I have the view below and if I use vwRouteReference as the rowsource
for a combo box in an MS Access form or run "SELECT * FROM
vwRouteReference" in SQL Query Analyzer, the rows don't come through
sorted by Numb.
Everything I've read on the web suggests that including the TOP
directive should enable ORDERY BY in views. Does someone have an idea
why the sorting is not working correctly for this particular view? thanks.
CREATE VIEW vwRouteReference
tblItem.Numb + ' - ' + tblQuestion.DescrPrimary AS FullName,
tblItem.Numb, tblQuestion.DescrPrimary AS Type
FROM tblItem INNER JOIN tblQuestion
ON (tblItem.ID = tblQuestion.Item_ID)
WHERE (((tblItem.Category_ID)>0))
tblItem.Numb + ' - ' + tblItem.Type + ' : ' + tblItem.Class AS FullName,
tblItem.Numb, tblItem.Type + ' : ' + tblItem.Class AS Type
FROM tblItem
WHERE (((tblItem.Type) = 'Assignment' OR (tblItem.Type) = 'Check' OR
(tblItem.Type) = 'Route'))
ORDER BY tblItem.Numb
I have a view created using the following code. The view works perfectly but does not order by the name column as I've asked it to do. In the view designer if I click on execute then the order is applied but if I save the view and run it externally (i.e. in an ASP page or within the management terminal) it does not order correctly and seems to order by the Id column.
Any help would be much appreciated. Here's the code:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.Members.DivisionID, COUNT(*) AS Members, dbo.Country.Name FROM dbo.Members INNER JOIN dbo.Country ON dbo.Members.DivisionID = dbo.Country.CountryID AND dbo.Members.CountryID = dbo.Country.CountryID GROUP BY dbo.Members.DivisionID, dbo.Country.Name ORDER BY dbo.Country.Name
And another, more simpler view, that doesn't sort as it's supposed to.
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT CountryID, Name, RegionID, IsActive, HasFlag, URL, Comments FROM dbo.Country ORDER BY Name
I have created view by jaoining two table and have order by clause.
The sql generated is as follows
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.UWYearDetail.*, dbo.UWYearGroup.* FROM dbo.UWYearDetail INNER JOIN dbo.UWYearGroup ON dbo.UWYearDetail.UWYearGroupId = dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYearGroupId ORDER BY dbo.UWYearDetail.PlanVersionId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWFinancialPlanSegmentId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYear, dbo.UWYearGroup.MandDFlag, dbo.UWYearGroup.EarningsMethod, dbo.UWYearGroup.EffectiveMonth
If I run sql the results are displayed in proper order but the view only order by first item in order by clause.
Has somebody experience same thing? How to fix this issue?
I'm trying to create a view using the following code:
quote:SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT Program, COUNT(Program) AS Total, (SELECT COUNT(Program) AS Count FROM dbo.Active_Enrollments_by_Earn WHERE (CDE_PROJ LIKE 'NC%') AND (Program = List.Program) GROUP BY Program) AS CDC, (SELECT COUNT(Program) AS Count FROM dbo.Active_Enrollments_by_Earn AS Active_Enrollments_by_Earn_1 WHERE (CDE_PROJ LIKE 'WS%0') AND (Program = List.Program) GROUP BY Program) AS WSC FROM dbo.Active_Enrollments_by_Earn AS List GROUP BY Program ORDER BY Program On my server, it sorts the resulting view in alphabetical order automatically (it didn't matter if I put "ORDER BY Program"). On my production server, however, it doesn't sort by Program at all and I can't seem to resolve it. HELP!
I am inserting rows into an Excel file and the ORDER BY is coming out wrong.
When I run the select I get priority 1,2,3,4, ...10, 11, 12, ... as I should. But in the excel file the rows come out 1,10,11,12,13 ..., 2, 20, 21, ...
