top 1 (s.ldate), v.mdtid, po.odometer, pi.odometer, (pi.odometer-po.odometer) as 'Total Miles'

from EventStrings ES

JOIN schedules s
ON ES.SchId=S.SchId
JOIN vehicles v
ON v.vehicleid=es.vehicleid
JOIN Events PO
ON PO.schid=es.schid
AND po.activity=4
JOIN Events PI
ON PI.schid=es.schid
AND pi.activity=3

WHERE es.providerid in (0,1,4)
and s.ldate>=[From Date,Date]
and s.ldate<=[To Date,Date]
and v.mdtid=20411


select top 1 (s.ldate), v.mdtid, po.odometer, pi.odometer, (pi.odometer-po.odometer) as 'Total Miles'

from EventStrings ES

JOIN schedules s
ON ES.SchId=S.SchId
JOIN vehicles v
ON v.vehicleid=es.vehicleid
JOIN Events PO
ON PO.schid=es.schid
AND po.activity=4
JOIN Events PI
ON PI.schid=es.schid
AND pi.activity=3

WHERE es.providerid in (0,1,4)
and s.ldate>=?
and s.ldate<=?
and v.mdtid=2642

order by s.ldate desc


DATE MDT ID PU OdometerDO Odometer Total Miles
4/10/2007 20411 1207.21252.5 45.3
1/2/2007 2642 193652.6193817 164.4

As you can see, the results are sorted very differently. Is there any way to have the order by apply to both queries?


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SQL Query Help-- Order By Clause

Jul 20, 2005

HiI want a simple select query on a column-name (smalldatetime) withvalues dislayed in desc order with null values FIRST.i.e.Select orderdate from ordersorder by ( null values first and then orderdate in desc order)could any one please helpThanks

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Problem While Using Order By Clause

May 12, 2008

Im using a select query in which im using order by clause on a column which is varchar.
Im getting wrong result on using the query,
the result output is below


can anyone help

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Order By Clause Using Parameters

Dec 12, 2007

For my reports I have a Sort By parameter which has 2 values - Customer Name & Customer Number. for my dataset I have added @SortBy as parameter and assigned the value = Parameter!SortBy.value.

In the query I want to set the Order By clause based on the user selection. eg.:

select * from dbo.customers where name = @CustomerName order by @SortBy

However, I am unable to do this. I always get an exception for the order by clause no mater what. I have also tried the following queries in the query designer for the dataset customers but none of them work

="select * from dbo.customers where name " + @CustomerName + " order by " + @SortBy

select * from dbo.customers where name = @CustomerName order by + @SortBy

I know that I can set the interactive sort on the column headers and the interactive sort works, but the customer wants to have the ability to set the Sort By using the dropdown list.

Any input would be appreciated.


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How To Use Order By Clause Row Wise

Sep 9, 2015

i want to know how to use order by clause in row wise

for example, suppose the rows is
10 20 30 40

so the output is should be

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Error In Use Of Order By In Over Clause

Sep 13, 2007

I am getting a wierd error while using order by in the over clause. Consider the following query:

select count (*) over (order by STD_CLL_CNTR_KEY) as cnt


The error reported is :

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.

But at the same time this particular query seems to be working fine:

select rank () over (order by STD_CLL_CNTR_KEY) as cnt


Am I missing something fundamental or is there a bigger issue.

Thanks in advance,


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Problem With Proc And Multi Where Clause Statment.

Apr 17, 2008

I am trying to make a proc with this code:

create proc AddImages (
@Error smallint output, @ImageName varchar(50), @Game varchar(25), @SubSet varchar(25), @FullSubSet varchar(75), @Width smallint, @Height smallint, @AltText varchar(50)
) as
declare @AbbreviationExists varchar(25), @ImageExists varchar(25)

set @AbbreviationExists = (select Short from Eaglef90.Abbreviations where Short = @SubSet)
set @ImageExists = (select ImageName, Game, SubSet from Eaglef90.Images where ImageName = @ImageName and Game = @Game and SubSet = @SubSet)
set @Error = 0

if @AbbreviationExists is null
insert Eaglef90.Abbreviations (Short, Long) values (@SubSet, @FullSubSet)

if @ImageExists is null
insert Eaglef90.Images (ImageName, Game, SubSet, Width, Height, AltText) values (@ImageName, @Game, @SubSet, @Width, @Height, @AltText)
set @Error = 1

but when I hit execute in Query Analizer I recive this error:

Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Procedure AddImages, Line 7
Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.

Line 7 has this code on it:

set @ImageExists = (select ImageName, Game, SubSet from Eaglef90.Images where ImageName = @ImageName and Game = @Game and SubSet = @SubSet)

Does anyone know what is wrong with that select statement?

If I get used to envying others...
Those things about my self I pride will slowly fade away.

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