SET @sql = ' INSERT INTO OpenRowset(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'',''Excel 5.0;Database='+@finalFile+';HDR=YES'',
''SELECT [ID],[Priority],[Comments] FROM [Sheet1$]'')
SELECT ID,priority,comments FROM OurTable WHERE orgId='+@orgId+' ORDER BY priority,ID'
Hello, i have something like this, i want the annoucements (status = 0) to be on top, then topics with (status = 1) below, then the rest of the topics. So i tried: SELECT forum_topics.id, forum_topics.status, forum_topics.username AS starter, forum_topics.subject, forum_topics.closed, forum_topics.answerpostid, forum_topics.views, forum_topics.answers, forum_topics.lastanswer, forum_topics.lastanswerid, forum_topics.created AS started, forum_answer.username, forum_answer.answer, forum_answer.created FROM forum_topics LEFT OUTER JOIN forum_answer ON forum_answer.id = forum_topics.lastanswerid WHERE (boardid = @ID OR boardid = 0) ORDER BY (status) ASC, (created) ASC Problem is that they are not sorted diffrently, when i change the (created) ASC to (created) DESC i get the same result and the rows are not sorted, they only get sorted by status so i have status=0 at the top, then status=1 then the rest. How do i get them to be sorted first by status ASC then by created ASC/DESC? Patrick
So.. I'm trying to add up the number of wins and losses from a schedule of games and list them with their corresponding team name from another table.
Then I want to be able to sort by each teams number of wins. This is what I've got now, and it runs through without error, but it does not ORDER the list by "Wins"
strSQL = "Select *, ((SELECT Count(Win) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T1_ID = standings.ID AND Win = true) + " & _ "(SELECT Count(Win) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T2_ID = standings.ID AND Loss = true)) AS [Wins], " & _ "(SELECT Count(Loss) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T1_ID = standings.ID AND Loss = true) + " & _ "(SELECT Count(Loss) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T2_ID = standings.ID AND Win = true) AS [Losses], " & _ "(SELECT Count(Tie) FROM Game_Schedule WHERE Game_Schedule.T1_ID = standings.ID AND Tie = true OR Game_Schedule.T2_ID = standings.ID AND Tie = true) AS [Ties] FROM standings ORDER BY T_Tier, T_Name, Wins DESC"
hi. i'm trying to order my results ascending by date except i'm getting some really weird output. my ouput resembles something like this:
oct 2 oct 3 sep 13 sep 21 sep 22 sep 30 aug 3 aug 5 aug 16
the data is stored in a date field. i use getdate when inserting the date to the database. is there a reason why the dates are showing up weird and not ordering appropriately? thanks for your help.
also, can you not search here any more? i keep getting timeout errors.
Hello all... I'm using asp to get records from an access database, verysimilar to the way datagrid would work. The title of each column in my tableis a link that alternates the sort order between ascending and descending...my problem is that text WILL change its sort order just fine but nubers arenot always in order. ie: if sort order is ASC (ascending) I might see 2000,234, 789 (should be ordered but its not). I'm guessing that ASP is handingthe string as a text string (?) and getting confused, is there a way toforce ASP into treating the string as numerals if this is the case? anyother ideas? Thanks so much.here is one of my sql commands in case you want to see it. "sort" is avariable containing the recordset to sort by depending on which link isclicked. I hope I didn't confuse the whole issue because of a lack ofcaffiene over here :)strsql = "SELECT * FROM comments ORDER BY " & sort & " DESC"Thanks of the help, much appreciated.Eno
I am trying insert the "Order by" clause into DMX but nothing is working.
INSERT INTO MINING STRUCTURE [ARS] ( [OrderID], [Product_Table](SKIP, [Product]) ) SHAPE { OPENQUERY ([dwMDA on PSD_TEST_TEST], 'Select Top 30000 "OrderID" From "dwMDA"."dbo"."vDetail" Order By "OrderID"') } APPEND ( { OPENQUERY ([dwMDA on PSD_TEST_TEST], 'Select Top 30000 "OrderID","Product" From "dwMDA"."dbo"."vDetail" Order By "OrderID"')} RELATE [OrderID] TO [OrderID] ) AS T
This is the DMX for market basket analysis.
I am also unable to use "order by" when i pull data into excel.
here's an example of something that doesn't work:
Select Top 20000 "OrderID","ProductGroupDescription" From "dwMDA"."dbo"."vDetail"
Order By "OrderID"
Can someone show me the exact working SQL commands they are using for the "Order By" clause when they import data from sql into an excel spreadsheet?
I have a view in SQL SERVER 2005 which includes ORDER BY in my SQL expression. When I press "execute", the results of the view come out ordered by the selected field, as they should be. When I close the view and choose "Open View", the results come out not ordered. The same thing happens when I'm trying to show the results in a GridView. Why does it happen?
I have to provide the Order by Value from Front End (VB) to the DB , so that I can receive the Crystal Report in the order that I have given. thanks in advance... :confused:
i m required to use order by in a view, how to do it, simple order by doesn't work for it, any other way,i have heard there is one in oracle, but wat abt SQL Server???:confused:
I have make a view where i have a order by when i execute my view in modify my result are allright but when i say open view to see my view it is not in order by.
I use the view in a asp site to the internet and i can't use order by here because the field i orderby shall not come up in my site, i only use this field to order by
I have created a report that sharing two datasets for displaying the data. This datasets are using Stored procedure for execution of the report.One of the stored procedure using Order by clause and returning the data.But on running the report , the report viewer displays the unsorted data of the filed. But if we run the stored procedure directly from the sql server , it will return the sorted data.
care session quarter Q1-15 Q2-15 Q3-14 Q3-15 Q4-14
I am using this [care session quarter] column in the group by clause to achieve but no success.IF I use date column in the select clause and Group by clause then it comes correctly but groups by all dates which is not required.
Ideally I want show only quarter aggregates. The [Date Dimension] table has the column [care session quarter] which stores all the quarters of years along with dates for each day. i..e I have all columns in [Date Dimension] table as shown below
I have downloaded and installed SQL Server Express 2003 Adv.. I have created a new database in it and also a table called Customers. In that I have created one field called CustomerName as nvar(255). I have made 10 records by filling in the field with various names. I have then created a new view and asked it to order the records in descending order. When I save and show the view it shows the records still in the order that I inserted them not in descending alphabetical order. If I make it show in ascending order the same problem still occurs. Collation settings are correct for the computer at Latin1. However, I have tried a few others, but none make any difference. SQL Server Express 2003's view will not list my Customers in either ascending or decending alphabetical order. Can anyone give me any suggestions?
When I create a view in SQL and include an ORDER BY clause i can see itin Management Studio. However, when I call the same view from an ASPpage the order goes completely haywire.Any ideas?
I have created a view which uses 3 tables, i also have a sort on one of the columns. However when I open the view the sort does not work. It does however sort the view correctly when executing the query within design view
Can anyone explain this or is it a bug within SQL Server Express 2005?
I am trying to create a simple view which uses self joins. I want the final result order by. I am able to create the view using Top clause followed by order by but when I simply query the view it does not appear in the correct order. Can some body help me with the issue.
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vw_SalesRep_Chaining]
SELECT Top 100 percent Rep_id AS RepId,
Rep_cd AS RepCode,
Region as Region,
CASE WHEN Market IN ('Arizona - North', 'Arizona - South', 'Gtr TX / New Mexico') THEN 'Arizona / New Mexico'
WHEN Market IN ('L.A. Metro - West', 'L.A. Metro - North', 'L.A. Metro - East') THEN 'LA Metro'
WHEN Region = 'Western' AND Market NOT IN ('Arizona - North', 'Arizona - South', 'Gtr TX / New Mexico', 'L.A. Metro - West', 'L.A. Metro - North', 'L.A. Metro - East') THEN 'Western - Other'
I've a problem with a created view in sqlserver2000 that I'm now using in sqlserver2005.
This is the view :
CREATE VIEW hsarti01_VD1 AS SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT * FROM hsarti01 WITH(index(hsarti01_PK)) ORDER BY 1,2 desc,3,4
When I do the "select * from hsarti01_VD1" in sql server 2000, I see in the result that the order by is been using. but in sql server 2005 it's just using the order of the primary key and not the order by !
I built a view that runs against the aspnet_WebEvent_Events table, part of the ASP.Net Health Monitoring.
Here is the view SQL: SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT EventTime, EventType, EventSequence, EventOccurrence, EventCode, EventDetailCode, Message, ApplicationPath, ApplicationVirtualPath, MachineName, RequestUrl, ExceptionType, Details FROM dbo.aspnet_WebEvent_Events ORDER BY EventTime DESC
What I found is that when the query is ran within the View Designer that the view is ordered by the correct EventTime (datetime) field.
But when the view is ran from right-clicking on the view and selecting "Open View" the order by does not take place.
I have the following insert statement in place:Insert WPHPayments(constituentID, constituentName, campaignYear, fundID, fundDescription, dateAndTimeEntered, amount)Select gt.constituentID, gt.constituentName, gt.campaignYear, gt.fundID, gt.fundDescription, gt.dateAndTimeEntered, gt.amountFrom GTPROCENTERFUNDPAYMENTEXTRACT gt, WPHExtractWhere gt.constituentID = WPHExtract.wph_constIDI want to insert all of the values that are in the GTPROCENTERFUNDPAYMENTEXTRACT table that have the same constituentID that as the records in the WPHExtract table. Am I just missing something becasue the syntax is showing that everytihing is correct however there is nothing comming back in the result set. Thanks in advance everyone. Regards,RB
I'm just wondering what is the resolution or execution order for a query like this (simplified version):
CREATE VIEW ClosedSales AS SELECT * from NatSales where CurrentFlag = 1 and ValidTo <> '9999-99-99' Select * from ClosedSales where CustomerId = 10
The thing I want to know is:
- If first the complete dataset from the view is calculated and the the CustomerId=10 filter is applied - Or the CustomerId=10 condition is added to the where clause in the view definition
My real case is much more complex but that is an interesting point in my performance analysis.
Hi allWe have some tables with a couple of layers of very simple views built ontop. In the table are maybe 6 columns and about 15000 records. The firstview cobines the data in the table with some other data from a lookuptable. The second view does some sorting on the first view using certaindates . They have worked fine for well over a year now.Until this morning that is... the views stopped returning the full set ofresults- even the very simple one that sits just above the table. The viewreturned the core of the data from the main table, but nothing from thelookup table.In order to get them to work we had to delete each view (using access frontend to do this), and then recreate it with exactly the same SQL text. I amguessing this causes SQL Server to recompile it. As soon as view 1 had beenrecreated it worked, but view 2 still failed, again rebuilding view 2 itstarted working.The only thing I can think of is that this morning I added 2 new fields tothe base table, but I'm sure I've done this before without any (noticable)problems.any thoughts as to why it happened would be welcome, I am a bit nervousnow...thanksAndy
I am just starting with Sql Server reporting, but I can't get interactive sort to work for columns with aggregate fields.
I am using the following query for DataSet:
SELECT Store.ID as StoreID, Store.Name as StoreName, COUNT(*) as NumReservations, SUM(Appointment.TotalBeforeTaxes) as Revenue FROM Store LEFT JOIN Appointment ON Store.ID=Appointment.StoreID GROUP BY ALL Store.ID, Store.Name ORDER BY Store.Name ASC
For report, I am using tabular data view. Interactive sorting works great for StoreID, StoreName, but doesn't work for NumReservations and Revenue fields. I turned it on for all 4 columns.
Hi, I have few views in SQL Server 2005. In Design View, the results of View are ok. In OPEN VIEW option, records are not sorted correctly, ORDER BY is ignored. What could be the reason for this ? Thanks a lot in advance!
help with solution for use order BY inside function and VIEW on the sql server i explain the problem i am a web developer in asp page i BUY an DATA grid object for my web site the problem in this object i can use only ONE field to use ORDER BY can i store in the sql server function and VIEW that change the ORDER of the result inside the sql server ? so whan i do SELECT * FROM dbo.tb_pivot_big
the sql server ORDER for ME the result and run this (inside the sql server )
Code Snippet SELECT * FROM dbo.tb_pivot_big ORDER BY new_unit, Fname ASC, val_orginal desc